Professor Katie Barclay
School of Humanities
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Professor Katie Barclay is a Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Humanities, University of Adelaide. Between 2019 and March 2024, she was Head of Historical and Classical Studies and, from 2021-Mar2024, Director of the Fay Gale Centre in Gender Studies. From 2019-2022, she was Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in the History of Emotions. She is a graduate in Economic and Social History at the University of Glasgow, where she completed her undergraduate degree, Masters and PhD. Before joining the University of Adelaide, she held a Research Fellowship in the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast. Between 2008 and 2010, she worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick on a project, run jointly with Queen’s, ‘Marriage in Ireland, 1660-1925’. In 2007-8, Dr Barclay was the Economic History Society Anniversary Fellow, held through the Institute of Historical Research, London. She came to Australia as Postdoctoral Fellow in the Centre for the History of Emotions (2011-2014), and subsequently held a Discovery Early Career Award (2014-2017). In 2017-18, Barclay was a EURIAS Marie Curie Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus Universitet. She is currently Future Fellow and Professor at Macquarie University, Sydney.
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My research expertise can be grouped into three areas: 1) the history of emotions and family life; 2) the history of subjectivity and identity creation, especially with respect to gender; 3) histories of Britain, particularly Scotland and Ireland between the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries. I have a particular expertise in how people display, construct and understand emotions in a variety of contexts, but particularly within family relationships and childhood studies, including marriage, parent-child and sibling relationships. This includes histories of love and intimacy, grief and anger and more. I have an innovative approach to exploring how people perform who they are (whether in letters, song, or in everyday interactions), how those performed selves influence social and familial interaction, and how emotion is used as a medium for identity, as a method of communication, and as a tool for negotiating power. Whilst I trained as an economic and social historian, and moved into cultural history, I have spent much of my career in interdisciplinary centres. Thus, my work is marked by a broad range of cultural studies methodologies, intersecting with literature, sociology, law and gender studies. I have worked on case studies that range from medieval Europe to twenty-first century Australia.
I am the author of Love, Intimacy and Power: Marriage and Patriarchy in Scotland, 1650-1850 (Manchester, 2011), Men on Trial: Performing Emotion, Embodiment and Identity, 1800-1845 (Manchester, 2019); A History of Emotions: A Student Guide to Sources and Methods (Basingstoke, 2020); Caritas: Neighbourly Love and the Early Modern Self (Oxford, 2021), Academic Emotions: Feeling the Institution (Cambridge, 2021); with Leanne Downing, Memes, Emotions and the Making of History (Cambridge, 2023) and numerous articles and book chapters.
Between 2019-23, I held an ARC Discovery grant 'Precarious Accounts: Money, Sex and Power in the Industrial Revolution' to explore how accounting practices shaped selfhood and morality across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This will lead to a biography of the Scottish banker Gilbert Innes of Stowe, as well as second monograph on accounts as a source for the self.
With Joanne Begiato at Oxford Brookes, I held an Arts and Humanities Research Council Networking Grant on 'Inheriting the Family', which explores how we use the objects that we inherit from our families to produce identities, families and the nation.
I currently hold an ARC Future Fellowship that explores 'How to Feel Safe at the End of the World'.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Professor University of Adelaide 2019 - 2022 Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2017 - 2018 EURIAS Marie Curie Fellow Aarhus Universitet 2017 - 2018 Senior Research Fellow University of Adelaide 2014 - 2017 Discovery Early Career Research Award Fellow University of Adelaide 2011 - 2014 Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Adelaide 2010 - 2011 Research Fellow Queen's University Belfast 2008 - 2010 Research Fellow University of Warwick 2007 - 2008 Economic History Society Anniversary Fellow University of London/ University of Glasgow 2004 - 2008 Casual Lecturer and Tutor University of Glasgow -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2020 Award Canadian Historical Association Neil Sutherland Prize Canadian Historical Association Canada - 2018 Award Royal Historical Society David Berry Prize Royal Historical Society United Kingdom - 2018 Fellowship Senior Fellow of Advance Higher Education Advance Higher Education United Kingdom - 2016 Fellowship Fellow of the Royal Historical Society Royal Historical Society United Kingdom - 2015 Research Award Vice-Chancellor’s Women’s Research Excellence Award University of Adelaide Australia $5,000 2014 Fellowship Visiting Research Fellowship Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh United Kingdom - 2012 Award Senior Hume-Brown Prize for Scottish History - United Kingdom £2000 2012 Award Women’s History Network Book Prize Women’s History Network United Kingdom £500 2011 Fellowship Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Emotions University of Adelaide Australia - 2010 Fellowship Institute of Irish Studies Research Fellowship Queen's University, Belfast United Kingdom - 2008 Fellowship AHRC Research Fellowship University of Warwick United Kingdom - 2007 Fellowship Economic History Society Anniversary Fellowship Institute of Historical Research, University of London United Kingdom - 2005 Award Women’s History Scotland Essay Prize Women's History Scotland United Kingdom £100 -
Date Institution name Country Title 2004 - 2008 University of Glasgow United Kingdom PhD Economic and Social History 2003 - 2004 University of Glasgow United Kingdom MPhil Social History 1999 - 2003 University of Glasgow United Kingdom MA(Hons) Economic and Social History
Year Citation 2025 Alothman, A. A., Shah, J. H., Un Nisa, M., Mohammad, S., Abid, A. G., Usman, M., & Adnan, M. (2025). Integrated iron phosphides and cobalt oxide electrocatalyst for enhanced hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions: A study on activity and stability factors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 107, 460-468.
Scopus32025 Black, P., Moore, V., & Barclay, K. (2025). Leaving the Institution: Academic Women and Retirement. Australian Feminist Studies, 1-17.
2024 Barclay, K. (2024). The affect lab: The history and limits of measuring emotion. JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 60(3), 2 pages.
2024 Crozier-De Rosa, S., & Barclay, K. (2024). “She is finally home”: feminist storytelling, family imaginaries and transnational solidarity in Irish abortion activism. Irish Studies Review, 32(3), 331-356.
Scopus22024 Barclay, K. (2024). Malignant passions and carnal desires: rape in long eighteenth-century Scotland. Historical Research, 97(278), 489-509.
2024 Parisot, E., Phiddian, R., & Barclay, K. (2024). Dark Enlightenments: An Introduction. Eighteenth-Century Life, 48(3), 1-6.
2024 Barclay, K., & Moore, V. (2024). Institutions and their failure to care: Bureaucracy and the practice of emotion. Thesis Eleven, 183(1), 18 pages.
2024 Barclay, K. (2024). Foreword. Archives and Emotions: International Dialogues Across Past, Present, and Future, xiv-xvi. 2024 Barclay, K., Barnwell, A., Begiato, J., Evans, T., & King, L. (2024). Inheriting the family: emotions, identities and things. Emotions and Society, 6(Special Issue 3), 288-293.
2024 Barclay, K. (2024). <i>Cruel Care: A History of Children at Our Borders</i>. THESIS ELEVEN, 183(1), 130-131.
2024 Barclay, K., & Rosa, S. C. D. (2024). Intergenerational emotions and family history: temporal feelings and national stories. Emotions and Society, 6(3), 294-310.
Scopus22024 Rossmanith, K., Anleu, S. R., & Barclay, K. (2024). How do researchers study emotion in and around law?. EMOTIONS AND SOCIETY, 18 pages.
2024 Barclay, K. (2024). Imagination and Emotion: a Forum. Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 8(2), 271-280.
2024 Smith, N. L., Gibson, N., Bear, N., Thornton, A. L., Imms, C., Smith, M. G., & Harvey, A. R. (2024). Measurement properties and feasibility of chronic pain assessment tools for use with children and young people with cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 47(4), 1-15.
2023 Barclay, K. (2023). Out of His Mind: Masculinity and Mental Illness in Victorian Britain. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 128(4), 1921-1922.
2023 Barclay, K., & Downing, L. (2023). Memes, History and Emotional Life.
2023 Barclay, K. (2023). History and the Law: A Love Story. JOURNAL OF BRITISH STUDIES, 62(2), 545-546.
2023 Barclay, K., & Mason, R. (2023). Scottish Women’s and Gender History and Women Historians in Scotland: Past, Present and Future Directions. Scottish Historical Review, 102(2), 187-210.
Scopus22022 Barclay, K. (2022). Trials of the Self: Murder, Mayhem and the Remaking of the Mind, 1750-1830. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, 137(589), 2 pages.
2022 Barclay, K. (2022). Compassion as an Agent of Historical Change. American Historical Review, 127(4), 1752-1785.
Scopus12022 Barclay, K. (2022). Emotional Landscapes: Love, Gender and Migration. JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY, 52(4), 599-600.
2022 Barclay, K. (2022). Growing Up in Nineteenth-Century Ireland: A Cultural History of Middle-Class Gender and Childhood, by Mary Hatfield. The English Historical Review, 137(584), 288-290.
2022 Barclay, K. (2022). Love and Revolution in the Twentieth-Century Colonial and Postcolonial World: Perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa. EMOTIONS-HISTORY CULTURE SOCIETY, 6(1), 179-181.
2022 Barclay, K. (2022). Emotions, Art, and Christianity in the Transatlantic World, 1450-1800. JOURNAL OF JESUIT STUDIES, 9(3), 467-+.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Matters of Engagement: Emotions, Identity, and Cultural Contact in the Premodern World. EMOTIONS-HISTORY CULTURE SOCIETY, 5(2), 364-365.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Academic Emotions.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Scandal and Survival in Nineteenth-Century Scotland: The Life of Jane Cumming, by Frances B. Singh. The English Historical Review, 136(582), 1343-1345.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Anger: The Conflicted History of an Emotion. HISTORY, 107(374), 2 pages.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Taking Bonnie Prince Charlie to Heart: Children, Emotion, and Rebellion. Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 38(2), 157-185.
2021 Barclay, K., Hall, D., & MacKinnon, D. (2021). Children and War in Early Modern Europe: An Introduction. Parergon, 38(2), 1-12.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Sexual Progressives: Reimagining Intimacy in Scotland, 1880-1914. VICTORIAN STUDIES, 64(1), 157-158.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Happiness: family and nation in nineteenth-century Ireland. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 43(2), 1-20.
Scopus7 WoS72021 Barclay, K. (2021). The Sound of Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Journal of British Studies, 60(2), 389-402.
2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Emotions in the history of emotions.. History of psychology, 24(2), 112-115.
Scopus1 WoS12021 Barclay, K. (2021). State of the Field: The History of Emotions. History, 106(371), 456-466.
Scopus25 WoS22021 Barclay, K., & Koefoed, N. J. (2021). Family, Memory, and Identity: An Introduction. Journal of Family History, 46(1), 3-12.
Scopus19 WoS62020 Thomson, S., & Barclay, K. (2020). Religious Patronage as Gendered Family Memory in Sixteenth-century England. Journal of Family History, 46(1), 13-29.
Scopus1 WoS12020 Barclay, K. (2020). A History of Humanity: The Evolution of the Human System. JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY, 51(3), 50 pages.
2020 Barclay, K. (2020). Popular Memory and Gender in Medieval England: Men, Women, and Testimony in the Church Courts, c. 1200-1500. PARERGON, 37(2), 218-220.
2020 Barclay, K., & Milka, A. (2020). Spaces of the Law in Premodern Europe. law&history, 7(2), vii-xvii. 2020 Barclay, K. (2020). Doing the Paperwork: The Emotional World of Wedding Certificates. Cultural and Social History, 17(3), 315-332.
Scopus5 WoS32020 Barclay, K. (2020). Women Writers and the Nation's Past, 1790-1860: empathetic histories. SOCIAL HISTORY, 45(1), 120-122.
2020 Barclay, K. (2020). Family, memory and emotion in the museum. Emotion, Space and Society, 35, 8 pages.
Scopus10 WoS52020 Barclay, K., & Holloway, S. (2020). Interrogating Romantic Love. Cultural and Social History, 17(3), 271-277.
Scopus1 WoS12020 Barclay, K. (2020). Practising Shame: Female Honour in Later Medieval England. JOURNAL OF BRITISH STUDIES, 59(4), 896-897.
2020 Barclay, K., Lemmings, D., & Walker, C. (2020). Introduction: What Were Emotions? Defi nitions, Understandings, and Contributions. A Cultural History of the Emotions: In the Baroque and Enlightenment Age, 1-14.
Scopus12019 Gordon, G. S. D., Gataric, M., Ramos, A. G. C. P., Mouthaan, R., Williams, C., Yoon, J., . . . Bohndiek, S. E. (2019). Characterizing Optical Fiber Transmission Matrices Using Metasurface Reflector Stacks for Lensless Imaging without Distal Access. PHYSICAL REVIEW X, 9(4), 23 pages.
2019 Barclay, K. (2019). Compassion Edge: Fellow-Feeling and Its Limits in Early Modern France. PARERGON, 36(2), 219-+.
2019 Barclay, K. (2019). Feeling Things: Objects and Emotions through History. PARERGON, 36(2), 207-+.
2019 Barclay, K. E. (2019). Love, care and the illegitimate child in eighteenth-century Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 29, 105-125.
2019 Barclay, K. (2019). A sectarian middle ground?: Impartiality, Politics and Power in the 1820s Petty Session Courts. Journal of Victorian Culture, 24(2), 193-207.
2019 Barclay, K. (2019). Marriage, sex, and the Church of Scotland: exploring non-conformity amongst the lower orders. Journal of Religious History, 43(2), 163-179.
Scopus7 WoS82019 Barclay, K. (2019). Suffering and happiness in England, 1550-1850. Narratives and representations. A collection to honour Paul Slack. JOURNAL OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, 70(4), 884.
2019 Barclay, K. (2019). A theory of regret. CONTINUUM-JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES, 33(1), 149-151.
WoS12019 Barclay, K. (2019). Historical Content Matters: A Response to the “Critical Thinking Skills” Agenda. History & Policy. 2018 Barclay, K. (2018). Love and violence in the music of late modernity. Popular Music and Society, 41(5), 539-555.
Scopus3 WoS32018 Barclay, K., & Carr, R. (2018). Women, love and power in Enlightenment Scotland. Women's History Review, 27(2), 176-198.
Scopus8 WoS52018 Barclay, K. (2018). Falling in love with the dead. Rethinking History, 22(4), 459-473.
Scopus24 WoS142018 Barclay, K. (2018). Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities. PARERGON, 35(1), 184-185.
2018 Barclay, K. (2018). The Popular Culture of Romantic Love in Australia. AUSTRALIAN HISTORICAL STUDIES, 49(2), 265-266.
2017 Barclay, K. (2017). Stereotypes as political resistance: the Irish police court columns, c.1820-1845. Social History, 42(2), 257-280.
Scopus3 WoS82017 Barclay, K. (2017). Narrative, law and emotion: husband killers in early nineteenth-century Ireland. Journal of Legal History, 38(2), 203-227.
Scopus7 WoS112017 Barclay, K. (2017). Introduction: Emotions and change. Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 1(2), 1-9.
Scopus10 WoS62017 Barclay, K. (2017). Natural affection, the patriarchal family and the "strict settlement" debate: a response from the history of emotions. Eighteenth Century, 58(3), 309-320.
Scopus9 WoS82017 Barclay, K. (2017). Performing emotion and reading the male body in the Irish court, c. 1800-1845. Journal of Social History, 51(2), 293-312.
Scopus13 WoS202017 Barclay, K. (2017). New Materialism and the new history of emotions. Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 1(1), 161-183.
Scopus24 WoS122017 Barclay, K. (2017). Elite Women in Ascendancy Ireland, 1690-1745: Imitation and Innovation. HISTORY, 102(349), 140-141.
2017 Barclay, K., & Lynch, A. (2017). Editors' Foreword. EMOTIONS-HISTORY CULTURE SOCIETY, 1(1), IX-XII. 2016 Barclay, K. (2016). Ireland in Official Print Culture 1800-1850: a New Reading of the Poor Inquiry. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 36(2), 215-+.
2016 Barclay, K. (2016). Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns by Valerie Traub. Parergon, 33(2), 173-174.
2016 Barclay, K. (2016). Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns. PARERGON, 33(2), 185-186. 2016 Barclay, K. (2016). Emotions, the law and the press in Britain: seduction and breach of promise suits, 1780-1830. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 39(2), 267-284.
Scopus12 WoS102016 Barclay, K., Michell, D., & Due, C. (2016). Providing care for children: how service providers define and apply care in contemporary South Australia. Children Australia, 41(3), 178-189.
Scopus3 WoS12016 Barclay, K. (2016). Special issue: Caring for children outside the home - From institutions to nations. Children Australia, 41(3), 165-167.
2016 Barclay, K. (2016). Childhood and disability in the Nordic countries: being, becoming, belonging. DISABILITY & SOCIETY, 31(6), 850-851.
2015 Barclay, K. (2015). Illicit intimacies: the imagined 'Homes' of Gilbert Innes of Stow and his mistresses (1751-1832). Gender and History, 27(3), 576-590.
Scopus10 WoS142015 Barclay, K. (2015). The Formation of the Child in Early Modern Spain. PARERGON, 32(2), 378-379.
2015 Barclay, K. (2015). Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650. PARERGON, 32(2), 355-356.
2015 U, S. S., & Anil Kumar, M. (2015). Effects of linear and quadratic dispersive couplings on optical squeezing in an optomechanical system. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 92(3), 8 pages.
Scopus212014 Barclay, K. (2014). Sounds of sedition: music and emotion in Ireland, 1780–1845. Cultural History, 3(1), 54-80.
Scopus6 WoS102014 Barclay, K. (2014). Singing, performance, and lower-class masculinity in the dublin magistrates' court, 1820-1850. Journal of Social History, 47(3), 746-768.
Scopus15 WoS172014 Barclay, K. (2014). Be It Ever So Humble: Poverty, Fiction, and the Invention of the Middle-Class Home, University of Virginia Press. Literature & History-Third Series, 23(2), 89-91.
2014 Barclay, K. (2014). The Bordeaux-Dublin Letters, 1757: Correspondence of an Irish Community Abroad.. JOURNAL FOR EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES, 37(4), 599-600.
2014 Barclay, K. (2014). <i>The single homemaker and material culture in the long eighteenth century</i>. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 67(2), 585-586.
2014 Barclay, K. (2014). The case of mistress Mary Hampson: her story of marriage, abuse and defiance in seventeenth-century England. Jessica L. Malay. Womens History Review, 24(3), 473-474.
2014 Barclay, K. (2014). 'She Said She Was in the Family Way': Pregnancy and Infancy in Modern Ireland. GENDER AND HISTORY, 26(1), 184-185.
2014 Barclay, K. (2014). Scottish Women: A Documentary History, 1780-1914. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SCOTTISH STUDIES, 39, 157-159. 2013 Barclay, K. (2013). The Little Republic: Masculinity & Domestic Authority in Eighteenth-Century Britain. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 33(1), 134-+. 2013 Barclay, K. (2013). Man's Estate: Landed Gentry Masculinities, 1660-1900. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 33(1), 134-+. 2013 Barclay, K. (2013). Karen Harvey, <i>The Little Republic: Masculinity & Domestic Authority in Eighteenth-Century Britain</i> (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xii + 218. Hardback ISBN 9780199533848, £60.00).Henry French and Mark Rothery, <i>Man's Estate: Landed Gentry Masculinities, 1660–1900</i> (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. x + 281. Hardback ISBN 9780199576692, £65.00).. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 33(1), 134-137.
2013 Barclay, K., & Carr, R. (2013). Rewriting the Scottish canon: the contribution of women's and gender history to a redefinition of social classes. Etudes Ecossaises, 16, 11-28. 2013 Barclay, K. (2013). Review article: the history of the family: structures, power & emotions. Women's History Magazine, 72, 30-34. 2013 Barclay, K. (2013). Farmwives, domesticity and work in late nineteenth-century Ireland. Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture, 24(2), 143-160.
Scopus9 WoS122013 Barclay, K., Cheadle, T., & Gordon, E. (2013). The state of Scottish history: gender. Scottish Historical Review, 92(234), 83-107.
Scopus5 WoS22013 Barclay, K., & Richardson, S. (2013). Introduction: performing the self: women's lives in historical perspective. Womens History Review, 22(2), 177-181.
Scopus5 WoS62012 Barclay, K. (2012). Place and power in Irish farms at the end of the nineteenth century. Womens History Review, 21(4), 571-588.
Scopus5 WoS42012 Lloyd, S. J., Malek-Ahmadi, M., Barclay, K., Fernandez, M. R., & Chartrand, M. S. (2012). Emotional intelligence (EI) as a predictor of depression status in older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 55(3), 570-573.
Scopus40 Europe PMC132012 Barclay, K. (2012). The Social Universe of the English Bible: Scripture, Society and Culture in Early Modern England. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 32(1), 92-93.
2011 Barclay, K. (2011). A history of everyday life in Scotland, 1800 to 1900. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 64(4), 1394-1395.
2011 Barclay, K. (2011). Sentimental Masculinity and the Rise of History, 1790-1890. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 31(1), 137-139.
2011 Barclay, K. (2011). Reading the Scottish Enlightenment: Books and their Readers in Provincial Scotland, 1750-1820. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 31(1), 136-137.
2011 Barclay, K., & Talbott, S. (2011). New perspectives on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Scotland: the Economic and Social History Society of Scotland Conference 2010. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 31(1), 119-133.
Scopus12011 Barclay, K. (2011). Intimacy and the life cycle in the marital relationships of the Scottish elite during the long eighteenth century. Womens History Review, 20(2), 189-206.
Scopus72011 Barclay, K., Carr, R., Elliot, R., & Hughes, A. (2011). Introduction: Gender and generations: women and lifecycles. Womens History Review, 20(2), 175-188.
Scopus8 WoS72010 Barclay, K. (2010). Composing the self: gender, subjectivity and Scottish balladry. Cultural & Social History, 7(3), 337-353.
Scopus82010 Barclay, K. (2010). The Politics of Domestic Authority in Britain since 1800. GENDER AND HISTORY, 22(2), 485-486.
2009 Barclay, K. (2009). Witch-hunting in Scotland: Law, Politics and Religion. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 29(1), 72-73.
2009 Barclay, K. (2009). Thinking about family legacy. Women's History Magazine, 2009(61), 26-29. 2008 Barclay, K. (2008). Negotiating patriarchy: the marriage of Anna Potts and Archibald Grant of Monymusk, 1731-1744. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 28(2), 83-101.
2008 Barclay, K. (2008). The Kirk, Satan and Salem: A History of the Witches of Renfrewshire. JOURNAL OF SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES, 28(1), 72-74.
2007 Barclay, K. (2007). Found hopes destroyed: breach of promise cases in Shetland 1823-1900. WOMENS HISTORY REVIEW, 16(2), 264-266. 2007 Alvey, S., & Barclay, K. (2007). The characteristics of dyadic trust in executive coaching. Journal of Leadership Studies, 1(1), 18-27.
Scopus47- Barclay, K. (n.d.). Esther Breitenbach, Linda Flemings, S. Karly Kehoe, and Lesley Orr, eds. <i>Scottish Women: A Documentary History, 1780-1914</i>. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. Pp. xii + 340. ISBN 978-0-74864-016-4. £80.00. International Review of Scottish Studies, 39.
Year Citation 2025 Barclay, K. (2025). Loneliness in World History. Routledge.
DOI Scopus12024 Barclay, K., McMahon, D. M., & Stearns, P. N. (2024). THE ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF HAPPINESS. Routledge.
DOI2023 Barclay, K., Chalus, E., & Simonton, D. (2023). The Routledge History of Loneliness. Routledge.
DOI Scopus52023 Barclay, K., & Milka, A. (Eds.) (2023). Cultural histories of law, media and emotion: Public justice. New York, NY, USA.
DOI2022 Barclay, K., & Soyer, F. (2022). Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914 (Vol. 1).
DOI2021 Barclay, K., & Soyer, F. (2021). Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume IV: Transformations, 1789-1914. Routledge.
DOI2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Academic Emotions Feeling the Institution. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 2021 Barclay, K., & Soyer, F. (2021). Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume I: Reformations, 1517-1602. K. Barclay (Ed.), Routledge.
DOI Scopus12021 Barclay, K., & Soyer, F. (2021). Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume III: Revolutions, 1714-1789. Routledge.
DOI2021 Barclay, K., & Soyer, F. (2021). Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume II: Explorations, 1602-1714. Routledge.
DOI2021 Barclay, K. (2021). Caritas Neighbourly Love and the Early Modern Self. Oxdford, UK: Oxford University Press.
DOI Scopus292021 Barclay, K., & Riddle, J. (2021). Urban emotions and the making of the city: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Routledge.
DOI Scopus52020 Barclay, K. (2020). The History of Emotions: A Student Guide to Methods and Sources. Red Globe Press. 2020 Barclay, K., Rosa, S. C. -D., & Stearns, P. N. (Eds.) (2020). Sources for the History of Emotions: A Guide. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
DOI2020 Barclay, K., Meek, J., & Thomson, A. (Eds.) (2020). Courtship, marriage and marriage breakdown : approaches from the history of emotion. London: Routledge.
DOI Scopus22019 Barclay, K., & Reddan, B. (Eds.) (2019). The Feeling Heart in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Meaning, Embodiment, and Making. Berlin ; Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 2019 Broomhall, S., Davidson, J., Lynch, A., Lemmings, D., Walker, C., & Barclay, K. (Eds.) (2019). A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Baroque and Enlightenment Age (1600-1780) (Vol. 4). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
DOI Scopus22019 Broomhall, S., Davidson, J., Lynch, A., Lemmings, D., Walker, C., & Barclay, K. (Eds.) (2019). A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Baroque and Enlightenment Age (1600-1780) (Vol. 4). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
DOI Scopus22019 Barclay, K., & Reddan, B. (Eds.) (2019). The Feeling Heart in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. De Gruyter.
DOI2018 Barclay, K. (2018). Men on Trial: Performing Emotion, Embodiment and Identity in Ireland, 1800-45. Online: Manchester University Press. 2017 Simonton, D. (2017). The routledge history handbook of gender and the urban experience. D. Simonton (Ed.), Routledge.
DOI Scopus102017 Simonton, D. (2017). The routledge history handbook of gender and the urban experience. D. Simonton (Ed.), Routledge.
DOI Scopus102017 Bailey, M. L., & Barclay, K. (Eds.) (2017). Emotion, ritual and power in Europe, 1200-1920: family, state and church. Springer.
DOI2016 Barclay, K., Reynolds, K., & Rawnsley, C. (Eds.) (2016). Death, emotion and childhood in premodern Europe. Springer.
DOI2016 Barclay, K., Reynolds, K., & Rawnsley, C. (Eds.) (2016). Death, emotion and childhood in premodern Europe. Springer.
DOI2013 Barclay, K. (2013). Women in eighteenth-century Scotland: intimate, intellectual and public lives. K. Barclay, & D. Simonton (Eds.), United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
DOI2011 Barclay, K. (2011). Love, intimacy and power: marriage and patriarchy in Scotland 1650 - 1850. UK: Manchester University Press.
Scopus7- Barclay, K., Rosa, S. C. -D., & Stearns, P. N. (Eds.) (n.d.). Sources for the History of Emotions. Routledge.
DOI- Barclay, K., & Richardson, S. (Eds.) (n.d.). Performing the Self. Routledge.
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2016 Izzo, D., Hennes, D., Märtens, M., Getzner, I., Nowak, K., Heffernan, A., . . . Sugimoto, Y. (2016). GTOC8: Results and methods of ESA Advanced Concepts Team and JAXA-ISAS. In R. Zanetti, R. P. Russell, M. T. Ozimek, & A. L. Bowes (Eds.), Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Vol. 158 (pp. 4269-4290). CA, Napa: UNIVELT INC.
Scopus1 -
Original Creative Works
Year Citation 2009 Authors: Jose R. Title: Introduction. Description: Type of work : Book Chapter Extent : 6 p.. Extent: 6 pages.
DOI Scopus3
Major Grants
Inheriting the Family: Emotions, History, Heritage, project funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) 2019-2922, With Joanne Begiato, Oxford Brookes, £52,688.
This project explores how, when and why people hold on to the things they inherit within their family, and when and it what contexts such items move into national heritage, such as through moving into museums or archives. It brings methodologies from the history of emotions to interrogate how our affective and familial investments in the past come to shape national histories.
Precarious Accounts: Money, Sex and Power in the Industrial Revolution, project funded by the ARC 2019-2021, DP190100626, $150,000
This project aims to provide a historical perspective on contemporary debates around the uses of self-tracking technologies. It expects to generate new knowledge on how practices for quantifying the self relate to significant social and economic change, notably during the industrial revolution, and so how measuring systems and the production of big data shape the world. It does so using a case study of Gilbert Innes, a banker known for his sexual exploitation of women and obsessive book-keeping. The expected outcome is a history of how accounting shaped identity and morality in the nineteenth century. Through improving our understanding of how quantification practices shape society, this research supports their effective use today. Outcomes include: a workshop, monograph, articles and book chapters, edited collection.
Family, Identity and the Stolen Generation, project funded by SA Stolen Generations Community Reparation Fund, $92,202, With Katie Barclay, Jenni Caruso (University of Adelaide) & Steven Barclay, Cheryl Love and Joffre Pearce (Murray Bridge High School)
The Njarrindjeri people of the Murray Bridge region were deeply impacted by the forcible removal of their children. It has left deep legacies, not only in terms of hurt and loss of family and identity for the members of the community who were removed or who lost their children, but for the wider community and for their children in the present, who live in its shadow. Despite this, the history of the Stolen Generations is not widely told in South Australian schools, nor are these legacies and their impacts well understood. This project is a community engagement project between members of the Stolen Generation community residing in the Murray Bridge region and the students of Murray Bridge High School, supported by academics at the University of Adelaide. In brief, it involves conducting oral histories with the Stolen Generation and using them as the basis for local activities and engagement between students and the community, an online memorial, and the production of a curriculum, including teaching resources, that can be rolled out in schools across South Australia. It shall also contribute to academic histories on this subject.
A History of Intimate Relationships in Scotland: Emotion and Family among the Lower Orders, 1661-1830, project funded by the ARC 2014-2017, DE140100111, $373,329
Small Grants, Conference and Seminar Funding
2019 ANZAMEMS Special Project Funding, ‘Western Civilisation in the 21st Century’, $15,000
2018 University of Adelaide Faculty Research Active Award Scheme (Teaching racial equality in schools), $2,977
2017 University of Adelaide Faculty of Architecture Conference funding (Mapping the Emotional Cityscape), $3,582
2017 ARC Centre for the History of Emotions Symposium Scheme (Mapping the Emotional Cityscape), $3,474
2016 ARC Centre for the History of Emotions Conference Panel Bursary Scheme (Big Berks), $13,750
2015 University of Adelaide Faculty Research Active Award Scheme (The Bank of Mum and Dad) $5,000
2015 University of Adelaide Interdisciplinary Research Fund (Dislocated Children: Children in/and Care) $26,000
2015 Economic History Society Conference Grant (Marriage Symposium) £1,000
2014 University of Adelaide DVC Teaching & Learning Grant (e-learning project) $10,000
2012 Strathmartine Trust Grant (reproduction of images) £1015
2012 Scouloudi Publication Grant (reproduction of images) £1000
2011 Economic History Society Conference Grant (ESHSS Conference) £1951
2011 Royal Historical Society Conference Grant (ESHSS Conference) £100
2010 Roberts Fund, University of Warwick (research) £600
2010 Economic History Society Conference Grant (Women’s History Network Conference) £2000
2010 Royal Historical Society Conference Grant (Women’s History Network Conference) £200
2010 Royal Historical Society Conference Grant (ESHSS Conference) £200
2007 Economic History Society Conference Grant (Historical Perspectives Conference) £2000
2007 ESHSS Conference Grant (Historical Perspectives Conference) £200
2006 AHRC Conference Grant (Historical Perspectives Conference) £2000
2006 ESHSS Conference Grant (Historical Perspectives Conference) £200
2005 Economic History Society Conference Grant (Historical Perspectives Conference) £2000
2005 Arts and Humanities Collaborative Research Training Initiatives Fund, Roberts Trust (Historical Perspectives Seminar Series) £360
I am actively engaged in teaching and learning and a Senior Fellow of Advance Higher Education. I have previously led the department strategy for Learning & Teaching, and currently support work in this area as Head of Department. Recently, I have been working on a series of resources to support teaching in the history of emotions, including A History of Emotions: a Student Guide to Sources and Methods (2020); with Sharon Crozier-de Rosa and Peter Stearns, eds, Sources for the History of Emotions: a Student Guide (2020), and with Francois Soyer, a four volume collection of sources, Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: A Sourcebook.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 External Supervisor Consider “anti-Tom” novels as proslavery propaganda in comparison to slave narratives. How did these texts represent female sexuality and motherhood within the plantation system? Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Miss Jacqueline Victoria Cook 2022 External Supervisor Fact, Fiction, or Representation? An Exploration into the Portrayal of Historical Women in Historical Fiction. Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Miss Tielah-Jade Cannon 2022 External Supervisor Marginal Martyrs: Faith, Doubt, and John Foxe, c. 1553-1558 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Grace May Howe 2022 External Supervisor Labour-Environmentalism in Australia, c. 1975-2020 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nicholas James Herriot -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Feeling Heads: Phrenology and Emotion in the United States, 1820-1850 Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Lachlan James McCarron 2020 - 2023 Co-Supervisor “Dear Daddy”: Australian Children and their Servicemen Fathers during the Second World War Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Jade Tayla Ryles 2020 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Memory politics and Scottish exceptionalism in the referenda of 1979, 1997, 2014, and 2016. Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Courtney Paige Davis 2019 - 2024 Co-Supervisor ‘Knot of Love and Concord’: Loyalty in the Life of Mary I Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Meagan Elizabeth Nattrass 2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Sex, Money, Art and Death: A Biography of my Grandparents, Edith Birks and Basil Burdett with a Family History of the Birks - Napier - McDougall Dynasty. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Michael Henry Napier Heim 2019 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Australian Military Service and the Emotions of Separation, 1939-1945 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Emma Gwen Carson 2018 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Married Women’s Litigation in the English Court of Chancery, 1698-1758 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Emily Ireland 2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Romantic and Socio-Sexual Scripts in Eighteenth-Century Britain Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Lani Gerbi 2017 - 2018 Co-Supervisor 'Baptism, No Wall of Division': Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptists and Dynamics of Toleration Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Matthew James Gray 2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Women, Piety, and Patronage in Reformation England, c.1530-1558 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Stephanie Joan Thomson 2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Mysticism and Emotional transformation in a Seventeenth-Century English Convent Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jessica McCandless 2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Emotions in Place: The Creation of the Suburban 'Other' in Early Modern London Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Jade Michelle Riddle 2013 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Aristocratic Women at the Late Elizabethan Court: Politics, Patronage and Power Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Joanne Lee Hocking 2013 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Dynastic Marriage in England, Castile and Aragon, 11th-16th Centuries Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Lisa Anne Joseph
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2021 - 2023 Member College of Experts Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen Belgium 2019 - ongoing Member Management Committee Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender Australia 2014 - 2015 Advisory Board Member Advisory Reference Group ‘Diploma/Associate Degree of Tertiary Studies Renewal of Course Accreditation’ Melbourne Polytechnic Australia 2009 - 2011 Director Glasgow Women’s Aid Glasgow Women’s Aid United Kingdom -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2020 - ongoing Member Mary Bennett Prize Australian Women's History Network Australia 2015 - ongoing Co-Founder Dislocated Childhoods Research Cluster University of Adelaide Australia 2015 - 2018 Member School of Humanities Teaching and Learning Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2014 - ongoing Chair Family & Emotions Research Cluster ARC Centre for the History of Emotions Australia 2014 - 2019 Member WHN Book Prize Committee Women's History Network United Kingdom 2014 - 2014 Member HUMSS Faculty Research Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2014 - 2019 Chair History Discipline Teaching and Learning Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2012 - 2013 Member History Discipline Research Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2011 - ongoing Representative Economic and Social History Society for Scotland - United Kingdom 2010 - ongoing Member ESHSS Annual Postgraduate Essay Prize Economic and Social History Society of Scotland - 2009 - 2011 Board Member Women's History Network Women's History Network United Kingdom 2007 - 2011 Secretary Economic and Social History Society for Scotland - United Kingdom 2006 - 2008 Board Member Historical Perspectives Postgraduate Society - United Kingdom 2004 - 2007 Member Economic and Social History Society for Scotland - United Kingdom 2004 - 2006 Treasurer Historical Perspectives Postgraduate Society - United Kingdom -
Date Role Membership Country 2011 - ongoing Member Australian Women's History Network Australia 2011 - ongoing Member Gender in European Towns Network Denmark 2008 - ongoing Member Women's History Scotland United Kingdom 2007 - 2010 Member Centre for Gender History, University of Glasgow United Kingdom 2004 - ongoing Member Women's History Network United Kingdom -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2016 - ongoing Editor Emotions: History, Culture, Society - Australia 2011 - 2015 Editor-In-chief Women's History Women's History Network United Kingdom
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