Michael Lazarou

Mr Michael Lazarou

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

PhD Candidate

School of Humanities

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics


I'm a PhD candidate in the Department of Philosophy. My research is broadly in the area of the Ethics of AI. More specifically, I'm interested in how AI systems model and represent the world, and how they do so in a manner different from - or similar to - how humans model and represent the world. I am especially interested in considering how answers to the above can inform our approach to questions in ethics, especially those relating to holding people and institutions responsible or accountable for outcomes that may be the result of opaque or inscrutable AI systems.

Previously, my MPhil was on the topic of vagueness, wherein I offered a novel solution to the "Problem of the Many". My thesis was accepted without revision and received a Dean's Commendation for Thesis Excellence.

Professionally, I love teaching; I've taught in philosophy and interdisciplinary courses across a number of years, and have guest lectured in computer science. I received a Faculty of Arts Excellence in Teaching Prize in 2019 in recognition of my teaching, and I look forward to continue helping others explore and engage with the richness of philosophy.

I also previously worked at the University's Writing Centre for over 7 years, and was its coordinator from late 2021 to early 2024. I love helping others to better communicate ideas, and to help translate what are often nebulous thoughts into a form that others can understand.

Outside of the academy, I love playing chess (and being involved in the University's marvellous chess club!), hiking and trail running, and reading political economy.

Course Coordinator/Lecturer

ARTS 1007OL The Enquiring Mind (2021 SS/WS; 2020 SS/WS; 2019 WS)


PHIL 2050 Philosophy of Science (S2 2022)

PHIL 1101 Argument and Critical Thinking (S1 2021; S1 2020)

PHIL 1103 Morality, Society and the Individual (S2 2020)

PHIL 1110 Introduction to Logic (S2 2021)

ARTS 1007 The Enquiring Mind (2021 S1; 2020 S1/S2; 2019 S1; 2018 S1/S2)

Guest Lecturer

COMP SCI 1104 Grand Challenges in Computer Science - (S2 2022; 2 x 2-hour guest lectures on Ethics in Computer Science Applications/Artificial Intelligence)


Faculty of Arts Excellence in Teaching Prize

- Awarded on the basis of ‘approaches to the support of learning and teaching that influence, motivate, and inspire students to learn’ and ‘respect and support for the development of students as individuals’ (two prizes awarded annually across the Faculty).

  • Position: PhD Candidate
  • Email: michael.lazarou@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Napier, floor Seventh Floor
  • Room: 720
  • Org Unit: School of Humanities

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