Dr Nicolas Bourbeau Hebert
Signals and Control Engineer
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Date Position Institution name 2022 - ongoing Signals and Control Engineer University of Adelaide 2019 - 2022 Grant Funded Researcher University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title 2016 - 2019 Université Laval Canada PhD in Electrical Engineering 2014 - 2015 Université Laval Canada Masters in Electrical Engineering 2010 - 2014 Université Laval Canada Bachelors in Engineering Physics -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2021 Guay, P., Tourigny-Plante, A., Michaud-Belleau, V., Bourbeau Hebert, N., Gouin, A., & Genest, J. (2021). Understanding photodetection nonlinearity in dual-comb interferometry. OSA Continuum, 4(9), 1-8.
Scopus9 WoS52021 Guay, P., Bourbeau Hebert, N., Tourigny-Plante, A., Michaud-Belleau, V., & Genest, J. (2021). Correcting photodetector nonlinearity in dual-comb interferometry. Optics Express, 29(18), 29165-29174.
Scopus10 WoS52021 Bourbeau Hebert, N., Scholten, S., Hilton, A., Offer, R., Perrella, C., & Luiten, A. (2021). Orthogonalizing the control of frequency combs for optical clockworks. Optics Letters, 46(19), 4972-4975.
Scopus4 WoS22020 Guay, P., Tourigny-Plante, A., Hebert, N. B., Michaud-Belleau, V., Larouche, S., Fdil, K., & Genest, J. (2020). Toward free-running operation of dual-comb fiber lasers for methane sensing. Applied Optics, 59(7), B35-B38.
Scopus7 WoS7 Europe PMC22020 Bourbeau Hebert, N., Hilton, A. P., Light, P. S., & Luiten, A. N. (2020). Hertz-level frequency comparisons between diverse color lasers without a frequency comb. Optics Letters, 45(15), 4196-4199.
Scopus5 WoS52019 Lancaster, D. G., Otten, D. E., Cernescu, A., Hébert, N. B., Chen, G. Y., Johnson, C. M., . . . Genest, J. (2019). An ultra-stable 2.9 μm guided-wave chip laser and application to nano-spectroscopy. APL Photonics, 4(11), 110802-1-110802-6.
Scopus12019 Guay, P., Genest, J., Michaud-Belleau, V., Hébert, N. B., & Lancaster, D. G. (2019). Single-frequency mid-infrared waveguide laser. Optics Express, 27(23), 33737-33744.
Scopus2 WoS22019 Chen, G. Y., Wu, X., Schartner, E. P., Shahnia, S., Hebert, N. B., Yu, L., . . . Monro, T. M. (2019). Short-range non-bending fully distributed water/humidity sensors. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(9), 2014-2022.
Scopus12 WoS42019 Fdil, K., Michaud-Belleau, V., Hébert, N. B., Guay, P., Fleisher, A. J., Deschênes, J. D., & Genest, J. (2019). Dual electro-optic frequency comb spectroscopy using pseudo-random modulation. Optics Letters, 44(17), 4415-4418.
Scopus27 WoS182019 Guay, P., Hébert, N. B., Michaud-Belleau, V., Lancaster, D. G., & Genest, J. (2019). Methane spectroscopy using a free-running chip-based dual-comb laser. Optics Letters, 44(17), 4375-4378.
Scopus12 WoS82019 Hebert, N. B., Michaud-Belleau, V., Deschenes, J. D., & Genest, J. (2019). Self-Correction Limits in Dual-Comb Interferometry. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 55(4), 11 pages.
Scopus45 WoS222019 Guay, P., Genest, J., Michaud-Belleau, V., Hébert, N. B., & Lancaster, D. G. (2019). Single-frequency mid-infrared chip laser with a sub-hertz Lorentzian
linewidth.2018 Tourigny-Plante, A., Michaud-Belleau, V., Bourbeau Hébert, N., Bergeron, H., Genest, J., & Deschênes, J. D. (2018). An open and flexible digital phase-locked loop for optical metrology. Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(9), 5 pages.
Scopus49 WoS29 Europe PMC12018 Scholten, S. K., Perrella, C., Anstie, J. D., White, R. T., Al-Ashwal, W., Hebert, N. B., . . . Luiten, A. N. (2018). Number-density measurements of CO₂ in real time with an optical frequency comb for high accuracy and precision. Physical Review Applied, 9(5), 054043-1-054043-8.
Scopus11 WoS72018 Wilson, N., Hébert, N., Perrella, C., Light, P., Genest, J., Pustelny, S., & Luiten, A. (2018). Simultaneous Observation of Nonlinear Magneto-Optical Rotation in the Temporal and Spectral Domains with an Electro-Optic Frequency Comb. Physical Review Applied, 10(3), 11 pages.
Scopus13 WoS112018 Hébert, N. B., Lancaster, D. G., Michaud-Belleau, V., Chen, G. Y., & Genest, J. (2018). Highly coherent free-running dual-comb chip platform. Optics Letters, 43(8), 1814-1817.
Scopus27 WoS17 Europe PMC22017 Hébert, N. B., Genest, J., Deschênes, J. D., Bergeron, H., Chen, G. Y., Khurmi, C., & Lancaster, D. G. (2017). Self-corrected chip-based dual-comb spectrometer. Optics Express, 25(7), 8168-8179.
Scopus116 WoS79 Europe PMC152016 Hébert, N. B., Michaud-Belleau, V., Magnan-Saucier, S., Deschênes, J. D., & Genest, J. (2016). Dual-comb spectroscopy with a phase-modulated probe comb for sub-MHz spectral sampling. Optics Letters, 41(10), 2282-2285.
Scopus33 WoS23 Europe PMC22016 Scholten, S. K., Anstie, J. D., Hébert, N. B., White, R. T., Genest, J., & Luiten, A. N. (2016). Complex direct comb spectroscopy with a virtually imaged phased array. Optics Letters, 41(6), 1277-1280.
Scopus18 WoS12 Europe PMC22016 Michaud-Belleau, V., Bergeron, H., Light, P. S., Hébert, N. B., Deschênes, J. D., Luiten, A. N., & Genest, J. (2016). Passive coherent discriminator using phase diversity for the simultaneous measurement of frequency noise and intensity noise of a continuous-wave laser. Metrologia, 53(5), 1154-1164.
Scopus17 WoS142016 Khurmi, C., Hébert, N. B., Zhang, W. Q., Afshar V, S., Chen, G., Genest, J., . . . Lancaster, D. G. (2016). Ultrafast pulse generation in a mode-locked Erbium chip waveguide laser. Optics Express, 24(24), 27177-27183.
Scopus37 WoS28 Europe PMC52016 Hébert, N., Michaud-Belleau, V., Perrella, C., Truong, G., Anstie, J., Stace, T., . . . Luiten, A. (2016). Real-time dynamic atomic spectroscopy using electro-optic frequency combs. Physical Review Applied, 6(4), 044012-1-044012-9.
Scopus21 WoS152015 Herbert, N., Scholten, S., White, R., Genest, J., Luiten, A., & Anstie, J. (2015). A quantitative mode-resolved frequency comb spectrometer. Optics Express, 23(11), 13991-14001.
Scopus18 WoS15 Europe PMC82015 Hébert, N., Michaud-Belleau, V., Anstie, J., Deschênes, J., Luiten, A., & Genest, J. (2015). Self-heterodyne interference spectroscopy using a comb generated by pseudo-random modulation. Optics Express, 23(21), 27806-27818.
Scopus51 WoS38 Europe PMC152014 Cesario Asselli, A. A., Bourbeau Hébert, N., & Huot, J. (2014). The role of morphology and severe plastic deformation on the hydrogen storage properties of magnesium. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(24), 12778-12783.
Scopus31 WoS302014 Hébert, N. B., Boudreau, S., Genest, J., & Deschênes, J. D. (2014). Coherent dual-comb interferometry with quasi-integer-ratio repetition rates. Optics Express, 22(23), 29152-29160.
Scopus50 WoS34 Europe PMC11 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Locke, C. R., Ng, S., Scarabel, J., O'Connor, M., Luiten, A. N., Scholten, S. K., . . . Perrella, C. (2023). Portable Optical Atomic Clock Based on a Dichroic Two-Photon Transition in Rubidium. In Proceedings - 2023 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFCS 2023 (pp. 1-2). Online: IEEE.
DOI2021 Guay, P., Hébert, N. B., Tourigny-Plante, A., Michaud-Belleau, V., & Genest, J. (2021). Photodetector nonlinearity in dual-comb interferometry. In Optical Sensors Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-2). Washington, DC, USA: Optica publishing group.
DOI2020 Fdil, K., Michaud-Belleau, V., Hébert, N. B., & Genest, J. (2020). Dual electro-optic comb spectroscopy using quadrature demodulation. In Proceedings Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (pp. 1-2). Washington, DC, United States: Optica Publishing Group.
DOI2020 Guay, P., Tourigny-Plante, A., Hébert, N. B., Michaud-Belleau, V., Larouche, S., Fdil, K., & Genest, J. (2020). Dual-comb correction with spectrally broadened fiber lasers. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 1-2). Washington, DC United States: Optica Publishing Group.
DOI2019 Lancaster, D. G., Otten, D., Bourbeau Hébert, N., Piantedosi, F., & Genest, J. (2019). Mode-locked chip-lasers with multiple waveguides. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 11200 (pp. 1-3). online: SPIE.
DOI2019 Guay, P., Genest, J., Michaud-Belleau, V., Bourbeau Hebert, N., & Lancaster, D. G. (2019). Narrow linewidth single-mode chip laser operating at 2.9 µm. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F144-FiO 2019 (pp. 1-2). online: OSA.
DOI2019 Guay, P., Bourbeau Hebert, N., Michaud-Belleau, V., Lancaster, D. G., & Genest, J. (2019). Free-running optical frequency combs for remote sensing. In Proceedings of the Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress (ES, FTS, HISE, Sensors) 2019: Optics and Photonics for Sensing the Environment Vol. Part F172-ES 2019 (pp. 1-2). online: OSA.
DOI Scopus12019 Lancaster, D. G., Hebert, N. B., Zhang, W., Piantedosi, F., Monro, T. M., & Genest, J. (2019). A multiple-waveguide mode-locked chip-laser architecture. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019) Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019 (pp. 1). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12019 Guay, P., Hebert, N., Michaud-Belleau, V., Lancaster, D., & Genest, J. (2019). Broadband dual-comb spectroscopy of methane with a free-running erbium chip laser. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019 Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019 (pp. 1 page). GERMANY, Munich: IEEE.
DOI2018 Hebert, N. B., Lancaster, D. G., Chen, G. Y., & Genest, J. (2018). Low-noise dual-comb platform based on mode-locked lasers in a multi-waveguide chip. In Proceedings of the CLEO: Science and Innovations 2018 Vol. Part F94-CLEO_SI 2018 (pp. 1-2). San Jose, California, USA: OSA Publishing.
DOI2017 Hébert, N. B., Deschênes, J. D., Bergeron, H., Chen, G. Y., Khurmi, C., Lancaster, D. G., & Genest, J. (2017). Transform-limited dual-comb spectroscopy using free-running waveguide lasers. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Vol. Part F41-CLEO_SI 2017 (pp. 1-2). online: IEEE.
DOI2017 Lancaster, D. G., Khurmi, C., Bourbeau Hebert, N., Genest, J., Chen, G., Zhang, W., . . . Monro, T. M. (2017). Mode-locked sub 200 fs laser pulses from an Er-Yb-Ce ZBLAN waveguide laser. In W. A. Clarkson, & R. K. Shori (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10082 (pp. 100821A-1-100821A-8). online: SPIE.
DOI2016 Michaud-Belleau, V., Hebert, N. B., Anstie, J. D., Luiten, A. N., & Genest, J. (2016). Self-heterodyne interference spectroscopy using pseudo-noise modulation. In 2015 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2015 Vol. 3 (pp. 2 pages). online: IEEE.
DOI2016 Michaud-Belleau, V., Bergeron, H., Light, P. S., Hebert, N. B., Deschenes, J. D., Luiten, A. N., & Genest, J. (2016). Passive coherent discriminator using phase diversity for the measurement of CW laser frequency noise. In 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 (pp. 2 pages). San Jose, CA: IEEE.
DOI2016 Hébert, N. B., Michaud-Belleau, V., Magnan-Saucier, S., Deschênes, J. D., & Genest, J. (2016). Dense spectral sampling dual-comb spectroscopy through pseudo-random phase modulation of the probe comb. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 3). OSA.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Guay, P., Bourbeau Hebert, N., Genest, J., & Lancaster, D. G. (2019). Versatile waveguide chip laser for 2.9 μm emission. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. online: IEEE.
DOI2019 Guay, P., Hébert, N. B., Genest, J., & Lancaster, D. G. (2019). Versatile waveguide chip laser for 2.9 µm emission. Poster session presented at the meeting of Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Scopus1 -
Year Citation 2024 Hilton, A. P., Offer, R. F., Klantsataya, E., Scholten, S. K., Hébert, N. B., Billington, C., . . . Luiten, A. N. (2024). Demonstration of a Mobile Optical Clock Ensemble at Sea. 2024 Ahern, E. J., Scholten, S. K., Locke, C., Bourbeau-Hebert, N., White, B., Luiten, A. N., & Perrella, C. (2024). Tailoring the Stability of a Two-Color, Two-Photon Rubidium Frequency
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