Mohsen Khani
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Language Competencies
Language Competency Arabic Can read, write, speak and understand spoken English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Persian Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2015 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 2002 Tarbiat Modares University Iran MSc 1999 Shiraz University Iran BSc -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2023 Henares, B. M., Blake, S. N., Farfan-Caceres, L., Tahghighi, H., Debler, J. W., Russ, M. H., . . . Lee, R. C. (2023). Virulence Profiles and Genome-Wide Association Study for Ascochyta lentis Isolates Collected from Australian Lentil-Growing Regions. Phytopathology, 113(8), 1515-1524.
Scopus2 Europe PMC12018 Khani, M., Cheong, J., Mrva, K., & Mares, D. (2018). Wheat black point: Role of environment and genotype. Journal of Cereal Science, 82, 25-33.
Scopus12 WoS82017 Khani, M., Davidson, J. A., Sosnowski, M. R., & Scott, E. S. (2017). Atypical growth of Phoma koolunga on cultural media and on plants artificially inoculated in environmentally controlled conditions. Australasian Plant Pathology, 46(5), 511-514.
Scopus6 WoS42016 Khani, M., Davidson, J., Sosnowski, M., & Scott, E. (2016). Survival, transmission and control of Phoma koolunga in field pea seed and reaction of field pea genotypes to the pathogen. Australasian Plant Pathology, 45(1), 91-102.
Scopus6 WoS42016 Khani, M., Davidson, J., Sosnowski, M., & Scott, E. (2016). Survival of Phoma koolunga, a causal agent of ascochyta blight, on field pea stubble or as pseudosclerotia in soil. Plant Pathology, 65(8), 1246-1253.
Scopus2 WoS22007 Khani, M., Elhani, A., Mahmmodi, B., & Kheiri, A. (2007). Evaluation of 17 safflower cultivars and lines for resistance to Ramularia brown spot disease (Ramularia carthami) in field. Journal of Science and Technology, 6(1-2), 45-51. 2007 Khani, M., & Kheiri, A. (2007). Evaluation of resistance of seven corn varieties to corn smut (Ustilago maydis) and Fusarium ear rot (Fusarium moniliforme). Research in Agronomy and Horticulture, 76(1), 40-45. 2007 Khani, M., Rahimian, H., & Khodakaramian, G. (2007). Identification of epiphytic hosts of Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae causing sugarcane red streak disease in Mazandaran field. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 14(2), 165-173. 2007 Khani, M. (2007). The occurrence of Phoma leaf spot on beet in Fars province. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology, 42(4), 197. 2007 Khani, M., Rahimian, H., & Khodakaramian, G. (2007). Epiphytic survival of Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae causing sugarcane red streak disease on weed hosts under greenhouse conditions. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology, 43(1), 45-46. - Henares, B. M., Blake, S. N., Farfan-Caceres, L., Tahghighi, H., Debler, J. W., Russ, M. H., . . . Lee, R. C. (n.d.). Virulence Profiles and Genome-Wide Association Study for <i>Ascochyta lentis</i> Isolates Collected from Australian Lentil-Growing Regions. PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 10 pages.
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2021 Khani, M., Hancock, A., & Davidson, J. (2021). Optimising fungicide sprays for botrytis diseases in pulse crops using Narrow Band IoT data telemetry to monitor canopy microclimate. In 23rd Australasian Plant Pathology Society conference. Hobartm, Australia. 2019 Khani, M., Hancock, A., Baker, A., Kimber, R., & Davidson, J. (2019). Optimising fungicide timing to control botrytis diseases in pulse crops by monitoring canopy microclimate with Narrow Band IoT data telemetry. In The 3rd Australian Pulse Conference. Horsham, Australia. 2014 Mohamadi, A., & Khani, M. (2014). The effect of sowing time and varieties on corn grains damage by birds in Darab, Iran. In Proceedings. Kerman, Iran. 2013 Khani, M., Davidson, J., Sosnowski, M., & Scott, E. (2013). Survival of Phoma koolunga on field pea stubble on or below the soil surface. In 19th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference. Auckland, New Zealand. 2012 Khani, M., Davidson, J., Sosnowski, M., & Scott, E. (2012). Phom koolunga, blackspot pathogen of field pea: is the fungus seed-borne?. In Combio 2012 conference. Adelaide, Australia. 2008 Khani, M. (2008). First report of safflower white rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Iran. In 18th Iranian plant protection congress. Hamadan, Iran. 2008 Khani, M., & Zarei, A. (2008). Occurrence of sansevieria leaf spot caused by Ascochyta citri in Iran. In 18th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Hamadan, Iran. 2007 Kheiri, A., Khani, M., Jabbari, M., & Barati, V. (2007). Study of reaction of different barley genotypes to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei) in field. In 2nd Iranian National Congress of Ecological Agriculture. Gorgan, Iran. 2006 Khani, M., Kheiri, A., Sedaghati, E., & Mohamadi, A. (2006). Evaluation of resistance of 7 corn varieties to corn smut (Ustilago maydis). In 9th Iranian Crop Sciences Congress. Tehran, Iran. 2006 Kheiri, A., Khani, M., Dastfal, M., & Navabi, F. (2006). Study of reaction of 222 wheat genotypes to yellow rust (Puccina striformis) in shelter and field conditons. In 17th Iranian plant protection congress. Karaj, Iran. 2006 Kheiri, A., Khani, M., Fathi, M., & Navabi, F. (2006). Study of the effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer on seedling damping off (Rhizoctonia solani) in new cotton varieties. In 17th Iranian plant protection congress. Karaj, Iran. 2006 Mohamadi, A., & Khani, M. (2006). Investigation on the effects of some chemical insecticides on almond seed wasp (Eurytoma amygdale Enderlein) in Mehriz of Yazd province. In 17th Iranian plant protection congress. Karaj, Iran. 2005 Sedaghati, E., Mohamadi, E., Raghami, M., & Khani, M. (2005). Identification and description of some vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza species of grapevine. In 4th Iranian Scientific Conference in Agriculture. Mashad, Iran. 2004 Khani, M., & Rahimian, H. (2004). Identification of epiphytic hosts of Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae causing sugarcane red streak disease in Mazandaran field. In 16th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Tabriz, Iran. 2004 Khani, M., Rahimian, H., & Khodakaramian, G. (2004). Determination of epiphytic survival of Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae causing sugarcane red streak disease on weeds of sugarcane fields of Mazandaran. In 16th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Tabriz, Iran. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2013 Khani, M., Davidson, J., Sosnowski, M., & Scott, M. (2013). Assessment of selected field pea genotypes reaction to Phoma koolunga, causal agent of blackspot, in controlled conditions. Poster session presented at the meeting of PBA inaugural pulse conference. Adelaide, Australia.
Shiraz University
Course: Diseases of Field Crops 2002- 2010
Course: Diseases of Vegetables Crops 2003- 2010
Course: Mycology and Plant Pathology 2003- 2010
Course: Diseases of Fruit Crops 2003- 2010
Date Role Membership Country 2012 - ongoing Member Australasian Plant Pathology Society Australia
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