Dr Greg Guerin
Analysis & Synthesis Lead
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Greg is a terrestrial plant ecologist with over 15 years post-PhD professional experience in community ecology, macroecology and ecosystem monitoring. He has described 20 new plant species, mapped centres of plant biodiversity, and modelled the impacts of climate change on Australian ecosystems.
As the 'Analysis and Synthesis Lead' for TERN Ecosystem Surveillance, Greg provides analytical support for effective field monitoring of the Australian environment and develops open-source software (maintainer of the ausplotsR package) for extraction, analysis and visualisation of national ecosystem monitoring data from TERN AusPlots sites.
Greg has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal papers, plus many reports, conference items and book chapters, and he referees regularly for >40 international journals.
As Director of OUTLIER at the University of Adelaide, Greg coordinates specialised ecological and environmental data analysis and statistical review services to support industry and government, as well as the consulting and education sectors.
Date Position Institution name 2010 - ongoing Research Fellow The University of Adelaide
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2023 Martín-Forés, I., Andrew, S. C., Guerin, G. R., & Gallagher, R. V. (2023). Linking the functional traits of Australian acacia species to their geographic distribution and invasion status. In D. M. Richardson, J. J. Le Roux, & E. Marchante (Eds.), Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World (pp. 74-92). CABI.
DOI Scopus22014 Keith, D., Lindenmayer, D., Lowe, A., Russell-Smith, J., Barrett, S., Enright, N., . . . Yates, C. (2014). Heathlands. In D. Lindenmayer, E. Burns, N. Thurgate, & A. Lowe (Eds.), Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction (1 ed., pp. 213-282). Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2022 Martin-Fores, I., Guerin, G., Munroe, S., & Sparrow, B. (2022). Optimisation tool to maximise ecological complementarity and spatial and environmental representativeness when designing monitoring and conservation priorities. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australia annual conference. 2022 Munroe, S., Guerin, G., McInerney, F., Martin-Fores, I., Welti, N., Farrell, M., . . . Sparrow, B. (2022). A vegetation carbon isoscape for Australia built by combining continental-scale field surveys with remote sensing. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australia annual conference. 2021 Stephens, R., Gallagher, R., Guerin, G., & Sauquet, H. (2021). How does climate shape flowering periods across Australian plant communities?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australia annual conference. 2021 Stepens, R., Gallagher, R., Guerin, G., & Sauquet, H. (2021). Climate shapes flowering periods across Australian plant communities. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australasian Systematic Botany Society conference. 2021 Gallagher, R., Andrew, S., Falster, D., Wenk, E., Guerin, G., & Wright, I. (2021). Climatic drivers of plant trait composition at the continental scale. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australian annual conference. 2021 Martín-Forés, I., Guerin, G., Munroe, S., & Sparrow, B. (2021). Applying conservation reserve design strategies to define ecosystem monitoring priorities. Poster session presented at the meeting of TERN Science Symposium. Online. 2021 Guerin, G., Munroe, S., Martin Fores, I., Tokmakoff, A., & Sparrow, B. (2021). ausplotsR – rapid access to vegetation plot data across environments. Poster session presented at the meeting of TERN Science Symposium. Online. 2021 Irvine, K., O'Neill, S., Lawrence, R., Lawrence, R., Saleeba, T., Tokmakoff, A., . . . Sparrow, B. (2021). Extending biodiversity monitoring across space and time through citizen science. Poster session presented at the meeting of TERN Science Symposium. 2021 Munroe, S., McInerney, F., Andrae, J., Welti, N., Guerin, G., Leitch, E., . . . Sparrow, B. (2021). Plants down under: defining and mapping the photosynthetic pathway of plants across Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of TERN Science Symposium. 2020 Stephens, R. E., Gallagher, R., Guerin, G., & Sauquet, H. (2020). Functional biogeography of floral traits in Australian plant communities (Poster). Poster session presented at the meeting of Understanding Ecological Extremes: Mechanisms of Resilience and Recovery. 60th National Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia. Online. 2019 Irvine, K., Sparrow, B., O'Neill, S., Guerin, G. R., Tokmakoff, A., Munroe, S., . . . Lawrence, R. (2019). Wild Orchid Watch: creating a citizen science program. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australia conference, 'ESA19: Science for Practical Solutions'. Launceston, Tasmania. 2018 Guerin, G. R., O'Connor, P., Sparrow, B., Lowe, A. J., & Rogers, D. (2018). An ecological climate change classification for South Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of South Australian NRM Science Conference. The University of Adelaide. 2018 Sparrow, B., & Guerin, G. R. (2018). The biodiversity impacts of non-native species should not be extrapolated from biased single-species studies. Poster session presented at the meeting of 6th SA Weeds Conference. Charles Hawker Conference Centre, Urrbrae.. 2018 Martín-Forés, I., Acosta-Gallo, B., Guerin, G. R., Lowe, A., Castro, I., de Miguel, J. M., & Casado, M. A. (2018). Defying a traditional assumption: Non-native plants species seem to have positive effects on native biodiversity in grasslands located in several Mediterranean-climate regions. Poster session presented at the meeting of Neobiota. 10th International Conference on Biological Invasions: New directions in invasion biology. Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland.. 2017 van der Sande, M., Knight, T., Winter, M., Bruelheide, H., Purschke, O., Dengler, J., . . . consortium, G. (2017). Global-scale mechanisms of species' abundances in native and alien ranges. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological and social dimensions of tropical biodiversity conservation. 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Merida,Yucatan, Mexico. 2017 Caddy-Retalic, S., Hoffmann, B., Guerin, G. R., Andersen, A., Wardle, G., McInerney, F., & Lowe, A. (2017). The potential decoupling of plant and ant communities with climate change. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, USA. 2017 Guerin, G. R., Sparrow, B., Tokmakoff, A., Smyth, A., & Leitch, E. (2017). Standardised vegetation survey and monitoring data across the Australian
rangelands from TERN AusPlots. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstract Booklet of the 19th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangelands Society. Port Augusta, SA: Australian Rangelands Society.2017 Guerin, G. R., Sparrow, B., Tokmakoff, A., Smyth, A., & Leitch, E. (2017). Opportunities for integrated ecological analysis across inland Australia with standardised data from AusPlots Rangelands. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 99% Solution: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. ANZSEE (Australian and New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics) Conference. UniSA, Adelaide. 2017 Sparrow, B., Leitch, E., & Guerin, G. R. (2017). Investing in ecological infrastructure: A surveillance monitoring method for global rangeland ecosystems. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 99% Solution: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. ANZSEE (Australian and New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics) Conference. UniSA, Adelaide. 2017 Leitch, E., Sparrow, B., Macdonald, C., Tokmakoff, A., Guerin, G. R., & O'Neill, S. (2017). Why do ecological communities stop at state borders? AusPlots and the
need for consistent, national scale, surveillance monitoring. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstract Booklet of the 19th Biennial Conference of the Australian Rangelands Society. Port Augusta, SA: Australian Rangelands Society.2016 Guerin, G. R., Biffin, E., Baruch, Z., & Lowe, A. J. (2016). Centres of plant biodiversity in South Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of NRM Science Conference. The University of Adelaide. 2016 Guerin, G. R., Caddy-Retalic, S., Christmas, M., & Lowe, A. J. (2016). Projected climate change implications for the South Australian flora. Poster session presented at the meeting of 'Botany 2016 – Past, Present and Future' Symposium. South Australian NRM Science Conference.. The University of Adelaide. 2016 Lowe, A. J., Breed, M., Gellie, N., Guerin, G. R., Mills, J., & Christmas, M. (2016). Restoring South Australia's native vegetation. Poster session presented at the meeting of ''Botany 2016 – Past, Present and Future' Symposium. South Australian NRM Science Conference.. The University of Adelaide. 2016 Guerin, G. R., & Lowe, A. J. (2016). Mapping endemism in the South Australian flora from species occurrence datasets using range-weighted, phylogenetic and categorical metrics.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Atlas of Living Australia Science Symposium. Keiran McNamara Conservation Science Centre, Perth. 2015 Lowe, A. J., Guerin, G. R., caddy-retalic., & Christmas. (2015). Species and gene turnover along environmental gradients - windows into the future. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interconnectedness. Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference 2015. The Hilton Hotel, Adelaide. 2015 Baruch, Z., Guerin, G. R., Leitch, E., Tokmakoff, A., Caddy-Retalic, S., Sparrow, B., & Lowe, A. J. (2015). Continental analysis of Australian rangeland vegetation: floristic and structural diversity. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interconnectedness. Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference 2015. The Hilton Hotel, Adelaide. 2015 Guerin, G. R., & Lowe, A. J. (2015). Identifying centres of range-extent endemism using plot-based datasets. Poster session presented at the meeting of Interconnectedness. Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference 2015. The Hilton Hotel, Adelaide. 2014 Baruch, Z., Leitch, E., Sparrow, B., Guerin, G. R., Tokmakoff, A., & Lowe, A. (2014). AusPlots Rangelands vegetation communities: First insight on their relationship with the environmental matrix. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australia 2014 Annual Conference. Alice Springs Convention Centre, Alice Springs. 2014 Guerin, G. R. (2014). Are the Flinders Ranges a good climate change analogue for future vegetation in the Mount Lofty Ranges?. Poster session presented at the meeting of South Australian Climate Change Adaptation Show Case. Adelaide. 2013 Lowe, A. J., Caddy-Retalic, S., Guerin, G. R., Andersen, A., Rossetto, M., van Leeuwen, S., & Sweeney, S. (2013). TREND and the Australian Transect Network: windows to our future environment. Poster session presented at the meeting of TREND Human Dimensions Symposium. Adelaide, SA. 2012 Keith, D., Lindenmayer, D., Lowe, A., Russell-Smith, J., Enright, N., Fox, B., . . . Yates, C. (2012). Long-term studies: detecting and understanding trends in biodiversity. Poster session presented at the meeting of Ecological Society of Australia, 2012 Annual Conference, Ecology: Fundamental Science of the Biosphere. the Sebel Albert Park, Melbourne. 2011 Guerin, G. R. (2011). TREND: Transect for Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making. Use of collections and collections data in climate change research. Poster session presented at the meeting of SciColl (Scientific Collections International), Second Conference. Connecting Collections. For a New Generation of Interdisciplinary Research. Melbourne Museum. 2002 Guerin, G. R. (2002). Plant macrofossils associated with the Riversleigh macrofauna. Poster session presented at the meeting of AIB (Australian Institute of Biology) symposium: Evolution in the Australian Biota. University of Adelaide. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2022 Guerin, G., Keppel, G., Peters, S., Nolan, R., Sarnow, U., Bradshaw, H., . . . Boutsalis, E. (2022). Dieback of stringybark forests in the Mount Lofty Ranges – Phase 1. 2022 Guerin, G. (2022). Tasmanian Blue Gum wildings on Kangaroo Island post-fire – Statistical Monitoring Design. 2022 Guerin, G. (2022). Tasmanian Blue Gum wildings on Kangaroo Island post-fire – Technical Report. 2019 Guerin, G. R., Sparrow, B., & Lowe, A. (2019). Habitat suitability and distribution of Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa under climate change. 2017 Guerin, G., & O'Connor, P. (2017). ‘Grazing Pressure and Climate Change Response’ : Part 2. Ecological climate change classification for South Australia. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. 2015 Guerin, G. R., Sweeney, S. M., Pisanu, P., Caddy-Retalic, S., & Lowe, A. J. (2015). Establishment of an ecosystem transect to address climate change policy questions for natural resource management. -
Year Citation 2020 Munroe, S., McInerney, F., Andrae, J., Welti, N., Guerin, G., Emrys, L., . . . Sparrow, B. (2020). The Photosynthetic Pathways of Plant Species surveyed in TERN Ecosystem Surveillance Plots.
DOI2016 Guerin, G., Sparrow, B., Tokmakoff, A., Smyth, A., Leitch, E., Baruch, Z., & Lowe, A. (2016). Ausplots Rangelands supplementary dataset (Guerin et al. 2016), Version 1.0..
DOI2016 Baruch, Z., Christmas, M., Breed, M. F., Guerin, G. R., Caddy-Retalic, S., McDonald, J., . . . Lowe, A. J. (2016). Leaf trait associations with environmental variation in the wide-ranging shrub Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima (Sapindaceae) Part 1: Latitude.
DOI2016 Baruch, Z., Christmas, M., Breed, M. F., Guerin, G. R., Caddy-Retalic, S., McDonald, J. T., . . . Lowe, A. J. (2016). Leaf trait associations with environmental variation in the wide-ranging shrub Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima (Sapindaceae) Part 2: Elevation.
DOI2015 Guerin, G. R., Biffin, E., Jardine, D. I., Cross, H. B., & Lowe, A. J. (2015). TREND (PSRF) vegetation plot data 2011, Version 1.
DOI2012 Guerin, G. R. (2012). Leaf Gross Morphometrics Within one Species in Relation to Latitude, Altitude and Time. - Guerin, G., Gallagher, R., Wright, I., Andrew, S., Falster, D., Wenk, E., . . . Lowe, A. (n.d.). Datasets from: 'Environmental correlates of key functional traits in Australian plant communities based on relative abundance in plots'..
DOI- Guerin, G., & Mills, J. (n.d.). Tree demography surveys at two sites in the southern Mount Lofty Ranges – a monitoring pilot study..
DOI- Guerin, G., Williams, K., Leitch, E., Lowe, A., & Sparrow, B. (n.d.). Site data from: Using generalised dissimilarity modelling and targeted field surveys to gap-fill an ecosystem surveillance network.
DOI- Morgan, R., Martín‐Forés, I., Leitch, E., & Guerin, G. (n.d.). Assessment of protocols and variance for specific leaf area (SLA) in 10 Eucalyptus species to inform functional trait sampling strategies for TERN Ausplots.
DOI- Bradshaw, H., & Guerin, G. (n.d.). Variance in plant functional traits in Eucalyptus baxteri and E. obliqua – a pilot study to assess utility for inferring climate vulnerability.
DOI- Guerin, G., Martín‐Forés, I., Gallagher, R., Munroe, S., & Sparrow, B. (n.d.). Detecting ecosystem trends in response to climate and disturbance across continental plot networks: a power analysis. Simulation data and code..
Year Citation 2020 Guerin, G., Saleeba, T., Munroe, S., Blanco-Martin, B., Martin-Fores, I., & Tokmakoff, A. (2020). ''ausplotsR' - TERN AusPlots analysis package (Version 1.2) [R statistical computing environment]. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ausplotsR/index.html: The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). 2020 Guerin, G., Saleeba, T., Munroe, S., Blanco-Martin, B., Martín-Forés, I., & Tokmakoff, A. (2020). ausplotsR: TERN AusPlots Analysis Package (Archive v1.2) (Version v1.2) [Computer Software]. Zenodo.
DOI2020 Guerin, G. R., Saleeba, T., & Tokmakoff, A. (2020). ausplotsR: TERN AusPlots analysis package (Archive v1.1) (Version v1.1) (Version v1.1) [Computer Software]. Zenodo.
DOI2018 Guerin, G. R., Saleeba, T., & Tokmakoff, A. (2018). ausplotsR: TERN AusPlots analysis package. (Version R package version 1.0) [Computer Software]. 2015 Guerin, G. R. (2015). biomap: Biodiversity Mapping Package (Version R package v1.0 (pre-release)) [Computer Software]. Zenodo.
Year Citation - Guerin, G. (n.d.). DIEBACK OF STRINGYBARK FORESTS IN THE MOUNT LOFTY RANGES – PHASE 1 (presentation).
Year Citation 2022 Munroe, S., Guerin, G., McInerney, F., Martín-Forés, I., Welti, N., Farrell, M., . . . Sparrow, B. (2022). A vegetation carbon isoscape for Australia built by combining continental-scale field surveys with remote sensing.
DOI2021 Martín-Forés, I., Bywaters, S., Sparrow, B., & Guerin, G. (2021). Orchid fruiting success is unrelated to surrounding floral resources in South Australian plant communities.
DOI2021 Martín-Forés, I., Guerin, G., Munroe, S., & Sparrow, B. (2021). Applying conservation reserve design strategies to define ecosystem monitoring priorities.
DOI2021 Martín-Forés, I., Bywaters, S., Sparrow, B., & Guerin, G. (2021). Simultaneous effect of habitat remnancy, exotic species and anthropogenic disturbance on orchid diversity and abundance.
DOI2020 Munroe, S., Guerin, G., Saleeba, T., Martín-Forés, I., Blanco-Martin, B., Sparrow, B., & Tokmakoff, A. (2020). ausplotsR: An R package for rapid extraction and analysis of vegetation and soil data collected by Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Conserving orchids in a changing climate Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Ms Samantha Lee Bywaters -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2022 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Variation in leaf stomatal traits of eucalypts collected in TERN Ausplots monitoring sites The University of Adelaide WIL Placement / Internship Other - Shayla Huynh 2022 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Functional redundancy in the Australian flora The University of Adelaide - Honours - Rhys Morgan 2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Drought vulnerability in eucalypts across climate gradients based on functional traits University of Adelaide Work Integrated Learning Other - Holly Bradshaw 2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Microclimatic variation associated with native forests University of Adelaide Principles & Practice of Research III Other - Rhys Morgan 2021 - ongoing External Supervisor Quantifying ecosystem impacts of stringybark dieback in the Mount Lofty Ranges UniSA - Honours Full Time Jerusha King 2021 - ongoing External Supervisor Canopy dieback in the Red Stringybark forest of Spring Gully UniSA - Master Full Time Udo Sarnow 2020 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Feasibility of scoring leaf traits from TERN Ausplots samples - a pilot study. University of Adelaide Summer Internship Other - Rhys Morgan 2018 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Trial of a citizen science methodology to track orchid distribution, density and phenology The University of Adelaide Principles and Practice of Research III Other - Sophie L. Saegenschnitter 2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Ground Observers: Surface estimations and sampling errors The University of Adelaide MSc Master Part Time Matthew Pearson 2016 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Safeguarding native bee pollinators: evaluating management strategies for remnant vegetation adjacent to apple orchards in the Adelaide Hills The University of Adelaide BSc (Hons) Honours Full Time Amber Spronk 2016 - 2016 Principal Supervisor The environmental and land-use correlates of tree cover in southwest Western Australia. The University of Adelaide Principles and Practice of Research III Other - Ainslie Trenwith 2016 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Conservation of sandalwood (genetics, biogeography and population modelling) The University of Adelaide BSc (Hons) Honours Full Time Marlee Crawford 2011 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Conservation recommendations for Callistemon teretifolius based on genetic analysis and bioclimatic distribution modelling The University of Adelaide BSc (Hons) Honours Full Time Kimberly McCallum
Date Role Membership Country 2021 - ongoing Member Australian Flora Foundation Australia 2002 - ongoing - Australasian Systematic Botany Society Inc. - -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2022 - ongoing Associate Editor Frontiers in Forests and Global Change Frontiers Editorial Office Switzerland 2020 - ongoing Member Frontiers in Forests and Global Change Frontiers Editorial Office Switzerland
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