Jay Cummins

Jay Cummins

School of Economics and Public Policy

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Senior Fellow with the Centre for Global Food and Resources, Dr Jay Cummins offers extensive global experience relating to on-farm innovation, sustainable farming systems development, value chain analysis, extension systems development. Expertise includes:
1. Creation of on-farm innovation systems, (underpinned by farmer participatory extension systems, market chain and value chain development, agribusiness entrepreneurship and inclusive partnerships).
2. Business and strategic planning aimed at setting clear direction and opportunities for the integration of innovation into organisational deliverables. Skilled in undertaking organisational and team needs analysis, focused market research, market segmentation studies, leadership and coaching to enhance organisational performance and capability.
3. Project development, partnership identification, formulation of project delivery frameworks, monitoring, evaluation and reporting and specialised services in impact pathway analysis.
4. Organisational change and development, human resource management, motivational research. Training needs assessment utilising innovative gap and priority analysis tools, group facilitation, skills and capability assessment, development of training and capacity building programs, strategies for out scaling of innovative technologies in developing and developed countries.
5. Field research studies including the development of farmer resilience/coping mechanisms impacted by climate change, farmer risk management and decision making, value chain analysis.
6. Conservation agriculture systems development, creation of on-farm innovation platforms, supporting participatory driven extension through on-farm applied research, CA Zero-till systems development, integrated irrigation management and crop water use efficiency enhancement across Asia, Australia and Africa, working with major international research and development organisations.



Employing organization and your title/position. 


Summary of activities performed relevant to the Services

04/20 to 9/20


Input in PM

3 months

Employer: FiBL (The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture), Switzerland

Position: Leader, Project Evaluation.



Title of the project: Review of the FiBL Organic Cotton Production Initiative, India.

Activities performed:

  • End of project review and assessment activity.
  • Design of project review methodologies
  • Interviews with key project staff, stakeholders and actors along the organic cotton value chain in selected Indian states.
  • Authoring of project review document including assessments against project objectives, activities and milestones, provision of project recommendations including future investment opportunities. 

07/19 to present


Input in PM:


Employer: Mallee Sustainable Farming

Position: Senior Project Communications and Outreach Consultant


Title of the project: Developing strategies for enhancing project communication and extension outreach for the Mallee Seeps project.

Activities performed:

  • Design and implementation of project communication and outreach strategy for the project team.
  • Development of technical communication framework 
  • Design of an on-farm change strategy for intervention at the farm level.
  • Design of an innovation strategy integrating research outcomes with farmer best management practices that can be delivered by partners.

07/19 to 02/20


Input in PM: 4

Employer: Victorian Catchment Management Authority


Lead Consultant 


Title of the project: Developing Sustainable agricultural Development Projects for the Victorian Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Networks.

Activities performed:

  • Analysis of sustainable agriculture project investment opportunities. Analysis of past, current and future project needs conducted amongst stakeholders and the natural resource management network across Victoria.  
  • Development of project investment framework integrated with innovation development that is responsive to the needs of dryland, irrigated/horticulture and grazing industry sectors.
  • Workshop program delivered highlighting key outcomes from the study, including an implementation strategy of recommendations.



Input in PM:


Employer: The Crawford Fund, SA Committee



Title of Project: Impact Pathways for effective Agricultural Extension Service Delivery; a Master Class training program.

Activities performed: 

  • Design and delivery of a Master Class training program provided to academics and extension professionals working with smallholder farmers in Vietnam.  
  • Design of course program, monitoring and impact assessment framework.
  • Development of training resources and delivery of the intensive short course program.

07/19 to 08/19


Input in PM:


Employer: Mallee Sustainable Farming, Australia.


Title of the project: A review of the strategic plan for the Mallee Sustainable Farming Management Board.

Activities performed: 

  • Facilitation of a strategic planning workshop for Board members,.
  • Review of strategic plan and priorities for future development of sustainable farming in the Mallee region 
  • Development of intervention strategies for the Board.
  • Board member coaching and mentoring



Input in PM: 2

Employer: Australian Water Partnerships 

Position: Project Review Leader




Title of the project and Donor: Australian Government DFAT - A review of the Young Water Professionals Training Program in Myanmar

Activities performed:

  • Review of the achievements and progress of the Young Water Professionals Program, coordinated by the Hydro Informatics Centre, Myanmar.
  • Provision of policy advice to Australian government in relation to the opportunity to provide future funding support for the YWP program.
  • Assessment of efficiency of irrigation, water management and field crop production value chains.
  • Identification of critical success factors and recommendations to improve the relevance of the course curriculum and course design.
  • Impact assessment of the program in relation to achievements of the Alumni.
  • Interviews with program stakeholders including course coordinators and presenters to develop targeted capacity building opportunities and enhance PPP partnerships.
  • Focus group discussions with current course participants and Alumni to evaluate and improve training programs.
  • Discussions with Alumni employers to assess impact.
  • Skills and capability assessments.
  • Development of policy guidelines for Government in relation to future project investment

12/18 – 04/19


Input in PM: 3

Employer: Agricultural Excellence Alliance

Position: Value Chain and Extension Partnerships Lead Consultant





Title of the project and Donor:  Ag Excellence Alliance Primary Industries South Australia - A review of extension service delivery methodologies to farmer members of the South Australian farmer group network

Activities performed:

  • Detailed assessment and review of a network of farming systems groups to identify how their efficiency and technology adoption impact can be enhanced.
  • Development of a sustainable agribusiness strategic plan and road map detailing how innovation can be integrated into group activities.
  • Provision of leadership and group facilitation master class training to group leaders at conclusion of project.
  • Identification of opportunities to strengthen PPP partnerships and improved performance of private sector.
  • FFS and Focus group discussions performed with 18 farmer farming systems groups
  • Assessment of critical success factors in high-impact farmer groups.
  • Skills and capability assessment of farmer members including group leadership
  • Identification of funding sources to support the future financial needs of the group network, including PPP partnerships, improved value chains

07/18 – 04/19


Input in PM: 5

Employer: the Australia-India council, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade DFAT

Position: Project Manager and Agricultural Value Chain-PPP Lead Consultant


India, Eastern Gangetic Plains

Title of the project and Donor:  The Australia-India Council, DFAT Australia - The Development of Entrepreneurial Farmer Extension Service Kiosks Targeting the Needs of Farming Women

Activities performed:

  • Development of business cases and sustainable funding models for operation on a commercial basis with engagement of PPP.
  • Development of village-based information and extension services, working with local farming communities (targeting smallholder women) as part of a Farmer Centre approach
  • Identification of University post-grad students to undertake farmer needs assessment relating to information and technical needs.
  • Assessment of local agricultural field crop and vegetable value chains, including opportunities to build new market linkages of resource poor farmers, including SME village-based businesses.
  • Engagement of farmer producer organisations and conducting ‘train the trainer sessions’ for farmer group field technicians for focused extension outreach services targeting the needs of farming women.
  • Development of career pathways for agricultural graduates in private extension and PPP, with the view of establishing SME’s in agribusiness and post-farm gate processing.
  • Farmer training and extension needs assessment.
  • Skills audit of project staff including Government and Universities, providing policy recommendations to build capacity.
  • Design and conducting of ‘train the trainer’ sessions relating to extension delivery techniques
  • Field assessment approaches to conducting farmer focus group discussions, farmer participatory extension approaches (crop monitoring systems for field and vegetable crops).
  • Survey market analysis, value chain analysis.
  • Provision of policy support to Government Ministries of Agriculture to enhance efficiency of extension service delivery, including PPP partnership development.

04/18 – On going


Input in PM: 3

Employer: Udayana University 

Position: Visiting Professor, Agricultural extension and outreach


Bali Indonesia

Title of the project and Donor:  Visiting Professor (Honorary role) with the Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.

Activities performed: Honorary title providing support to the Faculty of Agriculture in relation to specialist short course training, post-grad student mentoring and project design, staff training and development. Recognised authority on extension service development, PPP research and linkage assessment, agricultural value chain analysis.

10/17 – On going


Input in PM: 4 

Employer: CGFaR, 

Position: Senior Fellow, Agribusiness Value Chain and Extension Development Research


Bali Indonesia

Title of the project and Donor:  Centre for Global Food and Resources (CGFaR), The University of Adelaide -

Activities performed: Project team member; providing specialist research skills related to value chain analysis, on-farm innovation, extension innovation, farmer decision-making and adoption research, value chain analysis, public-private partnership development. Guest lecturing, post-grad student mentoring and support.

07/17 – 06/18


Input in PM: 4

Employer: ACIAR

Position: Conservation Agriculture Value Chain Principal Researcher


Bangladesh, India

Title of the project and Donor: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) - Accelerating the adoption of the Zero-till and Happy Seeder seed drills across the Indo-Gangetic Plains; (a value chain analysis and farmer adoption field study)

Activities performed:

  • Value Chain Analysis (VCA) study of the ZT and Happy seeder seed drills identified opportunities for improving farmer availability and access to ZT seed drills in order to enhance the effectiveness of wheat and rice crop value chains.
  • Assessment of PPP, provision of policy recommendations to support new sector partnerships, funding support models and impacts of subsidies.
  • Developed improved approaches to supporting establishment of farmer group based custom hiring centres (improved smallholder farmer access to machinery) through establishing farmer producer organisations.
  • Assistance in the development of marketing and agribusiness plans for farmer producer organisations to promote new mechanisation services, input supplies and procurement of farmer’s grain.
  • Development of local village based – farmer run farm input supply businesses, including business modelling.
  • Design and implementation of farmer surveys, focus group studies.
  • Comprehensive value chain analysis relating to the supply and adoption of ZT and Happy Seeder seed drills. 
  • Evaluation of private sector business performance and opportunities for interventions to improve outcomes.
  • Development of policy recommendations to enhance the adoption of seed drills, regional and national consultation workshops.
  • Provision of policy advice and recommendations to enhance extension services and frontline extension demonstrations to help enhance adoption of technologies.

05/17 – 03/18


Input in PM: 5

Employer: ACIAR

Position: Principal Researcher


India, Nepal, Bangladesh

Title of the project and Donor:  ACIAR - A review of farmer innovation platforms and development of out-scaling approaches for improved farmer adoption

Activities performed:

  • The project consultancy over a 6-month period focused on field assessment and comprehensive review of the Innovation Platform farmer extension outreach approach to promoting and adopting Conservation Agriculture Sustainable Intensification (CASI) related technologies associated with the ACIAR Sustainable Resources Farming Systems Intensification (SRFSI) project.
  • Development of recommendations for improving the skills and capacity of farmer groups, stakeholders and partners and target groups such as farming women and landless farmers.
  • Development of group impact assessment techniques, skills assessment and analysis
  • Farmer focus group studies and interviews, private sector and agribusiness interviews.
  • Skills and capability assessment of project partners and stakeholders, and determination of training and capacity needs of Government Ministries and private sector partners.
  • Training needs analysis, designing of out scaling strategies.  
  • Provision of policy advice for government relating to targeted approaches to supporting the development of farmer driven Innovation Platforms through the creation of long-term sustainable partnerships with the private sector.
  • Tools and strategies to engage private agribusiness sector for supporting farmer training and ToT, capacity building and extension activities associated with CASI technologies.

06/16 – 04/17


Input in PM: 9

Employer: Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (MAFF) Aspire Program

Position: Agricultural Extension Systems  Policy and Methodology Adviser




Title of the project and Donor:  IFAD/Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - ASPIRE Program

Activities performed:

  • Provision of strategic and policy advice relation to the implementation of the Cambodian Policy on Extension and its ability to support the development of effective and efficient field crop value chains.
  • Development of detailed strategy documents for implementation of government policy.
  • Assessment of training and capacity building needs of Ministries, design and implementation of ‘train the trainer’ programs.
  • Assistance in the coaching, mentoring and support to local Ministry staff to help build their capacity and leadership confidence.
  • Field research (focus group studies, personal interviews), identifying the barriers and constraints to the adoption of modernized farming group practices, and specific needs of at risk groups (marginal farmers, farming women)
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of agricultural value chains and identification of additional support mechanisms, provision of policy recommendations to Government.
  • Consultation services provided to the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC) in relation to preparation of TOR for procurement of consultancy services relating to extension policy development and review.
  • Develop innovative extension services targeting farmer needs and broader rural development priorities to respond to climate change.



Input in PM: 4

Employer: DFAT Australia Awards Program

Position: Lead Consultant PPP Partnerships and Extension Systems  



India, Nepal

Title of the project and Donor:  DFAT Australia - Enhancing Private Sector Capability in On-farm Irrigation for Food Security (Indo-Gangetic Plains)

Activities performed:

  • Development of an intensive training program and study tour for agricultural research and extension specialists from government and the private sector coming from India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
  • Participants were able to gain new knowledge and skills in relation to participatory extension approaches, strategies for engaging with the private sector and development of partnerships, improved irrigation resource management, adoption assessment, on-farm risk management for smallholder farmers.
  • A three week intensive training program and study tour conducted in South Australia focusing on the irrigation/horticulture sectors.
  • Design of a ‘return to work’ plan for participants to undertake post-training.
  • Participatory extension techniques, group facilitation skills acquired by course participants.
  • Introduction of on-farm soil water monitoring tools including the ‘G-Dot’ demonstrated water savings of 30%.

12/15 – 01/16


Input in PM: 1

Employer: International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Position:  Lead Consultant Conservation Agriculture PPP Adoption assessment


Tajikistan, Algeria, Tunisia

Title of the project and Donor:  IFAD - Project Completion Review of the ‘Integrated Crop-Livestock Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Systems in North Africa and Central Asia GRANT # I-R-1393-ICARDA

Activities performed:

  • Independent project completion review of a tri-country extension outreach project aimed at increasing uptake of conservation agriculture farming practices by resource poor farmers.
  • Assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of conservation agriculture mechanisation value chains across the three participating countries.
  • Review of existing available literature and reports relating to project achievements and assessment against agreed milestones and deliverables, identifying opportunities for developing a participatory extension-based Phase II project delivery framework.
  • Development of Research investment policy from the scoping mission, providing recommendations to enhance project delivery outputs, capacity building project staff for effective project management and delivery.
  • Examination of existence of PPP, development of business case models that support the establishment of local entrepreneurial driven service providers targeting the needs of smallholder farmers.
  • Mission visit to Tajikistan, Algeria and Tunisia, visiting project research sites, interviewing project partners and staff, meeting with farmers engaged in the on-farm extension outreach activities associated with the project.
  • Assessment of project achievements, analysis of project reporting against project milestones and deliverables.
  • Development of a Phase II project strategy, based upon addressing research and extension gaps.

11/15 – 06/16


Input in PM: 4

Employer: The Crawford Fund

Position: Project Leader





Title of the project and Donor: The Crawford Fund - Participatory Approaches to Enhancing Water Resource Use amongst Indian Wheat Farmers

Activities performed:

  • Identification of low-cost soil moisture monitoring tools that can be used ‘in the field’ by Indian farmers that allow them to make better irrigation decisions.
  • Conduct of field demonstrations and trials that provide comparisons between current farmer practices and improved systems utilising the measuring tools.
  • Identification and participation of key partners in a pilot program, and hosting of field training school and on-farm field days.
  • Development of strategies to enhance small farmer resilience to climate change and increased water scarcity.
  • Identification and brokering of project partners, working cooperatively together utilising innovative extension platforms.
  • Developing a project strategy, methodology and vision, and providing leadership in the implementation of the field extension demonstrations.
  • Assessment of the skills, capabilities and training needs of research and extension staff.
  • Delivery of A Crawford Fund and Australian Water Partnerships Facility supported Short Course Training at CSSRI Karnal, Haryana in February 2016.

03/14 – 10/15


Input in PM: 

Employer: Institute for Global Environmental Studies

Position: Climate Smart Agriculture Research Consultant



Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia

Title of the project and Donor: Institute for Global Environmental Studies - Assessing Community Risk Insurance Initiatives and Identifying Enabling Policy and Institutional Factors for Maximizing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Benefits of Risk Insurance’

Activities performed:

  • Provision of strategic advice to Government in the development of policy advice relating to insurance support and disaster risk reduction.
  • Identification of suitable models relating to multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI) designed and adopted by resource-poor farmers.
  • Research into existing crop insurance services and value chains, assessment of the role of government, opportunities for PPP and the potential impact of government subsidies on the demand and uptake of multi-peril crop insurance.
  • Participation in project team workshops to develop new models and strategies aimed at improving risk management behaviours.
  • Identification of emerging risks posed by climate change and variability, with the view of developing improved MPCI models that can assist in enhancing farmer and production system resilience.
  • Analysis of current MPCI models, and development of new and improved models that meet the specific challenges of resource poor farmers in developing countries.
  • Preparation of a range of discussion papers relating to farmer risk management, resilience and coping mechanisms under adverse environmental conditions.
  • Authoring and publishing of scientific research papers providing clear policy recommendations and guidelines.



Input in PM: 2

Employer: Australian Aid DFAT

Position: Project Leader PPP Extension Services development




Title of the project and Donor:  Australian Aid - Farmer Based Organisational Study Tour to Australia for Ghana Extension Professionals

Activities performed:

  • Extension professionals from Ghana participated in a 2 week study tour to southern Australia, where they visited farmer group organisations actively involved in on-farm participatory research and extension outreach services.
  • The Ghanaian participants developed strategies for adopting similar approaches to establishing farmer-led extension services in Ghana (as a direct outcome of the study tour). 
  • Development of policy recommendations to the government of Ghana in relation to PPP with the view of supporting the establishment of farmer producer organisations that could actively contribute to the development of efficient field crop and livestock value chains.
  • A Seminar at the conclusion of the program allowed participants to demonstrate their key learning outcomes and importantly how they planned to implement their new knowledge and ideas upon their return to Ghana.
  • Identification of key outcomes and strategies to be incorporated into the study program that addressed key learning outcomes and overall project objectives
  • Development of ‘action learning’ approaches as part of the group facilitation methodologies.
  • An ‘on-line’ knowledge hub was developed as part of the study tour, providing a central point for accessing and sharing information and knowledge resources from the study tour.

03/13 – 06/15


Input in PM: 6

Employer: Cardno International (contracting agency appointed by AusAID as part of the Australia Africa Partnerships Facility)

Position: Technical Director Food Security Policy



Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya

Title of the project and Donor:  AusAID - Provision of Technical support to the East Africa Community (EAC) Food Security Action Plan (FSAP)

Activities performed:

  • As Technical Director, provided strategic advice to the development of the EAC Food Security Action Plan’s Road Map for implementation, taking in member countries Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi
  • Training, Tot and capacity building activities undertaken amongst local EAC teams to ensure that they had the appropriate skills to introduce the FSAP and facilitate Value Chain Analysis research
  • Assessment of the existence and efficiency of local agricultural value chains, and provision of policy advice to governments to support the development of the sector.
  • Australian study tours on livestock identification scheme provided as part of developing improved livestock market chains for resource poor farmers.
  • Provision of strategic advice and guidance in the development and implementation of the Food Security Action Plan.
  • Developed a range of participatory based training activities. 
  • Developed M&E criteria and frameworks that could easily be adopted by partner countries.
  • Development of policy advice and guidance to Senior Government Officials and policy makers.

01/13 – 04/14


Input in PM: 16

Employer: Saudi Arabian Livestock and Investment Company (SALIC) 

Position: Project Leader and Agricultural Value Chain Consultant 




Saudi Arabia

Title of the project and Donor: Saudi Arabian Livestock and Investment Company (SALIC) - ‘Development of a Red Meat Food Security Investment Strategy for Saudi Arabia’

Activities performed:

  • Development of a red meat food security investment strategy and policy advice for Saudi Arabia based on current and future food needs. 
  • Global scanning and assessment of red meat value chain analysis and supply chains, from production, to processing, value adding, marketing and retail.
  • Development of red meat supply chain strategies (from production through to retailing) for SALIC.
  • Identification of key targets for investment (species by country) utilising risk assessment framework, technical and economic analysis.
  • Consumer market research conducted including consumer preferences, extensive analysis along local supply and retail chains.
  • Extensive desk top research and analysis including Porters Analysis relating to agri investment for food security and management of investment risk.
  • In depth value chain analysis across red meat producing countries in both developing and developed countries.
  • In-country consumer market research conducted, to identify long term consumer led demand trends.
  • Development of a range of economic, risk assessment and commodity analysis tools to provide objective based investment decision-making processes.
  • ‘On the Ground’ visits to a range of production-based markets aimed at ‘ground truthing’ key recommendations.



Input in PM: 1

Employer: Cardno CAVAC Program

Position: Value Chains Lead Consultant and Agriculture Extension Specialist 





Title of the project and Donor:  AusAID - Cambodia Agricultural Value Chain Program (CAVAC) ‘Participatory Extension Tool Box: A Practical Training Resource for Value Chain Analysis for Farmer Groups’

Activities performed:

  • The Training Resource provides a range of tools and resources that can be used to help build the capacity of extension professionals from the private sector working with farmer groups.
  • Resources include communications, working successfully with farmer groups (and organisations), extension techniques and approaches.
  • The resource was developed as a result of conducting a staff training and needs analysis and associated skills audit.  Specific training needs were identified and the publication produced to support staff training and capacity building.
  • Developed extension outreach and marketing strategies for the company to implement in an effort to support training and capacity needs.
  • Provided training and mentoring to both government and private sector agricultural specialists.



Input in PM: 5

Employer: Rural Solutions SA 

Position: Project Leader Livestock Value Chain development Sub-Saharan Africa




Title of the project and Donor:  Agriculture Africa Ministry of Livestock Local livestock - Creating Red Meat Supply Value Chains through Agro-Pastoral Development; Adopting a Farmer Participatory Approach

Activities performed:

  • Development of improved livestock production systems orientated value chains, through linking producers to local markets/processing facilities. 
  • Development of participatory approaches to developing best management practice livestock production systems that are market responsive.
  • Identification of impediments to local red meat production and supply chains.
  • Working in partnership with local livestock producer associations to perform market chain analysis, training needs analysis and identification of training and capacity building priorities.
  • Demonstration of best management practice to livestock producers.
  • Development of public-private partnerships and policy advice to government to enhance market linkages for livestock producers.



Input in PM: 1

Employer: Cardno CAVAC Program

Position: Lead Consultant  Agriculture Extension and Training Specialist




Title of the project and Donor:  AusAID - CAVAC Program ‘Technical Adviser Skills Assessment and Training Needs Analysis – Cambodian Agribusiness Sector Case Study’

Activities performed:

  • Identification of technical staff capabilities, training needs and staff development strategy relating to the delivery of agricultural extension services for a commercial agribusiness company in Cambodia.
  • Development of extension outreach and communication strategies for an Agribusiness Company (retailer of plant protection products), allowing them to deliver better targeted, reliable crop protection information.
  • Development of a capacity building / training strategy for the agribusiness company. 
  • Provision of policy advice in relation to future project investment priorities
  • Developed a business case for Government to support PPP, in the agribusiness sector.
  • Company staff training and needs analysis, skills audit conducted by way of formal questionnaires, one to one interviews with team members to identify career aspirations and motivational characteristics. 
  • Development of an extension outreach and marketing strategy for the Agribusiness Company based on enhancing the technical skill base of the extension team.



Input in PM: 1

Employer: Cardno CAVAC Program

Position: Lead Consultant and Agriculture Extension Specialist



Title of the project and Donor:  AusAID - CAVAC Program ‘Understanding the Constraints to Technology Adoption amongst Cambodian Farmers: Extension Outreach Study’

Activities performed:

  • Identification of the constraints to the adoption of best management practice by Cambodian farmers through conducting on farm research.
  • Assessment of agricultural value chains, and opportunities to enhance their development and efficiency.
  • Identified farmer socio-economic characteristics, constraints to increased rice production, and farmer information sources and adoption characteristics.
  • Development of a participatory extension framework for the delivery of extension services to Cambodian farmers by an agribusiness company.
  • Identification of the opportunities for the private agribusiness sector to become more actively involved in extension outreach activities to Cambodian resource poor farmers and establishment of public-private partnerships.
  • Rapid Rural appraisal relating to identifying farmer constraints to adoption of best management practice crop protection technologies.
  • Development of survey research tools including questionnaires, farmer focus group methodologies.
  • Conduct survey and focus groups, analysis and data interpretation.
  • Development of innovative extension delivery methodologies and partnership opportunities to from linkages between public and private sectors.
  • Development of on-farm strategies to enhance resilience to climate change within rural communities and along specified value chains.

3/10 – 12/15


Input in PM: 8

Employer: Southern Cross University

Position: Researcher


Niger, Eritrea, Iraq, India, Tibet, Australia

Title of the project and Donor: Southern Cross University - Understanding the Motivational Characteristics of Young Agricultural Professionals In Developing Countries’

Activities performed:

  • Doctorate of Business Administration Research study conducted amongst young agricultural professionals from a range of developing countries, aimed at identifying their motivational characteristics and how they can be better supported by organisations.
  • Human Resource Management related training modules developed relating to leadership development for young ag. professionals.
  • Guidelines developed that support the capacity building of young professionals (targeting Managers and Supervisors of young professionals in agricultural research, education and extension organisations)
  • Development of Grounded Theory and Action Research methodologies.
  • Methods of data collection involved one to one in-depth interviewing, structured research and attitudinal questionnaires, workplace group dynamic observations.
  • In-depth qualitative data analysis
  • Innovative approaches to research, and leading edge ‘new discoveries’ relating to motivational studies amongst young agricultural graduates in developing countries.



Input in PM: 1

Employer: ACIAR

Position: Principal Consultant Agricultural Extension Systems



Title of the project and Donor:  AusAID/Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Water Resources - Developing Participatory Approaches for Egyptian Agricultural Extension (study tour and training program)

Activities performed:

  • Egyptian Ministry Participants were involved in a ‘hands on’ participatory extension training program delivered in Egypt that allowed them to develop and build their skills and capabilities.
  • A study tour to Australia assisted participants in establishing new technical networks and contacts, as well as better understand integrated irrigation management and conservation agriculture systems.
  • Participatory based learning approaches adopted as part of the training methodologies.
  • Participants actively engaged in developing their ‘return to work plans’ for implementation of their own projects based on their learning experiences.

01/10 – 03/12


Input in PM: 8

Employer: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Position: Project Leader, Conservation Agriculture Value Chain development


Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia

Title of the project and Donor: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) - Development of Conservation Agriculture Systems for Resource-Poor farmers of North Africa’

Activities performed:

  • Scoping Mission and pilot program developed conservation agriculture (CA) farming systems for resource poor farmers in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria) involving research design for project and implementation strategies.
  • Study identified the major constraints to the adoption of CA systems.
  • Participatory based on-farm demonstration and extension outreach project developed, and initial pilot program introduced.
  • Current status of CA systems identified through undertaking scoping missions and facilitated workshops amongst key researchers and stakeholders from North Africa.
  • Development of a participatory focused project, including aims, objectives, milestones, activities, learning outcomes, M&E frameworks and budget.



Input in PM: 5

Employer: Rural Solutions SA 

Position: Project Leader Livestock Value Chain development Sub-Saharan Africa




Title of the project and Donor:  Agriculture Africa Ministry of Livestock Local livestock - Creating Red Meat Supply Chains through Agro-Pastoral Development; Adopting a Farmer Participatory Approach

Activities performed:

  • Development of improved livestock production systems and supply chains, through linking producers to local markets/processing facilities. 
  • Development of participatory approaches to developing best management practice livestock production systems that are market responsive.
  • Identification of impediments to local red meat production and supply chains.
  • Working in partnership with local livestock producer associations to perform market chain analysis, training needs analysis and identification of training and capacity building priorities.
  • Demonstration of best management practice to livestock producers.
  • Development of public-private partnerships in an effort to better enhance market linkages for livestock producers.



Input in PM: 5

Employer: Rural Solutions SA 

Position: Project Leader Irrigation Systems Extension Development


Iraq, Australia

Title of the project and Donor:  Australian Aid ‘On the Ground (OTG) Irrigation Management Program for Iraq’

Activities performed:

  • Iraq Ministry Technical staff are now successfully delivering a range of programs and services that assist Iraq’s resource-poor farmers in developing better systems of irrigation management and improvement, using highly efficient irrigation systems.
  • Improved staff confidence, capability and skills of the participants engaged in the training.
  • ‘Hands on’ practical skills training on irrigation and participatory extension.
  • Iraq participants were active members of project teams, involved in project design, delivery, reporting, M&E.
  • A series of training programs were developed for participants, with learning outcomes supported through structured ‘return to work’ project plans.

01/08 – 02/10


Input in PM: 4

Employer: The University of Adelaide 

Position: Project Leader, Conservation Agriculture Systems Development




Title of the project and Donor:  Australian Government DAFF - ‘Developing Resilient Mechanised Conservation Agriculture Seeding Systems for Resource-poor Eritrean Farmers’

Activities performed:

  • The project provided a focus for developing a range of innovative extension outreach activities and post-grad field research for senior government staff and students.
  • Local farmer groups were formed, for the purposes of undertaking adoption research studies, farmer needs analysis and developing on-farm participatory research and demonstration activities.
  • Focus group studies and farmer needs analysis conducted amongst local resource poor subsistence farmers.
  • Developing a deep understanding of constraints facing subsistence farmers.
  • Participatory approaches to extension outreach services were developed, utilising a range of innovative approaches to forming local relationships between farmers and post-grad students.

07/07 – 06/09


Input in PM: 3

Employer: The University of Adelaide 

Position: Project Leader and Extension Specialist


Tibet Autonomous Region (PRC)

Title of the project and Donor:  Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research - Field study component ‘Understanding the Barriers to the Adoption of New Technologies by Tibetan Farmers

Activities performed:

  • Development of an improved understanding relating to the cultural, religious, political and technical constraints and influences in relation to the adoption of modernized farming practices and technologies by Tibetan farmers.
  • Provision of recommendations to TAAS in relation to the development of improved extension systems aimed at improving the adoption of modern farming practices by resource poor farmers.
  • Contribution to the development of farm household adoption modelling and financial management in order to provide a satisfactory Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework.
  • Development of field data gathering methodologies including survey questionnaires and interview techniques.
  • Both qualitative and quantitative research tools utilized in the survey work.
  • Provision of extension methodology training workshops to extension staff, as part of ‘train the trainer’ workshops.
  • Supervision of Masters Student (Agricultural research extension) undertaking research program at The University of Adelaide.

07/05 – 12/09


Input in PM: 18

Employer: The University of Adelaide 

Position: Project Leader and Value Chain Specialist 



Title of the project and Donor: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research - ‘Linking Resource-poor Farmers to Wheat Markets in NW India’

Activities performed:

  • Development of best management practices and GAP for farmers aimed at production of high yielding quality wheat, supported through participatory-based extension outreach.
  • Improved linkages between farmers and the market place, allowing the direct marketing of quality wheat into Indian domestic market through ‘linking farmers to markets’.
  • Improved understanding by farmers to the development of dedicated supply chains, and the importance of producing quality wheat.
  • Development of partnerships between government, the private sector and farmers as part of a targeted PPP effort.
  • On-farm participatory research and demonstration activities.
  • Engagement of private agribusiness sector, including purchasers, processors and input supply networks.
  • Extensive farmer engagement at all points along the supply and value chains.
  • Market and supply chain analysis and consumer market-based research.
  • Identification of value adding agribusiness opportunities for farmers whereby additional market premiums could be gained through undertaking simple processing activities within local village communities.

01/05 – 12/11


Input in PM: 36

Employer: Government of South Australia, PIRSA

Position: Principal Consultant, International Food Security Services




Australia Asia, Middle East and Africa

Title of the project and Donor:  Government of South Australia - ‘Development of International Food Security Consulting Services (and Division) for the Government of South Australia’

Activities performed:

  • Development of the International Consulting Services Division for Rural Solutions SA, providing a gateway for the delivery of food security related services globally.
  • Development of sustainable agribusiness strategic and business planning activities, shaping government policy and approach to building international commercial agribusiness consulting opportunities.
  •  Identification of key funding organisations and donors to support commercial agribusiness consulting projects, development of new markets and projects in emerging and developed markets.
  • Designated and led international project teams, providing technical leadership, project and performance management/monitoring.
  • Business and agribusiness strategic planning, policy formulation and advice provided to senior Government decision makers.
  • Development of key project performance indicators, project monitoring and evaluation frameworks and approaches.
  • Staff skills assessment and training needs identification and implementation of capacity building initiatives for target groups.
  • ‘On the Ground’ project delivery throughout Asia, Middle East and Africa.

3/2004 – 12/2010


Input in PM:12

Employer: The University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture and Wine

Position: Affiliate Research Associate, Agricultural Systems



Title of the project and Donor: - The University of Adelaide

Activities performedProvision of academic roles in the provision of specialized training and field project research work in relation to agricultural extension, farming systems development for resource poor farmers, supervision of academic post-graduate students, and provision of specialized guest lectures in the field of agricultural extension and international development.

1/2001 – 12/2011


Input in PM:60

Employer:  Rural Solutions SA

Position: Principal Consultant, International Food Security Development



Title of the project and Donor: Operational base in Adelaide, South AustraliaActivities performedDelivery of international consulting and project services focused on agricultural extension and rural development, conservation farming systems, applied research, market research studies and identification of agro-processing opportunities for local SME, program impact assessment. Responsible for developing and leading a team of international extension and development consultants, identifying and forming project teams through in-depth capacity building sessions, identifying key clients and project partners (including relationship development). Preparation of project proposals, project reporting, financial monitoring and project budget reporting. International projects focused on the development of participatory extension methodologies, training of extension specialists and officers, short course technical training and capacity building

4/1998 – 12/2000


Input in PM:110


Employer:  Rural Solutions SA

Position: Leader of Field Crops Extension Team



Title of the project and Donor: Operational base in Adelaide, South AustraliaActivities performed: Development of the Field Crops Extension Team and Service Guidelines, as part of a new model of extension and service delivery developed by the Government of South Australia (based on a cost-recovery commercial model that saw the formation of Rural Solutions SA). Duties included undertaking market research and identify marketing opportunities for SME promotion, service development and key client liaison, management of extension service delivery teams including human resource management, project and program budgeting, monitoring and reporting. Skills and capability assessment, identification of training needs and subsequent design and development of team training and capacity building sessions for both government and private sector advisers

1/1993 – 3/1998


Input in PM:60


Employer:  Rural Solutions SA

Position: National Coordinator, Grains Industry Extension



Title of the project and Donor: Operational base in Adelaide, South AustraliaActivities performedDevelopment of participatory-based extension methodologies, good agricultural practices (GAP), tools and communication products for use by farmers, agribusiness advisers and extension officers. Provision of a range of specialized services including farmer fields school (FFS) workshops and training sessions, electronic based information tools and delivery systems, monitoring and evaluation of programs (including impact assessment), focus group research, monitoring and benchmarking tools.



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