Chenchu Ma

Chenchu Ma

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Chenchu Ma started his research career at Terahertz Engineering Laboratory in November of 2021 for a summer research internship, developing high efficiency terahertz antennas based on inverse design techniques for communication application. Continuing on from this project, Chenchu was awarded the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Honours) from The University of Adelade at the end of 2022, having completed his project entitled ‘All-silicon Terahertz Components’. Thereafter, Chenchu completed his Master of Electronic Engineering degree also from his Ala Mater, The University of Adelaide.

In October 2023, he presented his work entitled “Design of All-Dielectric Antenna via Optimisation” at the 2023 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies.

Now, Chenchu has become a PhD Student, who collaborated with Monash University focusing on developing terahertz components and Artificial Intelligence, under the supervision of Prof. Withawat Withayachumnankul and A/Prof. Markus Wagner.

My research interests include:

  • Terahertz Communication Systems
  • Terahertz Material Spectroscopy
  • Silicon Microphotonics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Optimisation
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2024 Ma, C., Lees, H., Wagner, M., & Withayachumnankul, W. (2024). Design of Terahertz All-Dielectric Antenna via Optimisation.. In ISCIT (pp. 389-390). Online: IEEE.
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2024 - ongoing Chair School of EME HDR Committee Australia

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