Maryam Zomorrodi

Maryam Zomorrodi

Adelaide Business School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Maryam is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management. She has earned her PhD from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia in 2020. Maryam has a multi-disciplinary research interest in Operations & Supply Chain Management, and Sustainability with the emphasis on subsistence markets/base-of-the-pyramid (BoP) business operations, and poverty alleviation.

Maryam has taught various courses at Australian and Canadian universities and received excellent student feedback on her teaching methods. She has expertise in qualitative research methodologies and her work has been published in top international journals. Prior to entering academia, Maryam has worked in various NGOs in the area of humanitarian aid operations.

  • Sustainable Operations
  • Supply Chain Management at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP)
  • Operations Management in Social Enterprise
  • Social Procurement
  • Inclusive Businesses and Poverty Alleviation
  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Zomorrodi, M., Fayezi, S., & Bals, L. (2024). Base of the Chain (BoC) Sourcing Challenges: The Role of Institutional Voids and Social Agency Problems. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100953-1-100953-19.
    2019 Zomorrodi, M., Fayezi, S., Lau, K. H., & McMurray, A. (2019). Supply chain adaptations for the base-of-the-pyramid business: towards a theoretical model. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 49(5), 599-624.
    DOI Scopus18
    2018 Fayezi, S., Zomorrodi, M., & Bals, L. (2018). Procurement sustainability tensions: an integrative perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 48(6), 586-609.
    DOI Scopus24
    2015 Fayezi, S., & Zomorrodi, M. (2015). The role of relationship integration in supply chain agility and flexibility development: An Australian perspective. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26(8), 1126-1157.
    DOI Scopus46
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2020 Zomorrodi, M., Fayezi, S., Lau, K. H., & McMurray, A. (2020). Integrating base-of-the-pyramid business into global supply chains. In V. Ratten, M. Ramirez-Pasillas, & H. Lundberg (Eds.), Managing Sustainable Innovation: Innovation & Technology Horizons (1 ed., pp. 11-28). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
    2016 Fayezi, S., & Zomorrodi, M. (2016). Supply chain management: Developments, theories and models. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Supply Chain Management (pp. 313-340). United States: IGI Global.
    DOI Scopus11
    2016 Zomorrodi, M. (2016). Supply Chain Risk Management: A Review of the Literature. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Supply Chain Management.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2024 Dubey, R., & Zomorrodi, M. (2024). Controlling and Monitoring the Construction of Floating Structures Projects. In Accepted. Hong Kong.
    2020 Zomorrodi, M., & Fayezi, S. (2020). Unpacking Base-of-the-Pyramid Sourcing Challenges: Moving Beyond Institutional Factors. In Academy of Management Proceedings. Vancouver, Canada: Academy of Management.
    2019 Zomorrodi, M., Lau, K. H., McMurray, A., & Fayezi, S. (2019). Sourcing from the Base of the Pyramid markets: An integrative perspective. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2019 (pp. 17037). Academy of Management.
    2018 Zomorrodi, M., Lau, K. H., McMurray, A., & Fayezi, S. (2018). Adapting supply chains for the base of the pyramid business. In Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute 2018.
    2017 Zomorrodi, M., Lau, C., & McMurray, A. (2017). The Impact of Institutional Voids on Sourcing from Base of the Pyramid: An Exploratory Study. In EurOMA 2017, Proceedings (pp. 10 pages). Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2016 Zomorrodi, M. (2016). Procurement Process in the Base of the Pyramid Markets. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM). Anaheim, CA.
  • Internet Publications

    Year Citation
    2022 Zomorrodi, M., & Fayezi, S. (2022). Legitimacy Contexts of BoP Markets: Characterization and Implications for Supply Chain Functions. MDPI.
    DOI Scopus2

FAME Sustainability grant   2023-2025   $94,278

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