Kannan Govindan

Professor Kannan Govindan

Director of CSOSRC

Adelaide Business School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Kannan Govindan is currently a Director of Center for Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Resilience with the University of Adelaide, Australia and Chair Professor with University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. He has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher in ‘Engineering’ for seven years in a row (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024) by Thomson-Reuters/Clarivate Analytics. He has published more than 475 international journal articles (with 66250+ citations and an h-index of 133) in leading journals such as Nature, European Journal of Operational Research, Omega, Decision Sciences, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, European Management Journal, International Journal of Production Economics and International Journal of Production Research. Many of his papers were selected as the ESI top 1% highly cited papers or 0.1% hot papers and highlighted as the Key Scientific Articles contributing to the excellence in Engineering and Environmental research. He is an executive editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production, Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Senior Editor of Industrial Management and Data Systems, Editor of Annals of Operations Research, an area Editor of INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, and was a Guest Editor in journals such as Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operations Research, Computers and OR, Annals of OR, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Production Economics. Finally, he is an Editorial Board Member of several international journals. His research interests include digital supply chain, industry 4.0 on supply chain, sustainable development goals, reverse logistics, closed-loop supply chain, digitalized sustainable circular economy, green supply chain management, and sustainable supply chain management.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2025 Khorshidvand, B., Guitouni, A., Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., Talebi, L., & Sibdari, S. (2025). Optimizing pricing for sustainable government-subsidized omnichannel closed-loop supply chains. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 194, 103932.
    DOI Scopus1
    2025 Fang, L., Li, Y., & Govindan, K. (2025). Pricing Considering Quality: A Strategy Analysis of Payment Forms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 46(3), 1721-1734.
    2025 Govindan, K. (2025). Analyzing the dynamic capabilities of emerging technologies for industrial emergency situations. International Journal of Production Economics, 281, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus1
    2025 Karaman, A. S., Elbardan, H., Uyar, A., & Govindan, K. (2025). Board composition and sustainable supply chain management: Environmental committee's role. International Journal of Production Economics, 283, 109579.
    2025 Zarrinpoor, N., & Govindan, K. (2025). A supply chain design for creating microalgae-based biodiesel considering resources nexus and uncertainty. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 197, 109047.
    2025 Xu, S., Ou, X., Govindan, K., Chen, M., & Yang, W. (2025). An adaptive genetic hyper-heuristic algorithm for a two-echelon vehicle routing problem with dual-customer satisfaction in community group-buying. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 194, 103874.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Toufighi, S. P., Vang, J., Govindan, K., Lin, M. Z. N., & Bille, A. (2024). Exploring the impact of university-driven supplier development interventions on supplier performance: a case of the garment industry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, 73(11), 355-384.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Wang, T. Y., Chen, Z. S., Wang, X. J., Govindan, K., & Skibniewski, M. J. (2024). Strategic information sharing in the dual-channel closed loop supply chain with nonlinear production cost. Information Sciences, 657, 119944.
    DOI Scopus4
    2024 Govindan, K., Jain, P., Kr. Singh, R., & Mishra, R. (2024). Blockchain technology as a strategic weapon to bring procurement 4.0 truly alive: Literature review and future research agenda. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 181, 22 pages.
    DOI Scopus29
    2024 Aditi., Govindan, K., & Jha, P. C. (2024). Modelling of barriers in implementing sustainable manufacturer-supplier collaboration and coping strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 37 pages.
    DOI Scopus16 WoS2
    2024 Zhou, M., Long, X., & Govindan, K. (2024). Unveiling the value of institutional pressure in socially sustainable supply chain management: The role of top management support for social initiatives and organisational culture. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(4), 2629-2648.
    DOI Scopus9
    2024 Govindan, K. (2024). Unlocking the potential of quality as a core marketing strategy in remanufactured circular products: A machine learning enabled multi-theoretical perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 269, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus26
    2024 Joyram, H., Govindan, K., & Nunkoo, R. (2024). Development of a novel psychological model to predict the eco-block building adoption in Mauritius. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 12, 100172.
    DOI Scopus4
    2024 Vaz-Patto, C. M. R. P., Ferreira, F. A. F., Govindan, K., & Ferreira, N. C. M. Q. F. (2024). Rethinking urban quality of life: Unveiling causality links using cognitive mapping, neutrosophic logic and DEMATEL. European Journal of Operational Research, 316(1), 310-328.
    DOI Scopus11
    2024 Bhattacharya, S., Govindan, K., Ghosh Dastidar, S., & Sharma, P. (2024). Applications of artificial intelligence in closed-loop supply chains: Systematic literature review and future research agenda. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 184, 103455.
    DOI Scopus22
    2024 Xu, S., Govindan, K., Wang, W., & Yang, W. (2024). Supply chain management under cap-and-trade regulation: A literature review and research opportunities. International Journal of Production Economics, 271, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus26
    2024 Chen, N., Cai, J., Kannan, D., & Govindan, K. (2024). Optimal channel selection considering price competition and information sharing under demand uncertainty. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 124(4), 1329-1355.
    DOI Scopus8
    2024 Reyhani Yamchi, H., Jabarzadeh, Y., Govindan, K., & Amoozad Mahdiraji, H. (2024). A triple bottom line approach for designing a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network in fruit industry: A metaheuristic solution approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75(10), 1925-1948.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Rath, S. B., Basu, P., Govindan, K., & Mandal, P. (2024). Platform vs. 3PL financing: Strategic choice of lending model for an e-tailer under operational risk. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 184, 24 pages.
    DOI Scopus5
    2024 Wang, Z. J., Sun, Y., Su, Q., Deveci, M., Govindan, K., Skibniewski, M. J., & Chen, Z. S. (2024). Smart Contract Application in Resisting Extreme Weather Risks for the Prefabricated Construction Supply Chain: Prototype Exploration and Assessment. Group Decision and Negotiation, 33(5), 1049-1087.
    DOI Scopus8
    2024 Xu, S., Yang, W., Govindan, K., Yang, J., & Zhou, M. (2024). A new coopetitive mode in a sustainable supply chain: Energy performance contracting and supplier encroachment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 450, 141795.
    DOI Scopus6
    2024 Raman, R., Pattnaik, D., Lathabai, H. H., Kumar, C., Govindan, K., & Nedungadi, P. (2024). Green and sustainable AI research: an integrated thematic and topic modeling analysis. Journal of Big Data, 11(1), 28 pages.
    DOI Scopus14
    2024 Le, T. T., & Govindan, K. (2024). Boosting green innovation on corporate performance: Managerial environmental concern's moderating role. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(7), 6254-6274.
    DOI Scopus4
    2024 Hossain, N. U. I., Ahmed, I., Chowdhury, S., Govindan, K., & Jaradat, R. (2024). Assessing the cascading impact of industry 4.0 disruption on supply chain analytics through the lens of dependency concepts. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 192, 21 pages.
    DOI Scopus3
    2024 Govindan, K., Asgari, F., Naieni Fard, F. S., & Mina, H. (2024). Application of IoT technology for enhancing the consumer willingness to return E-waste for achieving circular economy: A Lagrangian relaxation approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 459, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus8
    2024 Pongen, I., Ray, P., & Govindan, K. (2024). Creating a sustainable closed-loop supply chain: An incentive-based contract with third-party E-waste collector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 462, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus3
    2024 Sun, X., Yu, H., Solvang, W. D., & Govindan, K. (2024). A two-level decision-support framework for reverse logistics network design considering technology transformation in Industry 4.0: a case study in Norway. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 134(1-2), 389-413.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Restuputri, D. P., Masudin, I., Septira, A. P., Govindan, K., & Widayat, W. (2024). The role of knowledge management to improve organizational performance through organizational ambidexterity within the uncertainties. Business Process Management Journal, 30(7), 2237-2282.
    2024 Govindan, K., Demartini, M., Formentini, M., Taticchi, P., & Tonelli, F. (2024). Unravelling and mapping the theoretical foundations of sustainable supply chains: A literature review and research agenda. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 189, 103685.
    DOI Scopus3
    2024 Govindan, K., Fard, F. S. N., Asgari, F., Sorooshian, S., & Mina, H. (2024). Designing a resilient reverse network to manage the infectious healthcare waste under uncertainty: A stochastic optimization approach. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 194, 110390.
    DOI Scopus2
    2024 Fatimah, Y. A., Govindan, K., Sasongko, N. A., & Hasibuan, Z. A. (2024). The critical success factors for sustainable resource management in circular economy: Assessment of urban mining maturity level. Journal of Cleaner Production, 469, 143084.
    DOI Scopus4
    2024 Govindan, K., Naieni Fard, F. S., Asgari, F., Sorooshian, S., & Mina, H. (2024). A Bi-objective location-routing model for the healthcare waste management in the era of logistics 4.0 under uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 276, 109342.
    DOI Scopus2
    2024 Toufighi, S. P., Ghasemian Sahebi, I., Govindan, K., Lin, M. Z. N., Vang, J., & Brambini, A. (2024). Participative leadership, cultural factors, and speaking-up behaviour: An examination of intra-organisational knowledge sharing. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3), 100548.
    DOI Scopus4
    2024 Govindan, K., Dua, R., Mehbub Anwar, A. H. M., & Bansal, P. (2024). Enabling net-zero shipping: An expert review-based agenda for emerging techno-economic and policy research. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 192, 19 pages.
    DOI Scopus2
    2024 Sangaiah, A. K., Wang, X., Obaidat, M. S., Huang, P. C. K., & Govindan, K. (2024). Guest Editorial Data-Driven Innovation and Adversarial Learning Models for Industry 5.0 Toward Consumer Digital Ecosystems. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 70(2), 4878-4881.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Chen, W., Luo, J., Govindan, K., Bai, C., & Quayson, M. (2024). Impact of carbon quota policy on clean energy investment strategies with financial constraints. International Journal of Production Economics, 277, 109378.
    2024 Panigrahi, S. S., Bahinipati, B. K., Govindan, K., & Parhi, S. (2024). An advanced dual-layered framework for sustainable supply chain performance. Journal of Modelling in Management, 20(3), 65 pages.
    2024 Subramoniam, R., Huisingh, D., Sundin, E., Chinnam, R. B., Bayulken, B., Gaur, J., . . . Viegas, C. (2024). Special issue editorial: Supply chain planning & management challenges and opportunities driven by climate change and other disruptions and how to accelerate societal transition to equitable, sustainable and livable societies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 481, 12 pages.
    2024 Chen, N., Cai, J., & Govindan, K. (2024). Decision analysis of supply chain considering yield uncertainty and CSR under different market power structures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 139006.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS1
    2024 Jain, A., Darbari, J. D., Govindan, K., Ramanathan, U., & Jha, P. C. (2024). Biobjective Optimization Model for Store Selection for BOPS Service in Omni-Channel Retail Chain. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 3028-3043.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Bai, C., Govindan, K., & Dhavale, D. (2024). Optimal selection and investment-allocation decisions for sustainable supplier development practices. Annals of Operations Research, 335(1), 1-31.
    DOI Scopus9
    2024 Fang, L., Li, Y., & Govindan, K. (2024). Entry mode selection for a new entrant of the electric vehicle automaker. European Journal of Operational Research, 313(1), 270-280.
    DOI Scopus10
    2024 Shaw, M., Majumdar, A., & Govindan, K. (2024). How are the barriers of social sustainability perceived in a multi-tier supply chain? A case of textile and clothing industry. Operations Management Research, 17(1), 91-113.
    DOI Scopus4
    2023 Wang, Z., Chen, Z., Xiao, L., Su, Q., Govindan, K., & Skibniewski, M. J. (2023). Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
    2023 Wu, S., Chen, Z. -S., Pedrycz, W., Govindan, K., & Chin, K. -S. (2023). Nonparametric numerical approaches to probability weighting function construct for manifestation and prediction of risk preferences. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 29(4), 1127-1167.
    DOI Scopus4
    2023 Wang, Z., Chen, Z., Xiao, L., Su, Q., Govindan, K., & Skibniewski, M. J. (2023). Blockchain adoption in sustainable supply chains for Industry 5.0: A multistakeholder perspective. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(4), 1-22.
    DOI Scopus28
    2023 Bai, C., Govindan, K., & Huo, B. (2023). The contingency effects of dependence relationship on supply chain information sharing and agility. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(6), 1808-1832.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS4
    2023 Alidoosti, Z., Sadegheih, A., Govindan, K., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2023). Sustainable network design of bioenergies generation based on municipal solid waste (MSW) management under uncertainty. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 15(1), 20 pages.
    DOI Scopus6
    2023 Jamalnia, A., Gong, Y., Govindan, K., Bourlakis, M., & Mangla, S. K. (2023). A decision support system for selection and risk management of sustainability governance approaches in multi-tier supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 264, 25 pages.
    DOI Scopus11
    2023 Mohammed, A., Govindan, K., Zubairu, N., Pratabaraj, J., & Abideen, A. Z. (2023). Multi-tier supply chain network design: A key towards sustainability and resilience. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 182, 18 pages.
    DOI Scopus23
    2023 Yousefi-Babadi, A., Bozorgi-Amiri, A., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., & Govindan, K. (2023). Redesign of the sustainable wheat-flour-bread supply chain network under uncertainty: An improved robust optimization. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, 37 pages.
    DOI Scopus15
    2023 Govindan, K., Sethi, S. P., Cheng, T. C. E., & Lu, S. F. (2023). Designing supply chain strategies against epidemic outbreaks such as COVID-19: Review and future research directions. Decision Sciences, 54(4), 365-374.
    DOI Scopus8
    2023 Hou, Y., Guo, P., Kannan, D., & Govindan, K. (2023). Optimal eco-label choice strategy for environmentally responsible corporations considering government regulations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 418, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus12
    2023 Govindan, K. (2023). How digitalization transforms the traditional circular economy to a smart circular economy for achieving SDGs and net zero. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 177, 1-25.
    DOI Scopus71 WoS2
    2023 Fatimah, Y. A., Kannan, D., Govindan, K., & Hasibuan, Z. A. (2023). Circular economy e-business model portfolio development for e-business applications: Impacts on ESG and sustainability performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 415, 1-13.
    DOI Scopus56 WoS3
    2023 Ali, I., Aboelmaged, M., Govindan, K., & Malik, M. (2023). Understanding the key determinants of IoT adoption for the digital transformation of the food and beverage industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 123(7), 1887-1910.
    DOI Scopus15
    2023 Govindan, K., Karaman, A. S., Uyar, A., & Kilic, M. (2023). Board structure and financial performance in the logistics sector: Do contingencies matter?. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus6
    2023 Mishra, A. R., Rani, P., Deveci, M., Gokasar, I., Pamucar, D., & Govindan, K. (2023). Interval-valued Fermatean fuzzy heronian mean operator-based decision-making method for urban climate change policy for transportation activities. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 124, 1-23.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS1
    2023 Demartini, M., Ferrari, M., Govindan, K., & Tonelli, F. (2023). The transition to electric vehicles and a net zero economy: A model based on circular economy, stakeholder theory, and system thinking approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 410, 1-23.
    DOI Scopus50 WoS3
    2023 Sharma, M., Joshi, S., & Govindan, K. (2023). Overcoming barriers to implement digital technologies to achieve sustainable production and consumption in the food sector: A circular economy perspective. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 39, 203-215.
    DOI Scopus34 WoS4
    2023 Nasiri, M. M., Khaleghi, A., Govindan, K., & Bozorgi-Amiri, A. (2023). Sustainable hierarchical multi-modal hub network design problem: bi-objective formulations and solution algorithms. Operational Research, 23(2), 62 pages.
    DOI Scopus3
    2023 Salmanzadeh-Meydani, N., Ghomi, S. M. T. F., Haghighi, S. S., & Govindan, K. (2023). Sudden-onset disaster resilience considering functionality improvement planning: An upstream oil and gas company. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 81, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus4
    2023 Maghsoodi, A. I., Torkayesh, A. E., Wood, L. C., Herrera-Viedma, E., & Govindan, K. (2023). A machine learning driven multiple criteria decision analysis using LS-SVM feature elimination: sustainability performance assessment with incomplete data. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 119, 1-18.
    DOI Scopus24 WoS3
    2023 Govindan, K., Salehian, F., Kian, H., Hosseini, S. T., & Mina, H. (2023). A location-inventory-routing problem to design a circular closed-loop supply chain network with carbon tax policy for achieving circular economy: An augmented epsilon-constraint approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 257, 108771.
    DOI Scopus73 WoS14
    2023 Kannan, D., Solanki, R., Darbari, J. D., Govindan, K., & Jha, P. C. (2023). A novel bi-objective optimization model for an eco-efficient reverse logistics network design configuration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 394, 1-27.
    DOI Scopus36 WoS13
    2023 Govindan, K., Aditi., Kaul, A., Darbari, J. D., & Jha, P. C. (2023). Analysis of supplier evaluation and selection strategies for sustainable collaboration: A combined approach of best–worst method and TOmada de Decisao Interativa Multicriterio. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(7), 4426-4447.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS2
    2023 Khorshidvand, B., Guitouni, A., Govindan, K., & Soleimani, H. (2023). Pricing Strategies in a Dual-Channel Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Considering Incentivized Recycling and Circular Economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 423, 1-19.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS1
    2023 Nazari-Shirkouhi, S., Tavakoli, M., Govindan, K., & Mousakhani, S. (2023). A hybrid approach using Z-number DEA model and Artificial Neural Network for Resilient supplier Selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 222, 1-16.
    DOI Scopus57 WoS11
    2023 Govindan, K., & Arampatzis, G. (2023). A framework to measure readiness and barriers for the implementation of Industry 4.0: A case approach. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 59, 1-26.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS10
    2023 Gupta, A., Pachar, N., Jain, A., Govindan, K., & Jha, P. C. (2023). Resource reallocation strategies for sustainable efficiency improvement of retail chains. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 73, 1-13.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS2
    2023 Butt, A. S., Ali, I., & Govindan, K. (2023). The role of reverse logistics in a circular economy for achieving sustainable development goals: a multiple case study of retail firms. Production Planning & Control, 35(12), 1-13.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS5
    2023 Wang, T., Chen, Z., He, P., Govindan, K., & Skibniewski, M. J. (2023). Alliance strategy in an online retailing supply chain: Motivation, choice, and equilibrium. Omega, 115, 1-15.
    DOI Scopus34 WoS7
    2023 Mahdiraji, H. A., Govindan, K., Yaftiyan, F., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & Hajiagha, S. H. R. (2023). Unveiling coordination contracts’ roles considering circular economy and eco-innovation toward pharmaceutical supply chain resiliency: Evidence of an emerging economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 382, 1-17.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS4
    2023 Jamalnia, A., Gong, Y., & Govindan, K. (2023). Sub-supplier's sustainability management in multi-tier supply chains: A systematic literature review on the contingency variables, and a conceptual framework. International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 1-25.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS7
    2023 Simmou, W., Govindan, K., Sameer, I., Hussainey, K., & Simmou, S. (2023). Doing good to be green and live clean!-Linking corporate social responsibility strategy, green innovation, and environmental performance: Evidence from Maldivian and Moroccan small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production, 384, 1-11.
    DOI Scopus63 WoS19
    2023 Govindan, K. (2023). Pathways to low carbon energy transition through multi criteria assessment of offshore wind energy barriers. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 187, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS9
    2023 Mishra, R., Singh, R., & Govindan, K. (2023). Net-zero economy research in the field of supply chain management: a systematic literature review and future research agenda. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(5), 1352-1397.
    DOI Scopus53 WoS22
    2023 Mubarik, M. S., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Govindan, K., Khan, S. A., & Oyedijo, A. (2023). Supply chain mapping: a proposed construct. International Journal of Production Research, 61(8), 2653-2669.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS18
    2023 Estupendo, G. F., Ferreira, F., Govindan, K., Correia, R. J. C., Pereira, L., & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2023). "Life After Coal": Renewable Energy Impacts on SME Conduct. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(10), 3571-3586.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS1
    2023 Ali, I., & Govindan, K. (2023). Extenuating operational risks through digital transformation of agri-food supply chains. Production Planning & Control, 34(12), 1165-1177.
    DOI Scopus58 WoS13
    2023 Banik, D., Hossain, N. U. I., Govindan, K., Nur, F., & Babski-Reeves, K. (2023). A decision support model for selecting unmanned aerial vehicle for medical supplies: context of COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(2), 473-496.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS12
    2023 Govindan, K., Nasr, A. K., Saeed Heidary, M., Nosrati-Abarghooee, S., & Mina, H. (2023). Prioritizing adoption barriers of platforms based on blockchain technology from balanced scorecard perspectives in healthcare industry: A structural approach. International Journal of Production Research, 61(11), 3512-3526.
    DOI Scopus51 WoS17
    2023 Salmanzadeh-Meydani, N., Ghomi, S. M. T. F., Haghighi, S. S., & Govindan, K. (2023). A multivariate quantitative approach for sustainability performance assessment: An upstream oil and gas company. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(3), 2777-2807.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS2
    2023 Zarbakhshnia, N., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., & Goh, M. (2023). Outsourcing logistics operations in circular economy towards to sustainable development goals. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(1), 134-162.
    DOI Scopus46 WoS26
    2023 Fattahi, M., Keyvanshokooh, E., Kannan, D., & Govindan, K. (2023). Resource planning strategies for healthcare systems during a pandemic. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1), 192-206.
    DOI Scopus46 WoS6 Europe PMC12
    2023 Mohammed, A., Yazdani, M., Govindan, K., Chatterjee, P., & Hubbard, N. (2023). Would your company's resilience be internally viable after COVID-19 pandemic disruption?: A new PADRIC-based diagnostic methodology. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 180, 19 pages.
    DOI Scopus9
    2023 Yang, W., Govindan, K., & Zhang, J. (2023). Spillover effects of live streaming selling in a dual-channel supply chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 180, 103298.
    DOI Scopus21
    2022 Carvalho, H., Naghshineh, B., Govindan, K., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2022). The resilience of on-time delivery to capacity and material shortages: An empirical investigation in the automotive supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171, 1-23.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS8
    2022 Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Jørgensen, T. B., & Nielsen, T. S. (2022). Supply Chain 4.0 performance measurement: A systematic literature review, framework development, and empirical evidence. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 164, 1-41.
    DOI Scopus62 WoS14
    2022 Govindan, K., Nasr, A. K., Karimi, F., & Mina, H. (2022). Circular economy adoption barriers: An extended fuzzy best–worst method using fuzzy DEMATEL and Supermatrix structure. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(4), 1566-1586.
    DOI Scopus65 WoS19
    2022 Siegel, R., Antony, J., Govindan, K., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Lameijer, B., & Samadhiya, A. (2022). A framework for the systematic implementation of Green-Lean and sustainability in SMEs. Production Planning & Control, 35(1), 1-19.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS15
    2022 Govindan, K., Zhuang, Y., & Chen, G. (2022). Analysis of factors influencing residents' waste sorting behavior: A case study of Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production, 349, 1-12.
    DOI Scopus94 WoS31
    2022 Wang, T., Chen, Z., Govindan, K., & Chin, K. (2022). Manufacturer’s selling mode choice in a platform-oriented dual channel supply chain. Expert Systems with Applications, 198, 1-12.
    DOI Scopus50 WoS19
    2022 Mishra, R., Singh, R. K., & Govindan, K. (2022). Barriers to the adoption of circular economy practices in micro, small and medium enterprises: instrument development, measurement and validation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 351, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus73 WoS30
    2022 Hajiagha, S. H. R., Heidary-Dahooie, J., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., & Govindan, K. (2022). A new dynamic multi-attribute decision making method based on Markov chain and linear assignment. Annals of Operations Research, 315(1), 159-191.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1
    2022 Govindan, K. (2022). Tunneling the barriers of blockchain technology in remanufacturing for achieving sustainable development goals: A circular manufacturing perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(8), 3769-3785.
    DOI Scopus103 WoS29
    2022 Hossain, N. U. I., Sakib, N., & Govindan, K. (2022). Assessing the performance of unmanned aerial vehicle for logistics and transportation leveraging the Bayesian network approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 209, 1-17.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS6
    2022 Joyram, H., Govindan, K., & Nunkoo, R. (2022). A comprehensive review on the adoption of insulated block/eco-block as a green building technology from a resident perspective. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 8, 33 pages.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS1
    2022 Jauhari, W. A., Pujawan, I. N., Suef, M., & Govindan, K. (2022). Low carbon inventory model for vendor‒buyer system with hybrid production and adjustable production rate under stochastic demand. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 108, 840-868.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS7
    2022 Govindan, K. (2022). Theory building through corporate social responsibility 4.0 for achieving SDGs: A practical step toward integration of digitalization with practice-based view and social good theory. IEEE transactions on engineering management, 71, 2103-2120.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS14
    2022 Xiao, L., Chen, Z., Govindan, K., & Skibniewski, M. J. (2022). Effects of Online Consumer Reviews on a Dual-Channel Closed-Loop Supply Chain With Trade-In. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 2169-2183.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS10
    2022 Shaw, M., Majumdar, A., & Govindan, K. (2022). Barriers of social sustainability: an improved interpretive structural model of Indian textile and clothing supply chain. Sustainable Development, 30(6), 1616-1633.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS2
    2022 Shafiee, M., Zare-Mehrjerdi, Y., Govindan, K., & Dastgoshade, S. (2022). A causality analysis of risks to perishable product supply chain networks during the COVID-19 outbreak era: An extended DEMATEL method under Pythagorean fuzzy environment. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 163, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus40 WoS10 Europe PMC3
    2022 Xiao, L., Wu, Z., Zhang, S., Chen, Z., & Govindan, K. (2022). Product design and pricing strategies in a closed-loop supply chain with patent protection. Kybernetes, 51(12), 3656-3680.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS2
    2022 Xu, S., Fang, L., & Govindan, K. (2022). Energy performance contracting in a supply chain with financially asymmetric manufacturers under carbon tax regulation for climate change mitigation. Omega, 106, 1-26.
    DOI Scopus59 WoS24
    2022 Tavana, M., Kian, H., Nasr, A. K., Govindan, K., & Mina, H. (2022). A comprehensive framework for sustainable closed-loop supply chain network design. Journal of Cleaner Production, 332, 1-15.
    DOI Scopus93 WoS35
    2022 Jiang, W., Xu, L., Chen, Z., Govindan, K., & Chin, K. (2022). Financing equilibrium in a capital constrained supply Chain: The impact of credit rating. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 157, 1-27.
    DOI Scopus69 WoS28
    2022 Demartini, M., Tonelli, F., & Govindan, K. (2022). An investigation into modelling approaches for industrial symbiosis: A literature review and research agenda. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 3, 11 pages.
    DOI Scopus47 WoS14
    2022 Baghizadeh, K., Cheikhrouhou, N., Govindan, K., & Ziyarati, M. (2022). Sustainable agriculture supply chain network design considering water‐energy‐food nexus using queuing system: A hybrid robust possibilistic programming. Natural Resource Modeling, 35(1), 39 pages.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS12
    2022 Shoaeinaeini, M., Govindan, K., & Rahmani, D. (2022). Pricing policy in green supply chain design: the impact of consumer environmental awareness and green subsidies. Operational Research, 22, 3989-4028.
    2022 Govindan, K. (2022). How artificial intelligence drives sustainable frugal innovation: A multitheoretical perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 638-655.
    DOI Scopus49 WoS24
    2022 Rahmanzadeh, S., Pishvaee, M. S., & Govindan, K. (2022). Emergence of open supply chain management: the role of open innovation in the future smart industry using digital twin network. Annals of Operations Research, 329(1-2), 979-1007.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS9
    2022 Vahdani, M., Sazvar, Z., & Govindan, K. (2022). An integrated economic disposal and lot-sizing problem for perishable inventories with batch production and corrupt stock-dependent holding cost. Annals of Operations Research, 315(2), 2135-2167.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS5
    2022 Pachar, N., Darbari, J. D., Govindan, K., & Jha, P. C. (2022). Sustainable performance measurement of Indian retail chain using two-stage network DEA. Annals of Operations Research, 315(2), 1477-1515.
    DOI Scopus27 WoS17
    2022 Gupta, P., Govindan, K., Mehlawat, M. K., & Khaitan, A. (2022). Multiobjective capacitated green vehicle routing problem with fuzzy time-distances and demands split into bags. International Journal of Production Research, 60(8), 2369-2385.
    DOI Scopus27 WoS17
    2022 Ferreira, F. A. F., Spahr, R. W., Sunderman, M. A., Govindan, K., & Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2022). Urban blight remediation strategies subject to seasonal constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 296(1), 277-288.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS14
    2022 Fattahi, M., & Govindan, K. (2022). Data‐driven rolling horizon approach for dynamic design of supply chain distribution networks under disruption and demand uncertainty. Decision Sciences, 53(1), 150-180.
    DOI Scopus41 WoS31
    2022 Chen, Z., Wu, S., Govindan, K., Wang, X., Chin, K., & Martíınez, L. (2022). Optimal pricing decision in a multi-channel supply chain with a revenue-sharing contract. Annals of Operations Research, 318(1), 67-102.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS4
    2022 Momeni, M. A., Jain, V., Govindan, K., Mostofi, A., & Fazel, S. J. (2022). A novel buy-back contract coordination mechanism for a manufacturer-retailer circular supply chain regenerating expired products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 375, 1-14.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS4
    2022 Silva, J. R. B., Ferreira, F. A. F., Govindan, K., Ferreira, N. C. M. Q. F., & Correia, R. J. C. (2022). A CM-BWM approach to determinants of open innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 1-18.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS5
    2022 Simonetto, M., Sgarbossa, F., Battini, D., & Govindan, K. (2022). Closed loop supply chains 4.0: From risks to benefits through advanced technologies. A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Production Economics, 253, 26 pages.
    DOI Scopus54 WoS12
    2022 Govindan, K., Nosrati-Abarghooee, S., Nasiri, M. M., & Jolai, F. (2022). Green reverse logistics network design for medical waste management: A circular economy transition through case approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 322, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus56 WoS14
    2022 Ferrari, M., Demartini, M., Tonelli, F., & Govindan, K. (2022). The circular transition of the automotive sector in Italy: A system dynamics model. Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco.
    2022 Karimi, N., Feylizadeh, M. R., Govindan, K., & Bagherpour, M. (2022). Fuzzy multi-objective programming: A systematic literature review. Expert systems with applications, 196, 19 pages.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS11
    2022 Vieira, F. C., Ferreira, F. A. F., Govindan, K., Ferreira, N. C. M. Q. F., & Banaitis, A. (2022). Measuring urban digitalization using cognitive mapping and the best worst method (BWM). Technology in Society, 71, 1-12.
    DOI Scopus16 WoS10
    2022 Mahdiraji, H. A., Govindan, K., Madadi, S., & Arturo Garza-Reyes, J. (2022). Coordination in a closed-loop sustainable supply chain considering dual-channel and cost-sharing contract: Evidence from an emerging economy. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(11), 1-20.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS3
    2022 Wang, T., Chen, Z., Govindan, K., & Chin, K. (2022). Corrigendum to “Manufacturer’s selling mode choice in a platform-oriented dual channel supply chain”[Expert Syst. Appl. 198 (2022) 116842]. Expert Systems with Applications, 207, 118031.
    DOI Scopus2
    2022 Shoaeinaeini, M., Govindan, K., & Rahmani, D. (2022). Pricing policy in green supply chain design: the impact of consumer environmental awareness and green subsidies. Operational Research, 22(4), 3989-4028.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS4
    2022 Agnusdei, G. P., Gnoni, M. G., Sgarbossa, F., & Govindann, K. (2022). Challenges and perspectives of the Industry 4.0 technologies within the last-mile and first-mile reverse logistics: A systematic literature review. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 45(C), 1-14.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS2
    2022 Kannan, G., Jeyadurga, P., & Balamurali, S. (2022). Economic design of repetitive group sampling plan based on truncated life test under Birnbaum–Saunders distribution. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 51(12), 7334-7350.
    2021 Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Jafarian, A. (2021). Corrigendum to “A fuzzy multi criteria approach for measuring sustainability performance of a supplier based on triple bottom line approach” [J. Clean. Prod. 47 (2013) 345–354]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 1 page.
    2021 Chen, Z., Zhang, X., Govindan, K., Wang, X., & Chin, K. (2021). Third-party reverse logistics provider selection: A computational semantic analysis-based multi-perspective multi-attribute decision-making approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 166, 1-23.
    DOI Scopus121 WoS89
    2021 Heydari, J., Govindan, K., & Basiri, Z. (2021). Balancing price and green quality in presence of consumer environmental awareness: A green supply chain coordination approach. International Journal of Production Research, 59(7), 1957-1975.
    DOI Scopus104 WoS93
    2021 Govindan, K., Shaw, M., & Majumdar, A. (2021). Social sustainability tensions in multi-tier supply chain: A systematic literature review towards conceptual framework development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 22 pages.
    DOI Scopus260 WoS141
    2021 Jouzdani, J., & Govindan, K. (2021). On the sustainable perishable food supply chain network design: A dairy products case to achieve sustainable development goals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 20 pages.
    DOI Scopus205 WoS108
    2021 Heidary Dahooie, J., Zamani Babgohari, A., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., & Govindan, K. (2021). Prioritising sustainable supply chain management practices by their impact on multiple interacting barriers. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 28(3), 267-290.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS23
    2021 Alidoosti, Z., Ahmad sadegheih., Govindan, K., Pishvaee, M. S., Mostafaeipour, A., & Hossain, A. K. (2021). Social sustainability of treatment technologies for bioenergy generation from the municipal solid waste using best worst method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 288, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus42 WoS24
    2021 Sharma, N. K., Govindan, K., Lai, K. K., Chen, W. K., & Kumar, V. (2021). The transition from linear economy to circular economy for sustainability among SMEs: A study on prospects, impediments, and prerequisites. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(4), 1803-1822.
    DOI Scopus155 WoS55
    2021 Shahparvari, S., Soleimani, H., Govindan, K., Bodaghi, B., Fard, M. T., & Jafari, H. (2021). Closing the loop: Redesigning sustainable reverse logistics network in uncertain supply chains. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 157, 21 pages.
    DOI Scopus42 WoS19
    2021 Govindan, K., Kilic, M., Uyar, A., & Karaman, A. S. (2021). Drivers and value-relevance of CSR performance in the logistics sector: A cross-country firm-level investigation. International Journal of Production Economics, 231, 1-14.
    DOI Scopus122 WoS57
    2021 Barão, M. V. H. C., Ferreira, F. A. F., Spahr, R. W., Sunderman, M. A., Govindan, K., & Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2021). Strengthening urban sustainability: Identification and analysis of proactive measures to combat blight. Journal of Cleaner Production, 292, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS10
    2021 Govindan, K., Aditi., Dhingra Darbari, J., Kaul, A., & Jha, P. C. (2021). Structural model for analysis of key performance indicators for sustainable manufacturer–supplier collaboration: A grey‐decision‐making trial and evaluation laboratory‐based approach. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(4), 1702-1722.
    DOI Scopus60 WoS40
    2021 Sharma, M., Joshi, S., & Govindan, K. (2021). Issues and solutions of electronic waste urban mining for circular economy transition: An Indian context. Journal of Environmental Management, 290, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus55 WoS22 Europe PMC4
    2021 Nozari, M. A., Ghadikolaei, A. S., Govindan, K., & Akbari, V. (2021). Analysis of the sharing economy effect on sustainability in the transportation sector using fuzzy cognitive mapping. Journal of Cleaner Production, 311, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS10
    2021 Nunes, S. A. S., Ferreira, F. A. F., Govindan, K., & Pereira, L. F. (2021). “Cities go smart!”: A system dynamics-based approach to smart city conceptualization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 313, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus39 WoS17
    2021 Kerber, J. C., de Souza, E. D., Bouzon, M., Cruz, R. M., & Govindan, K. (2021). Consumer behaviour aspects towards remanufactured electronic products in an emerging economy: Effects on demand and related risks. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 170, 1-10.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS6
    2021 Govindan, K., & Gholizadeh, H. (2021). Robust network design for sustainable-resilient reverse logistics network using big data: A case study of end-of-life vehicles. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 149, 1-30.
    DOI Scopus118 WoS63
    2021 Zubairu, N., Dinwoodie, J., Govindan, K., Hunter, L., & Roh, S. (2021). Supply chain strategies as drivers of financial performance in liquefied natural gas networks. Supply Chain Management, 26(5), 579-591.
    DOI Scopus24 WoS8
    2021 Zhou, M., Govindan, K., Xie, X., & Yan, L. (2021). How to drive green innovation in China's mining enterprises? Under the perspective of environmental legitimacy and green absorptive capacity. Resources Policy, 72, 1-13.
    DOI Scopus145 WoS54
    2021 Hofstetter, J. S., De Marchi, V., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Klassen, R., Ometto, A. R., . . . Sharma, S. (2021). From sustainable global value chains to circular economy—different silos, different perspectives, but many opportunities to build bridges. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1(1), 21-47.
    DOI Scopus97 Europe PMC4
    2021 Tavana, M., Govindan, K., Nasr, A. K., Heidary, M. S., & Mina, H. (2021). A mathematical programming approach for equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution in developing countries. Annals of Operations Research, 1-34.
    DOI Scopus72 WoS31 Europe PMC28
    2021 Wong, W., Tan, K. H., Govindan, K., Li, D., & Kumar, A. (2021). A conceptual framework for information-leakage-resilience. Annals of Operations Research, 329(1-2), 1-21.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS8
    2021 Nag, U., Sharma, S. K., & Govindan, K. (2021). Investigating drivers of circular supply chain with product-service system in automotive firms of an emerging economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 1-19.
    DOI Scopus66 WoS25
    2021 Mahmoudi, A., Govindan, K., Shishebori, D., & Mahmoudi, R. (2021). Product pricing problem in green and non-green multi-channel supply chains under government intervention and in the presence of third-party logistics companies. COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, 159, 17 pages.
    DOI WoS30
    2021 Majumdar, A., Sinha, S. K., & Govindan, K. (2021). Prioritising risk mitigation strategies for environmentally sustainable clothing supply chains: Insights from selected organisational theories. Sustainable production and consumption, 28, 543-555.
    DOI Scopus64 WoS32 Europe PMC5
    2021 Chen, J., Lim, C. P., Tan, K. H., Govindan, K., & Kumar, A. (2021). Artificial intelligence-based human-centric decision support framework: an application to predictive maintenance in asset management under pandemic environments. Annals of Operations Research, 1-24.
    DOI Scopus52 WoS17 Europe PMC8
    2021 Pinto, A. M. F., Ferreira, F. A. F., Spahr, R. W., Sunderman, M. A., Govindan, K., & Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2021). Analyzing blight impacts on urban areas: A multi-criteria approach. Land Use Policy, 108, 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS10
    2021 Govindan, K., Nasr, A. K., Mostafazadeh, P., & Mina, H. (2021). Medical waste management during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak: A mathematical programming model. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162, 1-12.
    DOI Scopus94 WoS41 Europe PMC24
    2021 Moghadam, M. R. S., Govindan, K., Dahooie, J. H., Mahvelati, S., & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2021). Designing a model to estimate the level of university social responsibility based on rough sets. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 1-12.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS3
    2021 Rahman, S., Hossain, N. U. I., Govindan, K., Nur, F., & Bappy, M. (2021). Assessing cyber resilience of additive manufacturing supply chain leveraging data fusion technique: A model to generate cyber resilience index of a supply chain. CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology, 35, 911-928.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS9
    2021 Kannan, G., Jeyadurga, P., & Balamurali, S. (2021). Economic design of repetitive group sampling plan based on truncated life test under exponentiated half logistic distribution. Quality Engineering, 33(2), 335-347.
    2021 Govindan, K., Phanden, R. K., Sikarwar, B. S., & Manupati, V. K. (2021). Editorial. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 13(3), 209-211.
    2021 Fattahi, M., Govindan, K., & Farhadkhani, M. (2021). Sustainable supply chain planning for biomass-based power generation with environmental risk and supply uncertainty considerations: a real-life case study. International Journal of Production Research, 59(10), 3084-3108.
    DOI Scopus52 WoS35
    2020 Stentoft, J., Freytag, P. V., Kannan Govindan, M. E., & Hjalager, A. (2020). Special issue guest editorial: NOFOMA 2018" Relevant logistics and supply chain management research". International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 50(1), 1-2.
    2020 Govindan, K., Mina, H., & Alavi, B. (2020). A decision support system for demand management in healthcare supply chains considering the epidemic outbreaks: A case study of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 138, 1-14.
    DOI Scopus503 WoS352 Europe PMC131
    2020 Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., & Taboada Rodriguez, C. M. (2020). GREY DEMATEL TECHNIQUE FOR EVALUATING PRODUCT RETURN DRIVERS: A MULTIPLE STAKEHOLDERS’PERSPECTIVE.. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), 19(1), 19-36.
    Scopus10 WoS6
    2020 Sharma, M., Joshi, S., Kannan, D., Govindan, K., Singh, R., & Purohit, H. C. (2020). Internet of Things (IoT) adoption barriers of smart cities’ waste management: An Indian context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 270, 21 pages.
    DOI Scopus197 WoS102
    2020 Heydari, J., Govindan, K., Nasab, H. R. E., & Taleizadeh, A. A. (2020). Coordination by quantity flexibility contract in a two-echelon supply chain system: Effect of outsourcing decisions. International Journal of Production Economics, 225, 1-13.
    DOI Scopus60 WoS45
    2020 Govindan, K., Shankar, K. M., & Kannan, D. (2020). Achieving sustainable development goals through identifying and analyzing barriers to industrial sharing economy: A framework development. International Journal of Production Economics, 227, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus177 WoS113
    2020 Rani, P., Govindan, K., Mishra, A. R., Mardani, A., Alrasheedi, M., & Hooda, D. S. (2020). Unified fuzzy divergence measures with multi-criteria decision making problems for sustainable planning of an E-Waste recycling job selection. Symmetry, 12(1), 22 pages.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS11
    2020 Pereira, I. P. C., Ferreira, F. A. F., Pereira, L. F., Govindan, K., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., & Correia, R. J. C. (2020). A fuzzy cognitive mapping-system dynamics approach to energy-change impacts on the sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus42 WoS24
    2020 Stentoft, J., Freytag, P. V., Govindan, K., & Hjalager, A. (2020). Guest editorial for NOFOMA 2018 conference special issue. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 50(1), 101-121.
    2020 Fonseca, J. P. C., Ferreira, F. A. F., Pereira, L. F., Govindan, K., & Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2020). Analyzing determinants of environmental conduct in small and medium-sized enterprises: A sociotechnical approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS17
    2020 Zhou, M., Govindan, K., & Xie, X. (2020). How fairness perceptions, embeddedness, and knowledge sharing drive green innovation in sustainable supply chains: An equity theory and network perspective to achieve sustainable development goals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 260, 1-14.
    DOI Scopus186 WoS95
    2020 Fattahi, M., Govindan, K., & Maihami, R. (2020). Stochastic optimization of disruption-driven supply chain network design with a new resilience metric. International Journal of Production Economics, 230, 1-16.
    DOI Scopus95 WoS54
    2020 Govindan, K., Rajeev, A., Padhi, S. S., & Pati, R. K. (2020). Supply chain sustainability and performance of firms: A meta-analysis of the literature. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137, 1-22.
    DOI Scopus165 WoS89
    2020 Naderi, B., Govindan, K., & Soleimani, H. (2020). A Benders decomposition approach for a real case supply chain network design with capacity acquisition and transporter planning: wheat distribution network. Annals of Operations Research, 291(1-2), 685-705.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS27
    2020 Frandsen, C. S., Nielsen, M. M., Chaudhuri, A., Jayaram, J., & Govindan, K. (2020). In search for classification and selection of spare parts suitable for additive manufacturing: a literature review. International Journal of Production Research, 58(4), 970-996.
    DOI Scopus72
    2020 Govindan, K., Mina, H., Esmaeili, A., & Gholami-Zanjani, S. M. (2020). An Integrated Hybrid Approach for Circular supplier selection and Closed loop Supply Chain Network Design under Uncertainty. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 16 pages.
    DOI Scopus248 WoS145
    2020 Zarbakhshnia, N., Wu, Y., Govindan, K., & Soleimani, H. (2020). A novel hybrid multiple attribute decision-making approach for outsourcing sustainable reverse logistics. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 1-16.
    DOI Scopus125 WoS89
    2020 Mishra, A. R., Rani, P., Mardani, A., Pardasani, K. R., Govindan, K., & Alrasheedi, M. (2020). Healthcare evaluation in hazardous waste recycling using novel interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information based on complex proportional assessment method. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 139, 1-18.
    DOI Scopus76 WoS56
    2020 Taleizadeh, A. A., Govindan, K., & Ebrahimi, N. (2020). The effect of promotional cost sharing on the decisions of two-level supply chain with uncertain demand. Annals of Operations Research, 290(1-2), 747-781.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS11
    2020 Sun, X., Zhou, Y., Li, Y., Govindan, K., & Han, X. (2020). Differentiation competition between new and remanufactured products considering third-party remanufacturing. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(1), 161-180.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS28
    2020 Zandkarimkhani, S., Mina, H., Biuki, M., & Govindan, K. (2020). A chance constrained fuzzy goal programming approach for perishable pharmaceutical supply chain network design. Annals of Operations Research, 295(1), 425-452.
    DOI Scopus88 WoS55
    2020 Fatimah, Y. A., Govindan, K., Murniningsih, R., & Setiawan, A. (2020). Industry 4.0 based sustainable circular economy approach for smart waste management system to achieve sustainable development goals: A case study of Indonesia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 269, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus456 WoS217
    2019 Zinkevičiūtė, V., Vasilis Vasiliauskas, A., Golembovskij, R., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., Zavadskas, E. K., Banaitis, A., & Govindan, K. (2019). Transportation systems’ impacts on the Vilnius housing market.
    2019 Sharma, H., Govindan, K., Poonia, R. C., Kumar, S., & El-Medany, W. M. (2019). Advances in Computing and Intelligent Systems Proceedings of ICACM 2019. Proceedings of ICACM, 1.
    2019 Govindan, K., & Malomfalean, A. (2019). A framework for evaluation of supply chain coordination by contracts under O2O environment. International Journal of Production Economics, 215, 11-23.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS28
    2019 Mohammed, A., Harris, I., & Govindan, K. (2019). A hybrid MCDM-FMOO approach for sustainable supplier selection and order allocation. International Journal of Production Economics, 217, 171-184.
    DOI Scopus185 WoS120
    2019 Reis, I. F. C., Ferreira, F. A. F., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., Govindan, K., Fang, W., & Falcão, P. F. (2019). An evaluation thermometer for assessing city sustainability and livability. Sustainable Cities and Society, 47, 11 pages.
    DOI Scopus40 WoS24
    2019 Heydari, J., Govindan, K., & Aslani, A. (2019). Pricing and greening decisions in a three-tier dual channel supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 217, 185-196.
    DOI Scopus127 WoS97
    2019 Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., & Nourbakhsh, V. (2019). Designing a sustainable supply chain network integrated with vehicle routing: A comparison of hybrid swarm intelligence metaheuristics. Computers & operations research, 110, 220-235.
    DOI Scopus112 WoS70
    2019 Brito, V. T. F., Ferreira, F. A. F., Pérez-Gladish, B., Govindan, K., & Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2019). Developing a green city assessment system using cognitive maps and the Choquet integral. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, 486-497.
    DOI Scopus52 WoS43
    2019 Xu, L., Shi, X., Du, P., Govindan, K., & Zhang, Z. (2019). Optimization on pricing and overconfidence problem in a duopolistic supply chain. Computers & Operations Research, 101, 162-172.
    DOI Scopus36 WoS29
    2019 Kazemi, N., Modak, N. M., & Govindan, K. (2019). A review of reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain management studies published in IJPR: a bibliometric and content analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 57(15-16), 4937-4960.
    DOI Scopus216 WoS160
    2019 Vasiliene-Vasiliauskiene, V., Vasilis Vasiliauskas, A., Golembovskij, R., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Kazimieras Zavadskas, E., Banaitis, A., & Govindan, K. (2019). Transportation systems’ impacts on the Vilnius housing market. Management Decision, 57(2), 418-431.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1
    2019 Govindan, K., Kadziński, M., Ehling, R., & Miebs, G. (2019). Selection of a sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider based on the robustness analysis of an outranking graph kernel conducted with ELECTRE I and SMAA. Omega, 85, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus129 WoS97
    2019 Bai, C., Govindan, K., Satir, A., & Yan, H. (2019). A novel fuzzy reference-neighborhood rough set approach for green supplier development practices. Annals of Operations Research, 1-35.
    DOI Scopus27 WoS21
    2019 Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M., Govindan, K., Amiri, M., Zavadskas, E. K., & Antuchevičienė, J. (2019). An integrated type-2 fuzzy decision model based on WASPAS and SECA for evaluation of sustainable manufacturing strategies. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 27(4), 187-200.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS22
    2019 Govindan, K., Jiménez-Parra, B., Rubio, S., Vicente-Molina, M., & Gupta, S. M. (2019). Remanufacturing: Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable consumption. Resour. Conserv. Recycl, 151, 104420.
    DOI WoS4
    2019 Maihami, R., Govindan, K., & Fattahi, M. (2019). The inventory and pricing decisions in a three-echelon supply chain of deteriorating items under probabilistic environment. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 131, 118-138.
    DOI Scopus51 WoS37
    2019 Li, Y., Feng, L., Govindan, K., & Xu, F. (2019). Effects of a secondary market on original equipment manufactures’ pricing, trade-in remanufacturing, and entry decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 751-766.
    DOI Scopus106 WoS70
    2019 Mardan, E., Govindan, K., Mina, H., & Gholami-Zanjani, S. M. (2019). An accelerated benders decomposition algorithm for a bi-objective green closed loop supply chain network design problem. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235, 1499-1514.
    DOI Scopus104 WoS65
    2019 Estêvão, R. S. G., Ferreira, F. A. F., Rosa, Á. A., Govindan, K., & Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I. (2019). A socio-technical approach to the assessment of sustainable tourism: Adding value with a comprehensive process-oriented framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 236, 11 pages.
    DOI Scopus36 WoS26
    2019 Fathollahi-Fard, A. M., Govindan, K., Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M., & Ahmadi, A. (2019). A green home health care supply chain: New modified simulated annealing algorithms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 240, 19 pages.
    DOI Scopus177 WoS131
    2019 Govindan, K., Jha, P. C., Agarwal, V., & Darbari, J. D. (2019). Environmental management partner selection for reverse supply chain collaboration: A sustainable approach. Journal of environmental management, 236, 784-797.
    DOI Scopus75 WoS52 Europe PMC2
    2019 Hosseini-Motlagh, S., Govindan, K., Nematollahi, M., & Jokar, A. (2019). An adjustable bi-level wholesale price contract for coordinating a supply chain under scenario-based stochastic demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 214, 175-195.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS26
    2019 Feng, L., Zheng, X., Govindan, K., & Xue, K. (2019). Does the presence of secondary market platform really hurt the firm?. International Journal of Production Economics, 213, 55-68.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS23
    2019 Zheng, X., Govindan, K., Deng, Q., & Feng, L. (2019). Effects of design for the environment on firms’ production and remanufacturing strategies. International Journal of Production Economics, 213, 217-228.
    DOI Scopus83 WoS55
    2019 Govindan, K., Jiménez-Parra, B., Rubio, S., & Vicente-Molina, M. (2019). Marketing issues for remanufactured products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 227, 890-899.
    DOI Scopus59 WoS40
    2019 Seman, N. A. A., Govindan, K., Mardani, A., Zakuan, N., Saman, M. Z. M., Hooker, R. E., & Ozkul, S. (2019). The mediating effect of green innovation on the relationship between green supply chain management and environmental performance. Journal of cleaner production, 229, 115-127.
    DOI Scopus419 WoS211
    2019 Stentoft, J., Narasimhan, R., Wong, C. Y., Johnsen, T., Kannan Govindan, M. E., Mikkelsen, O. S., . . . Brinch, M. (2019). Reducing Cost of Energy in the Offshore Wind Energy Sector: A Supply Chain Innovation Perspective.
    2019 Govindan, K., Agarwal, V., Darbari, J. D., & Jha, P. C. (2019). An integrated decision making model for the selection of sustainable forward and reverse logistic providers. Annals of Operations Research, 273(1-2), 607-650.
    DOI Scopus85 WoS55
    2018 Noori-Daryan, M., Taleizadeh, A. A., & Govindan, K. (2018). Joint replenishment and pricing decisions with different freight modes considerations for a supply chain under a composite incentive contract. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69(6), 876-894.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS23
    2018 Rahmati, S. H. A., Ahmadi, A., & Govindan, K. (2018). A novel integrated condition-based maintenance and stochastic flexible job shop scheduling problem: simulation-based optimization approach. Annals of Operations Research, 269(1-2), 583-621.
    DOI Scopus51 WoS34
    2018 Fattahi, M., Govindan, K., & Keyvanshokooh, E. (2018). A multi-stage stochastic program for supply chain network redesign problem with price-dependent uncertain demands. Computers & Operations Research, 100, 314-332.
    DOI Scopus58 WoS42
    2018 Rostamzadeh, R., Ghorabaee, M. K., Govindan, K., Esmaeili, A., & Nobar, H. B. K. (2018). Evaluation of sustainable supply chain risk management using an integrated fuzzy TOPSIS-CRITIC approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 651-669.
    DOI Scopus338 WoS207
    2018 Govindan, K., & Hasanagic, M. (2018). A systematic review on drivers, barriers, and practices towards circular economy: a supply chain perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), 278-311.
    DOI Scopus999 WoS570
    2018 Xu, L., Li, Y., Govindan, K., & Yue, X. (2018). Return policy and supply chain coordination with network-externality effect. International Journal of Production Research, 56(10), 3714-3732.
    DOI Scopus56 WoS38
    2018 Soheilirad, S., Govindan, K., Mardani, A., Zavadskas, E. K., Nilashi, M., & Zakuan, N. (2018). Application of data envelopment analysis models in supply chain management: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of operations research, 271(2), 915-969.
    DOI Scopus92 WoS73
    2018 Awasthi, A., Govindan, K., & Gold, S. (2018). Multi-tier sustainable global supplier selection using a fuzzy AHP-VIKOR based approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 106-117.
    DOI Scopus464 WoS313
    2018 Jabbour, C. J. C., Jugend, D., Jabbour, A. B. L. D. S., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., & Leal Filho, W. (2018). “There is no carnival without samba”: Revealing barriers hampering biodiversity-based R&D and eco-design in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Management, 206, 236-245.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS23
    2018 Taleizadeh, A. A., Soleymanfar, V. R., & Govindan, K. (2018). Sustainable economic production quantity models for inventory systems with shortage. Journal of cleaner production, 174, 1011-1020.
    DOI Scopus136 WoS88
    2018 Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., & Rodriguez, C. M. T. (2018). Evaluating barriers for reverse logistics implementation under a multiple stakeholders’ perspective analysis using grey decision making approach. Resources, conservation and recycling, 128, 315-335.
    DOI Scopus148 WoS98
    2018 Govindan, K. (2018). Sustainable consumption and production in the food supply chain: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 419-431.
    DOI Scopus389 WoS239
    2018 Li, N., Chen, G., Govindan, K., & Jin, Z. (2018). Disruption management for truck appointment system at a container terminal: A green initiative. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 61(B), 261-273.
    DOI Scopus98 WoS56
    2018 Govindan, K., Shankar, M., & Kannan, D. (2018). Supplier selection based on corporate social responsibility practices. International Journal of Production Economics, 200, 353-379.
    DOI Scopus120 WoS86
    2018 Pinto, J. L. Q., Matias, J. C. O., Pimentel, C., Azevedo, S. G., & Govindan, K. (2018). Just in Time. Unknown Journal, Part F628, 25-38.
    DOI Scopus2
    2018 Pinto, J. L. Q., Matias, J. C. O., Pimentel, C., Azevedo, S. G., & Govindan, K. (2018). Lean Manufacturing Tools. Unknown Journal, Part F628, 39-112.
    DOI Scopus3
    2018 Pinto, J. L. Q., Matias, J. C. O., Pimentel, C., Azevedo, S. G., & Govindan, K. (2018). Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen. Unknown Journal, Part F628, 5-24.
    DOI Scopus4
    2018 Rita, D. I. G., Ferreira, F. A. F., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., Govindan, K., & Ferreira, J. J. M. (2018). Proposal of a green index for small and medium-sized enterprises: A multiple criteria group decision-making approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, 985-996.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS25
    2018 Vafadarnikjoo, A., Mishra, N., Govindan, K., & Chalvatzis, K. (2018). Assessment of consumers' motivations to purchase a remanufactured product by applying Fuzzy Delphi method and single valued neutrosophic sets. Journal of cleaner production, 196, 230-244.
    DOI Scopus84 WoS62
    2018 Garza-Reyes, J. A., Romero, J. T., Govindan, K., Cherrafi, A., & Ramanathan, U. (2018). A PDCA-based approach to environmental value stream mapping (E-VSM). Journal of Cleaner Production, 180, 335-348.
    DOI Scopus118 WoS67
    2018 Govindan, K., & Bouzon, M. (2018). From a literature review to a multi-perspective framework for reverse logistics barriers and drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 187, 318-337.
    DOI Scopus177 WoS107
    2018 Heydari, J., Govindan, K., & Sadeghi, R. (2018). Reverse supply chain coordination under stochastic remanufacturing capacity. International Journal of Production Economics, 202, 1-11.
    DOI Scopus102 WoS73
    2018 Sazvar, Z., Rahmani, M., & Govindan, K. (2018). A sustainable supply chain for organic, conventional agro-food products: The role of demand substitution, climate change and public health. Journal of cleaner production, 194, 564-583.
    DOI Scopus101 WoS66
    2018 Pinto, J. L. Q., Matias, J. C. O., Pimentel, C., Azevedo, S. G., & Govindan, K. (2018). Final Considerations Regarding the Just-in-Time Framework. Unknown Journal, Part F628, 113-119.
    2018 Govindan, K., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2018). Advances in stochastic programming and robust optimization for supply chain planning. Computers and Operations Research, 100, 262-269.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS29
    2018 Costa, A. S., Govindan, K., & Figueira, J. R. (2018). Supplier classification in emerging economies using the ELECTRE TRI-nC method: A case study considering sustainability aspects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 925-947.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS25
    2018 Fattahi, M., & Govindan, K. (2018). A multi-stage stochastic program for the sustainable design of biofuel supply chain networks under biomass supply uncertainty and disruption risk: A real-life case study. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 118, 534-567.
    DOI Scopus141 WoS104
    2017 Shaharudin, M. R., Govindan, K., Zailani, S., & Iranmanesh, M. (2017). Product Return Management: Linking Product Returns, Closed-Loop Supply Chain Activities and the....
    2017 Zailani, S., Govindan, K., Shaharudin, M. R., & Kuan, E. E. L. (2017). Barriers to product return management in automotive manufacturing firms in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141, 22-40.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS25
    2017 Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Mangla, S. K., & Garg, C. P. (2017). An integrated framework for sustainable supplier selection and evaluation in supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 1686-1698.
    DOI Scopus687 WoS502
    2017 Fattahi, M., & Govindan, K. (2017). Integrated forward/reverse logistics network design under uncertainty with pricing for collection of used products. Annals of Operations Research, 253(1), 193-225.
    DOI Scopus76 WoS58
    2017 Govindan, K., Kadziński, M., & Sivakumar, R. (2017). Application of a novel PROMETHEE-based method for construction of a group compromise ranking to prioritization of green suppliers in food supply chain. Omega (United Kingdom), 71, 129-145.
    DOI Scopus174 WoS134
    2017 Zainuddin, Z. B., Zailani, S., Govindan, K., Iranmanesh, M., & Amran, A. (2017). Determinants and outcome of a Clean Development Mechanism in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 1979-1986.
    DOI Scopus50 WoS40
    2017 Govindan, K., Balasundaram, R., Baskar, N., & Asokan, P. (2017). A hybrid approach for minimizing makespan in permutation flowshop scheduling. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 26(1), 50-76.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS14
    2017 Gaur, J., Subramoniam, R., Govindan, K., & Huisingh, D. (2017). Closed-loop supply chain management: From conceptual to an action oriented framework on core acquisition. Journal of cleaner production, 167, 1415-1424.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS30
    2017 Hong, X., Govindan, K., Xu, L., & Du, P. (2017). Quantity and collection decisions in a closed-loop supply chain with technology licensing. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(3), 820-829.
    DOI Scopus237 WoS181
    2017 Govindan, K., & Soleimani, H. (2017). A review of reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains: a Journal of Cleaner Production focus. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 371-384.
    DOI Scopus509 WoS362
    2017 Heydari, J., Govindan, K., & Jafari, A. (2017). Reverse and closed loop supply chain coordination by considering government role. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 379-398.
    DOI Scopus252 WoS175
    2017 Fattahi, M., Govindan, K., & Keyvanshokooh, E. (2017). Responsive and resilient supply chain network design under operational and disruption risks with delivery lead-time sensitive customers. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 101, 176-200.
    DOI Scopus194 WoS123
    2017 Govindan, K., Fattahi, M., & Keyvanshokooh, E. (2017). Supply chain network design under uncertainty: A comprehensive review and future research directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 263(1), 108-141.
    DOI Scopus541 WoS362
    2017 Soleimani, H., Govindan, K., Saghafi, H., & Jafari, H. (2017). Fuzzy multi-objective sustainable and green closed-loop supply chain network design. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 109, 191-203.
    DOI Scopus253 WoS187
    2017 Govindan, K., Mangla, S. K., & Luthra, S. (2017). Prioritising indicators in improving supply chain performance using fuzzy AHP: insights from the case example of four Indian manufacturing companies. Production Planning and Control, 28(6-8), 552-573.
    DOI Scopus79 WoS52
    2017 Rajeev, A., Pati, R. K., Padhi, S. S., & Govindan, K. (2017). Evolution of sustainability in supply chain management: A literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 299-314.
    DOI Scopus506 WoS344
    2017 Govindan, K., & Choi, T. M. (2017). Low-carbon supply chain management in emerging economies. Supply Chain Management, 22(3), 221-222.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS2
    2017 Luthra, S., Govindan, K., & Mangla, S. K. (2017). Structural model for sustainable consumption and production adoption—A grey-DEMATEL based approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 125, 198-207.
    DOI Scopus126 WoS92
    2017 Govindan, K., Darbari, J. D., Agarwal, V., & Jha, P. C. (2017). Fuzzy multi-objective approach for optimal selection of suppliers and transportation decisions in an eco-efficient closed loop supply chain network. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1598-1619.
    DOI Scopus90 WoS60
    2017 Feng, L., Govindan, K., & Li, C. (2017). Strategic planning: Design and coordination for dual-recycling channel reverse supply chain considering consumer behavior. European Journal of Operational Research, 260(2), 601-612.
    DOI Scopus282 WoS201
    2017 Correia, E., Carvalho, H., Azevedo, S. G., & Govindan, K. (2017). Maturity models in supply chain sustainability: A systematic literature review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 9(1), 26 pages.
    DOI Scopus127 WoS85
    2017 Song, S., Govindan, K., Xu, L., Du, P., & Qiao, X. (2017). Capacity and production planning with carbon emission constraints. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 97, 132-150.
    DOI Scopus77 WoS64
    2017 Cherrafi, A., Elfezazi, S., Govindan, K., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Benhida, K., & Mokhlis, A. (2017). A framework for the integration of Green and Lean Six Sigma for superior sustainability performance. International Journal of Production Research, 55(15), 4481-4515.
    DOI Scopus296 WoS198
    2017 Liu, L., Wang, Z., Xu, L., Hong, X., & Govindan, K. (2017). Collection effort and reverse channel choices in a closed-loop supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 492-500.
    DOI Scopus175 WoS127
    2017 Carvalho, H., Govindan, K., Azevedo, S. G., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2017). Modelling green and lean supply chains: An eco-efficiency perspective. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 120, 75-87.
    DOI Scopus156 WoS113
    2017 Mathivathanan, D., Govindan, K., & Haq, A. N. (2017). Exploring the impact of dynamic capabilities on sustainable supply chain firm's performance using Grey-Analytical Hierarchy Process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 147, 637-653.
    DOI Scopus75 WoS46
    2017 Shaharudin, M. R., Govindan, K., Zailani, S., Tan, K. C., & Iranmanesh, M. (2017). Product return management: Linking product returns, closed-loop supply chain activities and the effectiveness of the reverse supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 149, 1144-1156.
    DOI Scopus96 WoS70
    2017 Mangla, S. K., Govindan, K., & Luthra, S. (2017). Prioritizing the barriers to achieve sustainable consumption and production trends in supply chains using fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 151, 509-525.
    DOI Scopus226 WoS163
    2017 Choi, T., Govindan, K., Li, X., & Li, Y. (2017). Innovative supply chain optimization models with multiple uncertainty factors. Annals of Operations Research, 257(1-2), 1-14.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS34
    2017 Govindan, K., & Fattahi, M. (2017). Investigating risk and robustness measures for supply chain network design under demand uncertainty: A case study of glass supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 680-699.
    DOI Scopus111 WoS80
    2017 Roy, A., Sengupta, S., Wong, K. -K., Raychoudhury, V., Govindan, K., & Singh, S. (2017). 5G Wireless with Cognitive Radio and Massive IoT. IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW, 34(sup1), 1-3.
    DOI WoS8
    2016 Palmisano, G. O., Govindan, K., Loisi, R. V., Sasso, P. D., & Roma, R. (2016). Greenways for rural sustainable development: an integration between geographic information systems and group analytic hierarchy process.. Land use policy, 50, 429-440.
    2016 Govindan, K., Jha, P. C., & Garg, K. (2016). Product recovery optimization in closed-loop supply chain to improve sustainability in manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 54(5), 1463-1486.
    DOI Scopus123 WoS100
    2016 Govindan, K., Madan Shankar, K., & Kannan, D. (2016). Sustainable material selection for construction industry - A hybrid multi criteria decision making approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 1274-1288.
    DOI Scopus220 WoS140
    2016 Govindan, K., & Jepsen, M. B. (2016). Supplier risk assessment based on trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and ELECTRE TRI-C: A case illustration involving service suppliers. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(2), 339-376.
    DOI Scopus61 WoS43
    2016 Govindan, K., & Sivakumar, R. (2016). Green supplier selection and order allocation in a low-carbon paper industry: integrated multi-criteria heterogeneous decision-making and multi-objective linear programming approaches. Annals of Operations Research, 238(1-2), 243-276.
    DOI Scopus178 WoS132
    2016 Ottomano Palmisano, G., Govindan, K., Loisi, R. V., Dal Sasso, P., & Roma, R. (2016). Greenways for rural sustainable development: An integration between geographic information systems and group analytic hierarchy process. Land Use Policy, 50, 429-440.
    DOI Scopus85 WoS63
    2016 Awasthi, A., & Kannan, G. (2016). Green supplier development program selection using NGT and VIKOR under fuzzy environment. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 91, 100-108.
    DOI Scopus242 WoS198
    2016 Rostamzadeh, R., Govindan, K., Esmaili, A., & Sabaghi, M. (2016). Erratum: Application of fuzzy VIKOR for evaluation of green supply chain management practices (Ecol. Indic. (2015) 49 (188-203)). Ecological Indicators, 61, 1055.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1
    2016 Govindan, K., Seuring, S., Zhu, Q., & Azevedo, S. G. (2016). Accelerating the transition towards sustainability dynamics into supply chain relationship management and governance structures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 1813-1823.
    DOI Scopus151 WoS115
    2016 Mardani, A., Zavadskas, E. K., Govindan, K., Senin, A. A., & Jusoh, A. (2016). VIKOR technique: A systematic review of the state of the art literature on methodologies and applications. Sustainability (Switzerland), 8(1), 38 pages.
    DOI Scopus309 WoS202
    2016 Gupta, P., Govindan, K., Mehlawat, M. K., & Kumar, S. (2016). A weighted possibilistic programming approach for sustainable vendor selection and order allocation in fuzzy environment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(5-8), 1785-1804.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS21
    2016 Govindan, K., & Chaudhuri, A. (2016). Interrelationships of risks faced by third party logistics service providers: A DEMATEL based approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 90, 177-195.
    DOI Scopus189 WoS130
    2016 Govindan, K., Muduli, K., Devika, K., & Barve, A. (2016). Investigation of the influential strength of factors on adoption of green supply chain management practices: An Indian mining scenario. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 107, 185-194.
    DOI Scopus143 WoS104
    2016 Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., Rodriguez, C. M. T., & Campos, L. M. S. (2016). Identification and analysis of reverse logistics barriers using fuzzy Delphi method and AHP. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 108, 182-197.
    DOI Scopus321 WoS233
    2016 Govindan, K., Madan Shankar, K., & Kannan, D. (2016). Application of fuzzy analytic network process for barrier evaluation in automotive parts remanufacturing towards cleaner production - A study in an Indian scenario. Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 199-213.
    DOI Scopus165 WoS120
    2016 Govindan, K., & Jepsen, M. B. (2016). ELECTRE: A comprehensive literature review on methodologies and applications. European Journal of Operational Research, 250(1), 1-29.
    DOI Scopus438 WoS24
    2016 Esmaeilikia, M., Fahimnia, B., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Kumar, A., & Mo, J. (2016). A tactical supply chain planning model with multiple flexibility options: an empirical evaluation. Annals of Operations Research, 244(2), 429-454.
    DOI Scopus46 WoS33
    2016 Esmaeilikia, M., Fahimnia, B., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Kumar, A., & Mo, J. (2016). Tactical supply chain planning models with inherent flexibility: definition and review. Annals of Operations Research, 244(2), 407-427.
    DOI Scopus82 WoS77
    2016 Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., Azbari, M. E., & Choi, T. M. (2016). Optimal Bi-objective redundancy allocation for systems reliability and risk management. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46(8), 1735-1748.
    DOI Scopus47 WoS36 Europe PMC4
    2016 Lalmazloumian, M., Wong, K. Y., Govindan, K., & Kannan, D. (2016). A robust optimization model for agile and build-to-order supply chain planning under uncertainties. Annals of Operations Research, 240(2), 435-470.
    DOI Scopus62 WoS51
    2016 Zavadskas, E. K., Govindan, K., Antucheviciene, J., & Turskis, Z. (2016). Hybrid multiple criteria decision-making methods: A review of applications for sustainability issues. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 29(1), 857-887.
    DOI Scopus240 WoS176
    2016 Govindan, K., & Shankar, M. (2016). Evaluating the essential barrier to off-shore wind energy – an Indian perspective. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 10(2), 266-282.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS8
    2016 Govindan, K., Garg, K., Gupta, S., & Jha, P. C. (2016). Effect of product recovery and sustainability enhancing indicators on the location selection of manufacturing facility. Ecological Indicators, 67, 517-532.
    DOI Scopus70 WoS53
    2016 Govindan, K., Paam, P., & Abtahi, A. R. (2016). A fuzzy multi-objective optimization model for sustainable reverse logistics network design. Ecological Indicators, 67, 753-768.
    DOI Scopus172 WoS128
    2016 Kumar, S., Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kumar, N., & Haleem, A. (2016). Barriers in green lean six sigma product development process: An ISM approach. Production Planning and Control, 27(7-8), 604-620.
    DOI Scopus242 WoS157
    2016 Agarwal, V., Govindan, K., Darbari, J. D., & Jha, P. C. (2016). An optimization model for sustainable solutions towards implementation of reverse logistics under collaborative framework. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 7(4), 480-487.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS17
    2016 Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kharb, R. K., & Mangla, S. K. (2016). Evaluating the enablers in solar power developments in the current scenario using fuzzy DEMATEL: An Indian perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 63, 379-397.
    DOI Scopus113 WoS79
    2016 Sazvar, Z., Mirzapour Al-e-hashem, S. M. J., Govindan, K., & Bahli, B. (2016). A novel mathematical model for a multi-period, multi-product optimal ordering problem considering expiry dates in a FEFO system. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 93, 232-261.
    DOI Scopus47 WoS30
    2016 Thanki, S., Govindan, K., & Thakkar, J. (2016). An investigation on lean-green implementation practices in Indian SMEs using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 284-298.
    DOI Scopus338 WoS210
    2016 Govindan, K. (2016). Evolutionary algorithms for supply chain management. Annals of Operations Research, 242(2), 195-206.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS2
    2016 Yusof, N., Zainul Abidin, N., Zailani, S. H. M., Govindan, K., & Iranmanesh, M. (2016). Linking the environmental practice of construction firms and the environmental behaviour of practitioners in construction projects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121, 64-71.
    DOI Scopus93 WoS73
    2016 Kannan, D., Govindan, K., & Shankar, M. (2016). Formalize recycling of electronic waste. Nature, 530(7590), 281.
    DOI Scopus27 WoS19 Europe PMC1
    2016 Jabbour, C. J. C., De Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Govindan, K., De Freitas, T. P., Soubihia, D. F., Kannan, D., & Latan, H. (2016). Barriers to the adoption of green operational practices at Brazilian companies: Effects on green and operational performance. International Journal of Production Research, 54(10), 3042-3058.
    DOI Scopus98 WoS73
    2016 Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Vafadarnikjoo, A. (2016). A grey DEMATEL approach to develop third-party logistics provider selection criteria. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 116(4), 690-722.
    DOI Scopus170 WoS116
    2016 Taleizadeh, A. A., Noori-Daryan, M., & Govindan, K. (2016). Pricing and ordering decisions of two competing supply chains with different composite policies: A Stackelberg game-theoretic approach. International Journal of Production Research, 54(9), 2807-2836.
    DOI Scopus77 WoS61
    2016 Mishra, N., Singh, A., Kumari, S., Govindan, K., & Ali, S. I. (2016). Cloud-based multi-agent architecture for effective planning and scheduling of distributed manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 54(23), 7115-7128.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS33
    2016 Mangla, S. K., Govindan, K., & Luthra, S. (2016). Critical success factors for reverse logistics in Indian industries: A structural model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129, 608-621.
    DOI Scopus158 WoS120
    2016 Gandhi, K., Govindan, K., & Jha, P. C. (2016). Fuzzy bi-criteria decision making approach for supplier selection and distribution network planning in supply chain management. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION & OPTIMIZATION SCIENCES, 37(5), 653-679.
    DOI WoS10
    2016 Ottomano Palmisano, G., Govindan, K., Boggia, A., Loisi, R. V., De Boni, A., & Roma, R. (2016). Local Action Groups and Rural Sustainable Development. A spatial multiple criteria approach for efficient territorial planning. Land Use Policy, 59, 12-26.
    DOI Scopus53 WoS31
    2016 Manik, P., Gupta, A., Jha, P. C., & Govindan, K. (2016). A Goal Programming Model for Selection and Scheduling of Advertisements on Online News Media. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 33(2), 41 pages.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS4
    2015 Choi, T., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2015). Sustainable fashion supply chain management. Switzerland: Springer.
    2015 Govindan, K. (2015). Green sourcing: Taking steps to achieve sustainability management and conservation of resources. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104, 329-333.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS11
    2015 Zailani, S., Govindan, K., Iranmanesh, M., Shaharudin, M. R., & Sia Chong, Y. (2015). Green innovation adoption in automotive supply chain: The Malaysian case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, 1115-1122.
    DOI Scopus331 WoS228
    2015 Govindan, K. (2015). WITHDRAWN: Embedding Sustainability Dynamics in Supply Chain Relationship Management and Governance Structures: Introduction, Review and oppurtunities. Journal of Cleaner Production.
    2015 Govindan, K., Rajendran, S., Sarkis, J., & Murugesan, P. (2015). Multi criteria decision making approaches for green supplier evaluation and selection: A literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 98, 66-83.
    DOI Scopus881 WoS649
    2015 Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., & Nourbakhsh, V. (2015). Bi-objective integrating sustainable order allocation and sustainable supply chain network strategic design with stochastic demand using a novel robust hybrid multi-objective metaheuristic. Computers and Operations Research, 62, 112-130.
    DOI Scopus205 WoS152
    2015 Jia, P., Govindan, K., Choi, T. M., & Rajendran, S. (2015). Supplier selection problems in fashion business operations with sustainability considerations. Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(2), 1603-1619.
    DOI Scopus60 WoS50
    2015 Xia, X., Govindan, K., & Zhu, Q. (2015). Analyzing internal barriers for automotive parts remanufacturers in China using grey-DEMATEL approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87(1), 811-825.
    DOI Scopus386 WoS290
    2015 Govindan, K., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2015). Sustainable supply chain management. Computers and Operations Research, 54(C), 177-179.
    2015 Xu, L., Li, Y., Govindan, K., & Xu, X. (2015). Consumer returns policies with endogenous deadline and supply chain coordination. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(1), 88-99.
    DOI Scopus124 WoS97
    2015 Rostamzadeh, R., Govindan, K., Esmaeili, A., & Sabaghi, M. (2015). Application of fuzzy VIKOR for evaluation of green supply chain management practices. Ecological Indicators, 49, 188-203.
    DOI Scopus382 WoS270
    2015 Govindan, K. (2015). The optimal replenishment policy for time-varying stochastic demand under vendor managed inventory. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(2), 402-423.
    DOI Scopus50 WoS39
    2015 Soleimani, H., & Kannan, G. (2015). A hybrid particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm for closed-loop supply chain network design in large-scale networks. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(14), 3990-4012.
    DOI Scopus257 WoS188
    2015 Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., & Kannan, D. (2015). Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain: A comprehensive review to explore the future. European Journal of Operational Research, 240(3), 603-626.
    DOI Scopus1551 WoS1150
    2015 Xu, L., Govindan, K., Bu, X., & Yin, Y. (2015). Pricing and balancing of the sea-cargo service chain with empty equipment repositioning. Computers and Operations Research, 54, 286-294.
    DOI Scopus40 WoS30
    2015 Govindan, K., Diabat, A., & Madan Shankar, K. (2015). Analyzing the drivers of green manufacturing with fuzzy approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, 182-193.
    DOI Scopus261 WoS175
    2015 Govindan, K., Kannan, D., & Shankar, M. (2015). Evaluation of green manufacturing practices using a hybrid MCDM model combining DANP with PROMETHEE. International Journal of Production Research, 53(21), 6344-6371.
    DOI Scopus120 WoS94
    2015 Kannan, D., Govindan, K., & Rajendran, S. (2015). Fuzzy axiomatic design approach based green supplier selection: A case study from Singapore. Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, 194-208.
    DOI Scopus268 WoS208
    2015 Govindan, K., Azevedo, S. G., Carvalho, H., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2015). Lean, green and resilient practices influence on supply chain performance: interpretive structural modeling approach. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(1), 15-34.
    DOI Scopus274 WoS185
    2015 Wei, J., Govindan, K., Li, Y., & Zhao, J. (2015). Pricing and collecting decisions in a closed-loop supply chain with symmetric and asymmetric information. Computers and Operations Research, 54, 257-265.
    DOI Scopus165 WoS121
    2015 Fattahi, M., Mahootchi, M., Govindan, K., & Moattar Husseini, S. M. (2015). Dynamic supply chain network design with capacity planning and multi-period pricing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 81, 169-202.
    DOI Scopus76 WoS57
    2015 Govindan, K. (2015). Application of multi-criteria decision making/operations research techniques for sustainable management in mining and minerals. Resources Policy, 46, 1-5.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS18
    2015 Shen, L., Govindan, K., & Shankar, M. (2015). Evaluation of barriers of corporate social responsibility using an analytical hierarchy process under a fuzzy environment-A textile case. Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(3), 3493-3514.
    DOI Scopus72 WoS50
    2015 Shaharudin, M. R., Govindan, K., Zailani, S., & Tan, K. C. (2015). Managing product returns to achieve supply chain sustainability: an exploratory study and research propositions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 101, 1-15.
    DOI Scopus77 WoS54
    2015 Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Vafadarnikjoo, A. (2015). Intuitionistic fuzzy based DEMATEL method for developing green practices and performances in a green supply chain. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(20), 7207-7220.
    DOI Scopus420 WoS300
    2015 Rezapour, S., Farahani, R. Z., Fahimnia, B., Govindan, K., & Mansouri, Y. (2015). Competitive closed-loop supply chain network design with price-dependent demands. Journal of Cleaner Production, 93, 251-272.
    DOI Scopus76 WoS53
    2015 Rathinam, B., Govindan, K., Neelakandan, B., & Raghavan, S. S. (2015). Na pravilu zasnovan heuristički pristup smanjenju ukupnog protoka vremena kod programiranja radova u permutacijskoj protočnoj radionici. Tehnički vjesnik, 22(1), 25-32.
    2015 Rathinam, B. (2015). Rule based heuristic approach for minimizing total flow time in permutation flow shop scheduling. Tehnicki Vjesnik, 22(1), 25-32.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS15
    2015 Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., & Rodriguez, C. M. T. (2015). Reducing the extraction of minerals: Reverse logistics in the machinery manufacturing industry sector in Brazil using ISM approach. Resources Policy, 46, 27-36.
    DOI Scopus81 WoS52
    2015 Hong, X., Lu, Q., Xu, L., Govindan, K., & Meidute, I. (2015). Licensing strategy for a stochastic R & D firm in a differentiated cournot duopoly model. Engineering Economics, 26(5), 478-488.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS4
    2015 Jia, P., Govindan, K., & Kannan, D. (2015). Identification and evaluation of influential criteria for the selection of an environmental shipping carrier using DEMATEL: A case from India. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 7(6), 719-741.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS13
    2015 Ke, H., Cui, Z., Govindan, K., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). The impact of contractual governance and trust on EPC projects in construction supply chain performance. Engineering Economics, 26(4), 349-363.
    DOI Scopus62 WoS51
    2015 Juan, A. A., Faulin, J., Grasman, S. E., & Govindan, K. (2015). Preface. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 6(1), 1-3.
    2015 Govindan, K., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2015). Sustainable supply chain management: Advances in operations research perspective. Computers and Operations Research, 54, 177-179.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS20
    2014 Hu, W., Li, Y., & Govindan, K. (2014). The impact of consumer returns policies on consignment contracts with inventory control. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(2), 398-407.
    DOI Scopus72 WoS53
    2014 Govindan, K., Sarkis, J., Jabbour, C. J. C., Zhu, Q., & Geng, Y. (2014). Eco-efficiency based green supply chain management: Current status and opportunities. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(2), 293-298.
    DOI Scopus96 WoS81
    2014 Soleimani, H., Seyyed-Esfahani, M., & Kannan, G. (2014). Incorporating risk measures in closed-loop supply chain network design. International Journal of Production Research, 52(6), 1843-1867.
    DOI Scopus110 WoS90
    2014 Jensen, J. K., & Govindan, K. (2014). Assessment of renewable bioenergy application: A case in the food supply chain industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 66, 254-263.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS13
    2014 Govindan, K., & Popiuc, M. N. (2014). Reverse supply chain coordination by revenue sharing contract: A case for the personal computers industry. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(2), 326-336.
    DOI Scopus258 WoS197
    2014 De Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jabbour, C. J. C., Sarkis, J., & Govindan, K. (2014). Brazil's new national policy on solid waste: Challenges and opportunities. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 16(1), 7-9.
    DOI Scopus89 WoS71
    2014 Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., Khodaverdi, R., & Devika, K. (2014). Two-echelon multiple-vehicle location-routing problem with time windows for optimization of sustainable supply chain network of perishable food. International Journal of Production Economics, 152, 9-28.
    DOI Scopus549 WoS406
    2014 Govindan, K., Kannan, D., & Shankar, K. M. (2014). Evaluating the drivers of corporate social responsibility in the mining industry with multi-criteria approach: A multi-stakeholder perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84(1), 214-232.
    DOI Scopus168 WoS123
    2014 Li, Y., Xu, L., Choi, T. M., & Govindan, K. (2014). Optimal advance-selling strategy for fashionable products with opportunistic consumers returns. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 44(7), 938-952.
    DOI Scopus47 WoS38
    2014 Aggarwal, S., Gupta, A., Govindan, K., Jha, P. C., & Meidute, I. (2014). Effect of repeat purchase and dynamic market size on diffusion of an innovative technological consumer product in a segmented market. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 20(1), 97-115.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS9
    2014 Tian, Y., Govindan, K., & Zhu, Q. (2014). A system dynamics model based on evolutionary game theory for green supply chain management diffusion among Chinese manufacturers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 80, 96-105.
    DOI Scopus293 WoS288
    2014 Kannan, D., Govindan, K., & Soleimani, H. (2014). Artificial immune system and sheep flock algorithms for two-stage fixed-charge transportation problem. Optimization, 63(10), 1465-1479.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS7
    2014 Jabbour, A. B., Jabbour, C., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., & Arantes, A. F. (2014). Mixed methodology to analyze the relationship between maturity of environmental management and the adoption of green supply chain management in Brazil. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 92, 255-267.
    DOI Scopus88 WoS60
    2014 Jha, P. C., Aggarwal, S., Gupta, A., Kumar, U. D., & Govindan, K. (2014). Innovation Diffusion Model for a Product Incorporating Segment-specific Strategy and the Spectrum Effect of Promotion. JOURNAL OF STATISTICS & MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, 17(2), 165-182.
    DOI WoS5
    2014 Choi, T. M., Chiu, C. H., Govindan, K., & Yue, X. (2014). Sustainable fashion supply chain management: The European scenario. European Management Journal, 32(5), 821-822.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS11
    2014 Kumar, D. T., Soleimani, H., & Kannan, G. (2014). Forecasting return products in an integrated forward/reverse supply chain utilizing an ANFIS. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 24(3), 669-682.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS28
    2014 Leite, A. E., De Castro, R., Jabbour, C. J. C., Batalha, M. O., & Govindan, K. (2014). Agricultural production and sustainable development in a Brazilian region (Southwest, São Paulo State): Motivations and barriers to adopting sustainable and ecologically friendly practices. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 21(5), 422-429.
    DOI Scopus23 WoS16
    2014 Soleimani, H., & Govindan, K. (2014). Reverse logistics network design and planning utilizing conditional value at risk. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 487-497.
    DOI Scopus158 WoS126
    2014 Govindan, K., Azevedo, S. G., Carvalho, H., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2014). Impact of supply chain management practices on sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 85, 212-225.
    DOI Scopus271 WoS124
    2014 Kumar, M., Tiwari, M. K., Wong, K. Y., Govindan, K., & Kuah, C. T. (2014). Evaluating reverse supply chain efficiency: Manufacturer's perspective. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(1), 9 pages.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS9
    2014 Mahdiraji, H. A., Govindan, K., Zavadskas, E. K., & Razavi Hajiagha, S. H. (2014). Coalition or decentralization: A game-theoretic analysis of a three-echelon supply chain network. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 15(3), 460-485.
    DOI Scopus27 WoS23
    2014 Bouzon, M., Govindan, K., & Rodriguez, C. M. T. (2014). Reverse logistics barriers: An analysis using interpretive structural modeling. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 3, 95-103.
    DOI Scopus5
    2014 Li, X., Li, Y., & Govindan, K. (2014). An incentive model for closed-loop supply chain under the EPR law. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65(1), 88-96.
    DOI Scopus51 WoS40
    2014 Mathiyazhagan, K., Govindan, K., & Noorul Haq, A. (2014). Pressure analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Production Research, 52(1), 188-202.
    DOI Scopus217 WoS154
    2014 Govindan, K., Kaliyan, M., Kannan, D., & Haq, A. N. (2014). Barriers analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Production Economics, 147(PART B), 555-568.
    DOI Scopus715 WoS483
    2014 Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J., & Seuring, S. (2014). Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(2), 299-312.
    DOI Scopus982 WoS720
    2014 Govindan, K., Soleimani, H., & Kannan, D. (2014). 2014 EJOR Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain A comprehensive review to explore the future.
    2013 Govindan, K. (2013). Embedding sustainability dynamics in supply chain relationship management and governance structures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 59, 1-2.
    2013 Mirzapour, S. A., Wong, K. Y., & Govindan, K. (2013). A capacitated location-allocation model for flood disaster service operations with border crossing passages and probabilistic demand locations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 11 pages.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS8
    2013 Chen, G., Govindan, K., Yang, Z. Z., Choi, T. M., & Jiang, L. (2013). Terminal appointment system design by non-stationary M(t)/E <inf>k</inf>/c(t) queueing model and genetic algorithm. International Journal of Production Economics, 146(2), 694-703.
    DOI Scopus78 WoS58
    2013 Diabat, A., Khreishah, A., Kannan, G., Panikar, V., & Gunasekaran, A. (2013). Benchmarking the interactions among barriers in third-party logistics implementation: An ISM approach. Benchmarking, 20(6), 805-824.
    DOI Scopus77 WoS53
    2013 Sun, X., Li, Y., Govindan, K., & Zhou, Y. (2013). Integrating dynamic acquisition pricing and remanufacturing decisions under random price-sensitive returns. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68(1-4), 933-947.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS24
    2013 Xu, L., Mathiyazhagan, K., Govindan, K., Noorul Haq, A., Ramachandran, N. V., & Ashokkumar, A. (2013). Multiple comparative studies of Green Supply Chain Management: Pressures analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 78, 26-35.
    DOI Scopus121 WoS88
    2013 de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Jabbour, C. J. C., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Salgado, M. H., & Zanon, C. J. (2013). Factors affecting the adoption of green supply chain management practices in Brazil: Empirical evidence. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 70(2), 302-315.
    DOI Scopus49
    2013 Govindan, K. (2013). Vendor-managed inventory: A review based on dimensions. International Journal of Production Research, 51(13), 3808-3835.
    DOI Scopus95 WoS68
    2013 Govindan, K., Sarkis, J., & Palaniappan, M. (2013). An analytic network process-based multicriteria decision making model for a reverse supply chain. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68(1-4), 863-880.
    DOI Scopus75 WoS57
    2013 Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Mathiyazhagan, K., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., & Jabbour, C. J. C. (2013). Analysing green supply chain management practices in Brazil's electrical/electronics industry using interpretive structural modelling. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 70(4), 477-493.
    DOI Scopus79
    2013 Muduli, K., Govindan, K., Barve, A., Kannan, D., & Geng, Y. (2013). Role of behavioural factors in green supply chain management implementation in Indian mining industries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 76, 50-60.
    DOI Scopus213 WoS159
    2013 Jia, P., Amoozad Mahdiraji, H., Govindan, K., & Meidute, I. (2013). Leadership selection in an unlimited three-echelon supply chain. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14(3), 616-637.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS19
    2013 Muduli, K., Govindan, K., Barve, A., & Geng, Y. (2013). Barriers to green supply chain management in Indian mining industries: A graph theoretic approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 47, 335-344.
    DOI Scopus252 WoS184
    2013 Chen, G., Govindan, K., & Yang, Z. (2013). Managing truck arrivals with time windows to alleviate gate congestion at container terminals. International Journal of Production Economics, 141(1), 179-188.
    DOI Scopus166 WoS114
    2013 Diabat, A., Abdallah, T., Al-Refaie, A., Svetinovic, D., & Govindan, K. (2013). Strategic closed-loop facility location problem with carbon market trading. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60(2), 398-408.
    DOI Scopus131 WoS100
    2013 Shen, L., Olfat, L., Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Diabat, A. (2013). A fuzzy multi criteria approach for evaluating green supplier's performance in green supply chain with linguistic preferences. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 74, 170-179.
    DOI Scopus404 WoS304
    2013 Kaliyan, M., Govindan, K., & Haq, N. (2013). 11 barrier analysis to improve green in existing supply chain management. Reverse Supply Chains, 273.
    2013 Mathiyazhagan, K., Govindan, K., NoorulHaq, A., & Geng, Y. (2013). An ISM approach for the barrier analysis in implementing green supply chain management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 47, 283-297.
    DOI Scopus685 WoS436
    2013 Chen, G., Govindan, K., & Golias, M. M. (2013). Reducing truck emissions at container terminals in a low carbon economy: Proposal of a queueing-based bi-objective model for optimizing truck arrival pattern. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 55, 3-22.
    DOI Scopus154 WoS111
    2013 Govindan, K., Khodaverdi, R., & Jafarian, A. (2013). A fuzzy multi criteria approach for measuring sustainability performance of a supplier based on triple bottom line approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 47, 345-354.
    DOI Scopus866 WoS635
    2013 Borade, A. B., Kannan, G., & Bansod, S. V. (2013). Analytical hierarchy process-based framework for VMI adoption. International Journal of Production Research, 51(4), 963-978.
    DOI Scopus66 WoS50
    2013 Kannan, G., Grigore, M. C., Devika, K., & Senthilkumar, A. (2013). An analysis of the general benefits of a centralised VMI system based on the EOQ model. International Journal of Production Research, 51(1), 172-188.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS23
    2013 Govindan, K., Popiuc, M. N., & Diabat, A. (2013). Overview of coordination contracts within forward and reverse supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 47, 319-334.
    DOI Scopus189 WoS156
    2013 Xu, L., Kannan, G., Yang, X., Li, J., & Zhao, X. (2013). Pricing and allotment in a sea-cargo supply chain with reference effect: A dynamic game approach. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013, 10 pages.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS4
    2013 Azevedo, S. G., Govindan, K., Carvalho, H., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2013). Ecosilient Index to assess the greenness and resilience of the upstream automotive supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 56, 131-146.
    DOI Scopus151 WoS110
    2013 Jabbour, C. J. C., Sarkis, J., De Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., & Govindan, K. (2013). Understanding the process of greening of Brazilian business schools. Journal of Cleaner Production, 61, 25-35.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS38
    2013 Jabbour, C. J. C., De Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Govindan, K., Teixeira, A. A., & De Souza Freitas, W. R. (2013). Environmental management and operational performance in automotive companies in Brazil: The role of human resource management and lean manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 47, 129-140.
    DOI Scopus365 WoS253
    2013 Shen, L., Govindan, K., Borade, A. B., Diabat, A., & Kannan, D. (2013). An evaluation of vendor managed inventory practices from small and medium indian enterprises. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 14(SUPPL1), S76-S95.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS7
    2013 Mirzapour, S. A., Wong, K. Y., & Govindan, K. (2013). Research Article A Capacitated Location-Allocation Model for Flood Disaster Service Operations with Border Crossing Passages and Probabilistic Demand Locations.
    2012 Bottani, E., Montanari, R., & Govindan, K. (2012). Editorial. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 4(3-4), 203-205.
    2012 Diabat, A., Govindan, K., & Panicker, V. V. (2012). Supply chain risk management and its mitigation in a food industry. International Journal of Production Research, 50(11), 3039-3050.
    DOI Scopus240 WoS158
    2012 Govindan, K., Palaniappan, M., Zhu, Q., & Kannan, D. (2012). Analysis of third party reverse logistics provider using interpretive structural modeling. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(1), 204-211.
    DOI Scopus366 WoS256
    2012 Azevedo, S. G., Govindan, K., Carvalho, H., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2012). An integrated model to assess the leanness and agility of the automotive industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 66, 85-94.
    DOI Scopus75 WoS50
    2012 Govindan, K., Diabat, A., & Popiuc, M. N. (2012). Contract analysis: A performance measures and profit evaluation within two-echelon supply chains. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 63(1), 58-74.
    DOI Scopus50 WoS36
    2012 Kannan, D., Diabat, A., Alrefaei, M., Govindan, K., & Yong, G. (2012). A carbon footprint based reverse logistics network design model. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 67, 75-79.
    DOI Scopus236 WoS184
    2012 Senthil, P., Selvaraj, T., Kannan, G., & Jeyapaul, R. (2012). Multi response optimisation of turning operation parameters on Al-Cu/TiB₂ in-situ metal matrix composites using desirability function. International journal of manufacturing technology and management, 25(1-3), 1-18.
    DOI Scopus6
    2011 Arlbjørn, J. S., Mikkelsen, O. S., Govindan, K., & Martens, H. (2011). Ny HD 2. specialisering i supply chain management. DILF Orientering, 48(6), 34-35.
    2011 Khan, B. S. H., & Govindan, K. (2011). A multi-objective simulated annealing algorithm for permutation flow shop scheduling problem. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 3(1), 88.
    2011 Govindan, K., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2011). Environmental supply chain management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(6), 557-558.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS16
    2011 Diabat, A., & Govindan, K. (2011). An analysis of the drivers affecting the implementation of green supply chain management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(6), 659-667.
    DOI Scopus826 WoS569
    2011 Govindan, K., & Murugesan, P. (2011). Selection of third-party reverse logistics provider using fuzzy extent analysis. Benchmarking, 18(1), 149-167.
    DOI Scopus82 WoS63
    2011 Somaiah, B., Agarwal, V., Choudhury, S. R., Duttagupta, S. P., & Govindan, K. (2011). Analysis and comparative study of pulsating current of fuel cells by inverter load with different power converter topologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 36(22), 15018-15028.
    DOI WoS17
    2011 Govindan, K., Pokharel, S., & Sasi Kumar, P. (2011). Erratum to "A hybrid approach using ISM and fuzzy TOPSIS for the selection of reverse logistics provider" (Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2009) 54, (28-36) DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2009.06.004). Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55(4), 493-494.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS2
    2011 Govindan, K., Pokharel, S., & Kumar, P. S. (2011). Erratum to “A hybrid approach using ISM and fuzzy TOPSIS for the selection of reverse logistics provider”[Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 54 (2009) 28–36]. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 4(55), 493-494.
    2010 Govindan, K. (2010). A multi-objective model for two-echelon production distribution supply chain.
    2010 Khan, B. S. H., Govindan, K., & Jeyapaul, R. (2010). Optimisation of genetic algorithm parameters in flow shop scheduling using grey relational analysis. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 2(1/2), 25.
    2010 Govindan, K., Kannan, D., & Haq, A. N. (2010). Analyzing supplier development criteria for an automobile industry. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 110(1), 43-62.
    DOI Scopus152 WoS108
    2010 Prasad, C. V. V. S. N. V., Govindan, K., & Kulkarni, D. M. (2010). Role of IT in SCM environment. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 2(1), 81-94.
    DOI Scopus5
    2010 Sasikumar, P., Kannan, G., & Haq, A. N. (2010). A multi-echelon reverse logistics network design for product recovery-a case of truck tire remanufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 49(9-12), 1223-1234.
    DOI Scopus137 WoS97
    2010 Kannan, G., Sasikumar, P., & Devika, K. (2010). A genetic algorithm approach for solving a closed loop supply chain model: A case of battery recycling. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34(3), 655-670.
    DOI Scopus359 WoS261
    2010 Govindan, K. (2010). A modified two objective model for decision making in a supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 119(1), 217-218.
    2009 Govindan, K. (2009). Performance measurement of reverse logistics in supply chain management using decision support system. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 11(1/2), 152-169.
    2009 Govindan, K., Noorul, H. A., & Kannan, D. (2009). Analysis of closed loop supply chain using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization. International Journal of Production Research, 47(5), 1175-1200.
    2009 Kannan, G. (2009). Erratum to "A modified two objective model for decision making in a supply chain" [International Journal of Production Economics 111 (2008) 378-388] (DOI:10.1016/j.ijpe.2007.01.006). International Journal of Production Economics, 119(1), 217-218.
    2009 Vinay, V. P., Kannan, G., & Sasikumar, P. (2009). Conceptual study on 3PL/4PL/ new trends for service industry. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management, 12(1), 3-22.
    DOI Scopus16 WoS11
    2009 Kannan, G. (2009). Fuzzy approach for the selection of third party reverse logistics provider. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21(3), 397-416.
    DOI Scopus82 WoS58
    2009 Sasikumar, P., & Kannan, G. (2009). Issues in reverse supply chain, part III: Classification and simple analysis. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2(1), 2-27.
    DOI Scopus108 WoS91
    2009 Kannan, G., Murugesan, P., Senthil, P., & Haq, A. N. (2009). Multicriteria group decision making for the third party reverse logistics service provider in the supply chain model using fuzzy TOPSIS for transportation services. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management, 11(2), 162-181.
    DOI Scopus39 WoS28
    2009 Kannan, G., Vinay, V. P., & Koh, S. C. L. (2009). A conceptual view on the scope and scale of growth of third party logistics provider services in India. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, 3(1), 43-55.
    DOI Scopus3
    2009 Sasikumar, P., Kannan, G., & Haq, A. N. (2009). A heuristic based approach to vehicle routing model for Third Party Reverse Logistics provider. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management, 12(1), 106-125.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS4
    2009 Kannan, G., Murugesan, P., & Noorul Haq, A. (2009). 3PRLP's selection using an integrated analytic hierarchy process and linear programming. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management, 12(1), 61-80.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS12
    2009 Kannan, G., & Sasi Kumar, P. (2009). Developing the reverse logistics network-A comment and suggestions on minimizing the reverse logistics cost. Omega, 37(3), 741.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS6
    2009 Kannan, G. (2009). A metaheuristics-based decision support system for the performance measurement of reverse supply chain management. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 11(1-2), 152-169.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS3
    2009 Kannan, G., Pokharel, S., & Kumar, P. S. (2009). A hybrid approach using ISM and fuzzy TOPSIS for the selection of reverse logistics provider. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(1), 28-36.
    DOI Scopus561 WoS395
    2009 Verma, R., Koul, S., & Govindan, K. (2009). Vendor selection and uncertainty. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 1(4), 333-345.
    DOI Scopus3
    2009 Pochampally, K. K., Gupta, S. M., & Govindan, K. (2009). Metrics for performance measurement of a reverse/closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 1(1), 8-32.
    DOI Scopus76
    2009 Kannan, G., Noorul Haq, A., & Devika, M. (2009). Analysis of closed loop supply chain using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation. International Journal of Production Research, 47(5), 1175-1200.
    DOI Scopus168 WoS127
    2009 Govindan, K. (2009). Applying fuzzy preference relations to third party reverse logistics provider selection.
    2009 Mohan, M. R., Shahabudeen, P., & Kannan, G. (2009). The design of vehicle routes for a third-party logistics service provider using the simulated annealing algorithm. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 11(1-2), 1-18.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS4
    2008 Kannan, G., Noorul, A., Sasikumar, P., & Subramaniam, A. (2008). Analysis and selection of green suppliers using interpretative structural modelling and analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 9(1), 163-182.
    DOI Scopus192
    2008 Kannan, G., Haq, A. N., Sasikumar, P., & Arunachalam, S. (2008). Analysis and selection of green suppliers using interpretative structural modelling and analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 9(2), 163-182.
    2008 Kannan, G., Sasi Kumar, P., & Narendran, S. (2008). Comments on the erratum to "The spatial and temporal consolidation of returned products in a closed-loop supply chain network" [Comput. Ind. Eng. 51 (2006) 309-320] (DOI:10.1016/j.cie.2006.02.010). Computers and Industrial Engineering, 54(4), 1087-1090.
    DOI Scopus2
    2008 Kannan, G., Senthil, P., Sasikumar, P., & Vinay, V. P. (2008). A Nelder and Mead Methodology for solving small fixed-Charge transportation Problems. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 1(4), 60-72.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS6
    2008 Sasikumar, P., & Kannan, G. (2008). Issues in reverse supply chains, part II: Reverse distribution issues - an overview. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1(4), 234-249.
    DOI Scopus86 WoS67
    2008 Kannan, G., Noorul Haq, A., & Sasikumar, P. (2008). An application of the analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process in the selection of collecting centre location for the reverse logistics multicriteria decision-making supply chain model. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 9(4), 350-365.
    DOI Scopus39
    2008 Kannan, G. (2008). Implementation of fuzzy quality function deployment in an automobile component to improve the quality characteristics. Quality Engineering, 20(3), 321-333.
    DOI Scopus22
    2008 Sasikumar, P., & Kannan, G. (2008). Issues in reverse supply chains, part I: End-of-life product recovery and inventory management - an overview. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1(3), 154-172.
    DOI Scopus102 WoS78
    2008 Kannan, G., & Vinay, V. P. (2008). Multi-criteria decision making for the selection of CAD/CAM system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING - IJIDEM, 2(3), 151-159.
    DOI WoS22
    2008 Kannan, G., Sasi Kumar, P., & Vinay, V. P. (2008). Comments on "Nonlinear fixed charge transportation problem by spanning tree-based genetic algorithm" by Jung-Bok Jo, Yinzhen Li, Mitsuo Gen, Computers &amp; Industrial Engineering (2007). Computers and Industrial Engineering, 55(2), 533-534.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS15
    2007 Haq, A. N., & Kannan, G. (2007). A hybrid normalised multi criteria decision making for the vendor selection in a supply chain model. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 8(5-6), 601-622.
    DOI Scopus36
    2007 Kannan, G., & Haq, A. N. (2007). Analysis of interactions of criteria and sub-criteria for the selection of supplier in the built-in-order supply chain environment. International Journal of Production Research, 45(17), 3831-3852.
    DOI Scopus244 WoS149
    2006 Noorul Haq, A., & Kannan, G. (2006). An integrated approach for selecting a vendor using grey relational analysis. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 5(02), 277-295.
    2006 Haq, A. N., & Kannan, G. (2006). Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process for evaluating and selecting a vendor in a supply chain model. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 29(7-8), 826-835.
    DOI Scopus220 WoS157
    2006 Haq, A. N., & Kannan, G. (2006). Design of an integrated supplier selection and multi-echelon distribution inventory model in a built-to-order supply chain environment. International Journal of Production Research, 44(10), 1963-1985.
    DOI Scopus145 WoS100
    2006 Haq, A. N., & Kannan, G. (2006). Two-echelon distribution-inventory supply chain model for the bread industry using genetic algorithm. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2(2), 177-193.
    DOI Scopus22
    2006 Noorul Haq, A., & Kannan, G. (2006). Effect of forecasting on the multi-echelon distribution inventory supply chain cost using neural network, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 1(1-2), 1-22.
    DOI Scopus22
    2006 Haq, A. N., & Kannan, G. (2006). An integrated approach for selecting a vendor using grey relational analysis. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 5(2), 277-295.
    DOI Scopus53 WoS40
    1999 Kherallah, M., & Govindan, K. (1999). The sequencing of agricultural market reforms in Malawi. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ECONOMIES, 8(2), 125-151.
    DOI WoS8
    1997 Chua, D. K. H., Chan, W. T., & Govindan, K. (1997). A time-cost trade-off model with resource consideration using genetic algorithm. CIVIL ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, 14(4), 291-311.
    DOI WoS35
    DOI WoS26
    DOI WoS17
    - Kumar, S., Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kumar, N., & Haleem, A. (n.d.). Barriers in green lean six sigma product development process: an ISM approach. Production Planning &amp; Control, 1-17.
    - Demartini, M., Tonelli, F., & Govindan, K. (n.d.). SDU-á.
    - Govindan, K., & DENMARK, D. O. M. (n.d.). EURO Forum-Publications.
    - Naderi, B., Govindan, K., & Soleimani, H. (n.d.). wheat distribution network.
    - Deal, V., & a Divestiture, M. D. (n.d.). Management for Professionals.
    - Demartini, M., Tonelli, F., & Govindan, K. (n.d.). Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain.
    - Govindan, K., Huisingh, D., Jiménez-Parra, B., Rubio, S., Gonzalez, E. D. R. S., Subramoniam, R., & Vicente-Molina, M. (n.d.). Remanufacturing, marketing and sustainable consumption: New relationships in the supply chain.
    - Chiu, C., Choi, T., Govindan, K., & Yue, X. (n.d.). Sustainable fashion supply chain management: The European scenario. European Management Journal, 2(012), 30.
    - Khorshidvand, B., Soleimani, H., Sibdari, S., Esfahani, M. M. S., & Govindan, K. (n.d.). Revenue Management in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain Using Pricing and Green Quality Levels.
    - Kannan, G., Kumar, P. S., Vinay, V. P., & Levary, R. R. (n.d.). K.-C. Ying 494 Minimizing earliness–tardiness penalties for common due date single-machine scheduling problems by a recovering beam search algorithm W. Hu, L. Enying, GY Li and ZH Zhong 503 A metamodel optimization methodology based on multi-level fuzzy clustering space reduction strategy and its applications.
    - Govindan, K., Jafarian, A., Azbari, M. E., Choi, T. M., Li, S., Tryfonas, T., . . . Qiu, J. (n.d.). SPECIAL SECTION ON RISK INTELLIGENCE IN BIG DATA ERA.
  • Books

    Year Citation
    2022 Govindan, K., Kumar, H., & Yadav, S. (Eds.) (2022). Advances in Mechanical and Materials Technology: Select Proceedings of EMSME 2020.
    2022 Govindan, K., Kumar, H., & Yadav, S. (Eds.) (2022). Advances in Mechanical and Materials Technology: Select Proceedings of EMSME 2020.
    2018 Pinto, J. L. Q., Matias, J. C. O., Pimentel, C., Azevedo, S. G., & Govindan, K. (Eds.) (2018). Just in Time factory: Implementation Through Lean Manufacturing Tools. Springer.
    2011 Govindan, K., & Popiuc, M. N. (2011). Overview and classification of coordination contracts within forward and reverse supply chains. Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi, Syddansk Universitet.
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2023 Aditi., Kannan, D., & Govindan, K. (2023). Analysis of Supplier Development Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. In M. Goodsite, & N. Swanstrom (Eds.), Towards a Sustainable Arctic: International Security, Climate Change and Green Shipping (pp. 213-230). World Scientific.
    DOI Scopus1
    2018 Pinto, J. L. Q., Matias, J. C. O., Pimentel, C., Azevedo, S. G., Govindan, K., Pinto, J. L. Q., . . . Govindan, K. (2018). Introduction to lean and just-in-time manufacturing. In Management for Professionals (Vol. Part F628, pp. 1-4). Springer International Publishing.
    DOI Scopus10
    2016 Kaliyan, M., Govindan, K., & Haq, N. (2016). Barrier analysis to improve green in existing supply chain management. In Reverse Supply Chains: Issues and Analysis (pp. 273-288).
    2015 Bouzon, M., & Govindan, K. (2015). Reverse logistics as a sustainable supply chain practice for the fashion industry: an analysis of drivers and the Brazilian Case. In T. -M. Choi, & T. C. E. Cheng (Eds.), Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management: From Sourcing to Retailing (Vol. 1, pp. 85-104). Springer International Publishing.
    DOI Scopus29
    2009 Kumar, P. S., Senthil, P., Kannan, G., & Haq, A. N. (2009). The Support of E-Collaboration Technologies for a Blood Bank. In E-Collaboration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 701-705). IGI Global.
    2007 Sasi Kumar, P., Senthil, P., Kannan, G., & Noorul Haq, A. (2007). The support of e-collaboration technologies for a blood bank. In Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration (pp. 584-588). IGI Global.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2024 Mohammed, A., Al Balushi, S., Govindan, K., & Zubairu, N. (2024). Crafting a Resilient Two-echelon Supply Chain in the Era of Sustainability. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2023 (pp. 48-52). Online: IEEE.
    2018 Yeboah, M. O., Kuada, E., Sitti, M., Govindan, K., Hagan, H., & Miriam, M. C. (2018). Design Of A Voice Guided Ultrasonic Spectacle And Waist Belt With GPS For The Visually Impaired. In 2018 IEEE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADAPTIVE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (IEEE ICAST) (pp. 7 pages). Accra, GHANA: IEEE.
    2017 Singh, S., Verma, R., & Kannan Govindan, M. E. (2017). Managing blood supply chains: Open source applications and process mining. In 11th International Conference of the Indian Subcontinent Decision Sciences Institute.
    2017 Kannan Govindan, M. E., & Mathivathanan, D. (2017). Total interpretive structural modeling of social sustainability practices in manufacturing industry. In 11th International Conference of the Indian Subcontinent Decision Sciences Institute.
    2016 Formentini, M., Taticchi, P., Govindan, K., & Riblan, M. (2016). Implementation of Corporate Sustainability Strategies at the Supply Chain Level: Insights from the Disclosure of Global Fortune 500 companies. In 3rd International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Lancaster (UK), April 2016, Conference Proceedings.
    2016 Formentini, M., Taticchi, P., Govindan, K., & Riblan, M. (2016). Corporate Sustainability Strategy Implementation and Disclosure-An Analysis of Global Fortune 500 Reports. In POMS 2016 Orlando Conference Proceedings.
    2015 Govindan, K. P. M. E., Luthra, S., & Mangla, S. K. (2015). Evaluating critical factors in the successful implementation of remanufacturing in Indian automotive firms. In Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference. Elsevier.
    2014 Govindan, K., & Jafarian, A. (2014). A Robust Multi-objective Desirability-based Simulated Annealing for Optimization of Sustainable Supply Chain Network Strategic Design. In 2014 International Conference on Computer, Communications and Information Technology (CCIT 2014) (pp. 326-330). Atlantis Press.
    2014 Gandhi, K., Jha, P. C., Govindan, K., & Galar, D. (2014). Three echelon supply chain design with supplier evaluation. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol. 259 (pp. 867-881). Springer India.
    2012 Azevedo, S. G., Carvalho, H. M. L., Govindan, K., & Machado, V. A. C. (2012). Deployment of radio frequency identification technology in healthcare organizations. In Proceedings of the POMS 23rd Annual Conference. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS).
    2010 Govindan, K., Grigore, M. C., & Kannan, D. (2010). Ranking of third party logistics provider using fuzzy ELECTRE II. In 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering: Soft Computing Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing and Service Systems, CIE40 2010 (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
    DOI Scopus19
    2010 Govindan, K., & Kannan, D. (2010). A Bi objective reverse logistics network design model. In 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering: Soft Computing Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing and Service Systems, CIE40 2010 (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
    DOI Scopus1
    2009 Kannan, G. (2009). A multi objective model for two-echelon production distribution supplychain. In 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009 (pp. 624-627). FRANCE, Troyes: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS2
    2009 Pattnaik, S., Sutar, M. K., & Govindan, K. (2009). Supply chain integration in relation to manufacturing industries. In 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009 (pp. 951-956). Troyes, FRANCE: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Creating a circular procurement/sustainable supply chain system using the product return forecast within social media platform enhanced by a cost optimization model in reverse logistics (machine learning technique) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Zahra Sarmast
    2024 Principal Supervisor Real-Time Simulations and Optimisation of Multi-Tier Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Based on Deep Learning and Digital Twins Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Chi An Le
  • Position: Director of CSOSRC
  • Phone: 83133607
  • Email: kannan.govindan@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: 10 Pulteney Street - Nexus 10 Tower, floor Twelfth Floor
  • Room: 12.48
  • Org Unit: Institute for Sustainability Energy and Resources (ISER)

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