Jasmin Packer

Dr Jasmin Packer

Research Fellow

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Conservation Biologist. Innovator. Design Thinker.

Jasmin is passionate about protecting our threatened communities and species. Her research aims to design innovative solutions, linking world-leading science with on-ground management, to better protect South Australia’s threatened communities and species as they adapt to global change. She works with wildlife as well as flora and fungi. Jasmin is an independent Research Fellow in the Environment Institute, and long-term member of the Terrestrial Ecology Lab, who's known for her commitment to think global - act local.

Jasmin’s transdisciplinary research focuses on understanding how ecosystems respond to differing disturbance and other global changes - and what we can do to enhance their capacity to cope with the negative impacts. Her transdisciplinary approach bridges basic and applied research, and co-designs field surveys with industry partners to ensure their findings are put into action to make a difference for conservation. Jasmin uses design thinking to draw on her deep understanding of the needs of others, and brings together global (biogeography and invasion science) and local (community ecology, population ecology and citizen science) approaches, to build long term partnerships that have a real impact on improving biodiversity conservation.

Thanks to Jasmin’s passion for making a difference, you might find her climbing through blackberry to assess habitat complexity for endangered bandicoots – or squelching through swamps to discover which of Australia's reedbeds really are native...and how they're threatened by global change?

Bandicoot research on ABC Gardening Australia


Bandicoot research on Ch10 Scope


Common reed (Phragmites australis)


Sunset over common reed (Phragmites australis)


manuscript bandicoot novel habitat Manuscript_bandicoot genetics Manuscript_phragmites manuscript_global networks

Our University of Adelaide Bandi Bunch is passionate about discovering connections for mammal conservation. Our beloved, but endangered, southern brown bandicoot is our mascot.

Bandi Bunch builds on long-term conservation and research for threatened species, and evolved in 2019 to respond to requests for bandicoot conservation and research. We co-design projects with state government and other land manager partners to discover better ways to improve the conservation status of native mammals across Greater Adelaide and the Mount Lofty Ranges. All our projects start with understanding shared priorities, identifying management outcomes we need to achieve, and then targeting our ‘think global – act local’ research to achieve these.
Our Bandi Bunch team members, and their native mammal projects, include:

Natalie Brown – 2018+; Honours researcher; microbats of the Mount Lofty Ranges

Hayley Jose – 2019+; PhD researcher, small mammal communities and the ecological role of southern brown bandicoot (see Hayley’s summary below).

Jasmin Packer – 2006+; Wildlife Ecologist and Research Fellow, population structure and persistence of mammal communities in the Mount Lofty Ranges, particularly endangered southern brown bandicoot. Rakali and re-establishment potential of platypus along River Torrens and other Adelaide and mainland South Australian waterways. Citizen science for transformational change (attached).

Eilish Thomas - 2021+; PhD researcher; population ecology of rakali in Greater Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges. Insights into potential platypus habitat.

Wendy Warren – 2019+; iBandi Co-ordinator - citizen science for native mammal conservation.


Image removed.




  • Position: Research Fellow
  • Phone: 83135576
  • Email: j.packer@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83136222
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Benham, floor 1
  • Org Unit: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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