2024 |
Farrelly, G., Quirk, P., Kanhere, S. S., Camtepe, S., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2024). SplITS: Split Input-to-State Mapping for Effective Firmware Fuzzing. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 14347 LNCS (pp. 290-310). Online: Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI |
2024 |
Doan, B. G., Nguyen, D. Q., Montague, P., Abraham, T., De Vel, O., Camtepe, S., . . . Ranasinghe, D. C. (2024). Bayesian Learned Models Can Detect Adversarial Malware for Free. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 14982 LNCS (pp. 45-65). Bydgoszcz: Springer Nature Switzerland. DOI |
2024 |
Vo, V. Q., Abbasnejad, E., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2024). Brusleattack: a query-efficient scorebased black-box sparse adversarial attack. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024) (pp. 1-38). Online: ICLR. |
2024 |
Luo, S., Herrera, A., Quirk, P., Chase, M., Ranasinghe, D. C., & Kanhere, S. S. (2024). Make out like a (Multi-Armed) Bandit: Improving the Odds of Fuzzer Seed Scheduling with T-Scheduler. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 1463-1479). Online: ACM. DOI |
2024 |
Chesser, M., Nepal, S., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2024). MULTIFUZZ: A Multi-Stream Fuzzer For Testing Monolithic Firmware. In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (pp. 5359-5376). Philadelphia, USA: USENIX Association. Scopus1 |
2023 |
Doan, B. G., Yang, S., Montague, P., De Vel, O., Abraham, T., Camtepe, S., . . . Ranasinghe, D. C. (2023). Feature-Space Bayesian Adversarial Learning Improved Malware Detector Robustness. In B. Williams, Y. Chen, & J. Neville (Eds.), THIRTY-SEVENTH AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 37 NO 12 (pp. 14783-14791). Online: ASSOC ADVANCEMENT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. |
2023 |
Nguyen, H. V., Luong, H., Sgarioto, D., Skvortsov, A., Arulampalam, S., Duffy, J., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2023). Joint Estimation of Vessel Parameter-Motion and Sea State. In 2023 26th International Conference on Information Fusion, FUSION 2023 (pp. 1-7). Charleston, SC, USA: IEEE. DOI |
2022 |
Doss, R., Zia, T. A., Ranasinghe, D. C., Baig, Z., Pan, L., Bewong, M., & Jiang, F. (2022). SPT-IoT 2022: 6th Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things - Welcome and Committees: Welcome Message. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2022 (pp. i-ii). IEEE. DOI |
2022 |
Visvanathan, R., Lange, K., Selvam, J., Dollard, J., Boyle, E., Ingram, K., . . . Hill, K. (2022). Characterising falls and fallers whilst comparing three methods to identify falls in hospitals: Results from the Ambient Intelligent Geriatric Management (AmbIGeM) system falls prevention trial. In AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING Vol. 41 (pp. 30). WILEY. |
2022 |
Yang, S., Doan, B. G., Montague, P., De Vel, O., Abraham, T., Camtepe, S., . . . Kanhere, S. S. (2022). Transferable Graph Backdoor Attack. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp. 321-332). Online: ACM. DOI Scopus14 WoS4 |
2022 |
Doan, B. G., Abbasnejad, E., Shi, J. Q., & Ranashinghe, D. C. (2022). Bayesian Learning with Information Gain Provably Bounds Risk for a Robust Adversarial Defense. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING, VOL 162 Vol. 162 (pp. 15 pages). Baltimore, MD: JMLR-JOURNAL MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. |
2022 |
Vo, V. Q., Abbasnejad, M., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2022). RamBoAttack: A Robust and Query Efficient Deep Neural Network Decision Exploit. In Proceedings 2022 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Vol. 2022 (pp. 1-18). Online: Internet Society. DOI Scopus6 |
2022 |
Su, Y., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2022). Leaving Your Things Unattended is No Joke! Memory Bus Snooping and Open Debug Interface Exploits. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops (PERCOM 2022) (pp. 643-648). Online: IEEE. DOI Scopus1 |
2022 |
Vo, V. Q., Abbasnejad, E., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2022). QUERY EFFICIENT DECISION BASED SPARSE ATTACKS AGAINST BLACK-BOX DEEP LEARNING MODELS. In ICLR 2022 - 10th International Conference on Learning Representations. Online: International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR. Scopus14 |
2022 |
Dang, Q. H., Chen, S. J., Ranasinghe, D. C., & Fumeaux, C. (2022). Body-to-Antenna Gap Effect on a UHF Wearable Textile Antenna Performance. In IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI) (pp. 1271-1272). online: IEEE. DOI Scopus1 |
2021 |
Su, Y., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2021). ReaDmE: Read-rate based dynamic execution scheduling for intermittent RF-Powered devices. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2021) (pp. 1-8). online: IEEE. DOI |
2021 |
Sun, R., Wang, W., Xue, M., Tyson, G., Camtepe, S., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2021). An empirical assessment of global COVID-19 contact tracing applications. In Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021) (pp. 1085-1097). online: IEEE. DOI Scopus19 WoS11 |
2020 |
Nguyen, H. V., Chen, F., Chesser, J., Rezatofighi, H., & Ranasinghe, D. (2020). LAVAPilot: lightweight UAV trajectory planner with situational awareness for embedded autonomy to track and locate radio-tags. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, as published in IEEE Explore Vol. abs/2007.15860 (pp. 2488-2495). online: IEEE. DOI Scopus8 WoS9 |
2020 |
Abedin Varamin, A., Taghizadeh Motlagh, S. F., Shi, Q., Rezatofighi, H., & Ranasinghe, D. (2020). Towards deep clustering of human activities from wearables. In Proceedings - International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC (pp. 1-6). New York, NY, United States: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). DOI Scopus19 |
2020 |
Wei, W., Sun, R., Xue, M., & Ranasinghe, D. (2020). An automated assessment of android clipboards. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2020) (pp. 1249-1251). online: IEEE/ACM. DOI Scopus8 WoS2 |
2020 |
Sun, R., Wang, W., Xue, M., Tyson, G., & Ranasinghe, D. (2020). VenueTrace: A Privacy-by-Design COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing Solution. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, SenSys'20 (pp. 790-791). online: ACM. DOI Scopus12 |
2020 |
Nguyen, H., Ranasinghe, D. C., Skvortsov, A., & Arulampalam, S. (2020). Computationally efficient methods for estimating unknown input forces on structural systems. In Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2020) (pp. 749-756). online: IEEE. DOI Scopus1 |
2020 |
Van Nguyen, H., Rezatofighi, H., Vo, B. N., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2020). Multi-objective multi-agent planning for jointly discovering and tracking mobile objects. In AAAI 2020 - 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vol. 34 (pp. 7227-7235). NY, New York: ASSOC ADVANCEMENT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. DOI Scopus27 WoS13 |
2020 |
Nguyen, H. V., Rezatofighi, H., Vo, B. -N., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2020). Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Planning for Jointly Discovering and Tracking Mobile Objects.. In Thirty-fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (pp. 7227-7235). USA: AAAI Press. |
2020 |
Nguyen, H. V., Chen, F., Chesser, J., Rezatofighi, H., & Ranasinghe, D. (2020). LAVAPilot: Lightweight UAV Trajectory Planner with Situational Awareness for Embedded Autonomy to Track and Locate Radio-tags.. In IROS (pp. 2488-2495). online: IEEE. |
2020 |
Doan, B. G., Abbasnejad, M., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2020). Februus: Input Purification Defense Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Network Systems. In Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 2020 (pp. 897-912). online: ACM. DOI Scopus174 WoS58 |
2019 |
Abedin Varamin, A., Rezatofighi, H., Shi, Q., & Ranasinghe, D. (2019). SparseSense: Human Activity Recognition from Highly Sparse Sensor Data-streams Using Set-based Neural Networks. In IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vol. 2019-August (pp. 5780-5786). online: IJCAI Organization. DOI Scopus9 WoS6 |
2019 |
Gao, Y., Su, Y., Yang, W., Chen, S., Nepal, S., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2019). Building secure SRAM PUF key generators on resource constrained devices. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops) (pp. 912-917). Kyoto, Japan: IEEE. DOI Scopus33 WoS17 |
2019 |
Zia, T., Doss, R., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2019). SPT-IoT'19 - The Third Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things - Welcome and Committees. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2019 (pp. 1-2). IEEE. DOI |
2019 |
Su, Y., Gao, Y., Kavehei, O., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2019). Hash functions and benchmarks for resource constrained passive devices: A preliminary study. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (pp. 1020-1025). Kyoto, Japan: IEEE. DOI Scopus8 WoS5 |
2019 |
Chen, S. J., Ranasinghe, D. C., & Fumeaux, C. (2019). Reconfigurable wearable antenna for compensation of detuning effects. In Proceeedings of the 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (pp. 1-5). Krakow, Poland: IEEE. Scopus1 WoS1 |
2019 |
Chesser, M., Jayatilaka, A., Visvanathan, R., Fumeaux, C., Sample, A., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2019). Super low resolution RF powered accelerometers for alerting on hospitalized patient bed exits. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2019) Vol. abs/2003.08530 (pp. 146-155). Kyoto, Japan: IEEE. DOI Scopus12 |
2019 |
Gao, Y., Xu, C., Wang, D., Chen, S., Ranasinghe, D. C., & Nepal, S. (2019). STRIP: A Defence against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (pp. 113-125). online: Association for Computing Machinery. DOI Scopus474 WoS178 |
2019 |
Dang, Q. H., Chen, S. J., Ranasinghe, D. C., & Fumeaux, C. (2019). A reconfiguration module with coplanar snap-on connection for wearable textile antennas. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) Vol. 2019-December (pp. 613-615). online: IEEE. DOI Scopus3 WoS2 |
2019 |
Jayatilaka, A., Dang, Q. H., Chen, S. J., Visvanathan, R., Fumeaux, C., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2019). Designing batteryless wearables for hospitalized older people. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC'19) (pp. 91-95). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). DOI Scopus15 WoS9 |
2019 |
Chesser, M., Jayatilaka, A., Visvanathan, R., Fumeaux, C., Sample, A. P., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2019). Super Low Resolution RF Powered Accelerometers for Alerting on Hospitalized Patient Bed Exits.. In PerCom (pp. 1-10). IEEE. |
2018 |
Nguyen, H., Rezatofighi, H., Taggart, D., Ostendorf, B., & Ranasinghe, D. (2018). TrackerBots: Software in the loop study of quad-copter robots for locating radio-tags in a 3D space. In Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRA Vol. 2018-December (pp. 1-10). Online: Australasian Robotics and Automation Association. Scopus2 |
2018 |
Abedin Varamin, A., Abbasnejad, E., Shi, Q., Ranasinghe, D., & Rezatofighi, H. (2018). Deep Auto-Set: A Deep Auto-Encoder-Set Network for Activity Recognition Using Wearables. In MobiQuitous (pp. 1-8). online: ACM. DOI Scopus37 WoS22 |
2018 |
Chesser, M., Chea, L., Van Nguyen, H., & Ranasinghe, D. (2018). bTracked: Highly accurate field deployable real-time indoor spatial tracking for human behavior observations. In MobiQuitous '18 Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (pp. 1-10). New York City, NY: Association for Computing Machinery. DOI Scopus2 WoS1 |
2018 |
Van Nguyen, H., Chesser, M., Chen, F., Rezatofighi, S. H., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2018). Demo abstract: Autonomous UAV sensor system for searching and locating VHF radio-tagged wildlife. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (pp. 333-334). Shenzhen, China: Association for Computing Machinery. DOI Scopus3 |
2018 |
Chesser, M., Chea, L., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2018). Demo abstract: Field deployable real-time indoor spatial tracking system for human behavior observations. In SenSys 2018 - Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (pp. 369-370). Shenzhen, China: ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. DOI Scopus5 WoS1 |
2018 |
Pinapati, S., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2018). Bandwidth enhanced dual-band half-mode substrate-integrated cavity antenna. In Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Microwave Symposium (AMS 2018) Vol. 2018-January (pp. 51-52). NJ, USA: IEEE. DOI Scopus7 WoS4 |
2017 |
Pinapati, S., Chen, S., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2017). Detuning effects of wearable patch antennas. In I. Pasya, & F. Seman (Eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2017) (pp. 162-165). Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA: IEEE. DOI Scopus12 WoS8 |
2017 |
Su, Y., Genkin, D., Ranasinghe, D., & Yarom, Y. (2017). USB snooping made easy: crosstalk leakage attacks on USB hubs. In Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium (pp. 1145-1161). Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Association. Scopus29 WoS11 |
2017 |
Sun, M., Al-Sarawi, S., Ashenden, P., Cavaiuolo, M., & Ranasinghe, D. (2017). A fully integrable hybrid power management unit for passive UHF RFID. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID 2017) (pp. 198-204). Online: IEEE. DOI Scopus3 |
2017 |
Chen, S., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2017). A polarization/frequency interchangeable patch for a modular wearable textile antenna. In Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2017) (pp. 2483-2486). Paris, FRANCE: IEEE. DOI Scopus9 |
2017 |
Ma, H., Gao, Y., Kavehei, O., & Ranasinghe, D. (2017). A PUF sensor: Securing physical measurements. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2017) (pp. 648-653). Kona, Hawaii: IEEE. DOI Scopus16 WoS8 |
2016 |
Chen, S., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2016). Snap-on buttons as detachable shorting vias for wearable textile antennas. In Proceedings of the18th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (pp. 521-524). Cairns, QLD: IEEE. DOI Scopus11 WoS7 |
2016 |
Pinapati, S., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2016). Characterization of conductive textiles for wearable RFID applications. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (pp. 341-344). Cairns, QLD: IEEE. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 |
2016 |
Sun, M., Ranasinghe, D., & Al-Sarawi, S. (2016). RF energy harvester with peak power conversion efficiency tracking. In 2016 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, APCCAS 2016 (pp. 107-110). Jeju, SOUTH KOREA: IEEE. DOI Scopus11 WoS9 |
2016 |
Gao, Y., Li, G., Ma, H., Al-Sarawi, S. F., Kavehei, O., Abbott, D., & Ranasinghe, D. C. (2016). Obfuscated challenge-response: A secure lightweight authentication mechanism for PUF-based pervasive devices. In Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-6). Online: IEEE. DOI Scopus66 |
2016 |
Jayatilaka, A., Su, Y., & Ranasinghe, D. (2016). HoTAAL: home of social things meet ambient assisted living. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PerCom Workshops) (pp. 1-3). Sydney, NSW: IEEE. DOI Scopus6 WoS1 |
2016 |
Doss, R., Ranasinghe, D. C., & Zia, T. A. (2016). The first IEEE international workshop on security, privacy and trust for IoT, 2016 - Welcome and committees: Welcome to the 1st IEEE PERCOM workshop on security privacy and trust in the Internet of Things. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2016 (pp. 1-2). IEEE. DOI |
2016 |
Jayatilaka, A., & Ranasinghe, D. (2016). Towards unobtrusive real-time fluid intake monitoring using passive UHF RFID. In Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID 2016) (pp. 74-77). Orlando, FL: IEEE. DOI Scopus7 WoS8 |
2016 |
Chen, S., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2016). A foldable textile patch for modular snap-on-button-based wearable antennas. In Proceedings of the URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (pp. 842-845). Espoo, Finland: IEEE. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 |
2015 |
Su, Y., Wickramasinghe, A., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). Investigating sensor data retrieval schemes for multi-sensor passive RFID tags. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on RFID, RFID 2015 (pp. 158-165). San Diego, CA: IEEE. DOI Scopus22 WoS15 |
2015 |
Dong, Y., Wickramasinghe, A., Xue, H., Al-Sarawi, S., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). A novel hybrid powered RFID sensor tag. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID 2015) (pp. 55-62). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. DOI Scopus15 WoS13 |
2015 |
Wickramasinghe, A., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). Recognising activities in real time using body worn passive sensors with sparse data streams: To interpolate or not to interpolate?. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, MOBIQUITOUS 2015 (pp. 21-30). online: ICST. DOI Scopus13 |
2015 |
Torres, R., Wickramasinghe, A., Pham, V., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). What if your floor could tell someone you fell? A device free fall detection method. In J. Holmes, R. Bellazzi, L. Sacchi, & N. Peek (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 9105 (pp. 86-95). Univ Pavia, Pavia, ITALY: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 |
2015 |
Gao, Y., Ranasinghe, D., Al-Sarawi, S., Kavehei, O., & Abbott, D. (2015). mrPUF: A novel memristive device based physical unclonable function. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 9092 (pp. 595-615). Switzerland: Springer. DOI Scopus16 |
2015 |
Pinapati, S., Kaufmann, T., Linke, I., Ranasinghe, D., & Fumeaux, C. (2015). Connection strategies for wearable microwave transmission lines and antennas. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (pp. 639-642). Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: IEEE. Scopus7 WoS3 |
2015 |
Guerin, C., Jayatilaka, A., Calder, P., McCulloch, A., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). Why Don’t More ICT Students Do PhDs?. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE 2015) Vol. 27 (pp. 73-80). Sydney, New South Wales. Scopus2 |
2015 |
Guerin, C., Jayatilaka, A., Calder, P., McCulloch, A., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). Why don't more ICT students do PhDs?. In D. D'Souza, & K. Falkner (Eds.), Proceeding of the 17th Australasian Computing Education Conference Vol. 160 (pp. 73-80). Sydney, Australia: Australian Computer Society Inc.. |
2015 |
Yarom, Y., Li, G., & Ranasinghe, D. (2015). Evaluation and cryptanalysis of the pandaka lightweight cipher. In T. Malkin, V. Kolesnikov, A. Bishop Lewko, & M. Polychronakis (Eds.), Proceedings 13th International Conference Applied Cryptography and Network Security Vol. 9092 (pp. 370-385). New York, NY: Springer Verlag. DOI |
2014 |
Sankarkumar, R., & Ranasinghe, D. (2014). Watchdog: a novel, accurate and reliable method for addressing wandering-off using passive RFID tags. In 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (pp. 208-217). London, England: ICST. DOI Scopus4 |
2014 |
Sankarkumar, R., Ranasinghe, D., & Sathyan, T. (2014). A highly accurate method for managing missing reads in RFID enabled asset tracking. In I. Stojmenovic, Z. Cheng, & S. Guo (Eds.), Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services: 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2013) Tokyo, Japan December 2-4, 2013. Revised selected papers Vol. 131 (pp. 683-687). Tokyo, Japan: Springer. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 |
2014 |
Shinmoto Torres, R., Ranasinghe, D., & Shi, Q. (2014). Evaluation of wearable sensor tag data segmentation approaches for real time activity classification in elderly. In I. Stojmenovic, Z. Cheng, & S. Guo (Eds.), Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services Vol. 131 (pp. 384-395). Tokyo, Japan: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. DOI Scopus11 WoS5 |
2014 |
Sankarkumar, R., Ranasinghe, D., & Sathyan, T. (2014). A highly accurate and scalable approach for addressing location uncertainty in asset tracking applications. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID) (pp. 39-46). Orlando, Florida: IEEE. DOI Scopus4 WoS3 |
2014 |
Wickramasinghe, A., Ranasinghe, D., & Sample, A. (2014). WINDWare: Supporting Ubiquitous Computing with Passive Sensor Enabled RFID. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID) (pp. 31-38). Orlando, FL: IEEE. DOI Scopus12 WoS9 |
2014 |
Zhou, M., & Ranasinghe, D. (2014). A novel approach for addressing wandering off elderly using low cost passive RFID tags. In I. Stojmenovic, Z. Cheng, & S. Guo (Eds.), Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services : 10th International Conference, MOBIQUITOUS 2013, Tokyo, Japan, December 2-4, 2013, revised selected papers Vol. 131 (pp. 330-343). Japan: Springer International Publishing. DOI Scopus6 |
2013 |
Ranasinghe, D. C., Torres, R. L. S., & Wickramasinghe, A. (2013). Automated activity recognition and monitoring of elderly using wireless sensors: research challenges. In 2013 5th IEEE International Workshop On Advances In Sensors And Interfaces (IWASI) (pp. 224-227). Bari, Italy: IEEE. DOI Scopus19 WoS10 |
2013 |
Shinmoto Torres, R., Ranasinghe, D., Shi, Q., & Sample, A. (2013). Sensor enabled wearable RFID technology for mitigating the risk of falls near beds. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID (pp. 191-198). United States: IEEE. DOI Scopus106 WoS71 |
2013 |
Ranasinghe, D., Falkner, N., Pan, C., & Wu, H. (2013). Wireless sensing platform for remote monitoring and control of wine fermentation. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, IEEE ISSNIP 2013 Vol. 1 (pp. 503-508). CD: IEEE. DOI Scopus6 WoS6 |
2013 |
Kasaee Kopaei, M., Mehdizadeh, A., Ranasinghe, D., & Al-Sarawi, S. (2013). A novel hybrid approach for wireless powering of biomedical implants. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, IEEE ISSNIP 2013 Vol. 1 (pp. 455-460). CD: IEEE. DOI |
2012 |
Ness, D., Swift, J., Ranasinghe, D., Xing, K., Soebarto, V., & Terziovski, M. (2012). Smart steel: new paradigms for the reuse of steel enabled by digital tracking and modelling. In Proceedings of the 18th Greening of Industry Network Conference, GIN2012 (pp. 1-15). online: GIN2012. DOI |
2012 |
Ma, J., Sheng, Q., Ranasinghe, D., Chuah, J., & Wu, Y. (2012). A framework for distributed managing uncertain data in RFID traceability networks. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2012 Vol. 7651 LNCS (pp. 298-311). Germany: Springer-Verlag. DOI Scopus4 |
2012 |
Visvanathan, R., Ranasinghe, D., Shinmoto Torres, R., & Hill, K. (2012). Framework for preventing falls in acute hospitals using passive sensor enabled radio frequency identification technology. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Vol. 2012 (pp. 5858-5862). CD: IEEE. DOI WoS14 Europe PMC2 |
2012 |
Ranasinghe, D., Shinmoto Torres, R., Sample, A., Smith, J., Hill, K., & Visvanathan, R. (2012). Towards falls prevention: a wearable wireless and battery-less sensing and automatic identification tag for real time monitoring of human movements. In Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Vol. 2012 (pp. 6402-6405). CD: IEEE. DOI Scopus29 WoS18 Europe PMC3 |
2012 |
Wu, Y., Sheng, Q., Ranasinghe, D., & Yao, L. (2012). PeerTrack: a platform for tracking and tracing objects in large-scale traceability networks. In Proceedings of the15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2012 (pp. 586-589). Germany: ACM Press. DOI Scopus11 |
2012 |
Visvanathan, R., Ranasinghe, D. C., Shinmoto Torres, R. L., & Hill, K. (2012). Framework for preventing falls in acute hospitals using passive sensor enabled radio frequency identification technology. In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS (pp. 5858-5862). DOI Scopus18 |
2011 |
Wu, Y., Sheng, Q., & Ranasinghe, D. (2011). P2P object tracking in the internet of things. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (pp. 502-511). USA: IEEE. DOI Scopus10 |
2011 |
Wu, Y., Sheng, Q., & Ranasinghe, D. (2011). Tracing moving objects in Internet-based RFID networks. In Proceedings of WAINA 2011 (pp. 873-878). USA: IEEE. DOI Scopus1 |
2011 |
David, M., Ranasinghe, D., & Larsen, T. (2011). A2U2: A stream cipher for printed electronics RFID tags. In Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on RFID (pp. 176-183). USA: IEEE. DOI Scopus29 |
2010 |
Sheng, Q., Wu, Y., & Ranasinghe, D. (2010). Enabling scalable RFID traceability networks. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Vol. 2010 (pp. 1061-1068). USA: IEEE Computer Society. DOI Scopus6 WoS1 |
2010 |
Panda, R., Ranasinghe, D., Parlikad, A., & McFarlane, D. (2010). A condition monitoring platform using COTS wireless sensor networks - Lessons and experience. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE AINA (pp. 473-480). United States: IEEE Computer Society. DOI Scopus4 WoS2 |
2010 |
Guerin, C., & Ranasinghe, D. (2010). For love or money? Research-teaching linkages and recruitment into higher degrees by research. In The 3rd International Pedagogical Research in Higher Education Conferenc (pp. Research-teaching linkages to enhance student learning, 25-26 October, 2010). Liverpool, UK. |
2010 |
Guerin, C., & Ranasinghe, D. (2010). What`s exciting about the teaching-research nexus? Experiences that inspire undergraduates to become researchers. In Quality in Postgraduate Research Conference (pp. 171-174). Adelaide, Sth Australia: The Centre for Educational Development and Academic Methods, The Australian National University. |
2008 |
Ghosal, R., Ranasinghe, D., & Cole, P. (2008). Bit-oriented generators for wireless sensor networks and low cost RFID Transponders. In S. Sahni (Ed.), Proceedings of Advances in Computer Science and Technology (pp. 230-235). CD: IASTED. |
2008 |
Bintrup, A., Ranasinghe, D., McFarlane, D., & Parlikad, A. (2008). A review of the intelligent product across the product lifecycle. In International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (pp. 484-494). Seoul, South Korea: Inderscience Enterprises Limited. |
2006 |
Ranasinghe, D., & Cole, P. (2006). Confronting security and privacy threats in modern RFID systems. In D. DeBrunner (Ed.), Proceedings of the 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals (pp. CDROM2058-CDROM2064). CDROM: IEEE. DOI Scopus13 WoS4 |
2006 |
Jamali, B., Ranasinghe, D., & Cole, P. (2006). Analysis of a UHF RFID CMOS rectifier structure and input impedance characteristics. In A. Hariz (Ed.), Proceedings of SPIE Volume 6035 Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging II Vol. 6035 (pp. 60350D-1-60350D-11). Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE. DOI Scopus11 WoS2 |
2006 |
Jamali, B., Ranasinghe, D., & Cole, P. (2006). Design and optimisation of power rectifiers for passive RFID systems in monolithic CMOS circuit. In A. Hariz (Ed.), Proceedings of SPIE Volume 6035 Microelectronics: Design, Technology, and Packaging II Vol. 6035 (pp. 60351B-1-60351B-11). Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE. DOI Scopus2 |
2006 |
Ranasinghe, D., Ng, M., Leong, K., Jamali, B., & Cole, P. (2006). Small UHF RFID label antenna design and limitations. In D. Liu, & B. Gaucher (Eds.), 2006 IEEE International Workshop On Antenna Technology : Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials (IWAT) : White Plains, NY, 6-8 March 2006 Vol. 2006 (pp. 200-204). Online: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. DOI Scopus7 WoS5 |
2006 |
Cole, P., & Ranasinghe, D. (2006). Extending coupling volume theory to analyse small loop antennas for UHF RFID applications. In 2006 IEEE International Workshop On Antenna Technology : Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials (IWAT) : White Plains, NY, 6-8 March 2006 Vol. 2006 (pp. 164-167). Online: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. DOI Scopus3 |
2006 |
Ranasinghe, D., & Cole, P. (2006). Analysis of power transfer at UHF to RFID ICs by miniaturized RFID label antennas. In 2006 IEEE International Workshop On Antenna Technology : Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials (IWAT) : White Plains, NY, 6-8 March 2006 Vol. 2006 (pp. 317-320). Online: IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. DOI Scopus1 |
2005 |
Ranasinghe, D., Leong, K., Ng, M., Engels, D., & Cole, P. (2005). A distributed architecture for a ubiquitous item identification network. In H. Tokuda (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 8 pages). Japan: Keio University. |
2005 |
Ranasinghe, D., & Cole, P. (2005). Evaluation of a MEMS based theft detection circuit for RFID labels. In VLSI circuits and systems II : 9-11 May, 2005, Seville, Spain Vol. 5837 PART II (pp. 1110-1122). Seville, Spain: SPIE. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2005 |
Hall, D., Ranasinghe, D., Jamali, B., & Cole, P. (2005). Turn-on circuits based on standard CMOS technology for active RFID labels. In VLSI circuits and systems II : 9-11 May, 2005, Seville, Spain Vol. 5837 PART I (pp. 310-320). Seville, Spain: SPIE. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 |
2005 |
Lim, D., Ranasinghe, D., Devadas, S., Jamali, B., Abbott, D., & Cole, P. (2005). Exploiting metastability and thermal noise to build a re-configurable hardware random number generator. In A. A. Balandin, F. Danneville, M. J. Deen, & D. M. Fleetwood (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Volume 5844 Noise in Devices and Circuits III Vol. 5844 (pp. 294-309). Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE. DOI Scopus2 |
2005 |
Ranasinghe, D., Leong, K., Ng, M., Engels, D., & Cole, P. (2005). A distributed architecture for a ubiquitous RFID sensing network. In M. Palaniswami (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2005 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing Conference Vol. 2005 (pp. 7-12). CD ROM: IEEE. DOI Scopus23 WoS11 |
2005 |
Jamali, B., Cole, P., Ranasinghe, D., & Zhu, Z. (2005). Design and optimisation of Schottky diodes in CMOS technology with application to passive RFID systems. In S. Al Sarawi (Ed.), Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems II Vol. 5649 (pp. 323-331). Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE. DOI Scopus7 WoS3 |
2005 |
Ranasinghe, D., Lim, D., Devadas, S., Jamali, B., Zhu, Z., & Cole, P. (2005). An integrable low cost hardware random number generator. In S. Al Sarawi (Ed.), Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Smart Structures, Devices, and Systems II Vol. 5649 (pp. 627-639). Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE. DOI |
2005 |
MacIntyre, D. A., Johnson, R., Smith, R., & Chan, E. C. (2005). Seldi-TOF MS analysis of laboring and non-laboring human myometrium.. In JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR GYNECOLOGIC INVESTIGATION Vol. 12 (pp. 349A). CA, Los Angeles: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. |
2004 |
Ranasinghe, D., Engels, D., & Cole, P. (2004). Security and privacy solutions for low-cost RFID systems. In M. Palaniswani (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2004 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks & Information Processing Conference (pp. CD-ROM 337-CD-ROM 342). CD-ROM: IEEE. DOI Scopus10 WoS4 |
2004 |
Ranasinghe, D., Hall, D., Cole, P., & Engels, D. (2004). An embedded UHF RFID label antenna for tagging metallic objects. In M. Palaniswami (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2004 Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks & Information Processing Conference (pp. CD-ROM 343-CD-ROM 347). CD-ROM: IEEE. DOI Scopus16 WoS12 |
2004 |
Ranasinghe, D., Engels, D., & Cole, P. (2004). Security and privacy: modest proposals for low-cost RFID systems. In AUTO-ID Lab Research Workshop, Zurich, September 23-24, 2004 (pp. 7 pages). Zurich: AUTO-ID Lab. |