Ismail Ismail

Ismail Ismail

School of Agriculture, Food and Wine

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr Ismail Ahmed Ismail has a Bachelor of Agriculture Science/Plant Protection, Master in Plant Protection/ Plant Pathology from the University of Baghdad and PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of Adelaide. He worked as assistant lecturer and lecturer at the University of Baghdad, then a postdoc at the University of Adelaide School of Agriculture Food and Wine from, Researcher at CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Lab Manager at SARDI/Clare then Senior Research Officer SARDI/ Horticulture Pathology/ Fungicide resistance project.

1- Advancing diagnostics for monitoring and management of fungicide resistance in grapevine

  • Optimise high-throughput laboratory testing
  • Optimise in-field testing, Develop sampling protocols
  • Monitor fungicide resistance
  • Develop assays to detect new resistance markers

2- Improving the understanding of fungicide resistance in Australian viticulture

  • Determine the sensitivity of E. necator, B. cinerea and P. viticola to selected fungicides
  • Increase knowledge about the relationships between phenotype, genotype and field efficacy.
  • Evaluate spore trapping technologies

3- Validation of Net Form Net Blotch (NFNB) toxins/virulence factors in disease and as a selection tool- (GRDC funded project)

Other research questions:

  1. How does Pyrenophora teres fungus cause net form net blotch (NFNB) disease in barley?
  2. Contribution of Proteinaceous toxins to NFNB disease development in barley.
  3. Molecular Plant-Pathogen Interaction especially virulence factors and effectors.

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  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2018 - ongoing Senior Research Officer South Australian Research and Development Institute
    2018 - 2018 Researcher Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
    2018 - 2018 Researcher at CSIRO Agriculture and Food CSIRO
    2013 - 2017 University Postdoctoral Fellow University of Adelaide
    2001 - 2013 Lecturer Baghdad University, College of Agriculture
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2013 Award Award of the Dean commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence, The University of Adelaide, Faculty of Science, 2013. The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2013 Award The winner of the University of Adelaide Doctoral Research Medal 2013 The University of Adelaide Australia -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    Arabic Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2009 - 2014 University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    1997 - 2000 University of Baghdad Iraq M.Sc. Plant pathology
    1991 - 1995 University of Baghdad Iraq B.Sc. Plant Protection
  • Research Interests

VITICULT 7038WT - Viticultural Methods and Procedures (Practical classes)

Foundations of Plant Biotechnology (Practical classes)

Plant Biotechnology III  (Practical classes)

Undergraduate mentors in Plant Science (Group Resaerch Project)

  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2013 - ongoing Member South Australian regional committee of The Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) Australian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2009 - ongoing Member The Australasian Plant Pathology Society Australia
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2005 - 2006 - - - -
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2006 - 2008 Vice-head Plant Plant Protection Department, College of Agriculture, The University of Baghdad Iraq

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