Natasha Howard

Natasha Howard

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Associate Professor Howard’s training in social geography, public health and sciences has enabled a unique interdisciplinary perspective into research applications relevant for contemporary population health. In her research, she seeks to explore social issues through the lens of social institutional practice, including the health and education sectors, and across governmental and non-governmental organisations, and community networks. Notably, her interests lie in the questions related to the dynamic geographies of difference and inequality that are central to lived experiences.

Her work experience spans both the health and social sciences, applying mixed-method and interdisciplinary population approaches to investigate how the social determinants enable health and well-being among priority populations, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. She has expertise in (1) integrating geographical methodologies for applications relating to epidemiological analyses, (2) engaging with local community and state-based organisations to undertake participatory approaches with the health and social services workforce, and (3) developing classification systems for linking socio-environmental determinants of health measures to overarching theoretical constructs.

Current research activities concentrate on how action-oriented population health interventions shape socio-environmental determinants of health across sectors (e.g., housing, education, social policy) and impact the experiences of people living with chronic conditions. Research projects include: “Predicting Renal, Ophthalmic, and Heart Events in the Aboriginal Community” (PROPHECY; GNT1086386 CIA-Brown), known to the community as the Aboriginal Diabetes Study, Cultural Pathways Program (Wyatt Trust) and “Understanding Stress and Staying Strong in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Human Services’ Workforce” (Lowitja Institute).

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2021 - ongoing Associate Professor SAHMRI
    2021 - ongoing Associate Professor University of Adelaide
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours Public Health)

Associate Professor Howard has prior Course Coordinator experience (Nursing, Allied Health) and is the current Co-supervisor of three PhD Candidates, and supervised two PhD completions (2017). In her role at Wardliparingga, she supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their pathways within the university system, medical and allied health placements, and school work experience programs.

  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Knowledge to Action: Addressing the social determinants of health to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Tina Brodie

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