Professor Jennifer Couper
Head, Discipline of Paediatrics
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Prof Jenny Couper is an active clinician as a paediatric endocrinologist and is Head of the Discipline of Paediatrics, University of Adelaide and was Head of the Diabetes and Endocrinology Department, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, SA from 2001 to 2021. Her clinical research has focused on two areas in type 1 diabetes: the prevention of type 1 diabetes, and the prevention of cardiovascular complications in children with type 1 diabetes. She leads the first investigations of the prenatal and early origins of childhood type 1 diabetes (the ENDIA study www.endia.org.au), is an Australian lead in prevention of insulin production trials, and has refined early biomarkers and strategies to reduce cardiovascular disease. She was an elected member of the Advisory Council of the International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) and is a lead author of national and international guidelines for the management of type 1 diabetes.
Date Position Institution name 2016 - 2017 Chair, Faculty of Health Sciences Board University of Adelaide 2015 - 2017 Deputy Executive Dean University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2013 - ongoing Member of Executive University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2007 - 2015 Deputy Head, School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Adelaide 2007 - 2013 Head University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2006 - ongoing McGregor Reid Professor of Paediatrics and Head of Discipline of Paediatrics University of Adelaide, Adelaide 2002 - 2021 Head of Diabetes and Endocrinology Department Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide 1991 - ongoing Paediatric Endocrinologist Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide 1991 - ongoing Honorary Visiting Paediatric Endocrinologist Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2023 Award Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Luminary Award Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Australia - 2019 Award Adelaide Medical School’s Research Award University of Adelaide Australia - 2018 Award Robinson Research Institute Director’s Award University of Adelaide Australia - 2014 Award RACP Mentor of the Year Award nominee Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia - 2014 Award School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health Service Award University of Adelaide Australia - 2013 Award Healthy Development Adelaide Research University of Adelaide Australia - 2012 Award Professor Derek Frewin Citation in Clinical Teaching University of Adelaide Australia - 2010 Award Ray Williams Memorial Award for Clinical Excellence: Australasian Paediatric Endocrinology Group (APEG) University of Adelaide Australia - 1989 Award Toronto, Canada - Diabetes Research Award - Canada - -
Date Institution name Country Title 1990 University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia MD 1985 Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney Australia FRACP 1978 University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand MBChB -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 1987 - 1989 Hospital for Sick Children Research Foundation Fellowship Hospital for Sick Children Canada 1984 - 1986 NZ Medical Research Council Overseas Research Fellowship NZ Medical Research Council New Zealand -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Walker, G., Mallitt, K. -A., Sevendal, A., Ward, E., Caguicla, J., Naing, Z., . . . Rawlinson, W. (2024). No increased risk of islet autoimmunity following SARS-CoV-2 infection in ENDIA children. In HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS Vol. 97 (pp. 198). KARGER. 2023 Sullivan, M., Pham, U., McCarthy, D., Flemming, N., Fotheringham, A., Chandrashekar, P., . . . Forbes, J. (2023). YOUTH WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES AT HIGHER RISK OF DEVELOPING DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE HAVE ALTERATIONS IN THEIR URINE AND PLASMA METABOLOMIC AND MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PROFILES. In NEPHROLOGY Vol. 28 (pp. 28-29). WILEY. 2022 Haynes, A., Tully, A., Smith, G. J., Penno, M. A. S., Craig, M. E., Wentworth, J. M., . . . Davis, E. A. (2022). Continuous glucose monitoring identifies early dysglycaemia in very young children at risk of type 1 diabetes being followed in the Australian ENDIA pregnancy cohort study. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 65 (pp. S173-S174). SWEDEN, Stockholm: SPRINGER. 2019 Haynes, A., Giles, L., Penno, M., Thomson, R., McGorm, K., Colman, P., . . . ENDIA Study Group. (2019). Cohort profile: the Australia-wide environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity (ENDIA) study. In Diabetologia Vol. 62 (pp. S139-S140). Barcelona, Spain: Springer. 2018 Schwandt, A., Foster, N., Phelan, H., Steigleder-Schweiger, C., Wu, M., Couper, J. J., . . . Craig, M. E. (2018). BMI z-score trajectories in youth with type 1 diabetes: an international analysis from Australia, Germany/Austria and USA. In DIABETOLOGIA Vol. 61 (pp. S140). Berlin, GERMANY: SPRINGER. 2018 Drogemuller, C., Radford, T., Russell, C., Chen, J., Khurana, S., Torpy, D., . . . Coates, T. (2018). Australian Experience of Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Auto Transplant (TPIAT) Utilizing a Remote Isolation Center. In TRANSPLANTATION Vol. 102 (pp. S745). Madrid, SPAIN: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.
DOI2018 Maftei, O., Couper, J., Anderson, J., Ricci, P., Gent, R., Giles, L., & Pena, A. (2018). Persistent Beneficial Effects of Metformin in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Adelaide Metformin Randomized Controlled Trial Follow Up. In HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS Vol. 90 (pp. 66-67). KARGER. 2017 Thomson, R., Penno, M. A., Battersby, R., & Couper, J. (2017). Are pregnant women meeting the Australian dietary guidelines? A comparison of women with and without Type 1 diabetes. In Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism Vol. 8 (pp. 76-77). Melbourne: Elsevier.
DOI2016 Mohandas, A., Hill, D., Hope, C., Pederson, S., Walsh, J., Grose, R., . . . Barry, S. C. (2016). A new biomarker of stable regulatory T cell function which has diagnostic utility in type 1 diabetes. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY Vol. 46 (pp. 748). Melbourne, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. 2008 Harrington, J., Pena, A., Gent, R., Piotto, L., Hirte, C., & Couper, J. (2008). Aortic intima media thickness is a more sensitive marker of early atheroscierosis than carotid intima media thickness in children with type I diabetes. In HORMONE RESEARCH Vol. 70 (pp. 27). KARGER. 1988 COOK, J. J., HUDSON, I., HARRISON, L. C., DEAN, B., COLMAN, P. J., WERTHER, G. A., . . . COURT, J. M. (1988). A DOUBLE-BLIND CONTROLLED TRIAL OF AZATHIAPRINE IN CHILDREN WITH NEWLY-DIAGNOSED TYPE-I DIABETES. In DIABETES Vol. 37 (pp. A9). AMER DIABETES ASSOC.
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Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Thomson, R. L., Brown, J. D., Oakey, H., Penno, M. A. S., Battersby, R., Ashwood, P., . . . Couper, J. J. (2023). A comparison of lifestyle during pregnancy against Australian recommendations of women with and without type 1 diabetes from the Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity study. Poster session presented at the meeting of PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2022 Sullivan, M., Mccarthy, D., Flemming, N., Chandrashekar, P., Hodson, M., Fotheringham, A., . . . Forbes, J. (2022). MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION ALIGNS WITH RISK FOR DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN YOUTH WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES. Poster session presented at the meeting of NEPHROLOGY. WILEY. 2020 Mccole, J., Couper, M., Moore, D., Khurana, S., Chen, J., Drogemuller, C., . . . Couper, R. (2020). South Australian experience with pediatric total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation for <i>PRSS1</i>-associated hereditary pancreatitis. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. WILEY. 2019 Ports, E., Pena, A., Allen, G., Gue, S., & Couper, J. (2019). Periodontal disease relates to diabetes control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS. KARGER. 2018 Ellison, S. C., Khurana, S., Coates, P. I., Radford, A., Drogemuller, C., Chen, J., . . . Couper, R. T. L. (2018). Total pancreatectomy and autoislet transplantation in South Australian pediatric patients. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. WILEY. 2018 Harbison, J. E., Roth-Schulze, A. J., Barry, S. C., Tran, C. D., Ngui, K., Penno, M. A., . . . Couper, J. (2018). Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis and Increased Intestinal Permeability in Australian Children with Islet Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETES. Orlando, FL: AMER DIABETES ASSOC.
DOI WoS12018 Wu, M., Phelan, H., Schwandt, A., Foster, N. C., Couper, J., Steigleder-Schweiger, C., . . . Craig, M. E. (2018). BMI Z-Score Trajectories in Youth with T1D-An International Comparison. Poster session presented at the meeting of DIABETES. Orlando, FL: AMER DIABETES ASSOC.
DOI2017 Kim, K. W., Allen, D. W., Briese, T., Pang, C. N., Jain, K., Horton, J. L., . . . Craig, M. E. (2017). Gut Virome Dynamics during Pregnancy in Mothers with Type 1 Diabetes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 77th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, as published in Diabetes. San Diego, CA: American Diabetes Association. 2017 Forbes, J., Flemming, N., Mccarthy, D., Boot, K., De Silva, N., Gallo, L., . . . O'Moore-Sullivan, T. (2017). Mitochondrial dysfunction defines a population of young people with type 1 diabetes at risk of kidney disease. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN), as published in Nephrology. Darwin Convention Centre, Northern Territory: Wiley-Blackwell.
DOI2017 Adams, L., Thomson, R., Couper, J., Anderson, J., Maftei, O., Giles, L., & Pena, A. S. (2017). Australian children with type 1 diabetes consume high sodium and high saturated fat diets: longitudinal comparison with national and international guidelines. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 10th International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology, as published in Hormone Research in Paediatrics. Washington, DC: Karger.
DOI2017 Leggett, C., Anderson, J., Couper, J., Doogue, M., Giles, L., & Pena, A. S. (2017). METFORMIN LEVELS AND ADHERENCE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES ENROLLED IN A 12 MONTH RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL. Poster session presented at the meeting of HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS. KARGER. 2017 Forbes, J., Flemming, N., McCarthy, D., Boot, K., D'Silva, N., Gallo, L., . . . O'Moore-Sullivan, T. (2017). Mitochondrial dysfunction defines a population of young people with type 1 diabetes at risk of kidney disease. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2017), as published in Diabetologia. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
DOI WoS12014 Anderson, J. J. A., Leggett, C., Couper, J., & Pen, A. (2014). Adherence Is Suboptimal in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Participating in a Clinical Trial. Poster session presented at the meeting of ENDOCRINE REVIEWS. ENDOCRINE SOC. 2014 Anderson, J. J. A., Maftei, O., John, A., Couper, J., Olds, T., & Pena, A. (2014). Children with Type 1 Diabetes Meet Recommendations for Physical Activity but Not Sleep Duration. Poster session presented at the meeting of ENDOCRINE REVIEWS. ENDOCRINE SOC. 2012 Willoughby, S., van den Heuvel, C., Chin, A., Hodge, G., Worthley, M., Couper, J., . . . Kennedy, D. (2012). Impact of sleep disordered breathing on endothelial function, platelet aggregation and inflammation in children. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts from the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium, as published in Circulation. Los Angeles, California: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. -
Year Citation 2021 McGorm, K. J., Brown, J. D., Thomson, R. L., Oakey, H., Moore, B., Hendry, A. B., . . . Penno, M. A. S. (2021). A long-term evaluation of Facebook for recruitment and retention in the ENDIA type 1 diabetes pregnancy-birth cohort study (Preprint).
Grants and Funding
Year | Authors | Title | Granting Body | Funding |
2024 | Thomson R, Couper JJ, Oakley H, Hamilton-Williams E, Harrison L, Gao, Y | When is the critical window to intervene in early life to reduce the impact of overweight on the risk of type 1 diabetes? | Diabetes SA Research Grants | $100,000 |
2024 | Penno M, Couper JJ, Wentworth J, Oakey H, Rankin W | Investigating the utility of urine C-peptide in early-stage T1D | JDRFA T1DCRN and Helmsley Charitable Trust Partnership | $139,422 |
2024 | Couper JJ, Penno M, Oakey H, Wayne R, Linke R, Wentworth J, Haynes A | Pancreatic exocrine function and the progression to type 1 diabetes in young children in ENDIA | Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust - Research Grant | $316,027 |
2024 | Couper JJ. et al | Expanded data mining of accumulated functional genomics data for identifying mechanistic biomarkers informative of T1D risk and prevention | Breakthrough T1D | $660,689 |
2024 | Couper JJ. et al | High-resolution, virome-wide infection analysis in type 1 diabetes birth cohorts | NIH | $5,189,862 |
2024 | Penno M, Couper JJ, Danska J | Characterising viruses that promote the development of type 1 diabetes | NHMRC - European Union Collaborative Research Grants | $499,999 |
2023 | Couper JJ. et al | Establishing immune, endocrine, and exocrine signatures of type 1 diabetes progression in longitudinally sampled peripheral blood from the ENDIA nested case control study | JDRFA T1DCRN and Helmsley Charitable Trust Partnership | $226,897 |
2023 | Penno M, Johnson R, Simon B, Couper JJ | Epigenomic Mechanisms of the Maternal Protection in Type 1 Diabetes | JDRFA T1DCRN and Helmsley Charitable Trust Partnership | $ US 96684 |
2023 | Penno M, Couper JJ, Craig M, Wentworth J, Colman P, Harrison L, Davis E, Haynes A, Harris M, Soldatos G, Oakey H, Sinnott R, Thomson R, McGorm K, Vuillermin P, Huynh T, Tye-Din J, Hamilton-Williams E | ENDIA Follow Up 2023 - 2025 | Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust - Research Grant | $8,977,647 |
2022 | Couper JJ, Haynes A, Davis E, Penno M | Continuous glucose monitoring assessments of ENDIA Children | Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust - Research Grant | $ US 163841 |
2021 | Penno M, Couper JJ, Oakey H, Thomson R, Ashwood P, Brown J, Sinnott R, Harrison L, Coleman P. Wentworth J, Soldatos G, Vuillermin P, Craig <. Rawlinson W, Harris M, Davis E, Hayns A | ENDIA Expanded Support | Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust - Research Grant | $ US 1428543 |
2021 | Penno M, Couper JJ, Harrison L, Craig M, Oakey H, Kim K, William R, Morahan G | ENDIA Science Continuation | Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust - Research Grant | $2,043,261 |
2021 | Barry S, Wong Y, Pennp M, Sadlon T, Couper JJ, Breen J, Oakey H | Using 3D genomics to functionally connect genetic risk of Type 1 diabetes to the genes that drive loss of immune tolerance | JDRFA - Research Grants | $505,085 |
2021 | Penno M, Couper JJ, Wentworth J, Knight E, Harrison L | Associations between islet autoimmunity risk in early childhood and plasma proteins, cytokines and lipids of mother-infant dyads participating in the ENDIA study: a nested case-control study | JDRFA Early-Mid Career Science Accelerator Awards Hemsley Charitable Trust Partnership | $212,063 |
2020-2022 | Couper JJ, Harrison L, Craig M, Penno M, Colman P, Morahan G, Wentworth J, Rawlinson W, Giles L, Barry S. | The Environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity (ENDIA) | JDRFA CRN, and HELMSLEY charitable trust, USA | $ US 8.2M |
2019 | Couper J, Harrison L, Craig M, Penno M, Colman P, Morahan G, Wentworth J, Rawlinson W, Giles L, Barry S. | The Environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity (ENDIA) | JDRFA CRN, JDRFI and HELMSLEY charitable trust, USA | $ 3.96 M |
2018-2019 | Couper J, Giles L | The impact of overweight on cardiovascular risk in type 1 diabetes | Channel 7 research foundation | $75,000.00 |
2015-2019 | Couper J, Harrison L, Craig M , Colman P, Morahan G, Wentworth J, Rawlinson W, Papenfuss A, Giles L, DoddJ | Protection of the pancreatic beta cell | NHMRC JDRF Centre of Research Excellence # 1078106 | $ 2.5M |
2015-2019 | Couper J, Harrison L, Craig M, Colman P, Morahan G, Wentworth J, Rawlinson W, Papenfuss A, Giles L, DoddJ | The Environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity (ENDIA) | JDRF/ARC CRN and HELMSLEY charitable trust, USA | $ US 8.0 M |
2015-2017 | CID | Cystic Fibrosis - Insulin Deficiency, Early Action (CF-IDEA) | NHMRC # 1067807 | $182,000.00 |
2015-2016 | Couper J, Horowitz M, Rayner C | Role of exenatide in postprandial glycaemia in CFRD | Channel 7 Foundation | $72,000.00 |
2013-2016 | Couper JJ, Craig M, Colman P, Baghurst P, Rawlinson W, Jones T, Cotterill A, Harrison L | Early Environmental determinants of type 1 diabetes | Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International # 17-2013-526 | $US496,000 |
2013 | Phillips J, Barry S, Couper J | Does the gut microbiome drive the development of type 1 diabetes? | Pfizer APEC | $55,000.00 |
2013 | Phillips J, Barry S, Couper J | Does the gut microbiome drive the development of type 1 diabetes? | Channel 7 Foundation | $72,000.00 |
2012 | Perano S, Couper J | Incretin release and post prandial glycaemia in cystic fibrosis related diabetes | Pfizer APEC | $55,000.00 |
2012-2015 | Couper JJ, Craig M, Colman P, Baghurst P, Rawlinson W, Jones T, Cotterill A | Early Environmental determinants of type 1 diabetes | NHMRC # 1025083 | $1.02 M |
2012-2013 | Couper JJ | Does metformin improve vascular health in adolescents with T1D | Diabetes Australia Research Trust | $50,000.00 |
2011-2012 | Couper JJ | Does metformin improve vascular health in adolescents with T1D | WCH Foundation | $50,000.00 |
2010-2013 | Donahue K, Jones T, Couper JJ | Intervention to reduce retinopathy and early adverse retinal microvascular changes in type 1 diabetes | NHMRC # 632521 | $1,250,000.00 |
2010 | Barry S, Couper JJ | T regulatory cells in preclinical and clinical type 1 diabetes | $50,000.00 | |
2010 | Pena A Couper JJ | What is the minimal dose of folate required to normalise vascular function? | WCH Foundation | $50,000.00 |
2008-2011 | Couper JJ, Wiltshire EJ | Defining vascular health and modifiable risk factors over time in childhood | NHMRC #519245 | $309,600.00 |
2008 | Couper JJ, Fairchild J, Tham J | Does glucose variability predict vascular function in children with type 1 diabetes | Diabetes Australia Research Trust | $48,000.00 |
2007-2009 | Kennedy D, Couper JJ,van der Heuvel C, Martin J | Does adenotonsillectomy change vascular function in children with sleep breathing disorders? | NHMRC # 453637 | 2007- $172,575; 2008-$122,575; 2009-$201,825 |
2007-2009 | A Ferrante, C Hii and J Couper | Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid analogues in the treatment of diabetic complications | NHMRC | 2007-$133,950; 2008-$133,950; 2009 $133,950 |
2007-2008 | Couper JJ Kennedy DJ Van den Heuvel C, Martin J | Vascular function in children with sleep breathing disorders and the effect of adenotonsillectomy | National Heart Foundation of Australia | $124,416.00 |
2007 | Couper JJ, Wiltshire EJ | Peripubertal change in vascular function in children with diabetes and obesity | Diabetes Australia Research Trust | $48,000.00 |
2006 | Couper JJ, Wiltshire E | Effect of folate on early atherosclerosis in childhood | WCH Research Foundation | $48,000.00 |
2006 | Couper JJ, Wiltshire E | Effect of folate on early atherosclerosis in childhood | Diabetes Australia Research Trust | $45,000.00 |
2006 | Barry S, Zola H, Couper JJ, Roberton DM | Characterization of human Cord Blood regulatory T cells for autoimmune disease diagnosis | Channel 7 Research Foundation | $48,000.00 |
2005-2007 | Trialnet Asia Pacifc Consortium | Natural history and genetic studies of type 1diabetes | NIH , US grant to our centre | $ 38,000 per annum |
2005-2006 | Ferrante A, Hii C, Poulos A Couper JJ | Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid mimetics which target protein kinase C beta mediated disease | WCH Research Foundation | $45,000.00 |
2004 | Couper JJ, Wiltshire EJ | Effect of folate and B6 on vascular function in children with type 1 diabetes | B1 grant (Health Research Development Award) , University of Adelaide | $12,000.00 |
2002-2003 | Couper JJ | The effect of folate and vitamin B6 on endothelial function in type 1 diabetes | WCH Foundation & Diabetes Australia | $80,000.00 |
2002-2003 | Couper JJ | Folate supplementation in children with type 1 diabetes | Channel 7 Research Foundation | $32,000.00 |
2001-2003 | Robinson JS, Couper JJ, Hillier J, Crowther CA | Is insulin sensitivity in children and their mothers programmed by maternal blood glucose | NHMRC # 157935 | $415,000.00 |
2001-2002 | Couper JJ, Brewster D, Colman P | Relationship of intestinal permeability to islet autoimmunity | WCH Research Foundation | $90,000.00 |
2000-2002 | Couper JJ, Wiltshire E | Homocysteine Metabolism in Children with Type 1 Diabetes | Channel 7 Research Foundation | $32,000 per annum |
2000 | APEG Register Study Group | National Diabetes Register for Type 1 Diabetes | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | $14,000.00 |
2000 | Robinson JS, Couper JJ, Hillier J, Crowther CA | Is insulin sensitivity in children and their mothers programmed by maternal blood glucose | Channel 7 Research Foundation | $35,000 per annum |
1999-2001 | Sawyer M, Couper JJ, Baghurst P | Family and Environmental Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Children with Chronic Disease | NHMRC | $78,000 per year |
1999-2000 | Wiltshire E, Couper JJ | Homocysteine Metabolism in Children with Type 1 Diabetes | Novo Nordisk Research Grant AZA Australian Research Award |
$10,000.00 $14,800.00 |
1998 | Harrison LC, Couper JJ, Colman PG | Intervention Trials in Preclinical Diabetes | Diabetes Australia: National Strategy Plan | $30,000.00 |
1997-1999 | Couper JJ, Sawyer M | Ambulatory Intervention in Adolescents with Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes | National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) | $48,000.00 |
1997-1998 | Couper JJ | Trial of Mucosa Mediated Immune Tolerance in Subjects at Risk of Type 1 Diabetes | WCH Research Foundation Channel 7 Research Foundation |
$35,000.00 $35,000 per year |
1996-1997 | Couper JJ, Sawyer M | Ambulatory Intervention in Adolescents with Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes | Diabetes Australia Research Trust | $32,000.00 |
1996 | Couper JJ | Perinatal Changes in Hepatocyte Growth Factor | Novo Nordisk Australian Research Grant | $10,000.00 |
1996 | Couper JJ | Prospective Study of Children at Increased Risk of Type 1 Diabetes | Diabetes Australia Research Trust | $32,000.00 |
1993-1995 | Couper JJ, Colman PG | Prospective Immunological Study of Infants at Increased Risk of Type 1 Diabetes | Variety Club of SA | $24,000.00 |
1993 | Couper JJ | Lipoprotein(a): Changes During Puberty | WCH Research Foundation | $35,000.00 |
1992 | Couper JJ | Immunological Changes in Preclinical Diabetes | Juvenile Diabetes Foundation of Australia | $34,000.00 |
1990 | Colman PG, Couper JJ, Harrison LC | Prospective Study of Family Members with a First Degree Relative with Type 1 Diabetes | Victorian Health Promotion | $38,000.00 |
1988 | Couper JJ | ACE Inhibition in Children with Microalbuminuria | Bristol Myer Squibb | $24,000.00 |
1987 | Couper JJ | Microalbuminuria in Children with Type 1 Diabetes | HSC Research Foundation, Toronto | $30,000.00 |
- Primary supervisor for 12 post graduate students training in paediatric endocrinology (SAC RACP) and completing a higher research degree
- Director of MBBS student training in paediatrics, University of Adelaide 2006-2014
- Lead examiner , MBBS year 5 Paediatrics : 2006-current
- >20 years experience in under graduate and post graduate teaching and training in paediatrics
- Member of curriculum committees for the University of Adelaide and the SAC Endocrinology, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
1991- | Tutorials and lectures to student nurses, student dietitians, and student podiatrists (University of South Australia) |
1991 - current | Women’s and Children's Hospital, Adelaide: includes tutorials, lectures (endocrinology, general paediatrics), clinical ward and outpatient teaching (total of 50 hours per annum of direct contact teaching: bedside, tutorial and lecture; and approximately 150 hours per annum of University of Adelaide and Flinders University medical students’ attendance at my outpatient clinics), written, viva and OSCE examination of Year V and Year VI medical students, University of Adelaide |
1984-1986 &1990 | Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne |
1987-1989 | Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto |
1984 | St Mary's Hospital, London |
Curriculum Development
2014-current | Chair, Paediatric Mental Health Unit, SA |
2004-2005 & 2009-2011 |
Health Science in the MBBS curriculum, University of Adelaide Curriculum Subcommittee |
2007 | Development of the RACP curriculum in advanced training in paediatric endocrinology |
1999 |
Child Health Concepts and Endocrinology Concepts for 2000 curriculum for Medical School, University of Adelaide Development of the RACP guidelines for advanced training in paediatric endocrinology |
1991-2007 |
Women’s and Children's Hospital, WCHN, SA: includes tutorials and clinical case teaching to registrars in training Diploma of Child Health, South Australia: lecturer and examiner |
1997-2006 | Paediatric Endocrinology Representative, Specialist Advisory |
1999-2005 |
Committee in Endocrinology, Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
1998-2000 | Post Graduate RACP Mentor Programme |
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor The Exocrine Pancreas in the Progression to Type 1 Diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Madeleine Victoria Hall 2019 Principal Supervisor Moving towards evidence based practice in acute, severe paediatric asthma Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Charmaine Gray -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2015 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Targeting Postprandial Hyperglycaemia with Exenatide in Young People with Cystic Fibrosis Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Part Time Ms Myfanwy Geyer 2014 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Gastric emptying and its relationship with postprandial glycaemic control in young people with cystic fibrosis and type 1 diabetes Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Full Time Mrs Shiree Perano 2014 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Assessing the Impact of Maternal Omega-3 LCPUFA DHA on the Body Composition of Children at 7 Years of Age using Air Displacement Plethysmography (ADP) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Katie Wood 2013 - 2021 Principal Supervisor DOES THE GUT MICROBIOME DRIVE THE DEVELOPMENT OF TYPE 1 DIABETES? Type 1 diabetes and the gut (TIGs) cohort Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Jessica Emily Harbison 2011 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Vascular health in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: The influence of exercise, diet, and metformin Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Jemma Jay Angela Anderson 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Monitoring of vascular health in children at risk for atherosclerosis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Jennifer Jean Harrington 2003 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Vascular Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Function in Children at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and the Effect of Folic Acid Supplementation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Alexia Pena Vargas 2003 - 2010 Principal Supervisor The Effect of Folate and Vitamin B6 on Endothelial Function in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Karen MacKenzie 2002 - 2004 Co-Supervisor TARGETING PKC AND NFkB BY POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACID MIMETICS IN DIABETIC RETINOPATHY Master of Medical Science Master Full Time Dr Elaine Bing-Ai Tham -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2014 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Metformin in type 1 diabetes University of Adelaide - Doctorate - Dr Jemma Anderson
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2020 - ongoing Member Advisory Council International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ( ISPAD) Germany 2013 - ongoing Member Robinson Institute Executive University of Adelaide Australia -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2022 - ongoing Member WCH Medical Council - Academic Representative Women’s and Children’s Hospital & The University of Adelaide Australia 2021 - ongoing Member WCH Statewide Research Ethics Committee - Research Integrity Officer Women’s and Children’s Hospital Australia 2021 - ongoing Member ISPAD Advisory Council International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Australia 2020 - ongoing Member WCHN Outpatients Governance Committee Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN) Australia 2020 - ongoing Member Research Advisory Panel Diabetes Australia Australia 2019 - 2019 Member Conference Organising Committee Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group Australia 2018 - ongoing Member Research Committee Diabetes SA Australia 2018 - ongoing Member New WCH planning taskforce - Research and Education Subcommittees Women's and Children's Hospital Australia 2017 - 2018 Member NHMRC Assigners Academy National Health and Medical Research Council Australia 2016 - 2018 Chair Special Studies Leave Committee, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Adelaide Australia 2016 - 2018 Co-Chair Post-doctoral and Career Development Fellowship Review Panels Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRFI) United States 2015 - 2020 Member AIHW and SAC training committees Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Australia 2014 - 2014 Member Review of Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Christchurch School of Medicine University of Otago New Zealand 2013 - 2013 Member ISPAD International Science School International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Germany 2012 - 2013 Member Robinson Institute Transition Management Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2012 - 2015 Member Clinical Network Steering Committee Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRFI) United States 2010 - ongoing Member WCHN Research Committee Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN) Australia 2007 - 2017 Member Committees for Levels C, D and E promotion of clinical title holders, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Adelaide Australia 2007 - ongoing Member National Diabetes Register Committee Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group (APEG) Australia 2006 - 2018 Member Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Committee University of Adelaide Australia 2006 - 2017 Member Writing Group for Guidelines for Management of Type 1 Diabetes in Childhood International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Germany -
Date Role Membership Country 2024 - ongoing Member Women’s and Children’s Hospital - Mentorship Program Australia 2022 - ongoing Member Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences - Elected Fellow Australia 2014 - 2015 Co-Chair Scientific Programme, International Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Diabetes ( ISPAD) ASM Germany 2000 - ongoing - Autism Association of South Australia - 2000 - ongoing - Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia - 2000 - ongoing Member Minda - Disability Support Services - Parents’ Membership Australia 1995 - ongoing - Endocrine Society Australia - 1995 - ongoing - American Diabetes Association - -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2020 - ongoing Board Member Paediatric Diabetes International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Germany 2000 - 2006 Board Member Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians) Australia -
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2007 - 2012 Head, Children’s Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Adelaide Australia -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2024 - ongoing Hormone Research in Pediatrics - Editorial Panel Member Editorial Hormone Research in Pediatrics Italy 2020 - 2022 Pediatric Diabetes - Editorial Panel Member Editorial Pediatric Diabetes United States 2017 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review BMJ - 2016 - 2019 Review Panel, Strategic Grant Awards (2016, 2017, 2019) Grant Assessment Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRFI) United States 2008 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Pediatric Diabetes - 2006 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review International Journal of Pediatric Obesity - 2006 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Diabetic Medicine - 2005 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications (JDC) - 2005 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism - 2003 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association - 2002 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review The Medical Journal of Australia - 2001 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Lancet - 2000 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review American Journal of Cardiology - 1999 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Diabetes - 1998 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review European Journal of Clinical Investigation - 1994 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Diabetologia - 1994 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review Diabetes Care - 1991 - ongoing Reviewer Journal Review The Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health -
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