Charles Lord

Charles Lord

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide for the School of Chemical Engineering. My research focusses on harnessing the electrochemical characteristics of nanomaterials to create an integrated system for hydrogen fuel generation supported by blue energy. This work aims to alleviate the high power requirements of hydrogen production through water splitting through the addition of sustainable osmotic power.

Research topic: Enabling blue osmotic–green hydrogen energy coupling.

Hydrogen fuel generation is a topic that is rapidly gaining ground in the world's fight against climate change. Be it used as a fuel source or an energy storage solution, hydrogen as poses a sustainable alternative to combustible fossil fuels. A fundamental drawback to hydrogen fuel production is the power requirement for effective water splitting, also known as the overpotential. We theorize that the power generated by blue energy, also known as osmotic energy, offers a suitable, sustainable solution to the overpotential problem. By fabricating novel nanopore membranes for blue energy enhancement and carefully designing functional electrocatalysts for water splitting, we aim to assemble an integrated system for self-powered hydrogen fuel production.

Teaching Assistant/ Tutor


CHEM ENG 3034 - Chemical Reactor Engineering

CHEM ENG 2014 - Heat and Mass Transfer

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