Kimberly Charlton
School of Allied Health Science and Practice
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
I am a teaching and research lecturer within the School of Allied Health Science and Practice. My background is as a clinical Occupational Therapist, with 13 years of broad clinical experience in acute and community rehabilitation with specialised skills in amputee rehabilitation, geriatrics, burns, orthopaedics and falls. I have strong research interests in the area of aged care and falls, dementia and translation of knowledge into clinical practice within the rehabilitation setting. My current PhD is looking at informing better wheelchair training within practice. I am the Placement Education Coordinator for the Occupational Therapy program and I currently coordinate and teach the courses; Enabling Change: Musculoskeletal and Neurological and Introduction to Behavioural Neurosciences.
Research interests:
- Wheelchair training for people with chronic and progressive conditions
- Older persons and falls
- Evidence-based practice in occupational therapy
- Translation of best practice into clinical settings
I am currently completing my PhD in the area of wheelchair training. My PhD involves completing a realist evaluation of contexts and mechanisms that promote evidence-based manual wheelchair training for people who come to wheelchair use later in life. As part of my PhD program I am examining the different contexts and mechanisms within which wheelchair training is delivered, with a particular focus on wheelchair users who come into wheelchair use in later life, I will be exploring the perspectives of wheelchair users who come into wheelchair use later in life and their caregivers as well as training providers in regards to wheelchair training.
Date Position Institution name 2021 - ongoing Lecturer Occupational Therapy University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title 2022 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 2017 - 2018 University of South Australia Australia Professional Certificate in Practice Education 2011 - 2014 The University of South Australia Australia Master of Health Science 2006 - 2008 University of South Australia Australia Master of Occupational Therapy (Graduate Entry) 2003 - 2005 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Health Science -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Charlton, K., Murray, C., Layton, N., Ong, E., Farrar, L., Serocki, T., & Attrill, S. (2025). Manual wheelchair training approaches and intended training outcomes for adults who are new to wheelchair use: A scoping review. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 72(1), 23 pages.
Scopus2 Europe PMC22025 Charlton, K., Murray, C., Attriil, S., & Layton, N. (2025). Manual wheelchair training programs: a scoping review of educational approaches and intended learning outcomes. BMC Medical Education, 25(134).
2024 Dawson, S., Charlton, K., Ng, L., Cleland, J., Bulto, L., Page, M., & Attrill, S. (2024). Weighted Blankets as a Sleep Intervention: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(5), 12 pages.
2023 Kim Ming Ong, E., Murray, C., Hillier, S., Charlton, K., & Causby, R. (2023). Decision-making processes for non-emergency diabetes-related lower extremity amputations: a scoping review. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 206, 111015-1-111015-10.
Scopus2 Europe PMC12021 Charlton, K., Murray, C., Boucaut, R., & Berndt, A. (2021). Facilitating manual wheelchair skills following lower limb amputation using a group process: A nested mixed methods pilot study.. Aust Occup Ther J, 68(6), 490-503.
Scopus4 WoS1 Europe PMC32018 Charlton, K., Murray, C. M., & Kumar, S. (2018). Getting help quickly: older people and community worker perspectives of contingency planning for falls management. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(2), 159-167.
Scopus7 Europe PMC62017 Charlton, K., Murray, C. M., & Kumar, S. (2017). Perspectives of older people about contingency planning for falls in the community: A qualitative meta-synthesis. PLOS ONE, 12(5), 1-14.
Scopus13 Europe PMC7 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Charlton, K. (2024). Manual Wheelchair Training Programs: A scoping review of educational approaches and intended learning outcomes. In Australian assistive Technology Conference Vol. 25 (pp. 30 pages). Gold Coast: BMC.
DOI2022 Charlton, K., Attrill, S., Murray, C., & Layton, N. (2022). Informing better manual wheelchair training: exchanging evidence and practice knowledge. In Australian Assistive Technology Conference 2022. 2021 Charlton, K., Murray, C., Boucaut, R., & Berndt, A. (2021). Facilitating manual wheelchair skills following lower limb amputation using a group process: A mixed methods evaluation of a new intervention. In Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy Vol. 68. Virtual. 2015 Charlton, K., Murray, C., & Kumar, S. (2015). Perceptions of older people and community workers about contingency planning after falls: a qualitative descriptive study. In Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. Melbourne, Australia: Wiley. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Charlton, K. (2023). Manual wheelchair training: a scoping review of approaches and implications for occupational therapists who service those that come to wheelchair use later in life. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2023 Australian Occupational Therapy Conference. 2023 Thompson, J., Charlton, K., Thirumanickam, A., Prideaux, N., & Chen, K. (2023). Fusing Authentic Learning & Interprofessional Education: Re-imagining human bioscience education through the use of health care HUDDLE's. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the Higher Education Research Group Adelaide Conference (HERGA 2023): The Future is Now!. Flinder University Campus, Adelaide: HERGA. 2023 Charlton, K. (2023). Manual Wheelchair Training approaches for adults and older adults commencing wheelchair use: A scoping review. Poster session presented at the meeting of Florey Research Conference. Adelaide.
2019: SA Health / UniSA collaborative research grants scheme. Project: Facilitating manual wheelchair skills following lower limb amputation using a group process. $15,972.21
I am the course coordinator for the third-year Occupational Therapy course: Enabling Change: Musculoskeletal and Neurological. I also have teaching experience in Biosciences for Human Health A and B, Communication in Health Care and Behavioural Neurosciences.
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2021 - ongoing Member Occupational Therapy Australia's NDIS/Disability National Reference Group OTA Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2022 - ongoing Member ARATA Australia 2021 - ongoing Member International Society of Wheelchair Professionals Australia 2021 - ongoing Member Occupational Therapy Australia Australia
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