Professor Miftar Ganija
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Miftar Ganija holds a professor appointment at The University of Adelaide, in the School of Physical Sciences and School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (EME) at The University of Adelaide.
Miftar Ganija is the founder and Lead Scientist of DualTech - USPL at the University of Adelaide.
Miftar Ganija is Theme Leader in Hypersonic & Counter-measures in the Defence Trailblazer. The Defence Trailblazer for Concept to Sovereign Capability is a $250 million enterprise powered by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the University of Adelaide (UoA), with funding from the Australian Government through the Trailblazer Universities Program, as well as university and industry partners.
The applications for ultra-short pulsed lasers is expanding rapidly and requires new technology to be on the forefront of engineering and scientific innovation.
Miftar’s research includes the development of USPL laser sources, beam propagation and transitioning lasers to industry, medical and defence. Current research includes the development of high-power Q-switched near infrared cryogenic lasers and mode-locked laser sources for a variety of industrial, remote sensing and defence applications and blue lasers for medical applications.
DualTech-USPL Program
There is a shortage of ultra-short pulsed laser technology development and a workforce to support its development in Australia. Therefore, the DualTech-USPL scientific team are working on pathways to address these deficiencies through the dual-use laser approach. This involves creating a sovereign eco-system for industrial and science capability, thereby ensuring that we are in a position to address mid- and long-term critical technology needs for Australia.
Our program focuses on three major areas of R&D for:
• Source development
• Propagation and Effect generation
• Applications
Currently, DualTech-USPL program provides innovation in the source design, development and construction of USPL, bringing together a diverse range of skills ranging from mechanical, electronic and optical, in developing the future workforce, providing impact to sovereign manufacturing capability.
The program is developing those skillsets among our cross-disciplinary students by presenting them with a variety of open-group, flexible and hands-on projects and experimental activities. These projects are fantastic tactile opportunities for the diverse background of our students, by combining a variety of interesting, practical challenges from mechanical design of experimental components to electronic control, all the way through to the complicated optics problems that are crucial to building a laser system and understanding the unknown of science and enabling and manufacturing.
Our Team
The DualTech-USPL Group is seeking highly motivated students to work on cutting edge physics and engineering projects. Ultra-short and Short pulsed lasers are driving substantial innovation in medicine, defence, remote sensing, academic research, machining and spectroscopy. The team has international recognition for laser sources developed at two micron and are pushing new breakthroughs for energy in pulsed lasers.
We have a variety of Honours and HDR (M.Phil and PhD) scholarships available.
His current interests include:
- Laser development
- Cryogenically cooled solid state lasers
- High power solid state lasers
- Interferometry
- Pulsed laser
- Mode-locked laser
- Frequency doubling
- Mid-Infrared Lasers
- Blue lasers
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Visiting Research Fellow University of Adelaide 2017 - 2019 University Research Fellow School of Physical Sciences -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Albanian Can read, write and speak German Can read, write and speak -
Date Institution name Country Title 2008 - 2013 The University of Adelaide Australia PhD -
Research Interests
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Ganija, M., Boyd, K., & Munch, J. (2023). High-Power Q-switched Near Infrared Cryogenic Lasers. In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023 (pp. 1). Munich, Germany: IEEE.
DOI Scopus12021 Ganija, M., Boyd, K., Hemming, A., Carmody, N., Simakov, N., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2021). High Energy Cryogenically Cooled Ho:YAG Oscillator. In 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 (pp. 1). online: IEEE.
DOI Scopus2 WoS22020 Ganija, M., Hemming, A., Boyd, K., Gambell, A., & Simakov, N. (2020). Progress towards High Power Scaling of Ho: YAG Lasers. In 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2020 - Proceedings (pp. 2 pages). Sydney, Australia: Optica Publishing Group.
DOI Scopus22019 Gambell, A., Simakov, N., Ganija, M., Hemming, A., Daniel, J. M. O., Shardlow, P. C., . . . Haub, J. (2019). Intra-cavity semiconductor laser tuning using a frequency compensating acousto-optic tunable filter pair. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 11200 (pp. 1-2). online: SPIE.
DOI Scopus2 WoS22019 McAfee, D., Boyd, K., Ganija, M., Simakov, N., Carmody, N., Munch, J., . . . Haub, J. (2019). Mode-locked Holmium fibre laser. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 11200 (pp. 1-3). online: SPIE.
DOI2019 Taylor, L. E., Oermann, M. R., Ganija, M., Munch, J., McAfee, D. M., & Hemming, A. (2019). Single frequency holmium-doped DBR fibre laser at 2.1 μm. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 11200 (pp. 1-2). online: SPIE.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12018 Ganija, M., Hemming, A., Simakov, N., Carmody, N., Veitch, P., Haub, J., & Munch, J. (2018). Q-switched cryogenic Ho:YAG laser. In Proceedings of the CLEO: Science and Innovations 2018 Vol. Part F94-CLEO_SI 2018 (pp. 1-2). San Jose, California: OSA Publishing.
DOI2016 Ganija, M., Simakov, N., Hemming, A., Haub, J., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2016). High Resolution Spectroscopy For Cryogenic Ho:YAG Laser. In OSA (pp. 2 pages). Online: The Optical Society.
DOI Scopus2 WoS32016 Ganija, M. (2016). Second Harmonic Generation Using a Monolithic, Linearly Polarized Thulium Doped Fiber Laser. In OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016) Vol. paper AW2B.2 (pp. 2 pages). online: OSA.
DOI Scopus12013 Ganija, M., Ottaway, D., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2013). Cryogenically cooled end pumped Yb: YAG zigzag slab laser. In Proceedings 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference (pp. CA_7_1). Munich, Germany: Optical Society of America. 2013 Ganija, M., Ottaway, D., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2013). Cryogenically cooled end pumped Yb: YAG zigzag slab laser. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 1). IEEE.
DOI2012 Ganija, M., Ottaway, D., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2012). Cryogenic, conduction cooled, end pumped, zigzag slab laser, suitable for power scaling. In 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012 (pp. 1-2). USA: IEEE.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12011 Ganija, M., Ottaway, D., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2011). A cryogenic, end pumped, zigzag slab laser suitable for power scaling. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (pp. 627-629). Sydney, Australia: Optical Society of America.
DOI Scopus32009 Ganija, M., Ottaway, D., Hosken, D., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2009). Power scaling of cryogenically cooled high power solid state laser. In Proceedings of the ACOLS ACOFT 09 Conference (pp. 548-549). CDROM: Australian Optical Society. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2017 Ganija, M., Hemming, A., Simakov, N., Haub, J., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2017). High power cryogenically cooled Ho: YAG laser. Poster session presented at the meeting of Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Munich, GERMANY: IEEE. 2014 Ganija, M., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2014). Comparison of diode pumping efficiency of an Er: YAG laser at 300 K and 77 K for Gravitational Wave Interferometry. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian and New Zealand conference of Optics. Adelaide. 2010 Ganija, M., Ottaway, D., Hosken, D., Veitch, P., & Munch, J. (2010). Power scaling and reliable cryogenic cooling of a high power solid state laser. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Institute of Physics Congress. Melbourne, Australia.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Compression of the pulse laser Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jack Samuel Wigley 2024 Principal Supervisor Research and Development in Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser (USPL) machining systems in the 2–5-micron region for the investigation of fundamental laser/material interactions for industrial and medical applications. Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Sitivi Napier Sooaemalelagi 2024 Principal Supervisor USPL Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jonte Colin Reilly 2023 Principal Supervisor Experimental and theoretical investigation of energy and repetition rate scaling of Ultrashort pulsed lasers for Near and Mid infrared applications Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Michael James Murray 2023 Principal Supervisor Ultrashort and Short Pulsed Lasers Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Joshua Gabriel Cudmore 2022 Principal Supervisor Ultrashort Pulse Lasers Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Andrew Phillip Matulick 2022 Principal Supervisor Ultrashort Pulse Lasers Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Henry Duncan Rogers 2021 Co-Supervisor Real-Time Optically Stimulated Luminescence Fibre-Coupled Dosimetry with Beryllium Oxide Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Erin Jennifer Lukas -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Passively Q-Switched and Mode-Locked Pulse Generation in a Ho:YAG Laser Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Jonte Colin Reilly 2020 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Experimental and Numerical Optimisation of a SESAM Mode-locked Holmium Fibre Laser Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Alexandros Kolovinos 2018 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Operating Regimes and Automated Control of Holmium and Thulium Non-linear Polarisation Rotation Mode-locked Fibre Optic Lasers Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr David Michael McAfee 2017 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Investigation of Narrowband Acousto-Optic Tunable Filters for Semiconductor Laser Tuning Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Adam James Gambell
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