Jasmine Beinart

Jasmine Beinart

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Humanities

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

I am a PhD student researching antisemitism in modern Australia.

My project uses case studies drawn from the history of antisemitism in Australia to test existing theories of antisemitism and to develop my own typology and theory. A major aim of my research is to understand the deep, underlying and fundamental driving factors of antisemitism that usually remain dormant, but that can be easily awoken and activated. I also explore the role that antisemitism plays in serving as a sociopolitical glue for various ideologies.

Previously, as part of my Honours and MA in Holocaust Studies, I researched Holocaust denial and obfuscation in contemporary Europe. I have mainly concentrated on the memory of the Holocaust and how it fits into non-Jewish national narratives and national identity in post-Soviet countries, with a particular focus on the Baltic states.

I also have research interests in wider Jewish history and Jewish theological, philosophical and political thought in Australia, North America, the Middle East and North Africa.

2022 - Present, PhD Dissertation topic: Antisemitism in Modern Australia.

2017, Research Paper for MA in Holocaust Studies, University of Haifa: The attempted creation of a new unified European collective memory: the mobilisation of the “double genocide” thesis in the European Union and post-Soviet countries.

2017, Research Paper for MA in Holocaust Studies, University of Haifa: Nationalist Lithuanian and Latvian discourse about the Holocaust and local collaboration.

2015, Honours Thesis, University of Adelaide: Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Complicity in Contemporary Latvian Nationalist Discourse.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2024 - ongoing Analyst Online Hate Prevention Institute
    2023 - ongoing Company Secretary Online Hate Prevention Institute
    2022 - 2023 Junior Analyst Online Hate Prevention Institute
    2021 - 2021 Collections Intern Melbourne Holocaust Museum
    2021 - 2021 Communications Officer Melbourne Holocaust Museum
    2018 - 2019 Research Assistant Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre
    2018 - 2022 Social Media Coordinator Adelaide Holocaust Museum and Andrew Steiner Education Centre
    2018 - 2018 Intern Wiener Holocaust Library
    2017 - 2018 Outreach Coordinator University of Haifa
    2017 - 2017 Intern Yad Vashem
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    Hebrew Can read and understand spoken
    Yiddish Can read, write and understand spoken
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2022 University of Adelaide Australia PhD in History
    2016 - 2019 University of Haifa Israel MA in Holocaust Studies
    2015 - 2015 University of Adelaide Australia Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts (History)
    2010 - 2014 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of International Studies
  • Research Interests

2022 - Present, Recipient of Australian Government Research Training Stipend Scholarship.

2016, Recipient of US$5,000 Weinstein Scholarship, University of Haifa, MA in Holocaust Studies.

  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2023 - ongoing Member Elected Committee Australian Association for Jewish Studies Australia
    2022 - 2023 Convener 2023 Conference: The Arts, Jews and Wellbeing Australian Association for Jewish Studies Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2022 - ongoing Member Australian Jewish Historical Society Australia
    2022 - ongoing Member Australian Association for Jewish Studies Australia
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2022 - 2023 South Australian Vice President Australasia Union of Jewish Students Australia
  • Presentation

    Date Topic Presented at Institution Country
    2024 - ongoing The Re-Creation of Antisemitism in 21st Century Australia 2024 Australian Association for Jewish Studies Conference Australian Association for Jewish Studies Australia
    2023 - 2023 Antisemitism in the Arts in the 21st Century 2023 AAJS Conference: The Arts, Jews and Wellbeing Australian Association for Jewish Studies Australia
    2023 - 2023 The Modern Face of Jew Hatred: Antisemitism in Australia in the 21st Century 2023 AAJS Conference: The Arts, Jews and Wellbeing Australian Association for Jewish Studies Australia
    2022 - 2022 Zionism in Progressive Spaces 2022 Biennial Conference Zionist Federation of Australia Australia

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