Marco De Anselmo Peres

Marco De Anselmo Peres

Adelaide Dental School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Professor Marco De Anselmo Peres.
Marco Peres qualified as a dentist in 1987 (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and began working in Population Oral Health in 1989 when he completed a one-year, full-time training diploma course in Public Health. Following this he completed his Masters in Public Health and PhD in Public Health at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, spending one year at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health of the University College London. From 1994 to 2012, he worked in the Department of Public Health, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil where he coordinated the Postgraduate Program in Public Health. In December 2012 he was appointed as a Professor in Population Oral Health and Director of the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Heath, School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide. In August 2018 he joined Griffith Unirevsity School of Dentistry and Oral Heaalth as a Professor of Dental and Oral Health Research. In May 2020 Marco became a Professor and Principal Investigator, National Dental Care Centre, Singapore, National Dental Research Centre of Singapore, Duke-NUS Medical School and Director of the Oral Health Academic Program, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore.

Marco is an internationally recognised researcher in the field of Population Oral Health, he has been cited in a paper published in 2016 in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12249) as one of the top ten most productive researcher in Public Health Dentistry in the world in the last half century. Marco was the recipient of the 2017 International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Distinguished Scientist Award for Global Oral Health Research. Marco is a meber of the Lancet Comission on Global Oral Health.

His areas of interest are oral health surveillance, use of fluorides, inequalities in oral health, life course epidemiology, evidence-based health care, and the relationship between oral health and general health.

Marco is the coordinator of the 2017-2018 National Study of Adult Oral Health in Australia, a former International Dental Association for Dental Research (IADR) Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network (GOHIRN) counsellor for Asia and Pacific region. He is also a founder member of the International Centre for Oral Health Inequalities Research and Policy (ICOHIRP) based at University College London, United Kingdom, a member of the Brazilian Commission of Social Determinants of Health and a member of the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases Collaboration, the deputy chair of the Expert Working Group for Fluoride of the Australian and New Zealand Nutrient Reference Values for Fluoride, a member of the Oral Health Expert Group of the Australian Burden of Diseases 2011 Study.

During his career, he has made many contributions to research, mainly in the area of epidemiology and inequalities in heath, as well as in leadership of professional organizations in epidemiology and dental public health. Together with Associate Professor Karen Peres and Dr Flavio Demarco, Marco coordinated the oral health studies of three Pelotas birth cohort studies starting in 1982, 1993 and 2004. Marco also spent three months in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 2008–2009, to exchange professional experiences in the field of life course epidemiology and inequalities in oral health. Another important research project he coordinated was the EPIFORIPA study, a population-based cohort study of a representative sample of adults from Florianopolis, Brazil, which commenced in 2009.

Since 2002 Marco has had continuous funding grants from Brazilian Agencies (CNPq and CAPES) with the award of 12 project grants over this period. Marco coordinated the research team who conducted the oral health studies in the three population-based birth cohort studies (1982, 1993, and 2004) carried out in Pelotas, Brazil, which were supported by Welcome Trust. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey and a member of several research committees of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and Education.

Marco was leading (CIA) a NHMRC partnership project grant to conduct the National Study of Adult Oral Health entitled Delivering effective dental healthcare in 2020-2030: A national longitudinal partnership study of burden of oral diseases in Australia. 2016-2020.

In the past 10 years Marco has given oral presentations at 45 conferences in Australia, Brazil, Canada, USA, UK, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Uruguay, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand.

Marco has supervised more than 30 Honours, Masters and PhD students in Public Health, Dentistry and Epidemiology, authored two books, twelve book chapters and more than 200 peer reviewed papers. His work has received almost 15,000 citations, an H index of 66.

Marco is a member of many professional bodies including the Australian Dental Association, International Association for Dental Research, the Australasian Epidemiological Association, International Epidemiological Association, and Brazilian Association for Collective Health.

  • Expertise

Methods in Oral Epidemiology

Inequalities in Oral Health

Life course epidemiology

  • Others

The relationship between oral and systemic diseases

Oral Health surveillance systems

Effectiveness of oral health programs

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2020 - ongoing Professor and Principal Investigator National Dental Research Centre of Singapore, Duke-NUS Medical School
    2018 - 2020 Professor of Dental and Oral Health Research Griffith University
    2012 - 2018 Professor of Population Oral Health University of Adelaide
    2012 - 2018 Director University of Adelaide
    1995 - 2012 Associate Professor Federal University of Santa Catarina
    1994 - 1995 Lecturer Universidade do Vale do Itajai
    1988 - 1994 Dentist Sao Paulo State and Municipal Health Authority
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2017 Award 2017 Distinguished Scientist Award International Association for Dental Research United States -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    Portuguese Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    Spanish; Castilian Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1998 - 2002 University of São Paulo Brazil PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology
    1991 - 2014 University of São Paulo Brazil Master in Public Health
    1989 - 1989 University of São Paulo Brazil Diploma in Public Health
  • Certifications

    Date Title Institution name Country
    1982 Bachelor in Dental Sciences University of Sao Paulo, School of Dentistry Brazil
  • Research Interests

NHMRC partnership grant – AU$ 1,056,521.50 Delivering effective dental healthcare in 2020-2030: A national longitudinal partnership study of burden of oral diseases in Australia. 2016-2020.

University of Adelaide Priority Partner grant – AU$ 5,000 to visit the University of Alberta, Canada.

Commonwealth Department of Health, The National Study of Adult Oral Health 2016-18 and the Child Dental Telephone Interview Survey AU$ 1,499,999.00 

South Australia Dental Service research contract 2014-2016 AU$ 144,000.00

Colgate oral Health Care Dental Practice Education Research Unit 2014-2015 AU$ 158,500.00

Brunei Oral Health Survey 2015-2017 AU$ 170,297.00.

AIHW Dental Statistics and Research Unit, ARCPOH (2014-15) AU$ 464,000.00.

Evidence Based Public Health Dentistry – focusing on Primary Health Care – Grant from Brazilian Ministry of Health. R$ 401.000,00. 2012.

Productivity in Research – Level 1 C – CNPq 303678/2011-2014. R$ 115200,00.

Oral Health and General Health among adults in Southern Brazil – EpiFloripa – wave II: a population-based study – Research project. CNPq 477061/2010. R$ 101000,00.

Validation of Self-reported oral health outcomes. Research project. CNPq 2010. Scholarship for undergraduate student. R$ 8400,00.

European, Congress of Epidemiology – meeting – Florence, Italy,  CNPq/CAPES, 2010. Financial support.

International Association for Dental Research – meeting – Barcelona, Spain, CNPq, 2010. Financial support.

European Congress of Epidemiology – meeting – Warsaw, 2009. Sponsored by CNPq Brazil. Financial support.

Senior Research at University of Otago, New Zealand. Sponsored by CNPq Brazil, Nov 2008 to Feb 2009. Scholarship.

The oral health study in the 2004 Pelotas Birth cohort study. Research project – CNPq, 2008. R$ 26000,00.

Productivity in Research – Level 1 D - CNPq 2008-2010. R$ 75600,00.

Health Status of an adult population in Southern Brazil: a population based study – Research project. CNPq 485327/2007. R$ 63295,32.

Pos-doctoral in Epidemiology – Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil 2006. Scholarship.

International Association for Dental Research – meeting – Brisbane, Australia. CNPq, 2006. Financial support.

Inequalities in oral health outcomes in Brazil: a systematic review. Research project. CNPq – n. 409630/2006-3. R$ 42658,88.

Early and life course influences on dental outcomes – Research project CNPq – n. 403362/2004-0. R$ 27188,25.

European Congress of Epidemiology – Porto, Portugal UFSC 2004. Financial support.

Productivity in Research – Level 2 - CNPq 2004 to 2007. R$36000,00.

European Congress of Epidemiology – Toledo, Spain. CAPES 2003. Financial support.

Editorial Support – Brazilian Journal of Public Health Dentistry CNPq – n. 400034/2001-8. 2000-2002. R$ 10000,00.

Affiliated research at University College London – CAPES – 2000/2001. Scholarship.

PhD in Public Health – Epidemiology – CAPES- 1998/2002. Scholarship.

Master in Public Health – Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES 1991/1994. Scholarship.

Diploma in Public Health – Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq 1989. Scholarship.





















2015: School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide

Evidence Based Dentistry


1995- 2012: Federal University of Santa Catarina

Dental Epidemiology

Preventive Dentistry

Evidence-based Dentistry

Public Health Dentistry

General Epidemiology



2002 to date

Oral Epidemiology

General Epidemiology

Social Epidemiology

Methods in Epidemiology

Statistics with STATA

Advanced methods in Epidemiology and Statistics

Scientific writing




  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2014 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Theoretical Explanations and Empirical Evidence for the Relationship between Income Inequality and Population Oral Health Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Ankur Kumar Singh
    2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Socioeconomic Position and Periodontal Disease: A Life-course Approach Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Helena Silveira Schuch

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