Celia Fourrier

Celia Fourrier

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Dr Célia Fourrier is a post-doctoral research scientist in the Lysosomal Health in Ageing group, Hopwood Centre for Neurobiology, Lifelong Health Theme, at SAHMRI and an affiliate researcher in the Discipline of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, at the University of Adelaide.

She completed her PhD in Bordeaux, France, where she investigated the role of neuroinflammation in emotional and cognitive alterations associated with obesity under the supervision of Dr Nathalie Castanon. She showed that inflammation, and particularly TNF-α, could be an important target in the treatment of mood disorders in obese individuals (Fourrier et al, 2018; Fernandez de Cossio et al, 2018). In addition, she investigated the effect of nutritional interventions with specific nutrients (i.e. n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants) on metabolic, mood and cognitive alterations in inflammatory conditions (Larrieu et al, 2014) and on the regulation of inflammatory processes in the brain (Fourrier et al. 2017).

During a first postdoctoral position, under the guidance of Prof Bernhard T Baune in the Discipline of Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide, her research activities encompassed a new approach to personalised psychiatry with a focus on the role of the immune system in psychiatric disorders. From 2017 to 2019, she coordinated a clinical trial that investigated the efficacy of using an antidepressant augmented with an anti-inflammatory medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder.

Célia started a second postdoctoral position at SAHMRI in 2019 under the guidance of Dr Tim Sargeant. Her current research focuses on how the relationships between the immune syste and the lysosomal system can be targeted in neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a memory-robbing disorder responsible for 60-70% of the 50 million cases of dementia around the world. Although billions of dollars have been spent on developing therapies, there is still no treatment available - over 400 trials aiming to stop disease progression have repeatedly failed to help patients.

Disruptions of the brain immune system have a crucial role in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The brain’s immune cells, called microglia, recognise aggregated proteins thought to cause Alzheimer’s disease and engulf and degrade them. In the brains of people who live with Alzheimer’s disease, microglia dysfunction causes the accumulation of those proteins, which triggers inflammation. This inflammation promotes neurodegeneration, leading to cognitive decline and loss of independence. This central role of microglia in Alzheimer’s disease highlights a need for compounds that alter microglia to a more protective phenotype.

My overarching research aim is to develop new treatment strategies that restore this protective function of microglia in the brain of people with Alzheimer’s disease. I do this by simultaneously reducing inflammation and increasing microglia's ability to clear and degrade accumulated material through autophagy, a cellular process that cleanses the cells and keep them healthy.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2025 Sampson, E., Mills, N. T., Hori, H., Cearns, M., Schwarte, K., Hohoff, C., . . . Baune, B. T. (2025). Long-term characterisation of the relationship between change in depression severity and change in inflammatory markers following inflammation-stratified treatment with vortioxetine augmented with celecoxib or placebo. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 123, 43-56.
    2024 Loo, C., Glozier, N., Barton, D., Baune, B. T., Mills, N. T., Fitzgerald, P., . . . Rodgers, A. (2024). Efficacy and safety of a 4-week course of repeated subcutaneous ketamine injections for treatment-resistant depression (KADS study): randomised double-blind active-controlled trial - CORRIGENDUM. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 225(2), 349.
    2024 Sampson, E., Kavakbasi, E., Mills, N. T., Hori, H., Schubert, K. O., Fourrier, C., & Baune, B. T. (2024). Emotional Blunting in Depression in the PREDDICT Clinical Trial: Inflammation-Stratified Augmentation of Vortioxetine With Celecoxib. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(3), 11 pages.
    2024 Guiberti, T. F., Pesarini, M., Zamchii, R., Kumar, S., Zhao, W., Alwahabi, Z. T., & Dally, B. B. (2024). High-pressure gallium seeder for atomic fluorescence measurements. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 18, 11 pages.
    DOI Scopus2
    2024 Hamaker, M. E., Wildiers, H., Ardito, V., Arsandaux, J., Barthod-Malat, A., Davies, P., . . . Soubeyran, P. (2024). Study protocol for two stepped-wedge interventional trials evaluating the effects of holistic information technology-based patient-oriented management in older multimorbid patients with cancer: The GERONTE trials. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 15(4), 101761.
    DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC2
    2024 Kavakbasi, E., Sampson, E., Mills, N. T., Hori, H., Schwarte, K., Hohoff, C., . . . Baune, B. T. (2024). Inflammation-stratified augmentation of vortioxetine with celecoxib: Results from a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in major depressive disorder. Journal of Neurochemistry, 168(9), 1817-1825.
    DOI Scopus4 Europe PMC2
    2023 Bensalem, J., Teong, X. T., Hattersley, K. J., Hein, L. K., Fourrier, C., Liu, K., . . . Sargeant, T. J. (2023). Basal autophagic flux measured in blood correlates positively with age in adults at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Geroscience, 45(6), 3549-3560.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC2
    2023 Sampson, E., Mills, N. T., Hori, H., Schwarte, K., Hohoff, C., Schubert, K. O., . . . Baune, B. T. (2023). Exploratory Analysis of the Effects of Celecoxib on Cognitive Function in Vortioxetine-Treated Patients With Major Depressive Disorder in the PREDDICT Study: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 84(6), 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus1 Europe PMC1
    2023 Hawighorst, A., Knight, M. J., Fourrier, C., Sampson, E., Hori, H., Cearns, M., . . . Baune, B. T. (2023). Cognitive improvement in patients with major depressive disorder after personalised multi domain training in the CERT-D study. Psychiatry Research, 330, 9 pages.
    2023 Loo, C., Glozier, N., Barton, D., Baune, B., Mills, N., Fitzgerald, P. B., . . . Rodgers, A. (2023). Efficacy and Safety of Repeated Subcutaneous Ketamine Injections for Treatment Resistant Depression - The KADS Study: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Comparator-Controlled Trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 223(6), 533-541.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS6 Europe PMC11
    2023 Sargeant, T. J., & Fourrier, C. (2023). Human monocyte-derived microglia-like cell models: A review of the benefits, limitations and recommendations. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 107, 98-109.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS1 Europe PMC10
    2022 Bensalem, J., Heilbronn, L. K., Gore, J. R., Hutchison, A. T., Sargeant, T. J., & Fourrier, C. (2022). The Break-Fast study protocol: a single arm pre-post study to measure the effect of a protein-rich breakfast on autophagic flux in fasting healthy individuals. BMC Nutrition, 8(1), 120-1-120-7.
    2022 Baune, B. T., Sampson, E., Louise, J., Hori, H., Schubert, K. O., Clark, S. R., . . . Fourrier, C. (2022). Corrigendum to 'No evidence for clinical efficacy of adjunctive celecoxib with vortioxetine in the treatment of depression: A 6-week double-blind placebo controlled randomized trial' [European Neuropsychopharmacology 53 (2021) 34-46].. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 64, 61-62.
    2022 Carosi, J. M., Fourrier, C., Bensalem, J., & Sargeant, T. J. (2022). The mTOR–lysosome axis at the centre of ageing. FEBS Open Bio, 12(4), 739-757.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS19 Europe PMC21
    2022 Fourrier, C., & Baune, B. T. (2022). Null effect of vortioxetine augmentation with celecoxib should not be generalized to other antidepressants – Author's reply. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 55, 110-111.
    2022 Whyte, L. S., Fourrier, C., Hassiotis, S., Lau, A. A., Trim, P. J., Hein, L. K., . . . Sargeant, T. J. (2022). Lysosomal gene Hexb displays haploinsufficiency in a knock-in mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. IBRO Neuroscience Reports, 12, 131-141.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC7
    2021 Shoubridge, A. P., Fourrier, C., Choo, J. M., Proud, C. G., Sargeant, T. J., & Rogers, G. B. (2021). Gut Microbiome Regulation of Autophagic Flux and Neurodegenerative Disease Risks. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 10 pages.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS6 Europe PMC7
    2021 Mills, N. T., Sampson, E., Fourrier, C., & Baune, B. T. (2021). Clinical switching strategies of various antidepressants to Vortioxetine in the PREDDICT trial. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 24(4), 314-321.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC1
    2021 Fourrier, C., Bryksin, V., Hattersley, K., Hein, L. K., Bensalem, J., & Sargeant, T. J. (2021). Comparison of chloroquine-like molecules for lysosomal inhibition and measurement of autophagic flux in the brain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 534, 107-113.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS3 Europe PMC3
    2021 Bensalem, J., Fourrier, C., Hein, L. K., Hassiotis, S., Proud, C. G., & Sargeant, T. J. (2021). Inhibiting mTOR activity using AZD2014 increases autophagy in the mouse cerebral cortex. Neuropharmacology, 190, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC3
    2021 Knight, M. J., Lyrtzis, E., Fourrier, C., Aboustate, N., Sampson, E., Hori, H., . . . Baune, B. T. (2021). Psychological training to improve psychosocial function in patients with major depressive disorder: A randomised clinical trial. Psychiatry Research, 300, 113906-1-113906-7.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC2
    2021 Baune, B. T., Sampson, E., Louise, J., Hori, H., Schubert, K. O., Clark, S. R., . . . Fourrier, C. (2021). No evidence for clinical efficacy of adjunctive celecoxib with vortioxetine in the treatment of depression: A 6-week double-blind placebo controlled randomized trial.. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 53, 34-46.
    DOI Scopus39 WoS16 Europe PMC23
    2020 Bensalem, J., Hattersley, K. J., Hein, L. K., Tong Teong, X., Carosi, J. M., Hassiotis, S., . . . Sargeant, T. J. (2020). Measurement of autophagic flux in humans: an optimized method for blood samples.. Autophagy, 17(10), 3238-3255.
    DOI Scopus27 WoS18 Europe PMC18
    2020 Fourrier, C., Sampson, E., Hori, H., Schubert, K. O., Clark, S., Mills, N. T., & Baune, B. T. (2020). Exploratory study of association between blood immune markers and cognitive symptom severity in major depressive disorder: Stratification by body mass index status. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 88, 242-251.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS7 Europe PMC6
    2020 Fourrier, C., Kropp, C., Aubert, A., Sauvant, J., Vaysse, C., Chardigny, J. M., . . . Castanon, N. (2020). Rapeseed oil fortified with micronutrients improves cognitive alterations associated with metabolic syndrome. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 84, 23-35.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC2
    2019 Fourrier, C., Bosch-Bouju, C., Boursereau, R., Sauvant, J., Aubert, A., Capuron, L., . . . Castanon, N. (2019). Brain tumor necrosis factor-alpha mediates anxiety-like behavior in a mouse model of severe obesity. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY, 77, 25-36.
    DOI Scopus41 WoS24 Europe PMC21
    2019 Knight, M. J., Fourrier, C., Lyrtzis, E., Aboustate, N., Sampson, E., Hori, H., . . . Baune, B. T. (2019). Cognitive deficits in the THINC-integrated tool (THINC-it) are associated with psychosocial dysfunction in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 80(1), 18m12472-1-18m12472-8.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS10 Europe PMC8
    2019 Fourrier, C., Singhal, G., & Baune, B. T. (2019). Neuroinflammation and cognition across psychiatric conditions. CNS Spectrums, 24(1), 4-15.
    DOI Scopus102 WoS70 Europe PMC54
    2018 Fourrier, C., Sampson, E., Mills, N. T., & Baune, B. T. (2018). Anti-inflammatory treatment of depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of vortioxetine augmented with celecoxib or placebo. Trials, 19(1), 447-1-447-14.
    DOI Scopus57 WoS37 Europe PMC27
    2017 de Cossío, L. F., Fourrier, C., Sauvant, J., Everard, A., Capuron, L., Cani, P. D., . . . Castanon, N. (2017). Impact of prebiotics on metabolic and behavioral alterations in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 64, 33-49.
    DOI Scopus88 WoS56 Europe PMC38
    2017 Fourrier, C., Remus-Borel, J., Greenhalgh, A. D., Guichardant, M., Bernoud-Hubac, N., Lagarde, M., . . . Layé, S. (2017). Docosahexaenoic acid-containing choline phospholipid modulates LPS-induced neuroinflammation in vivo and in microglia in vitro. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 14(1), 1-13.
    DOI Scopus96 WoS77 Europe PMC53
    2014 Larrieu, T., Hilal, L. M., Fourrier, C., Sans N., Capuron, L., & Layé, S. (2014). Nutritional omega-3 modulates neuronal morphology in the prefrontal cortex along with depression-related behaviour through corticosterone secretion. Translational Psychiatry, 4(9), e437.
    DOI Scopus114 WoS84 Europe PMC52
    2014 Larrieu, T., Hilal, L. M., Fourrier, C., De Smedt-Peyrusse, V., Sans, N., Capuron, L., & Laye, S. (2014). Nutritional omega-3 modulates neuronal morphology in the prefrontal cortex along with depression-related behaviour through corticosterone secretion (vol 4, e437, 2014). TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, 4(10), 1 page.
    DOI WoS2
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2023 Kookana, R. S., & Navarro, D. A. (2023). Pollutants—Persistent organic. In Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition: Volume 1-5 (Vol. 3, pp. V3-296-V3-308).
    DOI Scopus2
    2020 Fourrier, C., & Baune, B. T. (2020). Cytokine Model of Cognition in Relation to Mental Disorders During Neurodevelopment. In Progress in Inflammation Research (Vol. 84, pp. 253-268). Springer International Publishing.
    2018 Fourrier, C., Capuron, L., & Castanon, N. (2018). Role of inflammation in neuropsychiatric comorbidity of obesity: Experimental and clinical evidence. In B. Baune (Ed.), Inflammation and Immunity in Depression: Basic Science and Clinical Applications (pp. 357-375). Elsevier.
    DOI Scopus3
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2016 Castanon, N., Fourrier, C., Sauvant, J., Aubert, A., Joffre, C., & Layé, S. (2016). Effet d’une diète enrichie en acides gras polyinsaturés n-3 et en antioxydants sur les altérations émotionnelles et cognitives associées à l’obésité. Poster session presented at the meeting of Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme. Elsevier BV.
    2016 Fourrier, C., Bosch-Bouju, C., Sauvant, J., Aubert, A., Laye, S., Joffre, C., & Castanon, N. (2016). Effect of an omega-3 and antioxidants supplemented diet on emotional and cognitive alterations and neuroinflammatory processes associated with obesity. Poster session presented at the meeting of BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY. ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE.
    2013 Larrieu, T., Hilal-Larrieu, M., Smedt-Peyrusse, V. D., Fourrier, C., Sans, N., Capuron, L., & Layé, S. (2013). SFN1 Étude du rôle des oméga-3 alimentaires dans les troubles de l’humeur : rôle de l’axe du stress. Poster session presented at the meeting of Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme. Elsevier BV.
    2013 Larrieu, T., Hilal-Larrieu, M., Smedt-Peyrusse, V. D., Fourrier, C., Sans, N., Capuron, L., & Layé, S. (2013). SFN1 Étude du rôle des oméga-3 alimentaires dans les troubles de l’humeur : rôle de l’axe du stress. Poster session presented at the meeting of Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique. Elsevier BV.
  • Preprint

    Year Citation
    2024 Fourrier, C., Heilbronn, L., Teong, X. T., Gore, J., Sargeant, T., & Bensalem, J. (2024). Protocol for a randomized cross-over study measuring the effect of reduced protein intake on autophagic flux in healthy adults.
    2024 Singh, S., Fourrier, C., Hattersley, K., Hein, L. K., Gore, J., Heilbronn, L. K., . . . Sargeant, T. J. (2024). A high protein meal does not change autophagy in human blood.
    2024 Carosi, J., Martin, A., Hein, L., Hassiotis, S., Hattersley, K., Turner, B., . . . Sargeant, T. (2024). Autophagy across tissues of aging mice.
  • 2021: Diabetes Australia (AUD59,640); Sargeant T., Bensalem J., Heilbronn L. and Fourrier C. (Co‑PI). “Characterising autophagic flux in response to dietary intervention: increasing cellular health in people at risk of diabetes”.
  • 2021 – 2024: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia. 2002608; Sargeant T., Bensalem J., Heilbronn L., Hopwood J., Proud C. and Fourrier C. (Associate Investigator). “Autophagy increases with age and obesity to protect against cellular damage and age-related disease”.
  • 2016: Société Française de Nutrition travel award to attend the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society annual scientific meeting in Brighton (United Kingdom) (800 €).
  • 2013-2016: Doctoral scholarship from Région Aquitaine and the INRA (Département de Nutrition Humaine; 22000763)
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 Co-Supervisor Analysis of symptomatic and biological changes in Major Depressive Disorder related to co-administered antidepressant and anti-inflammatory treatment Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Emma Karen Sampson
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2020 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Investigating the synergistic relationship between inflammation and autophagy in Alzheimer’s Disease South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Bachelor of Science (Advanced) Other Full Time Alayna Caruso
    2019 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Comparison of chloroquine-like molecules for lysosomal inhibition and measurement of autophagic flux in the brain South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Bachelor of Science Other Part Time Valerie Bryksin
    2017 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Analysis of symptomatic and biological changes in Major Depressive Disorder related to co-administered antidepressant and anti-inflammatory treatment The University of Adelaide - Doctorate Full Time Emma Sampson
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2021 - ongoing Member SAHMRI Biosafety Committee South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member SAHMRI Early- and Mid-Career Researchers Committee South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2018 - 2019 Member Biological Psychiatry Australia Australia
    2017 - ongoing Member Psychology Health Forum Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Neuroscience in Bordeaux Association France
    2012 - 2014 Board Member Neuroscience in Bordeaux Association France
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2018 - ongoing Editor Editorial Board of Frontiers Psychiatry (Mood and Anxiety Disorders) Frontiers Psychiatry Switzerland

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