Professor Joanna Howe
Adelaide Law School
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr Joanna Howe is a Professor of Law at the University of Adelaide and a consultant with Harmers Workplace Lawyers.
She holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Law from the University of Oxford where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. In 2022 Joanna was appointed by the Minister for Home Affairs as part of an expert, three-member panel to review the Australian Migration Program. In 2021 Joanna was appointed by the Minister for Immigration to the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration. In 2019 Joanna was appointed as the Australian representative to an ILO working group on temporary labour migration.
Joanna is a leading expert on the legal regulation of temporary labour migration. She is project leader on a number of significant national research grants, including an ARC Linkage Grant examining undocumented migrant work on farms, one for the horticulture industry ((HIA, VG15025, $231,207, 2016) and another for the Fair Work Ombudsman examining the experience of international students in the Australian workplace (FWO, $58, 960, 2016). Joanna is also a chief-investigator on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (with Prof Rosemary Owens, Prof Andrew Steward and A/Prof Anne Hewitt) investigating the incidence of unpaid work experience and internships in Australia (DP150104516, $207,200, 2015-2018). Joanna is also a chief-investigator on a Commonwealth National Research Grant (cat 1, $311,000) investigating the experience of refugee women in the workplace. Joanna is also a research collaborator on a grant from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council examining gender, migration and the work of care in Oceania.
Joanna is the author of three books and her work is internationally recognised. Her edited collection Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era (with Prof Rosemary Owens) is the seminal international work on the regulation of transnational migration flows between countries on a temporary basis, and her monograph Rethinking Job Security provides a three country study of unfair dismissal law. In 2015 Joanna received a grant from the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law in Spain with Prof Rosemary Owens to convene a workshop on temporary labour migration bringing together international experts.
Joanna is regularly invited to present evidence to Australian parliamentary inquiries and reviews into Australia’s temporary labour migration programme. Her recommendations regarding the temporary migration program have been accepted by successive federal governments and inquiries. Joanna is a regular media commentator having given expert evidence on Four Corners and 7.30, and is regularly commissioned to write for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Melbourne Age and The Australian newspapers.
Joanna also researches on laws that impact children, including on abortion and surrogacy.
She is the recipient of the SA InDaily 40 under 40 Award and the University of Adelaide's Women's Research Excellence Award.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Professor of Law University of Adelaide 2016 - 2022 Associate Professor in Law University of Adelaide 2015 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2012 - 2014 Lecturer University of Adelaide 2010 - 2011 Junior Dean St John's College, University of Cambridge -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2015 Award Executive Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning University of Adelaide Australia 2000 2015 Research Award University of Adelaide Vice-Chancellor's Award for Women's Excellence in Research University of Adelaide Australia 5000 2014 Award Best article submitted in 2015 University Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV France - 2009 Scholarship NSW Rhodes Scholar University of Oxford Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2009 - 2012 University of Oxford United Kingdom PhD 2008 - 2009 University of Oxford United Kingdom M.St. Legal Research 2001 - 2007 University of Sydney Australia LLB (First Class Honours) 2001 - 2004 University of Sydney Australia Bachelor of Economics (Social Sciences) -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Flavel, J., Due, C., Howe, J., & Ziersch, A. (2024). Refugee women and work: Evidence from an Australian longitudinal study. International Migration, 62(6), 1-21.
Scopus12023 Ziersch, A., Miller, E., Walsh, M., Due, C., Callaghan, P., Howe, J., & Green, E. (2023). ‘I really want to work for me to feel good myself ‘: Health impacts of employment experiences for women from refugee backgrounds in Australia. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 9 pages.
Scopus42023 Howe, J., & Nikoloudakis, I. (2023). The evolution of Australia’s dedicated temporary skilled migration program: a bipartisan political journey from agreement to disagreement. Griffith Law Review, 32(3), 357-385.
2022 Howe, J., Shi, E., & Clibborn, S. (2022). FRUIT PICKING IN FEAR: AN EXAMINATION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ON AUSTRALIAN FARMS. MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 45(3), 1140-1174. 2022 Hewitt, A., Grenfell, L., Abiyat, H., Hendry, M., Howe, J., & Whittaker, S. (2022). Weighing the Cost of Expectations that Students Complete Legal Work Experience. Legal Education Review, 32(1), 109-128.
Scopus1 WoS22021 Howe, J. (2021). Out of Limbo and into the Light: A Case for Status Resolution for Undocumented Migrant Workers on Farms. The Sydney Law Review, 43(4), 433-454.
Scopus3 WoS12021 Howe, J. (2021). Submission -Statues Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Bill 2021. U. of Adelaide Law Research Paper, (2021). 2021 Hewitt, A., Owens, R., Stewart, A., & Howe, J. (2021). Are work experience participants protected against sex discrimination or sexual harassment?. Alternative Law Journal, 46(2), 115-119.
Scopus2 WoS12021 Howe, J., & Nikoloudakis, I. (2021). Short Stay Visa Holders and Occupational Trainees in Australia’s Labour Migration Program: Regulatory Challenges at the Apex of Temporariness. Federal Law Review, 50(1), 40-61.
Scopus12021 Howe, J., Reilly, A., Berg, L., & Farbenblum, B. (2021). Understanding International Students’ Professed Satisfaction with Underpaid Work in Australia. Monash University Law Review, 46(3), 50-78.
WoS12020 Howe, J., Reilly, A., Clibborn, S., van den Broek, D., & Wright, C. F. (2020). Slicing and Dicing Work in the Australian Horticulture Industry: Labour Market Segmentation within the Temporary Migrant Workforce. Federal Law Review, 48(2), 25 pages.
Scopus102020 Howe, J. M. (2020). How effective are legal interventions for addressing precarious work? The case of temporary migrants in the Australian horticulture industry. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 44(2), 35-50. 2020 Howe, J. (2020). A Legally Constructed Underclass of Workers? The Deportability and Limited Work Rights of International Students in Australia and the United Kingdom. Joanna Howe, A Legally Constructed Underclass of Workers? The Deportability and Limited Work Rights of International Students in Australia and the United Kingdom, Industrial Law Journal, 48(3), 416-4. 2019 Howe, J. M., & Le Mire, S. (2019). Medical Referral for Abortion and Freedom of Conscience in Australian Law. Journal of Law and Religion, 34(1), 85-112.
Scopus5 WoS42019 Howe, J. M., Reilly, A., van den Broek, D., & Wright, C. F. (2019). Pro-market governance, migration status and worker vulnerability: The case of Australian horticulture. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 42(4), 1-21.
Scopus7 WoS52019 Howe, J. M. (2019). A Legally Constructed Underclass of Workers? The Deportability and Limited Work Rights of International Students in Australia and the United Kingdom. Industrial Law Journal, 48(33), 426-446.
Scopus12 WoS92019 Howe, J., Reilly, A., Wright, C. F., van den Broek, D., & Clibborn, S. (2019). A Critical Examination of the Relationship between Labour Hire Intermediaries and Growers in the Australian Horticulture Industry. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 32(1), 83-102. 2019 Reilly, A. P., & Howe, J. (2019). Australia's Future Horticultural Workforce: Assessing the Agricultural Visa Concept. Journal of Political Economy, 84(84), 89-115.
Scopus12019 Howe, J. M., Charlesworth, S., & Brennan, D. (2019). Migration Pathways for Frontline Care Workers in Australia and New Zealand: Front Doors, Side Doors, Back Doors and Trap Doors. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 42(1), 211-241.
Scopus18 WoS142018 Reilly, A., Howe, J., van den Broek, D., & Wright, C. (2018). Working holiday makers in Australian horticulture: labour market effect, exploitation and avenues for reform. Griffith Law Review, 27(1), 99-130.
Scopus36 WoS302018 Howe, J., Stewart, A. J., & Owens, R. (2018). Temporary Migrant Labour and Unpaid Work in Australia. Sydney Law Review, 40(2), 183-211.
WoS72018 Howe, J., van den Broek, D., Reilly, A., & Wright, C. F. (2018). A Tale of Two Visas: Interrogating the Substitution Effect between Pacific Seasonal Workers and Backpackers in Addressing Horticultural Labour Supply Challenges and Worker Exploitation. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 31, 209-242. 2018 Howe, J., Berg, L., & Farbenblum, B. (2018). Unfair Dismissal Law and Temporary Migrant Labour in Australia. Federal Law Review, 46(1), 19-47. 2017 Howe, J. (2017). Migrant Rights at Work: Law's Precariousness at the Intersection of Migration and Labour. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 59(1), 110-112.
2016 Howe, J. (2016). Regulation of Australia’s labour migration program: Is there a case for including fairness?. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 29, 58-77. 2016 Howe, J. (2016). Examining a Temporary Migrant Worker’s Ability to make a Complaint of Sexual Harassment. Alternative Law Journal, 41(2), 102-104.
Scopus8 WoS52015 Golding, G. E., & Howe, J. (2015). Book Review: The Contract of Employment. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 28, 214-217. 2015 Howe, J. (2015). Scrutinising parliament’s scrutiny of delegated legislative power. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, 15(1), 3-40.
Scopus22015 Howe, J., & Reilly, A. (2015). Meeting Australia’s labour needs: the case for a low skill work visa. Federal Law Review, 43(2), 259-287. 2015 Howe, J. (2015). Possibilities and pitfalls involved in expanding Australia’s national workers’ compensation scheme. Melbourne University Law Review, 39(2), 472-506.
Scopus2 WoS12015 Golding, G., & Howe, J. (2015). Book Review: The Contract of Employment by Mark Irving. 2014 Howe, J. (2014). Work and employment: Accountability and transparency under the subclass 457 visa program: Is there cause for concern?. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, 21(3), 5 pages.
WoS12014 Howe, J. (2014). Enterprise migration Agreements under the Subclass 457 Visa: much ado about nothing?. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 27(1), 1-12. 2014 Howe, J. M. (2014). Accountability and Transparency under the Subclass 457 Visa Program: Is there Cause for Concern. Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 139. 2014 Howe, J. (2014). Does Australia need an expert commission to assist with managing its labour migration program?. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 27(3), 1-25. 2014 Howe, J. (2014). Le licenciement de salariés pour utilisation des réseaux sociaux. Analyse de l'approche australienne visant à réglementer l'utilisation par les salariés des technologies de communication en dehors du travail’, Rubrique de jurisprudence sociale comparée. Revue de Droit Compare du Travail et de la Securite Sociale, 2, 96-101. 2013 Howe, J. (2013). Is the net cast too wide? An assessment of whether the regulatory design of the 457 visa meets Australia's skill needs. Federal Law Review, 41(3), 443-469. 2013 Howe, J. (2013). Poles apart?: the contestation between the ideas of no fault dismissal and unfair dismissal for protecting job security. Industrial Law Journal, 42(2), 122-151.
Scopus9 WoS72010 Howe, J. M. (2010). The Migration Amendment (Worker Protection) Act 2008: Long Overdue Reform, But Have Migrant Workers been Sold Short?. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 24(2). -
Year Citation 2017 Howe, J. (2017). Rethinking Job Security: A Comparative Analysis of Unfair Dismissal Law in the UK, Australia and the USA. United Kingdom: Routledge.
DOI Scopus22016 Howe, J., & Owens, R. (Eds.) (2016). The Regulatory Changes to Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era. United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. 2016 Howe, J., & Owens, R. (2016). Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Challenges.
Scopus262015 Bannister, J., Appleby, G., Olijnyk, A., & Howe, J. (2015). Government accountability: Australian Administrative Law. Australia: Cambridge University Press. 2009 Howe, J. M. (2009). The Australian Standard of Employment Rights: A How-to Guide for the workplace. J. Riley (Ed.). -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2021 Howe, J. (2021). Regulating International Educational Internships: Opportunities and Challenges. In A. Stewart, R. Owens, N. O'Higgins, & A. Hewitt (Eds.), Internships, Employability and the Search for Decent Work Experience (pp. 208-222). United Kingdom: International Labour Organization and Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI2021 Howe, J. (2021). Temporary migrant workers and trade unions: a complex relationship. In J. -C. Tham, & C. Kelly (Eds.), Democracy, Social Justice and the Role of Trade Unions (pp. 139-154). Online: Anthem Press.
Scopus12018 Howe, J. (2018). Is There a Wages Crisis Facing Skilled Temporary Migrants?. In A. Stewart, J. Stanford, & T. Hardy (Eds.), The Wages Crisis in Australia: What It is and What to Do About It (pp. 203-214). Adelaide; South Australia: University of Adelaide Press. 2017 Owens, R., Stewart, A., Hewitt, A., & Howe, J. (2017). Labour regulation, work experience and youth: lessons from the scholarship of Ann Numhauser-Henning. In M. Rönnmar, & VotiniusJ (Eds.), Festskrift till Ann Numhauser-Henning (pp. 643-659). Lund, Sweden: Juristförlaget in Lund. 2017 Hewitt, A., Owens, R., Stewart, A., & Howe, J. (2017). At the intersection of education and work: young people, equality and regulation of the labour market. In J. Howe, A. Chapman, & I. Landau (Eds.), The Evolving Project of Labour Law Foundations, Development and Future Research Directions (pp. 102-116). Annandale, NSW: Federation Press. 2017 Howe, J. (2017). ‘Predatory Princes’, ‘Migration Merchants’ or ‘Agents of Development’? An Examination of the Legal Regulation of Labour Hire Migration Intermediaries. In J. Howe, A. Chapman, & I. Landau (Eds.), The Evolving Project of Labour Law Foundations, Development and Future Research Directions (pp. 192-205). Annandale, NSW: Federation Press. 2016 Howe, J., & Owens, R. (2016). Introduction to Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Challenges. In J. Howe, & R. Owens (Eds.), Temporary labour migration in the global era: the regulatory challenges (pp. 3-40). United Kingdom: Bloomsbury. 2016 Howe, J. (2016). Contesting the demand-driven orthodoxy: an assessment of the Australian regulation of temporary labour migration. In J. Howe, & R. Owens (Eds.), Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Challenges (pp. 131-147). United Kingdom: Bloomsbury.
Scopus4 WoS42015 Howe, J. (2015). Why do so few employees return to their jobs? In pursuit of a right to work following unfair dismissal. In M. Mantouvalou (Ed.), The right to work: legal and philosophical perspectives (pp. 255-274). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. 2015 Howe, J. M. (2015). Determining the scope of a power. In J. Bannister, & G. Appleby (Eds.), Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law. Cambridge University Press. 2015 Howe, J. M. (2015). Improper Exercise of Power. In J. Bannister, & G. Appleby (Eds.), Government Accountability: Australian Administrative Law. Cambridge University Press. 2015 Howe, J., Sanchez, E., & Stewart, A. (2015). Job loss. In M. Finkin, & G. Mundlak (Eds.), Comparative Labor Law (1 ed., pp. 268-295). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI Scopus12015 Howe, J. (2015). Dignity at work. In C. Ozich (Ed.), Employment rights now: Reflections on the Australian charter of employment rights (pp. 27-32). Richmond, VIC: Hardie Grant Books. 2011 Casale, G., Countouris, N., Fenwick, C., Lee, S., & Howe, J. (2011). Legal Regulation of the Employment Relationship in the Asia-Pacific Region. In G. Casale (Ed.), The Employment Relationship: A Comparative Overview (pp. 189-232). Geneva: Hart. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2016 Howe, J. (2016). "Predatory Princes”, “Migration Merchants” or “Agents of Development”? An Examination of the Legal Regulation of Labour Hire Migration Intermediaries. In University of Melbourne. University of Melbourne. 2016 Howe, J. M. (2016). Assessing Employer Claims of Shortages in Aged Care. In New Research on Pacific Labour Mobility Workshop. Australian National University. 2015 Howe, J. M. (2015). Skills and Immigration. In Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Australia. 2015 Howe, J. M. (2015). Future directions for the 457 visa. In University of Sydney. University of Sydney. 2015 Howe, J. (2015). Scrutinising Parliament’s Scrutiny of Delegated Legislative Power. In Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal. University of Cambridge: Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles - no Open Select. 2014 Howe, J. M. (2014). Governance and Accountability: Legal and Regulatory Frameworks. In Ingram Symposium on Labour Migration in the Asia Pacific Region. University of New South Wales. 2013 Howe, J. M. (2013). The Evolution and Development of Unfair Dismissal Law in Britain and Australia. In Labour Law Research Network Conference. Barcelona. 2012 Howe, J. M. (2012). The Use and Abuse of Codes of Conduct in Unfair Dismissal Legal Systems. In Re-organising Work. Gold Coast. 2012 Howe, J. M. (2012). Poles Apart? The Contestation between the Ideas of No Fault Dismissal and Unfair Dismissal for Protecting Job Security. In Industrial Law Journal. Sydney: Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy E - Oxford Open Option D. 2009 Howe, J. M. (2009). The Regulatory Challenges Posed by Temporary Labour Migration Programmes – A Critique of the Demand-Driven Approach. In Oñati Institute for the Sociology of Law. Spain. 2009 Howe, J. M. (2009). Temporary Labour Migration in a Globalised World – The Regulatory Challenges. In Oñati Institute for the Sociology of Law (pp. 3-40). Spain: BLOOMSBURY PUBL INC.
Scopus11 WoS20 -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2022 Ziersch, A., Due, C., Howe, J., Walsh, M., Miller, E., & Flavel, J. (2022). Pathways to employment for social inclusion, health & wellbeing for women from refugee backgrounds. 2021 Howe, J. (2021). Out of the Shadows: A Case for Status Regularisation for Undocumented Migrant Farm Workers. 2021 Hewitt, A., Stewart, A., Owens, R., & Howe, J. (2021). Protecting Students At Work: Australian Universities and regulating for quality work experience. Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide. 2020 Howe, J., & Singh, A. (2020). Covid-19 and Undocumented Workers in the Australian Horticulture Industry. 2019 Hewitt, A., Owens, R., Stewart, A., & Howe, J. (2019). Issues of sexual harassment in unpaid work: Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces. Sydney, NSW: Australian Human Rights Commission. 2019 Howe, J. M., Cibborn, S., Reilly, A., van den Broek, D., & Wright, C. F. (2019). Towards a Durable Future: Tackling Labour Challenges in the Australian Horticulture Industry. 2018 Howe, J. M., & Nikoloudakis, I. (2018). A Critique of the Australian Working Holiday Programme: Options for Reform. 2017 Howe, J. M., Reilly, A., van den Broek, D., & Wright, C. (2017). Sustainable Solutions: The Future of Labour Supply in the Australian Vegetable Industry. 2017 Reilly, A., Howe, J., Berg, L., Farbenblum, B., & Tan, G. (2017). International Students and the Fair Work Ombudsman. 2016 Howe, J. (2016). Redesigning Australia's labour migration program (Migration: the economic debate). Melbourne, Australia: CEDA. 2015 Howe, J. M. (2015). The Impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement on Australian job opportunities, wages and conditions. University of Adelaide. 2015 Howe, J. M. (2015). Designing a Best Practice National Workers' Compensation Scheme: Why the Safety, Rehabilitation Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 does not achieve this. The McKell Institute.
Year | Institution | Name/ID | Amount |
2018-2021 2017 |
Commonwealth National Research Grants University of Flinders |
Strong and Resilient Communities grant investigating refugees and work (with Alex Reilly, Anna Zeirsch and Clemence Due) Migration visas and workplace exploitation and discrimination: Regulatory and complaints mechanisms to protect health and wellbeing |
$311,000 $19,910 |
2016-2017 | University of Adelaide | Assessing the Economic, Social and Health Outcomes for Migrant Workers in the State Sponsored Employment Schemes, Vice-Chancellor's Interdisciplinary Research Fund | $24,920 |
2016 | Fair Work Ombudsman | The Experience of International Students in the Australian Labour Market (with Alex Reilly, Bassina Farbenblum and Laurie Berg) | $60,000 |
2016 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | Gender, Migration and the Work of Care: Migration and Care in Oceania (with Deborah Brennan and Sara Charlesworth) | |
2016-2018 | Research Agreement with VegetablesWA | Addressing labour supply challenges in the Australian horticulture industry (with Alex Reilly, Stephen Clibborn, Diane van den Broek and Chris Wright) | $228,000 |
2016-2017 | Horticulture Innovation Australia | Investigating Labour Supply Options Across the Australian Vegetable Industry VG15025 (with Alex Reilly, Diane van den Broek and Chris Wright) | $231,000 |
2015-2018 | ARC Discovery Project | Work Experience: Labour Law at the Boundary of Work and Education DP150104516 (with Rosemary Owens, Andrew Stewart and Anne Hewitt) | $228,000 |
2014-2015 | Oñati Institute for the Sociology of Law (Spain) | Temporary Labour Migration in a Gobalised World - the Regulatory Challenges (with Rosemary Owens) | $50,000 |
2013-2014 | University of Adelaide | Temporary Labour Migration - Addressing Regional Challenges Vice-Chancellor's Interdisciplinary Research Fund |
$20,000 |
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 Principal Supervisor Criminalising Wage Theft: Comparative Insights from Australia, Norway and the United States for an International Response Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Irene Angela Nikoloudakis -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2015 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Terms Implied by Law into Employment Contracts: Rethinking their Rationale Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Gabrielle Elisabeth Golding
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2021 - ongoing Member Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration Minister for Immigration Australia 2017 - 2017 Member WWC Management Committee Working Women's Centre Australia 2015 - ongoing Member Youth Mission Team Australia - - -
Date Role Membership Country 2015 - ongoing Representative Adelaide Law School; First Year Co-ordinator Australia 2015 - ongoing Representative Research Process Management Reference Group; University of Adelaide Australia 2015 - ongoing Representative Human Research Ethics Committee low risk committee, Univeristy of Adelaide Australia 2013 - 2016 Director Next Steps Seminar Program; Adelaide Law School - -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2015 - ongoing - - - Australia 2015 - ongoing - - - Australia 2009 - ongoing - - - - 2009 - ongoing - - - - -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2014 - ongoing Editor Australian Journal of Administrative Law - Australia
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