Md Tagor Hossain
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Tagor Hossain is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Robotics Engineering (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He received Master by Research degree in Robotics at the University of South Australia, Australia in 2021. He completed BSc degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) from Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2016. His research directions are in autonomous vehicles path planning, motion control, and path tracking.
Date Institution name Country Title 2019 - 2021 University of South Australia Australia Masters by Research -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2023 Islam, R., Habibullah, H., & Hossain, T. (2023). AGRI-SLAM: a real-time stereo visual SLAM for agricultural environment. Autonomous Robots, 47(6), 649-668.
2022 Hossain, T., Habibullah, H., Islam, R., & Padilla, R. V. (2022). Local path planning for autonomous mobile robots by integrating modified dynamicâwindow approach and improved follow the gap method. Journal of Field Robotics, 39(4), 371-386.
- Hossain, T., Habibullah, H., & Islam, R. (n.d.). Steering and Speed Control System Design for Autonomous Vehicles by Developing an Optimal Hybrid Controller to Track Reference Trajectory. Machines, 10(6), 420.
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