Manuel Cervera
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Date Position Institution name 2018 - ongoing Adjunct Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2000 - 2018 Adjunct Lecturer University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title University of Adelaide Australia PhD University of Adelaide Australia BSc (Honours)
Year Citation 2024 Jonker, J. R., Cervera, M. A., Harris, T. J., Holdsworth, D. A., MacKinnon, A. D., Neudegg, D., & Reid, I. M. (2024). Doppler variations in radar observations of resident space objects: Likely Ionospheric Pc1 plasma waves. Advances in Space Research, 74(5), 2430-2451.
2023 Edwards, D. J., Chambers, T. E., & Cervera, M. A. (2023). CLIMF2: A climatological model of the ionospheric F2 layer. Part 2: Validation and comparison with IRI. Advances in Space Research.
Scopus22023 Edwards, D. J., Chambers, T. E., & Cervera, M. A. (2023). CLIMF2: A climatological model of the ionospheric F2 layer. Part 1: Model methodology. Advances in Space Research.
Scopus12022 Edwards, D., & Cervera, M. (2022). Seasonal Variation in Land and Sea Surface Backscatter Coefficients at High Frequencies. Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5514.
Scopus2 WoS12022 Edwards, D. J., Cervera, M. A., & MacKinnon, A. D. (2022). High Frequency Land Backscatter Coefficients over Northern Australia and the Effects of Various Surface Properties. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70(7), 5819-5830.
Scopus3 WoS22022 Edwards, D., Cervera, M., & MacKinnon, A. (2022). A Comparison of the Barrick and Backscatter Ionogram Methods of Calculating Sea Surface Backscatter Coefficients. Remote Sensing, 14(9), 21 pages.
Scopus2 WoS12019 Gardiner-Garden, R., Cervera, M., Debnam, R., Harris, T., Heitmann, A., Holdsworth, D., . . . Warne, G. (2019). A description of the Elevation sensitive Oblique Incidence Sounder Experiment (ELOISE). Advances in Space Research, 64(10), 1887-1914.
Scopus4 WoS22018 Cervera, M. A., Francis, D. B., & Frazer, G. J. (2018). Climatological model of over-the-horizon radar. Radio Science, 53(9), 988-1001.
Scopus13 WoS72018 Heitmann, A. J., Cervera, M. A., Gardiner-Garden, R. S., Holdsworth, D. A., MacKinnon, A. D., Reid, I. M., & Ward, B. D. (2018). Observations and modeling of traveling ionospheric disturbance signatures from an Australian network of oblique angle-of-arrival sounders. Radio Science, 53(9), 1089-1107.
Scopus15 WoS62017 Harris, T. J., Cervera, M. A., Pederick, L. H., & Quinn, A. D. (2017). Separation of O/X Polarization Modes on Oblique Ionospheric Soundings. Radio Science, 52(12), 1522-1533.
Scopus16 WoS132017 Pederick, L., Cervera, M., & Harris, T. (2017). Interpreting Observations of Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances by Ionospheric Sounders. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122(12), 12556-12569.
Scopus13 WoS102017 Francis, D. B., Cervera, M. A., & Frazer, G. J. (2017). Performance prediction for design of a network of skywave over-the-horizon radars. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 32(12), 18-28.
Scopus18 WoS112016 Pederick, L., & Cervera, M. (2016). A directional HF noise model: Calibration and validation in the Australian region. Radio Science, 51(1), 25-39.
Scopus24 WoS182016 Pederick, L. H., & Cervera, M. A. (2016). Modeling the interference environment in the HF band. Radio Science, 51(2), 82-90.
Scopus16 WoS142014 Cervera, M., & Harris, T. (2014). Modeling ionospheric disturbance features in quasi-vertically incident ionograms using 3-D magnetoionic ray tracing and atmospheric gravity waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119(1), 431-440.
Scopus78 WoS642014 Pederick, L., & Cervera, M. (2014). Semiempirical Model for Ionospheric Absorption based on the NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model. Radio Science, 49(2), 81-93.
Scopus26 WoS232012 Harris, T., Cervera, M., & Meehan, D. (2012). SpICE: a program to study small-scale disturbances in the ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(A6), A06321-1-A06321-12.
Scopus26 WoS232006 Cervera, M. A., & Thomas, R. M. (2006). Latitudinal and temporal variation of equatorial ionospheric irregularities determined from GPS scintillation observations. Annales Geophysicae, 24(12), 3329-3341.
Scopus55 WoS522004 Thomas, R. M., Cervera, M. A., Ramli, A. G., Effendy, A., Totarong, P., Groves, K. M., & Wilkinson, P. J. (2004). Seasonal modulation of GPS performance due to equatorial scintillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(18), 4 pages.
Scopus8 WoS92004 Holdsworth, D., Reid, I., & Cervera, M. (2004). Buckland Park all-sky interferometric meteor radar. Radio Science, 39(RS5009), 1-12.
Scopus177 WoS1442004 Cervera, M., Holdsworth, D., Reid, I., & Tsutsumi, M. (2004). Meteor radar response function: Application to the interpretation of meteor backscatter at medium frequency. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(A11), 1-10.
Scopus5 WoS52004 Cervera, M., & Elford, W. (2004). The meteor radar response function: Theory and application to narrow beam MST radar. Planetary and Space Science, 52(7), 591-602.
Scopus26 WoS222001 Cervera, M. A., Thomas, R. M., Groves, K. M., Ramli, A. G., & Effendy. (2001). Validation of WBMOD in the Southeast Asian region. Radio Science, 36(6), 1559-1572.
Scopus22 WoS152001 Thomas, R. M., Cervera, M. A., Eftaxiadis, K., Manurung, S. L., Saroso, S., Effendy., . . . Wang, Y. (2001). A regional GPS receiver network for monitoring equatorial scintillation and total electron content. Radio Science, 36(6), 1545-1557.
Scopus25 WoS222000 Cervera, M., & Reid, I. (2000). Comparison of atmospheric parameters derived from meteor observations with CIRA. Radio Science, 35(3), 833-843.
Scopus51 WoS481998 Cervera, M. A., & Knight, M. F. (1998). Time series modelling of intensity and phase scintillation at GPS frequencies. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 33(1), 25-40.
Scopus101997 Cervera, M., Elford, W., & Steel, D. (1997). A new method for the measurement of meteor speeds: The pre-to phase technique. Radio Science, 32(2), 805-816.
Scopus30 WoS361996 Valentic, T., Avery, J., Avery, S., Cervera, M., Elford, W., Vincent, R., & Reid, I. (1996). A comparison of meteor radar systems at Buckland Park. Radio Science, 31(6), 1313-1330.
Scopus14 WoS121995 Cervera, M., & Reid, I. (1995). Comparison of simultaneous wind measurements using collocated VHF meteor radar and MF spaced antenna radar systems. Radio Science, 30(4), 1245-1261.
Scopus76 WoS651995 Elford, W., Cervera, M., & Steel, D. (1995). Meteor velocities: A new look at an old problem. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 68(1), 257-266.
Scopus14 WoS111994 Elford, W. G., Cervera, M. A., & Steel, D. I. (1994). Single station identification of radar meteor shower activity: The June Librids in 1992. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 270(2), 401-408.
Scopus11 WoS13 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2021 Cervera, M. A., Harris, T. J., Holdsworth, D. A., & Netherway, D. J. (2021). Ionospheric Effects on HF Radio Wave Propagation. In Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications (pp. 441-492). Wiley.
DOI Scopus14 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Cervera, M. A., & Edwards, D. J. (2023). The importance of considering ionospheric variance for over-the-horizon radar performance modelling. In 2023 35th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2023 (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
DOI2023 Jonker, J., Cervera, M., Holdsworth, D., Neudegg, D., Harris, T., MacKinnon, A., & Reid, I. (2023). Impact of Ionospheric Doppler Perturbations on Space Domain Awareness Observations. In Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference (pp. 1-6). Online: IEEE.
DOI Scopus12023 Cervera, M., & Edwards, D. (2023). Ionospheric Variance Models: Impacts on Over-the-Horizon Radar Performance Prediction. In Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
DOI Scopus12017 Heitman, A. J., Cervera, M. A., Gardiner-Garden, R. S., Holdsworth, D. A., MacKinnon, A. D., Reid, I. M., & Ward, B. D. (2017). Observations and modeling of traveling ionospheric disturbance signatures from an Australian network of oblique angle-of-arrival sounders. In Proceedings of the 32nd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2017) Vol. 2017-January (pp. 1-4). Montreal, Canada: IEEE.
DOI Scopus2 WoS12017 Cervera, M. A., Francis, D. B., & Frazer, G. J. (2017). Climatological model of over-the-horizon radar (CMOR). In Proceedings of the XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2017) Vol. 2017-January (pp. 1-4). Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
DOI Scopus42017 Francis, D. B., Cervera, M. A., & Frazer, G. J. (2017). Radar sensitivity budget analysis for a network of skywave over-the-horizon radars. In Proceedings of the XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2017)m Vol. 2017-January (pp. 1-4). Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
DOI Scopus12016 Unewisse, A., Cervera, M., Pederick, L., Harris, T., & Cool, A. (2016). Airglow observations from ELOISE. In Proceedings of the 16th Australian Space Research Conference (2016) (pp. 139-150). Sydney, NSW: National Space Society of Australia. 2016 Unewisse, A., Cervera, M., Pederick, L., Harris, T., & Cool, A. (2016). Airglow observations from ELOISE. In Proceedings of the 16th Australian Space Research Conference (2016) (pp. 139-150). Sydney, NSW: National Space Society of Australia. 2016 Unewisse, A., Cervera, M., Harris, T., & Cool, A. (2016). Observations of travelling ionospheric disturbance over Adelaide, Australia. In Proceedings of the 15th Australian Space Research Conference (2015) (pp. 217-228). Sydney, NSW: National Space Society of Australia. 2015 Unewissa, A., Cool, A., & Cervera, M. (2015). Observations of a Mesospheric Bore over Edinburgh, Adelaide. In 14th Australian Space Research Conference. online: National Space Society of Australia Ltd. 2013 Frazer, G., Rutten, M., Cheung, B., & Cervera, M. A. (2013). Orbit Determination using a decametric line-of- sight radar. In Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (pp. 246). Maui, Hawaii, USA. 2011 Cervera, M. A., & Harris, T. J. (2011). Modelling the effects of ionospheric disturbances on quasi-vertically incident ionograms using 3D magneto-ionic raytracing. In 30th URSI General Assembly. Istanbul, Turkey. 2011 Harris, T. J., & Cervera, M. A. (2011). Investigations into Small-Scale Disturbances in the Ionosphere Using SpICE. In 30th URSI General Assembly. Istanbul, Turkey. 2006 Yau, K., Coleman, C., & Cervera, M. (2006). Investigation on fading of high frequency radio signals propagating in the ionosphere - results from a Jindalee radar experiment. In Peter Green (Ed.), Proceedings of IRST 2006 (pp. 7-11). UK: URSI. 2002 Birsa, R., Essex, E. A., Thomas, R. M., & Cervera, M. A. (2002). Measuring Low Latitude Ionospheric Scintillation Effects from GPS Signals During Storm Time Conditions. In 10th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (pp. 555-562). Alexandria, Virginia, USA. 2002 Cervera, M. A., Thomas, R. M., Groves, K. M., Ramli, A. G., Salwa Hassan, W., Effendy., . . . Du, J. (2002). Comparison of WBMOD scintillation predictions with GPS scintillation observations during solar maximum conditions. In proceedings of the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. Maastricht, The Netherlands. 2002 Birsa, R., Essex, E. A., Thomas, R. M., & Cervera, M. A. (2002). Scintillation Response Of Global Position- ing System Signals During Storm Time Conditions. In Proceedings WARS02: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science. Leura, NSW, Australia. 2001 Du, J., Caruana, J., Wilkinson, P., Thomas, R. M., & Cervera, M. A. (2001). Determination of equatorial ionospheric scintillation S4 by dual frequency GPS. In Proceedings of the International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001. Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. 2001 Cervera, M. A., Thomas, R. M., Groves, K. M., Ramli, A. G., Totorong, P., & Du, J. (2001). Measurement of Ionospheric Irregularity Characteristics from GPS Scintillation Observations. In Proceedings of the International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001. Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. 2001 Thomas, R. M., Cervera, M. A., Groves, K. M., Totarong, P., Mingkwun, E., Ramli, A. G., . . . Du, J. (2001). Some effects of solar maximum equatorial scintillation on a GPS network in South East Asia. In Proceedings of the International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001. Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. 2001 Essex, E. A., Birsa, R., Shilo, N., Thomas, R. M., Cervera, M. A., Breed, A. M., & Groves, K. M. (2001). Scintilation effects on Global Positioning System signals under solar maximum conditions. In Proceedings of the International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001. Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. 2001 Essex, E. A., Birsa, R., Shilo, N., Thomas, R. M., Cervera, M. A., & Breed, A. M. (2001). Global Positioning System signals under solar maximum conditions. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Satellite Navigation Technology and Applications. Canberra. 2000 Knight, M. F., Cervera, M. A., & Finn, A. (2000). A comparison of measured GPS performance with model based predictions in an equatorial scintillation environment. In Proceedings of the IAIN World Congress and the 56th Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (pp. 588-601). San Diego, CA, USA. 2000 Du, J., Caruana, J., Wilkinson, P., Thomas, R. M., & Cervera, M. A. (2000). Determination of Equatorial Ionospheric Scintil- lation S4 by Dual Frequency GPS. In WARS’00: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (pp. 85-90). La Trobe University, Melbourne. 2000 Cervera, M. A., Thomas, R. M., Ramil, A. G., Effendy., & Groves, K. M. (2000). Comparison of Trans- Ionospheric Radio Wave Scintillation in the South–East Asian Region with WBMOD Predictions. In WARS’00: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (pp. 110-115). La Trobe University, Melbourne. 2000 Thomas, R. M., Cervera, M. A., Groves, K. M., Effendy., Ramli, A. G., & Du, J. (2000). Statistics of GPS satellite links in the presence of equatorial scintillation. In WARS’00: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (pp. 142-147). La Trobe University, Melbourne. 1999 Knight, M. F., Cervera, M. A., & Finn, A. (1999). A comparison of predicted and measured GPS performance in an ionospheric scintillation environment. In Proceedings of the 12th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (pp. 1437-1450). Nashville, TN, USA. 1999 Knight, M. F., Finn, A., Cervera, M. A., & Thomas, R. M. (1999). The performance of GPS in the presence of ionospheric scintillations. In 4th International Symposium on Satellite Navigation and Applications. Brisbane, Australia. 1996 Valentic, T. A., Avery, S. K., Avery, J. P., Vincent, R. A., Cervera, M. A., Reid, I. M., & Elford, W. G. (1996). A comparison of winds measured by meteor radar systems and an MF radar over Adelaide. In Proceedings of the 7th workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST radar (pp. 154-157). Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA. 1996 Cervera, M. A., & Reid, I. M. (1996). A preliminary long-term intercomparison of MF SA and meteor wind determinations with colocated radar systems. In Proceedings of the 7th workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST radar (pp. 158-161). Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA. 1996 Cervera, M. A., Elford, W. G., & Steel, D. I. (1996). A new method for the measurement of meteor speeds: the pre-t0 phase technique. In Proceedings of the 7th workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST radar. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA. 1996 Taylor, A., Cervera, M., Elford, W., & Steel, D. (1996). A new technique for radar meteor speed determination: Inter-pulse phase changes from head echoes.. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series No. 104, IAU Colloquium 150 "Physics, Chemistry Vol. Hanner (pp. 75-78). Gainesville, FL, USA. 1995 Valentic, T. A., Avery, S. K., Avery, J. P., Cervera, M. A., Vincent, R. A., Reid, I. M., & Elford, W. G. (1995). A comparison of meteor radar systems at Buckland Park. In Conference on Solar and Terrestrial Physics (pp. 7-10). University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. 1995 Cervera, M. A., Elford, W. G., & Steel, D. I. (1995). A novel radar technique for the determination of me- teor speeds and its significance in the interpretation of HF/VHF meteor backscatter. In Conference on Solar and Terrestrial Physics (pp. 59-62). University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. 1994 Vincent, R. A., Reid, I. M., Holdsworth, D. A., & Cervera, M. A. (1994). Spaced antenna wind measurements: the effects of signal saturation. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Wind observations in the middle atmosphere. CNES–HQ, Paris, France. 1994 Cervera, M. A., & Reid, I. M. (1994). A preliminary comparison between meteor winds measured with the upgraded Buckland Park VHF radar and MF spaced antenna winds at the same site. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST radar (pp. 412-416). Chung-Li, Taiwan. 1993 Cervera, M. A., Elford, W. G., & Steel, D. I. (1993). Meteor observations with the Adelaide 54MHz radar. In J. Štohl, & I. P. Williams (Eds.), Meteoroids and their parent bodies (pp. 249-252). Astronomical Institute, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2017 Francis, D. B., Cervera, M. A., & Frazer, G. J. (2017). Performance prediction of a network of skywave over-the-horizon radars. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2017 IEEE Radar Conference, RadarConf 2017. Seattle, WA: IEEE.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12001 Groves, K. M., Basu, S., Pedersen, T., McNeil, W. J., Caton, R. C., Ning, P., . . . Cervera, M. A. (2001). Monitoring solar maximum scintillation activity with GPS: Impacts on positioning accuracy. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001. Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2019 Slimming, B., & Cervera, M. (2019). Calculation of High Frequency Land Backscatter Coefficients (DST-Group-TR-3613). 1999 Eftaxiadis, K., Cervera, M. A., & Thomas, R. M. (1999). A global positioning system receiver for monitoring ionospheric total electron content (DSTO-TR-0742). 1998 Cervera, M. A., Knight, M. F., & Finn, A. (1998). Ionospheric effects on global positioning system receivers (DSTO-RR-0121). -
Year Citation 1996 Cervera, M. A. (1996). Meteor observations with a narrow beam VHF radar. (PhD Thesis).
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Impacts of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Low- and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere over Australia Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Tristan Anthony Camilleri 2019 - 2021 Co-Supervisor High Frequency Surface Backscatter Coefficients Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Danielle Jade Edwards 2017 - 2019 Co-Supervisor A New Empirical Climatological Model of ionospheric foF2 and hmF2 and Review of the International Reference Ionosphere Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Daniel James Field
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