Carmine Wainman
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
I am a Grant Funded Researcher at the Australian School of Petroleum, University of Adelaide. I have expertise in sedimentology, stratigraphy, palynology and basin modelling. My research has applications in understanding past palaeogeographies and a basin's resource potential.
My current research primarily focuses on enhancing our understanding of the Cooper Basin's sedimentary and tectonic evolution. I will use data collected from the project to establish the relationship between depositional environments, coeval tectonism and identifying sites suitable for carbon capture and storage. My other research interests include the evolution of Australia's southern margin using new data acquired from IODP Expedition 369 (September to November 2017), Middle to Upper Jurassic coal-bearing strata in eastern Australia and palaeobotany.
Date Position Institution name 2021 - 2022 Grant Funded Researcher University of Adelaide 2018 - 2017 Technical Assistant University of Adelaide 2017 - 2020 Postdoctoral Fellow University of Adelaide 2013 - 2013 Geology Intern Woodside Energy 2012 - 2013 Graduate Geoscientist RSK Group plc -
Date Institution name Country Title 2014 - 2018 University of Adelaide Australia PhD Geoscience 2008 - 2012 University of Southampton United Kingdom MSci Geology -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Wainman, C. C., & McCabe, P. J. (2025). Anatomy of the late Pennsylvanian to early Triassic failed rift system of the Cooper Basin, eastern Australia. Gondwana Research, 138, 47-69.
2024 Rajamohan, M., Kozor, R., & Wong, C. X. (2024). Author reply re: descriptive epidemiology must not perpetuate deficit discourse and mask systemic racism.. Intern Med J, 54(6), 1046.
2023 Mandima, P., Baltrusaitis, K., Montepiedra, G., Aaron, L., Mathad, J., Onyango-Makumbi, C., . . . Browning, R. (2023). Prevalence of neurotoxicity symptoms among postpartum women on isoniazid preventive therapy and efavirenz-based treatment for HIV: an exploratory objective of the IMPAACT P1078 randomized trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), 34.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12022 Wainman, C. C., McCabe, P. J., & Crowley, J. L. (2022). New insights on the age and stratigraphy of the Cisuralian succession in the Cooper Basin, Australia, based on U–Pb CA-TIMS dating of volcanic air-fall tuffs. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 69(4), 497-508.
Scopus2 WoS12021 Maritati, A., Halpin, J. A., Whittaker, J. M., Daczko, N. R., & Wainman, C. C. (2021). Provenance of Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous strata in the Mentelle Basin, southwestern Australia, reveals a trans-Gondwanan fluvial pathway. Gondwana Research, 93, 128-141.
Scopus9 WoS72021 Salmachi, A., Rajabi, M., Wainman, C., Mackie, S., McCabe, P., Camac, B., & Clarkson, C. (2021). History, geology, in situ stress pattern, gas content and permeability of coal seam gas basins in Australia: a review. Energies, 14(9), 2651-1-2651-37.
Scopus57 WoS242021 Tagliaro, G., Wainman, C. C., & Fulthorpe, C. S. (2021). Inherited morphobathymetric controls over contourite drift deposition: a case study from the late Cenozoic Mentelle Basin, Australia. Interpretation, 9(3), T637-T652.
Scopus32021 Wolfgring, E., Kaminski, M. A., Waśkowska, A., Wainman, C. C., Petrizzo, M. R., Lee, E. Y., . . . Gong, S. (2021). Foraminiferal stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of a high latitude marginal marine basin – a Late Cretaceous record from IODP Site U1512 (Great Australian Bight). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 580, 1-18.
Scopus6 WoS22021 Foley, E. K., Henderson, R. A., Roberts, E. M., Kemp, A. I. S., Todd, C. N., Knutsen, E. M., . . . Spandler, C. (2021). Jurassic arc: reconstructing the lost world of eastern Gondwana. Geology, 49(11), 1391-1396.
Scopus16 WoS102020 Vahlenkamp, M., De Vleeschouwer, D., Batenburg, S., Edgar, K., Hanson, E., Martinez, M., . . . Participants, E. S. (2020). A lower to middle Eocene astrochronology for the Mentelle Basin (Australia) and its implications for the geologic time scale. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 529, 1-13.
2020 Lee, E. Y., Wolfgring, E., Tejada, M. L. G., Harry, D. L., Wainman, C. C., Chun, S. S., . . . Kim, Y. (2020). Early Cretaceous subsidence of the Naturaliste Plateau defined by a new record of volcaniclastic-rich sequence at IODP Site U1513. Gondwana Research, 82, 1-11.
Scopus22 WoS152020 MacLeod, K. G., White, L. T., Wainman, C. C., Martinez, M., Jones, M. M., Batenburg, S. J., . . . Xu, Z. (2020). Late Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleoceanographic evolution in the Great Australian Bight Basin based on results from IODP Site U1512. Gondwana Research, 83, 80-95.
Scopus14 WoS92020 Wainman, C. C., Tagliaro, G., Jones, M. M., Charles, A. J., Hall, T., White, L. T., . . . Holford, S. P. (2020). The sedimentological evolution and petroleum potential of a very thick Upper Cretaceous marine mudstone succession from the southern high latitudes—a case study from the Bight Basin, Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 118, 104441-1-104441-19.
Scopus13 WoS72020 Wainman, C. C., & McCabe, P. J. (2020). Correlation of fluvial strata in the subsurface–a review. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 122, 18 pages.
Scopus7 WoS42020 Harry, D. L., Tejada, M. L. G., Lee, E. Y., Wolfgring, E., Wainman, C. C., Brumsack, H., . . . White, L. T. (2020). Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results from IODP Expedition 369. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(12), 1-26.
Scopus21 WoS122019 Wainman, C. C., Borissova, I., Harry, D. L., Hobbs, R. W., Mantle, D. J., Maritati, A., & Lee, E. Y. (2019). Evidence for non-marine Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous sediments in the pre-breakup section of the Mentelle Basin, southwestern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67(1), 89-105.
Scopus12 WoS102019 Wainman, C., Mantle, D., Hannaford, C., & McCabe, P. (2019). Possible freshwater dinoflagellate cysts and colonial algae from the Upper Jurassic strata of the Surat Basin, Australia. Palynology, 43(3), 1-12.
Scopus12 WoS92019 Wainman, C. C., Reynolds, P., Hall, T., McCabe, P. J., & Holford, S. P. (2019). Nature and origin of tuff beds in Jurassic strata of the Surat Basin, Australia: implications on the evolution of the eastern margin of Gondwana during the Mesozoic. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 377, 103-116.
Scopus20 WoS162018 Wainman, C., Hannaford, C., Mantle, D., & McCabe, P. (2018). Utilizing U–Pb CA-TIMS dating to calibrate the Middle to Late Jurassic spore-pollen zonation of the Surat Basin, Australia to the geological time-scale. Alcheringa, 42(3), 402-414.
Scopus13 WoS102018 Wainman, C. C., & McCabe, P. J. (2018). Evolution of the depositional environments of the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia. Sedimentology, 66(5), 1673-1699.
Scopus16 WoS142018 Huber, B. T., Hobbs, R. W., Bogus, K. A., Batenburg, S. J., Brumsack, H. J., Do Monte Guerra, R., . . . Xu, Z. (2018). Tectonic, paleoclimate, and paleoceanographic history of high-latitude southern margins of Australia during the Cretaceous. International Ocean Discovery Program: Preliminary Reports, (369), 1-39.
Scopus12018 Wainman, C., McCabe, P., & Crowley, J. (2018). Solving a tuff problem: Defining a chronostratigraphic framework for Middle to Upper Jurassic nonmarine strata in eastern Australia using U-Pb CA-TIMS zircon dates. AAPG Bulletin, 102(6), 1141-1168.
Scopus33 WoS272016 Salmachi, A., Rajabi, M., Reynolds, P., Yarmohammadtooski, Z., & Wainman, C. (2016). The effect of magmatic intrusions on coalbed methane reservoir characteristics: A case study from the Hoskissons coalbed, Gunnedah Basin, Australia. International Journal of Coal Geology, 165, 278-289.
Scopus37 WoS262016 Hill, R., Beer, Y., Hill, K., Maciunas, E., Tarran, M., & Wainman, C. (2016). Evolution of the eucalypts - an interpretation from the macrofossil record. Australian Journal of Botany, 64(8), 600-608.
Scopus31 WoS26 Europe PMC22015 Wainman, C., McCabe, P., Crowley, J., & Nicoll, R. (2015). U-Pb zircon age of the Walloon Coal Measures in the Surat Basin, southeast Queensland: implications for paleogeography and basin subsidence. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(7), 807-816.
Scopus33 WoS28- Hobbs, R. W., Huber, B. T., & Bogus, K. A. (n.d.). Volume 369: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics.
- Hobbs, R. W., Huber, B. T., & Bogus, K. A. (n.d.). Volume 369: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics.
- Riley, D., Pearce, T., Davidson, M., Sirantoine, E., Lewis, C., & Wainman, C. (n.d.). Application of elemental chemostratigraphy to refine the stratigraphy of the Adavale Basin, Queensland. The APPEA Journal, 63(1), 207-219.
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation 2018 Wainman, C. C. (2018). Recognising base level shifts in the Upper Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Geoscience Council Convention. Adelaide, Australia. 2018 McCabe, P., Holford, S., Huber, B., Hobbs, R., Bogus, K., & Wainman, C. C. (2018). Sedimentological and palynological investigations from Mesozoic strata of the Bight and Mentelle Basins, Australia: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 369.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Geoscience Council Convention. Adelaide, Australia. 2017 Wainman, C. C., & McCabe, P. J. (2017). Overcoming challenges in nonmarine stratigraphy using a multidisciplinary approach: an example from Mesozoic basins of eastern Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. Vienna, Austria. 2017 Wainman, C., & McCabe, P. (2017). Using precise CA-TIMS ages of volcanic air-fall tuff beds in correlating the Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of The APPEA Journal. CSIRO Publishing.
DOI2016 Wainman, C. C., & mccabe. (2016). The Correlation of Fluvio-Lacustrine Strata Using Volcanic Tuffs in the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia: A New Technique in the Exploration Tool Box. Poster session presented at the meeting of Geological Society of London Janet Watson Meeting 2016: The Future of Hydrocarbon Exploration. London, United Kingdom. 2016 Wainman, C. C., & mccabe. (2016). The Correlation of Fluvio-Lacustrine Strata with Dated Volcanic Tuffs: An Example from the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Earth Sciences Convention. Adelaide, Australia. 2016 Wainman, C. C., & mccabe. (2016). Climate or Subsidence? Geologic Controls on the Stratigraphic Distribution of Coal Beds in the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of AESC 2016 – Australian Earth Sciences Convention. Adelaide, Australia. 2016 Wainman, C. C., & McCabe, P. J. (2016). Correlation of Fluvio-Lacustrine Strata Using Volcanic Tuffs: New Insights From the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition. Calgary, Canada. 2016 Wainman, C., & McCabe, P. (2016). Tectonic and climatic controls on facies distribution in the Jurassic Walloon coal measures, Surat basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 April 2016. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
DOI2015 Wainman, C. C., & McCabe, P. (2015). Mires in the dark: high latitude coals in the Jurassic Walloon Subgroup of the Surat Basin, Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia: AAPG Datapages.
Sedimentary evolution of the Ceduna Sub-basin and associated palaeoceanographic changes during the Late Cretaceous (Australian Research Council’s LIEF funding scheme [LE160100067])
PetroEng 2005 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy for Petroleum Engineers
Sydney Basin Field Trip
Date Role Membership Country 2017 - ongoing Member European Geoscience Union Germany 2015 - ongoing Member SEPM - Society for Sedimentary Geology United States 2015 - ongoing Member Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Australia 2014 - ongoing Member American Association of Petroleum Geologists United States 2014 - ongoing Member Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Australia 2013 - ongoing Member Geological Society of London United Kingdom
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