Natasha Van Antwerpen

Natasha Van Antwerpen

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Psychology lecturer studying constructive journalism, misinformation, decision-making, and beliefs. Interested in interdisciplinary and systems thinking approaches, and constructive responses to societal challenges.

My research is primarily focused on human decision-making, beliefs, and perceptions of truth under conditions of uncertainty, and how they interact with broader social, societal, and cultural factors. As part of this, I am focusing on constructive journalism, which utilises positive and cognitive psychology to develop reporting techniques, with an aim to encourage mental well-being; positive societal engagement; and restore trust in the journalistic process.

I use a mixed-methods approach in my research, and am interested in the application of interdisciplinary and systems thinking approaches, and their use to encourage constructive responses to societal challenges.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Newell, S., & van Antwerpen, N. (2024). “Can we not do group stuff?”: Student insights on implementing co-creation in online intensive programs. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21(2), 25 pages.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Ejova, A., Van Antwerpen, N. R., Semmler, C., Bean, C. G., & Green, D. M. (2024). Non‐negligible levels of implicit skin tone bias among Australian healthcare workers between 2007 and 2022: Analysis of subgroups and trends over time based on <i>Project Implicit</i> data. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 27(3), 360-375.
    2024 Abdikadir, F., Freeman, H. V., van Antwerpen, N., Opozda, M., & Turnbull, D. (2024). African migrant men's experiences and preferences for formal mental health help-seeking: meta-synthesis and recommendations. Australian Journal of Psychology, 76(1), 2347639-1-2347639-14.
    2024 Yusainy, C., Hikmiah, Z., Adila, I., Rachmayani, D., van Antwerpen, N., & Turnbull, D. (2024). Thou shalt not covet: the moderation of trait mindfulness on academic envy and ostracism. Cogent Psychology, 11(1), 11 pages.
    2024 Yusainy, C., Hikmiah, Z., Rachmayani, D., Adila, I., Barlaman, M. H. A., Timothy, J. A., . . . Turnbull, D. (2024). Worker bees and their queens: The dynamics of ostracism and trait mindfulness. Psychology Hub, 41(3), 31-42.
    2023 van Antwerpen, N., & Fielding, V. (2023). Constructive Journalism: Techniques for Improving the Practice of Objectivity. Journal of Media Ethics, 38(3), 1-15.
    DOI Scopus8
    2023 van Antwerpen, N., Green, E., Sturman, D., & Searston, R. (2023). Navigating Scientific Disagreement: The Effect of Expertise, Interestedness, and Scientific Literacy on Trust in Scientists and Belief in Science Claims.
    2022 van Antwerpen, N., Turnbull, D., & Searston, R. A. (2022). Perspectives from Journalism Professionals on the Application and Benefits of Constructive Reporting for Addressing Misinformation. International Journal of Press/Politics, 28(4), 1037-1058.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS2
    2022 Van Antwerpen, N., Turnbull, D., & Searston, R. A. (2022). What’s Positive in a Pandemic? Journalism Professionals’ Perspectives on Constructive Approaches to COVID-19 News Reporting. Journalism Studies, 23(4), 1-19.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS7
    2022 Van Antwerpen, N., Searston, R. A., Turnbull, D., Hermans, L., & Kovacevic, P. (2022). The effects of constructive journalism techniques on mood, comprehension, and trust. Journalism, 24(10), 1-19.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS5
    2022 Legate, N., Nguyen, T. -V., Weinstein, N., Moller, A., Legault, L., Vally, Z., . . . Primbs, M. A. (2022). A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 119(22), 1-11.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS14 Europe PMC11
    2022 Ziesing, S. J., Van Antwerpen, N., Turnbull, D., Martin, S. A., Gill, T. K., & Opozda, M. J. (2022). Telehealth in the context of covid-19: An analysis of men’s usage and perceptions in comparison to in-person healthcare. International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health, 5(SP2), e13-e24.
    DOI Scopus1
    2022 Gayatri, M., Adesuyi, E. O., Herlina, M., Akingbade, O., van Antwerpen, N., & Laksono, A. D. (2022). Midwives’ Risk Perception of and Preventive Behavioural Responses to COVID-19. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 24(2), 17 pages.
    DOI WoS1
    2022 Nankivell, M. E., van Antwerpen, N., Turnbull, D., Gill, T. K., Martin, S. A., & Opozda, M. J. (2022). FREEMASONS CENTRE FOR MALE HEALTH &amp; WELLBEING SPECIAL ISSUE PREVALENCE AND PREDICTORS OF INCREASED AND HAZARDOUS ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IN A COHORT OF OLDER SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MEN DURING COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS. International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health, 5(SP2), e25-e39.
    2021 Wang, S., Li, L. Z., Van Antwerpen, N., Suparman, S., Gayatri, M., Sari, N. P., & Zhang, S. X. (2021). Hand Hygiene and Mask-Wearing Practices during COVID-19 among Healthcare Workers: Misinformation as a Predictor. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 105(6), 8 pages.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS7 Europe PMC7
    2021 van Antwerpen, N., Searston, R., & Turnbull, D. (2021). The role of anxiety in mediating the relationship between information consumption and COVID-19 protective behaviours.
    2021 Van Antwerpen, N., Turnbull, D., & Searston, R. A. (2021). The role of anxiety in mediating the relationship between information consumption and COVID-19 protective behaviours: Psychology, Health &amp; Medicine. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 27(9), 1-14.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC3
    2020 Van Antwerpen, N. R., & Oster, C. (2020). Postmodern thought and the self: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Human Studies, 43(1), 107-127.
    DOI Scopus1
    - Gayatri, M., Akingbade, O., Adesuyi, E. O., Pirade, R. A., Antwerpen, N. V., Sari, N. P., & Sutrisno, S. (n.d.). Compliance with Standard Precautions among Midwives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Midwifery, 6(1), 94.
  • Preprint

    Year Citation
    2024 van Antwerpen, N., & Lough, K. (2024). The effects of solutions versus ‘heart-warmer’ journalism on audience wellbeing, self-efficacy, and trust.
    2024 van Antwerpen, N., & Lough, K. (2024). The effects of solutions versus ‘heart-warmer’ journalism on audience wellbeing, self-efficacy, and trust.
    2023 van Antwerpen, N., Green, E., Sturman, D., & Searston, R. A. (2023). Navigating Scientific Disagreement: The Effect of Expertise, Interestedness, and Scientific Literacy on Trust in Scientists and Belief in Science Claims.
    2021 van Antwerpen, N., Searston, R. A., & Turnbull, D. (2021). The role of anxiety in mediating the relationship between information consumption and COVID-19 protective behaviours.

Course Coordinating

Foundations of Psychology: Graduate Diploma of Psychology online.

Course Authoring

Research Project Part A and Part B: Graduate Diploma of Psychology: Advanced online.


Doing Research In Psychology (2019): Qualitative methods, semester 1 2019.

Research Methods in Psychology (2020-2021): Tutor, semester 1 2020 and 2021. Acting course coordinator (two-weeks 2021).

Big Picture Psychology (2020-2021): Tutor, semester 1 2020, semester 2 2021.

Psychology in Society (2020): Tutor, semester 2 2020.

Doing Research In Psychology: Advanced (2021): Quantitative methods, semester 2 2021.

Psychological Skills and Applications (2022): Semester 2.

Honours Mentoring

Co-mentored psychology honours students completing a range of projects across health and cognitive psychology. Participated in group meetings and supervision panels, and assisted with planning, writing, and data analysis.


Big Picture Psychology (2019-2020): Marked 1, 500 word essays on the application of psychological theory to global issues for a second-year psychology course.

Psychology in Society (2020): Marked 1, 500 word essays on the application of psychological diagnoses and treatments in cross-cultural contexts for a second-year psychology course.

Research Methods (2021): Marked assignments consisting of short answer questions on research methods including operationalization, sampling, study design, validity and reliability, and analysis decisions for a first-year psychology course.

Doing Research In Psychology: Advanced (2021): Marked R-notebooks on experiment simulation, design, and analysis for a third-year psychology. 

Wirltu Yarlu Academic Mentoring

Mentored Indigenous students with their academic studies in psychology and anthropology. Assisted with assignments, course content, and time management skills.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor A community assessment of Fijian - contextualized psychosocial stressors, alcohol, substance abuse and mental health. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Elenoa Kamanalagi Seru
    2024 Principal Supervisor The effects of parasocial relationships on social media engagement, trust, pro-social behaviour, and social and political activism. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Nicolle Cassandra Kelaiditis

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