Professor Giampiero Rossi-Fedele
Adelaide Dental School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Giampiero Rossi-Fedele qualified as a dentist in 1996 from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in Italy. He obtained his MClinDent in Endodontology from UCL/Eastman Dental Institute, University College London in 2005 (with distinction) and his PhD from PUCRs in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2013 (cum laude). He has been dedicated to clinical endodontics in multi-speciality referral practices in Greater London, together with post-graduate education at UCL/Eastman Dental Institute and Warwick Dentistry between 2005 and 2014.
He is currently the Professor in Endodontics at The University of Adelaide, South Australia, and since 2014 the course convener for the Doctor in Clinical Dentistry in Endodontics, a postgraduate degree leading towards registration as a specialist in the field in Australia and New Zealand, and the undergraduate coordinator for the discipline.
Giampiero is a member of the Australian Society of Endodontics Inc. Education Subcommittee and in 2019 obtained his Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching, from the University of London, United Kingdom, with credit. He is the lead author of the "Revised guidelines for educational requirements for specialisation in endodontics in Australia and New Zealand (July 2020)" and a contributor to the "Revised guidelines for the endodontic education of dentistry students in Australia and New Zealand (FEBRUARY 2021)". Currently, he is one of the 32 global experts working towards the development of the European Society of Endodontology S3-level guidelines for the treatment of pulpal and apical disease. He has acted as an external examiner for the University of Queensland, the Institute of Dental Sciences, Siksha 'O' (India), PUCRs, the University of Otago (New Zealand), the University of Hong Kong, the University of Malaya and the International Medical University (Malaysia), the University of Santa Maria, UNESP (Brazil) and University College London (Eastman Dental Institute) and Warwick Dentistry (UK). Finally, he is a referee for promotion applications for Professorial positions at King Saud, Taibah and Qassim Universities (KSA) and Aga Khan University (Pakistan).
Giampiero has a strong interest in internationalization and has nurtured a global research collaboration network. Recent studies have involved academic and non-academic institutions in several countries including Brazil, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Singapore, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, and obviously, Australia. Furthermore, he often receives PhD students from Brazilian Universities as part of educational and research collaborations. He has more than 130 peer-reviewed publications, including systematic reviews with immediate clinical translation plus biocidal agents in endodontics. In 2023, he ranked #3 globally (out of more than14000 peers) for expertise in endodontics according to expertscape https://expertscape.com/ex/endodontics. He has several research collaborations with the industry.
He is an Associate Editor of the European Endodontic Journal, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics, a member of the Editorial Board of the International Endodontic Journal and a reviewer for several journals. Giampiero has translated into Italian the "Revised 2020 International Association of Dental Traumatology Guidelines for the Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries".
He is a registered specialist in Endodontics in the United Kingdom and Australia and currently works clinically as a Senior Specialist in Endodontics at the Specialist Restorative Unit at the Adelaide Dental Hospital.
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can peer review Italian Can peer review Portuguese Can read and understand spoken Spanish - Latin American Can peer review Spanish; Castilian Can peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2019 University of London United Kingdom Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching 2013 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre Brazil PhD 2005 University College London, London United Kingdom Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Endodontology 2001 University Sevilla, Seville Spain Expert in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 1996 Sapienza University of Rome, Rome Italy Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Bardini, G., Bellido, M. M., Rossi-Fedele, G., Casula, L., Dettori, C., Ideo, F., & Cotti, E. (2025). A 4-year follow-up of root canal obturation using a calcium silicate-based sealer and a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer: A randomized clinical trial. International Endodontic Journal, 58(2), 193-208.
Europe PMC12025 Petroff, L., Richardson, R., Jensen, E., Cheng, A., Sambrook, P., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2025). Association between endodontic, patient-related factors and severe odontogenic infections; a South Australian retrospective audit. International Endodontic Journal.
2025 Immich, F., Rödig, T., Kanzow, P., Piva, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2025). Effectiveness of Root Canal Irrigation and Dressing for the Treatment of Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis: A Systematic Review Assessing Complementary Timeframes. Australian Endodontic Journal, 9 pages.
2024 Athihan, P., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Ibrahim, A. (2024). Current concepts of restoring root canal treated teeth: a survey of Australian and New Zealand dentists. New Zealand Dental Journal. 2024 Peters, O. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., George, R., Kumar, K., Timmerman, A., & Wright, P. P. (2024). Guidelines for non-surgical root canal treatment. Australian Endodontic Journal, 50(2), 202-214.
Scopus32024 Lee, E. Y. N., Sua, Z. Y., Bhatia, S., Kohli, S., Rossi-Fedele, G., Doğramacı, E. J., & Nagendrababu, V. (2024). Oral health-related quality of life and perceptions of patients following primary root canal treatment or non-surgical retreatment. Australian Endodontic Journal, 50(3), 559-570.
Europe PMC12024 Immich, F., de Araújo, L. P., da Gama, R. R., da Rosa, W. L. D. O., Piva, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2024). Fifteen years of engine-driven nickel–titanium reciprocating instruments, what do we know so far? An umbrella review. Australian Endodontic Journal, 50(2), 409-463.
Scopus12024 Elzaurdia, C., Conde, A. J., Pérez Alfayate, R., Peña, A., Estévez, R., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Loroño, G. (2024). Assessment of the Shaping Ability of R-Motion 30 .04 and 25 .06 in Mesial Canals of Mandibular Molars Based on Automated Computational Measurement.. Journal of endodontics, 50(9), 1327-1332.
Scopus12024 Hartmann, R. C., Ferraz, E. S., Weissheimer, T., Poli de Figueiredo, J. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Gomes, M. S. (2024). Comparative analysis of methods for measuring root canal curvature based on periapical radiography: A laboratory study.. Int Endod J, 57(12), 1848-1857.
2024 Ahmed, H. M. A., Wolf, T. G., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dummer, P. M. H. (2024). The Study and Relevance of Pulp Chamber Anatomy in Endodontics - A Comprehensive Review. European Endodontic Journal, 9(1), 18-34.
Scopus5 Europe PMC12024 Herrero-Hernández, S., Valencia De Pablo, Ó., Bravo, M., Conde, A., Estevez, R., Haddad, Y., . . . Rossi-Fedele, G. (2024). Cone-beam Computed Tomography Analysis of the Root Canal Morphology of Mandibular Incisors Using Two Classification Systems in a Spanish Subpopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study.. European endodontic journal, 9(2), 106-113.
Europe PMC12024 Immich, F., Cotti, E., Pirani, C., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2024). What is new in the 2023 European Society of Endodontology S3-level clinical practice guidelines?. International Endodontic Journal, 57(8), 1059-1064.
Scopus32024 Nagendrababu, V., Pigg, M., Duncan, H. F., Abbott, P. V., Fouad, A. F., Kruse, C., . . . Dummer, P. M. H. (2024). PRIDASE 2024 guidelines for reporting diagnostic accuracy studies in endodontics: A consensus-based development. International Endodontic Journal, 57(8), 996-1005.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12023 Estrela, C., Bueno, M. R., Rossi-Fedele, G., Decurcio, D. A., Guedes, O. A., Sousa-Neto, M. D., & de Araújo Estrela, C. R. (2023). Method to determine the root canal spatial geometry using an algorithm of the e-Vol DX CBCT software. Brazilian Dental Journal, 34(6), 40-49.
2023 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Ng, Y. L. (2023). Effectiveness of root canal treatment for vital pulps compared with necrotic pulps in the presence or absence of signs of periradicular pathosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Endodontic Journal, 56(S3), 370-394.
Scopus12 WoS3 Europe PMC52023 Jose, J., Teja, K. V., Silva, E. J. N. L., Janani, K., Siddique, R., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2023). Centric versus eccentric engine-driven endodontic instrument design for microbial load reduction—A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. Australian Endodontic Journal, 49(S1), 515-527.
Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC12023 Nagendrababu, V., Vinothkumar, T. S., Rossi-Fedele, G., Doğramacı, E. J., Duncan, H. F., Abbott, P. V., . . . Dummer, P. M. H. (2023). Dental patient-reported outcomes following traumatic dental injuries and treatment: a narrative review.. Dental traumatology : official publication of International Association for Dental Traumatology, 39(4), 304-313.
Scopus9 WoS2 Europe PMC22023 Estrela, C., Cintra, L. T. A., Duarte, M. A. H., Rossi-Fedele, G., Gavini, G., & Sousa-Neto, M. D. (2023). Mechanism of action of Bioactive Endodontic Materials. Brazilian dental journal, 34(1), 1-11.
Scopus14 Europe PMC82023 Wahidi, A., Ha, W. N., Alvino, L., Nagendrababu, V., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2023). Association between Intracanal Medicament Radiopacity and Streak Artifact Production Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography: A Laboratory Study. Journal of Endodontics, 49(7), 909-914.
Scopus12023 Haddad, Y., Chan, W. C., Ha, W. N., Conde, A., Estevez, R., Lopez, A. P., . . . Rossi-Fedele, G. (2023). The effect of a preparation containing glycocholic acid on the biocidal efficacy of sodium hypochlorite in a biofilm laboratory model. Australian Endodontic Journal, 49(3), 503-511.
2023 Ribeiro, T. E., Novais, V. R., Estrela, C., Santana, M. L. L., Rossi-Fedele, G., & de Almeida Decurcio, D. (2023). Does radiotherapy treatment alter the pulp condition in patients with head and neck cancer? A systematic review. Brazilian Oral Research, 37, 14 pages.
2023 Ahmed, H. M. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dummer, P. M. H. (2023). Critical analysis of a new system to classify root and canal morphology - A systematic review.. Aust Endod J, 49(3), 750-768.
Scopus10 WoS2 Europe PMC72023 Wu, L., Ha, W. N., Decurcio, D. A., Estrela, C., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2023). Comparison of Curvature Severity Between Sagittal and Coronal Planes of Mesiobuccal Canals in Permanent Maxillary First Molars Using Multiple Complexity-risk Criteria: A CBCT Cross-sectional Study of a Brazilian Subpopulation. Journal of Endodontics, 49(12), 1682-1689.e4.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12023 Ahmed, H. M. A., Keleş, A., Wolf, T. G., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dummer, P. M. H. (2023). A Proposal to Develop a New Classification for Pulp Chamber Anatomy.. European endodontic journal, 9(1), 1-7.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12023 Nagendrababu, V., Vinothkumar, T., El-Karim, I., Rossi-Fedele, G., Dogramaci, E., Dummer, P., & Duncan, H. (2023). Dental Patient-Reported Outcomes in endodontics - a narrative review. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice, 23(1), 1-11.
Scopus17 WoS2 Europe PMC52023 Jose, J., Thamilselvan, A., Teja, K. V., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2023). Influence of access cavity design, sodium hypochlorite formulation and XP-endo Shaper usage on apical debris extrusion– a laboratory investigation. Australian Endodontic Journal, 49(1), 6-12.
Scopus4 Europe PMC12023 Mathew, A. I., Lee, S. C., Ha, W. N., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Doğramacı, E. J. (2023). Cone-beam computed tomography—Predictors and characteristics of usage in Australia and New Zealand, a multifactorial analysis. Australian Endodontic Journal, 49(2), 247-255.
Scopus4 WoS1 Europe PMC12023 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2023). Patient-related outcomes and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in endodontics. International Endodontic Journal, 56(S2), 169-187.
Scopus14 WoS1 Europe PMC62022 Bastani, P., Niknam, F., Rezazadeh, M., Rossi-Fedele, G., Edirippulige, S., & Samadbeik, M. (2022). Dentistry website analysis: An overview of the content of formulated questions and answers. Heliyon, 8(8), 9 pages.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12022 Giampiero, R. F., Esin, O., & Prasanna, N. (2022). Response to the letter. Australian Endodontic Journal, 49(1), 1 page.
Scopus12022 Da Silva, V., Loroño, G., Valencia de Pablo, O., Estevez, R., Conde, A. J., Rossi‐Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2022). The supplementary use of
‐endo Finisher R after Reciproc enhances the removal of a bioceramic sealer in oval root canals. Australian Endodontic Journal, 49(S1), 156-161.
Scopus6 WoS1 Europe PMC32022 Maqbool, M., Syed, N. H., Rossi-Fedele, G., Shatriah, I., & Noorani, T. Y. (2022). MicroRNA and their implications in dental pulp inflammation: current trends and future perspectives. Odontology, 111(3), 531-540.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC12022 Nagendrababu, V., Jacimovic, J., Jakovljevic, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dummer, P. M. (2022). A bibliometric analysis of the top 100 most-cited case reports and case series in Endodontic journals.. Int Endod J, 55(3), 185-218.
Scopus14 WoS6 Europe PMC52022 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2022). Predictors of societal and professional impact of Endodontology research. A multivariate scientometric analysis.. International Endodontic Journal, 55(4), 312-325.
Scopus9 WoS4 Europe PMC32022 Bahrani, M. A., Bastani, P., Kapellas, K., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2022). Online Oral Health Information Seeking Experience and Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Oral Health among Iranian Medical Students: An Online Survey. BMC Oral Health, 22(1), 7 pages.
Scopus7 WoS4 Europe PMC42022 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Tina, R. (2022). Effectiveness of root canal irrigation and dressing for the treatment of apical periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. International Endodontic Journal, 56(S3), 14 pages.
Scopus15 WoS8 Europe PMC42022 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Roedig, T. (2022). Effectiveness of root canal irrigation and dressing for the treatment of apical periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. International Endodontic Journal. 2021 Bastani, P., Mohammadpour, M., Ghanbarzadegan, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Peres, M. A. (2021). Provision of dental services for vulnerable groups: a scoping review on children with special health care needs. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-12.
Scopus11 WoS2 Europe PMC52021 Dogramaci, E., DeCurcio, D., Chen, C. J., Estrela, C., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Accuracy of periapical and panoramic radiography for detection of root morphologies - a comparative study. Brazilian Oral Research, 35(e065), 9 pages.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC12021 Gomes, M. S., Vieira, R. M., Böttcher, D. E., Plotino, G., Celeste, R. K., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Clinical fracture incidence of rotary and reciprocating NiTi files: A systematic review and meta-regression. Australian Endodontic Journal, 47(2), 372-385.
Scopus30 WoS11 Europe PMC122021 Jafari, A., Mohammadpour, M., Ghanbarzadegan, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Bastani, P. (2021). Oral health practitioners' knowledge, attitude, and awareness about coronavirus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 10(1), 1-6.
Scopus8 WoS5 Europe PMC62021 Alvino, L., Ha, W. N., Chan, W. C., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). What is new in the 2020 International Association of Dental Traumatology emergency treatment guidelines?. Dental Traumatology, 37(3), 510-520.
Scopus4 WoS12021 Sadr, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Love, R. M., George, R., Parashos, P., Wu, M. C. -Y., . . . Abbott, P. V. (2021). Revised guidelines for the endodontic education of dentistry students in Australia and New Zealand (FEBRUARY 2021).. Australian endodontic journal : the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc, 47(2), 327-331.
Scopus13 WoS9 Europe PMC62021 Sarikhani, Y., Ostovar, T., Rossi-Fedele, G., Edirippulige, S., & Bastani, P. (2021). A Protocol for Developing a Discrete Choice Experiment to Elicit Preferences of General Practitioners for the Choice of Specialty. Value in Health Regional Issues, 25, 80-89.
Scopus7 WoS2 Europe PMC52021 Nagendrababu, V., Murray, P. E., Ordinola-Zapata, R., Peters, O. A., Rôças, I. N., Siqueira, J. F., . . . Dummer, P. (2021). PRILE 2021 guidelines for reporting laboratory studies in Endodontology: a consensus-based development.. International endodontic journal, 54(9), 1482-1490.
Scopus218 WoS107 Europe PMC672021 Canullo, L., Rossi-Fedele, G., Camodeca, F., Menini, M., & Pesce, P. (2021). A Pilot Retrospective Study on the Effect of Bone Grafting after Wisdom Teeth Extraction.. Materials (Basel), 14(11), 2844.
Scopus7 WoS2 Europe PMC32021 Mathew, A. I., Lee, S. C., Rossi-Fedele, G., Bogen, G., Nagendrababu, V., & Ha, W. N. (2021). Comparative Evaluation of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Obturation Using Four Different Techniques—A Laboratory Study. Materials, 14(11), 1-11.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC22021 Franciscatto, G., Rossi-Fedele, G., Santini, M., Bello, M., Blattes, M., & Bier, C. (2021). The use of chelating agents with passive ultrasonic irrigation enhances root canal filling sealing ability. Investigacion Clinica, 62(2), 132-139.
2021 Ha, W., Chaves, G., Decurcio, D., Estrela, C., Peters, O., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Remaining dentinal thickness after simulated post space preparation and the fit of prefabricated posts to root canal preparations shapes. Journal of the American Dental Association, 152(12), 1020-1032.
Scopus8 WoS1 Europe PMC32021 Kumarasinghe, L., Ninan, N., Dabare, P., Cavallaro, A., Dogramaci, E., Rossi-Fedele, G., . . . Zilm, P. (2021). Bioactive plasma coatings on orthodontic brackets: In Vitro metal ion release and cytotoxicity. Coatings, 11(11), 857-1-857-11.
Scopus5 WoS32021 Maqbool, M., Noorani, T. Y., Samsudin, N., Awang Nawi, M. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Isaqali Karobari, M., . . . Scardina, G. A. (2021). Association of Vital Pulp Therapy Outcomes with Tooth Type, Arch Location, Treatment Type, and Number of Surfaces Destroyed in Deciduous Teeth: A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 7970.
Scopus22021 Mathew, A., Lee, S., Ha, W., Nagendrababu, V., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Microbial contamination comparison between cotton pellet and polytetrafluoroethylene tape endodontic spacers: a systematic review. European Endodontic Journal, 6(2), 143-150.
Scopus5 WoS3 Europe PMC32021 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). orthodontic research. Science. 2021 Dogramaci, E., Dodd, T., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Homeless and dentistry. Australian Business Council Journal List. 2021 Matthew, A., Dogramaci, E., Lee, S., Ha, W., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). CBCT. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2021 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Infraposition or infraocclusion, is it time to rename?. Dental Traumatology, 37(6), 813-814.
Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC12021 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Predictors of societal and professional impact of orthodontic research.. Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy. 2021 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Predictors of societal and professional impact of orthodontic research.. Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy. 2021 Dogramaci, E. J., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2021). Predictors of societal and professional impact of orthodontic research. A multivariate, scientometric approach. Scientometrics, 126(11), 9223-9248.
Scopus4 WoS32021 Cardoso, P. D. C., Chaves, G. S., Decurcio, D. D. A., Decurcio, R. D. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., & de Magalhães, A. P. R. (2021). Late discolouration of root-treated teeth and subsequent restorative retreatment: three case reports. Australian Endodontic Journal, 48(1), 179-186.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC22021 Bastani, P., Mohammadpour, M., Samadbeik, M., Bastani, M., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Balasubramanian, M. (2021). Factors influencing access and utilization of health services among older people during the COVID − 19 pandemic: a scoping review. Archives of Public Health, 79(1), 11 pages.
Scopus38 WoS11 Europe PMC242020 Canullo, L., Rossi-Fedele, G., Camodeca, F., Marrucchella, G., Dogramaci, E., & Scarano, A. (2020). Comparative histopathological analysis of granulomatous tissue of endodontic and periodontal origin.. The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 35(3), 585-590.
Scopus3 WoS4 Europe PMC12020 Ng, L., Malandris, M., Cheung, W., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Traumatic dental injuries presenting to a paediatric emergency department in a tertiary children's hospital, Adelaide, Australia.. Dent Traumatol, 36(4), 360-370.
Scopus16 WoS10 Europe PMC62020 Kim, J., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dogramaci, E. (2020). Post-operative instructions following minor oral surgery - the quality and the level of evidence: a cross-sectional study. British Dental Journal, 228(11), 859-864.
Scopus3 WoS32020 Franciscatto, G. J., Brennan, D. S., Gomes, M. S., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Association between pulp and periapical conditions and dental emergency visits involving pain relief: epidemiological profile and risk indicators in private practice in Australia. International Endodontic Journal, 53(7), 887-894.
Scopus15 WoS10 Europe PMC62020 Conde, A. J., Pena, A., Estevez, R., Lorono, G., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2020). The effect of a preparation containing glycocholic acid and/or agitation on the tissue dissolution ability of sodium hypochlorite. AUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, 46(3), 338-342.
Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC22020 Chan, W., Chowdhury, N. R., Sharma, G., Zilm, P., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Comparison of the biocidal efficacy of sodium dichloroisocyanurate and calcium hydroxide as intra-canal medicaments over a seven-day contact time: an ex-vivo study.. J Endod, 46(9), 1273-1278.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC12020 Borges, C. C., Estrela, C., Decurcio, D. D. A., PÉcora, J. D., Sousa-Neto, M. D., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Cone-beam and micro-computed tomography for the assessment of root canal morphology: a systematic review.. Braz Oral Res, 34, e056.
Scopus27 WoS8 Europe PMC142020 Ozlek, E., Neelakantan, P., Khan, K., Cheung, G. S. P., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Debris extrusion during root canal preparation with nickel-titanium instruments using liquid and gel formulations of sodium hypochlorite in vitro. Australian Endodontic Journal, 47(2), 130-136.
Scopus16 WoS10 Europe PMC42020 Rossi-Fedele, G., Damiani, F., Love, R. M., George, R., Parashos, P., Wu, M. C. -Y., . . . Abbott, P. V. (2020). Revised guidelines for educational requirements for specialisation in endodontics in Australia and New Zealand (July 2020).. Aust Endod J, 46(3), 302-306.
Scopus3 WoS22020 Dogramaci, E. J., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Chairside manipulation of chlorhexidine solutions. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 158(6), 781.
2020 Khider, D., Rossi-Fedele, G., Fitzsimmons, T., Vasilev, K., & Zilm, P. S. (2020). Disruption of Enterococcus Faecalis biofilms using individual and plasma polymer encapsulated D-amino acids. Clin Oral Investig, 25(5), 3305-3313.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC12020 Pistilli, R., Canullo, L., Menini, M., Pistilli, V., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Pesce, P. (2020). Retrograde peri-implantitis associated with residual cysts: 3 Case reports. Journal of the American Dental Association, 151(12), 956-961.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC12020 Z Loureiro, M., Rossi-Fedele, G., Amezcua, O., Carmo Souza, P., Silva, J., Estrela, C., & Decurcio, D. (2020). Dynamic torque analysis of rotary and reciprocating instruments during root canal instrumentation in simulated canals by an endodontist or a general dentist. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 23(2), 126-130.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12020 Gonzalez, C. S., Estevez, R., Loroño, G., García, V. D. F., Montes, J. A. C., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2020). Etidronic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid associated with sodium hypochlorite have limited effect on the compressive fracture resistance of roots ex vivo. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 23(5), 484-488.
Scopus3 Europe PMC22020 Borges, C. C., Palma-Dibb, R. G., Rodrigues, F. C. C., Plotegher, F., Rossi-Fedele, G., Sousa-Neto, M. D. D., & Souza-Gabriel, A. E. (2020). The Effect of Diode and Er,Cr:YSGG Lasers on the Bond Strength of Fiber Posts.. Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, and laser surgery, 38(2), 66-74.
Scopus14 WoS7 Europe PMC72020 Rossi-Fedele, G., Jung Franciscatto, G., Marshall, G., Schunke Gomes, M., & Dogramaci, E. (2020). Endodontic complications associated with orthodontic temporary anchorage devices: a systematic review of human studies. Australian Endodontic Journal, 46(1), 115-122.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC32020 Naicker, D., Zilm, P., Nagendrababu, V., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Effects of Osmotic Stress and Sodium Hypochlorite on Endodontic Microbiota: An In-Vitro Study.. European endodontic journal, 5(3), 242-247.
Scopus2 Europe PMC22020 Ahmed, H. M. A., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2020). Preferred Reporting Items for Root and Canal Anatomy in the Human Dentition (PROUD 2020) - A Systematic Review and a Proposal for a Standardized Protocol.. European endodontic journal, 5(3), 159-176.
Scopus23 WoS12 Europe PMC112019 Nguyen, D., Nagendrababu, V., Pulikkotil, S. J., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Effect of occlusal reduction on postendodontic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials.. Australian endodontic journal : the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc, 46(2), 282-294.
Scopus12 WoS7 Europe PMC42019 Rossi-Fedele, G., Kahler, B., & Venkateshbabu, N. (2019). Limited Evidence Suggests Benefits of Single Visit Revascularization Endodontic Procedures - A Systematic Review.. Brazilian dental journal, 30(6), 527-535.
Scopus18 Europe PMC72019 Hartmann, R. C., Neuvald, L. R., Barth, V., Figueiredo, J. A. P., Oliveira, S. D., Scarparo, R. K., . . . Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Antimicrobial efficacy of 0.5% peracetic acid and EDTA with passive ultrasonic or manual agitation in an Enterococcus faecalis biofilm model. Australian Endodontic Journal, 45(1), 57-63.
Scopus10 WoS9 Europe PMC42019 Hartmann, R. C., Rossetti, B. R., Siqueira Pinheiro, L., Poli de Figueiredo, J. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., S Gomes, M., & Gutierrez de Borba, M. (2019). Dentists′ knowledge of dental trauma based on the International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines: A survey in South Brazil. Dental Traumatology, 35(1), 27-32.
Scopus45 WoS28 Europe PMC122019 Franciscatto, G. J., Koppe, B. T. D. F., Hoppe, C. B., De Oliveira, J. A. P., Haas, A. N., Grecca, F. S., . . . Gomes, M. S. (2019). Validation of self-reported history of root canal treatment in a southern Brazilian subpopulation. Brazilian Oral Research, 33, 7 pages.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC12019 Decurcio, D. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Estrela, C., Pulikkotil, S. J., & Nagendrababu, V. (2019). Machine-assisted Agitation Reduces Postoperative Pain during Root Canal Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis from Randomized Clinical Trials. Journal of Endodontics, 45(4), 387-393.
Scopus18 WoS10 Europe PMC122019 Peddis, N., Musu, D., Ideo, F., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cotti, E. (2019). Interaction of biologic therapy with apical periodontitis and periodontitis: a systematic review. Australian Dental Journal, 64(2), 122-134.
Scopus24 WoS18 Europe PMC132019 Decurcio, D. A., Lim, E., Chaves, G. S., Nagendrababu, V., Estrela, C., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Pre-clinical endodontic education outcomes between artificial versus extracted natural teeth: a systematic review. International Endodontic Journal, 52(8), 1153-1161.
Scopus27 WoS19 Europe PMC92019 Arraj, G., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dogramaci, E. (2019). The association of overjet size and traumatic dental injuries - A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dental Traumatology, 35(4-5), 217-232.
Scopus60 WoS41 Europe PMC192019 Marshall, G., Canullo, L., Logan, R. M., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Histopathological and microbiological findings associated with retrograde peri-implantitis of extra-radicular endodontic origin: a systematic and critical review. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 48(11), 1475-1484.
Scopus17 WoS11 Europe PMC42019 Chew, T., Brennan, D., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Comparative longitudinal study on the impact root canal treatment and other dental services have on oral health–related quality of life using self-reported health measures (oral health impact profile-14 and global health measures). Journal of Endodontics, 45(8), 985-993.e1.
Scopus17 WoS13 Europe PMC72019 Decurcio, D. A., Lim, E., Nagendrababu, V., Estrela, C., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Difficulty levels of extracted human teeth used for pre-clinical training in endodontics in an Australian dental school. Australian Endodontic Journal, 46(1), 47-51.
Scopus7 WoS8 Europe PMC62019 Hartmann, R. C., Fensterseifer, M., Peters, O. A., de Figueiredo, J. A. P., Gomes, M. S., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2019). Methods for measurement of root canal curvature: a systematic and critical review. International Endodontic Journal, 52(2), 169-180.
Scopus40 WoS21 Europe PMC172018 Estrela, C., De Curcio, D., Rossi-Fedele, G., Silva, J., Guedes, O., & Borges, A. (2018). Root perforations: a review of diagnosis, prognosis and materials. Brazilian Oral Research, 32(supplement 1), 133-146.
Scopus70 WoS33 Europe PMC292018 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2018). A history of suboptimal breastfeeding may increase the risk of developing anterior open bite, posterior crossbite, and class II canine relationship. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice, 18(2), 190-191.
2018 Peña López, A., Conde, A., Estevez, R., Valencia de Pablo, O., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2018). Sodium Hypochlorite and a Preparation Containing Glycocholic Acid and Surfactants Have a Synergistic Action on Organic Tissue Dissolution In Vitro. Journal of Endodontics, 44(5), 813-815.
Scopus10 WoS7 Europe PMC32018 Doğramacı, E., Chubb, D., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2018). Orthodontic thermoformed retainers. A two-arm laboratory study into post-fabrication outcomes. Australian Dental Journal, 63(2), 347-355.
Scopus10 WoS4 Europe PMC22018 Hartmann, R., Peters, O., de Figueiredo, J., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2018). Association of manual or engine-driven glide path preparation with canal centring and apical transportation: a systematic review. International endodontic journal, 51(11), 1239-1252.
Scopus30 WoS18 Europe PMC122018 Sharma, G., Ahmed, H., Zilm, P., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2018). Antimicrobial properties of calcium hydroxide dressing when used for long-term application: a systematic review. Australian Endodontic Journal, 44(1), 60-65.
Scopus23 WoS13 Europe PMC122018 Yoo, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Kidd, S., Rogers, A., & Zilm, P. (2018). Association between Extracellular Material and Biofilm Formation in Response to Sodium Hypochlorite by Clinical Isolates of Enterococcus faecalis. Journal of Endodontics, 44(2), 269-273.
Scopus7 WoS4 Europe PMC52018 Doğramacı, E. J., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2018). Odontogenic keratocyst: the pitfalls of uncoordinated multidisciplinary care. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 153(2), 167.
2018 Arraj, G. P., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dogramaci, E. (2018). The association of overjet with traumatic dental injuries: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16(7), 1511-1518.
Scopus52017 Kahler, B., Rossi-Fedele, G., Chugal, N., & Lin, L. (2017). An Evidence-based Review of the Efficacy of Treatment Approaches for Immature Permanent Teeth with Pulp Necrosis. Journal of Endodontics, 43(7), 1052-1057.
Scopus74 WoS41 Europe PMC252017 Zilm, P., Butnejski, V., Rossi-Fedele, G., Kidd, S., Edwards, S., & Vasilev, K. (2017). D-Amino acids reduce Enterococcus faecalis biofilms in vitro and in the presence of antimicrobials used for root canal treatment. PLoS ONE, 12(2), e0170670-1-e0170670-14.
Scopus56 WoS43 Europe PMC222017 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Ahmed, H. (2017). Assessment of Root Canal Filling Removal Effectiveness Using Micro-computed Tomography: A Systematic Review. Journal of Endodontics, 43(4), 520-526.
Scopus102 WoS59 Europe PMC592017 Doǧramaci, E. J., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dreyer, C. W. (2017). Effect of breastfeeding on different features of malocclusions in the primary dentition: A systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 15(7), 1856-1866.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12017 Altaii, M., Richards, L., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2017). Histological assessment of regenerative endodontic treatment in animal studies with different scaffolds: a systematic review. Dental Traumatology, 33(4), 235-244.
Scopus40 WoS22 Europe PMC212017 Dogramaci, E., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dreyer, C. (2017). Malocclusions in young children - does breastfeeding really reduce the risk? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Dental Association, 148(8), 566-574.
Scopus32 WoS21 Europe PMC82017 Estevez, R., Conde, A., Valencia de Pablo, O., de la Torre, F., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2017). Effect of Passive Ultrasonic Activation on Organic Tissue Dissolution from Simulated Grooves in Root Canals Using Sodium Hypochlorite with or without Surfactants and EDTA. Journal of Endodontics, 43(7), 1161-1165.
Scopus26 WoS18 Europe PMC102017 Barnes, P. L., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2017). Excessive heat-associated gingival necrosis: a case report. Australian Dental Journal, 62(3), 382-385.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC22017 Conde, A., Estevez, R., Loroño, G., Valencia de Pablo, O., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2017). Effect of sonic and ultrasonic activation on organic tissue dissolution from simulated grooves in root canals using sodium hypochlorite and EDTA. International Endodontic Journal, 50(10), 976-982.
Scopus56 WoS46 Europe PMC232016 Zechin, J., Steier, L., Rossi-Fedele, G., Gründling, G., Sá, D., Guwzinski, A., . . . Figueiredo, J. (2016). Comparative analysis of microbial reduction using photodynamic therapy in bovine teeth infected with Enterococcus faecalis – an in vitro study. Revista Odonto Ciência, 31(2), 70-76.
2016 Doʇramaci, E. J., Rossi-Fedele, G., & McDonald, F. (2016). Response to letter to editor. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 121(2), 197-198.
2016 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2016). The quality of information on the Internet on orthodontic retainer wear: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Orthodontics, 43(1), 47-58.
Scopus33 WoS30 Europe PMC122016 Kahler, B., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2016). A review of tooth discoloration after regenerative endodontic therapy. Journal of Endodontics, 42(4), 563-569.
Scopus109 WoS86 Europe PMC512016 Rossi-Fedele, G., Musu, D., Cotti, E., & Dogramaci, E. J. (2016). Root canal treatment versus single-tooth implant: a systematic review of Internet content. Journal of Endodontics, 42(6), 846-853.
Scopus32 WoS28 Europe PMC72016 Dogramaci, E. J., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Mahdmina, A. (2016). Orthodontic retainer wear: A cross-sectional study of information quality available on the internet. Journal of Orthodontics, 43(1), 6.
2016 Musu, D., Rossi-Fedele, G., Campisi, G., & Cotti, E. (2016). Ultrasonography in the diagnosis of bone lesions of the jaws: A systematic review. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 122(1), e19-e29.
Scopus42 WoS33 Europe PMC232016 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2016). Establishing the association between non-nutritive sucking behaviour and malocclusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Dental Association, 147(12), 926-934.e6.
Scopus47 WoS30 Europe PMC142016 Souza, M., Steier, L., Rossi-Fedele, G., Junior, V., de Oliveira, S., & de Figueiredo, J. (2016). Effectiveness of photodynamic therapy and sodium hypochlorite on root canal system infected with Enterococcus faecalis - an in vitro study. Revista Odonto Ciência, 31(3), 114-119.
Scopus22016 Butnejski, V., Zilm, P., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2016). Investigation of the effectiveness of D-amino acids to disrupt Enterococcus
faecalis biofilms for root canal treatment. Australian Dental Journal, 61(4), Pages S1–S38.2015 Doğramaci, E. J., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Jonest, A. G. (2015). Multi-disciplinary management of a patient with a post-traumatised incisor presenting concurrent replacement and inflammatory resorption: a case report. Australian orthodontic journal, 31(2), 216-225.
Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC22015 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Guastalli, A. (2015). Effect of an alcohol-based caries detector on the surface tension of sodium hypochlorite preparations. Brazilian Dental Journal, 26(1), 66-68.
Scopus5 Europe PMC22015 Ghisi, A., Kopper, P., Baldasso, F., Stürmer, C., Rossi-Fedele, G., Steier, L., . . . Vier-Pelisser, F. (2015). Effect of superoxidized water and sodium hypochlorite, associated or not with EDTA, on organic and inorganic components of bovine root dentin. Journal of Endodontics, 41(6), 925-930.
Scopus36 WoS21 Europe PMC162015 Guastalli, A., Clarkson, R., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2015). The effect of surfactants on the stability of sodium hypochlorite preparations. Journal of Endodontics, 41(8), 1344-1348.
Scopus26 WoS15 Europe PMC72015 Rossi-Fedele, G., Dogramaci, E., & Steier, L. (2015). The effect of chlorhexidine irrigation on the bond strength between resin-bonded root canal fillings and dentin: A review. Endodontic Practice Today, 9(1), 9-13. 2015 Dogramaci, E., Sherriff, M., Rossi-Fedele, G., & McDonald, F. (2015). Location and severity of root resorption related to impacted maxillary canines: a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) evaluation. Australian Orthodontic Journal, 31(1), 49-58.
Scopus34 WoS27 Europe PMC92015 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2015). Dental abrasion of incisor caused by a babies' dummy clip: a case report. Dental Update, 42(7), 681-685.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12014 Ghisi, A., Kopper, P., Baldasso, F., Stürmer, C., Rossi-Fedele, G., Steier, L., . . . Vier-Pelisser, F. (2014). Effect of super-oxidized water, sodium hypochlorite and EDTA on Dentin Microhardness. Brazilian Dental Journal, 25(5), 420-424.
Scopus20 Europe PMC102014 Sáinz-Pardo, M., Estevez, R., de Pablo, Ó., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Cisneros, R. (2014). Root canal penetration of a sodium hypochlorite mixture using sonic or ultrasonic activation. Brazilian Dental Journal, 25(6), 489-493.
Scopus18 Europe PMC82014 Malagnino, V. A., Canullo, L., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2014). Technique tips - Dynamic working length determination. Dental Update, 41(2), 185.
Scopus12014 Doğramacı, E., Rossi-Fedele, G., & McDonald, F. (2014). Clinical importance of incidental findings reported on small-volume dental cone beam computed tomography scans focused on impacted maxillary canine teeth. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 118(6), e205-e209.
Scopus27 WoS18 Europe PMC102014 Steier, L., Steier, G., Doǧramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2014). Maxillary sinus unilateral aplasia as an incidental finding following cone-beam computed (volumetric) tomography. Australian Endodontic Journal, 40(1), 26-31.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC12014 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Guastalli, A. (2014). Osmolarity and root canal antiseptics. International Endodontic Journal, 47(4), 314-320.
Scopus8 WoS5 Europe PMC22013 Rossi-Fedele, G., Doǧramaci, E., Steier, L., & de Figueiredo, J. (2013). Interaction between chlorhexidine-impregnated gutta-percha points and several chlorine-containing endodontic irrigating solutions. International Endodontic Journal, 46(7), 675-680.
Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC32013 Rossi-Fedele, G., Prichard, J., Steier, L., & de Figueiredo, J. (2013). The effect of surface tension reduction on the clinical performance of sodium hypochlorite in endodontics. International Endodontic Journal, 46(6), 492-498.
Scopus38 WoS25 Europe PMC252013 Rossi-Fedele, G., Steier, L., Dogramaci, E., Canullo, L., Steier, G., & de Figueiredo, J. (2013). Bovine pulp tissue dissolution ability of HealOzone®, Aquatine Alpha Electrolyte® and sodium hypochlorite. Australian Endodontic Journal, 39(2), 57-61.
Scopus20 WoS12 Europe PMC122013 Babiloni, C., Carducci, F., Lizio, R., Vecchio, F., Baglieri, A., Bernardini, S., . . . Frisoni, G. B. (2013). Resting state cortical electroencephalographic rhythms are related to gray matter volume in subjects with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Human Brain Mapping, 34(6), 1427-1446.
Scopus133 WoS115 Europe PMC682012 Rossi-Fedele, G., Doramac, E., Guastalli, A., Steier, L., & Poli De Figueiredo, J. (2012). Antagonistic interactions between sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, EDTA, and citric acid. Journal of Endodontics, 38(4), 426-431.
Scopus114 WoS81 Europe PMC552011 Malagnino, V. A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Passariello, P., & Canullo, L. (2011). 'Simultaneous technique' and a hybrid Microseal/PacMac obturation.. Dental update, 38(7), 477-484.
Scopus8 Europe PMC42011 Rossi-Fedele, G., Guastalli, A., Doǧramaci, E., Steier, L., & de Figueiredo, J. (2011). Influence of pH changes on chlorine-containing endodontic irrigating solutions. International Endodontic Journal, 44(9), 792-799.
Scopus67 WoS41 Europe PMC352011 Rossi-Fedele, G., Dogramaci, E., Steier, L., & De Figueiredo, J. (2011). Some factors influencing the stability of Sterilox®, a super-oxidised water. British Dental Journal, 210(12), 1-3.
Scopus18 WoS16 Europe PMC82011 Steier, L., Rossi-Fedele, G., Acauan, M., Bianchini, P., Souza, M., & De Figueiredo, J. (2011). Analysis of bovine pulp tissue dissolution ability by photodynamic therapy: An in vitro study. Revista Odonto Ciencia, 26(1), 61-64.
Scopus12011 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2011). Letter to editor. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice, 38(4), 305-307.
Scopus1 Europe PMC42010 Rossi-Fedele, G., Figueiredo, J. A. P., & Abbott, P. V. (2010). Teeth with double internal inflammatory resorption: Report of two cases. Australian Endodontic Journal, 36(3), 122-129.
Scopus11 WoS5 Europe PMC62010 Rossi-Fedele, G., de Figueiredo, J. A. P., Steier, L., Canullo, L., Steier, G., & Roberts, A. P. (2010). Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of super-oxidized water (Sterilox (R)) and sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in a bovine root canal model. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 18(5), 498-502.
Scopus32 WoS23 Europe PMC202010 Canullo, L., Fedele, G. R., Iannello, G., & Jepsen, S. (2010). Platform switching and marginal bone-level alterations: The results of a randomized-controlled trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 21(1), 115-121.
Scopus294 Europe PMC1462008 Rossi-Fedele, G., & De Figueiredo, J. A. P. (2008). Use of a bottle warmer to increase 4% sodium hypochlorite tissue dissolution ability on bovine pulp. Australian Endodontic Journal, 34(1), 39-42.
Scopus37 WoS19 Europe PMC212007 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Roberts, A. P. (2007). A preliminary study investigating the survival of tetracycline resistant Enterococcus faecalis after root canal irrigation with high concentrations of tetracycline. International Endodontic Journal, 40(10), 772-777.
Scopus25 WoS21 Europe PMC142006 Rossi-Fedele, G., Scott, W., Spratt, D., Gulabivala, K., & Roberts, A. P. (2006). Incidence and behaviour of Tn916-like elements within tetracycline- resistant bacteria isolated from root canals. Oral Microbiology and Immunology, 21(4), 218-222.
Scopus20 WoS17 Europe PMC12 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2024 Kahler, B., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2024). Vital Pulp Treatment for Traumatic Dental Injuries. In Vital Pulp Treatment (pp. 154-184). Wiley.
DOI2022 Zilm, P., Weyrich, L., Bright, R., Gatej, S., Rossi-Fedele, G., selbach, S., . . . Vasilev, K. (2022). Current and Future Applications to Control Polymicrobial Biofilms Associated with Oral Disease. In K. Richter, & K. N. Kragh (Eds.), Antibiofilm Strategies. 2022 Rossi-Fedele, G., Decurcio, D., & Estrela, C. (2022). Estratégias de Irrigação do canal radicular. In C. Estrela, & M. Bueno (Eds.), Ciência Endodôntica. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2017 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2017). Malocclusions in young children - does breastfeeding really reduce the risk?. In American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session. San Diego, USA. 2017 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2017). What's worse for a child's teeth: non-nutritive sucking behaviours or sub-optimal breastfeeding?. In 57th International Association of Dental Research - Australia and New Zealand Divisional Meeting. 2013 Rashid, N., Chaniotis, A., Almasri, M., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Steier, L. (2013). Clinical aids for the detection and negotiation of accessory canals and isthmuses in the mesial root of mandibular molars during surgical and non-surgical root canal treatment. In International Endodontic Journal. Lisbon: Blackwell Publishing Inc.. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2017 Peddis, N., Ideo, F., Cotti, E., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Musu, D. (2017). The interrelationships of biological drugs with periodontitis and apical periodontitis.. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Association of Endodontists Meeting. New Orleans, USA. 2017 Hartmann, R., Rossetti, B., Gomes, B., de Figueiredo, J. A. P., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Borba, M. (2017). A survey of the knowledge of International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines by dentists from a South-Brazilian state.. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Association for Dental Research Australian & New Zealand 47th Division Meeting. Adelaide. 2017 Rossi-Fedele, G., Ranjitkar, S., Kaidonis, J., Townsend, G., Callefels, D. S., Tan, J., & Lobezoo, F. (2017). Computed tomography investigation of root canal morphology in pre-contemporary Australian Aboriginal dentitions of the Narunnga Tribe. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Association for Dental Research Australian & New Zealand 47th Division Meeting. Adelaide. 2016 Rossi-Fedele, G., Dogramaci, E., Naicker, D., Clarkson, R., & Guastalli, A. (2016). Interactions between surfactants containing sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes on precipitate formation. Poster session presented at the meeting of 10th World Endodontic Congress. Cape Town, South Africa. 2013 Nuca, D., Chaniotis, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Lynch, E., Mohamed, A., & Steier, L. (2013). Endodontics and Implantology – enemies or allies?. Poster session presented at the meeting of Poster presentation for European Society of Endodontology Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 2013 Gaon, A., Rossi-Fedele, G., Cristescu, R., Mohamed, A., & Steier, L. (2013). Investigating the Role of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Maxillary Sinusitis of Dental Origin. Poster session presented at the meeting of Poster presentation for European Society of Endodontology Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 2013 Amzat, I., Rossi-fedele, G., & Steier, L. (2013). Irrigation Protocols of UK Endodontic Specialists. Poster session presented at the meeting of Poster presentation/abstract for European Society of Endodontology Meeting Lisbon. Lisbon, Portugal. 2013 Elabbar, N., Chaniotis, A., Lynch, E., Rossi-Fedele, G., & Steier, L. (2013). The use of intentional replantation for the retention of a complicated crown – root fractured maxillary central incisor in a 10 years old male patient. Poster session presented at the meeting of Poster presentation for European Society of Endodontology Meeting Lisbon 2013. 2013 Rossi-Fedele, G. (2013). One step revascularization for the apexogensis of a necrotic immature maxillary central incisor. Poster session presented at the meeting of Poster presentation for European Society of Endodontology Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 2013 Rossi-Fedele, G. (2013). One step revascularization for the apexogensis of a necrotic immature maxillary central incisor. Poster session presented at the meeting of Poster presentation for European Society of Endodontology Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. -
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2014 Rossi-Fedele, G., & Dogramaci, E. (2014). Tooth isolation. e-Den, e learning for healthcare. 2014 Dogramaci, E., & Rossi-Fedele, G. (2014). Diagnosis of pulpal status. e-Den, e learning for healthcare.
TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED: $1,860; Administered by UofA |
Australian Society of Endodontology - Post-graduate Research Grant:
The influence of slime/capsule on biofilm formation in response to tetracycline and sodium hypochlorite by clinic isolates of enterococcus faecalis; Years: 2016; Associate Professor Giampiero Rossi-Fedele; Mr Austin Jaehyun Yoo; Dr Stephen Peter Kidd; Dr Peter Stephen Zilm; TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED: $5,259; Administered by UofA |
0001040446: Australian Dental Research Foundation Inc. Grant (ADRF Grant):
The influence of slime/capsule on biofilm formation in response to teracycline and sodium hypochlorite by clinical isolates of Enterococcus; Years: 2016; Dr Peter Stephen Zilm; Associate Professor Giampiero Rossi-Fedele; S Kidd; Mr Austin Jaehyun Yoo; Associate Professor Anthony Howard Rogers; TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED: $5,976; Administered by UofA |
Colin Cormie Grant-Australian Dental Research Foundation, as part of student’s Honours student Dr Victor Butnejski (10.100 AU$) Australia As part of student’s Honours student (10.100 AU$) Australia |
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - ongoing Principal Supervisor D-amino acids in biofilm disruption and caries prevention in orthodontics The University of Adelaide DClinDent - orthodontic Doctorate Full Time Dr Lasni Kumarasinghe 2018 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Comparative assessment of radiological approaches for pre-orthodontic treatment planning The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Dental Surgery Honours Part Time Miss Catherine Chen 2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Fake news in dentistry The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Dental Surgery Honours Part Time Mr Mikolle Montano 2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Cohort study of oral health amongst vulnerable populations in Adelaide The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Dental Surgery Honours Part Time Mr James Kim 2017 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Internet information and endodontics The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Dental Surgery Honours Part Time Dr Janahan Shanmugananthakumar 2016 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Thermoformed orthodontic retainers The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Dental Surgery Other Full Time Mr David WR Chubb 2016 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Overjet and trauma - Systematic review and meta-analysis The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Dental Surgery Honours Part Time Mr George P Arraj -
Date Topic Location Name 2017 - ongoing Endodontic treatment and dental and social outcomes The University of Adelaide Dr Tallan Chew
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