Harriet Gray

Harriet Gray

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

Adelaide Business School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Harriet Gray is a PhD Researcher and Academic Tutor at The University of Adelaide. Her research interests lie in understanding the role of purposeful brands in addressing societal issues and injustices. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce majoring in Marketing and holds an Honours Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (First Class) from The University of Adelaide. Harriet's teaching experience includes Marketing Communications, Brand Management, International Marketing and Marketing Strategy.

Harriet has strong ties to industry through her work as the Director of Marketing at TABOO Period Products. Her role at TABOO encompasses various responsibilities and tasks including marketing strategy, brand management, social media management, partnership management and e-commerce management.

Harriet Gray is a PhD Researcher and Academic Tutor at The University of Adelaide. Her research interests lie in understanding the role of purposeful brands in addressing societal issues and injustices. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce majoring in Marketing and holds an Honours Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (First Class) from The University of Adelaide. Harriet's teaching experience includes Marketing Communications, Brand Management, International Marketing and Marketing Strategy.

Harriet has strong ties to industry through her work as the Director of Marketing at TABOO Period Products. Her role at TABOO encompasses various responsibilities and tasks including marketing strategy, brand management, social media management, partnership management and e-commerce management.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2019 - ongoing Academic Tutor The University of Adelaide
    2018 - ongoing Director of Marketing TABOO Period Products
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2019 - 2019 The University of Adelaide Australia Honours Degree of Bachelor of Commerce
    2016 - 2018 The University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Gray, H., Dolan, R., Wilkie, D. C., Conduit, J., & Burgess, A. (2024). Social purpose branding approaches: a typology of how brands engage with a social purpose. European Journal of Marketing, 58(5), 34 pages.
    2022 Hugh, D. C., Dolan, R., Harrigan, P., & Gray, H. (2022). Influencer marketing effectiveness: the mechanisms that matter. European Journal of Marketing, 56(12), 3485-3515.
    DOI Scopus18
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2019 Gray, H., Wilkie, D., & Dolan, R. (2019). Authenticity in social media sponsored posts. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2019. Wellington.

Marketing Academic Tutor for undergraduate courses:
MARKETING 3004 - Marketing Planning Project (2022)
MARKETING 3005 - Marketing Communications in a Digital World (2021)
MARKETING 3501 - Marketing to the World (2019, 2020, 2021)
MARKETING 2506 - Building & Managing Brands (2019,2020)
MARKETING 2010 - Marketing Strategy (2019)
MARKETING 1001 - Introduction to Marketing (2019, 2020, 2021)

Guest presenter/lecturer:
MARKETING 3005 - Marketing Communications in a Digital World (Sem 1, 2021) on the lecture topic "Sponsorship and social media"
MARKETING 1001 - Introduction to Marketing (Sem 2, 2020) on the lecture topic "Social Marketing"

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