Georgia Tuckwell
Centre for Automotive Safety Research
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr Georgia Tuckwell is a research fellow at CASR. Georgia has a degree in psychology, post-graduate qualification in human factors and safety systems, and completed a PhD in 2023 exploring physical activity as a potential countermeasure for driver fatigue.
Georgia has multi-disciplinary experience working across areas including sleep science, driver monitoring systems, laboratory studies and sensor fusion. Her current research interests include driver fatigue, human factors, GIS and machine learning with a road safety focus.
Year Citation 2024 Tuckwell, G. A., Gupta, C. C., Vincent, G. E., Vandelanotte, C., Duncan, M. J., & Ferguson, S. A. (2024). Calibrated to drive: Measuring self-assessed driving ability and perceived workload after prolonged sitting and sleep restriction. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 202, 107609.
2023 Tuckwell, G. A., Gupta, C. C., Vincent, G. E., Vandelanotte, C., Duncan, M. J., & Ferguson, S. A. (2023). On the move: The impact of breaking up sitting during the day on driving performance when sleep restricted. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 96, 233-247.
2022 TUCKWELL, G. A., VINCENT, G. E., GUPTA, C. C., & FERGUSON, S. A. (2022). Does breaking up sitting in office-based settings result in cognitive performance improvements which last throughout the day? A review of the evidence. Industrial Health, 60(6), 501-513.
2022 Tuckwell, G. A., Keal, J. A., Gupta, C. C., Ferguson, S. A., Kowlessar, J. D., & Vincent, G. E. (2022). A Deep Learning Approach to Classify Sitting and Sleep History from Raw Accelerometry Data during Simulated Driving. Sensors, 22(17), 16 pages.
Scopus22022 Gupta, C., Ferguson, S., Vandelanotte, C., Duncan, M., Tucker, P., Lastella, M., . . . Vincent, G. (2022). O065 The impact of breaking up sitting on vigilant attention during the workday when sleep restricted. SLEEP Advances, 3(Supplement_1), A27.
2022 Tuckwell, G., Vincent, G., Gupta, C., & Ferguson, S. (2022). P126 The impact of inadequate sleep and breaking up sitting during the day on simulated driving performance. SLEEP Advances, 3(Supplement_1), A70.
2021 Memon, A. R., Gupta, C. C., Crowther, M. E., Ferguson, S. A., Tuckwell, G. A., & Vincent, G. E. (2021). Sleep and physical activity in university students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 58, 101482.
2020 Vincent, G. E., Gupta, C. C., Sprajcer, M., Vandelanotte, C., Duncan, M. J., Tucker, P., . . . Ferguson, S. A. (2020). Are prolonged sitting and sleep restriction a dual curse for the modern workforce? a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open, 10(7), e040613.
2020 Gupta, C. C., Centofanti, S., Dorrian, J., Coates, A. M., Stepien, J. M., Kennaway, D., . . . Banks, S. (2020). The impact of a meal, snack, or not eating during the night shift on simulated driving performance post-shift.. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 47(1), 78-84.
Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC1- McKerral, A., Mulhall, M. D., Gonçalves, R. C., Harms, I., Merat, N., Tuckwell, G., . . . Wilson, K. (n.d.). HMI design in the context of DMS and automation: emerging themes from an expert workshop. Cognition, Technology & Work.
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