Edward Green

Dr Edward Green

Senior Lecturer

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

I am a Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, and a member of the Dynamics, Modelling and Computation (DMC) Group. My research interests are in mathematical biology and continuum mechanics (particularly fluid mechanics). Much of my work focuses on developing and analysing mathematical models to understand aspects of how tissues develop.

Current projects include:

  • Mathematical models of tissue development (with Saber Dini, Nigel Bean and Ben Binder (University of Adelaide) )
  • Free surface flows in helical channels (with Yvonne Stokes (University of Adelaide)  and David Arnold (UCLA) )
  • Modelling cell-collagen gel interactions in tissue engineering (with James Reoch, Yvonne Stokes (University of Adelaide) and Mary Myerscough (University of Sydney))
  • Modelling fibrous gel mechanics (with Matthew Hopwood and Rosemary Dyson (University of Birmingham, UK))
  • Pattern formation in yeast colonies (with Alex Tam, Ben Binder and Sanjeeva Balasuriya (University of Adelaide))
  • Development of serrated lesions in the intestinal crypt (with Phillip Brown, Ben Binder, Daniel Worthley (University of Adelaide) and James Osborne (University of Melbourne))
  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2018 - ongoing Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics University of Adelaide
    2011 - 2017 Lecturer in Applied Mathematics University of Adelaide
    2010 - 2011 Research Assistant Professor University of Western Australia
    2007 - 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow Ohio State University
    2006 - 2006 Research Assistant University College London
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2006 University of Cambridge United Kingdom MA (Cantab)
    2002 - 2006 University of Nottingham United Kingdom PhD
    1999 - 2002 University of Cambridge United Kingdom BA (Hons)
  • Research Interests

2013-2016 Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

2023-2026 Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP230100406)

2023- Analytics for the Australian Grains Industry

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Mathematical modelling of the evolution of ecologically scaffolded life cycles Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Daniel John Fraterman
    2023 Co-Supervisor Mathematical modelling and spatial quantification of yeast colony growth Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Kai Li
    2021 Principal Supervisor Modelling and Quantification of Food Deserts Doctor of Philosophy under a Jointly-awarded Degree Agreement with Doctorate Part Time Miss Tayla Paige Broadbridge
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Modelling One-Dimensional Non-Uniform Growth with Applications to Cylindrical Yeast Colonies Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Anthony John Gallo
    2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Transversely isotropic thin film flows Doctor of Philosophy under a Jointly-awarded Degree Agreement with Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew Hopwood
    2017 - 2024 Principal Supervisor A New Approach to Agent Based Multi-Cellular Modelling Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Phillip James Brown
    2016 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Mathematical Modelling of Pattern Formation in Yeast Biofilms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alexander Tam
    2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Spatial Quantification and Mathematical Modelling of Tissue Development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Saber Dini
    2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Thin-Film Flow in Helical Channels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David John Arnold
    2013 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Mathematical Modelling of The Complex Mechanics of Biological Gels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr James Richard Reoch
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83131081
  • Email: edward.green@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83133696
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Ingkarni Wardli, floor 6
  • Org Unit: Mathematical Sciences

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