Dr Djordje Stefanovic
Senior Lecturer
School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
I am a political sociologist who uses quantitative and historical methods to study ethnic conflict. My current research focuses on the far right and the drivers of anti-minority sentiments. My research was published in Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Migration, Journal of Refugee Studies, Human Rights Quarterly, Political Psychology, Europe-Asia Studies, Ethnopolitics, European History Quarterly, Conflict Management and Peace Science, and Democratization. My research projects were supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; European Institutes for Advanced Study; Nuffield College, The University of Oxford; European Commission; and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Saint Mary’s University. For a list of publications, please see: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=A8_iGtMAAAAJ&hl=en
I am interested in supervising Doctoral, Masters, and Honours students who would like to specialize in study of ethnic conflict, racism, populism, and far right. I often work with and co-author publications with students, such as our articles in Ethnic and Racial Studies (with Alicia LaPierre), in Journal of Refugee Studies (with Samantha Parsons) and in Ethnopolitics (with Sean Metivier).
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2016 - 2017 European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Junior Fellow Central European University 2015 - 2018 Associate Professor (tenured) Saint Mary's University 2010 - 2015 Assistant Professor (tenure-track) Saint Mary's University 2008 - 2010 Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Oxford -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2016 Fellowship European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Junior Fellowship Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University Hungary - 2008 Fellowship Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Canada - 2008 Award Best Graduate Student Paper Award, Political Sociology Section American Sociological Association United States - 2000 Fellowship Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Canada - -
Date Institution name Country Title University of Toronto Canada PhD University of Toronto Canada MA Simon Fraser University Canada BA (Hons) -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2020 Loizides, N., & Stefanovic, D. (2020). Ethnic cleansing: Reversing the effects. In C. Ireland, M. Lewis, A. Lopez, & J. Ireland (Eds.), The Handbook of Collective Violence: Current Developments and Understanding (pp. 58-68). Abingdon, Oxon; United Kingdom: Routledge.
DOI2017 Loizides, N., Stefanovic, D., & Elston-Alphas, D. (2017). Forced Displacement and Diaspora Cooperation among Cypriot Maronites and Bosnian Serbs. In D. Carment, & A. Sadjed (Eds.), Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation (pp. 151-169). SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Disaggregating Extreme-Right Ideological Groups: An Australian Analysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Aaron Thomas Calbert 2023 Co-Supervisor An examination of the Cool Japan outcome evaluation by the Japanese government in the Australian context: A study of public diplomacy evaluation through opinion polls Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Yuki Tanaka 2022 Co-Supervisor Political influencing goes online: How social media influencers create, and users interpret political content in the context of platform's affordances and algorithms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Carina Kraft
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2018 - ongoing Board Member Nationalities Papers Editorial Board Member Association for the Study of Nationalities United States
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