Han Wang

Mr Han Wang

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

PhD Candidate

School of Agriculture, Food and Wine

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Han completed both a Bachelor’s degree and an Honours degree in Viticulture and Oenology at the University of Adelaide, where he cultivated a strong passion for wine science. After graduation, he gained valuable industry experience at Treasury Wine Estates.

In 2024, Han returned to the University of Adelaide's School of Agriculture, Food, and Wine as a PhD candidate under the co-supervision of Associate Professor David Jeffery and Associate Professor Susan Bastian. His research aims to integrate fluorescence spectroscopy with artificial intelligence algorithms, developing innovative tools for applications in alcoholic beverages such as wine, whiskey, and brandy.

Dedicated to integrating A-TEEM fluorescence spectroscopy with artificial intelligence algorithms to develop an innovative tool for the alcoholic beverage industry.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Wang, H., & Jeffery, D. W. (2024). Machine Learning Model Stability for Sub-Regional Classification of Barossa Valley Shiraz Wine Using A-TEEM Spectroscopy. Foods, 13(9), 15 pages.
University of Adelaide Research Scholarship
  • Position: PhD Candidate
  • Phone: 83130096
  • Email: han.wang01@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: Waite
  • Building: Wine Innovation Central, floor Level Four
  • Org Unit: School of Agriculture, Food and Wine

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