James Thompson

Dr James Thompson

Senior Lecturer

School of Allied Health Science and Practice

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

James is a passionate educator who has held teaching leadership roles within nursing, paramedicine, medicine and clinical education. His innovative approaches to teaching and learning have previously been recognised through a number of awards and an AHE Senior Fellowship.

James is an experienced front line clinician who has served in extended care paramedic and emergency nurse practitioner roles, and has amassed extensive knowledge and skills through many years of practice within range of health care settings and specialties both in Australia and the United Kingdom. James draws on these extensive skills and experience to underscore his authentic teaching and learning approaches within a range of human anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology subject areas.

James has been a leading early contributor to the university education of paramedics in Australia. He currently serves as an AHPRA accreditor and industry advisor on a range of clinical and education themes. He holds full academic status within the College of Medicine & Public Health at Flinders University and is an active reviewer for several journals, and annual conference events.

James has broad research interests and expertise in the areas of, authentic assessment, patient assessment, resuscitation, physiology, clinical education, and programmatic assessment. He welcomes any health or education research collaboration or supervision inquiries.

  • Interprofessional Education/Learning
  • Environmental Physiotherapy
  • Human Physiology
  • Capstone Education
  • Authentic/ Sustainable Assessment
  • Resuscitation
  • Fluid Physiology
  • Programmatic Assessment
  • Clinical Competency
  • Work readiness
  • Patient Assessment
  • Emergency Care
  • Paramedicine 
  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2023 - ongoing Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide
    2015 - 2022 Senior Lecturer/ Teaching Specialist Flinders University
    2012 - 2018 Paramedic (Casual) SA Ambulance Service
    2006 - 2015 Lecturer Flinders University
    2004 - 2006 Emergency Care Lecturer/Practitioner St George's, University of London
    2002 - 2004 Emergency Nurse Practitioner Newham University Hospital
    1999 - 2003 Emergency Nurse Specialist (Locum) Mayfair Specialist Nurses Agency
    1997 - 1999 Paramedic SA Ambulance Service
    1995 - 1997 Registered Nurse Flinders Medical Centre
    1993 - 1995 Registered Nurse Queen Elizabeth Hospital
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2021 Fellowship Advance HE Senior Fellowship Advance HE United Kingdom -
    2019 Teaching Award Conference Award : HERGA Conference Flinders University Australia -
    2017 Teaching Award Best Paper Conference Award: HERDSA Edith Cowan Australia -
    2014 Teaching Award Executive Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence (Individual) Flinders University Australia -
    2013 Research Award Australasian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) Honours Conference Award Flinders University Australia -
    2012 Teaching Award Council of Ambulance Authorities Educational Performance Award Flinders University Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2020 Flinders University Australia PhD
    2014 Flinders University Australia Graduate Certificate Education (Higher Education)
    2011 Flinders University Australia Bachelor Health Science (Honours)
    1999 University of Hertfordshire United Kingdom Graduate Certificate - Developing Autonomous Practice (Emergency Nurse Practitioner)
    1999 SA Ambulance Service Australia Diploma of Applied Science- Ambulance Studies
    1992 University of South Australia Australia Bachelor of Nursing
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Verrall, C., Willis, E., Gerrie, A., & Thompson, J. (2024). Missed care or missed opportunities in general practice nursing. Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research, 31(4), 1-7.
    2024 Thompson, J. G., McLennan, H. J., Heinrich, S. L., Inge, M. P., Gardner, D. K., & Harvey, A. J. (2024). A brief history of technical developments in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Dedicated to the memory of J.M. Cummins. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 36(10), 10 pages.
    2024 Thompson, J., Verrall, C., Bogaardt, H., Thirumanickam, A., Marley, C., & Boyle, M. (2024). Responding to the real problem of sustainable resuscitation skills with real assessment. Mixed-methods evaluation of an authentic assessment programme. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 11 pages.
    2024 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2024). Resolving the wicked problem of quality in paramedic education: the application of assessment for learning to bridge theory-practice gaps. Quality in Higher Education, 30(1), 112-129.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS2
    2023 Thompson, J. (2023). From training to education: Understanding and responding to the resuscitation education issues with ideas and theory. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 29(1), 228-232.
    DOI Scopus1
    2020 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2020). Programmatic assessment condensed: Introducing progress testing approaches to a single semester paramedic subject. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 17(3), 195-211.
    2020 Thompson, J., Couzner, L., & Houston, D. (2020). Assessment partnerships from the start: Building reflective practice as a beginning paramedic student competency. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 17, 1-8.
    2017 Thompson, J., Houston, D., & Dansie, K. (2017). Teaching Students to Think like a Paramedic: Improving Professional Judgement through Assessment Conversations. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 14, 1-6.
    2017 Houston, D., & Thompson, J. N. (2017). Blending Formative and Summative Assessment in a Capstone Subject: 'It's not your tools, it's how you use them'. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 14(3), 5-18.
    2017 Thompson, J., Houston, D., Dansie, K., Rayner, T., Pointon, T., Pope, S., . . . Grantham, H. (2017). Student & tutor consensus: a partnership in assessment for learning. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(6), 942-952.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS11
    2015 Thompson, J., Grantham, H., & Houston, D. (2015). Paramedic capstone education model: Building work-ready graduates. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 12(3), 1-9.
    DOI Scopus13
    2015 Carter, H., & Thompson, J. (2015). Defining the paramedic process. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 21(1), 22.
    2013 Thompson, J. (2013). Exploring paramedic patient assessment. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 5(6), 342-347.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2017 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2017). A bridge to being a practitioner: the role of pedagogical practice-in-context knowledge in the design, delivery and experience of a capstone subject.. In A bridge to being a practitioner: the role of pedagogical practice-in-context knowledge in the design, delivery and experience of a capstone subject.. Sydney.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2023 Thompson, J., Charlton, K., Thirumanickam, A., Prideaux, N., & Chen, K. (2023). Fusing Authentic Learning & Interprofessional Education: Re-imagining human bioscience education through the use of health care HUDDLE's. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the Higher Education Research Group Adelaide Conference (HERGA 2023): The Future is Now!. Flinder University Campus, Adelaide: HERGA.
    2023 Thomas, K., Stanhope, J., Thompson, J., & Thirumanickam, A. (2023). Are the most accessible green spaces where they are most needed? A project proposal. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Environmental Physiotherapy Festival.
    2022 Thompson, J. (2022). Can good assessment save your life?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide Conference. Adelaide.
    2021 Thompson, J. (2021). Development and evaluation of a paramedic taxonomy and progress test. Poster session presented at the meeting of College of Paramedics International Education Conference. London (Online).
    2021 Thompson, J. (2021). Programmatic Assessment for Improved Graduate Work-readiness: Testing ‘for’, not just ‘of’ learning. Poster session presented at the meeting of College of Paramedics International Education Conference. London (0nline).
    2021 Thompson, J. (2021). Improving simulation through student assessment partnerships. Poster session presented at the meeting of College of Paramedics International Education Conference. London (Online).
    2019 Thompson, J. (2019). Progress testing in a single subject.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide Conference. Adelaide.
    2019 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2019). Making Progress: Introducing progress testing approaches to a single semester paramedic subject. Poster session presented at the meeting of Unknown Conference.
    2018 Thompson, J. (2018). It’s not your tools it’s how you use them. Assessment design in a paramedic capstone program.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Prideaux Seminar Series. Prideaux Centre for Research in Health Professions Education.
    2018 Thompson, J. (2018). Evaluation of Student-Tutor Consensus Marking Model in First Year Paramedic Undergraduate Degree: Developing Skills in Self-Evaluation.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide Conference, Adelaide. Adelaide.
    2018 Thompson, J., Houston, D., & Couzner, L. (2018). Making progress: Helping students to know where they are going and where they have been with the use of progress testing: Design & Implementation. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide Conference.
    2017 Houston, D., & Thompson, J. (2017). Simulated job interview as an oral tool for assessment: personalised assessment of personalised learning. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group Adelaide Conference. Adelaide.
    2016 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2016). Using Wikis to Enhance Problem Based Learning. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group Adelaide Conference. Adelaide.
    2016 Thompson, J., Dansie, K., & Houston, D. (2016). Teaching Students to think like a Paramedic: Improving Professional Judgement through Assessment Conversations. Poster session presented at the meeting of Paramedics Australasia International Conference. Auckland.
    2015 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2015). Customising a capstone experience around assessment for learning: A case study for paramedic education. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference on Assessment for Learning. Hong Kong.
    2015 Thompson, J., Pointon, T., Rayner, T., Pope, S., Mitchell, B., & Houston, D. (2015). Student and tutor consensus as a basis of assessment: Developing undergraduate skills in self-evaluation. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide Conference. Adelaide.
    2014 Thompson, J. (2014). Learning through technology and social media. Poster session presented at the meeting of Medicine and the Natural Resources Industry- 1st Annual Conference. Brisbane.
    2014 Thompson, J., & Houston, D. (2014). Developing better graduates through individualised learning: A case study of a Paramedic Capstone Experience. Poster session presented at the meeting of Higher Education Research Group Adelaide Conference. Adelaide.
    2013 Thompson, J., & Drummond, C. (2013). Exploring Paramedic Assessment. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Society for Medical Research Scientific Meeting. Adelaide.
  • Theses

    Year Citation
    2020 Thompson, J. (2020). Assessment “for learning” approaches in the development of work-ready paramedic graduates. (PhD Thesis, Flinders University).
  • Internet Publications

    Year Citation
    2024 Thompson, J. (2024). How consensus grading can help build a generation of critical thinkers. Times Higher Education.

2023 Adelaide Nursing School Grant Scheme - $4,000 - Missed care and the role of the practice nurse

Current Course Coordinator

  • Human Bioscience A
  • Evidence Based Practice 1
  • Human Bioscience B

Current Lecturer

  • Evidence Based Practice 2
  • Foundations of Health and Wellbeing

Previous Coordination & Teaching Expertise

  • Standardised Patient & Simulation : (Masters Clinical Education)
  • Assessment in Health Professions Education: (Masters Clinical Education)
  • Human Bioscience
  • Patient Assessment
  • Applied Paramedic Practice (Capstone)
  • Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
  • Integrated Physiology
  • Introduction to Medical Emergencies
  • Introduction to Traumatic Emergencies
  • Clinical Decision Making
  • Minor Injuries 
  • Minor Illness
  • Learning Coach Medical Program

Other key education contributions

  • Conveynor paramedic annual field day (2008-2022)
  • Conveynor ECG training event for Practice Nurses
  • Invited presenter Haemodynamics and Fluid Physiology 
  • Invited presenter Recognising the Deteriorating Patient 
  • Invited presenter Innovations in Assessment Design
  • Medical Program Assessment Lead 
  • Educator and Advisor Extended Care Paramedic Program (SAAS & London Ambulance)


  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83131777
  • Email: j.thompson@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Engineering and Maths. Sciences, floor Fourth Floor
  • Room: 408A
  • Org Unit: School of Allied Health Science and Practice

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