Ian Musgrave

Dr Ian Musgrave

Senior Lecturer

School of Biomedicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

I am a molecular pharmacologist who works at the University of Adelaide, Australia. I have a broad interest in the understanding of how surface receptors can modulate neuronal function and survival, as well as interests in natural product pharmacology and toxicology as well as drug design. I am also interested in evolutionary biology, science communication (member of SA Science Communicators). I am also an avid amateur astronomer. My astronomy blog is astroblog.

I did postdoctoral work in the Institute of Pharmacology at the Free University of Berlin in 1991-1994, returning to Australia in 1994. I have collaborated with Professor John Carver, Dr. Scot Smid, and Professor Colin Barrow on using natural products to attack the neurodegeneration process in Alzheimer’s Disease. I am currently the education officer of the Toxicology Special Interest Group of the Australasian Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology. I am also collaborating with Professor Roger Byard on the forensic implications of herbal medicines. I have held NH&MRC funding and ARC funding.

The main thrust of my research has been the role of signal transduction in neuronal function. In recent years this has extended into the area of neuroprotection and neurotoxicity. This has been followed on three fronts; the role of amyloid peptides in neurotoxicity, and how this may be combated with natural products. This work is undertaken with Professor John Carver and Dr. Scott Smid. We have found potent products that can prevent and disrupt amyloid formation. This has profound implications not only for the therapy of Alzhemiers' disease but for a wide range of diseases that involve protein misfolding, from systemic amyloidosis to HIV infection. As a further logical development of the natural product theme, my work has branched out into neurotoxicology with work with Professor Roger Byard and Professor Michael Bunce (Curtin University WA) looking at the toxicity of herbal medicines. (NHMRC Grant APP1061329) As a result of this work we have collaborated with the TGA and the South Australian Health Department have been able to advise them of potentially dangerous herbal medicines.

Project 1.

Title: Exploring the herbal phytochemical Bakuchiol's Toxicity

Project outline: Psoralea corylifolia, or Bu Gu Zhi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is associated with hepatotoxicity. Psoralea corylifolia contains a number of phytochemicals: Psoralen, isopsoralen and Bakuchiol been associated with hepatotoxicity (but see DOI: 10.4268/cjcmm20151129). Preliminary experiments from our lab have shown that Bakuchiol to be more toxic than Psoralen to the hepatocyte model cell line HepG2. Given its use in cosmetics, the effect of Bakuchiol on toxicity in an epithelial cell line will be tested as well. Cell viability will be determined via MTT and epithelial barrier integrity will be determined via TEER. As well as pure Bakuchiol, commercial preparations of Bakuchiol  will be tested for toxicity, as the supporting ingredients may alter Bakuchiol toxicity.

Project available for Honours and potentially HDR.

Location: North Terrace campus, Helen Mayo South


Project 2.

Title: The evolving usage of Herbal medicines in Australia post COVID

Project outline: During the COVID-19 pandemic, herbal medicines were promoted as therapies. However, we do not know the pattern of usage of herbal medicines during or after the pandemic. The last survey of Herbal use in Australia dates back to 2008 (pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 2008; 17: 1006–1013DOI: 10.1002/pds.1610). Furthermore, we do not know if the patterns of use of herbal medicine had an impact on adverse drug reactions. To address this this project will have two parts.

a) Developing and Administering a population-based survey on herbal medicine use during the years 2020-2022 (requires human ethics approval).

b) Searching the TGA Adverse drug reactions database to look at ADR reporting of these common herbal medicines pre-pandemic and during the pandemic. And determine if there is an increase in ADR’s during this pandemic period.

Project available for Honours and potentially HDR.

Location: North Terrace campus, Helen Mayo South




  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2001 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide
    1998 - 2000 Senior Research Officer Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
    1997 - ongoing Research Fellow (Wholetime Medical Specialists) Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research
    1995 - 1996 Research Fellow (National Health and Medical Research Council C.J. Martin) Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research
    1992 - 1994 Research Fellow (National Health and Medical Research Council C.J. Martin) Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (LG), Freie Universität
    1991 - 1992 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (LG), Freie Universität
    1989 - 1991 National Health and Medical Research Council Research Officer Department of Pharmacology
    1985 - ongoing Research Assistant I University of Queensland
    1980 - 1984 Research Assistant II University of Queensland
    1977 - 1980 Technologist B University of Queensland
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2018 Achievement The Thornett Award for the Promotion of Reason 2018 Australian Skeptics Australia $2000
    2017 Recognition Unsung hero of Science Communication SA 2017 Government of South Australia, Department of Industry and Skills Australia -
    1995 Research Award Johnson and Johnson New Investigator Award Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists Australia -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    German Can read, speak and understand spoken
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1989 University of Melbourne Australia Ph.D.
    1987 University of Queensland Australia M. Sc.
    1976 Queensland Institute of Technology Australia B.App.Sci.
  • Research Interests

Date Project/ No. Investigators Funding Body
2020    Inhibition of dental biofilms using natural Quorum Sensing Inhibitors investigated with the xCELLigence ® Real Time Cell Analyser.” 2555-2020 Stuckings Z; Musgrave I; Kidd S; Zilm P Australian Dental Research Foundation Inc. 2555-2020
2018    “Anticoagulant rodenticide excretion in rats following median lethal dose (LD50) administration” Hamilton, Jolley, Howard, Musgrave Australian Pork Limited Project 2018/0011
2018     ‘More than providing a microphone: Establishing a research cluster for public engagement with STEM research and policy' Ankeny R et al., Interdisciplinary Research Fund. (University of Adelaide Internal Grant)
 2017                       Australian Pork Limited "rodenticide feeding study in rats" Hamilton, Jolley, Howard, Musgrave Australian Pork Limited APL Project 2016/2230
2016 In vitro toxicology assessment of herbal medicines. Maker et al. Murdoch University Small Grant
2014 Development of 'omics-based approaches to investigate labelling accuracy and legality of herbal medicine in Australia Bunce M et al. NHMRC APP1061329
2013 Structure function relationships of anti-amyloid drugs: verification in an in-vivo model. Musgrave IF, Smid SD, Pukala T, O’Keefe L Interdisciplinary Research Fund (University of Adelaide Internal Grant)
2010 Development and integration of software for practicum delivery and assessment in third year pharmacology courses  Smid SD, Salem A, Musgrave IF University of Adelaide Internal Grant
2009 Enzymatic synthesis, microencapsulation and biological evaluation of a new class of omega-3 derivedfunctional food ingredients. Barrow et al. ARC Linkage Grant LP100100069
2009 New drug treatments for Alzhemier’s disease Smid SD, Musgrave IF Sunshine Foundation Grant
2009 Development and evaluation of on-line assessment materials for a second year compulsory course within the Bachelor of Health Sciences program Salem A, Smid SD, Musgrave IF, Carrington A University of Adelaide Internal Grants
2007 Ensuring Quality Graduates of Pharmacology   ALTC (formerly Carrick) Education Grant (member of ASCEPT Education consortium)
2006   Ingman W, Musgrave IF, and Robertson SA Faculty Small Grant
2006   Ingman W, Musgrave IF, and Robertson SA Faculty Small Grant
2004   Burcham P, Musgrave IF SA Brain Foundation Grant
2004   Musgrave IF, Piletz J and Head G University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Sciences Small Grants
2003   Musgrave IF University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Sciences Travelling Fellowship Grant for Professor John Piletz
2003   Musgrave IF SA Brain Foundation grant
2002   Musgrave IF et al. Rebecca Cooper Foundation grant
2001   Musgrave IF Adelaide University, B3 New Appointment grant
1999 Identification of a new endogenous ligand for imidazoline receptors. Barrow C, Musgrave IF ARC small grant
1999 Electrophysiology –Single cell fluorescence setup Majewski H, Chen C, Musgrave IF, Li C-G, Badoer E Wellcome Trust Equipment Grant
1997 Imidazoline receptors and modulation of ion channels Musgrave IF NH&MRC project grant 981123
1995 Imidazoline receptors modulate nicotinic ion channels. Musgrave IF Ramaciotti Foundation Grant
1992   Musgrave IF NH&MRC CJ Martin Fellowship
1990   Musgrave IF Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship
1989 Role of PKC on sympathetic transmitter release Majewski H & Musgrave IF NH&MRC Project grant


Date Course Details
2013-present Course coordinator PHARM 3010 Drug Action and Discovery
2013-2018 Course co-ordinator, Dental& Health Science III and IV (Pharmacology Stream)
2010-2011 Course coordinator Drug Discovery and Development (PHARM 4200 and lecturer)
2008-2016 Lecturing for B. Pharm Eng. PHARM 2002 and 2003 rebadged as PHARM 2100 and PHARM 2200, Course coordinator, lecturer and workshop leader PHARM 2200, Drugs Chemicals and the Environment
2007-2013 Course co-ordinator, Dental& Health Science IV (Pharmacology Stream)
2007-present Lecturer in nursing courses, tutor in Dental& Health Science IV (Pharmacology Stream).
2006-2013 Course coordinator, 2nd year courses (PHARM 2002, 2003, Drugs Chemicals and Health and Drugs Chemicals and the Environment respectively). Lecturer, tutor and demonstrator in 2nd, 3rd year BSc.BHealth Sc. Courses (PHARM 2002, 2003, 3010, 3011). Workshop leader in 2nd year courses, B.Health Sc
2004-2005 Course co-ordinator, 3rd year second semester courses, Pharmacology BIII, B.Sc. 2004. Concepts in Pharmacology BIII and Research Methods in Pharmacology BIII B.Health Sc. 2004; Lecturer, tutor and demonstrator in 3rd year BSc.BHealth Sc. courses. Workshop participant in Fundamentals in Drug Development 3rd year BHealth Sc. Lecturer, tutor, workshop leader in 2nd year course, B.Health Sc.
2002-2003 Course co-ordinator, 3rd year second semester course, Advanced topics in Pharmacology, B.Sc. B.Health Sc. 2003. Lecturing, tutoring and practical class co-ordination, third year basic and advanced pharmacology course B.Sc. B.Health Sc. Lecturer, tutor, workshop leader in 2nd year course, B.Health Sc
2001 Lecturing, tutoring and practical class co-ordination, third year basic and advanced pharmacology course. Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Adelaide University: B.Sc. B.Health Sc.
1999-2000 Lecturing, and practical class demonstrating, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, RMIT University: B App Sc.
1991-1998 Lecturing, and practical class demonstrating, Department of Pharmacology, Monash University: BSc (Hons), BSc
1987-1990 Lecturing, tutoring and practical class demonstrating Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne BSc (Hons), BSc, Dentistry, Medicine

 Teaching Development

Date Course Details
2016 Invited speaker, 3D visualisations of drug-receptor interactions
2011 Invited Speaker, ASCEPT Education Workshop (Perth): speaking on Physical Theatre as a metod of student engagement
2010 Presentation of ALTC (formerly Carrick) grant “Ensuring Quality Graduates of Pharmacology” material at WorldPharma
2009 Finalised report on the ALTC (formerly Carrick) grant “Ensuring Quality Graduates of Pharmacology Member, ASCEPT Mentoring scheme
2008 Invited Speaker, ASCEPT Education Workshop (Sydney): speaking on Votapedia as a novel assessment tool
2007-present Carrick Education Grant team member
2007-present Member ASCEPT Education Special Interest Group
2007 Participant, ASCEPT Teaching Workshop
2006-2007 Colleague Development Program participant
2006 HARC mentoring round table
2003 Teaching at University Course
2003 Member of ASCEPT core curriculum development group
2001-present Various service courses for using MyUni

Other Teaching Service

2006 -2009  Member Teacher Twinning Group (support to high School Science Teachers)

School Service

Date Service
2009-2012 School Honours Coordinator
2007-2008 Convenor School Research Committee (School RQF coordinator, ERA response co-ordinator, submission of responses to State Gov’t inquiry into the future of research in South Australia, coordinator School Grant Review process)
2007-present Member OH&S Committee
2006-2012 Member School Research Committee
2006-2013 Open Day co-ordinator for Discipline, then School

Departmental Service

Date Details
2009-2012 Discipline honours Co-ordinator, Teaching and Learning committee
2007-2008 B. Pharm Eng course development. Teaching and Learning committee, Marketting Committee
2006 Seminar co-ordinator, Teaching and Learning committee, B. Pharm Eng development. Marketting Committee
2005 Seminar co-ordinator, Teaching and Learning committee, third year development group. Open day co-ordinator.
2004 Seminar co-ordinator, Teaching and Learning committee, third year development group. Open day co-ordinator
2003 Seminar co-ordinator, Equipment committee, Teaching and Learning committee, third year development group, Open day co-ordinator, ASMR research day co-ordinator.
2002 ASMR research day co-ordinator.
2001 Departmental Research Committee, Faculty of Science board, Second year development group
2000 RMIT Departmental seminar organiser
1999-2000 Drug Research and Development Group management committee
1999-2000 Medical Laboratory Science Research Committee
1994-1998 Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research, Institute Scientific Group (Chairman: 1995-1996)
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2023 Co-Supervisor Exogenous Ketogenic Therapy to Inhibit the Symptoms Caused by BACE1 in Drosophila and Protect Mitochondria Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hao Huang
    2021 Co-Supervisor From Magic to Medicine: The dynamics of faith and science in drug development in antiquity. Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Greg Macpherson
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 - 2025 Co-Supervisor Exploring Microglial Ageing: Insights from Human Genomic Data, Pre-Clinical Animal Models, and the Future of In Vitro Modelling Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Laura May Carr
    2022 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Characterizing the Neurological Bioactivity of Cannabis Phytochemicals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr John Laws III
    2022 - 2023 Principal Supervisor The significance of OATP and CYP450 in statin-flavonoid interactions Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Full Time Mr Joshua Paul Zechner
    2018 - 2023 Principal Supervisor The Role of Cytokines in Neuronal Injury and Neurodegenerative Diseases Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Anuradha Subashini Tennakoon
    2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Exploring the Bioactivity and Therapeutic Potential of Structurally Diverse Phytochemicals in Neurodegenerative and Gastrointestinal Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Dylan Thomas Marsh
    2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Implications for toxicity in herbal polypharmacy: the role of herb-herb interactions and cytotoxic development in at-risk organ models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Susan Marie Britza
    2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Herbal Medicine Toxicity, the Role of Adulterants, Contaminants and Pharmokinetic Interactions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Rachael Louise Farrington
    2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Small molecular inhibitors of Amyloid beta and alpha Synuclein amyloidogenic aggregation, toxicity and in silico design of amyloid-binding ligands Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Sukanya Das
    2013 - 2018 Co-Supervisor A Comparative Study of Physiological and Modulators of Aquaporin ion Channels in Diverse Phyla Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mohamad Kourghi
    2013 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Herbal Medicine use in the Australian Population: Adulteration, Contamination and Adverse Drug Reactions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Claire Louise Hoban
    2012 - 2017 Principal Supervisor The Effect of the Cyanobacterial Toxin Saxitoxin on Neurodevelopment Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Katie O'Neill
    2011 - 2015 Co-Supervisor The Functional Studies of Amyloid Fibrils and their Toxicity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Abigail Kegomoditswe Elias
    2010 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Characterization of the zebrafish Orthologue of Klotho Master of Science Master Full Time Mr Yuya Sugano
    2010 - 2014 Co-Supervisor The Effect of Cannabinoids on Cytokine Evoked Human Colonic Mucosal Damage and Caco-2 Epithelial Permeability Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Benjamin Harvey
    2005 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Genotoxicity Investigation of Organic N-Chloramines Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Somprasong Laingam
    2004 - 2008 Principal Supervisor Imidazoline Receptor Antisera - Selected Protein: A Unique Modulator of Neuronal Differentiation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Francis Dehle
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83133905
  • Email: ian.musgrave@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83138059
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Helen Mayo South, floor 5
  • Org Unit: Medical Sciences

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