Kerry Ettridge

Kerry Ettridge

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Dr Kerry Ettridge (B Psych Hons; PhD, Medicine) is Deputy Director, Health Policy Centre at SAHMRI. Dr Ettridge is a behavioural scientist leading research addressing the health risk behaviours that contribute to increased risk of chronic disease, and psychosocial responses to diagnosis and treatment of cancer. She has extensive experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative consumer-focused research, in collaboration with consumers, clinicians and data custodians. Her work incorporates behavioural, public health and quality of life approaches to improve well-being (both physical and psychosocial) and reduce risk of chronic disease.

Available to supervise Honours, Masters and PhD


 I have current research projects and interests in:

  • Population level approaches to address health risk behaviours for chronic disease, including cancer. These behaviours include:
    • Over consumption of discretionary food and drinks
    • Tobacco use and vaping
  • Weight stigma, how it interacts with help-seeking, and the role of health interventions.
  • Psychosocial aspects of cancer, including monitoring psychosocial outcomes and responses to cancer and treatment, to inform the improvement of treatment and services, and help seeking.

I have listed specific student projects below, but I am also open to discussing potential student ideas and projects in these broad areas. We also have a number of projects available regarding sugary drinks, ultra-processed food and weight stigma. Note students will need to have completed appropriate course work in qualitative methods and analysis to undertake any qualitative projects.


Title: Qualitative study of young adults' perceptions of energy/sports drinks and health effects, and perceived influence of marketing

Project description

This will be a qualitative study of young adults (focus groups or interviews) to explore drivers and patterns of of energy and sports drinks consumption, perceptions of health effects and motivation for reduced consumption. It requires existing knowledge of qualitative research methods and analysis. Ethical approval will need to be obtained.

Project available for: Hons, MPH thesis, HDR

Research project start: Semester 1 or 2

Special requirements: Good working knowledge of behavioural theory, qualitative methods and analysis.



Title: The role of weight stigma as a barrier to accessing health services

Project description

This could be a qualitative or quantitative study of perceptions of weight stigma, and how it may interfere with efforts to seek help for medical and psychological problems. Ethical approval is required.

Project available for: Hons, MPH thesis, HDR

Research project start: Semester 1 or 2

Special requirements: Good working knowledge of behavioural theory, and depending on methodology, qualitative methods and analysis; or survey design and statistics.



Title: Perceptions of obesity and weight stigma in response to health messages for sugary drinks

Project description

This would be a new experimental online study of young adults to explore responses to health labels applied to sugary drinks that communicate different types of health information, and assess perceptions of weight and/or obesity stigma. Ethical approval is required.

Project available for: Hons, MPH thesis, HDR

Research project start: Semester 1 or 2

Special requirements: Good working knowledge of behavioural theory, survey design and statistics.



Title: Does nutritional information on school canteen menus influence parents’ decisions?

Project description

This will be an experimental online survey to investigate parents’ perceptions of the healthfulness of the food provided in the school environment, and whether nutritional information is a factor in their decision-making process when purchasing children’s lunch from the school canteen. It will test a hypothetical school canteen intervention. Ethical approval will need to be obtained.

Project available for: Hons, MPH thesis, HDR

Research project start: Semester 1 or 2

Special requirements: Good working knowledge of behavioural theory, survey design and statistics.



  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2023 - ongoing Deputy Director, Health Policy Centre South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
    2013 - 2023 Senior Behavioural Scientist South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute
    2011 - ongoing Visiting Research Fellow University of Adelaide, Adelaide
    2011 - 2012 Manager Cancer Council SA
    2007 - 2011 Evaluation Officer Cancer Council SA
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2010 University of Adelaide Australia PhD Medicine
    Flinders University Australia Bachelor of Psychology (Hons)
  • Research Interests

Beat Cancer Travel Grant recipient. 2019. $2500. K Ettridge.

Collecting patient reported outcome measures in women with Breast Cancer: Acceptability from women’s perspectives. K Ettridge, et al. University of South Australia supported by a grant from the National Breast Cancer Foundation. $40,000.

Survivorship and prostate cancer: Improving quality of life and psychosocial outcomes. Movember Foundation Program Grant. 2015-2016. C Miller, K Ettridge, D Roder, S Evans, S Chambers, D Smith. $250,000.


  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Smoking Cessation Among Emerging Adults: Integrating and Expanding on Social Norms as Barriers and Facilitators of Behaviour Change Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Joanne Dono
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Exploring the potential for graphic warning labels to reduce intentions to consume energy drinks The University of Adelaide Psychology Honours - Xiaole Zhu
    2019 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Effect of different health warning labels on energy drink consumption (intention) University of Adelaide Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) Honours Full Time Joanne Caruso
    2018 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Body image and quality of life in women with breast cancer: Appreciating the body and its functionality Flinders University Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons) Honours - K Scharling-Gamba
    2018 - 2018 Co-Supervisor How does the price of refrigerated single serving sized water and sugar sweetened beverages compare in convenience stores and supermarkets? - A pilot study University of Adelaide Master of Public Health Master - Chukwuebuka Nwibor
    2017 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Tobacco price board study and catalogue of sugary drinks University of Adelaide Public Health Internship III Other - Katrine Scharling-Gamba
    2017 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Water pricing study and catalogue of sugary drinks University of Adelaide Public Health Internship III Other - Joanne Caruso
    2016 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Barriers and facilitators to help-seeking behaviour among men with prostate cancer University of Adelaide Public Health Internship Other - Daniel Elder
    2014 - 2014 Principal Supervisor A media content analysis of plain packaging in Australian print media before, during and after the implementation of plain packaging legislation University of Adelaide Public Health Internship Other - Aimee Brownbill
    2014 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Sugar sweetened beverage tax and obesity: An Australian print media content analysis University of Adelaide Public Health Internship Other - Tamara Nuske
    2014 - 2019 External Supervisor Barriers and facilitators of health-related help seeking amongst Australian Men Flinders University PhD in Psychology Doctorate - Jennifer Fish
    2012 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Do sun protection policies influence sun protection practices in Australian primary schools? The University of Adelaide Master of Psychology (Organisation & Human Factors) Master - Joanne Dono
    2012 - 2012 Co-Supervisor An investigation of lay perceptions of cancer risk factors:The influence of risk attributes and the potential moderation of this influence by individual differences in information processing strategy and locus of control The University of Adelaide Honours in Psychology Honours Full Time Natalie Hunt
    2011 - 2011 External Supervisor Associations between measures of socioeconomic disadvantage and health promoting behaviour among adolescent South Australians Flinders University Public Health Master Full Time Kimlee Khieu
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2019 - 2019 Member PoCoG Annual Scientific Meeting planning committee Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group Australia
    2011 - 2012 Member Behavioural Research in Cancer Control Conference Cancer Council SA Australia
    2011 - 2012 Member SA Aboriginal Health Survey Advisory Committee Cancer Council SA Australia
    2011 - 2012 Member National Public Health Committee, Cancer Council Australia Cancer Council SA Australia
    2011 - 2012 Member Human Research Ethics Committee, Cancer Council SA Cancer Council SA Australia
    2011 - 2011 Member Tobacco Control Social Marketing Advisory Committe Cancer Council SA Australia
    2009 - 2010 Member South Australian Health Omnibus Steering Committee Cancer Council SA Australia

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