Professor M Santosh
Grant-Funded Researcher (E)
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Professor M. Santosh is Professorial Fellow at the University of Adelaide and also Foreign Expert and Professor at the China University of Geosciences Beijing (China), and Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Japan. B.Sc. (1978) from Kerala University, M.Sc. (1981) from University of Roorkee, Ph.D. (1986) from Cochin University of Science and Technology, D.Sc. (1990) from Osaka City University and D.Sc. (2012) from University of Pretoria. Founding Editor of Gondwana Research as well as the founding Secretary General of the International Association for Gondwana Research. Research fields include petrology, fluid inclusions, geochemistry, geochronology and supercontinent tectonics. Recipient of National Mineral Award, Outstanding Geologist Award, Thomson Reuters 2012 Research Front Award, Global Talent Award, Island Arc Award and Island Arc Award and Thomson Reuters High Cited Researcher recognition.
Date Position Institution name 2015 - ongoing Professor University of Adelaide -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2015 Distinction Thomson Reuters Highly Influential Scientific Minds of the World 2015 Thomson Rueters United States -
Year Citation 2025 Zhao, Z. X., Dong, G. C., Santosh, M., Bao, X. P., Ren, Y. W., & Xie, Z. L. (2025). Late Mesozoic Tectonic Transfer in the Southern Great Xing'an Range, NE China: Evidence From Geochronology, Geochemistry and Lu–Hf Isotopes of Intermediate-Acid Intrusions in Eastern Inner Mongolia. Geological Journal, 19 pages.
2024 Saha, S., Saha, A., Santosh, M., Kundu, B., Sarkar, R., & Hembram, T. K. (2024). Integrating deep learning neural network and M5P with conventional statistical models for landslide susceptibility modelling. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 83(1), 27 pages.
Scopus82024 Zhang, R., Yang, L., He, W., Gao, X., Santosh, M., Zhou, Y., & Zhang, H. (2024). Geochemistry and geochronology of Beiya giant Au polymetallic deposit: Implications for multistage ore-fluid pulses in a skarn system. Ore Geology Reviews, 164, 105818.
Scopus12024 Xue, F., Tan, H., Zhang, X., Santosh, M., Cong, P., Ge, L., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). Contrasting sources and enrichment mechanisms in lithium-rich salt lakes: A Li-H-O isotopic and geochemical study from northern Tibetan Plateau. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(2), 101768.
Scopus92024 Balasubramani, K., Ravichandran, V., Prasad, K. A., Ramkumar, M., Shekhar, S., James, M. M., . . . Balabaskaran Nina, P. (2024). Spatio-temporal epidemiology and associated indicators of COVID-19 (wave-I and II) in India. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 12 pages.
Europe PMC12024 Zhi, D., Gong, D., Liu, M., Santosh, M., Qin, Z., Ren, Q., . . . Zou, H. (2024). Evolution of Paleozoic West Junggar Basin, NW China: Seismic data, detrital zircon evidence from Earth's oldest alkali lake deposit. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(6), 19 pages.
2024 Mahidev, R. S., Aravind, G. H., Sandeep, K., Arya, S., Santosh, M., & Shaji, E. (2024). Microplastics in freshwater lakes: A case study from Southern India. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 3(4), 100306.
2024 Leite, P. W. D. L., Almeida Silva, C. C. O. D., Dal Moro, L., Bodah, B. W., Mores, G. D. V., Piccinato Junior, D., . . . Neckel, A. (2024). Space Syntax at Expression of Science on User Flows in Open and Closed Spaces Aimed at Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal: A Review. Architecture, 4(1), 170-187.
2024 Müller, D., Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., & Yang, C. X. (2024). Critical metals: Their applications with emphasis on the clean energy transition. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 4(1), 100310.
Scopus62024 Karmakar, A., Gopinathan, P., Kumar, O. P., Sethi, M. K., Subramani, T., Santosh, M., & Banerjee, P. K. (2024). Transformation in energy content of non-coking coals during differential settling beneficiation process: Implications for energy impact. Fuel, 377, 16 pages.
Scopus42024 Jayan, A., Vijayan, V., Sreekantan, S., Arya, S., Krishnaprasad, P. K., Santosh, M., & Shaji, E. (2024). Hematite nanomaterial from a tropical freshwater ecosystem: Geological, environmental, and industrial implications. Science of the Total Environment, 951, 12 pages.
2024 Babazadeh, S., Furman, T., Santosh, M., Raeisi, D., Choi, S. H., & D'Antonio, M. (2024). Middle to Late Miocene K-rich magmatism in Central Iran: Geochemical characterization of the post-collision mantle beneath the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc. Chemical Geology, 665, 14 pages.
Scopus12024 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, R., Reichow, M. K., Zhu, J., Ernst, R., . . . Li, B. (2024). Anatomy of the Emeishan Mantle Plume Head: Insights From New Geochronologic, Geochemical, and Geologic Data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(9), 16 pages.
Scopus12024 Ray, J., Yang, Q. Y., Shu, L., Santosh, M., Dey, A., Ghosh, B., . . . Mukhopadhyay, S. (2024). Relict Neoarchean silico-carbonatite from Elagiri alkaline complex, Southern Granulite Terrane, India. Current Science, 127(5), 617-624.
2024 Kartal, M. T., Santosh, M., Ulussever, T., Pata, U. K., & Kılıç Depren, S. (2024). A comprehensive review of progress in sustainable development goals from energy and environment perspectives. Energy Strategy Reviews, 56, 15 pages.
2024 Shi, Z., Tan, H., Xue, F., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Cong, P., . . . Zhang, Y. (2024). Hydrochemical evolution and source mechanisms governing the unusual lithium and boron enrichment in salt lakes of northern Tibet. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 136(11-12), 5174-5190.
Scopus42024 Yang, H., Du, B., Santosh, M., Wang, Z., Yan, G., Qi, X., . . . Deng, J. (2024). Role of As in the formation of giant Au deposits: Insights from sulfur isotope and geochemistry of pyrite from the Shuangwang Au deposit, West Qinling, central China. Ore Geology Reviews, 175, 30 pages.
2024 Zhang, Z., Zheng, C., Liang, C., Santosh, M., Hao, J., Dong, L., . . . Li, M. (2024). Metamorphism and P-T Evolution of High-Pressure Granulites from the Fuping Complex, North China Craton. Minerals, 14(2), 138.
2024 Yang, F., Wen, Y., Jepson, G., Santosh, M., Wu, L., Shen, X., & Ali, H. (2024). Prolonged exhumation and preservation of the Yuku molybdenum ore field, East Qinling, China: Constraints from medium- to low-temperature thermochronology. Ore Geology Reviews, 167, 105973.
Scopus22024 Wu, H. R., Yang, H., Ge, W. C., Santosh, M., Jing, J. H., Ji, Z., & Jing, Y. (2024). The origin of high-silica granites and rare metal mineralization: Insights from geochemistry and U-Pb-Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopes of Early Cretaceous granitoids in the southern Great Xing’an Range, NE China. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 136(3-4), 1151-1170.
Scopus32024 Shi, Y., Wen, K., Santosh, M., Zhang, C., Li, N., Su, W., & Duan, X. (2024). The role of intra-oceanic arc in the growth of continental crust: Evidence from the Early Paleozoic Bainaimiao arc. Gondwana Research, 131, 256-277.
Scopus12024 Zhao, R., Fan, C., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., Mohammad, L., & Mondal, I. (2024). Groundwater spring potential mapping: Assessment the contribution of hydrogeological factors. Advances in Space Research, 74(1), 48-64.
Scopus22024 Sun, X., Li, R. Y., Sun, H. Y., Olin, P. H., Santosh, M., Fu, B., & Deng, J. (2024). Genesis of Pb–Zn-Ag-Sb mineralization in the Tethys Himalaya, China: Early magmatic-hydrothermal Pb–Zn(-Ag) mineralization overprinted by Sb-rich fluids. Mineralium Deposita, 59(7), 19 pages.
Scopus132024 Lu, X., Santosh, M., Su, S. G., Wang, Y., Cui, X. L., Wang, W. B., & Zhang, Y. N. (2024). Mechanism of Fe-skarn formation in the Nanminghe iron deposit, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 168, 11 pages.
2024 Wei, B., Zhang, Z., Cheng, Z., Xie, Q., Santosh, M., Kong, W., . . . Li, Y. (2024). Tracing Deep Carbon Cycling by Zinc Isotopes in a Peralkaline-Carbonatite Suite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(4), 24 pages.
2024 Liu, H., Liu, L., Zhang, D., Moon, I., Santosh, M., Zhou, Y., . . . Kang, S. (2024). Chronological, Petrogenetic, and Tectonic Significance of Paleoproterozoic Continental Crust within the North China Craton during the Global Tectono-Magmatic Lull. LITHOSPHERE, 2024(1), 25 pages.
2024 Kumar, A., Santosh, M., & Nagarjuna, D. (2024). Magnetotelluric evidence for the thermotectonic architecture of a Paleoproterozoic rift basin in southwestern India. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 165, 14 pages.
Scopus32024 Yang, C. X., Santosh, M., Gao, P., Anilkumar, Y., Anoop, K. S., Kim, S. W., & Kwon, S. (2024). The mafic–ultramafic roots of a Mesoarchean microblock in southern India: Insights from petrochemistry and isotope geochronology of the Coorg Block. Precambrian Research, 407, 20 pages.
2024 Xue, F., Yang, F., Ren, W., Santosh, M., Qian, Z., Huang, Y., & Tan, Z. (2024). Petrogenesis of the Early Paleozoic Dioritic–Granitic Magmatism in the Eastern North Qilian Orogen, NW China: Implications for Tethyan Tectonic Evolution. Lithosphere, 2024(1), 21 pages.
2024 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Zhang, R., Xie, Q., Zhang, L., & Santosh, M. (2024). Geochemical discrimination of pyrite in diverse ore deposit types through statistical analysis and machine learning techniques. American Mineralogist, 109(5), 846-857.
Scopus42024 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Lang, M., Santosh, M., Xu, L., & Liu, J. (2024). Geochemical Evidence of Plume Sources for High-MgO Lavas in the Western Kunlun Orogenic Belt. Journal of Petrology, 65(5), 23 pages.
2024 Li, C., Li, L., Zhang, J. Q., Santosh, M., Li, S. R., Wei, B., & Li, C. (2024). Early Cretaceous mafic dikes in the eastern North China Craton: implications for the effect of slab subduction on the mantle sources. International Geology Review, 66(21), 17 pages.
Scopus12024 Aibai, A., Chen, X., Santosh, M., Wu, Y., Deng, X., Wang, Y., . . . Chen, Y. (2024). Petrology, geochronology, geochemistry, whole-rock Sr-Nd and zircon Lu-Hf isotopes of the Habahe Intrusion in the Chinese Altai: Implications for petrogenesis and tectono-magmatic significance. Lithos, 478-479, 20 pages.
Scopus12024 Groves, D. I., Müller, D., Santosh, M., & Yang, C. X. (2024). The heterogeneous distribution of critical metal mineral resources: An impending geopolitical issue. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 4(1), 100288.
Scopus52024 Zou, F. H., Santosh, M., Ma, C. Q., Wu, C. L., Zheng, J. P., Pan, F. B., . . . Deng, L. H. (2024). Early Triassic high-K granitoids and enclaves of the Daheba pluton, West Qinling (China): Implications for relative contributions of crust and mantle. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 269, 19 pages.
2024 Balaram, V., Santosh, M., Satyanarayanan, M., Srinivas, N., & Gupta, H. (2024). Lithium: A review of applications, occurrence, exploration, extraction, recycling, analysis, and environmental impact. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(5), 47 pages.
Scopus162024 Oinam, G., Singh, A. K., Santosh, M., Joshi, M., Dutt, A., Khogenkumar, S., . . . Bikramaditya, R. K. (2024). Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts of the Abor magmatic complex: Implications for a plumbing system at the eastern Himalaya. Lithos, 480-481, 18 pages.
2024 Yang, D., Jiang, X., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., & Egbueri, J. C. (2024). Landslide risk assessment and management using hybrid machine learning-based empirical models. Geological Journal, 59(3), 885-905.
2024 Sahu, A., Vishwakarma, N., Santosh, M., Singh, Y., & Hari, K. R. (2024). Petrogenesis of ultramafic rocks with abyssal peridotite affinity from the Central Bundelkhand Craton, India. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 3(1), 100221.
Scopus12024 Cao, Y., Shao, L., Jones, T. P., Deng, W., Santosh, M., Liu, P., . . . BéruBé, K. (2024). Anthropocene airborne microfibers: Physicochemical characteristics, identification methods and health impacts. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 170, 17 pages.
Scopus52024 Shaji, E., Sarath, K. V., Santosh, M., Krishnaprasad, P. K., Arya, B. K., & Babu, M. S. (2024). Fluoride contamination in groundwater: A global review of the status, processes, challenges, and remedial measures. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(2), 29 pages.
Scopus792024 Zou, C., Li, Y., He, X. F., Santosh, M., Yu, K., & Mitchell, R. N. (2024). Contrasting hydrocarbon reservoirs in the North China Craton in relation to inhomogeneous craton destruction. Earth-Science Reviews, 255, 23 pages.
Scopus32024 Shen, Z. J., Wang, D., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., Egbueri, J. C., & Arora, A. (2024). Landslide susceptibility assessment and mapping using new ensemble model. Advances in Space Research, 74(7), 2859-2882.
Scopus22024 Ding, T., Pan, B., Zhang, H., Liu, C., Yang, Z., & Santosh, M. (2024). Late Paleocene paleoclimate recorded in fluid inclusion of halite in Subei basin, East China. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 15430.
2024 tao Guan, Q., ling Tong, Z., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., & Mondal, I. (2024). Scrutinizing gully erosion hotspots to predict gully erosion susceptibility using ensemble learning framework. Advances in Space Research, 74(7), 2941-2957.
2024 Akhtar, S., Santosh, M., Gao, P., Yang, C. X., & Saikia, A. (2024). Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of diabase, gabbros, anorthosites and ultramafic rocks from the South Andaman Island ophiolite suite on the South-Eastern margin of the Indian plate. Lithos, 482-483, 18 pages.
Scopus12024 Babazadeh, S., Raeisi, D., Santosh, M., Furman, T., Choi, S. H., & D'Antonio, M. (2024). The spatial–temporal evolution of Neotethyan subduction in central to Southeast Iran: Constraints from geochemistry, zircon U–Pb–Hf, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes. Chemical Geology, 662, 18 pages.
Scopus12024 Yang, L. Q., Deng, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, A. H., Santosh, M., Yu, X. F., . . . Wang, L. (2024). Mantle-rooted fluid pathways and world-class gold mineralization in the giant Jiaodong gold province: Insights from integrated deep seismic reflection and tectonics. Earth-Science Reviews, 255, 28 pages.
Scopus12024 Ke, Q., Hong, T., Santosh, M., Li, H., Zhang, G., Li, H., . . . Xu, X. W. (2024). Anatomy and genesis of the world's largest carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposit: New insights from ore characteristics, Zn-Pb-C-O isotopes, and trace element constraints of the Huoshaoyun deposit, Karakorum Range, Xinjiang. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(6), 23 pages.
2024 Zheng, M., Sun, X., Santosh, M., Pei, T., Xiao, K., Si, X., & Deng, J. (2024). Triassic granitic magmatism in the Lancangjiang zone in southwestern China associated with Paleo-Tethys evolution and its control on tin mineralization. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 136(11-12), 5283-5299.
Scopus12024 Ren, W., Yang, F., Qian, Z., Liu, C., Li, X., Santosh, M., & Xue, F. (2024). High heat production of the Late Mesozoic Luanchuan granites from East Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for petrogenesis and mineral exploration. Geological Journal, 59(1), 12-28.
Scopus2 WoS12024 Jang, Y., Kim, S. W., Samuel, V. O., Kwon, S., Park, S. I., Santosh, M., & Yi, K. (2024). Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the proto-Korean Peninsula along the East Asian continental margin from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(1), 101700.
Scopus42024 Chen, H., Zou, H., Santosh, M., Cao, H., Pirajno, F., Huang, C., & Hou, M. (2024). The Early–Middle Triassic Supervolcano in the Yangtze Block, South China and associated obstacles to biotic recovery. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(1), 101694.
Scopus62024 Kim, S. W., Lee, B. Y., Lee, S. H., Kee, W. S., Santosh, M., & Ko, K. (2024). Early to Middle Jurassic (ca. 182–164 Ma) fractionated granitoids in the Korean Peninsula: Implication for the tectonomagmatic history of East Asia. Gondwana Research, 125, 229-252.
Scopus52024 Harshitha, G., Manikyamba, C., Santosh, M., Yang, C. X., Keshav Krishna, A., Sesha Sai, V. V., & Panduranga Reddy, I. (2024). Paleo–Mesoarchean sedimentary record in the Dharwar Craton, India: Implications for Archean ocean oxygenation. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(1), 29 pages.
Scopus32024 Wang, T., Shu, Q., Xia, X., Li, C., Wang, Y., Chen, J., . . . Wang, Q. (2024). Mantle contributions to granitoids associated with Sn mineralization: Geochemical and isotopic evidence from the giant Dachang deposit, South China. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(1), 22 pages.
Scopus22024 Kumar, A., Nagarjuna, D., Santosh, M., Begum, S. K., & Rao, C. K. (2024). Deep electrical structure over the Paleoproterozoic intracratonic Kaladgi rift basin in southwestern India imaged from magnetotelluric studies. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 3(1), 100236.
Scopus52024 Wang, J., Li, L., Santosh, M., Yan, G. Y., Shen, J. F., Yuan, M. W., . . . Li, S. R. (2024). Multistage ore formation in the world's largest REE-Nb-Fe deposit of Bayan Obo, North China Craton: New insights and implications. Ore Geology Reviews, 164, 105817.
Scopus42024 Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., Wang, Q., Zhang, L., & Zhao, H. (2024). The Boring Billion: A key to resolving controversy on ore-fluid source models for orogenic gold deposits?. Mineralium Deposita, 59(3), 10 pages.
Scopus92024 Babazadeh, S., Ghalamghash, J., Raeisi, D., Santosh, M., Furman, T., Choi, S. H., . . . Cottle, J. M. (2024). Arc magmatism associated with continental convergence in the SE segment of the UDMA, Iran: Insights from zircon geochronology and Hf–Sr–Nd–Fe isotopes. Lithos, 466-467, 19 pages.
Scopus6 WoS12024 Zhang, C. W., Yang, Y., Liu, Y. C., & Santosh, M. (2024). Ultra-deep (>5 GPa) subduction of paragneiss and metagranite in the Dabie UHP Terrane, central China: Constraints from zircon inclusions, phase equilibrium modelling and U-Pb geochronology. Gondwana Research, 129, 268-291.
Scopus12024 Zhao, R., Arabameri, A., & Santosh, M. (2024). Land subsidence susceptibility mapping: a new approach to improve decision stump classification (DSC) performance and combine it with four machine learning algorithms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(10), 15443-15466.
Scopus22024 Babazadeh, S., D'Antonio, M., Raeisi, D., Furman, T., Santosh, M., Di Renzo, V., . . . Palin, R. M. (2024). Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic evidence for Cenozoic partial melting of mantle beneath Natanz, Central Iran. Lithos, 468-469, 107489.
Scopus32024 Zou, F. H., Santosh, M., Deng, L. H., Wu, C. L., Gao, D., & Gao, Y. H. (2024). Granitoids indicating moderate to high heat production associated with oceanic subduction system in the NE Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 136(1-2), 597-618.
Scopus12024 Wang, W., Su, S., Santosh, M., Lu, X., Hou, X., & Li, X. (2024). Formation mechanism of skarn iron deposit: Evidence from Fe-rich enclave in porphyritic monzonite. Ore Geology Reviews, 165, 105902.
2024 Yang, C. -X., Santosh, M., Lloyd, J., Glorie, S., Anilkumar, Y., Anoop, K. S., . . . Kim, S. -W. (2024). Breakup of the Neoarchean supercontinent Kenorland: Evidence from zircon and baddeleyite U-Pb ages of LIP-related mafic dykes in the Coorg Block, southern India. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(4), 101804-1-101804-18.
Scopus22024 Liu, J. W., Li, L., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., Yuan, M. W., Alam, M., & Yan, S. F. (2024). Sulphur in apatite: a potential monitor of the magmatic redox state in the world-class gold fields of the North China Craton. International Geology Review, 66(16), 19 pages.
Scopus12024 Cai, W., Song, M., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2024). The gold-telluride connection: Evidence for multiple fluid pulses in the Jinqingding telluride-rich gold deposit of Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(3), 101795.
Scopus52024 Lin, B., Tang, J., Tang, P., Sun, Y., Jing, Q. I., Santosh, M., . . . Zhou, A. (2024). Geochronology and Geochemistry of Ore-related Granitoids in the Giant Gariatong Rb Deposit, Tibet and Implications for Rb Metallogeny in China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 98(1), 83-103.
Scopus32024 Shi, G., Jia, R., Santosh, M., Liang, H., & He, H. (2024). First report of a nephrite deposit from Somaliland, Africa: Characterization and geological and archaeological implications. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 136(1-2), 661-672.
Scopus22024 Kavyanjali, K. V., Anilkumar, Y., Santosh, M., Yang, C. X., Anoop, K. S., Mathew, A., & Kwon, S. (2024). A layered gabbro-anorthosite suite from Attappadi: Chemical and isotopic signature of Neoarchean subduction tectonics in the Southern Granulite Terrane, India. Lithos, 472-473, 107548.
Scopus12024 Santosh, M., Groves, D. I., & Yang, C. X. (2024). Habitable planet to sustainable civilization: Global climate change with related clean energy transition reliant on declining critical metal resources. Gondwana Research, 130, 220-233.
Scopus222024 Wu, P., Wang, J., Ling, H., Zhou, Z., Santosh, M., Tang, Z., . . . Duan, X. (2024). Safety assessment in the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes (HLWs): a geochemical study of uranium complexes in deep groundwater in granites from Beishan, China. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333(4), 1779-1791.
Scopus22024 Dikshit, A., Pradhan, B., Matin, S. S., Beydoun, G., Santosh, M., Park, H. J., & Maulud, K. N. A. (2024). Artificial Intelligence: A new era for spatial modelling and interpreting climate-induced hazard assessment. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(4), 101815.
Scopus62024 Santosh, M., Arabameri, A., & Arora, A. (2024). Earth fissure susceptibility mapping: Application of random subspace-based novel ensemble approaches. Geological Journal, 59(4), 1384-1400.
Scopus12024 Ketchaya, Y. B., Zhou, T., Santosh, M., Li, B., Quaye, J. A., & Hamukwaya, S. L. (2024). Supergene gold transformations of the placer gold deposits from the Gamba district in northern Cameroon: Implications for secondary and nano-particulate gold formations. Ore Geology Reviews, 166, 21 pages.
Scopus22024 Gopinathan, P., Santosh, M. S., Kumar, O. P., Subramani, T., Antoniadis, V., Shaheen, S. M., & Santosh, M. (2024). Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of coal debris from major coal fields in India: Implications on respirable dust hazards. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 184, 1057-1068.
Scopus72023 Hu, T., Liu, L., Chi, G., Robbins, L. J., Liu, H., Zhou, W., . . . Yang, X. (2023). Geodynamic regime of the southeastern North China Craton before the Tectono-Magmatic Lull: evidence from ca. 2510 Ma and 2430 Ma igneous rocks in the Xuhuai micro-block. International Geology Review, 66(11), 1-24.
2023 Yuan, M. W., Li, L., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., Li, C. L., Alam, M., . . . Li, M. (2023). Direct radiometric dating of bitumen using Sm-Nd isotopes. AAPG Bulletin, 107(11), 1883-1900.
2023 Shen, Z. J., Deng, H., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., Vojtek, M., & Vojteková, J. (2023). Mapping potential inundation areas due to riverine floods using ensemble models of credal decision tree with bagging, dagging, decorate, multiboost, and random subspace. Advances in Space Research, 72(11), 4778-4794.
Scopus22023 Nayebi, N., Raeisi, D., Babazadeh, S., Xia, X. P., & Santosh, M. (2023). Zircon U–Pb–Hf and whole-rock Sr–Nd isotopic insights on the Silurian syenite–monzonite shoshonitic magmatism of Central Iran. Geological Journal, 59(2), 483-496.
Scopus4 WoS22023 Tang, L., Santosh, M., Palin, R. M., Jia, L. H., Cao, H. W., & Sheng, Y. M. (2023). Long-lived (>100 m.y.) postcollisional exhumation and cooling in the Paleoproterozoic Trans–North China orogen: Evidence from phase equilibria modeling and monazite petrochronology of granulite-facies metapelites in the Fuping Complex. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(9-10), 2331-2347.
Scopus7 WoS22023 Niu, S., Wu, H., Zhang, J., Niu, X., Wang, Y., Lin, X., . . . Chen, J. (2023). Supergene Hydrous Sulfates in the Tuolugou Co-Au Deposit, Northern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau: Implications for Genetic Mechanism and Exploration. Minerals, 13(9), 15 pages.
Scopus12023 Tsunogae, T., Yang, C. X., & Santosh, M. (2023). Charnockites: Petrologic and phase equilibria characterization of some global examples. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 2(4), 100212.
Scopus22023 Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Wang, G., Wang, J., Dong, P., . . . Kong, W. (2023). Continental crustal growth and differentiation in intraoceanic arcs: Insights from plagiogranites in the forearc ophiolite of the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, China. Lithos, 454-455, 15 pages.
Scopus22023 Cao, H. W., Pei, Q. M., Yu, X., Santosh, M., Li, G. M., Zhang, L. K., . . . Cao, A. B. (2023). Discovery of the large-scale Eocene Xiwu Pb–Zn–Ag deposit in the Tethyan Himalaya: Geochronology, geochemistry, and C–H–O–S–Pb–Sr–Nd isotopes. Gondwana Research, 124, 165-187.
Scopus11 WoS22023 Yuan, M. W., Li, L., Alam, M., Santosh, M., Li, S. R., & Hou, Z. Q. (2023). MSA Distinguished Lecturer Series Correlations between cathodoluminescence intensity and aluminum concentration in low-temperature hydrothermal quartz. American Mineralogist, 108(7), 1224-1231.
Scopus32023 Gao, P., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Yang, C. X., Nakagawa, M., Kim, S. W., . . . Liu, H. D. (2023). Miocene lamprophyre and felsic volcanics in the outer zone of SW Japan: arc building through multiple sources in an active convergent margin. International Geology Review, 66(7), 1-17.
Scopus1 WoS12023 Fan, M., Liu, X., Sun, S., Dong, Y., Ayers, J. C., & Santosh, M. (2023). Effect of chemical composition on zircon radiation damage dating: Implications for low-temperature thermochronology. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(6), 12 pages.
Scopus42023 Wang, J. Y., Tsunogae, T., & Santosh, M. (2023). Arc building in the Abukuma Mountains of NE Japan: Insights from petrology, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope data. Lithos, 456-457, 14 pages.
Scopus12023 Cao, H. W., Tang, L., Yang, C. X., & Santosh, M. (2023). Advances in metallogeny and tectonics of the Eastern Tethyan Realm: Introduction. Geological Journal, 58(8), 2859-2864.
Scopus9 WoS12023 Yang, D., Zhang, T., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., Saha, U. D., & Islam, A. (2023). Flash-flood susceptibility mapping: a novel credal decision tree-based ensemble approaches. Earth Science Informatics, 16(4), 3143-3161.
Scopus32023 Wang, H. H., Tang, L., Santosh, M., Jia, L. H., Zeng, T., & Sheng, Y. M. (2023). Metamorphic evolution of garnet amphibolites from the Fuping Complex: Implications for the Paleoproterozoic subduction–collision history of the Trans-North China Orogen. Geological Journal, 59(2), 366-380.
Scopus12023 Alam, M., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., Zafar, T., Hussain, Z., Yuan, M. W., & Khan, H. (2023). Characteristics, provenance, ore genesis and exploration of the Shimshal Valley placer gold deposits in the Karakoram Block, North Pakistan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 245, 107128-1-107128-16.
Scopus2 WoS12023 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, B., Jin, Y., & Santosh, M. (2023). The genetic link between iron oxide-apatite and iron skarn mineralization in the Beizhan deposit, Western Tianshan, NW China: Evidence from magnetite and gangue mineral geochemistry. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 241, 16 pages.
Scopus5 WoS12023 Zeng, Y., Wang, Q., Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., Wang, Y., Wang, T., . . . Deng, J. (2023). Prolonged Mesozoic intracontinental gold mineralization in the South China Block controlled by lithosphere architecture and evolving Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction. Earth-Science Reviews, 240, 27 pages.
Scopus11 WoS22023 Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., & Zhang, L. (2023). Net zero climate remediations and potential terminal depletion of global critical metal resources: A synoptic geological perspective. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 2(1), 100136.
Scopus182023 Sen, R., Panda, D., Kundu, B., & Santosh, M. (2023). Mountain height as a proxy for the cessation of active plate convergence. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 2(4), 100189.
Scopus12023 Dev, S. G. D., Shaji, E., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., & Prasanth, R. S. (2023). Mesoarchean charnockites from the Coorg Block, Southern India: Petrology, geochemistry and tectonic implications. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 2(1), 100134.
Scopus32023 Dessouky, O. K., Cai, M., Ali, H. H., Dardier, A. M., Fowler, A. R., Ali, K. A., . . . Hassan, M. M. (2023). A newly recorded Cryogenian-Ediacaran Dokhan Volcanic caldera with resurgent uplift in the Arabian-Nubian Shield, southwest Safaga, Egypt. Precambrian Research, 387, 18 pages.
Scopus3 WoS12023 Zhai, W., Zheng, S. Q., Zhang, L. Y., Liang, J. L., Santosh, M., Sun, X. M., . . . Han, S. Y. (2023). Genesis of the world-class Dachang gold deposit, northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A multiproxy approach. Ore Geology Reviews, 157, 26 pages.
Scopus32023 She, H. D., Fan, H. R., Santosh, M., Li, X. C., Yang, K. F., Wang, Q. W., . . . Liu, S. L. (2023). Paleozoic remelting of carbonatite in Bayan Obo (China): Further insights into the formation of a giant REE deposit. Gondwana Research, 119, 172-185.
Scopus8 WoS22023 Renjith, M. L., Singh, S. P., Santosh, M., Satyanarayanan, M., Korakoppa, M. M., Jang, Y., & Keshav Krishna, A. (2023). The Khajraha, oldest carbonatite from India: Implications on carbonated-eclogite source, multi-level emplacement and its petrogenetic link with orthomagmatic fluids. Lithos, 446-447, 21 pages.
2023 Aneeshkumar, V., Chandran, S. R., James, S., Santosh, M., Padmakumar, D., Aswathi, J., . . . Sajinkumar, K. S. (2023). Reply to the ‘Critical comment on Aneeshkumar, V. et al., 2022, Lithos 426–427, 106779, Meteorite impact at Ramgarh, India: Petrographic and geochemical evidence, and new geochronological insights’ by W.U. Reimold et al., 2022, Lithos. Lithos, 446-447, 3 pages.
2023 Hu, J., Jin, W., Tian, Y., Deng, X., Li, S., Kong, L., . . . Peng, N. (2023). Deposition of a newly identified Mesoproterozoic iron formation from the Dabie orogen: Influenced by high-T hydrothermal fluid and redox stratification. Precambrian Research, 390, 107043.
Scopus32023 Du, B., Wang, Z., Santosh, M., Shen, Y., Liu, S., Liu, J., . . . Deng, J. (2023). Role of metasomatized mantle lithosphere in the formation of giant lode gold deposits: Insights from sulfur isotope and geochemistry of sulfides. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(5), 20 pages.
Scopus42023 Kong, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, D., Wang, C., Santosh, M., Liu, B., & Wei, B. (2023). New insights into deep carbon recycling and formation of nepheline-bearing alkaline rocks from Sr-Nd-Mg isotope compositions. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(5-6), 1530-1546.
Scopus5 WoS12023 Wang, R., Xu, Z., & Santosh, M. (2023). Mid–late Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the northern margin of the Yangtze Block, South China, as constrained from the detrital zircon record. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(5-6), 1449-1466.
Scopus7 WoS42023 Manu Prasanth, M. P., Sharma, A. S. P., Santosh, M., Yang, C. X., & Hari, K. R. (2023). Insights into the petrogenetic evolution of the Khallari layered intrusion and coeval granites of the Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Supergroup, Bastar Craton, India. Precambrian Research, 391, 15 pages.
Scopus62023 Raeisi, D., Hajsadeghi, S., Hosseinzadehsabeti, E., Babazadeh, S., Lentz, D. R., & Santosh, M. (2023). Exploration Targeting in the Shadan Porphyry Gold–Copper Deposit, Lut Block, Iran: Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Sheeted Veins and Lithogeochemical Data. Minerals, 13(4), 20 pages.
Scopus72023 Muhtar, M. N., Wu, C. Z., Brzozowski, M. J., Santosh, M., Tian, R. S., Xie, G. A., . . . Xiao, W. J. (2023). Timing and spatial variation of deformation along the Kanggur-Huangshan shear zone in the Chinese Tianshan: Implications for regional differential uplift and mineralization. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(5-6), 1429-1448.
Scopus10 WoS32023 Vasanthi, A., & Santosh, M. (2023). Post-deformation effects of Indo-Eurasia convergence on major geological features of north-central India: New insights from satellite gravity observations. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 340, 11 pages.
2023 Wang, Y., Wang, Q., Xue, S., Santosh, M., Wang, T., & Chai, H. (2023). Permian-Triassic tectonic evolution of the Ailaoshan orogenic belt in SW China: insights from magmatic records. International Geology Review, 66(4), 1-22.
Scopus2 WoS12023 Liu, B., Zhang, Z., Giuliani, A., Xie, Q., Kong, W., Wang, C., . . . Krmicek, L. (2023). A Mantle Plume Connection for Alkaline Lamprophyres (Sannaites) from the Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province: Petrological, Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints. Journal of Petrology, 64(2), 27 pages.
Scopus72023 Zhang, L., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., & Pal, S. C. (2023). Land subsidence susceptibility mapping: comparative assessment of the efficacy of the five models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(31), 77830-77849.
Scopus7 WoS12023 Qian, Z., Yang, F., Ren, W., Santosh, M., Liu, J., Li, H., & Xue, F. (2023). Two episodes of Mesozoic granitic magmatism in East Qinling, central China: Constraints from geochemistry and isotope geochronology of the Huangbeiling pluton. Lithos, 454-455, 1-21.
Scopus62023 Hu, T., Liu, L., Zhou, W., Santosh, M., Shao, Y., Liu, Z., . . . Zhang, J. (2023). Insights from apatite and zircon geochemistry into peraluminous I-type granitoid: A case study of granodiorite porphyry and lamprophyre in Baoshan, China. Geochemistry, 83(4), 19 pages.
Scopus4 WoS22023 Zhao, Z. X., Xu, W. J., Dong, G. C., Santosh, M., Li, H. B., & Chang, Z. G. (2023). Granitic magmatism associated with gold mineralization: Evidence from the Baizhangzi gold deposit, in the northern North China Craton. Geological Magazine, 160(6), 1211-1227.
Scopus12023 Zhao, X., Fu, L., Santosh, M., Wei, J., Zhang, C., Chen, J., . . . Zhang, X. (2023). Petrogenesis of the Triassic andesites in the East Kunlun Orogen, East Tethys: implications for crustal maturation within an extensional setting. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(3), 15 pages.
Scopus22023 Zhang, C., He, X. F., Sun, L., Santosh, M., Chi, J., Yu, X., . . . Meng, Y. (2023). Graphitization in Paleoproterozoic granulites from the Taihua Complex, North China Craton: Constraints from laser Raman spectroscopy, carbon isotopes and geochronology. Lithos, 454-455, 16 pages.
Scopus52023 Zhang, X., Zhao, X., Fu, L., Li, Y., Kamradt, A., Santosh, M., . . . Wei, J. (2023). Crustal architecture and metallogeny associated with the Paleo-Tethys evolution in the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(6), 21 pages.
Scopus112023 Lang, M., Zhang, Z., Chen, Z., Cheng, Z., Santosh, M., & Kusky, T. M. (2023). Classification and nomenclature of volcanic rocks using immobile elements: A novel approach based on big data analysis. Lithos, 454-455, 1-17.
Scopus82023 Yang, Y., Liang, C., Neubauer, F., Santosh, M., Kramers, J. D., Zheng, C., & Zhang, H. (2023). Metamorphic evolution and tectonic significance of Neoarchean high-pressure mafic granulites in the Central Limpopo Belt, South Africa. International Geology Review, 66(5), 1094-1118.
Scopus12023 Xu, Y., Zhang, H., Santosh, M., Tong, Y., & Luo, Z. (2023). Melt-fluid interaction in the formation of peralkaline granite: Evidence from the Baiyinwula intrusion, Inner Mongolia, China. Lithos, 454-455, 1-19.
Scopus12023 Wang, Y., Gao, Y., Xu, S., Santosh, M., & Jiao, T. (2023). Early Cretaceous terminal convergence between the North China‐Mongolia and Siberia continents: Imprints from the Chagan Obo shear zone in central Inner Mongolia, North China. Geological Journal, 58(12), 4547-4563.
Scopus12023 Ji, Z., Ge, W. C., Santosh, M., Wan, C. B., Zhang, Y. L., Bi, J. H., . . . Jing, Y. (2023). Lithospheric dripping in a soft collision zone: Insights from late Paleozoic magmatism suites of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(1), 101462-1-101462-17.
Scopus62023 Santosh, M., & Groves, D. I. (2023). The Not-So-Boring Billion: A metallogenic conundrum during the evolution from Columbia to Rodinia supercontinents. Earth-Science Reviews, 236, 104287-1-104287-18.
Scopus9 WoS22023 Zhang, R., Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Chen, Z., Ernst, R., & Santosh, M. (2023). Formation of Tarim Large Igneous Province and strengthened lithosphere revealed through Machine Learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(1), 17 pages.
Scopus4 WoS22023 Li, S. S., Palin, R. M., & Santosh, M. (2023). Contrasting mechanisms and timescales of subduction and exhumation as recorded by Paleoproterozoic and late Paleozoic high-pressure granulites in the North China Craton. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(1-2), 29-47.
Scopus72023 Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Santosh, M., Dong, G., Que, C., & Yang, C. (2023). Emplacement and evolution of zoned plutons: Multiproxy isotopic and geochemical evidence from the peraluminous Laojunshan leucogranite suite, southwestern China, and implications on the regional geodynamic and metallogenic history. Gondwana Research, 116, 89-103.
Scopus22023 Long, Z. Y., Qiu, K. F., Santosh, M., Yu, H. C., Jiang, X. Y., Zou, L. Q., & Tang, D. W. (2023). Fingerprinting the metal source and cycling of the world’s largest antimony deposit in Xikuangshan, China. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(1-2), 286-294.
Scopus21 WoS52023 Bo, H., Zhang, Z., Cheng, Z., Ren, K., & Santosh, M. (2023). Pre‐Eruptive Evolution and Timescales of Silicic Volcanism in the Tarim Large Igneous Province. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(1), 1-32.
Scopus52023 Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Santosh, M., Dong, G., Zhou, H., Que, C., & Yang, C. X. (2023). Multi-stage metallogeny in the southwestern part of South China, and paleotectonic and climatic implications: A high precision geochronologic study. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(3), 101536.
Scopus12023 Liu, G., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., & Nalivan, O. A. (2023). Optimizing machine learning algorithms for spatial prediction of gully erosion susceptibility with four training scenarios. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(16), 46979-46996.
Scopus9 WoS32023 Singh, A. K., Kumar, N., Chung, S. L., Lee, H. Y., Santosh, M., Sharma, R., . . . Lakhan, N. (2023). Tectonic evolution of the neoproterozoic tusham ring complex, Northwestern India: Constraints from geochemistry and zircon U–Pb geochronology, and implications for Rodinia supercontinent history. Lithos, 440-441, 107022.
2023 Liu, S., Fan, H. R., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Wang, Q. W., & Butcher, A. R. (2023). Geological resources of scandium: a review from a Chinese perspective. International Geology Review, 65(19), 1-22.
Scopus8 WoS12023 Xie, Q., Zhang, Z., Foley, S. F., Chen, C., Cheng, Z., Wang, Y., . . . Zhu, X. (2023). Transition from tholeiitic to alkali basalts via interaction between decarbonated eclogite-derived melts and peridotite. Chemical Geology, 621, 121354-1-121354-20.
Scopus62023 Zeng, T., Tang, L., Wang, H. H., Santosh, M., & Sheng, Y. M. (2023). The Paleoproterozoic Zhaigou banded iron formation in the Fuping Complex, North China Craton: Geochemistry, geochronology and implications for genesis and tectonic setting. Ore Geology Reviews, 154, 105314-1-10531416.
Scopus9 WoS12023 Xue, F., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Yang, F., Tan, H., Chen, G., . . . Xu, Y. (2023). Mesozoic magmatic evolution of the Laiyuan complex: Tracing the crust-mantle and lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions in the central North China Craton. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 25 pages.
Scopus3 WoS12023 Yang, C. -X., Santosh, M., Lloyd, J. C., Glorie, S., Gao, P., Yu, B., . . . Kim, S. -W. (2023). The Coorg Block, southern India: Insights from felsic and mafic magmatic suites on Mesoarchean plate tectonics and correlation with supercontinent Ur. Gondwana Research, 118, 1-36.
Scopus8 WoS12023 Li, S. S., Qiu, K. F., Hernández-Uribe, D., Gao, Y. X., Santosh, M., Huang, H. C., . . . Gao, S. C. (2023). Water Recycling in the Deep Earth: Insights From Integrated μ-XRF, THz-TDS Spectroscopy, TG, and DCS of High-Pressure Granulite. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(3), 18 pages.
Scopus162023 Zhang, J., Santosh, M., Zhu, Y., Rao, H., Wang, K., Ye, T., . . . Liu, W. (2023). Constraining the timing of deep magmatic pulses from diamondiferous kimberlite and related rocks in the South China Continent and implications for diamond exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 154, 13 pages.
Scopus92023 Liu, T., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Ju, P., & Zhong, J. (2023). Depositional response to the Emeishan mantle plume: evidence from the eastern Sichuan Basin, South China. International Geology Review, 65(21), 3311-3328.
Scopus32023 Yang, D., Zhang, T., Arabameri, A., Santosh, M., Saha, U. D., & Islam, A. (2023). Flash-flood susceptibility mapping: a novel credal decision tree-based ensemble approaches. EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS, 16(4), 3143-3161.
2023 Wang, M. X., Santosh, M., Jayananda, M., Yang, C. X., Thomas, T. T., & Kim, S. W. (2023). Trondhjemites from the Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implications for Mesoarchean crustal growth. Lithos, 462-463, 19 pages.
Scopus12023 Wu, Y. S., Zhao, K. D., Deng, X. H., Zhao, H. D., Santosh, M., & Chen, Y. J. (2023). Chemistry and boron isotope composition of tourmaline as a robust tool to characterize the origin of porphyry molybdenum systems: The case of Donggebi deposit in East Tianshan, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 163, 105760.
Scopus12023 Zhang, M., Shen, J., Santosh, M., Li, C., Liu, H., Yu, H., . . . Liu, J. (2023). Tellurium and gold enrichment aided by melts and pyrite crystallization kinetics: Insights from the Yongxin gold deposit, northeast China. Ore Geology Reviews, 156, 15 pages.
Scopus92023 Gandhi, J., Shekhawat, D., Santosh, M., & Pandey, J. G. (2023). Logic locking for IP security: A comprehensive analysis on challenges, techniques, and trends. COMPUTERS & SECURITY, 129, 38 pages.
2023 Samuel, V. O., Kwon, S., Jang, Y., Kil, Y., Santosh, M., Park, C., & Yi, K. (2023). Fertile upper mantle peridotite xenoliths indicate no wholesale destruction of cratonic root in East Asia. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1), 12 pages.
Scopus12023 Sun, X., Deng, J., Lu, Y., Si, X., Hollings, P., Santosh, M., . . . Zheng, X. (2023). Two stages of porphyry Cu mineralization at Jiru in the Tibetan collisional orogen: Insights from zircon, apatite, and magmatic sulfides. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 135(11-12), 2971-2986.
Scopus112023 Zhao, F. Y., Tang, L., Guo, X. F., Santosh, M., Zeng, T., Chen, L. L., . . . Zhao, J. L. (2023). Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and Lu–Hf isotopes of the Late Jurassic granitoids from the Shuangyuangou deposit, South Qinling, China: Implications for petrogenesis and porphyry Cu metallogeny. Geological Journal, 59(3), 1039-1055.
2022 Santosh, M., Wu, L., & Li, S. (2022). Geosystems and Geoenvironment: Launching of a new multidisciplinary journal. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1(1), 100023.
2022 Ramkumar, M., Balasubramani, K., Kumaraswamy, K., Santosh, M., Roy, P. D., Manobalaji, A., . . . George, S. L. (2022). Episodic habitation and abandonment of Neolithic civilization sites in the Vaigai River Basin, Southern India. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1(1), 100007.
2022 Zhai, W., Zhang, E., Zheng, S. Q., Santosh, M., Sun, X. M., Niu, H. C., . . . Han, S. Y. (2022). Hydrothermal zircon: Characteristics, genesis and metallogenic implications. Ore Geology Reviews, 149, 16 pages.
Scopus19 WoS22022 Won Kim, S., Young Lee, B., Ko, K., Santosh, M., Seo Kee, W., Park, S. I., . . . Jeong, Y. J. (2022). Early neoproterozoic supracrustal successions in the central Korean Peninsula: Implications for the paleotectonic history of East Asia. Precambrian Research, 381, 20 pages.
Scopus42022 Fei, X., Zhang, Z., Cheng, Z., Santosh, M., Gao, Z., & Nurtaev, B. (2022). Extremely fractionated magmas linked with W mineralization: Evidence from the Lyangar W-Mo deposit, South Tianshan Orogenic Belt. RESOURCE GEOLOGY, 72(1), 30 pages.
2022 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Jin, Z., Hao, J., Jin, L., & Santosh, M. (2022). Petrogenesis of Continental Intraplate Alkaline Basalts in the Tuoyun Basin, Western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for Deep Carbon Recycling. JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, 63(9), 27 pages.
Scopus13 WoS12022 Yang, S., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Kan, Z., Santosh, M., & Deng, J. (2022). Global spatio-temporal variations and metallogenic diversity of karst bauxites and their tectonic, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic relationship with the Tethyan realm evolution. Earth-Science Reviews, 233, 21 pages.
Scopus32 WoS162022 Zhao, X., Fu, L. B., Santosh, M., Wei, J. H., & Chen, J. J. (2022). The growth and evolution of continental crust contributed by multiple sources in the East Kunlun Orogen during Early Paleozoic. Earth-Science Reviews, 233, 14 pages.
Scopus15 WoS32022 Luo, D., Reichow, M. K., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Zhang, Z., Wang, M., . . . Botcharnikov, R. (2022). A snapshot of the transition from monogenetic volcanoes to composite volcanoes: case study on the Wulanhada Volcanic Field (northern China). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY, 34(5), 469-491.
Scopus72022 Shen, Z., Santosh, M., & Arabameri, A. (2022). Application of novel hybrid model for land subsidence susceptibility mapping. GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 58(6), 19 pages.
Scopus8 WoS32022 Manikyamba, C., Santosh, M., Subramanyam, K. S. V., Harshitha Reddy, G., Ray, J., Kar, A., & Pahari, A. (2022). Forearc and back-arc mantle characteristics of the mafic-ultramafic rocks of Simlipal complex, Singhbhum Craton, India. Lithos, 432-433, 106889.
Scopus4 WoS12022 Cao, H. W., Pei, Q. M., Santosh, M., Li, G. M., Zhang, L. K., Zhang, X. F., . . . Yu, X. (2022). Himalayan leucogranites: A review of geochemical and isotopic characteristics, timing of formation, genesis, and rare metal mineralization. Earth-Science Reviews, 234, 104229.
Scopus84 WoS232022 Hu, J., Wang, M., Wang, H., Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhao, Y., . . . Ren, H. (2022). The source and depositional environment of early Silurian iron formation in NW China: Constraints from element and isotope (Fe, C, O) geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105165.
Scopus3 WoS22022 Kassem, A. A., Radwan, A. E., Santosh, M., Hussein, W. S., Abdelghany, W. K., Fea, I., . . . Mansour, M. H. (2022). Sedimentological and diagenetic study of mixed siliciclastic/carbonate sediments in the propagation stage of Gulf of Suez Rift basin, Northeastern Africa: controls on reservoir architecture and reservoir quality. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(6), 32 pages.
Scopus11 WoS12022 Yang, X., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Li, R., Wu, C., Gao, J., . . . Wang, Z. (2022). Ediacaran iron formations from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, China: Age, geochemistry, Sm–Nd isotopes and link with submarine volcanism. Precambrian Research, 368, 106498-1-106498-15.
Scopus11 WoS52022 Wu, Q., Feng, C. Y., Mao, J. W., Santosh, M., Dick, J. M., Yu, M., & Li, B. (2022). Robust monazite U-Pb and molybdenite Re-Os ages reveal the magmatic and metallogenic history of a highly evolved granitic system in the Xianghualing deposit, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104602-1-104602-13.
Scopus21 WoS132022 Vasanthi, A., & Santosh, M. (2022). A Gondwanan micro-fragment adjacent to southern granulite terrane of India: Evidence from satellite gravity studies. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 322, 106832-1-106832-7.
Scopus6 WoS32022 Anoop, K. S., Anilkumar, Y., Santosh, M., Yu, B., Delna Joy, K., Kavyanjali, K. V., . . . Sajinkumar, K. S. (2022). Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of a layered gabbro-anorthosite complex from the Coorg Block, southern India: Implications for Mesoarchean suprasubduction zone process. Gondwana Research, 103, 105-134.
Scopus19 WoS62022 Dikshit, A., Pradhan, B., & Santosh, M. (2022). Artificial neural networks in drought prediction in the 21st century–A scientometric analysis. Applied Soft Computing, 114, 108080-1-108080-17.
Scopus80 WoS262022 Zhang, H., Hou, Z., Rolland, Y., & Santosh, M. (2022). The cold and hot collisional orogens: Thermal regimes and metallogeny of the Alpine versus Himalayan-Tibetan belts. Ore Geology Reviews, 141, 104671-1-104671-23.
Scopus10 WoS42022 Wang, L., Tang, L., Zhang, S. T., Santosh, M., Song, K. R., Sheng, Y. M., & Feng, J. Y. (2022). Genesis of a Ag-Pb-Zn-F system: Insights from in situ sulfur isotope and trace elements of pyrite, and rare earth elements of fluorite in the Baiyine'lebu deposit, Inner Mongolia, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 141, 15 pages.
Scopus8 WoS32022 Guo, R. H., Li, S. Z., Zhou, J., Liu, Y. M., Yu, S. Y., Wang, Y. H., . . . Santosh, M. (2022). The Mesozoic Amdo micro-block and East Asian superconvergent tectonic system. Gondwana Research, 101, 257-277.
Scopus5 WoS32022 Shao, L., Cao, Y., Jones, T., Santosh, M., Silva, L. F. O., Ge, S., . . . BéruBé, K. (2022). COVID-19 mortality and exposure to airborne PM2.5: A lag time correlation. Science of the Total Environment, 806(Pt 3), 1-10.
Scopus26 WoS22 Europe PMC152022 Novico, F., Menier, D., Mathew, M., Ramkumar, M., Santosh, M., Endyana, C., . . . Hendarmawan. (2022). Impact of Late Quaternary climatic fluctuations on coastal systems: Evidence from high-resolution geophysical, sedimentological and geochronological data from the Java Island. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 136, 105399-1-105399-14.
Scopus4 WoS12022 Yang, H., Ge, W. C., Santosh, M., Ji, Z., Dong, Y., Jing, Y., & Wu, H. R. (2022). The role of continental fragments in the formation of intra-oceanic arcs: Constraints from Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopes of gabbro from the Jiamusi Block, NE China. Gondwana Research, 103, 297-313.
Scopus13 WoS62022 Chakrabortty, R., Pal, S. C., Santosh, M., Roy, P., & Chowdhuri, I. (2022). Gully erosion and climate induced chemical weathering for vulnerability assessment in sub-tropical environment. Geomorphology, 398, 108027-1-108027-18.
Scopus20 WoS142022 Zhao, Y., Wei, W., Santosh, M., Hu, J., Wei, H., Yang, J., . . . Li, S. (2022). A review of retrieving pristine rare earth element signatures from carbonates. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 586, 18 pages.
Scopus42 WoS172022 Wu, J., Zeng, Q., Santosh, M., Fan, H., Bai, R., Li, X., . . . Huang, L. (2022). Deep ore-forming fluid characteristics of the Jiaodong gold province: Evidence from the Qianchen gold deposit in the Jiaojia gold belt. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 145, 21 pages.
Scopus10 WoS42022 Hu, X. -K., Tang, L., Zhang, S. -T., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Sun, L., . . . Wang, L. (2022). Formation of the Qiyugou porphyry gold system in East Qinling, China: insights from timing and source characteristics of Late Mesozoic magmatism. JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 179(4), 22 pages.
Scopus3 WoS22022 Ramkumar, M., Fathima, A. L., Nagarajan, R., Santosh, M., & Menier, D. (2022). Major, trace and rare earth elemental geochemistry of Santonian–Campanian onland-offshore transition in a Gilbert-type deltaic setting, Cauvery Basin, southern India. Geological Journal, 57(10), 3988-4010.
Scopus2 WoS12022 Uthup, S., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., & Chetty, T. R. K. (2022). Ultrahigh-density carbonic fluids in ultrahigh-temperature metagabbros from the Palghat-Cauvery Suture Zone, Southern India: Phase equilibria modelling and fluid inclusion study. Lithos, 422-423, 16 pages.
Scopus22022 Ruan, C. T., Yu, X. Y., Su, S. G., Santosh, M., & Qin, L. J. (2022). Anatomy of Garnet from the Nanminghe Skarn Iron Deposit, China: Implications for Ore Genesis. Minerals, 12(7), 845.
Scopus5 WoS12022 Zou, F. H., Deng, L. H., Santosh, M., Wu, C. L., Gao, D., & Gao, Y. H. (2022). Petrogenesis of the Permian granitoids in the western Gonghe basin, NE Tibetan Plateau (China): Implications for the Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Lithos, 426-427, 28 pages.
Scopus5 WoS22022 Dong, L., Han, C., Santosh, M., Qiu, Y., Liu, G., Ma, J., . . . Hu, C. (2022). Factors Influencing the Pore Structure and Gas-Bearing Characteristics of Shales: Insights from the Longmaxi Formation, Southern Sichuan Basin and Northern Yunnan-Guizhou Depression, China. Geofluids, 2022, 1-20.
Scopus6 WoS32022 Zhang, Z. M., Ding, H. X., Dong, X., Tian, Z. L., Palin, R. M., Santosh, M., . . . Li, W. T. (2022). The Mesozoic magmatic, metamorphic, and tectonic evolution of the eastern Gangdese magmatic arc, southern Tibet. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 134(7-8), 1721-1740.
Scopus25 WoS82022 Chang, M., Liu, J., Santosh, M., Yin, C., Zhai, D., Wang, D., & Wu, T. (2022). Fluid evolution characteristics and ore genesis in the Jinqu Au deposit, Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 147, 22 pages.
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Scopus14 WoS22022 Dong, P., Dong, G., Santosh, M., Mo, X., Wang, P., Li, H., . . . Ketchaya, Y. B. (2022). Multiple sources and magmatic evolution of the Late Triassic Daocheng batholith in the Yidun Terrane: Implications for evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 134(7-8), 1660-1680.
Scopus8 WoS42022 Peng, Y., Yu, S., Li, S., Liu, Y., Santosh, M., Lv, P., . . . Liu, Y. (2022). Tectonic erosion and deep subduction in Central Tibet: Evidence from the discovery of retrograde eclogites in the Amdo microcontinent. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 40(9), 1545-1572.
Scopus9 WoS42022 Meert, J. G., & Santosh, M. (2022). The Columbia supercontinent: Retrospective, status, and a statistical assessment of paleomagnetic poles used in reconstructions. Gondwana Research, 110, 143-164.
Scopus23 WoS112022 Yu, B., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Yang, C. X., & Kim, S. W. (2022). Multi-stage metamorphism of ultrahigh-temperature Mg-Al granulites during Gondwana assembly: Evidence from southern India. Geological Journal, 57(10), 4300-4324.
Scopus1 WoS12022 Sajinkumar, K. S., Santosh, M., Rani, V. R., Anand, S., Pradeepkumar, A. P., Chavan, A., . . . Ramachandran, P. V. (2022). The Tertiary sequence of Varkala coastal cliffs, southwestern India: An ideal site for Global Geopark. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 10(2), 308-321.
Scopus82022 Aneeshkumar, V., Chandran, S. R., James, S., Santosh, M., Padmakumar, D., Aswathi, J., . . . Sajinkumar, K. S. (2022). Meteorite impact at Ramgarh, India: Petrographic and geochemical evidence, and new geochronological insights. LITHOS, 426-427, 18 pages.
Scopus6 WoS22022 Han, Y., Ran, B., Santosh, M., Luo, C., Liu, S., Li, Z., . . . Ding, Y. (2022). Linking South China Plate to Arabian margin of Gondwana: Significance for Cambrian global plate reconstruction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237, 105341.
Scopus6 WoS12022 Zou, H., Tang, L., Cao, H. W., & Santosh, M. (2022). Mesozoic to Cenozoic mineralization in China: Preface. Ore Geology Reviews, 148, 6 pages.
Scopus1 WoS12022 Haritha, A., Rajesh, V. J., Kumar, S., Santosh, M., & Thesniya, P. M. (2022). Spectrochemical and stable isotopic characteristics of magnesite deposits in Salem, Southern India: CO<inf>2</inf> repository through supergene processes. Ore Geology Reviews, 148, 18 pages.
Scopus42022 Touret, J. L. R., Santosh, M., & Huizenga, J. M. (2022). Composition and evolution of the continental crust: Retrospect and prospect. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(5), 101428.
Scopus122022 Gao, X., Yu, S., Li, S., Santosh, M., Liu, Y., Jiang, X., . . . Lv, P. (2022). Syn-collisional I-type granitoids linked to lateral lithospheric heterogeneity: A case study from the North Qaidam orogen, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237, 105363.
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Scopus12 WoS42022 Wu, C., Rodríguez-López, J. P., & Santosh, M. (2022). Plateau archives of lithosphere dynamics, cryosphere and paleoclimate: The formation of Cretaceous desert basins in east Asia. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(6), 101454.
Scopus17 WoS22022 Ganguly, S., Verencar, A., Santosh, M., Saha, A., Li, S. S., & Arolkar, N. (2022). Relics of 2.6–2.5 Ga oceanic crust from the ultramafic-mafic complex of Goa, western India: Magmatic response to a progressive subduction system. Lithos, 430-431, 106855.
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Scopus4 WoS12022 Gao, M., Zhang, Z. -J., Cheng, Q. -M., Grujic, D., & Santosh, M. (2022). Paleoproterozoic TTG gneisses and granites of the Huai'an Complex: Geochemical and zircon U-Pb-Hf data provide insights into subduction history and crustal growth. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 380, 18 pages.
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Scopus13 WoS72022 Samuel, V. O., Santosh, M., Jang, Y., & Kwon, S. (2022). Role of acidic fluids in Earth’s deep lithosphere: Insights from the Neoarchean magmatic roots of the Nilgiri Block, southern India. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1-15.
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2022 Manikyamba, C., Pahari, A., Santosh, M., Subramanyam, K. S. V., & Reddy, G. H. (2022). Geochemistry of basalts in unravelling the mantle processes and crustal evolution: Insights from the greenstone belts of western Dharwar Craton. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1(4), 100070.
Scopus102022 Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., Müller, D., Zhang, L., Deng, J., Yang, L. Q., & Wang, Q. F. (2022). Mineral systems: Their advantages in terms of developing holistic genetic models and for target generation in global mineral exploration. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1(1), 100001.
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Scopus242022 Li, J., He, C., & Santosh, M. (2022). Evidence for crustal magma chamber associated with metallogeny based on P-wave velocities, South China. Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 1(4), 100048.
Scopus12022 Zhou, W., Huang, D., Zhiqiang, Y. U., Santosh, M., Cao, Y., Zhang, J., . . . Jianyuan, L. I. (2022). Detrital Zircon Records of the Banxi Group in the Western Jiangnan Orogen: Implications for Crustal Evolution of the South China Craton. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 97(1), 35-54.
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Scopus2 WoS12022 Neckel, A., Santosh, M., Bodah, B. W., Maculan, L. S., Pinto, D., Korcelski, C., . . . Mores, G. D. V. (2022). Using the Sentinel-3B Satellite in Geospatial Analysis of Suspended Aerosols in the Kiev, Ukraine Region. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(24), 16357.
Scopus3 WoS22022 James, S., Chandran, S. R., Santosh, M., Pradeepkumar, A. P., Praveen, M. N., & Sajinkumar, K. S. (2022). Meteorite impact craters as hotspots for mineral resources and energy fuels: A global review. Energy Geoscience, 3(2), 136-146.
Scopus152022 Aneeshkumar, V., Indu, G. K., Santosh, M., James, S., Chandran, S. R., Padmakumar, D., & Sajinkumar, K. S. (2022). Terrestrial impact craters track the voyage of lithospheric plates. Geological Journal, 57(9), 3769-3780.
Scopus4 WoS32022 Ramkumar, M., Balasubramani, K., Santosh, M., & Nagarajan, R. (2022). The plastisphere: A morphometric genetic classification of plastic pollutants in the natural environment. Gondwana Research, 108, 4-12.
Scopus34 WoS152022 Yu, B., Santosh, M., Wang, M. X., & Yang, C. X. (2022). Paleoproterozoic emplacement and Cambrian ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism of a layered magmatic intrusion from the Central Madurai Block, southern India: From Columbia to Gondwana. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(1), 1-18.
Scopus9 WoS62022 Sindhuja, C. S., Pahari, A., Manikyamba, C., Santosh, M., Tang, L., Ray, J., . . . Sruthi, P. C. (2022). Crustal stabilization: Evidence from the geochemistry and U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology of quartzites from Simlipal Complex, Singhbhum Craton, India. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(1), 1-16.
Scopus10 WoS62022 Zou, H., Li, M., Santosh, M., Zheng, D., Cao, H. W., Jiang, X. W., . . . Li, Z. Q. (2022). Fault-controlled carbonate-hosted barite-fluorite mineral systems: The Shuanghe deposit, Yangtze Block, South China. Gondwana Research, 101, 26-43.
Scopus32 WoS142022 Sheng, Y. M., Tang, L., Zhang, S. T., Zhao, Y., Santosh, M., Li, J. J., & Hu, X. K. (2022). Distal gold mineralization associated with porphyry system: The case of Hongzhuang and Yuanling deposits, East Qinling, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 16 pages.
Scopus13 WoS72022 Qin, J., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Cheng, Z., Xie, Q., Kong, W., . . . Santosh, M. (2022). Petrogenesis of Early Permian basalts in the Turpan-Hami basin, NW China: Implications for the spatial limits of the Tarim mantle plume. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 226, 105097-1-105097-17.
Scopus5 WoS22022 Yang, L. Q., Deng, J., Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., He, W. Y., Li, N., . . . Zhang, H. R. (2022). Metallogenic ‘factories’ and resultant highly anomalous mineral endowment on the craton margins of China. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(2), 20 pages.
Scopus27 WoS72022 Wang, S., Shen, J., Santosh, M., Li, Y., Yang, C. X., & Ma, L. (2022). Thermoelectric characteristics of semiconductor minerals in earth's deep crust and their seismogenic significance. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(2), 101337-1-101337-6.
Scopus2 WoS22022 Yu, B., Santosh, M., Amaldev, T., Jang, Y., & Yang, C. X. (2022). Paleo-Mesoarchean crustal evolution in the Coorg Block, southern India: Insights from magmatic and metamorphic records in mafic granulites. Precambrian Research, 370, 106537-1-106537-21.
Scopus42022 Ketchaya, Y. B., Dong, G., Santosh, M., & Lemdjou, Y. B. (2022). Microchemical signatures of placer gold grains from the Gamba district, northern Cameroon: Implications for possible bedrock sources. Ore Geology Reviews, 141, 104640-1-104640-18.
Scopus10 WoS52022 Kong, W., Zhang, Z., Cheng, Z., Liu, B., Santosh, M., Wei, B., . . . Zhang, X. (2022). Mantle source of tephritic porphyry in the Tarim Large Igneous Province constrained from Mg, Zn, Sr, and Nd isotope systematics: Implications for deep carbon cycling. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 134(1-2), 487-500.
Scopus9 WoS42022 Jing, Y., Ge, W., Santosh, M., Dong, Y., Yang, H., Ji, Z., . . . Xing, D. (2022). Generation of Nb-enriched mafic rocks and associated adakitic rocks from the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Evidence of crust-mantle interaction. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(2), 101341-1-101341-20.
Scopus17 WoS62022 Tang, L., Chen, P. L., Santosh, M., Zhang, S. T., Xu, B., Wan, L. M., . . . Hu, X. K. (2022). Geology and genesis of auriferous porphyritic monzogranite and its correlation with the Qiyugou porphyry-breccia system in East Qinling, Central China. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 104709-1-104709-16.
Scopus8 WoS52022 Sheng, Y. M., Tang, L., Zhang, S. T., Santosh, M., & Hu, X. K. (2022). Influence of fluid-rock interaction on gold mineralization in the Dongwan deposit, East Qinling, China: Constraints from systematic sulfur isotope and trace element geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 104718-1-104718-14.
Scopus10 WoS42022 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Liu, B., Jin, Y., Santosh, M., & Pan, J. (2022). Superimposed zinc and gold mineralization in the Dunde iron deposit, western Tianshan, NW China: Constraints from LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion microanalysis. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 104713-1-104713-14.
Scopus8 WoS32022 Liu, J. W., Li, L., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., & Yuan, M. W. (2022). Apatite as a fingerprint of granite fertility and gold mineralization: Evidence from the Xiaoqinling Goldfield, North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 142, 104720-1-104720-12.
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Scopus1 WoS12022 Zou, H., Hu, C. H., Santosh, M., Chen, H. F., Huang, C. C., Chen, X. W., . . . Li, M. (2022). Crust-derived felsic magmatism in the Emeishan large igneous Province: New evidence from zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope from the Yangtze Block, China. Geoscience Frontiers, 13(3), 101369-1-101369-17.
Scopus17 WoS52022 Feng, J. Y., Tang, L., Yang, B. C., Santosh, M., Zhang, S. T., Xu, B., . . . Sheng, Y. M. (2022). Bastnäsite U-Th-Pb age, sulfur isotope and trace elements of the Huangshui'an deposit: Implications for carbonatite-hosted Mo-Pb-REE mineralization in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 143, 104790-1-104790-13.
Scopus12 WoS42022 Hu, J., Yang, W., Li, S., Zhao, Y., Santosh, M., Zhang, H., . . . Cai, Y. (2022). Trace element and isotope (C, S, Sr, Nd, Fe) geochemistry constraints on the sedimentary environment of the early Neoproterozoic Shilu BIF and associated dolostones, South China. Precambrian Research, 372, 106610-1-106610-22.
Scopus12 WoS62022 Li, C., Li, L., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., & Shen, J. F. (2022). Geochemistry of hydrothermal zircon as a proxy to fingerprint ore fluids in late Mesozoic decratonic gold deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 143, 104703-1-104703-10.
Scopus82022 Mathew, A., Anilkumar, Y., Santosh, M., Gao, P., Yang, C. X., Anoop, K. S., . . . Kavyanjali, K. V. (2022). Mafic-ultramafic suite from the Karwar Block, SW India: Implications for Mesoarchean geodynamics. Precambrian Research, 372, 106601-1-106601-22.
Scopus4 WoS22022 Dong, P., Dong, G., Santosh, M., Mo, X., Sun, Z., Ketchaya, Y. B., . . . Lemdjou, Y. B. (2022). Eocene magmatism in the western Tengchong Block: Implications for crust-mantle interaction associated with the slab rollback of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. Gondwana Research, 106, 259-280.
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Scopus24 WoS132022 Yang, C. X., Santosh, M., Li, S. S., Shaji, E., & Won Kim, S. (2022). The Paleoproterozoic magmatic arc of Trivandrum Block, southern India: From Columbia to Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 372, 106612-1-106612-20.
Scopus7 WoS12022 Yu, L. M., Zou, H., Santosh, M., Xiao, B., Li, M., Peng, H. J., . . . Chen, H. F. (2022). The link between Paleo-Tethys subduction and regional metallogeny in the SW Yangtze Block: New evidence from the Zubu carbonate-hosted F-Pb-Zn deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 144, 104809-1-104809-19.
Scopus9 WoS22022 Shao, L., Li, Y., Jones, T., Santosh, M., Liu, P., Zhang, M., . . . BéruBé, K. (2022). Airborne microplastics: A review of current perspectives and environmental implications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 347, 131048-1-131048-16.
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Scopus11 WoS52022 Song, Z., Liang, C., Neubauer, F., Santosh, M., Liu, Y., Zheng, C., . . . Liu, X. (2022). Multistage evolution of the Keluo Complex in the northern Da Hinggan Mountains: Implications for the Mesozoic tectonic history of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research, 107, 339-369.
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Scopus24 WoS122022 Arabameri, A., Seyed Danesh, A., Santosh, M., Cerda, A., Chandra Pal, S., Ghorbanzadeh, O., . . . Chowdhuri, I. (2022). Flood susceptibility mapping using meta-heuristic algorithms. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 13(1), 949-974.
Scopus40 WoS142022 Wang, Q., Deng, J., Yang, L., & Santosh, M. (2022). Subduction-related metallogenesis in China: Preface. Ore Geology Reviews, 145, 104872.
Scopus2 WoS12022 Zhang, Y. W., Fan, H. R., Santosh, M., Xie, L. W., Hu, F. F., Liu, X., . . . Li, X. H. (2022). Iron and sulfur isotope fractionation during pyrite dissolution-reprecipitation revealed by in-situ isotopic analyses in the Muping gold deposit (Jiaodong, China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 230, 105217-1-105217-13.
Scopus7 WoS12022 Wang, M. X., Santosh, M., Yang, C. X., Jang, Y., Yu, B., & Gao, P. (2022). Trondhjemites from the Qianxi Complex, North China Craton: Implications for Neoarchean crustal growth. Geological Journal, 57(8), 3158-3177.
2022 Dong, Y., Sun, S., Santosh, M., Hui, B., Sun, J., Zhang, F., . . . Qi, N. (2022). Cross Orogenic Belts in Central China: Implications for the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the East Asian continental collage. Gondwana Research, 109, 18-88.
Scopus71 WoS182022 Liu, P., Shao, L., Li, Y., Jones, T., Cao, Y., Yang, C. X., . . . BéruBé, K. (2022). Microplastic atmospheric dustfall pollution in urban environment: Evidence from the types, distribution, and probable sources in Beijing, China. The Science of the total environment, 838(Pt 1), 155989.
Scopus46 WoS11 Europe PMC32022 Li, S. S., Li, L., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., & Alam, M. (2022). Age and mineralization processes of decratonic lode gold deposits in the southern North China Craton: Constraints from trace elements, in-situ S-Pb isotopes and Rb-Sr geochronology of pyrite from the Chen'er gold deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 145, 104888-1-104888-17.
Scopus8 WoS12022 Zhao, H., Wang, Q., Groves, D. I., Santosh, M., Zhang, J., & Fan, T. (2022). Genesis of orogenic gold systems in the Daduhe belt: Evidence of long-lived fertile mantle lithosphere as a source of diverse metallogeny on the western margin of the Yangtze Craton, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 145, 17 pages.
Scopus14 WoS42022 Santosh, M., & Groves, D. I. (2022). Global metallogeny in relation to secular evolution of the Earth and supercontinent cycles. Gondwana Research, 107, 395-422.
Scopus55 WoS202021 Gautam, S., Sammuel, C., Bhardwaj, A., Shams Esfandabadi, Z., Santosh, M., Gautam, A. S., . . . James, E. J. (2021). Vertical profiling of atmospheric air pollutants in rural India: A case study on particulate matter (PM10/PM2.5/PM1), carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 185, 15 pages.
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Scopus3 WoS12021 Wang, Y., Tang, J., Wang, L., Marten Huizenga, J., & Santosh, M. (2021). Constraining the genesis of tungsten mineralization in the Jiaoxi deposit, Tibet: A fluid inclusion and H, O, S and Pb isotope investigation. Ore Geology Reviews, 139, 1-18.
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Scopus2 WoS12021 Schindler, M., Santosh, M., Dotto, G., Silva, L. F. O., & Hochella, M. F. (2021). A review on Pb-bearing nanoparticles, particulate matter and colloids released from mining and smelting activities. Gondwana Research, 110, 330-346.
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Scopus22 WoS112021 Gao, P., Santosh, M., Kwon, S., & Kim, S. W. (2021). Ocean Plate Stratigraphy of a long-lived Precambrian subduction-accretion system: The Wutai Complex, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 363, 1-26.
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Scopus13 WoS62021 Xue, F., Santosh, M., Kim, S. W., Tsunogae, T., & Yang, F. (2021). Thermo-mechanical destruction of Archean cratonic roots: Insights from the Mesozoic Laiyuan granitoid complex, North China Craton. Lithos, 400-401, 1-19.
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Scopus6 WoS12021 Deng, Y., Lang, X., Wang, X., Santosh, M., He, Q., & Yin, Q. (2021). Early mesozoic arc–back-arc system in the leading edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Lithos, 406-407, 16 pages.
Scopus14 WoS22021 Wu, J., Zeng, Q., Santosh, M., Fan, H. R., Wei, Z., Yang, K., . . . Liang, G. (2021). Intrusion-related orogenic gold deposit in the East Kunlun belt, NW China: A multiproxy investigation. Ore Geology Reviews, 139(Part B), 104550-1-104550-23.
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Scopus13 WoS62021 Qiu, Z. J., Fan, H. R., Santosh, M., Yang, K. F., Li, X. C., Lan, T. G., . . . Pan, Y. X. (2021). Saline fluids drive Cu mineralization in Precambrian metasediments: Evidence from the Trans-North China Orogen. Ore Geology Reviews, 139, 104462.
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Scopus2 WoS22021 Chandran, S. R., James, S., Santosh, M., Yang, C. X., Zhang, C., Rajesh, V. J., . . . Sajinkumar, K. S. (2021). Geochemical and geochronological evidence of meteorite impact excavating the Archean basement at Lonar Crater, Central India. Lithos, 404-405, 106479.
Scopus11 WoS52021 Wang, J. Y., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Kim, S. W., & Dong, Y. P. (2021). Arc building through bimodal magmatism: The Tsukuba Igneous Complex, Japan, and its correlations and connections. International Geology Review, 64(16), 1-20.
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Scopus6 WoS22021 Ramkumar, M., Kumaraswamy, K., Balasubramani, K., Nagarajan, R., Santosh, M., Abdul Rahman, S., . . . Jegankumar, R. (2021). Neolithic cultural sites and extreme climate related channel avulsion: Evidence from the Vaigai River Basin, southern India. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 40, 103204-1-103204-14.
Scopus52021 Samuel, V. O., Santosh, M., Jang, Y., & Kwon, S. (2021). Acidic fluids in the Earth’s lower crust. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 21146.
Scopus2 WoS12021 Shi, Z., Bai, Z., Dong, G., Madhava Warrier, S., Li, L., Luo, Z., . . . Wang, K. (2021). Supra-subduction zone ophiolite from the Great Xing'an Range, China: Geochemistry, geochronology, and implication for formation in a back-arc setting. Geological Journal, 57(5), 20 pages.
Scopus1 WoS12021 Thanooja, P. V., Santosh, M., Li, S. S., Nandakumar, V., & Ishwar-Kumar, C. (2021). Neoarchaean crustal evolution along the eastern flank of Nallamalai Shear Zone, southern India. International Geology Review, 64(21), 1-21.
Scopus1 WoS12020 Yousefi, S., Sadhasivam, N., Pourghasemi, H. R., Ghaffari Nazarlou, H., Golkar, F., Tavangar, S., & Santosh, M. (2020). Groundwater spring potential assessment using new ensemble data mining techniques. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 157, 15 pages.
Scopus36 WoS242020 Santosh, M., & Feng, Z. Q. (2020). New horizons in energy geoscience. Energy Geoscience, 1(1-2), A1.
Scopus362020 Ramkumar, M., Santosh, M., Mathew, M. J., Menier, D., Nagarajan, R., & Sautter, B. (2020). Hydrocarbon reserves of the South China Sea: Implications for regional energy security. Energy Geoscience, 1(1-2), 1-7.
Scopus52020 Yoshida, M., & Santosh, M. (2020). Energetics of the Solid Earth: An integrated perspective. Energy Geoscience, 1(1-2), 28-35.
Scopus332020 Yousefi, S., Pourghasemi, H. R., Avand, M., Janizadeh, S., Tavangar, S., & Santosh, M. (2020). Assessment of land degradation using machine-learning techniques: A case of declining rangelands. Land Degradation and Development, 32(3), 1452-1466.
Scopus39 WoS202020 Lu, L., Jiang, S., Li, S., Wang, P., Jiang, Y., Wang, G., . . . Santosh, M. (2020). Evolution of Meso-Cenozoic subduction zones in the ocean-continent connection zone of the eastern South China Block: Insights from gravity and magnetic anomalies. Gondwana Research, 102, 151-156.
Scopus12 WoS102020 Kim, S. W., Kee, W. S., Santosh, M., Cho, D. L., Hong, P. S., Ko, K., . . . Jang, Y. (2020). Tracing the Precambrian tectonic history of East Asia from Neoproterozoic sedimentation and magmatism in the Korean Peninsula. Earth-Science Reviews, 209, 26 pages.
Scopus28 WoS192020 Groves, D. I., & Santosh, M. (2020). Craton and thick lithosphere margins: The sites of giant mineral deposits and mineral provinces. Gondwana Research, 100, 195-222.
Scopus79 WoS402020 Jiang, Y., Jiang, S., Li, S., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Lu, L., . . . Santosh, M. (2020). Paleozoic to Mesozoic micro-block tectonics in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Insights from magnetic and gravity anomalies. Gondwana Research, 102, 229-251.
Scopus18 WoS102020 Sarma, D. S., Parashuramulu, V., Santosh, M., Nagaraju, E., & Babu, N. R. (2020). Pb–Pb baddeleyite ages of mafic dyke swarms from the Dharwar Craton: Implications for Paleoproterozoic LIPs and diamond potential of mantle keel. Geoscience Frontiers, 11(6), 2127-2139.
Scopus22 WoS202020 Samuel, V. O., Kwon, S., Jang, Y., & Santosh, M. (2020). Petrogenesis of the late Paleoproterozoic Luyashan igneous charnockite-enderbite suite, North China Craton and its comparison with metamorphic counterparts. Lithos, 376-377, 11 pages.
Scopus5 WoS42020 Wang, Q., Yang, L., Xu, X., Santosh, M., Wang, Y., Wang, T., . . . Deng, J. (2020). Multi-stage tectonics and metallogeny associated with Phanerozoic evolution of the South China Block: A holistic perspective from the Youjiang Basin. Earth-Science Reviews, 211, 1-38.
Scopus105 WoS772020 Yu, H. C., Qiu, K. F., Li, M., Santosh, M., Zhao, Z. G., & Huang, Y. Q. (2020). Record of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age From Tarim, China. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(11), 20 pages.
Scopus6 WoS22020 Zhu, B., Zhang, H., Santosh, M., Su, B., Zhang, P., Han, C., & He, Y. (2020). Iron isotopes constrain the metal sources of skarn deposits: A case study from the Han-Xing Fe deposit, China. Minerals, 10(11), 1-17.
Scopus5 WoS22020 He, C., & Santosh, M. (2020). Formation of the north–south seismic zone and emeishan large igneous province in central China: Insights from p-wave teleseismic tomography. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(6), 3064-3076.
Scopus7 WoS42020 Kwon, S., Samuel, V. O., Song, Y., Kim, S. W., Park, S. I., Jang, Y., & Santosh, M. (2020). Eclogite resembling metamorphic disequilibrium assemblage formed through fluid-induced metasomatic reactions. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 19869.
Scopus9 WoS42020 Zhou, J., Jin, C., Suo, Y., Li, S., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., . . . Santosh, M. (2020). The Yanshanian (Mesozoic) metallogenesis in China linked to crust-mantle interaction in the western Pacific margin: An overview from the Zhejiang Province. Gondwana Research, 102, 95-132.
Scopus7 WoS12020 Palin, R. M., & Santosh, M. (2020). Plate tectonics: What, where, why, and when?. Gondwana Research, 100, 3-24.
Scopus109 WoS512020 Rani Choudhary, B., Santosh, M., Ravi, S., & Babu, E. V. S. S. K. (2020). Spinel and Ti-rich schorlomite from the Wajrakarur kimberlites, southern India: Implications for metasomatism, diamond potential and orangeite lineage. Ore Geology Reviews, 126, 19 pages.
Scopus3 WoS22020 Yang, F., Santosh, M., Glorie, S. M., Xue, F., Zhang, S., & Zhang, X. (2020). Apatite geochronology and chemistry of Luanchuan granitoids in the East Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for petrogenesis, metallogenesis and exploration. Lithos, 378-379, 105797-1-105797-17.
Scopus37 WoS122020 Santosh, M., He, X. F., Waterton, P., Szilas, K., & Pearson, D. G. (2020). Chromitites from an Archean layered intrusion in the Western Dharwar Craton, southern India. Lithos, 376-377, 15 pages.
Scopus18 WoS92020 Wang, J. L., Zhang, H. F., Zhang, J., Santosh, M., & Bao, Z. A. (2020). Highly heterogeneous Pb isotope composition in the Archean continental lower crust: Insights from the high-grade metamorphic suite of the Taihua Group, Southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 350, 19 pages.
Scopus3 WoS12020 Shi, K., Wang, C., Santosh, M., Yao, E., Du, B., Chen, Q., & Zhu, J. (2020). Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic crustal growth and tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton: evidence from granite–greenstone successions in the Dengfeng Complex. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109(8), 2801-2823.
Scopus3 WoS32020 Zhang, J., Liao, M., Santosh, M., Yang, Z., Zhang, Y., & Dai, Y. (2020). Middle Tonian calc-alkaline picrites, basalts, and basaltic andesites from the Jiangnan Orogen: Evidence for rear-arc magmatism. Precambrian Research, 350, 15 pages.
Scopus7 WoS42020 Nambaje, C., Mweene, L., Subramanian, S., Krishnan, S., & Santosh, M. (2020). Xanthan gum based investigations into the surface chemistry of cassiterite and beneficiation of cassiterite tailings. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 43(2), 150-164.
Scopus12 WoS82020 Terentiev, R. A., & Santosh, M. (2020). Baltica (East European Craton) and Atlantica (Amazonian and West African Cratons) in the Proterozoic: The pre-Columbia connection. Earth-Science Reviews, 210, 27 pages.
Scopus20 WoS132020 Peng, Y., Yu, S., Li, S., Liu, Y., Santosh, M., Lv, P., . . . Liu, Y. (2020). The odyssey of Tibetan Plateau accretion prior to Cenozoic India-Asia collision: Probing the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang Suture. Earth-Science Reviews, 211, 19 pages.
Scopus37 WoS232020 Lang, M., Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang, F., Mao, Q., & Santosh, M. (2020). Hisingerite in Trachydacite from Tarim: Implications for Voluminous Felsic Rocks in Transitional Large Igneous Province. Journal of Earth Science, 31(5), 875-883.
Scopus11 WoS12020 Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Yang, C. X., Han, Y. S., Hari, K. R., Prasanth, M. P. M., & Uthup, S. (2020). The Bastar craton, central India: A window to Archean – Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution. Gondwana Research, 79, 157-184.
Scopus72 WoS572020 Groves, D. I., Zhang, L., & Santosh, M. (2020). Subduction, mantle metasomatism, and gold: A dynamic and genetic conjunction. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 132(7-8), 1419-1426.
Scopus51 WoS352020 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Wang, Z., Jin, S., Zhang, Q., & Liu, L. (2020). Ferrodoleritic dykes in the Tarim Craton signal Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 200, 22 pages.
Scopus10 WoS62020 Emami, S. N., Yousefi, S., Pourghasemi, H. R., Tavangar, S., & Santosh, M. (2020). A comparative study on machine learning modeling for mass movement susceptibility mapping (a case study of Iran). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79(10), 5291-5308.
Scopus31 WoS182020 Kim, S., Jang, Y., Kwon, S., Samuel, V. O., Kim, S. W., Park, S. I., . . . Kokkalas, S. (2020). Petro-tectonic evolution of metamorphic sole of the Semail ophiolite, UAE. Gondwana Research, 86, 203-221.
Scopus4 WoS32020 Kariminejad, N., Rossi, M., Hosseinalizadeh, M., Pourghasemi, H. R., & Santosh, M. (2020). Gully head modelling in Iranian Loess Plateau under different scenarios. Catena, 194, 13 pages.
Scopus16 WoS92020 Muhtar, M. N., Wu, C. Z., Santosh, M., Lei, R. X., Gu, L. X., Wang, S. M., & Gan, K. (2020). Late Paleozoic tectonic transition from subduction to post-collisional extension in Eastern Tianshan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 132(7-8), 1756-1774.
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Scopus22 WoS102020 Feng, J., Tang, L., Santosh, M., Zhang, S., Sheng, Y., Hu, X., & Wang, L. (2020). Genesis of hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Qianhe deposit, central China: Constraints from in situ sulphur isotope and trace elements of pyrite. Geological Journal, 56(6), 3241-3256.
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Scopus11 WoS52020 Santosh, M. (2020). The Southern Granulite Terrane: A synopsis. EPISODES, 43(1), 109-123.
Scopus59 WoS402020 Zhang, C., Zhang, X., Santosh, M., Liu, D. D., Ma, C., Zeng, J. H., . . . Liu, L. F. (2020). Zircon Hf-O-Li isotopes of granitoids from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for supercontinent evolution. Gondwana Research, 83, 132-140.
Scopus19 WoS82020 Li, Y., Wei, J., Santosh, M., Li, H., Liu, H., Niu, M., & Liu, B. (2020). Anisian granodiorites and mafic microgranular enclaves in the eastern Kunlun Orogen, NW China: Insights into closure of the eastern Paleo–Tethys. Geological Journal, 55(9), 6487-6507.
Scopus21 WoS112020 Pourghasemi, H. R., Sadhasivam, N., Yousefi, S., Tavangar, S., Ghaffari Nazarlou, H., & Santosh, M. (2020). Using machine learning algorithms to map the groundwater recharge potential zones. Journal of Environmental Management, 265, 110525.
Scopus61 WoS32 Europe PMC12020 Liu, H. D., Santosh, M., & Samuel, V. O. (2020). Neoarchean magmatism and Palaeoproterozoic metamorphism along the margin of the Qianhuai microblock in the North China Craton. Geological Journal, 55(10), 6657-6676.
Scopus1 WoS12020 Wang, A., Li, X., Luo, X., Santosh, M., Cui, Y., Li, Q., . . . Zhang, X. (2020). Crustal growth as revealed by integrated U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from the Ganjiang River, southeastern China. Geological Magazine, 157(4), 666-676.
Scopus22020 Xiong, X., Zhu, L., Zhang, G., Santosh, M., Jiang, H., Zheng, J., . . . Ding, L. (2020). Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Indosinian granitoids from Western Qinling Orogen, China: Products of magma-mixing and fractionation. Geoscience Frontiers, 11(4), 1305-1321.
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Scopus40 WoS212020 Zhao, X., Wei, J., Fu, L., Huizenga, J. M., Santosh, M., Chen, J., . . . Li, A. (2020). Multi-stage crustal melting from Late Permian back-arc extension through Middle Triassic continental collision to Late Triassic post-collisional extension in the East Kunlun Orogen. Lithos, 360-361, 19 pages.
Scopus51 WoS282020 Zhang, J. Q., Yan, L. N., Santosh, M., Li, S. R., Lu, J., Wang, D. X., . . . Li, Y. Q. (2020). Tracing the genesis of skarn-type iron deposit in central North China Craton: Insights from mineral zoning textures in ore-forming intrusion. Geological Journal, 55(9), 6280-6295.
Scopus6 WoS22020 Wang, Y., Tang, J., Wang, L., Marten Huizenga, J., Santosh, M., Zheng, S., . . . Gao, T. (2020). Geology, geochronology and geochemistry of the Miocene Jiaoxi quartz vein-type W deposit in the western part of the Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: Implications for ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 120, 17 pages.
Scopus18 WoS82020 Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Mo, X., Santosh, M., Dong, G., & Zhou, H. (2020). The giant tin polymetallic mineralization in southwest China: Integrated geochemical and isotopic constraints and implications for Cretaceous tectonomagmatic event. Geoscience Frontiers, 11(5), 1593-1608.
Scopus19 WoS132020 Shanshan, L., Santosh, M., Farkas, J., Redaa, A., Ganguly, S., Kim, S., . . . Zack, T. (2020). Coupled U-Pb and Rb-Sr laser ablation geochronology trace Archean to Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Dharwar Craton, India. Precambrian Research, 343, 16 pages.
Scopus27 WoS142020 Zhao, Z., Liang, S., Santosh, M., & Wei, J. (2020). Lithospheric extension associated with slab rollback: Insights from early Cretaceous magmatism in the southern segment of Tan-Lu fault zone, central-eastern China. Lithos, 362-363, 362-363.
Scopus15 WoS52020 Santosh, M., Gao, P., Yu, B., Yang, C. X., & Kwon, S. (2020). Neoarchean suprasubduction zone ophiolite discovered from the Miyun Complex: Implications for Archean–Paleoproterozoic Wilson cycle in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 342, 19 pages.
Scopus45 WoS342020 Dai, Z. W., Huang, H. X., Li, G. M., Huizenga, J. M., Santosh, M., Cao, H. W., . . . Ding, J. (2020). Formation of Late Cretaceous high-Mg granitoid porphyry in central Lhasa, Tibet: Implications for crustal thickening prior to India–Asia collision. Geological Journal, 55(10), 6696-6717.
Scopus11 WoS92020 Liu, Y., Li, S., Xie, C., Santosh, M., Liu, Y., Dong, Y., . . . Cao, X. (2020). Subduction–collision and exhumation of eclogites in the Lhasa terrane, Tibet Plateau. Gondwana Research, 102, 394-404.
Scopus24 WoS162020 Zhou, H., Zhang, D., Wei, J., Wang, D., Santosh, M., Shi, W., . . . Zhao, X. (2020). Petrogenesis of Late Triassic mafic enclaves and host granodiorite in the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt, China: Implications for the reworking of juvenile crust by delamination-induced asthenosphere upwelling. Gondwana Research, 84, 52-70.
Scopus44 WoS242020 Wang, L., Tang, L., Zhang, S., Santosh, M., Pei, Q., Cao, H., & Liu, F. (2020). Genesis of the Yujiadian F-Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, Inner Mongolia, NE China: Constraints from geochemistry, fluid inclusion, zircon geochronology and stable isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 20 pages.
Scopus18 WoS102020 Li, S., Santosh, M., & Yang, C. (2020). Heterogeneous gold metallogeny in the North China Craton. Geological Journal, 55(8), 5641-5645.
Scopus1 WoS12020 Manikyamba, C., Pahari, A., Santosh, M., Ray, J., Sindhuja, C. S., Subramanyam, K. S. V., & Singh, M. R. (2020). Mesoarchean gabbro-anorthosite complex from Singhbhum Craton, India. Lithos, 366-367, 19 pages.
Scopus28 WoS192020 Chai, H., Ma, Y., Santosh, M., Hao, S., Luo, T., Fan, D., . . . Wang, Q. (2020). Late Carboniferous to Early Permian oceanic subduction in central Inner Mongolia and its correlation with the tectonic evolution of the southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research, 84, 245-259.
Scopus18 WoS112020 Li, S. -S., Palin, R. M., Santosh, M., Shajis, E., & Tsunogae, T. (2020). Extreme thermal metamorphism associated with Gondwana assembly: Evidence from sapphirine-bearing granulites of Rajapalayam, southern India. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN, 132(5-6), 1013-1030.
Scopus20 WoS192020 Yang, F., Santosh, M., Glorie, S., Jepson, G., Xue, F., & Kim, S. W. (2020). Meso-Cenozoic multiple exhumation in the Shandong Peninsula, eastern North China Craton: implications for lithospheric destruction. Lithos, 370-371, 105597-1-105597-17.
Scopus23 WoS172020 Hu, H. L., Fan, H. R., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Cai, Y. C., & Yang, K. F. (2020). Ore-forming processes in the Wang'ershan gold deposit (Jiaodong, China): Insight from microtexture, mineral chemistry and sulfur isotope compositions. Ore Geology Reviews, 123, 23 pages.
Scopus20 WoS82020 Palin, R. M., Santosh, M., Cao, W., Li, S. S., Hernández-Uribe, D., & Parsons, A. (2020). Secular change and the onset of plate tectonics on Earth. Earth-Science Reviews, 207, 41 pages.
Scopus237 WoS1262020 Ramkumar, M., Nagarajan, R., J Mathew, M., Sautter, B., Siddiqui, N. A., Saw, B. B., . . . Poppelreiter, M. C. (2020). Relict hydrocarbon seeps in the Oligocene–Miocene Subis carbonate platform, Malaysia: Implications on hydrocarbon generation and migration pathways and potential sealing by shale gouging. Geological Journal, 56(5), 12 pages.
Scopus6 WoS32020 Terentiev, R. A., Savko, K. A., Petrakova, M. E., Santosh, M., & Korish, E. H. (2020). Paleoproterozoic granitoids of the Don terrane, East-Sarmatian Orogen: age, magma source and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 346, 24 pages.
Scopus17 WoS52020 Deng, J., Wang, Q., Yang, L., & Santosh, M. (2020). Gold metallogeny: A tribute to Academician Yusheng Zhai. Ore Geology Reviews, 123, 6 pages.
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Scopus25 WoS102020 Dong, M., Wang, C., Santosh, M., Shi, K., Du, B., Chen, Q., . . . Liu, X. (2020). Geochronology and petrogenesis of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Taihua Complex, NE China: Implications for the evolution of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 346, 14 pages.
Scopus16 WoS112020 Wang, H., Liu, F., Santosh, M., Cai, J., Wang, F., & Ji, L. (2020). Rapid cold slab subduction of the Paleo-Tethys: Insights from lawsonite-bearing blueschist in the Changning–Menglian orogenic belt, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research, 85, 189-223.
Scopus18 WoS92020 Hu, X. K., Tang, L., Zhang, S. T., Santosh, M., Sun, L., Spencer, C. J., . . . Huang, D. F. (2020). Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf-O isotopes of the Late Mesozoic granitoids from the Xiong'ershan area, East Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for petrogenesis and molybdenum metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, 124, 20 pages.
Scopus27 WoS132020 Li, C., Li, L., Li, S. R., & Santosh, M. (2020). Late Paleoproterozoic mafic-intermediate dykes from the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implication for magma source and Columbia reconstruction. Precambrian Research, 347, 17 pages.
Scopus16 WoS132020 Furnes, H., Dilek, Y., Zhao, G., Safonova, I., & Santosh, M. (2020). Geochemical characterization of ophiolites in the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt: Magmatically and tectonically diverse evolution of the Mesozoic Neotethyan oceanic crust. Earth-Science Reviews, 208, 42 pages.
Scopus80 WoS562020 Gao, P., & Santosh, M. (2020). Mesoarchean accretionary mélange and tectonic erosion in the Archean Dharwar Craton, southern India: Plate tectonics in the early Earth. Gondwana Research, 85, 291-305.
Scopus37 WoS272020 Liu, Y., Li, S., Santosh, M., Cao, H., Yu, S., Wang, Y., . . . Zhou, Z. (2020). The passive margin of northern Gondwana during Early Paleozoic: Evidence from the central Tibet Plateau. Gondwana Research, 78, 126-140.
Scopus20 WoS132020 Li, S. S., Li, L., Li, S. R., Santosh, M., Yuan, M. W., Zhi, Z. Y., & Wen, Z. H. (2020). Physicochemical conditions governing the formation of gold deposits along the southern margin of the North China Craton: A case study from the Chen'er deposit. Geological Journal, 55(8), 5812-5830.
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Scopus22 WoS192018 Singh, S., Subramanyam, K., Manikyamba, C., Santosh, M., Rajanikanta Singh, M., & Chandan Kumar, B. (2018). Geochemical systematics of the Mauranipur-Babina greenstone belt, Bundelkhand Craton, Central India: insights on Neoarchean mantle plume-arc accretion and crustal evolution. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(3), 769-788.
Scopus36 WoS272018 Santosh, M., Hari, K., He, X., Han, Y., & Manu Prasanth, M. (2018). Oldest lamproites from Peninsular India track the onset of Paleoproterozoic plume-induced rifting and the birth of Large Igneous Province. Gondwana Research, 55, 1-20.
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Scopus3 WoS22018 Li, S., Keerthy, S., Santosh, M., Singh, S., Deering, C., Satyanarayanan, M., . . . Sajinkumar, K. (2018). Anatomy of impactites and shocked zircon grains from Dhala reveals Paleoproterozoic meteorite impact in the Archean basement rocks of Central India. Gondwana Research, 54, 81-101.
Scopus29 WoS222018 Govil, H., Gill, N., Rajendran, S., Santosh, M., & Kumar, S. (2018). Identification of new base metal mineralization in Kumaon Himalaya, India, using hyperspectral remote sensing and hydrothermal alteration. Ore Geology Reviews, 92, 271-283.
Scopus42 WoS232018 Armistead, S., Collins, A., Payne, J., Foden, J., De Waele, B., Shaji, E., & Santosh, M. (2018). A re-evaluation of the Kumta Suture in western peninsular India and its extension into Madagascar. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 317-328.
Scopus16 WoS112018 Park, S., Kwon, S., Kim, S., Hong, P., & Santosh, M. (2018). A Mesozoic orogenic cycle from post-collision to subduction in the southwestern Korean Peninsula: new structural, geochemical, and chronological evidence. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 166-186.
Scopus26 WoS192018 Hu, C., & Santosh, M. (2018). Devonian rodingite from the northern margin of the North China Craton: mantle wedge metasomatism during ocean-continent convergence. International Geology Review, 60(9), 1073-1097.
Scopus8 WoS22018 Zhang, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Lu, J., & Wang, C. (2018). Metallogenesis of Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt: Constrains on the tectonic evolution of the North China Craton. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(3), 317-333.
Scopus20 WoS162018 Kong, C., Shen, J., Santosh, M., Li, S., Cao, W., Peng, Z., . . . Bao, L. (2018). Age and genesis of the Gangcha gold deposit, western Qinling orogen, China. Geological Journal, 53(5), 1871-1888.
Scopus16 WoS72018 Manikyamba, C., Said, N., Santosh, M., Saha, A., Ganguly, S., & Subramanyam, K. (2018). U enrichment and Th/U fractionation in Archean boninites: Implications for paleo-ocean oxygenation and U cycling at juvenile subduction zones. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 187-197.
Scopus7 WoS42018 Yang, X., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Li, C., & Liang, T. (2018). Hydrothermal copper mineralization in the Mesoproterozoic Huashugou banded iron formation, Northwest China: characteristics, timing of formation and genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 102, 776-790.
Scopus6 WoS32018 Li, X., Li, S., Yu, S., Santosh, M., Zhao, S., Guo, X., . . . Huang, Z. (2018). Early Paleozoic arc–back-arc system in the southeastern margin of the North Qilian Orogen, China: Constraints from geochronology, and whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic geochemistry of volcanic suites. Gondwana Research, 59, 9-26.
Scopus36 WoS242018 Zhao, R., Wang, Q., Deng, J., Santosh, M., Liu, X., & Cheng, H. (2018). Late Mesozoic magmatism and sedimentation in the Jiaodong Peninsula: new constraints on lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton. Lithos, 322, 312-324.
Scopus39 WoS212018 He, X., Hand, M., Santosh, M., Kelsey, D., Morrissey, L., & Tsunogae, T. (2018). Long-lived metamorphic P–T–t evolution of the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka: Insights from mafic granulites. Precambrian Research, 316, 227-243.
Scopus29 WoS202018 Yang, F., Santosh, M., Kim, S. W., Zhou, H., & Xue, F. (2018). Early Cretaceous adakitic granitoids from the Zhijiazhuang skarn iron deposit, North Taihang Mountain, China: Implications for petrogenesis and metallogenesis associated with craton destruction. Geological Journal, 54(6), 3189-3211.
Scopus20 WoS142018 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Turesebekov, A., Nurtaev, B. S., Xu, L., & Santosh, M. (2018). Petrogenesis of gabbroic intrusions in the Valerianov-Beltau-Kurama magmatic arc, Uzbekistan: the role of arc maturity controlling the generation of giant porphyry Cu–Au deposits. Lithos, 320-321, 75-92.
Scopus12 WoS72018 Pal, D., Kundu, B., & Santosh, M. (2018). Topography as a proxy for inter-plate coupling. Journal of Geodynamics, 121, 133-142.
Scopus7 WoS62018 Sun, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Wang, L. (2018). Precambrian crustal evolution of the central Jiangnan Orogen (South China): evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions of Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks. Precambrian Research, 318, 1-24.
Scopus42 WoS242018 Eyuboglu, Y., Dudas, F., Chatterjee, N., Santosh, M., Billor, M., & Yuva, S. (2018). Petrology, Geochronology and Tectonic Setting of Early Triassic Alkaline Metagabbros From the Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey): Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of Gondwana's Early Mesozoic Northern Margin. Tectonics, 37(9), 3174-3206.
Scopus17 WoS92018 Terentiev, R., & Santosh, M. (2018). High magnesian granitoids in the Precambrian continental crust: implication for the continuum between ferro-potassic and magnesio-potassic rock suites. Lithos, 314-315, 669-682.
Scopus15 WoS72018 Zhang, L. K., Li, G. M., Santosh, M., Cao, H. W., Dong, S. L., Zhang, Z., . . . Zhang, S. T. (2018). Cambrian magmatism in the Tethys Himalaya and implications for the evolution of the Proto-Tethys along the northern Gondwana margin: A case study and overview. Geological Journal, 54(4), 2545-2565.
Scopus34 WoS232018 Deng, X. H., Wang, J. B., Santosh, M., Wang, Y. W., Long, L. L., Zhang, H. Q., . . . Chen, L. (2018). Early Paleozoic volcanic rocks with VMS mineralization from eastern Tianshan Orogen: implication for tectonic evolution. Geological Journal, 53(5), 2178-2192.
Scopus26 WoS152018 Roberts, N. M. W., & Santosh, M. (2018). Capturing the Mesoarchean emergence of continental crust in the Coorg Block, southern India. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(15), 7444-7453.
Scopus35 WoS272018 Xie, Q., Zhang, Z., Campos, E., Cheng, Z., Fei, X., Liu, B., . . . Xu, L. (2018). Magnesium isotopic composition of continental arc andesites and the implications: a case study from the El Laco volcanic complex, Chile. Lithos, 318-319, 91-103.
Scopus22 WoS142018 Hou, Z., Xiao, W., Santosh, M., & Aghazadeh, M. (2018). Tectono-magmatic evolution and metallogenesis in the eastern Tethyan orogens. Gondwana Research, 62, 1.
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Scopus43 WoS332018 Maruyama, S., & Santosh, M. (2018). Frontiers in early Earth history and primordial life – Part II. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(4), 1021-1022.
2018 Liu, S., Feng, C., Santosh, M., Feng, G., Coulson, I., Xu, M., . . . Feng, Q. (2018). Integrated elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic studies of Mesozoic mafic dykes from the eastern North China Craton: implications for the dramatic transformation of lithospheric mantle. Journal of Geodynamics, 114, 19-40.
Scopus25 WoS202018 He, C., Gong, S., Wang, L., Chen, N., Santosh, M., & Wang, Q. (2018). Protracted post-collisional magmatism during plate subduction shutdown in early Paleoproterozoic: Insights from post-collisional granitoid suite in NW China. Gondwana Research, 55, 92-111.
Scopus28 WoS212018 Wang, T., Wang, D., Wang, Z., Lu, H., Wang, M., & Santosh, M. (2018). Geochemical and geochronological study of early Paleozoic volcanic rocks from the Lajishan accretionary complex, NW China: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Lithos, 314-315, 323-336.
Scopus18 WoS132018 Jie, Z., Sanzhong, L., Genhou, W., Santosh, M., Li, Z., Shengyao, Y., . . . Xiyao, L. (2018). Petrogenesis of Eocene mineralized porphyry in Bijiashan, eastern margin of Tibet Plateau: constraints from geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes. Lithos, 316-317, 1-18.
Scopus6 WoS12018 Jin, Z., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., & Han, L. (2018). Occurrence and Chemical Compositions of Amphiboles in Altered Dioritic Rocks of Laiwu Skarn-Type Iron Deposit in West Shandong Area, China. Resource Geology, 68(4), 425-445.
Scopus4 WoS12018 Zhu, R. Z., Lai, S. C., Qin, J. F., Zhao, S. W., & Santosh, M. (2018). Strongly peraluminous fractionated S-type granites in the Baoshan Block, SW China: implications for two-stage melting of fertile continental materials following the closure of Bangong-Nujiang Tethys. Lithos, 316-317, 178-198.
Scopus45 WoS362018 Panda, D., Kundu, B., & Santosh, M. (2018). Oblique convergence and strain partitioning in the outer deformation front of NE Himalaya. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 10564.
Scopus24 WoS142018 Wang, J. Q., Shu, L., & Santosh, M. (2018). Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of late Mesozoic granitic and adakitic rocks from inland South China: constraints from geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Journal of the Geological Society, 175(4), 679-693.
Scopus5 WoS32018 Liu, L., Chu, G., Li, Y., Yang, X., Santosh, M. W., & Hu, Q. (2018). Mesozoic high-and low-SiO₂ adakites and A-type granites in the lower yangtze river belt, eastern China: Implications for petrogenesis and metallogeny. Minerals, 8(8), 328-1-328-27.
Scopus9 WoS32018 Xu, W., Liu, F., Santosh, M., Liu, P., Tian, Z., & Dong, Y. (2018). Constraints of mafic rocks on a Paleoproterozoic back-arc in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 166, 195-209.
Scopus60 WoS442018 Han, Y., Santosh, M., & Samuel, V. (2018). The Fangmayu Alaskan-type ultramafic intrusion: Implications for Paleoproterozoic assembly of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 315, 201-221.
Scopus13 WoS132018 Hou, Z., Santosh, M., Xiao, W., Niu, Y., & Mocanu, V. (2018). Frontiers in geoscience: A tribute to Prof. Xuanxue Mo – Preface. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(5), 1261-1264.
2018 Yang, C., Chai, F., Yang, F., Santosh, M., Xu, Q., & Wang, W. (2018). Genesis of the Huangtupo Cu–Zn deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Constraints from geology, Rb–Sr and Re–Os geochronology, fluid inclusions, and H–O–S–Pb isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews, 101, 725-739.
Scopus36 WoS302018 Santosh, M., & Sajeev, K. (2018). The Puzzling Earth. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 98(4), 343-344.
Scopus1 WoS12018 Manu Prasanth, M. P., Hari, K. R., Chalapathi Rao, N. V., Santosh, M., Hou, G., Tsunogae, T., & Pandit, D. (2018). Neoarchean suprasubduction zone magmatism in the Sonakhan greenstone belt, Bastar Craton, India: Implications for subduction initiation and melt extraction. Geological Journal, 54(6), 3980-4000.
Scopus9 WoS92018 Li, S., Santosh, M., & Palin, R. (2018). Metamorphism during the Archean-Paleoproterozoic transition associated with microblock amalgamation in the Dharwar Craton, India. Journal of Petrology, 59(12), 2435-2462.
Scopus55 WoS392018 Liu, S., Feng, C., Santosh, M., Feng, G., Mengjing, X., Coulson, I., . . . Fan, Y. (2018). Geochronology and genetic model for early Cretaceous volcanic rocks from the southern Qiangtang Terrane, northern Tibet, China: constraints from U-Pb zircon dating, whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data. Acta Geologica Sinica, 92(6), 2157-2178.
Scopus2 WoS12018 Malhotra, A., & Wu, X. (2018). Reply to Letter to the Editor. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY, 53(4), 855.
2018 Deng, X., Wang, J., Santosh, M., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Mao, Q., . . . Chen, X. (2018). New ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar ages from the Kalatag district in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China: constraints on the timing of Cu mineralization and stratigraphy. Ore Geology Reviews, 100, 250-262.
Scopus37 WoS212018 Zhao, R., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Santosh, M., Yuan, W., & Wang, W. (2018). Uplift history of the Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern North China Craton: Implications for lithosphere thinning and gold mineralization. Geological Magazine, 155(4), 979-991.
Scopus31 WoS202018 Maruyama, S., Santosh, M., & Azuma, S. (2018). Initiation of plate tectonics in the Hadean: Eclogitization triggered by the ABEL Bombardment. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(4), 1033-1048.
Scopus63 WoS422018 Khomich, V., Boriskina, N., Fatyanov, I., & Santosh, M. (2018). Characteristics and genesis of the Mnogovershinnoe gold-silver deposit, SE Russia. Ore Geology Reviews, 103, 56-67.
Scopus3 WoS32018 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Chai, F., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Turesebekov, A., & Nurtaev, B. (2018). Carboniferous porphyry Cu-Au deposits in the Almalyk orefield, Uzbekistan: the Sarycheku and Kalmakyr examples. International Geology Review, 60(1), 1-20.
Scopus49 WoS282018 Tang, L., & Santosh, M. (2018). Neoarchean granite-greenstone belts and related ore mineralization in the North China Craton: An overview. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(3), 751-768.
Scopus93 WoS812018 Tang, L., Rajesh, S., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Pradeepkumar, A., Tsutsumi, Y., & Takamura, Y. (2018). Metamorphic phase equilibria modelling and zircon U–Pb geochronology of ultrahigh-temperature cordierite granulites from the Madurai Block, India: implications for hot Gondwana crust. International Geology Review, 60(1), 21-42.
Scopus12 WoS102018 Khomich, V., Boriskina, N., & Santosh, M. (2018). Super large mineral deposits and deep mantle dynamics: The scenario from Southeast Trans-Baikal region, Russia. Geological Journal, 53(1), 412-423.
Scopus2 WoS12018 Xue, F., Wang, G., Santosh, M., Yang, F., Shen, Z., Kong, L., . . . Jia, W. (2018). Geochemistry and geochronology of ore-bearing and barren intrusions in the Luanchuan ore fields of East Qinling metallogenic belt, China: diverse tectonic evolution and implications for mineral exploration. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 57-77.
Scopus44 WoS282018 Teng, X., Santosh, M., & Tang, L. (2018). The Early Cretaceous Shangzhuang layered mafic intrusion and its bearing on decratonization of the North China Craton. Geological Magazine, 155(7), 1475-1506.
Scopus5 WoS32018 Xu, N., Li, S., Santosh, M., & Tong, B. (2018). Petrology, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Jurassic porphyry dykes in the Dehua gold field, Southeast China: genesis and geodynamics. Geological Journal, 53(2), 547-564.
Scopus13 WoS82018 Liao, F., Wang, Q., Chen, N., Santosh, M., Xu, Y., & Mustafa, H. (2018). Geochemistry and geochronology of the ∼0.82Ga high-Mg gabbroic dykes from the Quanji Massif, southeast Tarim Block, NW China: implications for the Rodinia supercontinent assembly. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 3-21.
Scopus29 WoS222018 Yang, F., Santosh, M., & Tang, L. (2018). Extensive crustal melting during craton destruction: evidence from the Mesozoic magmatic suite of Junan, eastern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 119-140.
Scopus43 WoS302018 Yuan, W., Yang, Z., Zhao, X., Santosh, M., & Zhou, X. (2018). Early Jurassic granitoids from deep drill holes in the East China Sea Basin: implications for the initiation of Palaeo-Pacific tectono-magmatic cycle. International Geology Review, 60(7), 813-824.
Scopus27 WoS162018 Takahashi, K., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Takamura, Y., & Tsutsumi, Y. (2018). Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1.8Ga) arc magmatism in the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica: Implications for crustal growth and terrane assembly in erstwhile Gondwana fragments. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 245-268.
Scopus22 WoS132018 Eyuboglu, Y., Dudas, F., Santosh, M., Eroğlu-Gümrük, T., Akbulut, K., Yi, K., & Chatterjee, N. (2018). The final pulse of the Early Cenozoic adakitic activity in the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey): An integrated study on the nature of transition from adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism in a slab window setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157, 141-165.
Scopus17 WoS122018 Cao, H., Zhang, Y., Santosh, M., Zhang, S., Tang, L., & Pei, Q. (2018). Mineralogy, zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes, and whole-rock geochemistry of Late Cretaceous-Eocene granites from the Tengchong terrane, western Yunnan, China: Record of the closure of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. Geological Journal, 53(4), 1423-1441.
Scopus26 WoS202018 Liao, F., Chen, N., Santosh, M., Wang, Q., Gong, S., He, C., & Mustafa, H. (2018). Paleoproterozoic Nb–enriched meta-gabbros in the Quanji Massif, NW China: Implications for assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(2), 431-439.
Scopus24 WoS162017 Terentiev, R., Savko, K., & Santosh, M. (2017). Paleoproterozoic evolution of the arc–back-arc system in the east Sarmatian orogen (East European Craton): zircon shrimp geochronology and geochemistry of the Losevo volcanic suite. American Journal of Science, 317(6), 707-753.
Scopus25 WoS142017 Ma, X., Xu, Z., Meert, J., & Santosh, M. (2017). Early Jurassic intra-oceanic arc system of the Neotethys Ocean: constraints from andesites in the Gangdese magmatic belt, south Tibet. Island Arc, 26(5), e12202-1-e12202-14.
Scopus29 WoS212017 Wang, R., Xu, Z., Santosh, M., Xu, X., Deng, Q., & Fu, X. (2017). Middle Neoproterozoic (ca. 705–716 Ma) arc to rift transitional magmatism in the northern margin of the Yangtze Block: constraints from geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Journal of Geodynamics, 109, 59-74.
Scopus35 WoS202017 Zeming, Z., Hua, X., Huixia, D., Xin, D., Zhengbin, G., Zhulin, T., & Santosh, M. (2017). Miocene orbicular diorite in east-central Himalaya: Anatexis, melt mixing, and fractional crystallization of the Greater Himalayan Sequence. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 129(7-8), 869-885.
Scopus25 WoS192017 He, X. F., Santosh, M., & Ganguly, S. (2017). Mesozoic felsic volcanic rocks from the North China craton: intraplate magmatism associated with craton destruction. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 129(7-8), 947-969.
Scopus24 WoS242017 Meert, J. G., Santosh, M., & Kwon, S. (2017). Gondwana Research Golden Jubilee special issue: Introduction. Gondwana Research, 50, 1-2.
2017 Zhang, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Niu, S., Li, Q., & Lu, J. (2017). The magmatic–hydrothermal mineralization systems of the Yixingzhai and Xinzhuang gold deposits in the central North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 88, 416-435.
Scopus25 WoS142017 Kim, S., Park, S., Jang, Y., Kwon, S., Kim, S., & Santosh, M. (2017). Tracking Paleozoic evolution of the South Korean Peninsula from detrital zircon records: Implications for the tectonic history of East Asia. Gondwana Research, 50, 195-215.
Scopus47 WoS392017 Li, S., Santosh, M., Indu, G., Shaji, E., & Tsunogae, T. (2017). Detrital zircon geochronology of quartzites from the southern Madurai Block, India: implications for Gondwana reconstruction. Geoscience Frontiers, 8(4), 851-867.
Scopus27 WoS212017 Li, S., & Santosh, M. (2017). Geodynamics of heterogeneous gold mineralization in the North China Craton and its relationship to lithospheric destruction. Gondwana Research, 50, 267-292.
Scopus165 WoS1332017 Guo, J., Luo, Z., Yu, S., Santosh, M., & Li, Y. (2017). Dike distribution density: Method for quantitative mine targets prediction in the South Alatao Mountains area, NW China. Geological Journal, 53(4), 1295-1307.
Scopus1 WoS12017 Zhang, H., Liu, J., Santosh, M., Tao, N., Zhou, Q., & Hu, B. (2017). Ultra-depleted peridotite xenoliths in the Northern Taihang Mountains: Implications for the nature of the lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 48, 72-85.
Scopus16 WoS132017 Wang, R., Xu, Z., Santosh, M., Liang, F., & Fu, X. (2017). Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Early Paleozoic intermediate and mafic intrusions in the South Qinling Belt, Central China: constraints from geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Tectonophysics, 712-713, 270-288.
Scopus53 WoS372017 He, C., & Santosh, M. (2017). Intraplate earthquakes and their link with mantle dynamics: Insights from P-wave teleseismic tomography along the northern part of the North-South Tectonic Zone in China. Comptes Rendus - Geoscience, 349(3), 96-105.
Scopus6 WoS32017 Yang, F., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Tang, L., & Teng, X. (2017). Multiple magmatism in an evolving suprasubduction zone mantle wedge: The case of the composite mafic–ultramafic complex of Gaositai, North China Craton. Lithos, 284-285, 525-544.
Scopus27 WoS232017 Yang, F., Wang, G., Santosh, M., Li, R., Tang, L., Cao, H., . . . Liu, C. (2017). Delineation of potential exploration targets based on 3D geological modeling: a case study from the Laoangou Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic ore deposit, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 89, 228-252.
Scopus28 WoS162017 Manikyamba, C., Ganguly, S., Santosh, M., & Subramanyam, K. (2017). Volcano-sedimentary and metallogenic records of the Dharwar greenstone terranes, India: Window to Archean plate tectonics, continent growth, and mineral endowment. Gondwana Research, 50, 38-66.
Scopus75 WoS612017 Santosh, M., Teng, X. M., He, X. F., Tang, L., & Yang, Q. Y. (2017). Corrigendum to “Discovery of Neoarchean suprasubduction zone ophiolite suite from Yishui Complex in the North China Craton” [Gondwana Res. 38 (2016) 1–27] (S1342937X15002786) (10.1016/j.gr.2015.10.017). Gondwana Research, 48, 311.
Scopus1 WoS12017 Zou, Y., Zhai, M., Santosh, M., Zhou, L., Zhao, L., Lu, J., & Shan, H. (2017). High-pressure pelitic granulites from the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton: a complete P-T path and its tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134, 103-121.
Scopus73 WoS562017 Eyuboglu, Y., Dudas, F., Thorkelson, D., Zhu, D., Liu, Z., Chatterjee, N., . . . Santosh, M. (2017). Eocene granitoids of northern Turkey: Polybaric magmatism in an evolving arc–slab window system. Gondwana Research, 50, 311-345.
Scopus59 WoS432017 Song, M., Shu, L., & Santosh, M. (2017). Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny and stress transmission in South China: evidence from Triassic peraluminous granites. Journal of the Geological Society, 174(3), 591-607.
Scopus22 WoS162017 Zhang, C., Liu, L., Santosh, M., Luo, Q., & Zhang, X. (2017). Sediment recycling and crustal growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Evidence from Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes and trace elements in granitoids of the Chinese Altay. Gondwana Research, 47, 142-160.
Scopus67 WoS482017 Wang, P., Dong, G., Santosh, M., Liu, K., & Li, X. (2017). Copper isotopes trace the evolution of skarn ores: a case study from the Hongshan-Hongniu Cu deposit, Southwest China. Ore Geology Reviews, 88, 822-831.
Scopus19 WoS142017 Park, S., Kim, S., Kwon, S., Santosh, M., Ko, K., & Kee, W. (2017). Nature of Late Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic magmatism in the western Gyeonggi massif, Korean Peninsula and its tectonic significance. Gondwana Research, 47, 291-307.
Scopus41 WoS382017 Pei, Q., Zhang, S., Santosh, M., Cao, H., Zhang, W., Hu, X., & Wang, L. (2017). Geochronology, geochemistry, fluid inclusion and C, O and Hf isotope compositions of the Shuitou fluorite deposit, Inner Mongolia, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 83, 174-190.
Scopus58 WoS422017 Ramkumar, M., Menier, D., Mathew, M., Santosh, M., & Siddiqui, N. (2017). Early Cenozoic rapid flight enigma of the Indian subcontinent resolved: roles of topographic top loading and subcrustal erosion. Geoscience Frontiers, 8(1), 15-23.
Scopus31 WoS242017 Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhang, S., Cheng, Z., Huang, H., Ye, J., . . . Santosh, M. (2017). Palaeogene Sediment-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in SE Asia: the Uragen example. International Geology Review, 59(16), 1-13.
Scopus6 WoS32017 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Zhao, Z., & Chen, L. (2017). Late Carboniferous to Early Permian partial melting of the metasedimentary rocks and crustal reworking in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: evidence from garnet-bearing rhyolites in the Chinese South Tianshan. Lithos, 282-283, 373-387.
Scopus24 WoS152017 Endo, T., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Shaji, E., & Rambeloson, R. (2017). Petrogenesis of incipient charnockite in the Ikalamavony sub-domain, south-central Madagascar: New insights from phase equilibrium modeling. Lithos, 282-283, 431-446.
Scopus12 WoS112017 Xue, L., Dai, C., Zhu, M., Santosh, M., & Liu, Z. (2017). Anatomy of the Archean Anshan iron ore belt in the North China Craton: a geophysical approach. Precambrian Research, 295, 1-11.
Scopus3 WoS22017 Tang, L., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., & Maruoka, T. (2017). Reply to comment by Wang et al. on “Paleoproterozoic meta-carbonates from the central segment of the Trans-North China Orogen: Zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and carbon and oxygen isotopes” by Tang et al., 2016, Precambrian Research 284: 14–29. Precambrian Research, 294, 350-353.
Scopus4 WoS32017 Meert, J., & Santosh, M. (2017). The Columbia supercontinent revisited. Gondwana Research, 50, 67-83.
Scopus246 WoS1772017 Xie, Q., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Jin, Z., & Santosh, M. (2017). Geochemistry and oxygen isotope composition of magnetite from the Zhangmatun deposit, North China Craton: implications for the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of Cornwall-type iron mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 88, 57-70.
Scopus28 WoS242017 Niu, S., Li, S., Huizenga, J., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., Zeng, Y., . . . Zhao, W. (2017). Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the intrusions associated with the Jiawula Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in the Great Xing'an Range, NE China and their implications for mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 86, 35-54.
Scopus41 WoS282017 Tang, L., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Koizumi, T., Hu, X., & Teng, X. (2017). Petrology, phase equilibria modelling and zircon U–Pb geochronology of Paleoproterozoic mafic granulites from the Fuping Complex, North China Craton. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 35(5), 517-540.
Scopus67 WoS582017 Zhao, L., Zhai, M., Santosh, M., & Zhou, X. (2017). Early Mesozoic retrograded eclogite and mafic granulite from the Badu Complex of the Cathaysia Block, South China: petrology and tectonic implications. Gondwana Research, 42, 84-103.
Scopus38 WoS252017 Wang, P., Dong, G., Santosh, M., Li, X., & Dong, M. (2017). Triassic ore-bearing and barren porphyries in the Zhongdian Arc of SW China: implications for the subduction of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean. International Geology Review, 59(11), 1490-1505.
Scopus12 WoS112017 Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2017). The building of an Archean microcontinent: Evidence from the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 50, 3-37.
Scopus102 WoS792017 Hu, C., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Kim, S., Nakagawa, M., & Maruyama, S. (2017). Magmatic and metasomatic imprints in a long-lasting subduction zone: evidence from zircon in rodingite and serpentinite of Kochi, SW Japan. Lithos, 274-275, 349-362.
Scopus21 WoS192017 He, C., Santosh, M., & Yang, Q. Y. (2017). Erratum for “Corrigendum to “Gold metallogeny associated with craton destruction: A geophysical perspective from the North China Craton” published in Ore Geology Reviews, 2016, Vol. 75, pp. 29–41” (S0169136815300998)(10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.12.004). Ore Geology Reviews, 84, 364-366.
2017 Yu, M., Feng, C., Santosh, M., Mao, J., Zhu, Y., Zhao, Y., . . . Li, B. (2017). The Qiman Tagh Orogen as a window to the crustal evolution in northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Earth-Science Reviews, 167, 103-123.
Scopus79 WoS512017 Santosh, M., Hu, C., He, X., Li, S., Tsunogae, T., Shaji, E., & Indu, G. (2017). Neoproterozoic arc magmatism in the southern Madurai Block, India: subduction, relamination, continental outbuilding, and the growth of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 45, 1-42.
Scopus121 WoS1032017 Menier, D., Mathew, M., Pubellier, M., Sapin, F., Delcaillau, B., Siddiqui, N., . . . Santosh, M. (2017). Landscape response to progressive tectonic and climatic forcing in NW Borneo: Implications for geological and geomorphic controls on flood hazard. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-18.
Scopus66 WoS482017 Wang, J., Shu, L., & Santosh, M. (2017). U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes of detrital zircon grains from Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks in the central Jiangnan Orogen, South China: Implications for Precambrian crustal evolution. Precambrian Research, 294, 175-188.
Scopus53 WoS322017 Maruyama, S., & Santosh, M. (2017). Frontiers in early Earth history and primordial life – Part I. Geoscience Frontiers, 8(2), 211-213.
Scopus92017 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Chen, L., Ke, S., & Xu, L. (2017). Decoupling of Mg-C and Sr-Nd-O isotopes traces the role of recycled carbon in magnesiocarbonatites from the Tarim Large Igneous Province. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 202, 159-178.
Scopus77 WoS502017 Guo, B., Liu, S., Santosh, M., & Wang, W. (2017). Neoarchean arc magmatism and crustal growth in the north-eastern North China Craton: Evidence from granitoid gneisses in the Southern Jilin Province. Precambrian Research, 303, 30-53.
Scopus70 WoS502017 Santosh, M., Arai, T., & Maruyama, S. (2017). Hadean Earth and primordial continents: the cradle of prebiotic life. Geoscience Frontiers, 8(2), 309-327.
Scopus65 WoS502017 Yin, Y., Wei, W., Jin, S., & Santosh, M. (2017). Fossil oceanic subduction zone beneath the western margin of the Trans-North China Orogen: magnetotelluric evidence from the Lüliang Complex. Precambrian Research, 303, 54-74.
Scopus17 WoS82017 Terentiev, R., & Santosh, M. (2017). Post-collisional high-Mg granitoids from the Paleoproterozoic East Sarmatian Orogen (East European Craton): evidence for crust–mantle interaction. Lithos, 274-275, 271-290.
Scopus4 WoS42017 Kim, S., Kwon, S., Park, S., Yi, K., Santosh, M., & Kim, H. (2017). Early to Middle Paleozoic tectonometamorphic evolution of the Hongseong area, central western Korean Peninsula: tectonic implications. Gondwana Research, 47, 308-322.
Scopus35 WoS312017 Rajanikanta Singh, M., Manikyamba, C., Ganguly, S., Ray, J., Santosh, M., Dhanakumar Singh, T., & Chandan Kumar, B. (2017). Paleoproterozoic arc basalt-boninite-high magnesian andesite-Nb enriched basalt association from the Malangtoli volcanic suite, Singhbhum Craton, eastern India: geochemical record for subduction initiation to arc maturation continuum. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134, 191-206.
Scopus35 WoS112017 Zhang, Z., Ding, L., Zhao, Z., & Santosh, M. (2017). Tectonic evolution and dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research, 41, 1-8.
Scopus34 WoS272017 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Lü, L., Han, L., & Liu, W. (2017). Late Permian basalts in the Yanghe area, eastern Sichuan Province, SW China: implications for the geodynamics of the Emeishan flood basalt province and Permian global mass extinction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134, 293-308.
Scopus69 WoS432017 Liao, X., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Wang, C., & Santosh, M. (2017). Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic data from the Liuling Group in the South Qinling belt: provenance and tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134, 244-261.
Scopus45 WoS262017 He, C., Santosh, M., & Yang, Q. (2017). Metallogeny linked to mantle dynamics in the Sanjiang Tethys region as inferred from P-wave teleseismic tomographic study. Ore Geology Reviews, 90, 1032-1041.
Scopus2 WoS12017 Deng, X., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., Wang, J., Li, C., Yue, S., . . . Qu, X. (2017). U–Pb zircon, Re–Os molybdenite geochronology and Rb–Sr geochemistry from the Xiaobaishitou W (–Mo) deposit: Implications for Triassic tectonic setting in eastern Tianshan, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, 332-351.
Scopus92 WoS652017 Terentiev, R., & Santosh, M. (2017). Clinopyroxenites (diopsidites) and metabasites from the East Sarmatian Orogen, East European Craton. Geological Journal, 52(5), 745-767.
Scopus3 WoS12017 Gao, S., Xu, H., Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., Yang, L., & Quan, S. (2017). Hydrothermal alteration and ore-forming fluids associated with gold-tellurium mineralization in the Dongping gold deposit, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, 166-184.
Scopus53 WoS392017 Sivakumar, V., Neelakantan, R., & Santosh, M. (2017). Lunar surface mineralogy using hyperspectral data: Implications for primordial crust in the Earth–Moon system. Geoscience Frontiers, 8(3), 457-465.
Scopus24 WoS182017 Teng, X., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., & Tang, L. (2017). Magma chamber processes in Early Cretaceous Shangzhuang layered mafic intrusion from the North China Craton. Geological Journal, 52(5), 851-872.
Scopus3 WoS12017 Liu, L., Yang, X., Santosh, M., Wang, G., & Aulbach, S. (2017). Initial gold enrichment within a Neoarchean granite-greenstone belt: Evidence from ore-bearing and ore-barren samples in the Jiapigou deposits, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews, 81, 211-229.
Scopus11 WoS72017 Yang, L., Deng, J., Gao, X., He, W., Meng, J., Santosh, M., . . . Wang, D. (2017). Timing of formation and origin of the Tongchanggou porphyry-skarn deposit: Implications for Late Cretaceous Mo-Cu metallogenesis in the southern Yidun Terrane, SE Tibetan Plateau. Ore Geology Reviews, 81, 1015-1032.
Scopus75 WoS542017 Likhanov, I., & Santosh, M. (2017). Neoproterozoic intraplate magmatism along the western margin of the Siberian Craton: implications for breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 300, 315-331.
Scopus50 WoS372017 Xie, Q., Zhang, Z., Cheng, Z., & Santosh, M. (2017). Interstitial microstructures in Ji'nan mafic intrusion, North China Craton: Magmatic or hydrothermal origin?. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29(5), 839-850.
Scopus8 WoS62017 Ye, H., Wu, C., Yang, T., Santosh, M., Yao, X., Gao, B., . . . Li, W. (2017). Updating the Geologic Barcodes for South China: Discovery of Late Archean Banded Iron Formations in the Yangtze Craton. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-9.
Scopus30 WoS222017 Yu, H., Zhang, H., & Santosh, M. (2017). Mylonitized peridotites of Songshugou in the Qinling Orogen, Central China: a fragment of fossil oceanic lithosphere mantle. Gondwana Research, 52, 1-17.
Scopus27 WoS202017 Kou, C., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Huang, H., & Zhu, J. (2017). Oldest volcanic-hosted submarine iron ores in South China: Evidence from zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Dahongshan iron deposit. Gondwana Research, 49, 182-204.
Scopus50 WoS252017 He, X., Kobayashi, A., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2017). Crust-mantle interaction and craton destruction: evidence from Late Mesozoic plutons in the North China Craton. Journal of the Geological Society, 174(6), 1070-1089.
Scopus5 WoS32017 Wei, R., Gao, Y., Xu, S., Xin, H., Santosh, M., Liu, Y., & Lei, S. (2017). The volcanic succession of Baoligaomiao, central Inner Mongolia: Evidence for Carboniferous continental arc in the central Asian orogenic belt. Gondwana Research, 51, 234-254.
Scopus39 WoS352017 He, C., & Santosh, M. (2017). Mantle roots of the Emeishan plume: an evaluation based on teleseismic P-wave tomography. Solid Earth, 8(6), 1141-1151.
Scopus8 WoS72017 Wang, W., Zhang, X., Wang, S., & Santosh, M. (2017). Geochronology and geochemistry of Neoarchean granitoids from the western Shandong Province, North China Craton, implications for crustal evolution and cratonization. Precambrian Research, 303, 749-763.
Scopus24 WoS152017 Zhang, L., Park, C., Wang, G., Wu, C., Santosh, M., Chung, D., & Song, Y. (2017). Phase transformation processes in karst-type bauxite deposit from Yunnan area, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 89, 407-420.
Scopus14 WoS102017 Zhu, R., Lai, S., Santosh, M., Qin, J., & Zhao, S. (2017). Early Cretaceous Na-rich granitoids and their enclaves in the Tengchong Block, SW China: magmatism in relation to subduction of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethys ocean. Lithos, 286-287, 175-190.
Scopus44 WoS392017 Zhang, L., Chen, Z., Li, S., Santosh, M., Huang, G., & Tian, Z. (2017). Isotope geochronology, geochemistry, and mineral chemistry of the U-bearing and barren granites from the Zhuguangshan complex, South China: Implications for petrogenesis and uranium mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 91, 1040-1065.
Scopus45 WoS272017 Sun, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Wang, L. (2017). Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Jiuling terrane in the central Jiangnan orogenic belt (South China): constraints from magmatic suites. Precambrian Research, 302, 279-297.
Scopus47 WoS322017 Spencer, C., Roberts, N., & Santosh, M. (2017). Growth, destruction, and preservation of Earth's continental crust. Earth-Science Reviews, 172, 87-106.
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Scopus2 WoS22017 Li, Y., Li, S., Santosh, M., Mo, X., Gao, K., & Ma, Y. (2017). Isotope geochemistry and geochronology of the Niujuan silver deposit, northern North China Craton: implications for magmatism and metallogeny in an extensional tectonic setting. Ore Geology Reviews, 90, 36-51.
Scopus14 WoS112017 Zhao, P., Yuan, S., Mao, J., Santosh, M., & Zhang, D. (2017). Zircon U–Pb and Hf–O isotopes trace the architecture of polymetallic deposits: a case study of the Jurassic ore-forming porphyries in the Qin–Hang metallogenic belt, China. Lithos, 292-293, 132-145.
Scopus52 WoS282017 Santosh, M., Lacotte, M., David, A., Boullay, P., Grygiel, C., Pravarthana, D., . . . Prellier, W. (2017). Pulsed laser deposition of Sr2FeMoO6 thin films grown on spark plasma sintered Sr2MgWO6 substrates. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(23), 235301.
Scopus142017 Maruyama, S., & Santosh, M. (2017). Frontiers in early Earth history and primordial life - Part I. GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS, 8(2), 211-213.
WoS62017 Wang, Y., Luo, Z., Santosh, M., Wang, S., & Wang, N. (2017). The Liuyuan Volcanic Belt in NW China revisited: Evidence for Permian rifting associated with the assembly of continental blocks in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geological Magazine, 154(2), 265-285.
Scopus48 WoS302016 Zhang, X., Cawood, P., Huang, C., Wang, Y., Yan, Y., Santosh, M., . . . Yu, M. (2016). From convergent plate margin to arc-continent collision: Formation of the Kenting Mélange, Southern Taiwan. Gondwana Research, 38, 171-182.
Scopus25 WoS222016 Touret, J., Santosh, M., & Huizenga, J. (2016). High-temperature granulites and supercontinents. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(1), 101-113.
Scopus34 WoS302016 Terentiev, R., Savko, K., & Santosh, M. (2016). Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the East Sarmatian Orogen: Petrology, geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopes and zircon U-Pb geochronology of andesites from the Voronezh massif, Western Russia. Lithos, 246-247, 61-80.
Scopus18 WoS132016 Ng, Y., Shi, G., & Santosh, M. (2016). Titanite-bearing omphacitite from the Jade Tract, Myanmar: Interpretation from mineral and trace element compositions. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 117, 1-12.
Scopus13 WoS72016 Terentiev, R., Skryabin, V., & Santosh, M. (2016). U-Pb zircon geochronology and geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic magmatic suite from East Sarmatian Orogen: Tectonic implications on Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 273, 165-184.
Scopus26 WoS212016 Liu, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Yang, K., Qiu, Z., Hu, F., & Wen, B. (2016). Geological and geochronological constraints on the genesis of the giant Tongkuangyu Cu deposit (Palaeoproterozoic), North China Craton. International Geology Review, 58(2), 155-170.
Scopus23 WoS172016 Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, G., Santosh, M., Yu, H., Yang, Y., & Wang, J. (2016). Detrital zircon U-Pb, Lu-Hf, and O isotopes of the Wufoshan Group: implications for episodic crustal growth and reworking of the southern North China craton. Precambrian Research, 273, 112-128.
Scopus34 WoS272016 Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Shaji, E., Mohan, M., Tsunogae, T., & Satyanarayanan, M. (2016). Oldest rocks from Peninsular India: evidence for Hadean to Neoarchean crustal evolution. Gondwana Research, 29(1), 105-135.
Scopus95 WoS742016 Ma, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., & Guo, J. (2016). Petrology and geochemistry of the Guyang hornblendite complex in the Yinshan block, North China Craton: Implications for the melting of subduction-modified mantle. Precambrian Research, 273, 38-52.
Scopus28 WoS182016 He, C., Santosh, M., & Yang, Q. (2016). Gold metallogeny associated with craton destruction: A geophysical perspective from the North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 75, 29-41.
Scopus21 WoS182016 Zhang, H., Wang, H., Santosh, M., & Zhai, M. (2016). Zircon U-Pb ages of Paleoproterozoic mafic granulites from the Huai'an terrane, North China Craton (NCC): implications for timing of cratonization and crustal evolution history. Precambrian Research, 272, 244-263.
Scopus79 WoS612016 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2016). High-grade metamorphism during Archean-Paleoproterozoic transition associated with microblock amalgamation in the North China Craton: mineral phase equilibria and zircon geochronology. Lithos, 263, 101-121.
Scopus38 WoS302016 Vakh, A., Khomich, V., Boriskina, N., & Santosh, M. (2016). The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit (Upper Amur region, Russia): Structure, mineralogy and genetic aspects. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 483-494.
Scopus4 WoS22016 Yellappa, T., Chetty, T., & Santosh, M. (2016). Precambrian iron formations from the Cauvery Suture Zone, Southern India: Implications for sub-marine hydrothermal origin in Neoarchean and Neoproterozoic convergent margin settings. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 1177-1196.
Scopus14 WoS102016 Santosh, M., & Pirajno, F. (2016). Metallogeny of the Indian shield: Introduction. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 1175-1176.
2016 Singh, M., Manikyamba, C., Ray, J., Ganguly, S., Santosh, M., Saha, A., . . . Sawant, S. (2016). Major, trace and platinum group element (PGE) geochemistry of Archean Iron Ore Group and Proterozoic Malangtoli metavolcanic rocks of Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India: Inferences on mantle melting and sulphur saturation history. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 1263-1289.
Scopus43 WoS352016 Eyuboglu, Y., Dudas, F., Santosh, M., Xiao, Y., Yi, K., Chatterjee, N., . . . Bektaş, O. (2016). Where are the remnants of a Jurassic ocean in the eastern Mediterranean region?. Gondwana Research, 33, 63-91.
Scopus43 WoS352016 Ganguly, S., Manikyamba, C., Saha, A., Lingadevaru, M., Santosh, M., Rambabu, S., . . . Linga, D. (2016). Geochemical characteristics of gold bearing boninites and banded iron formations from Shimoga greenstone belt, India: implications for gold genesis and hydrothermal processes in diverse tectonic settings. Ore Geology Reviews, 73(1), 59-82.
Scopus21 WoS202016 Renjith, M., Santosh, M., Li, T., Satyanarayanan, M., Korakoppa, M., Tsunogae, T., . . . Nirmal Charan, S. (2016). Zircon U-Pb age, Lu-Hf isotope, mineral chemistry and geochemistry of Sundamalai peralkaline pluton from the Salem Block, southern India: implications for Cryogenian adakite-like magmatism in an aborted-rift. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 115, 321-344.
Scopus18 WoS112016 Groves, D., & Santosh, M. (2016). The giant Jiaodong gold province: The key to a unified model for orogenic gold deposits?. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 409-417.
Scopus246 WoS1952016 Shan, H., Zhai, M., Zhu, X., Santosh, M., Hong, T., & Ge, S. (2016). Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic and geochemical constraints on the origin of the paragneisses from the Jiaobei terrane, North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 115, 214-227.
Scopus16 WoS122016 He, X. -F., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., & Malaviarachchi, S. (2016). Early to late Neoproterozoic magmatism and magma mixing-mingling in Sri Lanka: implications for convergent margin processes during Gondwana assembly. Gondwana Research, 32, 151-180.
Scopus55 WoS472016 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., Collins, A., & Teng, X. (2016). Microblock amalgamation in the North China Craton: evidence from Neoarchaean magmatic suite in the western margin of the Jiaoliao Block. Gondwana Research, 31, 96-123.
Scopus149 WoS1202016 Yu, H., Zhang, H., Li, X., Zhang, J., Santosh, M., Yang, Y., & Zhou, D. (2016). Tectonic evolution of the North Qinling Orogen from subduction to collision and exhumation: evidence from zircons in metamorphic rocks of the Qinling Group. Gondwana Research, 30, 65-78.
Scopus76 WoS542016 Niu, S., Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., Li, Z., Shan, M., . . . Zhao, W. (2016). Mineralogical and isotopic studies of base metal sulfides from the Jiawula Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, Inner Mongolia, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 115, 480-491.
Scopus44 WoS352016 Santosh, M., Teng, X. M., He, X. F., Tang, L., & Yang, Q. Y. (2016). Discovery of Neoarchean suprasubduction zone ophiolite suite from Yishui Complex in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 38, 1-27.
Scopus151 WoS1122016 Li, S., Santosh, M., Cen, K., Teng, X., & He, X. (2016). Neoarchean convergent margin tectonics associated with microblock amalgamation in the North China Craton: evidence from the Yishui Complex. Gondwana Research, 38, 113-131.
Scopus55 WoS402016 Ye, X., Zhang, C., Santosh, M., Zhang, J., Fan, X., & Zhang, J. (2016). Growth and evolution of Precambrian continental crust in the southwestern Tarim terrane: new evidence from the ca. 1.4 Ga A-type granites and Paleoproterozoic intrusive complex. Precambrian Research, 275, 18-34.
Scopus86 WoS652016 Liu, Y., Santosh, M., Yuan, T., Li, H., & Li, T. (2016). Reduction of buried oxidized oceanic crust during subduction. Gondwana Research, 32, 11-23.
Scopus21 WoS182016 Ngo, T., Santosh, M., Tran, H., & Pham, H. (2016). Subduction initiation of Indochina and South China blocks: insight from the forearc ophiolitic peridotites of the Song Ma Suture Zone in Vietnam. Geological Journal, 51(3), 421-442.
Scopus29 WoS242016 Hu, F., Liu, S., Santosh, M., Deng, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, W., & Yan, M. (2016). Chronology and tectonic implications of Neoproterozoic blocks in the South Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China. Gondwana Research, 30, 24-47.
Scopus93 WoS652016 Deng, X., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., Yao, J., & Sun, Y. (2016). Re-Os and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope constraints on source of fluids in the Zhifang Mo deposit, Qinling Orogen, China. Gondwana Research, 30, 132-143.
Scopus49 WoS352016 Eyuboglu, Y., Dudas, F., Madhava Warrier, S., Zhu, D., Yi, K., Chatterjee, N., . . . Liu, Z. (2016). Cenozoic forearc gabbros from the northern zone of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt, NE Turkey: implications for slab window magmatism and convergent margin tectonics. Gondwana Research, 33, 160-189.
Scopus49 WoS372016 Zhang, R., Sun, Y., Zhang, X., Ao, W., & Santosh, M. (2016). Neoproterozoic magmatic events in the South Qinling Belt, China: Implications for amalgamation and breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent. Gondwana Research, 30, 6-23.
Scopus84 WoS542016 Zhang, H., Zou, D., Santosh, M., & Zhu, B. (2016). Phanerozoic orogeny triggers reactivation and exhumation in the northern part of the Archean-Paleoproterozoic North China Craton. Lithos, 261, 46-54.
Scopus18 WoS132016 Lan, Q., Yan, Y., Huang, C., Santosh, M., Shan, Y., Chen, W., . . . Qian, K. (2016). Topographic architecture and drainage reorganization in Southeast China: Zircon U-Pb chronology and Hf isotope evidence from Taiwan. Gondwana Research, 36, 376-389.
Scopus42 WoS312016 Groves, D., Goldfarb, R., & Santosh, M. (2016). The conjunction of factors that lead to formation of giant gold provinces and deposits in non-arc settings. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 303-314.
Scopus118 WoS962016 Dong, Y., & Santosh, M. (2016). Tectonic architecture and multiple orogeny of the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China. Gondwana Research, 29(1), 1-40.
Scopus1032 WoS6672016 Song, M., Shu, L., & Santosh, M. (2016). Early Mesozoic granites in the Nanling Belt, South China: implications for intracontinental tectonics associated with stress regime transformation. Tectonophysics, 676, 148-169.
Scopus32 WoS192016 Zhao, P., Yuan, S., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Li, C., & Hou, K. (2016). Geochronological and petrogeochemical constraints on the skarn deposits in Tongshanling ore district, southern Hunan Province: implications for Jurassic Cu and W metallogenic events in South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 120-137.
Scopus89 WoS622016 Wu, C., Lei, R., Santosh, M., Chi, G., Gu, L., & Xie, S. (2016). Ordovician volcano-sedimentary iron deposits of the Eastern Tianshan area, Northwest China: the Tianhu example. International Geology Review, 58(11), 1398-1416.
Scopus14 WoS102016 Ji, X., Yang, L., Santosh, M., Li, N., Zhang, C., Zhang, Z., . . . Wu, C. (2016). Detrital zircon geochronology of Devonian quartzite from tectonic mélange in the Mianlue Suture Zone, Central China: provenance and tectonic implications. International Geology Review, 58(12), 1510-1527.
Scopus8 WoS62016 He, C., & Santosh, M. (2016). Seismic tomographic evidence for upwelling mantle plume in NE China. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 254, 37-45.
Scopus12 WoS142016 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Lü, L., Han, L., Liu, W., & Cheng, Z. (2016). Late Permian basalts in the northwestern margin of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: implications for the origin of the Songpan-Ganzi terrane. Lithos, 256-257, 75-87.
Scopus38 WoS232016 He, X., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Malaviarachchi, S., & Dharmapriya, P. (2016). Neoproterozoic arc accretion along the 'eastern suture' in Sri Lanka during Gondwana assembly. Precambrian Research, 279, 57-80.
Scopus50 WoS462016 Manikyamba, C., Santosh, M., Kumar, B., Rambabu, S., Tang, L., Saha, A., . . . Rao, D. (2016). Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Lu-Hf isotope systematics, and geochemistry of bimodal volcanic rocks and associated granitoids from Kotri Belt, Central India: implications for Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic crustal growth. Gondwana Research, 38, 313-333.
Scopus66 WoS542016 Mathew, M., Menier, D., Siddiqui, N., Ramkumar, M., Santosh, M., Kumar, S., & Hassaan, M. (2016). Drainage basin and topographic analysis of a tropical landscape: Insights into surface and tectonic processes in northern Borneo. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 124, 14-27.
Scopus27 WoS242016 Sachan, H., Santosh, M., Prakash, D., Kharya, A., Chandra Singh, P., & Rai, S. (2016). Metamorphic P-T conditions and CO₂ influx history of medium-grade metapelites from Karakorum, Trans-Himalaya, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 124, 126-138.
Scopus7 WoS72016 Kazami, S., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Tsutsumi, Y., & Takamura, Y. (2016). Petrology, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of a layered igneous complex from Akarui Point in the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica: Implications for Antarctica-Sri Lanka correlation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 206-222.
Scopus19 WoS142016 Zhang, Y., Zhang, H., Bao, Z., Santosh, M., & Yuan, H. (2016). Heterogeneous Pb isotope composition in the Archean lower crust of the North China Craton induced by Cenozoic basaltic magma underplating. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 125, 71-86.
Scopus5 WoS52016 Liu, L., Liao, X., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Santosh, M., Yang, M., . . . Chen, D. (2016). Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt in Central China: insights on continental deep subduction and multiphase exhumation. Earth-Science Reviews, 159, 58-81.
Scopus222 WoS1402016 Li, Y., Wei, J., Santosh, M., Tan, J., Fu, L., & Zhao, S. (2016). Geochronology and petrogenesis of Middle Permian S-type granitoid in southeastern Guangxi Province, South China: implications for closure of the eastern Paleo-Tethys. Tectonophysics, 682, 1-16.
Scopus54 WoS242016 Khomich, V., Boriskina, N., & Santosh, M. (2016). Geodynamic framework of large unique uranium orebelts in Southeast Russia and East Mongolia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 119, 145-166.
Scopus12 WoS92016 Wang, C., Bagas, L., Lu, Y., Santosh, M., Du, B., & McCuaig, T. (2016). Terrane boundary and spatio-temporal distribution of ore deposits in the Sanjiang Tethyan Orogen: insights from zircon Hf-isotopic mapping. Earth-Science Reviews, 156, 39-65.
Scopus201 WoS1542016 Tsunogae, T., Yang, Q. Y., & Santosh, M. (2016). Neoarchean-Early Paleoproterozoic and Early Neoproterozoic arc magmatism in the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica: Insights from petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes. Lithos, 263, 239-256.
Scopus39 WoS252016 Amaldev, T., Santosh, M., Tang, L., Baiju, K., Tsunogae, T., & Satyanarayanan, M. (2016). Mesoarchean convergent margin processes and crustal evolution: Petrologic, geochemical and zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf data from the Mercara Suture Zone, southern India. Gondwana Research, 37, 182-204.
Scopus37 WoS252016 Abu-Alam, T. S., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2016). Precambrian crustal evolution in relation to geodynamics and supercontinents: Preface. Lithos, 263, 1-2.
2016 Meng, Y., Xu, Z., Santosh, M., Ma, X., Chen, X., Guo, G., & Liu, F. (2016). Late Triassic crustal growth in southern Tibet: evidence from the Gangdese magmatic belt. Gondwana Research, 37, 449-464.
Scopus125 WoS1022016 Li, S., Santosh, M., Teng, X., & He, X. (2016). Paleoproterozoic arc-continent collision in the North China Craton: Evidence from the Zanhuang Complex. Precambrian Research, 286, 281-305.
Scopus31 WoS282016 Terentiev, R., Savko, K., Santosh, M., Korish, E., & Sarkisyan, L. (2016). Paleoproterozoic granitoids of the Losevo terrane, East European Craton: Age, magma source and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 287, 48-72.
Scopus16 WoS122016 Tsunogae, T., Kwon, S., & Santosh, M. (2016). Crustal evolution in Asia: Correlations and connections. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 1.
2016 Subramanyam, K., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Zhang, Z., Balaram, V., & Reddy, U. (2016). Mesoproterozoic island arc magmatism along the south-eastern margin of the Indian Plate: Evidence from geochemistry and zircon U-Pb ages of mafic plutonic complexes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 116-138.
Scopus19 WoS152016 Tang, L., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., & Maruoka, T. (2016). Paleoproterozoic meta-carbonates from the central segment of the Trans-North China Orogen: Zircon U–Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and carbon and oxygen isotopes. Precambrian Research, 284, 14-29.
Scopus45 WoS392016 He, C., & Santosh, M. (2016). Erratum: Corrigendum to “Seismic tomographic evidence for upwelling mantle plume in NE China” (Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2016) 254 (37–45)). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 260, 20-24.
2016 Zou, D., Zhang, H., Hu, Z., & Santosh, M. (2016). Complex metasomatism of lithospheric mantle by asthenosphere-derived melts: evidence from peridotite xenoliths in Weichang at the northern margin of the North China Craton. Lithos, 264, 210-223.
Scopus21 WoS152016 Wang, L., Wang, H., He, C., Chen, N., Santosh, M., Sun, M., . . . Liao, F. (2016). Mesoproterozoic continental breakup in NW China: Evidence from gray gneisses from the North Wulan terrane. Precambrian Research, 281, 521-536.
Scopus51 WoS332016 Wang, W., Zhai, M., Wang, S., & Santosh, M. (2016). Neoarchean crustal evolution in western Shandong Province of the North China Craton: The role of 2.7–2.6 Ga magmatism. Precambrian Research, 285, 170-185.
Scopus30 WoS172016 Yao, J., Cawood, P., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2016). An early Neoproterozoic accretionary prism ophiolitic mélange from the western Jiangnan orogenic belt, South China. Journal of Geology, 124(5), 587-601.
Scopus57 WoS392016 Ma, Y., Zhang, Z., Huang, H., Santosh, M., & Cheng, Z. (2016). Petrogenesis of the Bashisuogong bimodal igneous complex in southwest Tianshan Mountains, China: implications for the Tarim Large Igneous Province. Lithos, 264, 509-523.
Scopus23 WoS122016 Fu, L., Wei, J., Tan, J., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., Chen, J., . . . Peng, L. (2016). Magma mixing in the Kalaqin core complex, northern North China Craton: linking deep lithospheric destruction and shallow extension. Lithos, 260, 390-412.
Scopus18 WoS132016 He, C., & Santosh, M. (2016). Crustal evolution and metallogeny in relation to mantle dynamics: a perspective from P-wave tomography of the South China Block. Lithos, 263, 3-14.
Scopus29 WoS202016 Yano, M., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Shaji, E., & Takamura, Y. (2016). Ultrahigh-temperature metagabbros from Wynad: Implications for Paleoproterozoic hot orogen in the Moyar Suture Zone, southern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 139-154.
Scopus11 WoS82016 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., Ganguly, S., Arun-Gokul, J., Dhanil Dev, S., Tsunogae, T., . . . Manikyamba, C. (2016). Melt-fluid infiltration in Archean suprasubduction zone mantle wedge: Evidence from geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes from Wynad, southern India. Precambrian Research, 281, 101-127.
Scopus25 WoS222016 Liu, L., Yang, X., Santosh, M., Zhao, G., & Aulbach, S. (2016). U-Pb age and Hf isotopes of detrital zircons from the Southeastern North China Craton: Meso- to Neoarchean episodic crustal growth in a shifting tectonic regime. Gondwana Research, 35, 1-14.
Scopus26 WoS172016 Blereau, E., Clark, C., Taylor, R., Johnson, T., Fitzsimons, I., & Santosh, M. (2016). Constraints on the timing and conditions of high-grade metamorphism, charnockite formation and fluid-rock interaction in the Trivandrum Block, southern India. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34(6), 527-549.
Scopus37 WoS272016 Takamura, Y., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Malaviarachchi, S., & Tsutsumi, Y. (2016). U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircon in metasediments from Sri Lanka: Implications for the regional correlation of Gondwana fragments. Precambrian Research, 281, 434-452.
Scopus31 WoS272016 Renjith, M., Santosh, M., Satyanarayanan, M., Rao, D., & Tang, L. (2016). Multiple rifting and alkaline magmatism in southern India during Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic. Tectonophysics, 680, 233-253.
Scopus27 WoS202016 He, C., Santosh, M., & Yang, Q. Y. (2016). Erratum: Corrigendum to “Gold metallogeny associated with craton destruction: A geophysical perspective from the North China Craton” (Ore Geology Reviews (2016) 75 (29–41) (S0169136815300998) (10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.12.004)). Ore Geology Reviews, 79, 544.
2016 Wang, R., Xu, Z., Santosh, M., Yao, Y., Gao, L., & Liu, C. (2016). Late Neoproterozoic magmatism in South Qinling, Central China: geochemistry, zircon U-Pb-Lu-Hf isotopes and tectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 683, 43-61.
Scopus49 WoS312016 Wang, W., Zhai, M., & Santosh, M. (2016). The genesis of Archean supracrustal rocks in the western Shandong Province of North China Craton: Constraints on regional crustal evolution. Science China Earth Sciences, 59(8), 1583-1596.
Scopus15 WoS92016 Jia, L., Mo, X., Santosh, M., Yang, Z., Yang, D., Dong, G., . . . Wu, X. (2016). Early Cretaceous continental delamination in the Yangtze Block: evidence from high-Mg adakitic intrusions along the Tanlu fault, central Eastern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 127, 152-169.
Scopus18 WoS162016 He, X., Santosh, M., Bockmann, K., Kelsey, D., Hand, M., Hu, J., & Wan, Y. (2016). Petrology, phase equilibria and monazite geochronology of granulite-facies metapelites from deep drill cores in the Ordos Block of the North China Craton. Lithos, 262, 44-57.
Scopus32 WoS212016 Yellappa, T., Tsunogae, T., Chetty, T., & Santosh, M. (2016). Mineral chemistry of isotropic gabbros from the Manamedu Ophiolite Complex, Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India: evidence for Neoproterozoic suprasubduction zone tectonics. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 155-165.
Scopus2 WoS22016 Ramkumar, M., Menier, D., Mathew, M., & Santosh, M. (2016). Geological, geophysical, and inherited tectonic imprints on the climate and contrasting coastal geomorphology of the Indian peninsula. Gondwana Research, 36, 65-93.
Scopus38 WoS262016 Chetty, T., Yellappa, T., & Santosh, M. (2016). Crustal architecture and tectonic evolution of the Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 166-191.
Scopus27 WoS202016 Li, L., Li, S., Santosh, M., Li, Q., Gu, Y., Lü, W., . . . Zhao, G. (2016). Dyke swarms and their role in the genesis of world-class gold deposits: insights from the Jiaodong peninsula, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 2-22.
Scopus63 WoS472016 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., Maruyama, S., & Nakagawa, M. (2016). Proto-Japan and tectonic erosion: Evidence from zircon geochronology of blueschist and serpentinite. Lithosphere, 8(4), 386-395.
Scopus12 WoS112016 Liu, S., Kröner, A., Wan, Y., Santosh, M., Shaji, E., & Dhanil Dev, S. (2016). Late Palaeoproterozoic depositional age for khondalite protoliths in southern India and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 283, 50-67.
Scopus18 WoS172016 Deeju, T., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Pradeepkumar, A., & Shaji, E. (2016). Mid-Neoproterozoic intraplate magmatism in the northern margin of the Southern Granulite Terrane, India: constraints from geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 130, 88-115.
Scopus9 WoS52016 Liao, F., Chen, N., Santosh, M., Sun, M., Wang, Q., & Yixian, X. (2016). Geochemistry and Geochronology of the High-Mg Gabbro Dykes from Quanji Massif: Implications for the Amalgamation of Tarim Block in NW China and Assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent. Acta Geologica Sinica, 90(s1), 104-105.
2016 Lei, W., Shi, G., Santosh, M., Ng, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, J., . . . Ju, Y. (2016). Trace element features of hydrothermal and inherited igneous zircon grains in mantle wedge environment: A case study from the Myanmar jadeitite. Lithos, 266-267, 16-27.
Scopus25 WoS152016 Wang, J., Shu, L., & Santosh, M. (2016). Petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of Lianyunshan complex, South China: Insights on Neoproterozoic and late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the central Jiangnan Orogen. Gondwana Research, 39, 114-130.
Scopus60 WoS382016 Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Wang, X., Zheng, M., Santosh, M., Jing, X., . . . Zhang, Y. (2016). Detrital zircon fingerprints link western North China Craton with East Gondwana during Ordovician. Gondwana Research, 40, 58-76.
Scopus31 WoS242016 Zhao, L., Zhai, M., Zhou, X., Santosh, M., & Ma, X. (2016). Thermal gradient and geochronology of a Paleozoic high-grade terrane in the northeastern Cathaysia block, South China. Tectonophysics, 691, 311-327.
Scopus25 WoS162016 Yin, Y., Jin, S., Wei, W., Santosh, M., Dong, H., & Xie, C. (2016). Construction and destruction of the North China Craton with implications for metallogeny: magnetotelluric evidence from the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping region within Trans-North China Orogen. Gondwana Research, 40, 21-42.
Scopus25 WoS182016 Ratheesh-Kumar, R., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Chen, N., & Sajeev, K. (2016). Archean tectonics and crustal evolution of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India. Precambrian Research, 275, 406-428.
Scopus46 WoS402016 Terentiev, R., & Santosh, M. (2016). Detrital zircon geochronology and geochemistry of metasediments from the Vorontsovka terrane: implications for microcontinent tectonics. International Geology Review, 58(9), 1108-1126.
Scopus18 WoS122016 Tang, L., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., & Teng, X. (2016). Late Neoarchean arc magmatism and crustal growth associated with microblock amalgamation in the North China Craton: evidence from the Fuping Complex. Lithos, 248-251, 324-338.
Scopus66 WoS542016 Samuel, V., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., & Sajeev, K. (2016). Geochemistry and zircon geochronology of the Neoarchean volcano-sedimentary sequence along the northern margin of the Nilgiri Block, southern India. Lithos, 263, 257-273.
Scopus24 WoS202016 Qi, X., Santosh, M., Zhao, Y., Hu, Z., Zhang, C., Ji, F., & Wei, C. (2016). Mid-Neoproterozoic ridge subduction and magmatic evolution in the northeastern margin of the Indochina block: evidence from geochronology and geochemistry of calc-alkaline plutons. Lithos, 248-251, 138-152.
Scopus28 WoS212016 Santosh, M., & Groves, D. I. (2016). Giant mineral deposits: Introduction. Geoscience Frontiers, 7(3), 299-301.
Scopus3 WoS22016 Eyuboglu, Y., & Santosh, M. (2016). Convergent margins and related processes: Introduction. Gondwana Research, 33, 1-3.
2016 Yang, L., Deng, J., Dilek, Y., Meng, J., Gao, X., Santosh, M., . . . Yan, H. (2016). Melt source and evolution of I-type granitoids in the SE Tibetan Plateau: late Cretaceous magmatism and mineralization driven by collision-induced transtensional tectonics. Lithos, 245, 258-273.
Scopus91 WoS742016 Tang, L., Santosh, M., Dong, Y., Tsunogae, T., Zhang, S., & Cao, H. (2016). Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the North Qinling orogenic belt: evidence from geochemistry, phase equilibrium modeling and geochronology of metamorphosed mafic rocks from the Songshugou ophiolite. Gondwana Research, 30, 48-64.
Scopus94 WoS812016 Mohan, M., Shaji, E., Satyanarayanan, M., Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Yang, Q., & Dhanil Dev, S. (2016). The Ezhimala Igneous Complex, southern India: Possible imprint of Late Cretaceous magmatism within rift setting associated with India-Madagascar separation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 121, 56-71.
Scopus14 WoS112016 Wang, P., Dong, G., Santosh, M., He, W., Li, X., & Dong, M. (2016). Zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes of the Late Cretaceous Hongshan intrusion, western Yunnan, SW China. Geological Journal, 51(2), 308-323.
Scopus11 WoS62016 Ishwar-Kumar, C., Santosh, M., Wilde, S., Tsunogae, T., Itaya, T., Windley, B., & Sajeev, K. (2016). Mesoproterozoic suturing of Archean crustal blocks in western peninsular India: Implications for India-Madagascar correlations. Lithos, 263, 143-160.
Scopus35 WoS242016 Zhou, Z. J., Mao, S. D., Chen, Y. J., & Santosh, M. (2016). U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes of detrital zircons from the southern Qinling Orogen: Implications for Precambrian to Phanerozoic tectonics in central China. Gondwana Research, 35, 323-337.
Scopus73 WoS492015 Rao, C., Santosh, M., & Zhang, S. (2015). U-Pb zircon geochronology of ferrodiorites and quartz diorites from the Turkel Anorthosite Complex: A Neoarchaean convergent margin in eastern India. Geological Journal, 50(4), 530-538.
Scopus22015 Santosh, M., & Ghosh, M. A. (2015). Multi-scale identification of concrete material parameters. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 75, 8-15.
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2015 Saha, A., Manikyamba, C., Santosh, M., Ganguly, S., Khelen, A., & Subramanyam, K. (2015). Platinum group elements (PGE) geochemistry of komatiites and boninites from Dharwar Craton, India: implications for mantle melting processes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105, 300-319.
Scopus33 WoS272015 Sun, W., Li, S., Santosh, M., & Zhang, X. (2015). Isotope geochemistry and Re-Os geochronology of the Yanjiagou Mo deposit in the central North China Craton. Geological Journal, 50(4), 509-529.
Scopus8 WoS62015 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Ernst, R., Lü, L., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., & Cheng, Z. (2015). Giant radiating mafic dyke swarm of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: Identifying the mantle plume centre. Terra Nova, 27(4), 247-257.
Scopus71 WoS472015 Deng, J., Yang, X., Zhang, Z., & Santosh, M. (2015). Early Cretaceous arc volcanic suite in Cebu Island, Central Philippines and its implications on paleo-Pacific plate subduction: constraints from geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes. Lithos, 230, 166-179.
Scopus41 WoS362015 Tsunogae, T., Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2015). Early Neoproterozoic arc magmatism in the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica: petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 266, 467-489.
Scopus44 WoS392015 Liu, L., Yang, X., Santosh, M., Aulbach, S., Zhou, H., Geng, J., & Sun, W. (2015). Neoproterozoic intraplate crustal accretion on the northern margin of the Yangtze Block: evidence from geochemistry, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating and Hf isotopes from the Fuchashan Complex. Precambrian Research, 268, 97-114.
Scopus36 WoS282015 Yan, C., Shu, L., Santosh, M., Yao, J., Li, J., & Li, C. (2015). The Precambrian tectonic evolution of the western Jiangnan Orogen and western Cathaysia Block: Evidence from detrital zircon age spectra and geochemistry of clastic rocks. Precambrian Research, 268, 33-60.
Scopus43 WoS302015 Tang, L., Santosh, M., & Teng, X. (2015). Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.1-2.0Ga) arc magmatism in the Fuping Complex: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Precambrian Research, 268, 16-32.
Scopus81 WoS642015 Zhang, C., Santosh, M., Zhu, Q., Chen, X., & Huang, W. (2015). The Gondwana connection of South China: Evidence from monazite and zircon geochronology in the Cathaysia Block. Gondwana Research, 28(3), 1137-1151.
Scopus116 WoS622015 Jiye, S., Shengrong, L., Mingkuan, Q., Yuqi, C., Junyan, L., Juquan, Z., . . . Santosh, M. (2015). Morphology, chemistry and U-Pb geochronology of zircon grains in quartz monzodiorite from the Sunzhuang area, Fanshi County, Shanxi Province. Acta Geologica Sinica, 89(4), 1176-1188.
Scopus8 WoS62015 Chen, M., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Dang, Y., & Zhang, W. (2015). The Carlin-type gold deposits of the "golden triangle" of SW China: Pb and S isotopic constraints for the ore genesis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103(1), 115-128.
Scopus54 WoS392015 Song, M., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2015). Late Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny in the South China Craton: Geochronological and geochemical evidence. Lithos, 232, 360-374.
Scopus71 WoS522015 Manikyamba, C., Ganguly, S., Santosh, M., Singh, M., & Saha, A. (2015). Arc-nascent back-arc signature in metabasalts from the Neoarchaean Jonnagiri greenstone terrane, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India. Geological Journal, 50(5), 651-669.
Scopus37 WoS212015 Wang, W., Liu, S., Santosh, M., Wang, G., Bai, X., & Guo, R. (2015). Neoarchean intra-oceanic arc system in the Western Liaoning Province: implications for early Precambrian crustal evolution in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. Earth-Science Reviews, 150, 329-364.
Scopus185 WoS1442015 Liu, L., Yang, X., Santosh, M., & Aulbach, S. (2015). Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic continental growth in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton: geochemical, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope evidence from the Huoqiu complex. Gondwana Research, 28(3), 1002-1018.
Scopus48 WoS372015 Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2015). Early Cretaceous magma flare-up and its implications on gold mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(3), 626-642.
Scopus112 WoS782015 Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2015). Paleoproterozoic arc magmatism in the North China Craton: No Siderian global plate tectonic shutdown. Gondwana Research, 28(1), 82-105.
Scopus35 WoS1342015 Zhang, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Wang, J., & Li, Q. (2015). Mineral chemistry of high-Mg diorites and skarn in the Han-Xing Iron deposits of south Taihang Mountains, China: constraints on mineralization process. Ore Geology Reviews, 64(1), 200-214.
Scopus54 WoS382015 Huang, H., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., & Wang, T. (2015). Petrogenesis of the early permian volcanic rocks in the Chinese South Tianshan: implications for crustal growth in the central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos, 228-229, 23-42.
Scopus57 WoS432015 Shan, H., Zhai, M., Oliveira, E., Santosh, M., & Wang, F. (2015). Convergent margin magmatism and crustal evolution during archean-Proterozoic transition in the jiaobei terrane: Zircon U-Pb ages, geochemistry, and Nd isotopes of amphibolites and associated grey gneisses in the jiaodong complex, north china craton. Precambrian Research, 264, 98-118.
Scopus47 WoS322015 Wang, W., Liu, S., Santosh, M., Zhang, L., Bai, X., Zhao, Y., . . . Guo, R. (2015). 1.23 Ga mafic dykes in the North China Craton and their implications for the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. Gondwana Research, 27(4), 1407-1418.
Scopus63 WoS462015 Manikyamba, C., Ganguly, S., Santosh, M., Saha, A., & Lakshminarayana, G. (2015). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Rajahmundry trap basalts of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(3), 437-451.
Scopus26 WoS202015 Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Teng, X., & Tang, L. (2015). Paleoproterozoic crustal growth in the North China Craton: evidence from the Lüliang Complex. Precambrian Research, 263, 197-231.
Scopus136 WoS1172015 Xu, W., Fan, H., Hu, F., Santosh, M., Yang, K., & Lan, T. (2015). In situ chemical and Sr-Nd-O isotopic compositions of apatite from the Tongshi intrusive complex in the southern part of the North China Craton: implications for petrogenesis and metallogeny. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105, 208-222.
Scopus20 WoS102015 Wang, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Xu, Z. (2015). The Pre-Mesozoic crustal evolution of the Cathaysia Block, South China: insights from geological investigation, zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and REE geochemistry from the Wugongshan complex. Gondwana Research, 28(1), 225-245.
Scopus28 WoS202015 Zhao, L., Zhou, X., Zhai, M., Santosh, M., & Geng, Y. (2015). Zircon U-Th-Pb-Hf isotopes of the basement rocks in northeastern Cathaysia block, South China: implications for Phanerozoic multiple metamorphic reworking of a Paleoproterozoic terrane. Gondwana Research, 28(1), 246-261.
Scopus77 WoS512015 Zhao, Z., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Huang, H., Cheng, Z., & Ye, J. (2015). Early Paleozoic magmatic record from the northern margin of the Tarim Craton: further insights on the evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research, 28(1), 328-347.
Scopus70 WoS492015 Wu, F., Xiao, Y., Xu, L., Santosh, M., Li, S., Huang, J., . . . Huang, F. (2015). Geochronology and geochemistry of felsic xenoliths in lamprophyre dikes from the southeastern margin of the North China Craton: implications for the interleaving of the Dabie-Sulu orogenic crust. International Geology Review, 57(9-10), 1305-1325.
Scopus3 WoS32015 Khomich, V., Boriskina, N., & Santosh, M. (2015). Geodynamics of late mesozoic PGE, Au, and U mineralization in the aldan shield, North Asian craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 68, 30-42.
Scopus24 WoS242015 Pirajno, F., & Santosh, M. (2015). Mantle plumes, supercontinents, intracontinental rifting and mineral systems. Precambrian Research, 259, 243-261.
Scopus86 WoS672015 He, C., Santosh, M., Dong, S., & Wang, X. (2015). Crustal thickening and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau inferred from receiver function analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 99, 112-124.
Scopus4 WoS42015 Tian, X., & Santosh, M. (2015). Fossilized lithospheric deformation revealed by teleseismic shear wave splitting in eastern China. GSA Today, 25(2), 4-10.
Scopus232015 Zhong, Y., Zhai, M., Peng, P., Santosh, M., & Ma, X. (2015). Detrital zircon U-Pb dating and whole-rock geochemistry from the clastic rocks in the northern marginal basin of the North China Craton: constraints on depositional age and provenance of the Bayan Obo Group. Precambrian Research, 258, 133-145.
Scopus98 WoS772015 Manikyamba, C., Ganguly, S., Santosh, M., Saha, A., Chatterjee, A., & Khelen, A. (2015). Neoarchean arc-juvenile back-arc magmatism in eastern Dharwar Craton, India: geochemical fingerprints from the basalts of Kadiri greenstone belt. Precambrian Research, 258, 1-23.
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Scopus43 WoS312015 Xiao, W., Sun, M., & Santosh, M. (2015). Continental reconstruction and metallogeny of the Circum-Junggar areas and termination of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(2), 137-140.
Scopus166 WoS1362015 Zanchi, A., Fürsich, F. T., & Santosh, M. (2015). Cimmerian terranes: Preface. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 102, 1-3.
Scopus6 WoS32015 Li, D., He, D., Santosh, M., Ma, D., & Tang, J. (2015). Tectonic framework of the northern Junggar Basin part I: the eastern Luliang Uplift and its link with the East Junggar terrane. Gondwana Research, 27(3), 1089-1109.
Scopus74 WoS452015 Yao, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2015). Neoproterozoic arc-related andesite and orogeny-related unconformity in the eastern Jiangnan orogenic belt: constraints on the assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks in South China. Precambrian Research, 262, 84-100.
Scopus114 WoS802015 He, C., Santosh, M., & Dong, S. (2015). Continental dynamics of Eastern China: insights from tectonic history and receiver function analysis. Earth-Science Reviews, 145, 9-24.
Scopus21 WoS162015 George, P., Santosh, M., Chen, N., Nandakumar, V., Itaya, T., Sonali, M., . . . Sajeev, K. (2015). Cryogenian magmatism and crustal reworking in the Southern Granulite Terrane, India. International Geology Review, 57(2), 112-133.
Scopus17 WoS112015 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., & Ke, S. (2015). Petrogenesis of nephelinites from the Tarim Large Igneous Province, NW China: implications for mantle source characteristics and plume-lithosphere interaction. Lithos, 220-223, 164-178.
Scopus61 WoS452015 Wang, Y., Santosh, M., Luo, Z., & Hao, J. (2015). Large igneous provinces linked to supercontinent assembly. Journal of Geodynamics, 85, 1-10.
Scopus11 WoS102015 Song, M., Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhao, S., Yu, S., Yi, P., . . . Zhou, M. (2015). Types, characteristics and metallogenesis of gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(Part 3), 612-625.
Scopus165 WoS1112015 He, C., Dong, S., Santosh, M., Li, Q., & Chen, X. (2015). Destruction of the North China Craton: a perspective based on receiver function analysis. Geological Journal, 50(1), 93-103.
Scopus24 WoS182015 Kwon, S., Tsunogae, T., Li, S., & Santosh, M. (2015). The making of Asia: Introduction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 543.
2015 Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2015). Iron deposits in relation to magmatism in China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 951-956.
Scopus16 WoS112015 Clark, C., Healy, D., Johnson, T., Collins, A., Taylor, R., Santosh, M., & Timms, N. (2015). Hot orogens and supercontinent amalgamation: A Gondwanan example from southern India. Gondwana Research, 28(4), 1310-1328.
Scopus95 WoS812015 Johnson, T., Clark, C., Taylor, R., Santosh, M., & Collins, A. (2015). Prograde and retrograde growth of monazite in migmatites: an example from the Nagercoil Block, southern India. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(3), 373-387.
Scopus101 WoS832015 Yang, Q. -Y., Santosh, M., Pradeepkumar, A., Shaji, E., Prasanth, R., & Dev, S. (2015). Crustal evolution in the western margin of the Nilgiri Block, southern India: insights from zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf data on Neoarchean magmatic suite. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(2), 766-777.
Scopus28 WoS212015 Taylor, R., Clark, C., Johnson, T., Santosh, M., & Collins, A. (2015). Unravelling the complexities in high-grade rocks using multiple techniques: the Achankovil Zone of southern India. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 169(5), 51-1-51-19.
Scopus37 WoS292015 Tang, L., Santosh, M., & Dong, Y. (2015). Tectonic evolution of a complex orogenic system: Evidence from the northern Qinling belt, Central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 544-559.
Scopus64 WoS512015 Xu, Y., Zeyen, H., Hao, T., Santosh, M., Li, Z., Huang, S., & Xing, J. (2015). Lithospheric structure of the North China Craton: Integrated gravity, geoid and topography data. Gondwana Research, 34, 315-323.
Scopus22 WoS182015 Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2015). Charnockite magmatism during a transitional phase: Implications for late Paleoproterozoic ridge subduction in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 261, 188-216.
Scopus62 WoS542015 Groves, D., & Santosh, M. (2015). Province-scale commonalities of some world-class gold deposits: Implications for mineral exploration. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(3), 389-399.
Scopus78 WoS622015 Ge, S., Zhai, M., Li, T., Peng, P., Santosh, M., Shan, H., & Zuo, P. (2015). Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of low-grade metamorphosed volcanic rocks from the Dantazi Complex: implications for the evolution of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 948-965.
Scopus17 WoS122015 Li, L., Santosh, M., & Li, S. (2015). The 'Jiaodong type' gold deposits: characteristics, origin and prospecting. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(3), 589-611.
Scopus234 WoS1752015 Peng, H., Zhang, C., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Zhou, Y., & Hou, L. (2015). Garnets in porphyry-skarn systems: A LA-ICP-MS, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope study of garnets from the Hongniu-Hongshan copper deposit, Zhongdian area, NW Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103, 229-251.
Scopus62 WoS502015 Kröner, A., Santosh, M., Hegner, E., Shaji, E., Geng, H., Wong, J., . . . Nanda-Kumar, V. (2015). Palaeoproterozoic ancestry of Pan-African high-grade granitoids in southernmost India: Implications for Gondwana reconstructions. Gondwana Research, 27(1), 1-37.
Scopus71 WoS662015 Zhao, L., Li, T., Peng, P., Guo, J., Wang, W., Wang, H., . . . Zhai, M. (2015). Anatomy of zircon growth in high pressure granulites: SIMS U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes from the Jiaobei Terrane, eastern North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 28(4), 1373-1390.
Scopus86 WoS742015 Parthasarathy, G., & Santosh, M. (2015). Pressure induced polymorphic phase transition of natural metamorphic kalsilite; electrical resistivity and infrared spectroscopic investigations. Minerals, 5(4), 647-653.
2015 Zhao, L., Zhai, M., Zhou, X., Santosh, M., & Ma, X. (2015). Geochronology and geochemistry of a suite of mafic rocks in Chencai area, South China: implications for petrogenesis and tectonic setting. Lithos, 236-237, 226-244.
Scopus60 WoS382015 Shu, L., Wang, B., Cawood, P., Santosh, M., & Xu, Z. (2015). Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic intraplate tectonic and magmatic events in the Cathaysia Block, South China. Tectonics, 34(8), 1600-1621.
Scopus352 WoS2462015 Cai, Y., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., & Hu, Z. (2015). Subduction-related metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern North China Craton: Evidence from mafic to intermediate dykes in the northern Sulu orogen. Tectonophysics, 659, 137-151.
Scopus40 WoS352015 Sun, W., Li, S., Liu, X., Santosh, M., Zhao, S., Guo, L., . . . Zhang, Y. (2015). Deep structures and surface boundaries among Proto-Tethyan micro-blocks: Constraints from seismic tomography and aeromagnetic anomalies in the Central China orogen. Tectonophysics, 659, 109-121.
Scopus26 WoS202015 Li, D., He, D., Santosh, M., & Ma, D. (2015). Tectonic framework of the northern Junggar Basin Part II: the island arc basin system of the western Luliang Uplift and its link with the West Junggar terrane. Gondwana Research, 27(3), 1110-1130.
Scopus75 WoS502015 Li, X., Santosh, M., Cheng, S., Xu, X., & Zhong, W. (2015). Crustal structure and composition beneath the northeastern Tibetan plateau from receiver function analysis. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 249, 51-58.
Scopus17 WoS132015 Li, H., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., & Santosh, M. (2015). Petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the Xinjie layered mafic-ultramafic intrusion, China: Modeling of recharge, assimilation and fractional crystallization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 1056-1067.
Scopus3 WoS22015 Shen, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Dong, G., Wang, Y., Liu, H., . . . Zhang, Z. (2015). Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the basement rocks and dioritic intrusion associated with the Fushan skarn iron deposit, southern Taihang Mountains, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(3), 1132-1142.
Scopus22 WoS132015 Xie, Q., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Jin, Z., Han, L., & Cheng, Z. (2015). Petrogenesis of the Zhangmatun gabbro in the Ji'nan complex, North China Craton: Implications for skarn-type iron mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 1197-1217.
Scopus30 WoS162015 Jin, Z., Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Santosh, M., & Han, L. (2015). Genetic relationship of high-Mg dioritic pluton to iron mineralization: A case study from the Jinling skarn-type iron deposit in the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 957-979.
Scopus41 WoS252015 Dharmapriya, P., Malaviarachchi, S., Santosh, M., Tang, L., & Sajeev, K. (2015). Late-Neoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka. Precambrian Research, 271, 311-333.
Scopus45 WoS402015 Manikyamba, C., Ray, J., Ganguly, S., Singh, M., Santosh, M., Saha, A., & Satyanarayanan, M. (2015). Boninitic metavolcanic rocks and island arc tholeiites from the Older Metamorphic Group (OMG) of Singhbhum Craton, eastern India: Geochemical evidence for Archean subduction processes. Precambrian Research, 271, 138-159.
Scopus54 WoS482015 Li, Q., Santosh, M., Li, S., & Zhang, J. (2015). Petrology, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes of the Cretaceous dykes in the central North China Craton: Implications for magma genesis and gold metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, 67, 57-77.
Scopus39 WoS332015 Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2015). Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes from the Kolar greenstone belt, Dharwar Craton, India: implications for crustal evolution in an ocean-trench-continent transect. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 797-811.
Scopus35 WoS252015 Zhao, S., Li, S., Liu, X., Santosh, M., Somerville, I., Cao, H., . . . Guo, L. (2015). The northern boundary of the Proto-Tethys Ocean: Constraints from structural analysis and U-Pb zircon geochronology of the North Qinling Terrane. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 560-574.
Scopus83 WoS622015 Yang, L., Ji, X., Santosh, M., Li, N., Zhang, Z., & Yu, J. (2015). Detrital zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotope, and geochemistry of Devonian chert from the Mianlue suture: implications for tectonic evolution of the Qinling orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(2), 589-609.
Scopus44 WoS342015 Li, Y., Li, S., Santosh, M., Liu, S., Zhang, L., Li, W., . . . Wang, B. (2015). Zircon geochronology, geochemistry and stable isotopes of the Wang'ershan gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 695-710.
Scopus25 WoS182015 Zhang, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Li, Q., Niu, S., Li, Z., . . . Jia, L. (2015). Timing and origin of Mesozoic magmatism and metallogeny in the Wutai-Hengshan region: Implications for destruction of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 677-694.
Scopus28 WoS202015 Wang, C., Deng, J., Santosh, M., Lu, Y., McCuaig, T., Carranza, E., & Wang, Q. (2015). Age and origin of the Bulangshan and Mengsong granitoids and their significance for post-collisional tectonics in the Changning-Menglian Paleo-Tethys Orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 656-676.
Scopus83 WoS602015 He, X., Santosh, M., Zhang, Z., Tsunogae, T., Chetty, T., Ram Mohan, M., & Anbazhagan, S. (2015). Shonkinites from Salem, southern India: Implications for Cryogenian alkaline magmatism in rift-related setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 812-825.
Scopus23 WoS152015 Teng, X., Yang, Q., & Santosh, M. (2015). Devonian magmatism associated with arc-continent collision in the northern North China Craton: evidence from the Longwangmiao ultramafic intrusion in the Damiao area. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(2), 626-643.
Scopus32 WoS252015 Kim, S., Kwon, S., Park, S., Yi, K., Santosh, M., & Ryu, I. (2015). Early to Middle Paleozoic arc magmatism in the Korean Peninsula: constraints from zircon geochronology and geochemistry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(2), 866-882.
Scopus29 WoS272015 Takamura, Y., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Malaviarachchi, S., & Tsutsumi, Y. (2015). Petrology and zircon U-Pb geochronology of metagabbro from the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka: implications for the correlation of Gondwana suture zones. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(2), 826-841.
Scopus40 WoS372015 Cai, Y., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., Liu, X., & Liu, Y. (2015). Silicate melt inclusions in clinopyroxene phenocrysts from mafic dikes in the eastern North China Craton: Constraints on melt evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 97(PA), 150-168.
Scopus9 WoS92015 Yang, G., Li, Y., Santosh, M., Xiao, W., Yang, B., Tong, L., & Zhang, S. (2015). Alkaline basalts in the Karamay ophiolitic mélange, NW China: a geological, geochemical and geochronological study and implications for geodynamic setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113(1), 110-125.
Scopus40 WoS282015 Shan, H., Zhai, M., Wang, F., Zhou, Y., Santosh, M., Zhu, X., . . . Wang, W. (2015). Zircon U-Pb ages, geochemistry, and Nd-Hf isotopes of the TTG gneisses from the Jiaobei terrane: implications for Neoarchean crustal evolution in the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 98, 61-74.
Scopus63 WoS502015 Yang, L., Deng, J., Qiu, K., Ji, X., Santosh, M., Song, K., . . . Hua, B. (2015). Magma mixing and crust-mantle interaction in the Triassic monzogranites of Bikou Terrane, central China: constraints from petrology, geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 98, 320-341.
Scopus101 WoS822015 Dharma Rao, C., Santosh, M., & Tang, Y. (2015). Re-Os isotope systematics of Archean chromitites from the Chimalpahad Anorthosite Complex, south-east India: implications for mantle extraction processes. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(1), 274-282.
Scopus6 WoS42015 Xu, W., Fan, H., Hu, F., Santosh, M., Yang, K., Lan, T., & Wen, B. (2015). Geochronology of the Guilaizhuang gold deposit, Luxi Block, eastern North China Craton: constraints from zircon U-Pb and fluorite-calcite Sm-Nd dating. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(P1), 390-399.
Scopus32 WoS252015 Santosh, M., & Pirajno, F. (2015). The Jiaodong-type gold deposits: Introduction. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(P3), 565-567.
Scopus13 WoS122015 Wang, C., Deng, J., Santosh, M., Carranza, E., Gong, Q., Guo, C., . . . Lai, X. (2015). Timing, tectonic implications and genesis of gold mineralization in the Xincheng gold deposit, China: C-H-O isotopes, pyrite Rb-Sr and zircon fission track thermochronometry. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(3), 659-673.
Scopus65 WoS532015 Zhang, R., Pian, H., Santosh, M., & Zhang, S. (2015). The history and economics of gold mining in China. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(Part 3), 718-727.
Scopus35 WoS262015 Wen, B., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Pirajno, F., & Yang, K. (2015). Genesis of two different types of gold mineralization in the Linglong gold field, China: constrains from geology, fluid inclusions and stable isotope. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(3), 643-658.
Scopus143 WoS1102015 Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Shaji, E., Tsunogae, T., Mohan, M., & Satyanarayanan, M. (2015). An exotic Mesoarchean microcontinent: the Coorg Block, southern India. Gondwana Research, 27(1), 165-195.
Scopus222 WoS1722015 Wang, W., Liu, S., Santosh, M., Deng, Z., Guo, B., Zhao, Y., . . . Guo, R. (2015). Late Paleoproterozoic geodynamics of the North China Craton: geochemical and zircon U-Pb-Hf records from a volcanic suite in the Yanliao rift. Gondwana Research, 27(1), 300-325.
Scopus83 WoS732015 Li, N., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., & Pirajno, F. (2015). Compositional polarity of Triassic granitoids in the Qinling Orogen, China: implication for termination of the northernmost paleo-Tethys. Gondwana Research, 27(1), 244-257.
Scopus261 WoS1912015 Teng, X., & Santosh, M. (2015). A long-lived magma chamber in the Paleoproterozoic North China Craton: evidence from the Damiao gabbro-anorthosite suite. Precambrian Research, 256, 79-101.
Scopus49 WoS382014 He, C., Dong, S., Chen, X., Santosh, M., & Niu, S. (2014). Seismic evidence for plume-induced rifting in the Songliao Basin of Northeast China. Tectonophysics, 627(1), 171-181.
Scopus39 WoS262014 Zhang, C., Zou, H., Santosh, M., Ye, X., & Li, H. (2014). Is the Precambrian basement of the Tarim Craton in NW China composed of discrete terranes?. Precambrian Research, 254, 226-244.
Scopus86 WoS672014 Moghadam, H., Ghorbani, G., Khedr, M., Fazlnia, N., Chiaradia, M., Eyuboglu, Y., . . . Arai, S. (2014). Late Miocene K-rich volcanism in the Eslamieh Peninsula (Saray), NW Iran: implications for geodynamic evolution of the Turkish-Iranian High Plateau. Gondwana Research, 26(3-4), 1028-1050.
Scopus61 WoS432014 Deng, X., Santosh, M., Yao, J., & Chen, Y. (2014). Geology, fluid inclusions and sulphur isotopes of the Zhifang Mo deposit in Qinling Orogen, central China: a case study of orogenic-type Mo deposits. Geological Journal, 49(4-5), 515-533.
Scopus59 WoS432014 Rajesh, H. M., Santosh, M., Proyer, A., Wan, Y., Liu, D., Liu, S. J., & Belyanin, G. A. (2014). Think outside the box: There is no Limpopo orogeny-Reply to comment by Laurent et al. on paper by Rajesh et al. (2014). Precambrian Research, 255(P1), 459-466.
Scopus5 WoS52014 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., & Wada, H. (2014). Graphite mineralization in Paleoproterozoic khondalites of the North China Craton: a carbon isotope study. Precambrian Research, 255(2), 641-652.
Scopus41 WoS262014 Deng, J., Gong, Q., Wang, C., Carranza, E. J. M., & Santosh, M. (2014). Sequence of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous magmatic-hydrothermal events in the Xiong'ershan region, Central China: an overview with new zircon U-Pb geochronology data on quartz porphyries. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79(PA), 161-172.
Scopus73 WoS582014 Zhang, H., Zhai, M., Santosh, M., Wang, H., Zhao, L., & Ni, Z. (2014). Paleoproterozoic granulites from the Xinghe graphite mine, North China Craton: geology, zircon U-Pb geochronology and implications for the timing of deformation, mineralization and metamorphism. Ore Geology Reviews, 63, 478-497.
Scopus63 WoS492014 Zaw, K., Santosh, M., & Graham, I. T. (2014). Tectonics and metallogeny of mainland SE Asia: Preface. Gondwana Research, 26(1), 1-4.
Scopus10 WoS72014 Wang, W., Zhai, M., Li, T., Santosh, M., Zhao, L., & Wang, H. (2014). Archean-Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the eastern North China Craton: zircon U-Th-Pb and Lu-Hf evidence from the Jiaobei terrane. Precambrian Research, 241, 146-160.
Scopus84 WoS702014 He, C., Santosh, M., Chen, X., & Li, X. (2014). Continental dynamics in a multi-convergent regime: a receiver function study from the North-South-Trending Tectonic Zone of China. International Geology Review, 56(5), 525-536.
Scopus11 WoS102014 Manikyamba, C., Saha, A., Santosh, M., Ganguly, S., Rajanikanta Singh, M., Subba Rao, D., & Lingadevaru, M. (2014). Neoarchaean felsic volcanic rocks from the Shimoga greenstone belt, Dharwar Craton, India: geochemical fingerprints of crustal growth at an active continental margin. Precambrian Research, 252, 1-21.
Scopus57 WoS492014 Ma, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Liu, X., & Guo, J. (2014). Origin of sanukitoid and hornblendite enclaves in the Dajitu pluton from the Yinshan Block, North China Craton: product of Neoarchaean ridge subduction?. International Geology Review, 56(10), 1197-1212.
Scopus24 WoS162014 Deng, J., Wang, C. M., & Santosh, M. (2014). Orogenesis and metallogenesis in the Sanjiang Tethyan domain, China: Preface. Gondwana Research, 26(2), 415-418.
Scopus24 WoS202014 Gerya, T., Santosh, M., Slabunov, A., & Safonova, I. (2014). Granulites and eclogites in geodynamics: Preface. Gondwana Research, 25(2), 439-441.
Scopus4 WoS42014 Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Ram Mohan, M., Tsunogae, T., Shaji, E., & Satyanarayanan, M. (2014). Cryogenian alkaline magmatism in the Southern Granulite Terrane, India: petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes. Lithos, 208-209, 430-445.
Scopus58 WoS392014 Deng, J., Wang, Q., Li, G., & Santosh, M. (2014). Cenozoic tectono-magmatic and metallogenic processes in the Sanjiang region, southwestern China. Earth-Science Reviews, 138, 268-299.
Scopus678 WoS5082014 Manikyamba, C., Saha, A., Ganguly, S., Santosh, M., Lingadevaru, M., Rajanikanta Singh, M., & Subba Rao, D. (2014). Sediment-infill volcanic breccia from the Neoarchean Shimoga greenstone terrane, western Dharwar Craton: implications on pyroclastic volcanism and sedimentation in an active continental margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 96, 269-278.
Scopus25 WoS182014 Ma, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., & Guo, J. (2014). Chronology and geochemistry of Neoarchean BIF-type iron deposits in the Yinshan Block, North China Craton: implications for oceanic ridge subduction. Ore Geology Reviews, 63, 405-417.
Scopus47 WoS342014 Hou, T., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Encarnacion, J., Zhu, J., & Luo, W. (2014). Reply to the comment on "Geochronology and geochemistry of submarine volcanic rocks in the Yamansu iron deposit, Eastern Tianshan Mountains, NW China: Constraints on the metallogenesis" by Hou et al.. Ore Geology Reviews, 63, 346-347.
Scopus2 WoS12014 Ouyang, H., Wu, X., Mao, J., Su, H., Santosh, M., Zhou, Z., & Li, C. (2014). The nature and timing of ore formation in the Budunhua copper deposit, southern Great Xing'an Range: evidence from geology, fluid inclusions, and U-Pb and Re-Os geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews, 63, 238-251.
Scopus78 WoS522014 Pirajno, F., & Santosh, M. (2014). Rifting, intraplate magmatism, mineral systems and mantle dynamics in central-east Eurasia: An overview. Ore Geology Reviews, 63, 265-295.
Scopus61 WoS532014 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., Rajesh, H., & Tsunogae, T. (2014). Late Paleoproterozoic charnockite suite within post-collisional setting from the North China Craton: petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes. Lithos, 208, 34-52.
Scopus34 WoS302014 Chen, Y., Zhu, D., Zhao, Z., Meng, F., Wang, Q., Santosh, M., . . . Mo, X. (2014). Slab breakoff triggered ca. 113Ma magmatism around Xainza area of the Lhasa Terrane, Tibet. Gondwana Research, 26(2), 449-463.
Scopus203 WoS1392014 Nance, R., Murphy, J., & Santosh, M. (2014). The supercontinent cycle: A retrospective essay. Gondwana Research, 25(1), 4-29.
Scopus601 WoS4732014 Yao, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Zhao, G. (2014). Neoproterozoic arc-related mafic-ultramafic rocks and syn-collision granite from the western segment of the Jiangnan Orogen, South China: constraints on the Neoproterozoic assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks. Precambrian Research, 243, 39-62.
Scopus219 WoS1462014 Wang, M., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., & Hou, T. (2014). Geochemistry of Late Permian picritic porphyries and associated Pingchuan iron ores, Emeishan Large Igneous Province, Southwest China: constraints on petrogenesis and iron sources. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 602-617.
Scopus12 WoS112014 Chai, F., Yang, F., Liu, F., Santosh, M., Geng, X., Li, Q., & Liu, G. (2014). The abagong apatite-rich magnetite deposit in the chinese altay orogenic belt: a Kiruna-type iron deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 482-497.
Scopus47 WoS352014 Li, H., Li, L., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Liu, M., Cui, Y., . . . Yao, T. (2014). Alteration of the damiao anorthosite complex in the northern North China Craton: implications for high-grade iron mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 574-588.
Scopus27 WoS232014 Luo, W., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Hou, T., Huang, H., Zhu, J., . . . Fu, X. (2014). Petrology and geochemistry of Permian mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Emeishan large igneous province, SW China: insight into the ore potential. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 258-275.
Scopus10 WoS82014 Santosh, M., & Pirajno, F. (2014). Ore deposits in relation to Solid Earth dynamics and surface environment: Preface. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 373-375.
Scopus10 WoS82014 Su, H., Mao, J., Santosh, M., & Xie, G. (2014). Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive complex in the Tianhuashan basin, South China. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 566-583.
Scopus39 WoS352014 Xu, W., Fan, H., Hu, F., Santosh, M., Yang, K., Lan, T., & Wen, B. (2014). Gold mineralization in the Guilaizhuang deposit, southwestern Shandong Province, China: Insights from phase relations among sulfides, tellurides, selenides and oxides. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 276-291.
Scopus34 WoS252014 Wang, X., Li, S., Santosh, M., Gan, H., & Sun, W. (2014). Source characteristics and fluid evolution of the Beiyingxigou Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, central North China Craton: an integrated stable isotope investigation. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 528-540.
Scopus14 WoS82014 Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhang, H., Luo, J., Zhang, J., Li, C., . . . Zhang, X. (2014). Metallogeny in response to lithospheric thinning and craton destruction: geochemistry and U-Pb zircon chronology of the Yixingzhai gold deposit, central North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 457-471.
Scopus104 WoS752014 Lan, T., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., & Liu, Y. (2014). U-Pb zircon chronology, geochemistry and isotopes of the Changyi banded iron formation in the eastern Shandong Province: Constraints on BIF genesis and implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 472-486.
Scopus60 WoS412014 Sun, W., Li, S., Santosh, M., Wang, X., & Zhang, L. (2014). Isotope geochemistry and geochronology of the Qiubudong silver deposit, central North China Craton: implications for ore genesis and lithospheric dynamics. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 229-242.
Scopus27 WoS232014 Huang, H., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., & Zhang, D. (2014). Geochronology, geochemistry and metallogenic implications of the Boziguo'er rare metal-bearing peralkaline granitic intrusion in South Tianshan, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 61, 157-174.
Scopus76 WoS472014 Qiu, J., Yu, X., Santosh, M., Li, P., Zhang, D., Xiong, G., & Zhang, B. (2014). The Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution and magmatic history of west Zhejiang, SE China: Implications for regional metallogeny. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103(3), 713-735.
Scopus22 WoS202014 Praveen, M., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Zhang, Z., Huang, H., Singanenjam, S., & Sajinkumar, K. (2014). Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope of felsic volcanics from Attappadi, southern India: Implications for Neoarchean convergent margin tectonics. Gondwana Research, 26(3-4), 907-924.
Scopus71 WoS522014 Xiao, W., & Santosh, M. (2014). The western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: A window to accretionary orogenesis and continental growth. Gondwana Research, 25(4), 1429-1444.
Scopus657 WoS5362014 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., Shen, J., & Li, S. (2014). Juvenile vs. recycled crust in NE China: zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and an integrated model for Mesozoic gold mineralization in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Gondwana Research, 25(4), 1445-1468.
Scopus197 WoS1472014 Isozaki, Y., Shu, D., Maruyama, S., & Santosh, M. (2014). Beyond the Cambrian Explosion: from galaxy to genome. Gondwana Research, 25(3), 881-883.
Scopus3 WoS22014 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2014). First report of Paleoproterozoic incipient charnockite from the North China Craton: implications for ultrahigh-temperature metasomatism. Precambrian Research, 243, 168-180.
Scopus23 WoS222014 Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Santosh, M., & Li, S. (2014). Fluid inclusions from the Jinchang Cu-Au deposit, Heilongjiang Province, NE China: genetic style and magmatic-hydrothermal evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 82, 103-114.
Scopus16 WoS142014 Pang, A., Li, S., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Jia, B., & Yang, C. (2014). Geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology of Jilongshan Cu-Au deposit, southeastern Hubei Province, China. Geological Journal, 49(1), 52-68.
Scopus11 WoS32014 Yoshida, M., & Santosh, M. (2014). Mantle convection modeling of the supercontinent cycle: Introversion, extroversion, or a combination?. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(1), 77-81.
Scopus21 WoS142014 Wu, C., Santosh, M., Chen, Y., Samson, I., Lei, R., Dong, L., . . . Gu, L. (2014). Geochronology and geochemistry of Early Mesoproterozoic meta-diabase sills from Quruqtagh in the northeastern Tarim Craton: implications for breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 241, 29-43.
Scopus75 WoS612014 Zhao, L., Zhou, X., Zhai, M., Santosh, M., Ma, X., Shan, H., & Cui, X. (2014). Paleoproterozoic tectonic transition from collision to extension in the eastern Cathaysia Block, South China: evidence from geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Nd-Hf isotopes of a granite-charnockite suite in southwestern Zhejiang. Lithos, 184-187, 259-280.
Scopus78 WoS582014 Hou, T., Zhang, Z., Pirajno, F., Santosh, M., Encarnacion, J., Liu, J., . . . Zhang, L. (2014). Geology, tectonic settings and iron ore metallogenesis associated with submarine volcanism in China: an overview. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 498-517.
Scopus62 WoS452014 Park, S., Kim, S., Kwon, S., Thanh, N., Yi, K., & Santosh, M. (2014). Paleozoic tectonics of the southwestern Gyeonggi massif, South Korea: insights from geochemistry, chromian-spinel chemistry and SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology. Gondwana Research, 26(2), 684-698.
Scopus47 WoS412014 Samuel, V., Santosh, M., Liu, S., Wang, W., & Sajeev, K. (2014). Neoarchean continental growth through arc magmatism in the Nilgiri Block, southern India. Precambrian Research, 245, 146-173.
Scopus102 WoS872014 Shaji, E., Santosh, M., He, X., Fan, H., Dev, S., Yang, K., . . . Pradeepkumar, A. (2014). Convergent margin processes during Archean-Proterozoic transition in Southern India: geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of gold-bearing amphibolites, associated metagabbros, and TTG gneisses from Nilambur. Precambrian Research, 250, 68-96.
Scopus39 WoS322014 He, C., Santosh, M., Wu, J., & Chen, X. (2014). Plume or no plume: Emeishan Large Igneous Province in Southwest China revisited from receiver function analysis. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 232, 72-78.
Scopus22 WoS202014 Ding, Q., Wu, C., Santosh, M., Fu, Y., Dong, L., Qu, X., & Gu, L. (2014). H-O, S and Pb isotope geochemistry of the Awanda gold deposit in southern Tianshan, Central Asian orogenic belt: implications for fluid regime and metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, 62, 40-53.
Scopus63 WoS502014 Zhang, Z., Zhang, G., Deng, Y., Santosh, M., & Teng, J. (2014). Geophysical transect across the North China Craton: a perspective on the interaction between Tibetan eastward escape and Pacific westward flow. Gondwana Research, 26(1), 311-322.
Scopus16 WoS192014 Lamadrid, H., Lamb, W., Santosh, M., & Bodnar, R. (2014). Raman spectroscopic characterization of H₂O in CO₂-rich fluid inclusions in granulite facies metamorphic rocks. Gondwana Research, 26(1), 301-310.
Scopus44 WoS372014 Thanh, N., Hai, T., Hoang, N., Lan, V., Kwon, S., Itaya, T., & Santosh, M. (2014). Backarc mafic-ultramafic magmatism in Northeastern Vietnam and its regional tectonic significance. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 90, 45-60.
Scopus55 WoS492014 Zaw, K., Meffre, S., Lai, C., Burrett, C., Santosh, M., Graham, I., . . . Cromie, P. (2014). Tectonics and metallogeny of mainland Southeast Asia - a review and contribution. Gondwana Research, 26(1), 5-30.
Scopus283 WoS1992014 Yao, J., Shu, L., & Santosh, M. (2014). Neoproterozoic arc-trench system and breakup of the South China Craton: constraints from N-MORB type and arc-related mafic rocks, and anorogenic granite in the Jiangnan orogenic belt. Precambrian Research, 247, 187-207.
Scopus108 WoS872014 Shu, L., Jahn, B., Charvet, J., Santosh, M., Wang, B., Xu, X., & Jiang, S. (2014). Early paleozoic depositional environment and intraplate tectono-magmatism in the Cathaysia block (South China): evidence from stratigraphic, structural, geochemical and geochronological investigations. American Journal of Science, 314(1), 154-186.
Scopus293 WoS2082014 Bhattacharya, S., Santosh, M., Zhang, Z., Huang, H., Banerjee, A., George, P., & Sajeev, K. (2014). Imprints of Archean to Neoproterozoic crustal processes in the Madurai Block, Southern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 88, 1-10.
Scopus18 WoS152014 Rajesh, H., Santosh, M., Wan, Y., Liu, D., Liu, S., & Belyanin, G. (2014). Ultrahigh temperature granulites and magnesian charnockites: Evidence for Neoarchean accretion along the northern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton. Precambrian Research, 246, 150-159.
Scopus46 WoS462014 Huang, F., Wang, D., Santosh, M., Wang, C., Zeng, Z., Liu, S., . . . Zhang, Y. (2014). Genesis of the Yuanlingzhai porphyry molybdenum deposit, Jiangxi province, South China: Constraints from petrochemistry and geochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79, 759-776.
Scopus19 WoS162014 Liu, Y., Santosh, M., Li, S., & Guo, P. (2014). Stable isotope geochemistry and Re-Os ages of the Yinan gold deposit, Shandong Province, northeastern China. International Geology Review, 56(6), 695-710.
Scopus19 WoS122014 Qi, X., Santosh, M., Zhu, L., Zhao, Y., Hu, Z., Zhang, C., & Ji, F. (2014). Mid-Neoproterozoic arc magmatism in the northeastern margin of the Indochina block, SW China: geochronological and petrogenetic constraints and implications for Gondwana assembly. Precambrian Research, 245, 207-224.
Scopus69 WoS512014 Li, Z., Yang, X., Li, Y., Santosh, M., Chen, H., & Xiao, W. (2014). Late Paleozoic tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Altai segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: constraints from metamorphic P-T pseudosection and zircon U-Pb dating of ultra-high-temperature granulite. Lithos, 204, 83-96.
Scopus67 WoS482014 Safonova, I., & Santosh, M. (2014). Accretionary complexes in the Asia-Pacific region: tracing archives of ocean plate stratigraphy and tracking mantle plumes. Gondwana Research, 25(1), 126-158.
Scopus495 WoS4002014 Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., Shao, J., Ying, J., Yang, Y., & Santosh, M. (2014). Mantle upwelling during Permian to Triassic in the northern margin of the North China Craton: constraints from southern Inner Mongolia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79(Part A), 112-129.
Scopus41 WoS322014 Li, Y., Li, Z., Yu, X., Langmuir, C., Santosh, M., Yang, S., . . . Zou, S. (2014). Origin of the Early Permian zircons in Keping basalts and magma evolution of the Tarim Large Igneous Province (northwestern China). Lithos, 204, 47-58.
Scopus34 WoS252014 Santosh, M., Mo, X., & Wan, X. (2014). Tectonics of Central Asia - A tribute to Alfred Kröner and Guowei Zhang: Preface. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(4), 439-443.
Scopus1 WoS12014 Cao, H., Zhang, S., Santosh, M., Zheng, L., Tang, L., Li, D., . . . Zhang, Y. (2014). The Luanchuan Mo-W-Pb-Zn-Ag magmatic-hydrothermal system in the East Qinling metallogenic belt, China: constrains on metallogenesis from C-H-O-S-Pb isotope compositions and Rb-Sr isochron ages. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 751-780.
Scopus91 WoS682014 Santosh, M., Maruyama, S., Sawaki, Y., & Meert, J. (2014). The Cambrian explosion: Plume-driven birth of the second ecosystem on Earth. Gondwana Research, 25(3), 945-965.
Scopus72 WoS512014 Wang, C., Zhang, D., Wu, G., Santosh, M., Zhang, J., Xu, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Geological and isotopic evidence for magmatic-hydrothermal origin of the Ag–Pb–Zn deposits in the Lengshuikeng District, east-central China. Mineralium Deposita, 49(6), 733-749.
Scopus83 WoS672014 Zhang, H., Wang, J., Zhou, D., Yang, Y., Zhang, G., Santosh, M., . . . Zhang, J. (2014). Hadean to Neoarchean episodic crustal growth: Detrital zircon records in Paleoproterozoic quartzites from the southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 254, 245-257.
Scopus41 WoS332014 Zhang, Z., Dong, X., Santosh, M., & Zhao, G. (2014). Metamorphism and tectonic evolution of the Lhasa terrane, Central Tibet. Gondwana Research, 25(1), 170-189.
Scopus273 WoS2062014 Zhang, L., Wang, Q., Chen, N., Sun, M., Santosh, M., & Ba, J. (2014). Geochemistry and detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes of the paragneiss suite from the Quanji massif, SE Tarim Craton: implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonics in NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 33-50.
Scopus60 WoS422014 Sharma, M., Banerjee, D. M., & Santosh, M. (2014). Editorial: Proterozoic Basins of India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 91, 227-229.
Scopus3 WoS22014 Zhang, Z., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Li, H., Li, J., Zhang, Z., . . . Wang, M. (2014). Spatio-temporal distribution and tectonic settings of the major iron deposits in China: an overview. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 247-263.
Scopus208 WoS1532014 van Reenen, D., Santosh, M., Aranovich, L., Harlov, D., & Safonov, O. (2014). Fluid composition and propagation in the deep crust: Case studies from the Limpopo Complex, South Africa. Precambrian Research, 253, 1-5.
Scopus12014 Eyuboglu, Y., Santosh, M., Yi, K., Tuysuz, N., Korkmaz, S., Akaryali, E., . . . Bektas, O. (2014). The Eastern Black Sea-type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and an overview of the geodynamics of ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 59, 29-54.
Scopus77 WoS692014 Wang, Z., Yang, L., Deng, J., Santosh, M., Zhang, H., Liu, Y., . . . Zhao, H. (2014). Gold-hosting high Ba-Sr granitoids in the Xincheng gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, East China: petrogenesis and tectonic setting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 274-299.
Scopus113 WoS802014 Yao, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Xu, Z. (2014). Palaeozoic metamorphism of the Neoproterozoic basement in NE Cathaysia: zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotope and whole-rock geochemistry from the Chencai Group. Journal of the Geological Society, 171(2), 281-297.
Scopus63 WoS422014 Liao, F., Zhang, L., Chen, N., Sun, M., Santosh, M., Wang, Q., & Mustafa, H. (2014). Geochronology and geochemistry of meta-mafic dykes in the Quanji Massif, NW China: Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Tarim Craton and implications for the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 249, 33-56.
Scopus73 WoS502014 Ouyang, H., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Wu, Y., Hou, L., & Wang, X. (2014). The Early Cretaceous Weilasituo Zn-Cu-Ag vein deposit in the southern Great Xing'an Range, northeast China: Fluid inclusions, H, O, S, Pb isotope geochemistry and genetic implications. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 503-515.
Scopus92 WoS702014 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., & Dong, G. (2014). Late Palaeoproterozoic post-collisional magmatism in the North China Craton: Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology, and Hf isotope of the pyroxenite-gabbro-diorite suite from Xinghe, Inner Mongolia. International Geology Review, 56(8), 959-984.
Scopus14 WoS132014 Plavsa, D., Collins, A., Payne, J., Foden, J., Clark, C., & Santosh, M. (2014). Detrital zircons in basement metasedimentary protoliths unveil the origins of southern India. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 126(5-6), 791-812.
Scopus109 WoS892014 Taylor, R., Clark, C., Fitzsimons, I., Santosh, M., Hand, M., Evans, N., & McDonald, B. (2014). Post-peak, fluid-mediated modification of granulite facies zircon and monazite in the Trivandrum Block, southern India. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 168(2), 1044-1-1044-17.
Scopus111 WoS782014 Tang, Y., Zhang, H., Deloule, E., Su, B., Ying, J., Santosh, M., & Xiao, Y. (2014). Abnormal lithium isotope composition from the ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Scientific Reports, 4(1), 4274-1-4274-4.
Scopus67 WoS44 Europe PMC22014 Santosh, M. (2014). Gondwana Research Silver Jubilee Volume: Preface. Gondwana Research, 25(1), 1-3.
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Scopus8 WoS12014 Chen, X., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Xu, Z. (2014). The provenance and tectonic affinity of the Paleozoic meta-sedimentary rocks in the Chinese Tianshan belt: New insights from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf-isotope analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 94, 12-27.
Scopus33 WoS242014 Hou, T., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Encarnacion, J., Zhu, J., & Luo, W. (2014). Geochronology and geochemistry of submarine volcanic rocks in the Yamansu iron deposit, Eastern Tianshan Mountains, NW China: constraints on the metallogenesis. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 487-502.
Scopus165 WoS1302014 Santosh, M., Tsunogae, T., Malaviarachchi, S., Zhang, Z., Ding, H., Tang, L., & Dharmapriya, P. (2014). Neoproterozoic crustal evolution in Sri Lanka: insights from petrologic, geochemical and zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic data and implications for Gondwana assembly. Precambrian Research, 255(Part 1), 1-29.
Scopus76 WoS672014 Goldfarb, R., & Santosh, M. (2014). The dilemma of the Jiaodong gold deposits: Are they unique?. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(2), 139-153.
Scopus501 WoS3892014 Khomich, V., Boriskina, N., & Santosh, M. (2014). A geodynamic perspective of world-class gold deposits in East Asia. Gondwana Research, 26(3-4), 816-833.
Scopus43 WoS332014 Kim, S., Kwon, S., Yi, K., & Santosh, M. (2014). Arc magmatism in the Yeongnam massif, Korean Peninsula: imprints of Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents. Gondwana Research, 26(3-4), 1009-1027.
Scopus52 WoS502014 He, X., & Santosh, M. (2014). Crustal recycling through intraplate magmatism: evidence from the Trans-North China Orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 147-163.
Scopus24 WoS202014 Koizumi, T., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Tsutsumi, Y., Chetty, T., & Saitoh, Y. (2014). Petrology and zircon U-Pb geochronology of metagabbros from a mafic-ultramafic suite at Aniyapuram: Neoarchean to Early Paleoproterozoic convergent margin magmatism and Middle Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism in southern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 51-64.
Scopus26 WoS192014 Kim, S., Kwon, S., Santosh, M., Cho, D., & Ryu, I. (2014). Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and tectonic implications of the Paleozoic sequences in western South Korea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 217-227.
Scopus43 WoS422014 Yang, Q., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2014). Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism under isobaric heating: new evidence from the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 2-16.
Scopus56 WoS482014 Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Hou, T., & Zhang, D. (2014). Carbonate- and silicate-rich globules in the kimberlitic rocks of northwestern Tarim large igneous province, NW China: evidence for carbonated mantle source. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 114-135.
Scopus26 WoS212014 Kwon, S., Kim, S. W., & Santosh, M. (2014). Gondwana to Asia: Preface. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 1.
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Scopus27 WoS282014 Manikyamba, C., Ganguly, S., Saha, A., Santosh, M., Rajanikanta Singh, M., & Subba Rao, D. (2014). Continental lithospheric evolution: constraints from the geochemistry of felsic volcanic rocks in the Dharwar Craton, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 65-80.
Scopus41 WoS302014 Yellappa, T., Venkatasivappa, V., Koizumi, T., Chetty, T., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2014). The mafic-ultramafic complex of Aniyapuram, Cauvery Suture Zone, southern India: Petrological and geochemical constraints for Neoarchean suprasubduction zone tectonics. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 81-98.
Scopus40 WoS322014 Li, Q., Santosh, M., Li, S., & Guo, P. (2014). The formation and rejuvenation of continental crust in the central North China Craton: evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 17-32.
Scopus23 WoS192014 He, C., Dong, S., Santosh, M., & Chen, X. (2014). Seismic structure of the Longmenshan area in SW China inferred from receiver function analysis: implications for future large earthquakes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 96, 226-236.
Scopus14 WoS122014 Santosh, M., Carbonell, R., Artemieva, I., & Badal, J. (2014). Advances in seismic imaging of crust and mantle: Preface. Tectonophysics, 627(1), 1-3.
Scopus2 WoS22014 Rao, C., Santosh, M., & Zhang, S. (2014). Neoproterozoic massif-type anorthosites and related magmatic suites from the Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Implications for slab window magmatism at the terminal stage of collisional orogeny. Precambrian Research, 240, 60-78.
Scopus28 WoS222014 He, C., Dong, S., Chen, X., Santosh, M., & Li, Q. (2014). Crustal structure and continental dynamics of Central China: a receiver function study and implications for ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. Tectonophysics, 610, 172-181.
Scopus28 WoS232014 Li, D., He, D., Santosh, M., & Tang, J. (2014). Petrogenesis of Late Paleozoic volcanics from the Zhaheba depression, East Junggar: insights into collisional event in an accretionary orogen of Central Asia. Lithos, 184-187, 167-193.
Scopus73 WoS492014 Li, S., & Santosh, M. (2014). Metallogeny and craton destruction: Records from the North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 376-414.
Scopus295 WoS2282014 He, C., Santosh, M., Chen, X., & Li, X. (2014). Crustal growth and tectonic evolution of the Tianshan orogenic belt, NW China: a receiver function analysis. Journal of Geodynamics, 75, 41-52.
Scopus17 WoS142014 Xiang, H., Zhong, Z., Li, Y., Qi, M., Zhou, H., Zhang, L., . . . Santosh, M. (2014). Sapphirine-bearing granulites from the Tongbai orogen, China: Petrology, phase equilibria, zircon U-Pb geochronology and implications for Paleozoic ultrahigh temperature metamorphism. Lithos, 208, 446-461.
Scopus31 WoS252014 Jin, Z., Zhang, Z., Huang, H., Santosh, M., Hou, T., & Ma, Y. (2014). Geochronology and geochemistry of the Airikenqiken granite, Central Tianshan Terrane, Xinjiang, China: implications for petrogenesis and continental growth. International Geology Review, 56(7), 801-822.
Scopus9 WoS52014 Wang, W., Zhai, M., Tao, Y., Santosh, M., Lü, B., Zhao, L., & Wang, S. (2014). Late Neoarchean crustal evolution of the eastern North China Craton: A study on the provenance and metamorphism of paragneiss from the Western Shandong Province. Precambrian Research, 255(P2), 583-602.
Scopus31 WoS242014 Guo, P., Santosh, M., Li, S., & Li, Q. (2014). Crustal evolution in the central part of Eastern NCC: zircon U-Pb ages from multiple magmatic pulses in the Luxi area and implications for gold mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews, 60, 126-145.
Scopus35 WoS272014 Wang, C., Deng, J., Carranza, E., & Santosh, M. (2014). Tin metallogenesis associated with granitoids in the southwestern Sanjiang Tethyan Domain: nature, deposit types, and tectonic setting. Gondwana Research, 26(2), 576-593.
Scopus159 WoS1212014 Yin, Z., Jiang, C., Santosh, M., Chen, Y., Bao, Y., & Chen, Q. (2014). Nephrite jade from Guangxi Province, China. Gems and Gemology, 50(3), 228-235.
Scopus26 WoS132014 Chen, Y., & Santosh, M. (2014). Triassic tectonics and mineral systems in the Qinling Orogen, central China. Geological Journal, 49(4-5), 338-358.
Scopus250 WoS1722014 Chen, Y. J., Santosh, M., Somerville, I., & Chen, H. Y. (2014). Indosinian tectonics and mineral systems in China: An introduction. Geological Journal, 49(4-5), 331-337.
Scopus76 WoS592014 Li, Z., Yang, X., Li, Y., Santosh, M., Chen, H., & Xiao, W. (2014). Corrigendum to "Late Paleozoic tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Altai segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints from metamorphic P-T pseudosection and zircon U-Pb dating of ultra-high-temperature granulite" [Lithos (2014)]. Lithos, 204, 268-270.
Scopus2 WoS12014 Qiu, J. -T., Li, P. -J., Santosh, M., & Yu, X. -Q. (2014). Magma oxygen fugacities of granitoids in the Xiaoqinling area, central China: implications for regional tectonic setting. NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR MINERALOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN, 191(3), 317-329.
WoS82013 Ray, J., Saha, A., Koeberl, C., Thoni, M., Ganguly, S., & Hazra, S. (2013). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Proterozoic mafic rocks from East Khasi Hills, Shillong Plateau, Northeastern India. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 230, 119-137.
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WoS32013 Shi, Y., Yu, J., & Santosh, M. (2013). Tectonic evolution of the Qinling orogenic belt, Central China: New evidence from geochemical, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Precambrian Research, 231, 19-60.
Scopus264 WoS2032013 Tang, D., Qin, K., Su, B., Sakyi, P., Liu, Y., Mao, Q., . . . Ma, Y. (2013). Magma source and tectonics of the Xiangshanzhong mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China, traced from geochemical and isotopic signatures. Lithos, 170-171, 144-163.
Scopus66 WoS462013 Luo, W., Hou, T., Santosh, M., Wen, S., & Zhang, Z. (2013). Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous bimodal volcanic rocks in the Fanchang Basin, SE China: an energy-constrained assimilation-fractional crystallization model. International Geology Review, 55(8), 917-940.
Scopus4 WoS42013 Polat, A., & Santosh, M. (2013). Geological processes in the Early Earth. Gondwana Research, 23(2), 391-393.
Scopus6 WoS52013 Zhang, H., Zhu, R., Santosh, M., Ying, J., Su, B., & Hu, Y. (2013). Episodic widespread magma underplating beneath the North China Craton in the Phanerozoic: implications for craton destruction. Gondwana Research, 23(1), 95-107.
Scopus128 WoS1122013 Rajesh, V., Arai, S., Satish-kumar, M., Santosh, M., & Tamura, A. (2013). High-Mg low-Ni olivine cumulates from a Pan-African accretionary belt in southern India: Implications for the genesis of volatile-rich high-Mg melts in suprasubduction setting. Precambrian Research, 227, 409-425.
Scopus36 WoS252013 Kusky, T., Windley, B., Safonova, I., Wakita, K., Wakabayashi, J., Polat, A., & Santosh, M. (2013). Recognition of ocean plate stratigraphy in accretionary orogens through Earth history: a record of 3.8billion years of sea floor spreading, subduction, and accretion. Gondwana Research, 24(2), 501-547.
Scopus326 WoS2342013 Hou, T., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Encarnacion, J., & Wang, M. (2013). The Cihai diabase in the Beishan region, NW China: isotope geochronology, geochemistry and implications for Cornwall-style iron mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 70-71(1), 231-249.
Scopus26 WoS222013 Mohan, M., Satyanarayanan, M., Santosh, M., Sylvester, P., Tubrett, M., & Lam, R. (2013). Neoarchean suprasubduction zone arc magmatism in southern India: geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of the Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex. Gondwana Research, 23(2), 539-557.
Scopus138 WoS1152013 Lei, J., Xie, F., Fan, Q., & Santosh, M. (2013). Seismic imaging of the deep structure under the Chinese volcanoes: an overview. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 224, 104-123.
Scopus123 WoS1032013 Ma, X., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2013). Paleoproterozoic collisional orogeny in Central Tianshan: Assembling the Tarim Block within the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 228, 1-19.
Scopus86 WoS682013 Huang, H., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., Zhao, Z., & Liu, J. (2013). Early paleozoic tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan collisional belt: evidence from geochemistry and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the tie'reke monzonite pluton, Northwest China. Journal of Geology, 121(4), 401-424.
Scopus66 WoS482013 Zhai, M., & Santosh, M. (2013). Metallogeny of the North China Craton: link with secular changes in the evolving Earth. Gondwana Research, 24(1), 275-297.
Scopus712 WoS5852013 He, C., Dong, S., Santosh, M., & Chen, X. (2013). Seismic evidence for a geosuture between the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks, South China. Scientific Reports, 3(1), 2200-1-2200-7.
Scopus136 WoS106 Europe PMC22013 KiranKumar, N., Purushothaman, N., & Santosh, M. (2013). Response of spectral characteristics of wind and temperature of atmospheric surface layer to the noontime annular solar eclipse. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 97, 91-98.
Scopus6 WoS72013 Santosh, M., & Jahn, B. M. (2013). Evolving Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 1-3.
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Scopus47 WoS372013 Patranabis-Deb, S., Collins, A. S., Santosh, M., & Plavsa, D. (2013). International Association for Gondwana Research (IAGR) 2012 Annual Convention and 9th International Symposium on Gondwana to Asia. Gondwana Research, 23(4), 1659-1663.
WoS12013 Li, Q., Santosh, M., & Li, S. (2013). Stable isotopes and noble gases in the Xishimen gold deposit, central North China Craton: Metallogeny associated with lithospheric thinning and crust-mantle interaction. International Geology Review, 55(14), 1728-1743.
Scopus21 WoS192013 Ouyang, H., Mao, J., & Santosh, M. (2013). Anatomy of a large Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in the Great Xing'an Range, northeast China: metallogeny associated with Early Cretaceous magmatism. International Geology Review, 55(4), 411-429.
Scopus33 WoS282013 Cai, Y., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Hu, F., Yang, K., . . . Liu, Y. (2013). Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern North China Craton: constraints from mafic dikes in the Jiaobei terrain. Gondwana Research, 24(2), 601-621.
Scopus136 WoS1162013 Wang, W., Zhai, M., Wang, S., Santosh, M., Du, L., Xie, H., . . . Wan, Y. (2013). Crustal reworking in the North China Craton at ∼2.5Ga: evidence from zircon U-Pb age, Hf isotope and whole rock geochemistry of the felsic volcano-sedimentary rocks from the western Shandong Province. Geological Journal, 48(5), 406-428.
Scopus48 WoS322013 Tang, Y., Zhang, H., Ying, J., Su, B., Li, X., & Santosh, M. (2013). Rapid eruption of the Ningwu volcanics in eastern China: response to Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific plate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(6), 1703-1721.
Scopus32 WoS282013 Murthy, D., Veeraswamy, K., Harinarayana, T., Singh, U., & Santosh, M. (2013). Electrical structure beneath schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica: A magnetotelluric study. Polar Research, 32(SUPPL.), 15 pages.
Scopus10 WoS72013 Li, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., & Lan, T. (2013). Hydrothermal alteration associated with Mesozoic granite-hosted gold mineralization at the Sanshandao deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 53, 403-421.
Scopus143 WoS1072013 Zhang, H. F., Chen, L., Santosh, M., & Menzies, M. A. (2013). Construction and destruction of cratons: Preface. Gondwana Research, 23(1), 1-3.
Scopus26 WoS272013 Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhang, H., Shen, J., Dong, G., Wang, J., & Zhang, J. (2013). Inhomogeneous lithospheric thinning in the central North China Craton: zircon U-Pb and S-He-Ar isotopic record from magmatism and metallogeny in the Taihang Mountains. Gondwana Research, 23(1), 141-160.
Scopus190 WoS1462013 Li, Y., He, J., Wang, C., Santosh, M., Dai, J., Zhang, Y., . . . Wang, J. (2013). Late Cretaceous K-rich magmatism in central Tibet: Evidence for early elevation of the Tibetan plateau?. Lithos, 160-161(1), 1-13.
Scopus130 WoS1022013 Wang, A., Liu, Y., Santosh, M., & Gu, X. (2013). Zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes from the metamorphic basement in the Wuhe Complex: implications for Neoarchean active continental margin along the southeastern North China Craton and constraints on the petrogenesis of Mesozoic granitoids. Geoscience Frontiers, 4(1), 57-71.
Scopus47 WoS362013 Shen, J., Santosh, M., Li, S., Zhang, H., Yin, N., Dong, G., . . . Yu, H. (2013). The Beiminghe skarn iron deposit, eastern China: geochronology, isotope geochemistry and implications for the destruction of the North China Craton. Lithos, 156-159, 218-229.
Scopus84 WoS662013 Wang, W., Yang, E., Zhai, M., Wang, S., Santosh, M., Du, L., . . . Wan, Y. (2013). Geochemistry of ∼2.7Ga basalts from Taishan area: Constraints on the evolution of early Neoarchean granite-greenstone belt in western Shandong Province, China. Precambrian Research, 224, 94-109.
Scopus81 WoS532013 Naganjaneyulu, K., Aggarwal, L., & Santosh, M. (2013). Magnetotelluric studies in the Central India Tectonic Zone: implications for intraplate stress regimes and generation of shallow earthquakes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 318-326.
Scopus4 WoS42013 Tang, Y., Zhang, H., Santosh, M., & Ying, J. (2013). Differential destruction of the North China Craton: a tectonic perspective. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 71-82.
Scopus103 WoS832013 Zhang, C., Santosh, M., Zou, H., Li, H., & Huang, W. (2013). The Fuchuan ophiolite in Jiangnan Orogen: geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and implications for the Neoproterozoic assembly of South China. Lithos, 179, 263-274.
Scopus139 WoS1062013 Liu, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., Wen, B., . . . Liu, Y. (2013). Origin of the Yinshan epithermal-porphyry Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, southeastern China: Insights from geochemistry, Sr-Nd and zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes. International Geology Review, 55(15), 1835-1864.
Scopus11 WoS102013 Ma, X., Fan, H., Santosh, M., & Guo, J. (2013). Geochemistry and zircon U-Pb chronology of charnockites in the Yinshan Block, North China Craton: tectonic evolution involving Neoarchaean ridge subduction. International Geology Review, 55(13), 1688-1704.
Scopus61 WoS152013 Guo, P., Santosh, M., & Li, S. (2013). Geodynamics of gold metallogeny in the Shandong Province, NE China: an integrated geological, geophysical and geochemical perspective. Gondwana Research, 24(3-4), 1172-1202.
Scopus214 WoS1852013 Dong, M., Dong, G., Mo, X., Santosh, M., Zhu, D., Yu, J., . . . Hu, Z. (2013). Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of granites in the Baoshan Block, Western Yunnan: Implications for Early Paleozoic evolution along the Gondwana margin. Lithos, 179, 36-47.
Scopus110 WoS702013 Wang, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Dai, L., Suo, Y., Yu, S., . . . Wang, Q. (2013). Lacustrine turbidites in the Eocene Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, North China Craton. Geological Journal, 48(5), 561-578.
Scopus39 WoS302013 Li, S., Suo, Y., Santosh, M., Dai, L., Liu, X., Yu, S., . . . Jin, C. (2013). Mesozoic to Cenozoic intracontinental deformation and dynamics of the North China Craton. Geological Journal, 48(5), 543-560.
Scopus96 WoS682013 Liu, S., Dong, C., Xu, Z., Santosh, M., Ma, M., Xie, H., . . . Wan, Y. (2013). Palaeoproterozoic episodic magmatism and high-grade metamorphism in the North China Craton: Evidence from SHRIMP zircon dating of magmatic suites in the Daqingshan area. Geological Journal, 48(5), 429-455.
Scopus51 WoS362013 Shimizu, H., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Liu, S., & Li, J. (2013). Phase equilibrium modelling of Palaeoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature sapphirine granulite from the Inner Mongolia Suture Zone, North China Craton: implications for counterclockwise P-T path. Geological Journal, 48(5), 456-466.
Scopus35 WoS282013 Tang, H., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., Zhong, H., Wu, G., & Lai, Y. (2013). C-O isotope geochemistry of the Dashiqiao magnesite belt, North China Craton: implications for the Great Oxidation Event and ore genesis. Geological Journal, 48(5), 467-483.
Scopus53 WoS362013 Endo, T., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., Shimizu, H., & Shaji, E. (2013). Granulite formation in a Gondwana fragment: petrology and mineral equilibrium modeling of incipient charnockite from Mavadi, southern India. Mineralogy and Petrology, 107(5), 727-738.
Scopus22 WoS172013 Ouyang, H., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Zhou, J., Zhou, Z., Wu, Y., & Hou, L. (2013). Geodynamic setting of Mesozoic magmatism in NE China and surrounding regions: perspectives from spatio-temporal distribution patterns of ore deposits. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 222-236.
Scopus194 WoS1522013 Ratheesh Kumar, R., Windley, B., Rajesh, V., & Santosh, M. (2013). Elastic thickness structure of the Andaman subduction zone: implications for convergence of the Ninetyeast Ridge. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 291-300.
Scopus22 WoS202013 Dai, J., Wang, C., Hourigan, J., & Santosh, M. (2013). Multi-stage tectono-magmatic events of the Eastern Kunlun Range, northern Tibet: insights from U-Pb geochronology and (U-Th)/He thermochronology. Tectonophysics, 599, 97-106.
Scopus128 WoS1042013 Li, Z., Zhou, J., Mao, J., Santosh, M., Yu, M., Li, Y., . . . Hu, Y. (2013). Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of two episodes of granitoids from the northwestern Zhejiang Province, SE China: implication for magmatic evolution and tectonic transition. Lithos, 179, 334-352.
Scopus83 WoS612013 Santosh, M., Shaji, E., Tsunogae, T., Ram Mohan, M., Satyanarayanan, M., & Horie, K. (2013). Suprasubduction zone ophiolite from Agali hill: Petrology, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry and implications for Neoarchean plate tectonics in southern India. Precambrian Research, 231, 301-324.
Scopus137 WoS1162013 Sui, Q., Wang, Q., Zhu, D., Zhao, Z., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., . . . Mo, X. (2013). Compositional diversity of ca. 110 Ma magmatism in the northern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: implications for the magmatic origin and crustal growth in a continent-continent collision zone. Lithos, 168-169, 144-159.
Scopus224 WoS1622013 Kim, S., Kee, W., Lee, S., Santosh, M., & Kwon, S. (2013). Neoproterozoic plutonic rocks from the western Gyeonggi massif, South Korea: implications for the amalgamation and break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 227, 349-367.
Scopus62 WoS652013 Deng, X., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., & Yao, J. (2013). Genesis of the 1.76Ga Zhaiwa Mo-Cu and its link with the Xiong’er volcanics in the North China Craton: implications for accretionary growth along the margin of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 227, 337-348.
Scopus114 WoS812013 Dharma Rao, C., Santosh, M., Sajeev, K., & Windley, B. (2013). Chromite-silicate chemistry of the Neoarchean Sittampundi Complex, southern India: Implications for subduction-related arc magmatism. Precambrian Research, 227, 259-275.
Scopus39 WoS302013 Tang, H., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., Zhong, H., & Yang, T. (2013). REE geochemistry of carbonates from the Guanmenshan Formation, Liaohe Group, NE Sino-Korean Craton: Implications for seawater compositional change during the Great Oxidation Event. Precambrian Research, 227, 316-336.
Scopus102 WoS782013 Jayananda, M., Santosh, M., & Jahn, B. M. (2013). Precambrian accretionary orogens. Precambrian Research, 227, 1-3.
Scopus6 WoS62013 Chen, X., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Zhao, X. (2013). Island arc-type bimodal magmatism in the eastern Tianshan Belt, Northwest China: geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and implications for the Paleozoic crustal evolution in Central Asia. Lithos, 168-169, 48-66.
Scopus126 WoS912013 Yang, G., Li, Y., Santosh, M., Yang, B., Zhang, B., & Tong, L. (2013). Geochronology and geochemistry of basalts from the Karamay ophiolitic mélange in West Junggar (NW China): implications for devonian- carboniferous intra-oceanic accretionary tectonics of the southern altaids. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 125(3-4), 401-419.
Scopus136 WoS1042013 Maruyama, S., Ikoma, M., Genda, H., Hirose, K., Yokoyama, T., & Santosh, M. (2013). The naked planet Earth: Most essential pre-requisite for the origin and evolution of life. Geoscience Frontiers, 4(2), 141-165.
Scopus122 WoS1052013 Chen, N., Liao, F., Wang, L., Santosh, M., Sun, M., Wang, Q., & Mustafa, H. (2013). Late Paleoproterozoic multiple metamorphic events in the Quanji Massif: links with Tarim and North China Cratons and implications for assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 228, 102-116.
Scopus102 WoS802013 Zhang, D., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Cheng, Z., He, H., & Kang, J. (2013). Perovskite and baddeleyite from kimberlitic intrusions in the Tarim large igneous province signal the onset of an end-Carboniferous mantle plume. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, 238-248.
Scopus117 WoS942013 Yao, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2013). Geochronology and Hf isotope of detrital zircons from Precambrian sequences in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen: constraining the assembly of Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks in South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74, 225-243.
Scopus130 WoS1032013 Gu, H., Xiao, Y., Santosh, M., Li, W., Yang, X., Pack, A., & Hou, Z. (2013). Spatial and temporal distribution of Mesozoic adakitic rocks along the Tan-Lu fault, Eastern China: Constraints on the initiation of lithospheric thinning. Lithos, 177, 352-365.
Scopus61 WoS542013 Dharma Rao, C., Santosh, M., Zhang, Z., & Tsunogae, T. (2013). Mesoproterozoic arc magmatism in SE India: petrology, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of the Bopudi felsic suite from Eastern Ghats Belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 75, 183-201.
Scopus11 WoS102013 Lan, T., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., Yang, Y., & Liu, Y. (2013). Crust-mantle interaction beneath the Luxi Block, eastern North China Craton: evidence from coexisting mantle- and crust-derived enclaves in a quartz monzonite pluton. Lithos, 177, 1-16.
Scopus39 WoS272013 Banerjee, A., Bhattacharya, S., Sajeev, K., & Madhava Warrier, S. (2013). Numerical simulations of CO2 migration during charnockite genesis. Geology, 41(7), 743-746.
Scopus6 WoS72013 Guo, R., Liu, S., Santosh, M., Li, Q., Bai, X., & Wang, W. (2013). Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes of metavolcanics from eastern Hebei reveal Neoarchean subduction tectonics in the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 24(2), 664-686.
Scopus162 WoS1442013 Eyuboglu, Y., Dudas, F., Santosh, M., Yi, K., Kwon, S., & Akaryali, E. (2013). Petrogenesis and U-Pb zircon chronology of adakitic porphyries within the Kop ultramafic massif (eastern Pontides orogenic belt, NE Turkey). Gondwana Research, 24(2), 742-766.
Scopus51 WoS472013 Eyuboglu, Y., Santosh, M., Dudas, F., Akaryali, E., Chung, S., Akdaǧ, K., & Bektaş, O. (2013). The nature of transition from adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism in a slab window setting: A synthesis from the eastern Pontides, NE Turkey. Geoscience Frontiers, 4(4), 353-375.
Scopus68 WoS612013 Qiu, J., Yu, X., Santosh, M., Zhang, D., Chen, S., & Li, P. (2013). Geochronology and magmatic oxygen fugacity of the Tongcun molybdenum deposit, northwest Zhejiang, SE China. Mineralium Deposita, 48(5), 545-556.
Scopus125 WoS1012013 Santosh, M. (2013). Evolution of continents, cratons and supercontinents: Building the habitable Earth. Current Science, 104(7), 871-879.
Scopus52 WoS472013 Lu, A., Li, Y., Wang, X., Ding, H., Zeng, C., Yang, X., . . . Santosh, M. (2013). Photoelectrons from minerals and microbial world: A perspective on life evolution in the early Earth. Precambrian Research, 231, 401-408.
Scopus20 WoS142013 Dai, J., Wang, C., Polat, A., Santosh, M., Li, Y., & Ge, Y. (2013). Rapid forearc spreading between 130 and 120Ma: evidence from geochronology and geochemistry of the Xigaze ophiolite, southern Tibet. Lithos, 172-173, 1-16.
Scopus228 WoS1702013 Shen, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Meng, K., Dong, G., Wang, Y., . . . Yu, H. (2013). He-Ar isotope geochemistry of iron and gold deposits reveals heterogeneous lithospheric destruction in the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 237-247.
Scopus41 WoS302013 Wang, W., Liu, S., Santosh, M., Bai, X., Li, Q., Yang, P., & Guo, R. (2013). Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry of granitoid gneisses in the Jianping gneissic terrane, Western Liaoning Province: constraints on the Neoarchean crustal evolution of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 224, 184-221.
Scopus123 WoS1112013 Abu-Alam, T. S., Santosh, M., Brown, M., & Stüwe, K. (2013). Gondwana collision. Mineralogy and Petrology, 107(5), 631-634.
Scopus28 WoS182013 Santosh, M., Liu, D., Shi, Y., & Liu, S. (2013). Paleoproterozoic accretionary orogenesis in the North China Craton: A SHRIMP zircon study. Precambrian Research, 227, 29-54.
Scopus276 WoS2432013 Santosh, M., & Somerville, I. D. (2013). Tectonic evolution of the North China Craton: Introduction. Geological Journal, 48(5), 403-405.
Scopus20 WoS172013 Dharma Rao, C., Santosh, M., Kim, S., & Li, S. (2013). Arc magmatism in the Delhi Fold Belt: SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages of granitoids and implications for Neoproterozoic convergent margin tectonics in NW India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 83-99.
Scopus55 WoS472013 Zhang, Z., Dong, X., Xiang, H., Liou, J., & Santosh, M. (2013). Building of the deep Gangdese arc, South tibet: Paleocene plutonism and granulite-facies metamorphism. Journal of Petrology, 54(12), 2547-2580.
Scopus143 WoS1172013 Shimizu, H., Tsunogae, T., & Santosh, M. (2013). Petrology and phase equilibrium modeling of sapphirine + quartz assemblage from the Napier Complex, East Antarctica: diagnostic evidence for Neoarchean ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism. Geoscience Frontiers, 4(6), 655-666.
Scopus25 WoS192013 Shafaii Moghadam, H., Mosaddegh, H., & Santosh, M. (2013). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Late Cretaceous Haji-Abad ophiolite (Outer Zagros Ophiolite Belt, Iran): implications for geodynamics of the Bitlis-Zagros suture zone. Geological Journal, 48(6), 579-602.
Scopus37 WoS252013 Su, B., Qin, K., Santosh, M., Sun, H., & Tang, D. (2013). The Early Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes in the Beishan Terrane, NW China: Alaskan-type intrusives or rift cumulates?. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 66, 175-187.
Scopus73 WoS572013 Kwon, S., Kim, S., & Santosh, M. (2013). Multiple generations of mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Hongseong suture zone, western South Korea: implications for the geodynamic evolution of NE Asia. Lithos, 160-161(1), 68-83.
Scopus41 WoS432013 Yang, Q., Shen, J., Li, S., Santosh, M., Luo, Z., & Liu, Y. (2013). Oxygen, boron, chromium and niobium enrichment in native Au and Ag grains: a case study from the Linglong gold deposit, Jiaodong, eastern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62, 537-546.
Scopus29 WoS242013 Gao, Y., Santosh, M., Wei, R., Ma, G., Chen, Z., & Wu, J. (2013). Origin of high Sr/Y magmas from the northern Taihang Mountains: implications for Mesozoic porphyry copper mineralization in the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 143-159.
Scopus40 WoS292013 Deng, X., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., Zhao, G., & Yao, J. (2013). Metallogeny during continental outgrowth in the Columbia supercontinent: isotopic characterization of the Zhaiwa Mo-Cu system in the North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 51, 43-56.
Scopus79 WoS642013 Zhang, H., Li, S., Santosh, M., Liu, J., DiWu, C., & Zhang, H. (2013). Magmatism and metallogeny associated with mantle upwelling: zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf constraints from the gold-mineralized Jinchang granite, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews, 54, 138-156.
Scopus35 WoS322013 Deng, X., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., & Yao, J. (2013). Re-Os geochronology, fluid inclusions and genesis of the 0.85Ga Tumen molybdenite-fluorite deposit in Eastern Qinling, China: Implications for pre-Mesozoic Mo enrichment and tectonic setting. Geological Journal, 48(5), 484-497.
Scopus56 WoS432013 Zhang, C., Li, H., & Santosh, M. (2013). Revisiting the tectonic evolution of South China: interaction between the Rodinia superplume and plate subduction?. Terra Nova, 25(3), 212-220.
Scopus63 WoS522013 Hou, T., Zhang, Z., Encarnacion, J., Santosh, M., & Sun, Y. (2013). The role of recycled oceanic crust in magmatism and metallogeny: Os-Sr-Nd isotopes, U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of picritic dykes in the Panzhihua giant Fe-Ti oxide deposit, central Emeishan large igneous province, SW China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 165(4), 805-822.
Scopus78 WoS562013 Chetty, T., & Santosh, M. (2013). Proterozoic orogens in southern Peninsular India: Contiguities and complexities. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 78, 39-53.
Scopus33 WoS282013 Ma, X., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2013). Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of an early Palaeozoic mafic-intermediate suite of rocks from the Central Tianshan, northwest China. International Geology Review, 55(5), 548-573.
Scopus48 WoS712013 Dong, G., Santosh, M., Li, S., Shen, J., Mo, X., Scott, S., . . . Wang, X. (2013). Mesozoic magmatism and metallogenesis associated with the destruction of the North China Craton: evidence from U-Pb geochronology and stable isotope geochemistry of the Mujicun porphyry Cu-Mo deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 53, 434-445.
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Scopus11 WoS102012 Eyuboglu, Y., Santosh, M., Yi, K., Bektaş, O., & Kwon, S. (2012). Discovery of Miocene adakitic dacite from the Eastern Pontides Belt (NE Turkey) and a revised geodynamic model for the late Cenozoic evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Lithos, 146-147, 218-232.
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Scopus48 WoS412012 Zhang, C., Li, H., Santosh, M., Li, Z., Zou, H., Wang, H., & Ye, H. (2012). Precambrian evolution and cratonization of the Tarim Block, NW China: petrology, geochemistry, Nd-isotopes and U-Pb zircon geochronology from Archaean gabbro-TTG-potassic granite suite and Paleoproterozoic metamorphic belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 47, 5-20.
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Scopus23 WoS212012 Xiang, H., Zhang, L., Zhong, Z., Santosh, M., Zhou, H., Zhang, H., . . . Zheng, S. (2012). Ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism and anticlockwise P-T-t path of Paleozoic granulites from north Qinling-Tongbai orogen, Central China. Gondwana Research, 21(2-3), 559-576.
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Scopus66 WoS572012 Li, S., Jin, C., Suo, Y., Santosh, M., Dai, L., Liu, X., . . . Yu, S. (2012). Structural geology and tectonics in marine science: Perspectives in the research of deep sea and deep interior. Journal of Ocean University of China, 11(3), 257-266.
Scopus4 WoS42012 Yao, J., Shu, L., Santosh, M., & Li, J. (2012). Precambrian crustal evolution of the South China Block and its relation to supercontinent history: constraints from U-Pb ages, Lu-Hf isotopes and REE geochemistry of zircons from sandstones and granodiorite. Precambrian Research, 208-211, 19-48.
Scopus112 WoS862012 Lan, T., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Yang, K., Yang, Y., & Liu, Y. (2012). Early Jurassic high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks from the Tongshi intrusive complex, eastern North China Craton: Implication for crust-mantle interaction and post-collisional magmatism. Lithos, 140-141, 183-199.
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Scopus111 WoS952012 Yang, G., Li, Y., Santosh, M., Yang, B., Yan, J., Zhang, B., & Tong, L. (2012). Geochronology and geochemistry of basaltic rocks from the Sartuohai ophiolitic mélange, NW China: implications for a Devonian mantle plume within the Junggar Ocean. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 59, 141-155.
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Scopus83 WoS652012 Dong, Y., Liu, X., Santosh, M., Chen, Q., Zhang, X., Li, W., . . . Zhang, G. (2012). Neoproterozoic accretionary tectonics along the northwestern margin of the Yangtze Block, China: constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry. Precambrian Research, 196-197, 247-274.
Scopus290 WoS2182012 Wang, L., Kusky, T., & Santosh, M. (2012). On the role of dual active margin collision for exhuming the world's largest ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt. Journal of Earth Science, 23(6), 802-812.
Scopus3 WoS32012 Hou, T., Zhang, Z., Encarnacion, J., & Santosh, M. (2012). Petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the Taihe gabbroic intrusion associated with Fe-Ti-oxide ores in the Panxi district, Emeishan Large Igneous Province, southwest China. Ore Geology Reviews, 49, 109-127.
Scopus65 WoS472012 Huang, H., Zhang, Z., Kusky, T., Santosh, M., Zhang, S., Zhang, D., . . . Zhao, Z. (2012). Continental vertical growth in the transitional zone between South Tianshan and Tarim, western Xinjiang, NW China: insight from the Permian Halajun A1-type granitic magmatism. Lithos, 155, 49-66.
Scopus80 WoS592012 Zhang, S., Zhao, Y., & Santosh, M. (2012). Mid-Mesoproterozoic bimodal magmatic rocks in the northern North China craton: implications for magmatism related to breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 222-223, 339-367.
Scopus211 WoS1622012 Su, B., Zhang, H., Ying, J., Tang, Y., Hu, Y., & Santosh, M. (2012). Metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath the Western Qinling, central China: insight into carbonatite melts in the mantle. Journal of Geology, 120(6), 671-681.
Scopus18 WoS142012 Wang, X., Zhang, J., Santosh, M., Liu, J., Yan, S., & Guo, L. (2012). Andean-type orogeny in the Himalayas of south Tibet: implications for early Paleozoic tectonics along the Indian margin of Gondwana. Lithos, 154, 248-262.
Scopus124 WoS822012 Endo, T., Tsunogae, T., Santosh, M., & Shaji, E. (2012). Phase equilibrium modeling of incipient charnockite formation in NCKFMASHTO and MnNCKFMASHTO systems: A case study from Rajapalaiyam, Madurai Block, southern India. Geoscience Frontiers, 3(6), 801-811.
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Scopus14 WoS132012 Li, S., Zhao, G., Dai, L., Liu, X., Zhou, L., Santosh, M., & Suo, Y. (2012). Mesozoic basins in eastern China and their bearing on the deconstruction of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 47, 64-79.
Scopus238 WoS1912012 Ma, M., Wan, Y., Santosh, M., Xu, Z., Xie, H., Dong, C., . . . Guo, C. (2012). Decoding multiple tectonothermal events in zircons from single rock samples: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb data from the late Neoarchean rocks of Daqingshan, North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 22(3-4), 810-827.
Scopus123 WoS982012 Liu, S., Tsunogae, T., Li, W., Shimizu, H., Santosh, M., Wan, Y., & Li, J. (2012). Paleoproterozoic granulites from Heling'er: Implications for regional ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the North China Craton. Lithos, 148, 54-70.
Scopus96 WoS822012 Rao, C. D., Santosh, M., & Kim, S. W. (2012). Cryogenian volcanic arc in the NW Indian Shield: zircon SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of felsic tuffs and implications for Gondwana assembly. Gondwana Research, 22(1), 36-53.
Scopus66 WoS562012 Zong, K., Zhang, Z., He, Z., Hu, Z., Santosh, M., Liu, Y., & Wang, W. (2012). Early Palaeozoic high-pressure granulites from the Dunhuang block, northeastern Tarim Craton: constraints on continental collision in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30(8), 753-768.
Scopus97 WoS852012 Zhang, P., Tang, Y., Hu, Y., Zhang, H., Su, B., Xiao, Y., & Santosh, M. (2012). Review of melting experiments on carbonated eclogite and peridotite: Insights into mantle metasomatism. International Geology Review, 54(12), 1443-1455.
Scopus6 WoS32012 Yang, G., Li, Y., Santosh, M., Gu, P., Yang, B., Zhang, B., . . . Tong, L. (2012). A Neoproterozoic seamount in the Paleoasian Ocean: evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the Mayile ophiolitic mélange in West Junggar, NW China. Lithos, 140-141, 53-65.
Scopus136 WoS1072012 Zhang, H., Li, J., Liu, S., Li, W., Santosh, M., & Wang, H. (2012). Spinel + quartz-bearing ultrahigh-temperature granulites from xumayao, inner mongolia suture zone, North China craton: Petrology, phase equilibria and counterclockwise p-T path. Geoscience Frontiers, 3(5), 603-611.
Scopus58 WoS472012 He, Z., Zhang, Z., Zong, K., Wang, W., & Santosh, M. (2012). Neoproterozoic granulites from the northeastern margin of the Tarim Craton: petrology, zircon U-Pb ages and implications for the Rodinia assembly. Precambrian Research, 212-213, 21-33.
Scopus134 WoS1152012 Gao, Y., Santosh, M., Hou, Z., Wei, R., Ma, G., Chen, Z., & Wu, J. (2012). High Sr/Y magmas generated through crystal fractionation: evidence from Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the northern Taihang orogen, North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 22(1), 152-168.
Scopus60 WoS512012 Li, Z., Li, Y., Chen, H., Santosh, M., Yang, S., Xu, Y., . . . Zou, S. (2012). Hf isotopic characteristics of the Tarim Permian large igneous province rocks of NW China: implication for the magmatic source and evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 49, 191-202.
Scopus74 WoS632012 Zhang, H. F., Yang, Y. H., Santosh, M., Zhao, X. M., Ying, J. F., & Xiao, Y. (2012). Evolution of the Archean and Paleoproterozoic lower crust beneath the Trans-North China Orogen and the Western Block of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 22(1), 73-85.
Scopus70 WoS572012 Li, S., Santosh, M., Zhao, G., Zhang, G., & Jin, C. (2012). Intracontinental deformation in a frontier of super-convergence: a perspective on the tectonic milieu of the South China Block. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 49, 313-329.
Scopus165 WoS1182012 Yellappa, T., Chetty, T., & Santosh, M. (2012). Tectonic framework of southern Bastar Craton, Central India: A study based on different spatial information data sets. Geological Journal, 47(2-3), 161-185.
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Scopus103 WoS812012 Kou, C., Zhang, Z., Santosh, M., Huang, H., Hou, T., Liao, B., & Li, H. (2012). Picritic porphyrites generated in a slab-window setting: Implications for the transition from Paleo-Tethyan to Neo-Tethyan tectonics. Lithos, 155, 375-391.
Scopus20 WoS182012 Yang, K., Fan, H., Santosh, M., Hu, F., Wilde, S., Lan, T., . . . Liu, Y. (2012). Reactivation of the Archean lower crust: Implications for zircon geochronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic geochemistry of late Mesozoic granitoids from northwestern Jiaodong Terrane, the North China Craton. Lithos, 146-147, 112-127.
Scopus336 WoS2562012 Anderson, J., Payne, J., Kelsey, D., Hand, M., Collins, A., & Santosh, M. (2012). High-pressure granulites at the dawn of the Proterozoic. Geology, 40(5), 431-434.
Scopus87 WoS732012 Plavsa, D., Collins, A., Foden, J., Kropinski, L., Santosh, M., Chetty, T., & Clark, C. (2012). Delineating crustal domains in Peninsular India: Age and chemistry of orthopyroxene-bearing felsic gneisses in the Madurai Block. Precambrian Research, 198, 77-93.
Scopus172 WoS1512012 Naganjaneyulu, K., & Santosh, M. (2012). The nature and thickness of lithosphere beneath the Archean Dharwar Craton, southern India: A magnetotelluric model. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 49, 349-361.
Scopus46 WoS352012 Liu, X., Li, S., Suo, Y., Liu, X., Dai, L., & Santosh, M. (2012). Structural analysis of the northern Tongbai Metamorphic Terranes, Central China: implications for Paleozoic accretionary process on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 47, 143-154.
Scopus37 WoS292012 Su, B., Zhang, H., Hu, Y., Santosh, M., Tang, Y., & Xiao, Y. (2012). The genesis of mantle-derived sapphirine. American Mineralogist, 97(5-6), 856-863.
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Scopus44 WoS352012 Chetty, T., Yellappa, T., Mohanty, D., Nagesh, P., Sivappa, V., Santosh, M., & Tsunogae, T. (2012). Mega sheath fold of the Mahadevi hills, Cauvery Suture Zone, Southern India: implication for accretionary tectonics. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 80(6), 747-758.
Scopus19 WoS152012 Mohan, M., Singh, S., Santosh, M., Siddiqui, M., & Balaram, V. (2012). TTG suite from the Bundelkhand Craton, Central India: Geochemistry, petrogenesis and implications for Archean crustal evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 58, 38-50.
Scopus74 WoS662012 Santosh, M., Liu, S., Tsunogae, T., & Li, J. (2012). Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature granulites in the North China Craton: implications for tectonic models on extreme crustal metamorphism. Precambrian Research, 222-223, 77-106.
Scopus330 WoS2822012 Zhang, Z., Kang, J., Kusky, T., Santosh, M., Huang, H., Zhang, D., & Zhu, J. (2012). Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic basalts from Sugetbrak, northwest Tarim block, China: implications for the onset of Rodinia supercontinent breakup. Precambrian Research, 220-221, 158-176.