Dr Lynette Cusack
Associate Professor/Reader
Adelaide Nursing School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Associate Professor Lynette Cusack
Adelaide Nursing School, The University of Adelaide.
Higher Degree Research Coordinator Adelaide Nursing School 2022-
Lynette’s research has a focus on exploring and developing the contemporary role of the nurse in a range of different practice fields and contexts; redefining nursing and midwifery models of practice, including impact on the health care system, leadership and patients’ experience. Through a joint position between the Adelaide Nursing School, University of Adelaide and Northern Adelaide Local health Network Lynette provides assistance with translational science projects and practice based research support to nurses and midwives at the Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals. Lynette has also researched and published on a range of issues related to nursing and midwifery regulation.
Lynette continues to have a focus on disaster preparedness and response, and resilience.
Lynette is the Higher Degree Research Coordinator for the Adelaide Nursing School.
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Lynette’s research has a focus on exploring and developing the contemporary role of the nurse in a range of different practice fields and contexts; redefining nursing and midwifery models of practice, including impact on the health care system, leadership and patients’/womans experience. Through her role at the Adelaide Nursing School, University of Adelaide Lynette provides assistance with translational science projects and practice based research support to nurses and midwives at the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network: Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals. Lynette has also researched and published on a range of professional issues related to nursing and midwifery regulation.
Lynette continues to have a focus on disaster preparedness and response, and resilience.
Lynette is the Higher Degree Research Coordinator for the Adelaide Nursing School.
Date Position Institution name 2009 - 2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Population Health), Flinders University 1993 - 2009 Director of Community Services and Nursing Drug and Alcohol Services SA 1991 - 1993 Community Nurse Consultant, RN3. Lyell McEwin Health Service -
Date Institution name Country Title 2002 Flinders University Australia PhD 1993 University of New South Wales Australia Masters Health Administration -
Date Title Institution name Country — Midwifery certificate Hertfordshire School of Midwifery England -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Stevens, M. W. R., Cooper, M., Cusack, L., Ali, R. L., Holmwood, C., & Briley, A. L. (2024). Screening and early intervention for substance use during pregnancy: A retrospective case note review of antenatal care records. Drug and Alcohol Review, 43(7), 1817-1828.
2024 Digenis, C., Cusack, L., Salter, A., Winter, A., & Turnbull, D. (2024). Healthcare Providers' Experiences With and Perspective on Delivering the Enhanced Recovery After Elective Caesarean Birth Pathway With Next‐Day Discharge: Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1-13.
2024 McMichael, G., Cusack, L., Andina Munawar, D., Boyd, M., Palmer, L., Lim, H. S., & Mahajan, R. (2024). Atrial Fibrillation Health Literacy Questionnaire (AFHLQ): The development of an AF-specific health literacy questionnaire. IJC Heart and Vasculature, 50, 9 pages.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12024 Stevens, M. W. R., Cooper, M., Cusack, L., Ali, R. L., & Briley, A. L. (2024). Improving the quality of antenatal screening and early intervention for alcohol and other drug use: protocol for a multi-stage approach to systems reform. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 19(1), 2-1-2-8.
Scopus12024 Digenis, C., Salter, A., Cusack, L., & Turnbull, D. (2024). Obstetric and medical factors rather than psychosocial characteristics explain why eligible women do not complete the enhanced recovery after elective caesarean (EREC) pathway: A prospective cohort study. Midwifery, 131, 103931-1-103931-8.
Scopus12024 Cusack, L., Bolton, F., Vickers, K., Winter, A., Louise, J., Rushworth, L., . . . Salter, A. (2024). Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study. WCET Journal, 44(2), 20-28.
2024 Cusack, L., Madsen, L., Duchscher, J. B., Cleveland, J., & You, W. (2024). Does transition theory matter? A descriptive study of a transition program in Australia based on Duchscher's Stages of Transition Theory and Transition Shock Model. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 41(2), 33-41.
Scopus12023 Cusack, L., Thornton, K., & Brytan, J. (2023). Exploring responsibilities for delivering quality nursing care using the Healthcare Quality Framework; Quality care responsibilities. Collegian, 30(1), 47-52.
2023 Cusack, L., Munt, R., Verdonk, N., Schultz, T., & Maben, J. (2023). Comparison of experiences of nursing staff and patients before and after move to 100% single-bed room hospital in Australia: mixed methods.. BMC health services research, 23(1), 10 pages.
Scopus8 Europe PMC42023 Kusk, K. H., Laugesen, B., Jørgensen, L., Albrechtsen, M. T., Grøkjær, M., Cusack, L., . . . Nielsen, M. G. (2023). Willingness and preparedness to work during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey among registered nurses in a Danish university hospital. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 43(1).
Scopus12023 Witt, R. R., Jung, W., Paixão, M. L. D. S., & Cusack, L. (2023). Environmental Factors in Nursing Workplaces that Promote Resilience during Pandemics: Scoping Review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38(3), 388-394.
Scopus1 WoS12023 Witt, R. R., Jung, W., Paixão, M. L. S. D., & Cusack, L. (2023). Corrigendum: Environmental Factors in Nursing Workplaces that Promote Resilience during Pandemics: Scoping Review (Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (2023) (1-7) DOI: DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X23000468). Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38(4), 1.
Scopus12023 You, W., Cusack, L., & Donnelly, F. (2023). A lack of nurse autonomy impacts population health when compared to physician care: an ecological study. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 12047-1-12047-9.
Scopus6 Europe PMC12023 You, W., Cusack, L., & Donnelly, F. (2023). A global comparison of nursing and midwifery's and medical efficacy in preventing COVID-19 deaths 2019–2022. International Nursing Review, 70(4), 552-559.
Scopus4 WoS12022 Brown, J., Slatyer, S., Jakimowicz, S., Maben, J., Calleja, P., Donovan, H., . . . Duggan, R. (2022). Coping with COVID-19. Work life experiences of nursing, midwifery and paramedic academics: An international interview study. Nurse Education Today, 119, 105560-1-105560-7.
Scopus6 WoS1 Europe PMC32022 Winter, A., Cusack, L., Bolton, F., Vickers, K., Rushworth, L., & Salter, A. (2022). Perceptions and attitudes of ostomates towards support garments for prevention and treatment of parastomal hernia: a qualitative study. The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 42(3).
2022 Juaton, M., Cusack, L., & Schultz, T. (2022). Healthcare workers’ experiences of transitioning natalizumab infusions from hospital services to an in-home setting: A qualitative study. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 39(1), 1-19.
Scopus12022 Cusack, L., Salter, A., Vickers, K., Bolton, F., Winter, A., & Rushworth, L. (2022). Perceptions and experience on the use of support garments to prevent parastomal hernias: a national survey of Australian stomal therapy nurses. The Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 42(4).
2021 Cusack, L., & Smith, M. (2021). Using qualitative systematic reviews to enhance consumers' health care experiences. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(3), 521-522.
Scopus12021 Wilson, M., Wilson, M., Edwards, S., Cusack, L., & Wiechula, R. (2021). Role of attitude in nurses' responses to requests for assisted dying.. Nursing ethics, 28(5), 670-686.
Scopus10 WoS4 Europe PMC32021 Schultz, T. J., Thomas, A., Georgiou, P., Juaton, M. S., Cusack, L., Simon, L., . . . Ravindran, J. (2021). Home infusions of natalizumab for people with multiple sclerosis: a pilot randomised crossover trial.. Annals of clinical and translational neurology, 8(8), 1610-1621.
Scopus3 Europe PMC52021 Ranse, J., Arbon, P., Cusack, L., & Shaban, R. Z. (2021). Phenomenology of Australian civilian hospital nurses’ lived experiences of the out-of-hospital environment following a disaster. Collegian, 29(2), 141-146.
Scopus12021 Wilson, M., Ostroff, C., Wilson, M. E., Wiechula, R., & Cusack, L. (2021). Profiles of intended responses to requests for assisted dying: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 124, 104069.
Scopus2 WoS12021 Al Gharash, H., Smith, M., & Cusack, L. (2021). Nursing students’ willingness and confidence to volunteer in a pandemic. Sage Open Nursing, 7, 1-7.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC32021 Al Gharash, H., Smith, M., & Cusack, L. (2021). Nursing students’ willingness and confidence to volunteer in a pandemic. Sage Open Nursing, 7, 1-7.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC32020 Cusack, L., & Smith, M. (2020). Experiences of women discharged early following vaginal birth: a qualitative systematic review. JBI evidence synthesis, 19(3), 556-577.
Scopus6 Europe PMC42020 Wilson, M. R., Wiechula, R., Cusack, L., & Wilson, M. (2020). Nurses' intentions to respond to requests for legal assisted dying: a Q-methodological study.. J Adv Nurs, 76(2), 642-653.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC22020 Cusack, L., Digenis, C., Schultz, T., Klaer, B., & Hobbs, M. (2020). Women's experiences with enhanced recovery after elective caesarean section with next day discharge: A qualitative study.. Midwifery, 83, 102632.
Scopus7 WoS2 Europe PMC12020 Ranse, J., Arbon, P., Cusack, L., Shaban, R. Z., & Nicholls, D. (2020). Obtaining individual narratives and moving to an intersubjective lived-experience description: a way of doing phenomenology. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, 20(6), 945-959.
Scopus9 WoS52020 Cusack, L., Thornton, K., Drioli-Phillips, P. G., Cockburn, T., Jones, L., Whitehead, M., . . . Alderman, J. (2020). Are nurses recognised, prepared and supported to teach nursing students: Mixed methods study. Nurse Education Today, 90, 6 pages.
Scopus19 WoS9 Europe PMC52020 Juaton, M., Cusack, L., & Schultz, T. (2020). Patients’ experiences of natalizumab treatment in a home environment: A qualitative study. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37(1), 14-20.
Scopus4 WoS22020 Capper, T., Brown, J., Donovan, H., Hegney, D., Williamson, M., Cusack, L., . . . Wilson, S. (2020). Individual and environmental factors that influence longevity of newcomers to nursing and midwifery: a scoping review protocol.. JBI Evid Synth, 18(6), 1271-1277.
Scopus3 WoS22020 Digenis, C., Salter, A., Cusack, L., Koch, A., & Turnbull, D. (2020). Reduced length of hospital stay after caesarean section: A systematic review examining women's experiences and psychosocial outcomes. Midwifery, 91, 10 pages.
Scopus10 WoS6 Europe PMC42020 Cusack, L., & Verdonk, N. (2020). Bibliographic Exploration of the Influence of Nursing Regulation on Continuing Professional Development. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 11(3), 5-12.
Scopus2 WoS22019 Cusack, L., Wiechula, R., Schultz, T., Dollard, J., & Maben, J. (2019). Anticipated advantages and disadvantages of a move to 100% single-room hospital in Australia: A case study. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(5), 963-970.
Scopus17 WoS12 Europe PMC72019 Weinel, H., & Cusack, L. (2019). Lessons Learned From the Introduction of an Antenatal Human Milk Expression Clinic for Women With Diabetes. Journal of Human Lactation, 35(4), 725-728.
Scopus6 WoS1 Europe PMC12019 Heritage, B., Rees, C. S., Osseiran-Moisson, R., Chamberlain, D., Cusack, L., Anderson, J., . . . Hegney, D. G. (2019). A re-examination of the individual differences approach that explains occupational resilience and psychological adjustment among nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(7), 1391-1399.
Scopus11 WoS7 Europe PMC72019 Cusack, L., Kelly, J., Groenkjaer, M., Wilkinson, C., & Harland, J. (2019). Acceptability and suitability of alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test for older people in the community.. Contemporary nurse, 55(6), 1-9.
Scopus1 WoS12019 Cusack, L., Drioli-Phillips, P. G., Brown, J. A., & Hunter, S. (2019). Re-engaging Concepts of Professionalism to Inform Regulatory Practices in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 10(3), 21-27.
Scopus11 WoS52019 Schultz, T. J., Thomas, A., Georgiou, P., Cusack, L., Juaton, M., Simon, L., . . . Ravindran, J. (2019). Developing a Model of Care for Home Infusions of Natalizumab for People With Multiple Sclerosis.. Journal of infusion nursing : the official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society, 42(6), 289-296.
Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC52019 Rees, C., Eley, R., Osseeram-Moisson, R., Francis, K., Cusack, L., Heritage, B., & Hegney, D. (2019). Individual and Environmental Determinants of Burnout Among Nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(3), 191-200.
Scopus20 WoS12 Europe PMC52018 Griggs, K., Wiechula, R., & Cusack, L. (2018). Geriatric Nursing Sensitive Indicators and quality nursing care for the older person: a scoping review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 16(1), 39-45.
2018 Cusack, L., Hegney, D., & Rees, C. (2018). Letter to the Editor. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23(4), 380-381.
Scopus1 WoS22018 Alshahrani, Y., Cusack, L., & Rasmussen, P. (2018). Undergraduate nursing students' strategies for coping with their first clinical placement: Descriptive survey study. Nurse Education Today, 69, 104-108.
Scopus43 WoS25 Europe PMC122018 Vincent, A. D., Drioli-Phillips, P. G., Le, J., Cusack, L., Schultz, T. J., McGee, M. A., . . . Wittert, G. A. (2018). Health behaviours of Australian men and the likelihood of attending a dedicated men's health service. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1078-1-1078-10.
Scopus10 WoS5 Europe PMC52018 Teekens, P., Wiechula, R., & Cusack, L. (2018). Perceptions and experiences of nurses and midwives in continuing professional development: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16(9), 1758-1763.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12017 Cusack, L., & Smith, M. R. (2017). Experiences of women discharged less than 24 hours post vaginal birth: a systematic review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 15(11), 2599-2603.
Scopus22017 Rachmawati, K., Schultz, T., & Cusack, L. (2017). Translation, adaptation and psychometric testing of a tool for measuring nurses' attitudes towards research in Indonesian primary health care. Nursing Open, 4(2), 96-107.
Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC32017 Benton, D., Cusack, L., Jabbour, R., & Penney, C. (2017). A bibliographic exploration of nursing's scope of practice. International Nursing Review, 64(2), 224-232.
Scopus26 WoS18 Europe PMC92017 Cusack, L., & Gebbie, K. (2017). Call for national dialogue: adapting standards of care in extreme events. We are not ready. Collegian, 24(1), 93-100.
Scopus4 WoS32016 Rees, C., Heritage, B., Osseiran-Moisson, R., Chamberlain, D., Cusack, L., Anderson, J., . . . Hegney, D. (2016). Can we predict burnout among student nurses? An exploration of the ICWR-1 model of individual psychological resilience. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(JUL), 1072-1-1072-11.
Scopus48 WoS35 Europe PMC172016 Boucaut, R., & Cusack, L. (2016). ‘Sometimes your safety goes a bit by the wayside’ … exploring occupational health and safety (OHS) with student nurses. Nurse Education in Practice, 20, 93-98.
Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC22016 Arbon, P., Steenkamp, M., Cornell, V., Cusack, L., & Gebbie, K. (2016). Measuring disaster resilience in communities and households: pragmatic tools developed in Australia. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7(2), 201-215.
Scopus35 WoS262016 Cusack, L., Smith, M., Hegney, D., Rees, C., Breen, L., Witt, R., . . . Cheung, K. (2016). Exploring environmental factors in nursing workplaces that promote psychological resilience: constructing a unified theoretical model. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(MAY), 600-1-600-8.
Scopus78 WoS61 Europe PMC302016 Cusack, L. (2016). The role of the oncology nurse practitioner in the clinical management of febrile neutropenia. The Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, 17(1), 20-25. 2015 Cusack, L. (2015). Re: Recent Collegian publication: The accreditation of nursing education in Australia. Collegian, 22(4), 453.
2015 Cusack, L., Kelly, J., Harland, J., Gowing, L., Grønkjaer, M., & Whitaker, N. (2015). Alcohol and drug screening for older Australians. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 22(7), 41. 2015 Rees, C., Breen, L., Cusack, L., & Hegney, D. (2015). Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: the international collaboration of workforce resilience model. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(Feb), 73-1-73-7.
Scopus194 WoS136 Europe PMC562015 Cornell, V. (2015). What do older people's life experiences tell us about emergency preparedness?. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 30(1), 27-30.
Scopus4 WoS22015 Cusack, L., Smith, M., Cummins, B., Kennewell, L., Dennett, L., & Pratt, D. (2015). Advanced skills for enrolled nurses: a developing classification. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(4), 40-46.
Scopus10 WoS82015 Boucaut, R., & Cusack, L. (2015). What do Nursing Students have to say about Occupational Health and Safety as University Undergraduates?. Athens Institute for Education and Research, Health Sciences Research Division, 271-282. 2015 Hutton, A., Cusack, L., Zannettino, L., Shaefer, S., Verdonk, N., & Arbon, P. (2015). What are school leavers' priorities for festival preparation?. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 21(2), 249-253.
Scopus11 WoS7 Europe PMC22014 Arbon, P., Gebbie, K., Cusack, L., Sugi, P., & Verdonk, S. (2014). Developing a model and tool to measure community disaster resilience. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 29(4), 12-16. 2014 Lenson, S., Ranse, J., & Cusack, L. (2014). National consistency in industrial awards for disaster release for Australian nurses: An integrative review of enterprise arrangements. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 9(2), 53-58. 2013 Arbon, P., Cusack, L., & Verdonk, N. (2013). Mass gathering public health and emergency medicine literature review: levels of evidence. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 10(1), 5.
Scopus112013 Arbon, P., Ranse, J., Cusack, L., Considine, J., Shaban, R., Woodman, R., . . . Mitchell, B. (2013). Australasian emergency nurses' willingness to attend work in a disaster: a survey. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 16(2), 52-57.
Scopus83 WoS68 Europe PMC422013 Hutton, A., & Cusack, L. (2013). The perspectives of young people on their use of alcohol and risks at school leavers festivals. Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, 16(3), 16-20.
Scopus132013 Arbon, P., Cusack, L., Ranse, J., Shaban, R., Considine, J., Kako, M., . . . Hammad, K. (2013). Exploring staff willingness to attend work during a disaster: A study of nurses employed in four Australian emergency departments. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 16(3), 103-109.
Scopus54 WoS39 Europe PMC222013 Cusack, L., de Crespigny, C., & Wilson, C. (2013). Over-the-counter analgesic use by urban Aboriginal people in South Australia. Health & Social Care in the Community, 21(4), 373-380.
Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC42013 Cusack, L., Gilbert, S., & Fereday, J. (2013). Flexibility in competency-based workplace transition programs : an exploratory study of community child and family health nursing.. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 44(3), 129-136.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC32013 Cusack, L., Arbon, P., Hutton, A., Starr, L., & Verdonk, N. (2013). Exploring nursing students’ understanding of being regulated. Contemporary Nurse, 44(2), 232-241.
2012 Cornell, V., Cusack, L., & Arbon, P. (2012). Older people and disaster preparedness : a literature review. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 27(3), 49-53.
Scopus332012 Cusack, L., Siegloff, L., Arbon, P., & Chamberlain, D. (2012). Managing the tension between emergency management policy decisions and residential aged care facility planning in South Australia. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 27(4), 51-54.
Scopus12012 Cusack, L., van Loon, A., Kralik, D., Arbon, P., & Gilbert, S. (2012). Extreme weather-related health needs of people who are homeless. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 19(3), 250-255.
Scopus38 WoS24 Europe PMC112012 Hutton, A., Cusack, L., & Zannettino, L. (2012). Building public policy to support young people in reducing alcohol-related harm when partying at Schoolies Festivals. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 18(2), 96-100.
Scopus13 WoS12 Europe PMC72011 Arbon, P., Cusack, L., Ranse, J., Shaban, R., Considine, J., Mitchell, B., . . . Woodman, R. (2011). To work or not to work: an analysis of the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a disaster. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 14(Suppl 1), S31.
2011 Lenson, S., Ranse, J., & Cusack, L. (2011). Industrial considerations for nurses responding to disasters. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 14(Suppl 1), S28.
2011 Cusack, L., de Crespigny, C., & Athanasos, P. (2011). Heatwaves and their impact on people with alcohol, drug and mental health conditions: a discussion paper on clinical practice considerations. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(4), 915-922.
Scopus62 WoS50 Europe PMC242010 Neild, R., Athanasos, P., Le Cong, T., Cusack, L., & de Crespigny, C. (2010). The impact of heatwaves on mental health, drug and alcohol conditions. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29(Suppl 1), 53. 2010 Fraser, H., Fraser, S., Cusack, L., de Crespigny, C., & Fraser, W. (2010). A pilot study : the effective use of the stages of change model with people in drug counselling. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29(Suppl 1), 28. 2010 Cusack, L., & Smith, M. (2010). Power inequalities in the assessment of nursing competency within the workplace : implications for nursing management. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(9), 408-412.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC32010 Cusack, L., Arbon, P., & Ranse, J. (2010). What is the role of nursing students and schools of nursing during disaster? A discussion paper. Collegian : Journal of the Royal College of Nursing, 17(4), 193-197.
Scopus36 WoS25 Europe PMC132010 Cusack, L., Arbon, P., & Ranse, J. (2010). Pre-hospital clinical management of heat stress. Australian Nursing Journal, 17(8), 30-32.
Scopus12010 Hutton, A., Munt, R., Zeitz, K., Cusack, L., Kako, M., & Arbon, P. (2010). Piloting a mass gathering conceptual framework at an Adelaide Schoolies Festival. Collegian : Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, 17(4), 183-191.
Scopus21 WoS18 Europe PMC102010 Ranse, J., & Cusack, L. (2010). Changes to Australian nursing and midwifery registration : implications for interstate disaster response. Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, 17(4), 207-208.
2009 Cusack, L. (2009). Being prepared for rising temperatures. Australian Nursing Journal, 17(5), 32.
Scopus12009 Talmet, J., de Crespigny, C., Cusack, L., & Athanasos, P. (2009). 'Turning a blind eye': Denying people their right to treatment for acute alcohol, drug and mental health conditions - An act of discrimination. Mental Health and Substance Use, 2(3), 247-254.
Scopus62006 Smith, M., & Cusack, L. (2006). Commentary on Whitehead D (2004) Health-promoting hospitals: the role and function of nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 20–27. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15(2), 230–232.
Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC12003 Bachman, J., & Cusack, L. (2003). International perspectives : Australia and the United States. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 14(3), 157-158.
2000 Smith, M., & Cusack, L. (2000). The Ottawa Charter - from nursing theory to practice: Insights from the area of alcohol and other drugs. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 6(4), 168-173.
Scopus31997 Cusack, L., Smith, M., & Byrnes, T. (1997). Innovations in community health nursing : examples from practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 3(2), 133-136.
Scopus3 -
Year Citation 2016 Enhancing Patient Safety through quality nursing education the challenges and solutions from a multi-disciplinary perspective (2016). . Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education. 2007 Cusack, L., & de Crespigny, C. (2007). Alcohol treatment guidelines for Indigenous Australians. Department of Health and Ageing. 2003 de Crespigny, C., & Cusack, L. (Eds.) (2003). Alcohol, tobacco & other drugs : guidelines for nurses and midwives : a framework for policy & standards, & clinical guidelines. Flinders University, School of Nursing & Midwifery. -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2024 Athanasos, P., Mitten, T. W., Neild, R., de Crespigny, C., & Cusack, L. (2024). Pain management. In Palliative Care within Mental Health: Principles and Philosophy (pp. 166-202). CRC Press.
DOI2020 Cusack, L., & Brown, J. (2020). Mental wellbeing and resilience of nurses. In N. Wilson, P. Lewis, & L. Whitehead (Eds.), Nursing in Australia Nurse Education, Divisions, and Professional Standards (First ed.). Routledge. 2018 Athanasos, P., Mitten, T. W., Neild, R., de Crespigny, C., & Cusack, L. (2018). Pain management. In Palliative Care within Mental Health: Care and Practice (pp. 99-134). CRC Press.
DOI2017 Cusack, L., de Crespigny, C., & Athanasos, P. (2017). Heatwave, mental health-substance use. In Introduction to Mental Health: Substance Use (pp. 173-185). 2017 Berryman, C., Catley, M., & Moseley, G. (2017). Pain management. In J. Corns (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain (pp. 388-399). Routledge.
DOI2011 Cusack, L., de Crespigny, C., & Athanasos, P. (2011). Heatwave, mental health-substance use. In Introduction to mental health-substance use, 2011 (pp. 160-185). Radcliffe Publishing. 2011 Athanasos, P., Neild, R., de Crespigny, C., & Cusack, L. (2011). Pain management. In Care in mental health-substance use, 2011 (pp. 215-228). Radcliffe Publishing. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2021 Page, T., Arnold-Chamney, M., & Cusack, L. (2021). Evaluation of a mindfulness intervention integrated into undergraduate third year nursing student curriculum to build sustainable resilience skills.. In SA Nursing & Midwifery Research Symposium. Adelaide. 2021 Coombs, J., Ayub, M., Schultz, T., Weichula, R., Zander, A., Cusack, L., & Dollard, J. (2021). Noise measurements in an acute Australian hospital. In Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2021: Making Waves, AAS 2021 (pp. 131-138). Sydney, Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. 2018 Klaer, B., Cusack, L., Schultz, T., & Karnon, J. (2018). Enhanced Recovery Elective Caesarean Evidence for earlier discharge with home support. In WOMEN AND BIRTH Vol. 31 (pp. S44-S45). ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
DOI2014 Cornell, V., Cusack, L., & Arbon, P. (2014). What do older people's life experiences tell us about emergency preparedness?. In Proceedings of the 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management - The Role of Science, Technology and Practice, IDRC Davos 2014 (pp. 171-175). online: Global Risk Forum (GRF). - Abstracts (n.d.). In The Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing Vol. 10.33235/ajcn.25. Cambridge Media.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2021 Digenis, C., Salter, A., Cusack, L., Klaer, B., & Turnbull, D. (2021). Obstetric and medical factors rather than psychosocial characteristics explain why eligible women do not complete the Enhanced Recovery after Elective Caesarean (EREC) pathway: a prospective cohort study. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE. SPRINGER. -
Report for External Bodies
Completed Research reports 2015-2022:
Cusack L., Salter A., Vickers K., Bolton F., Winter A., Rushworth L., Page T. Development of a risk assessment tool for assessment of parastomal Hernias January - December 2022 funded.
Cusack L., Salter A., Vickers K., Bolton F., Winter A., Rushworth L., Page T. Stomal therapy nurses’ and Ostomates’ perceptions and experience on the use of and compliance with support garments and their perception on their impact on the incidence of parastomal hernias. University of Adelaide Nursing School.June 2021- September 2022.
Cusack L., Munk R., Shultz T., Verdonk N., Maben J. A comparison of care delivery, working practices and experiences of nursing staff following a move to a single bedroom configured hospital: Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch) 2019 November 2021.
Bryant J., Cusack L., Thornton K. Back to Basics Report. Northern Adelaide Local Health Network. July 2021.
Cusack L., Arnold-Chamney M., Page T., Schultz T. Integration of a mindfulness intervention into undergraduate third year nursing student curriculum to build sustainable resilience skills. July 2019- current.
Cusack L, Harvey G, Schultz T, Verdonk N, King S. SA Health Future leadership program Nursing Program Director – Education and Research, Nursing and Midwifery Office System Performance and Service Delivery. SA Health, Government of South Australia. June 2019 –March 2021
Cusack L., Thornton K., Cockburn T., Jones L., Whitehead M., Prior E., Alderman J., Drioli-Phillips P. Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of the Recognition of, Preparation and Support for Teaching and Supervision of Undergraduate Nursing Students. May 2019 Northern Local Health Network.(This report was reviewed by the NALHN Executive Nursing Committee and forwarded through to the Commonwealth Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer to be considered by the convenor of Commonwealth Review of undergraduate nursing curricula).
Drioli-Phillips P., Cusack L., Madsen L. Report on the Trial of an information system for CPD. Calvary Hospital. May 2018- July 2018.
Cusack L, Schultz T, Rasmussen P, Pham C, Hurley J, Pratt D, Mattschoss S, Ward S. Evaluating nurse Endoscopist advanced practice roles in a South Australian metropolitan health service. Final Evaluation Report. Oct 2018 (This study was tabled at the SA Health Executive level to inform the future development of these roles in South Australia).
Cusack L., Schultz T., Karnon J., Hobbs M., Klaer B., Bruening J. Enhanced Recovery Elective Caesarean: Evidence for earlier discharge with home support. December 2017
Schultz T, Thomas A, Georgiou P, Juaton M, Simon L, Cusack L, Naidoo K, Webb K, Karnon J, Ravindran J. What is the safety and clinical effectiveness, acceptability and cost effectiveness of flexible delivery of natalizumab (Tsyabri®) by ambulatory care nurses for people with multiple sclerosis? Clinical Trial. April 2018
Pearce N and Cusack L. Day Surgery Post Procedure Telephone Follow-up Evaluation Report. Northern Adelaide Local Health Network | SA Health October 2017.
Weinel H and Cusack L. Antenatal Education: Antenatal Breast Expression for Diabetic Women. Northern Adelaide Local Health Network | SA Health August 2017.
Cusack L., Wiechula R., Shultz T., Bonner R., Hurley J., McKenzie F. Kitson A. A case study to review the care delivery, working practices and experiences of nursing staff and experiences of patients in multi-bed rooms. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch), Royal Adelaide Hospital. July 2017. Study discussed in SA Parliament by MP Nat Cooke and mentioned in Hansard.
Cusack L., Klaer B., Hobbs M., Doward M., Panario C., Beaven R., Dewhurst N. 2015 Transition of care project: Enabling a positive experience of safe care from hospital to home for women with a planned caesarean section, following 1-day post ceasarean length of stay. Womens and Children’s Division, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network. Lyell McEwin Health Service and University of Adelaide School of Nursing.
Teaching output Post Graduate Masters Nursing Science courses:
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor Enhancing Healthy Aging in Community Settings: Perspectives and Practices of Geriatric Nurses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Daham Alanazi 2023 Co-Supervisor Use of a Next Generation Precision Health Platform to support Atrial Fibrillation Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Anh Hong Nguyen 2022 Principal Supervisor Exploring The psychosocial and The Academic Factors that Influence Undergraduate Students in Saudi Arabian Nursing Collages and Departments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mohammad Ayed Aloufi 2021 Principal Supervisor Factors influencing the perceived ability of third year nursing student to confidently engage in difficult conversations with patients who have a life limiting illness, and their families. Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Ms Alison Walsh 2021 Principal Supervisor Nurses' competency in the provision of self-management education to hospitalized patients with diabetes in Saudi Arabia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hassan Al Gharash -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Management of third stage of labour by midwives and maternity nurses in Oman: a mixed methods study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Noora Saleh Humaid Al Jabri 2018 - 2023 Co-Supervisor A Multiple Methods Research Program Examining Enhanced Recovery Care with Next-Day Discharge for Elective Caesarean Section Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology (Health) Doctorate Full Time Ms Christianna Digenis 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Understanding Australian Nurses' Intentions To Respond To Requests For Legal Assisted Dying Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Richard Wilson 2017 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Exploring Nepali Health Personnel Experiences of Collaboration with Short-Term Mobile Medical Teams in Gorkha, Nepal Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Mr Leighton Filmer 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Awareness and Knowledge of Post-Disaster Emotional Responses in Adult Community Members and Nurses in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Dewi Retno Pamungkas 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Influence of Workplace Culture on the Continuing Professional Development of Emergency Medical Services Providers in Saudi Arabia: an Ethnographic Study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yousef Mohammed J Alshahrani 2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Workers' and Patients' Perspectives on Changing the Model of Care from Outpatient to In-Home for the Infusion of Natalizumab Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Mrs Mahasen Juaton 2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Geriatric Nursing-Sensitive Indicators, a Framework for Delivering Quality Nursing Care for the Older Person: A Scoping Review Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Mrs Kim Elizabeth Griggs 2014 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Adolescents Resisting the Drinking Culture: understanding Abstinence and Low-risk Alcohol Consumption in Adolescence Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Suzanne Sharrad 2014 - 2020 Principal Supervisor People Living with HIV Considering a Transition to Aged Care – an emerging phenomenon. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Michael Curry 2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor What is the Influence of Clinical Experience on the Nursing Student's Understanding of Patient Centered Care? Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Mrs Jan Alderman
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2015 - 2018 Chair Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2016 - ongoing Member Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing: Psi Eta Chapter Australia 2000 - ongoing Member Australian College of Nursing Australia
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