Mark Dodd

Dr Mark Dodd

Senior Lecturer

School of Economics and Public Policy

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Associate Dean (Curriculum) in the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics.
Co-Chair of the Adelaide Education Academy.
Senior Lecturer in the School of Economics and Public Policy.
Educational Specialist.
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), Associate Fellow (Indigenous Knowledges) of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2020 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide
    2016 - 2019 Lecturer University of Adelaide
    2010 - 2015 Associate Lecturer University of Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2023 Award ABLE International Partnership Award The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2023 Fellowship Associate Fellow (Indigenous) Higher Education Academy United Kingdom -
    2021 Fellowship Fellow Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Australia -
    2018 Award Commendation for the Enhancement and Innovation of Student Learning The University of Adelaide Australia $2 000
    2018 Fellowship Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy United Kingdom -
    2018 Award Executive Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching Faculty of Professions, The University of Adelaide Australia $2 000
    2011 Award Siegfried Prize for the Teaching of Economics The University of Adelaide Australia $2 000
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2009 - 2011 University of Adelaide Australia Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
    2007 - 2010 University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    2003 - 2011 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance)
    2003 - 2011 University of Adelaide Australia Diploma in Languages (Chinese)
    2003 - 2006 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
  • Research Interests

Learning and Teaching Grants
Year Project Funding Source Amount
2022 Enhancing the incorporation of First Nations knowledges and perspectives in principles-level Economics courses Faculty of ABLE $2 946
2022 Learning and Teaching Advancement Grant Scheme DVCA $1 290
2019 Echo360 ANZ Academic Champion Grant Echo360 $3 000
2019 Learning and Teaching Advancement Grant Scheme DVCA $4 999
2018 Learning Experience Design (LXD): An end-to-end evaluation of learning objects, from co-creation to learning impact Learning Enhancement & Innovation $2 400
2018 CORE Economics: Reforming the Postgraduate Economic Principles Courses Faculty of the Professions $3 000
2018 Learning and Teaching Advancement Grant Scheme DVCA $7 288
2015-2016 Blended Teaching in Economics Postgraduate Programs Faculty of the Professions $50 000



Course Teaching 2024
Course Period
ECON 7200 Economic Principles (M) Trimester 1
Trimester 3
ECON 1012 Principles of Economics I

Semester 1
Semester 2

  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2024 - ongoing Member Transitional Academic Board Adelaide University Australia
    2022 - ongoing Member Academic Board The University of Adelaide Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2023 - ongoing Member University Education Committee The University of Adelaide Australia
    2021 - ongoing Member Adelaide Education Academy Executive The University of Adelaide Australia
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2024 - ongoing Associate Dean (Curriculum) - Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics The University of Adelaide Australia
    2023 - ongoing Co-Chair - Adelaide Education Academy Executive The University of Adelaide Australia
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83134931
  • Email:
  • Fax: 82231460
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Nexus 10, floor 4
  • Org Unit: Economics

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