Dr Mark Thyer
Associate Professor
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Mark Thyer is an Associate Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Adelaide. He has over 17 years research experience in developing physical-statistical models to enhance predictions for hydrological, environmental and water resource models.
His research interests include flood/drought risk assessment; long-term climate variability, quantifying predictive uncertainty in hydrological models and behavourial water use modelling for integrated urban water management. He is an internationally recognised expert on use approaches to quantify of uncertainty in hydrological predictions. He has published numerous journal papers in top international water resources which are highly cited and is co-investigator on research grants worth over $5 million.
Mark has undertaken consultancy projects for many water supply authorities and regularly collaborates with local, national and international institutions, such as CSIRO and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the South Australian Goyder Institute for Water Research.
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Research Interests
Developing innovative physical-statistical approaches to enhance predictions for water modelling in three focus areas:
Climate variability and rainfall/streamflow simulation for flood/drought risk assessment
- Incorporating climate processes into stochastic models to enhance drought risk assessment.
- Bayesian approaches to assess predictive uncertainty
- Incorporating spatial-temporal rainfall variability to enhance flood risk assessment
Streamflow simulation using hydrological models
- Improving probabilistic predictions of streamflow simulation for catchment models
- Using innovate diagnostics/auxiliary data to evaluate hydrological models
Behavioural water use simulation for Integrated Urban Water Management
- Development of approaches for modelling household water use that capture the temporal and spatial behavioural dynamics.
Career Highlights
- Over 17 years research experience in developing physical-statistical models to enhance predictions for hydrological/environmental/water resources models
- Internationally recognised expert on use of Bayesian approaches to quantify impact of uncertainty (input/parameter/data) in stochastic hydrological models
- 30 journal papers in the top international water resources journals (Water Resources Research and Journal of Hydrology)
- Co-Investigator on Research Grants worth over $5 million dollars
- Undertaken consultancy projects on stochastic modelling and drought risk assessment for Hunter Water Corporation, Gosford-Wyong Water Supply Authority, Sydney Catchment Authority, and Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project
- Associate Editor for Australian Journal of Water Resources.
- Regularly review ARC grant applications and journal papers for top international journals
- Invited by CRC for Catchment Hydrology to contribute models to the stochastic climate library of the catchment modelling toolkit
- Research leader for eWater CRC project on development of behavioural end-use stochastic simulator (BESS) for household water use simulation, incorporated into eWater’s Urban Developer tool.
Latest Podcasts
Date Position Institution name 2016 - ongoing Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2010 - 2015 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2009 - 2009 Senior Lecturer University of Newcastle 2004 - 2008 Lecturer University of Newcastle 2003 - 2004 Water Resource Engineer Tonkin Consulting 2001 - 2002 Postdoctoral Researcher University of British Columbia -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2015 Award Ministers Award for Excellence in Water Sustainability for "SA Climate Ready Project" South Australian Water Industry Alliance Australia - 2014 Award Research Spotlight Award from American Geophysical Union (top 5% of papers in AGU) for Westra et al (2014) American Geophysical Union United States - 2014 Award Research Spotlight Award from American Geophysical Union (top 5% of Papers in AGU) for Evin et al (2014) American Geophysical Union United States - 2014 Award Editors Highlight Award from Water Resources Research (top 5% of papers in WRR) for Evin et al (2014) Water Resources Research United States - 2007 Research Award Pro-Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence University of Newcastle Australia - 1999 Award Best Student Presentation Award Water 99 Joint Congress Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2004 - 2006 University of Newcastle Australia Australia Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching 2001 University of Newcastle Australia Australia PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering 1993 - 1996 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor Degree (1st Class Honours) in Civil Engineering -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Thyer, M., McInerney, D., Kavetski, D., Laugesen, R., Woldemeskel, F., Tuteja, N., & Kuczera, G. (2023). Seamless subseasonal probabilistic streamflow forecasting: MuTHRE lets you have your cake and eat it too. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2023). Vienna, Austria & Online: Copernicus GmbH.
DOI2022 Thyer, M., Hunter, J., McInerney, D., & Kavetski, D. (2022). High-quality probabilistic predictions for existing hydrological models with common objective functions. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria & Online: Copernicus GmbH.
DOI2022 Laugesen, R., Thyer, M., McInerney, D., & Kavetski, D. (2022). A flexible approach for evaluating the value of probabilistic forecasts for different decision types and risk averse decision-makers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference.
DOI2021 Hunter, J., Thyer, M., Kavetski, D., & McInerney, D. (2021). An open-source R-package and web application for high-quality probabilistic predictions in hydrology. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference.
DOI2021 Liang, R., Thyer, M., Maier, H., Di Matteo, M., & Dandy, G. (2021). Potential benefits of real-time control to reduce urban flooding using distributed smart stormwater storage systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of 23rd EGU General Assembly. 2021 Leigh, R., Knowling, M., Westra, S., Bennett, B., Zecchin, A., Maier, H., . . . Devanand, A. (2021). A multi-modelling framework to stress-test water resource systems under change. Poster session presented at the meeting of 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2021) Book of Abstracts. Sydney, Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.. 2021 Liang, R., Thyer, M., Maier, H., Di Matteo, M., & Dandy, G. (2021). Potential benefits of real-time control to reduce urban flooding using distributed smart stormwater storage systems. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference.
DOI2017 Bennett, B. S., Thyer, M., Leonard, M., Lambert, M., Bates, B., Evin, G., . . . Hingray, B. (2017). A comprehensive and systematic evaluation framework for evaluating spatio-temporal rainfall models. Poster session presented at the meeting of 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 2016 Bennett, B. S., Thyer, M., Leonard, M., Lambert, M., & Bates, B. (2016). Parsimonious simulation of daily rainfall fields. Poster session presented at the meeting of DEWNR-NRM Science Conference. University of Adelaide, SA, Australia. 2016 Bennett, B. S., Thyer, M., Leonard, M., & Lambert, M. (2016). Continuous simulation of spatial daily rainfall fields. Poster session presented at the meeting of EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. Vienna, Austria. 2015 Bennett, B. S., Leonard, M., Thyer, M., & Lambert, M. (2015). Simulation of daily rainfall across a range of space and time scales. Poster session presented at the meeting of 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 2013 Bennett, B. S., Lambert, M., Thyer, M., Bates, B., & Westra, S. (2013). Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Antecedent Catchment Wetness and Flooding. Poster session presented at the meeting of 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Adelaide, South Australia. 2012 Thyer, M. A., Lambert, M., Li, J., Kuczera, G., & Metcalfe, A. (2012). A new approach for annual flood frequency estimation: Hybrid Causative Event Method. Poster session presented at the meeting of 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium. Sydney, Australia.
DOI2008 Henley, B. J., Thyer, M. A., Kuczera, G., & Franks, S. (2008). Short-term drought risk dynamics: The impact of multi-decadal climate variability and water supply system properties. Poster session presented at the meeting of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008. American Society of Civil Engineers.
DOI- Thyer, M., li, J., Lambert, M., Kuczera, G., & Metcalfe, A. (n.d.). An efficient hybrid causative event-based approach for estimating flood frequency: Conference Poster. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference.
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2016 Bennett, B. S. (2016). Stochastic Spatial Rainfall Modelling for Hydrological Design: Development of a Parsimonious Simulation Approach and Virtual Hydrological Evaluation Framework. (PhD Thesis, University of Adelaide). -
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2015 Thyer, M. A., & Westra, S. (2015). Adelaide is facing a dry future – it needs to start planning now. The Conversation. - Thyer, M., McInerney, D., Kavetski, D., Kuczera, G., Lerat, J., Tuteja, N., . . . Shin, D. (n.d.). Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting for Water Management: Advances and Opportunities.
DOI- Thyer, M., & Arbon, N. (n.d.). Insights from Smart Waters: Potential to Mitigate Impact of Heatwaves on Peak Demands.
DOI- Thyer, M., & Arbon, N. (n.d.). Insight from Smart Water Meters: Opportunities for Targeted Management Strategies.
Year Citation 2022 Laugesen, R., Thyer, M., McInerney, D., & Kavetski, D. (2022). Supplementary material to "Flexible forecast value metric suitable for a wide range of decisions: application using probabilistic subseasonal streamflow forecasts".
DOI2015 Thyer, M. A., Li, J. I. N. G., Lambert, M., Kuczera, G., & Metcalfe, A. (2015). Virtual hydrological time series for flood frequency analysis.
DOI- McInerney, D., Thyer, M., Kavetski, D., Githui, F., Thayalakumaran, T., Liu, M., & Kuczera, G. (n.d.). The importance of Spatiotemporal Variability in irrigation inputs for hydrological modelling of irrigated catchments - Datasets.
DOI- Thyer, M., Westra, S., & Leonard, M. (n.d.). Onkaparinga Catchment Climate Change Modelling.
DOI- Liang, R., Matteo, M. D., Maier, H., & Thyer, M. (n.d.). Real-Time, Smart Rainwater Storage Systems: Potential Solution to Mitigate Urban Flooding.
Year Citation 2017 McInerney, D., Bennett, B. S., Thyer, M., & Kavetski, D. (2017). Interactive Probabilistic Predictions [Computer Software]. http://www.probabilisticpredictions.org/.
DOI2016 Leonard, M., Bennett, B., Thyer, M., Marchi, A., Guo, D., Visintin, P., & Wright, D. (2016). Algorithmik Apps, http://www.algorithmik.org.au/ [Computer Software]. - Leonard, M., Bennett, B., Thyer, M., Marchi, A., Visintin, P., Wright, D., & Guo, D. (n.d.). Algorithmik Apps [Computer Software]. -
Year Citation - McInerney, D., Thyer, M., & Kavetski, D. (n.d.). Supporting data for "Benefits of explicit treatment of zero flows in probabilistic hydrological modelling of ephemeral catchments" by McInerney et al. (2019).
Year Citation - Thyer, M., Kavetski, D., & McInerney, D. (n.d.). Introduction to Evaluating Probabilistic Predictions.
DOI- Thyer, M., Kavetski, D., McInerney, D., & Renard, B. (n.d.). Introduction to Residual Diagnostics.
DOI- Thyer, M., Kavetski, D., McInerney, D., & Hunter, J. (n.d.). Guidance on Enhancing Probabilistic Predictions.
DOI- Thyer, M., McInerney, D., Kavetski, D., Laugesen, R., & Tuteja, N. (n.d.). Do you want high quality subseasonal streamflow forecasts? Ask MuTHRE! vEGU 2021 Conference Presentation.
DOI- Maier, H., Thyer, M., & Liang, R. (n.d.). Use of Machine Learning for the Smart Design and Real Time Control of Stormwater Storages.
DOI- Thyer, M., Hunter, J., McInerney, D., & Kavetski, D. (n.d.). High-quality probabilistic predictions for existing hydrological models with common objective functions: EGU2022 Conference Presentation.
Year Citation - Thyer, M., McInerney, D., Kavetski, D., Kuczera, G., & Lerat, J. (n.d.). Improving probabilistic prediction of daily streamflow.
DOI- Thyer, M., & Kavetski, D. (n.d.). Advances in improving streamflow predictions, with applications in forecasting.
DOI- Mcinerney, D., Thyer, M., Kavetski, D., & Kuzera, G. (n.d.). Practical guidance on representing uncertainty in hydrological predictions.
DOI- Bennett, B., Thyer, M., Leonard, M., Lambert, M., & Bates, B. (n.d.). Parsimonious Simulation of Daily Rainfall Fields.
DOI- Thyer, M., Arbon, N., McDonald, D. H., & Lambert, M. (n.d.). Identifying Key Drivers of Household Water Use in South Australia: Practical Implications.
DOI- Thyer, M., Maier, H., & Liang, R. (n.d.). Smart Stormwater Systems - Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for a Cooler, Flood-Resilient Future<strong> </strong>.
Research Funding
Year | Project | Co-Investigators | Funding Body | Amount |
2022-2023 | Smart Detention Tank Storage – A Solution to Catchment Scale Flood Risk | Thyer, Maier | Stormwater Management Authority, City of Mitcham, City of Norwood Payneham and St. Peters | $220k |
2018-2020 | Stochastic Climate Data Generation for Drought Risk | Westra, Leonard, Bennett, Thyer | NSW Department of Primary Industry | $308k |
2019-2022 | Delivering robust hydrological predictions for Australia’s water challenges | Thyer, Kavetski, Maier, Westra, Simmons, Jakeman, Gupta | ARC DP | $381k |
2019 | Smart Storage Optimisation to reduce Flooding | Thyer, Maier | City of Unley & City of Mitcham | $150k |
2019 | Hydrological Model Improvement | Thyer, McInerney, Kavetski | SA Dept of Environment and Water (DEW) | $100k |
2018-2020 | Subseasonal Streamflow Forecasting Research Project | Thyer, Kavetski | Bureau of Meteorology | $460k |
2015-2017 | A Robust Integrated Streamflow Forecasting Framework for Australian Water Information Agencies | Kavetski, Thyer, Kuczera, Tuteja, Shin, Seed, Lerat, Tibaldi, Clark, Wood | ARC Linkage, Bureau of Meteorology, SEQ Water, NCAR(US) | $270k |
2014 | Evaluation of Postprocessing Techniques for Rainfall and Streamflow Forecasts | Thyer, Kavetski, Kuczera, McInerney | Bureau of Meteorology | $125k |
2012-2014 | Optimal Water Resource Mix for Metropolitan Adelaide | Thyer, Lambert, Dandy, Maier | Goyder Institute for Water Research, SA Water | $384k |
2011-2014 | Development of an agreed set of climate projects for South Australia | Thyer, Lambert, Green | Goyder Institute for Water Research | $505k |
2010-2012 | Inferring hydrologic model structure using Bayesian Total Error Analysis | Kavetski, Kuczera, Thyer, Franks | ARC Discovery | $240k |
2010-2011 | UoA eWater Project | Dandy, Maier, Thyer | eWater CRC | $254k |
2010-2013 | An integrated modelling approach for the efficient management of irrigated landscapes | Thyer, Kavetski, Kuczera, Franks, Selle, Githui, Thayalakumaran | ARC Linkage, DEPI(Vic) | $185k |
2010-2012 | Adapting Bayesian Total Error Analysis to River Systems Modelling | Kuczera, Thyer, Kavetski | CSIRO - Land and Water | $200k |
2010-2011 | Supply of Bayesian Total Error Analysis | Kuczera, Thyer, Kavetski | Bureau of Meteorology | $185k |
2010-2012 | A new flood design methodology for a variable and changing climate | Lambert, Kuczera, Thyer, Metcalfe | ARC Discovery | $325k |
2010-2011 | Improving flood forecasting via robust handling of data and model uncertainties in hydrologic predictions | Thyer, Kavetski, Kuczera, Franks, Renard, Andreassian, Perrin, Lang, Sauquet | International Science Linkages | $20k |
2008-2010 | Urban Water Systems Project | Kuczera, Thyer, Rodriguez, Kavetski | eWater CRC | $1,124k |
2007-2009 | A stochastic space-time model of rainfall fields in large heterogeneous regions | Lambert, Metcalfe, Kuczera, Thyer | ARC Discovery | $345k |
2007-2009 | Efficient and Robust Prediction at Ungauged Catchments | Kuczera, Thyer, Franks | ARC Discovery | $180k |
2006-2007 | Innovative WSUD intervention strategies | Coombes, Thyer, Kuczera, Rodriguez | eWater CRC | $321k |
2006-2007 | Total error framework for model calibration | Kuczera, Thyer, Coombes | eWater CRC | $562k |
2006-2009 | A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach for Simulating Multi-time scale Hydrological Variability for Water Resources Planning | Thyer, Kuczera, Franks, Lambert, Metcalfe and Berghout. | ARC Linkage, Hunter Water Corporation | $117k |
Total | $7.0 million |
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 Principal Supervisor Improving the value of subseasonal streamflow forecasts for water resource management decisions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Richard Mark Laugesen -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Real-time Control of Stormwater Storages to Improve Performance of Urban Stormwater Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ruijie Liang 2013 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Influence Diagnostics in Hydrological Modeling Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time David Peter Wright 2011 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Stochastic Spatial Rainfall Modelling for Hydrological Design: Development of a Parsimonious Simulation Approach and Virtual Hydrological Evaluation Framework Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Bree Sarah Bennett
Date Role Membership Country 2007 - ongoing Member International Association of Hydrological Sciences United Kingdom 2007 - ongoing Member Engineers Australia Australia 1999 - ongoing Member American Geophysical Union United States -
Industry Partnerships
Date Engagement Type Partner Name 2010 - ongoing Consultant Bureau of Meterology
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