Hrayr Matevosyan
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
I am theoretical physicist specializing in studying subatomic particles. My core interests are in exploring the most basic structure of matter using phenomenological models and exploiting numerical methods. I have a substantial experience in developing software utilizing high performance computing methods for performing large scale numerical computations.
My main research interests are in theoretical subatomic physics, including Hadronic, Nuclear and Particle Physics. In particular, I am interested in:
- The elementary structure of the ordinary matter, describing how the protons and neutrons (nucleons) are made up of the elementary strongly interacting particles: quarks and gluons.
- Extraction of the 3-dimensional images of the nucleons from the current and planned experimental measurements at various medium energy physics laboratories world-wide.
- Modeling the process of hadronization, where the quarks and gluons within the nucleons are knocked out by a high energy probe and produce a shower of composite subatomic particles. Studying how the properties of the nucleons and the hadronization process are modified when inside of a large nucleus.
- Investigation of the microscopic description of the nucleon-nucleon interaction force and their connection to the underlying theory of the strong interaction. Development of realistic models for calculations of the properties of heavy nuclei and neutron stars.
- Applications of high performance computing techniques to the problems in hadronic and nuclear physics.
Date Institution name Country Title 2007 Louisiana State University USA PhD -
Research Interests
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2019 Kotzinian, A., Matevosyan, H. H., & Thomas, A. W. (2019). New way to access the quark fragmentation functions in electron-positron annihilation. In Proceedings of Science Vol. 352 (pp. 1-6). Italy: Sissa Medialab srl.
DOI2014 Matevosyan, H., Thomas, A., & Bentz, W. (2014). The effect of vector meson decays on dihadron fragmentation functions. In Proceedings of INPC 2013 ¿ International Nuclear Physics Conference. EPJ Web of Conferences volume 66 Vol. 66 (pp. 1-8). Online: EDP Sciences.
DOI Scopus6 WoS62012 Matevosyan, H., Thomas, A., & Bentz, W. (2012). Effects of quark spin flip on the Collins fragmentation function in a toy model. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Horizons of Innovative Theories, Experiments, and Supercomputing in Nuclear Physics Vol. 403 (pp. 1-7). USA: IOP Science.
DOI Scopus4 WoS42012 Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Mahbub, S., Matevosyan, H., Thomas, A., Williams, A., . . . Zanotti, J. (2012). The 30th International symposium on lattice field theory. In Proceedings of Science Vol. Part F130497.
Scopus12011 Matevosyan, H., Thomas, A., & Bentz, W. (2011). Monte-Carlo approach to calculating the fragmentation functions in NJL-Jet mode. In Proceedings of T(r)opical QCD 2010: Cairns CSSM 2010 Workshop Vol. 1354 (pp. 0 pages). USA: AIP.
DOI2011 Casey, A., Thomas, A. W., & Matevosyan, H. H. (2011). Dihadron fragmentation functions in the NJL-jet model. In H. H. Matevosyan, & A. W. Thomas (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1418 (pp. 143-146). Cairns, AUSTRALIA: AMER INST PHYSICS.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12011 Matevosyan, H. H., & Thomas, A. W. (2011). Preface: 8th Circum-Pan-Pacific symposium on high energy spin physics. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1418 (pp. 1). American Institute of Physics.
DOI2011 Thomas, A. W., Casey, A., & Matevosyan, H. H. (2011). What we know and don't know about the origin of the spin of the proton. In H. Fritzsch, K. K. Phua, B. E. Baaquie, A. H. Chan, N. P. Chang, S. A. Cheong, . . . C. H. Oh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday: Quantum Mechanics, Elementary Particles, Quantum Cosmology and Complexity (pp. 104-117). Nanyang Technol Univ, SINGAPORE: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD.
DOI2011 Bentz, W., Matevosyan, H., & Thomas, A. W. (2011). NJL-jet model calculation of quark fragmentation to hadrons. In A. Hosaka, K. Khemchandani, H. Nagahiro, & K. Nawa (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1388 (pp. 488-491). Osaka Univ, Osaka, JAPAN: AMER INST PHYSICS.
DOI2011 Bentz, W., Ito, T., Matevosyan, H. H., & Thomas, A. W. (2011). Quark fragmentation to pions and kaons in the NJL-jet Model. In F. J. LlanesEstrada, & J. R. Pelaez (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1343 (pp. 287-289). Univ Complutense Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN: AMER INST PHYSICS.
DOI2011 Matevosyan, H. H., Thomas, A. W., & Bentz, W. (2011). Analyzing unfavored fragmentation functions using NJL-Jet model. In D. Armstrong, V. Burkert, J. P. Chen, W. Detmold, J. Dudek, W. Melnitchouk, & D. Richards (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1374 (pp. 387-390). Campus Coll William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA: AMER INST PHYSICS.
DOI Scopus3 WoS32010 Matevosyan, H., Thomas, A., & Bentz, W. (2010). Kaon fragmentation function from NJL-jet model. In Proceedings of Workshop on achievements and new directions in subatomic physics Vol. 1261 (pp. 116-121). United States: Springer New York LLC.
DOI2010 Thomas, A., Casey, A., & Matevosyan, H. (2010). What we know and what we don't know about the origin of the spin of the proton. In International Journal of Modern Physics A Vol. 25 (pp. 4149-4162). Singapore: World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd.
DOI Scopus7 WoS72006 Matevosyan, H., Miller, G., & Thomas, A. (2006). Physical nucleon form factors from lattice QCD. In P. Barnes, M. Cooper, R. Eisenstein, H. van Hecke, & G. Stephenson (Eds.), Seventeenth International Conference on Particles and Nuclei : AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 842 Vol. 842 (pp. 312-314). United States: Springer New York LLC.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2015 Kotzinian, A., Matevosyan, H., & Thomas, A. (2015). Sivers effect in Dihadron electroproduction. Poster session presented at the meeting of EPJ Web of Conferences. Cagliari, ITALY: EDP SCIENCES.
DOI Scopus1 WoS2 -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation - Matevosyan, H. (n.d.). Exploring the Quark-Gluon Content of Hadrons: From Mesons to Nuclear Matter. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).
A first semester honours course in “Quantum Field Theory" at the Department of Physics of University of Adelaide in 2013.
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2012 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Hadron Structure in Deep Inelastic Scattering Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Andrew Casey
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