2025 |
Wilks, B., Montiel, F., Bennetts, L. G., & Wakes, S. (2025). Water wave interactions with surface-piercing vertical barriers in a rectangular tank: Connections with Bloch waves and quasimodes. Wave Motion, 132, 103444. DOI |
2025 |
Chaplain, G. J., Hawkins, S. C., Peter, M. A., Bennetts, L. G., & Starkey, T. A. (2025). Acoustic lattice resonances and generalised Rayleigh-Bloch waves. COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 8(1), 9 pages. DOI |
2025 |
Bennetts, L. G., Meylan, M. H., Peter, M. A., Pinfield, V. J., & Umnova, O. (2025). Mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 481(2307), 5 pages. DOI |
2024 |
Matsushima, K., Bennetts, L. G., & Peter, M. A. (2024). Tracking Rayleigh-Bloch waves swapping between Riemann sheets. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480(2301), 24 pages. DOI Scopus2 |
2024 |
Bennetts, L. G., Williams, T. D., & Porter, R. (2024). A thin-plate approximation for ocean wave interactions with an ice shelf. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 984, A48-1-A48-27. DOI Scopus2 |
2024 |
Kong, J., Nugroho, B., Bennetts, L. G., Chan, C. I., & Chin, R. C. (2024). Friction Velocity Determination Techniques in Turbulent Boundary Layers with Miniature Vortex Generators. Experiments in Fluids, 65(5), 76-1-76-21. DOI Scopus1 |
2024 |
Cui, L., Sergiienko, N. Y., Leontini, J. S., Cohen, N., Bennetts, L. G., Cazzolato, B., . . . Manasseh, R. (2024). Protecting coastlines by offshore wave farms: On optimising array configurations using a corrected far-field approximation. Renewable Energy, 224, 120109-1-120109-14. DOI Scopus4 |
2024 |
Hawkins, S. C., Bennetts, L. G., Nethercote, M. A., Peter, M. A., Peterseim, D., Putley, H. J., & Verfuerth, B. (2024). Metamaterial applications of TMATSOLVER, an easy-to-use software for simulating multiple wave scattering in two dimensions. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 480(2292), 22 pages. DOI Scopus2 |
2024 |
Bennetts, L. G., Shakespeare, C. J., Vreugdenhil, C. A., Foppert, A., Gayen, B., Meyer, A., . . . Stanley, G. J. (2024). Closing the Loops on Southern Ocean Dynamics: From the Circumpolar Current to Ice Shelves and From Bottom Mixing to Surface Waves. Reviews of Geophysics, 62(3), e2022RG000781-1-e2022RG000781-80. DOI Scopus5 |
2024 |
Liang, J., Pitt, J. P. A., & Bennetts, L. G. (2024). Pan‐Antarctic Assessment of Ice Shelf Flexural Responses to Ocean Waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(8), 1-16. DOI Scopus1 |
2024 |
Day, N. S., Bennetts, L. G., O'Farrell, S. P., Alberello, A., & Montiel, F. (2024). Analysis of the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone Based on Unsupervised Classification of Standalone Sea Ice Model Data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 129(8), 19 pages. DOI |
2024 |
Zhao, A., Cheng, Y., Fraser, A. D., Bennetts, L. G., Xiao, H., Liang, Q., . . . Li, R. (2024). Long-term evolution of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica: Insights from 74-year observations and 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic tsunami-induced calving. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 646, 13 pages. DOI |
2024 |
Pitt, J. P. A., & Bennetts, L. G. (2024). On transitions in water wave propagation through consolidated to broken sea ice covers. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480(2297), 20230862-1-20230862-23. DOI |
2024 |
Westcott, A. -R., Bennetts, L. G., Sergiienko, N. Y., & Cazzolato, B. S. (2024). Broadband near-perfect capture of water wave energy by an array of heaving buoy wave energy converters. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 998, 33 pages. DOI |
2023 |
Kong, J., Bennetts, L. G., Nugroho, B., & Chin, R. C. (2023). Systematic study of the Reynolds number and streamwise spacing effects in two-dimensional square-bar rough-wall turbulent boundary layers. Physical Review Fluids, 8(1), 31 pages. DOI Scopus2 WoS1 |
2023 |
Day, N., Bennetts, L., & O'Farrell, S. (2023). Unsupervised statistical classification of the Antarctic marginal ice zone.. DOI |
2023 |
Xu, Q., Li, Y., Bennetts, L. G., Wang, S., Zhang, L., Xu, H., & Narasimalu, S. (2023). Parametric analysis of a two-body floating-point absorber wave energy converter. Physics of Fluids, 35(9), 097115-1-097115-10. DOI Scopus1 |
2023 |
Chowdhury, S. D., Bennetts, L. G., & Manasseh, R. (2023). A coupled damped harmonic oscillator model for arbitrary arrays of floating cylinders using homotopy methods. Physics of Fluids, 35(10), 107141-1-107141-11. DOI Scopus3 |
2023 |
Chen, H., Xu, Q., Zheng, X., Bennetts, L. G., Xie, B., Lin, Z., . . . Li, Y. (2023). Viscous effects on the added mass and damping forces during free heave decay of a floating cylinder with a hemispherical bottom. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 98, 8-20. DOI Scopus7 WoS3 |
2023 |
Nghia, N. T., Tuyen, B. T. K., Quynh, N. T., Thuy, N. T. T., Nguyen, T. N., Nguyen, V. D., & Tran, T. K. N. (2023). Response Methodology Optimization and Artificial Neural Network Modeling for the Removal of Sulfamethoxazole Using an Ozone–Electrocoagulation Hybrid Process. Molecules, 28(13), 5119. DOI Scopus4 |
2022 |
Alberello, A., Bennetts, L. G., Onorato, M., Vichi, M., MacHutchon, K., Eayrs, C., . . . Toffoli, A. (2022). Three-dimensional imaging of waves and floes in the marginal ice zone during a cyclone. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-11. DOI Scopus26 WoS5 Europe PMC1 |
2022 |
Bennetts, L. G., & Peter, M. A. (2022). Rayleigh-Bloch waves above the cutoff. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 940, A35-1-A35-13. DOI Scopus7 WoS3 |
2022 |
Teder, N., Bennetts, L., Reid, P., & Massom, R. (2022). Sea ice-free corridors for large swell to reach Antarctic ice shelves. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 1-12. DOI Scopus17 WoS2 |
2022 |
Passerotti, G., Bennetts, L. G., Polach, F. V. B. U., Alberello, A., Puolakka, O., Dolatshah, A., . . . Toffoli, A. (2022). Interactions between Irregular Wave Fields and Sea Ice: A Physical Model for Wave Attenuation and Ice Breakup in an Ice Tank. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(7), 1431-1446. DOI Scopus22 WoS8 |
2022 |
Bennetts, L. G., Bitz, C. M., Feltham, D. L., Kohout, A. L., & Meylan, M. H. (2022). Marginal ice zone dynamics: future research perspectives and pathways.. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 380(2235), 6 pages. DOI Scopus11 WoS1 Europe PMC2 |
2022 |
Toffoli, A., Pitt, J. P. A., Alberello, A., & Bennetts, L. G. (2022). Modelling attenuation of irregular wave fields by artificial ice floes in the laboratory. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 380(2235), 14 pages. DOI Scopus15 WoS5 Europe PMC5 |
2022 |
Pitt, J. P. A., Bennetts, L. G., Meylan, M. H., Massom, R. A., & Toffoli, A. (2022). Model predictions of wave overwash extent into the marginal ice zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(10), 1-22. DOI Scopus7 WoS2 |
2022 |
Bennetts, L. G., Liang, J., & Pitt, J. P. A. (2022). Modeling Ocean Wave Transfer to Ross Ice Shelf Flexure. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(21), 11 pages. DOI Scopus8 WoS1 |
2021 |
Kalyanaraman, B., Meylan, M., Lamichhane, B., & Bennetts, L. (2021). iceFEM: A FreeFem package for wave induced ice-shelf vibrations. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(59), 1-6. DOI |
2021 |
Derkani, M. H., Alberello, A., Nelli, F., Bennetts, L. G., Hessner, K. G., MacHutchon, K., . . . Toffoli, A. (2021). Wind, waves, and surface currents in the Southern Ocean: observations from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. Earth System Science Data, 13(3), 1189-1209. DOI Scopus29 WoS8 |
2021 |
Meylan, M. H., Horvat, C., Bitz, C. M., & Bennetts, L. G. (2021). A floe size dependent scattering model in two- and three-dimensions for wave attenuation by ice floes. Ocean Modelling, 161, 1-11. DOI Scopus22 WoS12 |
2021 |
Skene, D. M., & Bennetts, L. G. (2021). A transition-loss theory for waves reflected and transmitted by an overwashed body. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 81(3), 834-852. DOI Scopus4 WoS3 |
2021 |
Bennetts, L. G., & Meylan, M. H. (2021). Complex resonant ice shelf vibrations. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 81(4), 1483-1502. DOI Scopus14 WoS3 |
2021 |
Alberello, A., Dolatshah, A., Bennetts, L. G., Onorato, M., Nelli, F., & Toffoli, A. (2021). A physical model of wave attenuation in pancake ice. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 31(3), 263-269. DOI Scopus12 WoS9 |
2021 |
Meylan, M. H., Ilyas, M., Lamichhane, B. P., & Bennetts, L. G. (2021). Swell-induced flexural vibrations of a thickening ice shelf over a shoaling seabed. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 477(2254), 1-20. DOI Scopus11 WoS5 |
2020 |
Alberello, A., Bennetts, L., Heil, P., Eayrs, C., Vichi, M., MacHutchon, K., . . . Toffoli, A. (2020). Drift of Pancake Ice Floes in the Winter Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone During Polar Cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(3), 19 pages. DOI Scopus42 WoS28 |
2020 |
Nelli, F., Bennetts, L. G., Skene, D. M., & Toffoli, A. (2020). Water wave transmission and energy dissipation by a floating plate in the presence of overwash. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 889, A19-1-A19-20. DOI Scopus37 WoS29 |
2020 |
Kalyanaraman, B., Meylan, M. H., Bennetts, L. G., & Lamichhane, B. P. (2020). A coupled fluid-elasticity model for the wave forcing of an ice-shelf. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 97, 1-17. DOI Scopus15 WoS9 |
2020 |
Archer, A. J., Wolgamot, H. A., Orszaghova, J., Bennetts, L. G., Peter, M. A., & Craster, R. (2020). Experimental realization of broadband control of water-wave-energy amplification in chirped arrays. Physical Review Fluids, 5(6), 062801-1-062801-8. DOI Scopus25 WoS11 |
2020 |
Golden, K. M., Bennetts, L. G., Cherkaev, E., Eisenman, I., Feltham, D., Horvat, C., . . . Wells, A. J. (2020). Modeling sea ice. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 67(10), 1535-1555. DOI Scopus25 |
2019 |
Vichi, M., Eayrs, C., Alberello, A., Bekker, A., Bennetts, L., Holland, D., . . . Toffoli, A. (2019). Effects of an explosive polar cyclone crossing the Antarctic marginal ice zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(11), 5948-5958. DOI Scopus70 WoS54 |
2019 |
Quigley, M. C., Bennetts, L. G., Durance, P., Kuhnert, P. M., Lindsay, M. D., Pembleton, K. G., . . . White, C. J. (2019). The provision and utility of earth science to decision-makers: synthesis and key findings. Environment Systems and Decisions, 39(3), 349-367. DOI Scopus7 |
2019 |
Quigley, M. C., Bennetts, L. G., Durance, P., Kuhnert, P. M., Lindsay, M. D., Pembleton, K. G., . . . White, C. J. (2019). The provision and utility of science and uncertainty to decision-makers: earth science case studies. Environment Systems and Decisions, 39(3), 307-348. DOI Scopus25 |
2019 |
Bennetts, L. G., Peter, M. A., & Craster, R. V. (2019). Low-frequency wave-energy amplification in graded two-dimensional resonator arrays. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 377(2156), 20190104-1-20190104-11. DOI Scopus20 WoS10 Europe PMC2 |
2019 |
Rupprecht, S., Bennetts, L., & Peter, M. (2019). On the calculation of wave attenuation along rough strings using individual and effective fields. Wave Motion, 85, 57-66. DOI Scopus4 WoS2 |
2019 |
Alberello, A., Onorato, M., Bennetts, L., Vichi, M., Eayrs, C., Machutchon, K., & Toffoli, A. (2019). Brief communication: Pancake ice floe size distribution during the winter expansion of the Antarctic marginal ice zone. Cryosphere, 13(1), 41-48. DOI Scopus56 WoS35 |
2019 |
Kalyanaraman, B., Bennetts, L. G., Lamichhane, B., & Meylan, M. H. (2019). On the shallow-water limit for modelling ocean-wave induced ice-shelf vibrations. Wave Motion, 90, 1-16. DOI Scopus20 WoS16 |
2019 |
Bennetts, L. G., Peter, M. A., Dylejko, P., & Skvortsov, A. (2019). Effective properties of acoustic metamaterial chains with low-frequency bandgaps controlled by the geometry of lightweight mass-link attachments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 456, 1-12. DOI Scopus23 WoS19 |
2018 |
Meylan, M., & Bennetts, L. (2018). Three-dimensional time-domain scattering of waves in the marginal ice zone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2129), 20170334-1-20170334-19. DOI Scopus22 WoS14 Europe PMC1 |
2018 |
Bennetts, L., Peter, M., & Craster, R. (2018). Graded resonator arrays for spatial frequency separation and amplification of water waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 854, R4-1-R4-12. DOI Scopus52 WoS33 |
2018 |
Dolatshah, A., Nelli, F., Bennetts, L., Alberello, A., Meylan, M., Monty, J., & Toffoli, A. (2018). Letter: hydroelastic interactions between water waves and floating freshwater ice. Physics of Fluids, 30(9), 091702-1-091702-5. DOI Scopus52 WoS37 |
2018 |
Skene, D., Bennetts, L., Wright, M., Meylan, M., & Maki, K. (2018). Water wave overwash of a step. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 839, 293-312. DOI Scopus28 WoS23 |
2018 |
Ilyas, M., Meylan, M., Lamichhane, B., & Bennetts, L. (2018). Time-domain and modal response of ice shelves to wave forcing using the finite element method. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 80, 113-131. DOI Scopus28 WoS16 |
2018 |
Massom, R., Scambos, T., Bennetts, L., Reid, P., Squire, V., & Stammerjohn, S. (2018). Antarctic ice shelf disintegration triggered by sea ice loss and ocean swell. Nature, 558(7710), 383-389. DOI Scopus223 WoS158 Europe PMC13 |
2018 |
Meylan, M. H., Bennetts, L. G., Mosig, J. E. M., Rogers, W. E., Doble, M. J., & Peter, M. A. (2018). Dispersion Relations, Power Laws, and Energy Loss for Waves in the Marginal Ice Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(5), 3322-3335. DOI Scopus106 WoS68 |
2017 |
Meylan, M., Bennetts, L., & Peter, M. (2017). Water-wave scattering and energy dissipation by a floating porous elastic plate in three dimensions. Wave Motion, 70, 240-250. DOI Scopus74 WoS40 |
2017 |
Rupprecht, S., Bennetts, L., & Peter, M. (2017). Effective wave propagation along a rough thin-elastic beam. Wave Motion, 70, 3-14. DOI Scopus9 WoS7 |
2017 |
Nelli, F., Bennetts, L., Skene, D., Monty, J., Lee, J., Meylan, M., & Toffoli, A. (2017). Reflection and transmission of regular water waves by a thin, floating plate. Wave Motion, 70, 209-221. DOI Scopus54 WoS37 |
2017 |
Bennetts, L., Peter, M., & Montiel, F. (2017). Localisation of Rayleigh-Bloch waves and damping of resonant loads on arrays of vertical cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 508-527. DOI Scopus20 WoS14 |
2017 |
Bennetts, L., O'Farrell, S., & Uotila, P. (2017). Brief communication: impacts of ocean-wave-induced breakup of Antarctic sea ice via thermodynamics in a stand-alone version of the CICE sea-ice model. The Cryosphere, 11(3), 1035-1040. DOI Scopus51 WoS42 |
2017 |
Meylan, M., Bennetts, L., Hosking, R., & Catt, E. (2017). On the calculation of normal modes of a coupled ice-shelf/sub-ice-shelf cavity system. Journal of Glaciology, 63(240), 751-754. DOI Scopus15 WoS11 |
2017 |
Yiew, L., Bennetts, L., Meylan, M., Thomas, G., & French, B. (2017). Wave-induced collisions of thin floating disks. Physics of Fluids, 29(12), 127102-1-127102-13. DOI Scopus37 WoS27 |
2016 |
Yiew, L., Bennetts, L., Meylan, M., French, B., & Thomas, G. (2016). Hydrodynamic responses of a thin floating disk to regular waves. Ocean Modelling, 97, 52-64. DOI Scopus47 WoS29 |
2016 |
Montiel, F., Squire, V., & Bennetts, L. (2016). Attenuation and directional spreading of ocean wave spectra in the marginal ice zone. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 790, 492-522. DOI Scopus91 WoS72 |
2015 |
Bennetts, L., & Williams, T. (2015). Water wave transmission by an array of floating discs. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471(2173), 20140698-1-20140698-18. DOI Scopus75 WoS53 |
2015 |
Bennetts, L., Peter, M., & Chung, H. (2015). Absence of localisation in ocean wave interactions with a rough seabed in intermediate water depth. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 68(1), 97-113. DOI Scopus5 WoS4 |
2015 |
Meylan, M. H., Yiew, L. J., Bennetts, L. G., French, B. J., & Thomas, G. A. (2015). Surge motion of an ice floe in waves: comparison of a theoretical and an experimental model. Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 155-159. DOI Scopus36 WoS23 |
2015 |
Bennetts, L., O'Farrell, S., Uotila, P., & Squire, V. (2015). An idealized wave-ice interaction model without subgrid spatial or temporal discretizations. Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 258-262. DOI Scopus7 WoS5 |
2015 |
Montiel, F., Squire, V., & Bennetts, L. (2015). Evolution of directional wave spectra through finite regular and randomly perturbed arrays of scatterers. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75(2), 630-651. DOI Scopus24 WoS19 |
2015 |
Montiel, F., Squire, V., & Bennetts, L. (2015). Reflection and transmission of ocean wave spectra by a band of randomly distributed ice floes. Annals of Glaciology, 56(69), 315-322. DOI Scopus10 WoS9 |
2015 |
Bennetts, L., Alberello, A., Meylan, M., Cavaliere, C., Babanin, A., & Toffoli, A. (2015). An idealised experimental model of ocean surface wave transmission by an ice floe. Ocean Modelling, 96(1), 85-92. DOI Scopus66 WoS46 |
2015 |
Meylan, M., Bennetts, L., Cavaliere, C., Alberello, A., & Toffoli, A. (2015). Experimental and theoretical models of wave-induced flexure of a sea ice floe. Physics of Fluids, 27(4), 041704-1-041704-7. DOI Scopus63 WoS49 |
2015 |
Skene, D., Bennetts, L., Meylan, M., & Toffoli, A. (2015). Modelling water wave overwash of a thin floating plate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 777, R3-1-R3-13. DOI Scopus58 WoS45 |
2015 |
Toffoli, A., Bennetts, L., Meylan, M., Cavaliere, C., Alberello, A., Elsnab, J., & Monty, J. (2015). Sea ice floes dissipate the energy of steep ocean waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(20), 8547-8554. DOI Scopus62 WoS48 |
2014 |
Meylan, M., Bennetts, L., & Kohout, A. (2014). In situ measurements and analysis of ocean waves in the Antarctic marginal ice zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(14), 5046-5051. DOI Scopus138 WoS116 |
2013 |
Williams, T., Bennetts, L., Squire, V., Dumont, D., & Bertino, L. (2013). Wave-ice interactions in the marginal ice zone. Part 2: Numerical implementation and sensitivity studies along 1D transects of the ocean surface. Ocean Modelling, 71, 92-101. DOI Scopus107 WoS95 |
2013 |
Williams, T., Bennetts, L., Squire, V., Dumont, D., & Bertino, L. (2013). Wave-ice interactions in the marginal ice zone. Part 1: Theoretical foundations. Ocean Modelling, 71, 81-91. DOI Scopus165 WoS136 |
2013 |
Bennetts, L., & Peter, M. (2013). Spectral analysis of wave propagation through rows of scatterers via random sampling and a coherent potential approximation. Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics, 73(4), 1613-1633. DOI Scopus7 WoS6 |
2013 |
Squire, V., Williams, T., & Bennetts, L. (2013). Better operational forecasting for contemporary Arctic via ocean wave integration. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 23(2), 81-88. Scopus6 WoS5 |
2013 |
Montiel, F., Bennetts, L., Squire, V., Bonnefoy, F., & Ferrant, P. (2013). Hydroelastic response of floating elastic discs to regular waves. Part 2. Modal analysis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 723, 629-652. DOI Scopus61 WoS43 |
2013 |
Montiel, F., Bonnefoy, F., Ferrant, P., Bennetts, L., Squire, V., & Marsault, P. (2013). Hydroelastic response of floating elastic discs to regular waves: Part 1. Wave basin experiments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 723, 604-628. DOI Scopus65 WoS44 |
2012 |
Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2012). Model sensitivity analysis of scattering-induced attenuation of ice-coupled waves. Ocean Modelling, 45-46, 1-13. DOI Scopus36 WoS28 |
2012 |
Montiel, F., Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2012). The transient response of floating elastic plates to wavemaker forcing in two dimensions. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 28, 416-433. DOI Scopus32 WoS28 |
2012 |
Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2012). On the calculation of an attenuation coefficient for transects of ice-covered ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 468(2137), 136-162. DOI Scopus87 WoS72 |
2011 |
Bennetts, L. (2011). Wave attenuation through multiple rows of scatterers with differing periodicities. Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics, 71(2), 540-558. DOI Scopus8 WoS7 |
2010 |
Bennetts, L., & Williams, T. (2010). Wave scattering by ice floes and polynyas of arbitrary shape. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 662, 5-35. DOI Scopus49 WoS39 |
2010 |
Bennetts, L., Peter, M., Squire, V., & Meylan, M. (2010). A three-dimensional model of wave attenuation in the marginal ice zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(C12043), 1-13. DOI Scopus70 WoS49 |
2010 |
Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2010). Linear wave forcing of an array of axisymmetric ice floes. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 75(1), 108-138. DOI Scopus12 WoS6 |
2009 |
Squire, V., Vaughan, G., & Bennetts, L. (2009). Ocean surface wave evolvement in the Arctic Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(L22502), 1-4. DOI Scopus52 WoS45 |
2009 |
Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2009). Wave scattering by multiple rows of circular ice floes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 639, 213-238. DOI Scopus61 WoS50 |
2009 |
Vaughan, G., Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2009). The decay of flexural-gravity waves in long sea-ice transects. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 465(2109), 2785-2812. DOI Scopus31 WoS25 |
2009 |
Bennetts, L., Biggs, N., & Porter, D. (2009). The interaction of flexural-gravity waves with periodic geometries. Wave Motion, 46(1), 57-73. DOI Scopus39 WoS34 |
2009 |
Bennetts, L., Biggs, N., & Porter, D. (2009). Wave scattering by an axisymmetric ice floe of varying thickness. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 74(2), 273-295. DOI Scopus22 WoS15 |
2008 |
Bennetts, L., & Squire, V. (2008). Wave scattering by an infinite straight-line array of axisymmetric ice floes. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 18(4), 254-262. Scopus3 WoS3 |
2007 |
Bennetts, L., Biggs, N., & Porter, D. (2007). A multi-mode approximation to wave scattering by ice sheets of varying thickness. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 579, 413-443. DOI Scopus103 WoS87 |