Natarsha McPherson

Natarsha McPherson

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

My PhD project focuses on the spatial ecology of the southern hairy-nosed wombat and European rabbit in the Nullarbor region. Using a combination of fieldwork, remote sensing, and species distribution modelling, this work aims to better understand niche interactions and the population status of fossorial species across Australia's remote semi-arid landscape at varying scales of interest. Subsequently, this project will resolve critical data gaps that have previously prohibited effective conservation and pest management in this region. 

2023 Australian Wildlife Society University Research Grant

Practical demonstrator:

  • GIS for Agriculture & Natural Resource
  • GIS for Environmental Management
  • Earth Observation 
  • Ecology II
  • Introductory Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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