Associate Professor Laura Grenfell
Associate Professor
Adelaide Law School
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Laura researches in the fields of human rights law, comparative public law and post-conflict justice. To critique the law she takes a broad socio-political approach, drawing on other relevant disciplines such as anthropology, politics, development studies and gender studies.
I have three interconnected areas of research expertise relating to human rights.
One area of research expertise examines political rights review in Australia, looking at the work of scrutiny bodies such as parliamentary committees across Australian jurisdictions that conduct rights-scrutiny of bills. This extends to looking at how the executive engages with rights in the process of developing law and policy.
A second area is the complexities of governance and human rights protection in post-conflict environments, specifically in Timor-Leste, South Africa and Afghanistan. This research is interdisciplinary and it intersects with that of scholars from Anthropology, Development Studies, Gender Studies and Politics.
A third area of research expertise is anti-discrimination laws in Australia, North America and Europe. In particular I have conducted research into how law understands discrimination faced by the trans community.
Date Position Institution name 2015 - ongoing Associate Professor in Law University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2014 - ongoing Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, Faculty of the Professions University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2009 - 2014 Senior Lecturer in Law University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2004 - 2008 Lecturer in Law University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2002 - 2003 Associate Lecturer in Law University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2000 - 2000 Solicitor Crown Solicitor's Office of South Australia 1999 - 1999 Solicitor Office of the Solicitor-General for South Australia 1998 - 1998 Judge's Associate to Justice Margaret Nyland Supreme Court of South Australia, Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title Australian National University, Canberra Australia PhD in Law University of Toronto, Toronto Canada Masters in Law University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Laws (Hons) University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Arts (Hons) -
Date Title Institution name Country — Graduate Certificate of Legal Practice University of South Australia, Adelaide Australia -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Olijnyk, A., & Grenfell, L. (2024). A Breath of Fresh Air? Rights Oversight by the Ombudsman During the Pandemic. Melbourne University Law Review, 47(3), 583. 2023 Grenfell, L., Mackay, A., & Rose, M. (2023). A human right to daily access to fresh air beyond prisons in Australia?. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 29(2), 1-18.
Scopus12023 Mackay, A., Grenfell, L., & Debeljak, J. (2023). A NEW AGED CARE ACT FOR AUSTRALIA? EXAMINING THE ROYAL COMMISSION’S PROPOSAL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS INCLUSIVE LEGISLATION. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 46(3), 836-871.
Scopus22022 Hewitt, A., & Grenfell, L. (2022). A call for regulatory reform to make work experience accessible rather than an obstacle. Alternative Law Journal, 47(4), 301-307.
Scopus22022 Grenfell, L., & Caruana, S. (2022). Are we OPCAT ready? So far, bare bones. Alternative Law Journal, 47(1), 1-10.
Scopus3 WoS22022 Grenfell, L. (2022). Towards human rights compliance in Australian prisons. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 28(1), 194-198.
2022 Hewitt, A., Grenfell, L., Abiyat, H., Hendry, M., Howe, J., & Whittaker, S. (2022). Weighing the Cost of Expectations that Students Complete Legal Work Experience. Legal Education Review, 32(1), 109-128.
Scopus1 WoS22021 Grenfell, L., Mackay, A., & Debeljak, J. (2021). Human Rights Accountability and Redress for Systems of Ill treatment in Residential Aged-Care. Monash University Law Review.
2020 Grenfell, L. (2020). SA's Proposed Scheme to Monitor Places of Detention Needs to be Improved. Law Society Bulletin, 42(10), 38-41. 2020 Debeljak, J., & Grenfell, L. (2020). Diverse Australian Landscapes of Law Making and Human Rights. 2020 Grenfell, L. A. (2020). OPCAT is coming - and now is the time for SA to set up its monitoring system for all places of detention. Law Society Bulletin, 42(1), 38-39. 2020 Grenfell, L., & Moulds, S. (2020). Youth Treatment Orders Bill Highlights Ad Hoc Approach to Rights Scrutiny of Bills. Law Society Bulletin, 41. 2019 Grenfell, L., & Koch, C. (2019). Internship courses for all? Supporting students undertaking unpaid university-run legal internships. Alternative Law Journal, 44(3), 226-231.
Scopus2 WoS22019 Moulds, S., & Grenfell, L. (2019). Youth Treatment Orders Bill Highlights Ad Hoc Approach to Rights-Scrutiny of Bills. 2019 Grenfell, L., & Koch, C. (2019). Getting A Foot in the Door: Internships & the Legal Profession Authors: Associate Professor Laura Grenfell and Cornelia Koch. 2019 Grenfell, L. (2019). Aged care, detention and OPCAT. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 25(2), 248-262.
Scopus82018 Grenfell, L. A., & Moulds, S. (2018). The role of committees in rights protection in federal and state Parliaments in Australia. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 41(1), 40-79.
Scopus10 WoS202018 Grenfell, L. A. (2018). Getting a Foot in the Door: Internships and the Legal Profession. Law Society of SA Bulletin, 40(7), 28-30. 2016 Grenfell, L. (2016). Rights scrutiny cultures and anti-bike bills in Australian state parliaments: “a bill of rights for the Hell’s Angels". Federal Law Review, 44(3), 363-399. 2016 Grenfell, L. (2016). Parliaments’ reputation as the ‘pre-eminent’ institution for defending rights: do Parliamentary Committees always enhance this reputation?. Australasian Parliamentary Review, 31(2), 34-45.
WoS22015 Grenfell, L. (2015). Realising rights in Timor-Leste. Asian Studies Review, 39(2), 266-283.
Scopus6 WoS22015 Grenfell, L. (2015). An Australian spectrum of political rights review: 'continuing to lead by example?'. Public Law Review, 26(1), 19-38.
WoS92014 Grenfell, L., & Hewitt, A. (2014). Supporting breastfeeding mothers. Bulletin, 36(7), 24-25. 2012 Grenfell, L., & Hewitt, A. (2012). Gender regulation: Restrictive, facilitative or transformative laws?. The Sydney Law Review, 34(4), 761-783.
WoS132012 Dolgopol, T., & Grenfell, L. (2012). 'Law Students, Internships and A Commitment to Justice'. 2009 Grenfell, L. (2009). Promoting the rule of law in Timor-Leste. Conflict, Security & Development, 9(2), 213-238.
WoS192006 Grenfell, L. (2006). Legal pluralism and the rule of law in Timor Leste. Leiden Journal of International Law, 19(2), 305-337.
Scopus332006 Grenfell, L. (2006). Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law in East Timor. 2004 Grenfell, L. (2004). The hidden gender of law. Australian Feminist Studies, 19(44), 253-255.
2004 Grenfell, L. (2004). Paths to transitional justice for Afghan women. Nordic Journal of International Law, 73(4), 505-534.
2004 Grenfell, L., LaForgia, R., & Bleby, C. (2004). Citizens initiated referendums and parliamentary supremacy. Law Society of South Australia. Bulletin, 26(5), 32-34. 2004 Grenfell, L. (2004). Feminist Legal Academics Workshop, 19–21 June 2003, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide. Australian Feminist Studies, 19(43), 117-123.
2004 Grenfell, L. (2004). The Participation of Afghan Women in the Reconstruction Process. Human Rights Brief, 12(1), 22-25. 2003 Grenfell, L. (2003). Embracing Law's Categories: Anti-Discrimination Laws and Transgenderism. Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 15(1), 51-98. 2003 Grenfell, L. (2003). Making sex: law's narratives of sex, gender and identity. Legal Studies, 23(1), 66-102.
Scopus62003 Grenfell, L. (2003). Carmilla: the "red flag" of late nineteenth-century vampire narratives?. Tessera, 33/34, 152-167. 2003 Brown, A., & Grenfell, L. (2003). The international crime of gender-based persecution and the Taliban. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 4(2), 347-375. 2003 Brown, W., & Grenfell, L. (2003). The International Crime of Gender-Based Persecution and the Taliban. - Grenfell, L., Carter, A., & Olijnyk, A. (n.d.). Scrutinising the Scrutiny Process in the Courts. Sydney Law Review.
Year Citation 2020 Grenfell, L., & Debeljak, J. (Eds.) (2020). Law Making and Human Rights: Executive and Parliamentary Scrutiny Across Australian Jurisdictions. Lawbook Co. 2020 Grenfell, L., & Debeljak, J. (Eds.) (2020). Law Making and Human Rights: Executive and Parliamentary Scrutiny Across Australian Jurisdictions. Lawbook Co. 2018 Appleby, G., Reilly, A., & Grenfell, L. (2018). Australian Public Law (3 ed.). Docklands, Victoria: Oxford University Press. 2014 Appleby, G., Reilly, A., & Grenfell, L. (2014). Australian Public Law (2 ed.). Australia: Oxford University Press. 2013 Grenfell, L. (2013). Promoting the rule of law in post-conflict states. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
DOI Scopus382011 Reilly, A., Appleby, G., Grenfell, L., & Lacey, W. (2011). Australian public law. Australia: Oxford University Press. -
Book Chapters
Conference Items
Year Citation 2022 Olijnyk, A., & Grenfell, L. (2022). Safeguarding Human Rights in the Context of National/State Emergencies. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Meeting of Parliamentary Ombudsmen. Adelaide. 2022 Olijnyk, A., & Grenfell, L. (2022). Safeguarding Human Rights in the Context of National/State Emergencies. Poster session presented at the meeting of Presentation to staff of Australasian Ombudsman's Offices. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2024 Koch, C., Grenfell, L., Spyrou, P., Hill, L., & Owens, R. (2024). Submission on the Inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia. 2023 Koch, C., Grenfell, L., Hill, L., Louth, J., Olijnyk, A., Stubbs, M., & Sumner AM, U. M. M. (2023). Submission on the draft Bill for a First Nations Voice to South Australia’s Parliament. 2023 Koch, C., Carter, A., Grenfell, L., Lindell, G., Olijnyk, A., Owens, R., . . . Williams, J. (2023). Submission to the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum. 2023 Grenfell, L., & Moulds, S. (2023). Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework. Australian Parliament House. 2023 Hewitt, A., Cameron, C., Grant-Smith, D., & Grenfell, L. (2023). Submission to the Department of Education on the Universities Accord Interim Report - Equitable Access to Work-Integrated Learning. 2021 Hewitt, A., & Grenfell, L. (2021). Submission to TEQSA on Compliance Guide: Work Integrated Learning. 2020 Grenfell, L., Hill, L., Koch, C., McIntyre, J., Neudorf, L., Olijnyk, A., . . . Spyrou, P. (2020). Submission to the Select Committee on COVID-19. 2020 Grenfell, L., Hill, L., Koch, C., McIntyre, J., Neudorf, L., Olijnyk, A., . . . Spyrou, P. (2020). Submission to the COVID-19 Response Committee. Adelaide. 2020 Caruana, S., Phillips, E., Grenfell, L., Naylor, B., & Jones, J. (2020). The implementation of OPCAT in Australia: Submission by the Australia OPCAT Network. 2020 Caruana, S., Phillips, E., Grenfell, L., Naylor, B., & Jones, J. (2020). The implementation of OPCAT in Australia: Submission by the Australia OPCAT Network. -
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2023 Hewitt, A., Grenfell, L., Grant-Smith, D., & Cameron, C. (2023). Equitable access to work-integrated learning is finally on the agenda in Australia. THE Campus.
Course co-ordinator of Undergraduate courses
- Aboriginal Peoples and the Law (2016-2023)
- International Study Tour: World Indigenous Law Conference (2016)
- Principles of Public Law (large compulsory first-year course) (2009-2010, 2022)
- Human Rights Law: International & National Perspectives (2003-2024)
- Comparative Constitutional Law (2003-2007)
- International Justice and the Rule of Law (Summer intensive 2003/2004)
- Human Rights Internship Programme (2003-2023)
- Law and Justice Internship Programme (2009-2024)
- Native Title Internship (2016)
Course Co-ordinator of Postgraduate courses
- Transitional Justice (2012)
- Comparative Constitutional Law (2003-2007, 2009)
- Human Rights Law (2003-2007, 2017, 2020, 2022)
- Government, Law and Policy (2021, 2023)
Co-teaching of compulsory subjects including Principles of Public Law (2012, 2018-2023); Australian Constitutional Law (2004), Legal Research and Writing (2002-2003), Introduction to Australian Legal Systems (2002).
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 Principal Supervisor The extent of and motivations for post-legislative scrutiny in Australia. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Samuel John Hastings-Fernance -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor The International Refugee Regime, UNHCR and States: An Analysis of Australia and Pakistan Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Umar Rashid 2020 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Non-Judicial Constitutional Review and the Rule of Law: The Case of Ethiopia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Legesse Tigabu Mengie 2015 - 2018 Principal Supervisor The Rights-Protecting Role and Impact of Commonwealth Parliamentary Committees: The Case of Australia's Counter-Terrorism Laws Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sarah Moulds 2014 - 2017 Co-Supervisor African States and the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism: A Study of Effectiveness and the Potential for Acculturation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr . Etone Damian 2004 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Healing the Blind Eye? Using the United Nations Protect, Respect, Remedy Framework to Achieve Accountability for Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuse Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Catherine Brooks -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2010 - 2012 Co-Supervisor ‘A Proposal for the Implementation of Human Rights Treaty Obligations in Armed Conflict University of Adelaide PhLaw Doctorate Full Time Samaneh Hassanli
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2018 - ongoing Member Gender, Equity and Diversity Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2015 - ongoing Chair Faculty of the Professions Diversity and Inclusion Committee University of Adelaide Australia
Connect With Me
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