Emma Baker

Professor Emma Baker


School of Social Sciences

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Emma Baker is a Professor of Housing Research at the University of Adelaide and Deputy Director of the newly established NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Healthy Housing. Her work examines the health and human impacts of housing and location in urban and regional environments, producing academic, as well as policy-relevant research. Driving this work is a conceptual focus on housing and location as a social determinant of health and an interest in analyses that utilise longitudinal, spatial and administrative big data. Current funded projects include the construction of a publicly-accessible national housing conditions dataset, work to understand the impact of energy efficient housing retrofit, a multi-nation analysis of the role of housing in driving intergenerational inequality, a program of research on the mental health effects of housing, and a national study of cold and mould in Australian homes. 


  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2014 - ongoing Associate Professor University of Adelaide
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2017 Award Executive Deans Commendation Award for Research - - -
    2016 Award Executive Deans Award for Excellence in Research - - -
    2015 Award 2015 Executive Deans Award for Excellence in Research University of Adelaide Australia -
    2015 Award 2015 Berry award for Excellence in Housing Research - Australia -
    2014 Award Executive Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in Research University of Adelaide Australia -
    2011 Nomination VicHealth Award for outstanding achievements and innovative contributions to health promotion VicHealth Australia -
    2006 Award Australian Housing Minister’s Early Career Researcher Award - Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1998 - 2002 University of Adelaide Australia PhD
  • Research Interests

Recent Grant Funding 

Baker E, Beer, A, Bentley, et al. An Australian Rental Housing Conditions Data Infrastructure, ARC LIEF PROJECT

Bentley R, Baker E, Reeves A, Ronald R, Closing the housing gap: A spotlight on intergenerational inequalities, ARC DISCOVERY PROJECT

Baker E, Leishman C, Van Den Hengel A, Lester, L, Bentley R, Give me the child and I’ll show you the adult: Machine Learning answers to big social problems, INTERDISCIPLINARY GRANT

Baker, E, Beer, A, Zillante, G, London, K, Bentley, R, Hulse, K, Pawson, H,, Randolph, B, Ridley, Stone, W, An Australian Housing Condition Data Infrastructure, ARC LIEF PROJECT

Baker, E, Improving the health and wellbeing of poorly housed Australians: understanding and responding to multiple housing deficit, ARC FUTURE FELLOWSHIP.

Rowley S; Leishman C; Baker E; Lester L; Bentley R, Modelling housing need in Australia to 2025, AHURI RESEARCH GRANT

Baker, E, Beer, A, Bentley, R, Pevalin, D, Whitehead, C ,Pathways to Health and Wellbeing through Housing: A new Causal Understanding of Relationships, Processes and Interventions.ARC DISCOVERY PROJECT.


    Recent teaching

    2019, 2020 Program Director, Master of Planning

    2017 - 2019 Planning Theory and Practice

    2016, Architecture and Planning Development Studio, University of Adelaide.

    2014, Convenor and lecturer, Geographic Information Systems, University of Adelaide.

    • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

      Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
      2024 Principal Supervisor Diversification of Housing Tenure in Australia: Beyond Home Ownership and Rental Dominance Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Miss Karri Rushworth-Nott
      2024 Principal Supervisor Putting spatial dynamics in housing equality: the polarisation of wealth through the housing market Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Miss Kira Page
      2021 Principal Supervisor Housing inequality in the twenty first century Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Laura James
      2017 Principal Supervisor Understanding the role of green space in cities: The contribution of the Adelaide Park Lands Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr James William Daly
    • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

      Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
      2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Consolidating the Australian Dream: Reconfiguring the Multi-Unit Housing Network Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jasmine Samantha Palmer
    • Other Supervision Activities

      Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
      2021 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Housing and Health among Refugee Communities The University of Adelaide - Doctorate Full Time Sheenagh McShane
      2020 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Housing and Helth in the Rental Sector The University of Adelaide - Doctorate - Amber Howard
      2020 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Young adults housing inequality in the post homeownership era The University of Amsterdam, The University of Melbourne, The University of Adelaide - Doctorate Full Time Amber Howard
      2009 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Precarious housing, psychological wellbeing and mobility Flinders University of South Australia - Doctorate Full Time Janet Adkins
      2006 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Psychology and sociology of adjustment to retrenchment in the automotive industry Flinders University of South Australia - Doctorate Full Time Hans (Johannes) Pieters
      2005 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Growing old in non-metropolitan regions: Intentions and realities from South Australia and Northern Ireland Flinders University of South Australia - Doctorate - Amity James
    • Board Memberships

      Date Role Board name Institution name Country
      2019 - ongoing Board Member Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity Australia
      2014 - ongoing Member Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning Reference Committee University of Adelaide Australia
    • Memberships

      Date Role Membership Country
      2000 - ongoing Member European Network of Housing Researchers Netherlands
    • Offices Held

      Date Office Name Institution Country
      2020 - ongoing Theme Director, Building a City for the Future Stretton Institute, University of Adelaide Australia
      2016 - ongoing Coordinator, Residential Context of Health Working Group European Network of Housing Researchers Sweden
    • Position: Professor
    • Phone: 83133216
    • Email: emma.baker@adelaide.edu.au
    • Fax: 83134377
    • Campus: North Terrace
    • Building: Napier, floor 4
    • Org Unit: Australian Centre for Housing Research

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    External Profiles