Mr Eric Fusil
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Date Position Institution name 2018 - ongoing Director of the Shipbuilding Hub for Integrated Engineering and Local Design (SHIELD) University of Adelaide -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review French Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Spanish; Castilian Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title ENSIETA France Masters Degree - Naval Architecture Aix-Marseille University France Bachelor Degree in Genetics and Environment
Year Citation - Nugroho, S., FUSIL, E., Nugroho, B., & Chin, R. (n.d.). Varied Area Coverage of Rough Surfaces on Turbulent Boundary Layer. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2021 Fusil, E. (2021). The ARES submarine project - A sandpit for industry digital transformation and workforce upskilling in Australia. In Proceedings of the - 6th SIA Submarine Science, Technology and Engineering Conference (SubSTEC6, 2021). Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide SA. 2019 Fusil, E. (2019). Innovative training and R&D in Subsea technologies and engineering at the University of Adelaide. In Proceedings of the 5th SIA Submarine Science, Technology and Engineering Conference (SubSTEC5, 2019) (pp. 1-6). Fremantle, Western Australia: Submarine Institute of Australia. 2014 Fusil, E. (2014). SUBMARINE SIGNATURE AND VULNERABILITY. In asw asia 2004 conference proceedings. Singapore. 2012 Fusil, E. (2012). Operational advantages and benefits of "green" submarines. In RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Maritime Conference 2012, Pacific 2012 (pp. 163-172). 2011 Fusil, E. (2011). Innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of future submarines. In Proceedings of the 1st SIA Technology Conference (SIA, 2011). Adelaide. 2007 Fusil, E. (2007). A CENTURY OF GROWING STEALTH IN SUBMARINES. In UNDERSEA DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. NAPOLI. 2005 Fusil, E. (2005). Shallow water Submarine optimizations for signatures. In Proceedings of the Undersea Defence Technology conference (UDT 2005) (pp. 1-10). Amsterdam: DCN France. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2022 Fusil, E. (2022). The Australian Future Submarine Multiverse between myths and realities. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th Biennial SIA Conference 2022 - Theme: “Nuclear Powered Australian Submarines – Challenges and Opportunities”. Canberra. 2020 Fusil, E. (2020). The Meaning(s) of Submarine Sovereign Capability : A review of worldwide approaches. Poster session presented at the meeting of Biennial SIA Conference. Canberra, Virtual Online.
Defence Innovation Partnership (2019) - $150,000
National Careers Institute Grant (2020) - $497,000
o MECHENG 7042 – Introduction to submarine design
o MECHENG 7046 – Submarine Design
o MECHENG 7077 – Submarine Naval Architecture and Maritime Engineering
o MECHENG 7078 – Shipbuilding Programs for Industry and Defence Managers
o MECHENG 7081 – Naval Nuclear Propulsion and Stewardship
o MECHENG 7048 – Introduction to Naval Ship Engineering
o MECHENG 7065 – Naval Engineering (Ships)
- MECH ENG 7049A - Marine Engineering Research Project A
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Co-Supervisor Prioritisation of Communications Bandwidth to Enable Mission Success Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Wui Kei Yung 2021 Co-Supervisor Roughness Induced Drag Mechanism and Control Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Setyo Nugroho
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