Darwinaji Subarkah
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
I am a geologist with a background in industry, research, and academia. My work focuses on ancient sedimentary systems with potential for base-metal mineralisation and energy resources. I use novel and traditional geochemical and geochronological tools to understand when basins form, what environments they formed in, and whether or not they have been altered afterward. By constraining these processes, I can help better define what controls the accumulation of sediment-hosted economic targets. The tools I specialise in include new in situ applications of the Rb-Sr and U-Pb methods, stable isotopic systems (eg. C, Ca, and Sr), and redox-sensitive trace element proxies.
I was awarded my Bachelor of Science majoring in Geology and Geophysics at the University of Adelaide in 2018 with First Class Honours. I began my career as a geologist working on vein-hosted gold systems and iron-oxide-copper-gold deposits in the Northern Territory and South Australia, respectively. I returned to the University of Adelaide to undertake a PhD in Earth Sciences, completing my thesis in 2023. My PhD research was on the sedimentary geochemistry and geochronology of the Proterozoic greater McArthur Basin, northern Australia.
Date Position Institution name 2022 - ongoing Postdoctoral Researcher University of Adelaide 2022 - 2023 Contractor OZ Minerals 2018 - 2019 Geologist NT Mining Operations -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2022 Research Award Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Best Student Paper Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Australia - 2022 Research Award Central Australian Basins Symposium Best Student Presentation Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Australia - 2021 Scholarship Eric Rudd Memorial Scholarship University of Adelaide Australia - 2021 Research Award Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Best Student Paper Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Australia - 2015 Scholarship Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarship University of Adelaide Australia - 2014 Achievement World Scholar's Cup Gold Medallist World Scholar's Cup United States - 2012 Award Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Duke of Edinburgh Qatar - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Indonesian Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2015 - 2018 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Science (Honours) -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Ward, M., Rout, T. M., Possingham, H. P., Stewart, R., McDonald-Madden, E., Clark, T. G., . . . Watson, J. E. M. (2024). A report card to effectively communicate threatened species recovery. One Earth, 7(2), 186-198.
2024 Liu, X., Li, G., Qi, Y., Han, Z., Hengel, A. V. D., Sebe, N., . . . Huang, Q. (2024). Consistency-Aware Anchor Pyramid Network for Crowd Localization. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1-15.
2024 Subarkah, D., Nixon, A. L., Gilbert, S. E., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., Simpson, A., . . . Farkaš, J. (2024). Double dating sedimentary sequences using new applications of in-situ laser ablation analysis. Lithos, 480-481, 107649-1-107649-13.
Scopus12024 Hall, A. S., Holford, S., Schofield, N., Bunch, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., & Subarkah, D. (2024). The Derim Derim Dolerite, greater McArthur Basin, Australia: Using subsurface data to characterise a mesoproterozoic magma plumbing system. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 169, 107072.
Scopus12024 Hall, A. S., Holford, S., Schofield, N., Bunch, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., & Subarkah, D. (2024). Corrigendum to ‘The Derim Derim Dolerite, greater McArthur Basin, Australia: Using subsurface data to characterise a Mesoproterozoic magma plumbing system’ [Mar. Petrol. Geol., 169 (2024)] (Marine and Petroleum Geology (2024) 169, (S0264817224003842), (10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.107072)). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 170, 1 page.
2024 Löhr, S. C., Khazaie, E., Farkas, J., Baldermann, A., Gilbert, S., Maas, R., . . . Collins, A. S. (2024). Origin and Significance of Age Variability in the Glauconite Reference Material GL-O: Implications for In Situ Rb-Sr Geochronology. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 20 pages.
2023 Subarkah, D., Collins, A. S., Farkaš, J., Blades, M. L., Gilbert, S. E., Jarrett, A. J. M., . . . Giuliano, W. (2023). Characterising the economic Proterozoic Glyde Package of the greater McArthur Basin, northern Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, 158, 105499-1-105499-17.
Scopus42023 Lloyd, J. C., Preiss, W. V., Collins, A. S., Virgo, G. M., Blades, M. L., Gilbert, S. E., . . . Amos, K. J. (2023). Geochronology and formal stratigraphy of the Sturtian Glaciation in the Adelaide Superbasin. Geological Magazine, 160(7), 1321-1344.
Scopus42022 Subarkah, D., Nixon, A. L., Jimenez, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., Farkaš, J., . . . Holford, S. (2022). Supplementary material to "Constraining the geothermal parameters of in situ Rb–Sr dating on Proterozoic shales and its subsequent applications".
2022 Subarkah, D., Nixon, A. L., Jimenez, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., Farkaš, J., . . . Holford, S. (2022). Constraining the geothermal parameters of in situ Rb–Sr dating on Proterozoic shales and its subsequent applications.
2022 Subarkah, D., Nixon, A. L., Jimenez, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., Farkaš, J., . . . Jarrett, A. (2022). Constraining the geothermal parameters of in situ Rb–Sr dating on Proterozoic shales and their subsequent applications. Geochronology, 4(2), 577-600.
Scopus9 WoS32022 Subarkah, D., Blades, M. L., Collins, A. S., Farkaš, J., Gilbert, S., Löhr, S. C., . . . Zack, T. (2022). Unraveling the histories of Proterozoic shales through in situ Rb-Sr dating and trace element laser ablation analysis. Geology, 50(1), 66-70.
Scopus25 WoS112021 Virgo, G. M., Collins, A. S., Amos, K. J., Farkaš, J., Blades, M. L., & Subarkah, D. (2021). Descending into the “snowball”: High resolution sedimentological and geochemical analysis across the Tonian to Cryogenian boundary in South Australia. Precambrian Research, 367, 106449.
Scopus6 WoS42020 Subarkah, D., Blades, M., Collins, A., Farkas, J., Yang, B., Cox, G., . . . Munson, T. (2020). Shale and carbonate geochemistry of the Proterozoic greater McArthur Basin, Australia..
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2023 Shao, Z., Farkas, J., Collins, A., Glorie, S., Subarkah, D., Gilbert, S., . . . Spandler, C. (2023). In-situ triple dating (Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, U-Pb) of carbonate-hosted glauconite and bioapatite from the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin, Australia. In Goldschmidt2023 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry.
DOI2023 Zheng, R., Farkas, J., Collins, A., Subarkah, D., Payne, J., Gilbert, S., . . . Giles, D. (2023). New constraints on the origin and post-depositional history of Neoproterozoic Breamar ironstones from South Australia: Insights from micro-scale mineral mapping and in-situ Rb-Sr dating of illite and U-Pb dating of hematite. In Goldschmidt2023 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry.
DOI2023 Subarkah, D., Nixon, A., Collins, A., Gilbert, S., Blades, M., Virgo, G., . . . Farkas, J. (2023). New ways to date old rocks: novel applications of in situ geochronology to constrain the sedimentary archive. In Goldschmidt2023 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry.
DOI- Subarkah, D., Nixon, A. L., Jimenez, M., Collins, A. S., Blades, M. L., Farkas, J., . . . Holford, S. (n.d.). Geothermal parameters of in situ Rb–Sr dating on Proterozoic shales and its applications. In Exploring Australia’s Resource Frontier. etroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA).
DOI- Farkas, J., Collins, A., Löhr, S., Verdel, C., Blades, M., Holmden, C., . . . Yardley, S. (n.d.). New metal isotope techniques to explore past depositional environments of the Centralian Superbasin, Australia. In Exploring Australia’s Resource Frontier. etroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA).
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor Sedimentary-hosted critical mineral systems in the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Dana Nicola Imbrogno
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