Dr Carlos Bartesaghi Koc
Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr Carlos Bartesaghi Koc is an 'Adjunct Senior Lecturer' at University of Adelaide. Before, he completed his PhD in Planning and Urban Development (UNSW) in 2018, where he analysed the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate using remote sensing, spatial econometrics and predictive modelling methods. His research received the inaugural Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD theses in 2019.
He transitioned into academia at UNSW in 2015 as sessional lecturer before starting his post-doctoral research fellowship in 2018. Afterwards, he became lecturer in Architecture (Environment) at Deakin University in 2019. Over the last 13 years, he has combined teaching and research positions, consultancy activities and practice-based design in Australia, Peru and Chile.
His research centres on environmental geosciences, urban ecology, remote sensing, and urban climatology. He currently focuses on how to rationally quantify the spatial and temporal interactions between the atmosphere, vegetation, and the built form to provide new frameworks and methodologies to support policy- and decision-making to benefit urban planning and design. His second research focus is on climate-sensitive and generative+responsive design supported by computational and sensing technologies such as AI, machine learning, IoT and smart sensors.
The impact of Dr Bartesaghi Koc's research extends well beyond academia. His work has been incorporated into multiple documents of national and international interest (e.g., guides, toolkits, industry reports) to inform decision-making processes for industry and all levels of Australian government (local, state, and federal).
- My Research
- Career
- Publications
- Grants and Funding
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Professional Activities
- Contact
My research spans across multiple spatial scales, disciplines and topics including urban ecology, remote sensing (spaceborne, airborne and terrestrial), numerical modelling and simulation, spatial data science, GIS, responsive+generative design, IoT technologies, machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI), algorithm-based design, urban climatology and meteorology, energy efficiency, air quality, and environmental monitoring.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Adjunct Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2022 - 2023 Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2019 - 2022 Lecturer in Landscape Architecture University of Adelaide 2019 - 2019 Lecturer in Architecture (Environment) Deakin University 2018 - 2019 Postdoctoral research fellow UNSW Australia 2015 - 2018 Sessional lecturer (Course convener) UNSW Australia -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2021 Distinction Commendation award in the Climate Change and Resilience category Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Australia - 2021 Award Commendations for the Enhancement of Innovation of Student Learning The University of Adelaide Australia 1000 2021 Award Best Sustainability Initiative Greater Sydney Commission Planning Awards Australia - 2020 Award 2020 Excellence in Teaching and Learning ECMS University of Adelaide Australia 1000 2019 Award Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses Graduate Research School, UNSW Australia - 2018 Award Thesis submission award Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Australia - 2018 Fellowship PhD Writing Fellowship Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Australia 12,000 2018 Achievement Second place and People's choice award - 3MT competition Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Australia - 2017 Achievement People's choice award - 3MT competition Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW Australia - 2015 Teaching Award Recognition for outstanding teaching performance Built Environment. UNSW Australia - 2015 Scholarship Top-up Scholarship CRC for Low Carbon Living Australia - 2015 Scholarship University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA) UNSW Australia - 2014 Distinction Dean’s Merit List Honour (Sem. 1 & 2) Built Environment, UNSW Australia - 2013 Scholarship Endeavour Scholarship Award Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Australia - 2012 Recognition Recognition for higher Academic and Professional Achievements Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín Peru - 2011 Award Second Place. SAIE Selection 2011 - Architects under 40 Category ARCHIEUROPE Italy - 2009 Award Highly Commended Award. National Architecture Student Competition ARKINKA Peru - 2009 Recognition Honourable Mention. Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Competition UNESCO and Goi Peace Foundation Japan - 2009 Scholarship Scholarship Program for English Studies Fulbright Commission United States - 2009 Award Semi-Finalist & Award of Merit. Urban S.O.S. Competition AECOM United Kingdom - 2008 Honour Medal of Honour Universidad Nacional de San Agustín Peru - 2008 Award Highly Commended Award. Ecohouse International Student Competition The Concrete Centre & Oxford University United Kingdom - 2007 Recognition First Prize “ex aequo”. Bayer Young Environmental Envoy BAYER and UNEP Germany - 2007 Nomination Shortlisted project. 2nd Advanced Architecture Contest. IaaC Spain - 2006 Award First Prize. Architecture and Urbanism Essay Competition Universidad Nacional de San Agustín Peru - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Portuguese Can read, understand spoken and peer review Spanish - Latin American Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2015 - 2018 UNSW Australia Australia PhD in Planning and Urban Development 2013 - 2014 UNSW Australia Australia Master of the Built Environment in Sustainable Development. MB.Env. (SustDev). 2002 - 2008 Universidad nacional de San Agustin (UNSA) Peru Bachelor in Architecture (BArch. – 1st Class Honours) -
Research Interests
Architectural Design Architecture Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing Built Environment and Design Climate Change Processes Climatology Ecology Energy Environmental Engineering Design Environmental Monitoring Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning Landscape Ecology Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Urban and Regional Planning
Year Citation 2025 Fathalizadeh, A., Sharifi, E., & Bartesaghi-Koc, C. (2025). Challenges of the transition to high-performance passive cool Envelopes: A systematic literature review. Energy and Buildings, 115557.
2024 Srinivasan, S., Kryza, T., Bock, N., Tse, B. W. C., Sokolowski, K. A., Janaththani, P., . . . Berndt, S. I. (2024). A PSA SNP associates with cellular function and clinical outcome in men with prostate cancer. Nature Communications, 15(1), 9587.
2024 Lu, L., Guo, H., Weng, Q., Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Li, Q. (2024). A transferable approach to assessing green infrastructure types (GITs) and their effects on surface urban heat islands with multi-source geospatial data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 306, 14 pages.
Scopus62023 Garshasbi, S., Feng, J., Paolini, R., Jonathan Duverge, J., Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Arasteh, S., . . . Santamouris, M. (2023). On the energy impact of cool roofs in Australia. Energy and Buildings, 278, 18 pages.
Scopus25 WoS32023 Cheng, Y., Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Tian, Y., Shen, L., Teng, M., Liu, H., . . . Wu, C. (2023). Where and how to cool through blue infrastructure? Large lake groups to ameliorate urban overheating in a typical inland multi-lake megacity. Sustainable Cities and Society, 98, 17 pages.
Scopus92022 Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2022). Innovative use of spatial regression models to predict the effects of green infrastructure on land surface temperatures. Energy and Buildings, 254, 111564-1-111564-18.
Scopus16 WoS42022 Urech, P. R. W., Mughal, M. O., & Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2022). A simulation-based design framework to iteratively analyze and shape urban landscapes using point cloud modeling. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 91, 101731-1-101731-11.
Scopus16 WoS42022 Kolokotsa, D., Lilli, K., Gobakis, K., Mavrigiannaki, A., Haddad, S., Garshasbi, S., . . . Santamouris, M. (2022). Analyzing the Impact of Urban Planning and Building Typologies in Urban Heat Island Mitigation. Buildings, 12(5).
2021 Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Haddad, S., Pignatta, G., Paolini, R., Prasad, D., & Santamouris, M. (2021). Can urban heat be mitigated in a single urban street? Monitoring, strategies, and performance results from a real scale redevelopment project. Solar Energy, 216, 564-588.
Scopus51 WoS252020 Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2020). Quantifying the seasonal cooling capacity of ‘green infrastructure types’ (GITs): An approach to assess and mitigate surface urban heat island in Sydney, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 203, 21 pages.
Scopus76 WoS382019 Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2019). Mapping and classifying green infrastructure typologies for climate-related studies based on remote sensing data. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 37, 154-167.
Scopus70 WoS452019 Bartesaghi-Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2019). Spatio-temporal patterns in green infrastructure as driver of land surface temperature variability: The case of Sydney. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 83, 17 pages.
Scopus39 WoS252018 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2018). Evaluating the cooling effects of green infrastructure: A systematic review of methods, indicators and data sources. Solar Energy, 166, 486-508.
Scopus227 WoS1442018 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A., & Irger, M. (2018). Understanding Land Surface Temperature Differences of Local Climate Zones Based on Airborne Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 11(8), 2724-2730.
Scopus58 WoS432017 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2017). Towards a comprehensive green infrastructure typology: a systematic review of approaches, methods and typologies. Urban Ecosystems, 20(1), 15-35.
Scopus156 WoS1022016 Koc, C. B., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2016). A Green Infrastructure Typology Matrix to Support Urban Microclimate Studies. Procedia Engineering, 169, 183-190.
Scopus31 WoS18 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2024 Ulpiani, G., Yenneti, K., Pigliautile, I., Pisello, A. L., Martilli, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., . . . Bertoldi, P. (2024). Urban heat mitigation and adaptation: the state of the art. In Mitigation and Adaptation of Urban Overheating: the Impact of Warmer Cities on Climate, Energy, Health, Environmental Quality, Economy, and Quality of Life (pp. 23-90). Elsevier.
DOI Scopus22022 Feng, J., Haddad, S., Gao, K., Garshasbi, S., Ulpiani, G., Santamouris, M., . . . Bartesaghi-Koc, C. (2022). Fighting urban climate change—state of the art of mitigation technologies. In Urban Climate Change and Heat Islands: Characterization, Impacts, and Mitigation (pp. 227-296). Elsevier.
DOI Scopus102022 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Soebarto, V., Hawken, S., & Sharifi, E. (2022). The potential for urban canopy cover to reduce heat-related mortality in Adelaide. In N. Aghamihammadi, & M. Santamouris (Eds.), Urban Overheating: Heat Mitigation and the Impact on Health (First ed., pp. 249-273). Springer.
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation 2016 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A., & Irger, M. (2016). Application of a green infrastructure typology and airborne remote sensing to classify and map urban vegetation for climate adaptation. Poster session presented at the meeting of https://www.nccarf.edu.au/sites/default/files/Climate_Adaptation_2016_Abstract-booklet_final1.pdf. 2016 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Peters, A., & Irger, M. (2016). A methodological framework to assess the thermal performance of green infrastructure through airborne remote sensing. Poster session presented at the meeting of International High- Performance Built Environment Conference – A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16). 2016 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2016). A green infrastructure typology matrix to support urban microclimate studies. Poster session presented at the meeting of 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island. 2016 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., & Peters, A. (2016). Evaluating the thermal performance of urban green infrastructure at local scale: A methodological framework. Poster session presented at the meeting of 11th Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure (ACCARNSI) ECR Conference. 2012 Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2012). The Systemic Approach: A design methodology to face world crisis from architecture and urban planning. Poster session presented at the meeting of EME3. International Architecture Festival: Bottom-UP. Barcelona, Spain. 2012 Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2012). Landscape restoration and sustainable design of the future Landfill of Arequipa metropolitan area. Poster session presented at the meeting of Seminar: System of Parks, Ecological Infrastructure and Natural Areas for Arequipa. 2009 Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2009). Systemic Agro-Tourism, Self-sufficient Eco-shelters in urban degraded contexts. Poster session presented at the meeting of Latin American Architecture Student Summit 2009. Trujillo, Peru. 2007 Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2007). A Systemic Urban Planning. New Technical Instruments for the Urban Planning of Mollebaya District. Poster session presented at the meeting of 8th National & 1st International Congress of Geography: Geography, Globalization and Sustainable Development. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2022 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2022). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 1 - Cool Roofs : International Progress, Technology, Market, and Legislative Frame. 2022 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2022). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 12 – Alice Springs, Darwin and Hobart: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance
of Cool Roofs. Methodology, Global Results and Conclusions..2022 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2022). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 13 – Alice Springs, Darwin and Hobart: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance
of Cool Roofs. Description and Results of Building Case Studies..2022 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2022). Cool Roofs Cost Benefit Analysis - Volume 14 - Barriers,
Implementation Benefits and Drawbacks and Recommendations.2021 McAuley, A., Osmond, P., Bartesaghi Koc, C., & Stoller, P. (2021). Urban Heat Planning Toolkit. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 2 - Sydney: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Methodology, Global Results and Conclusions.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 3 - Sydney: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Description and Results of Building Case Studies.. 2021 Sharifi, E., Bartesaghi Koc, C., VanderBerg, J., Marchant, J., & Soebarto, V. (2021). Microclimate Assessment Report. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 4 - Melbourne: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Methodology, Global Results and Conclusions.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 5 - Melbourne: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Description and Results of Building Case Studies.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 6 - Brisbane: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Methodology, Global Results and Conclusions.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 7 - Brisbane: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Description and Results of Building Case Studies.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 8 - Adelaide: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Methodology, Global Results and Conclusions.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 9 - Adelaide: Analysis and
Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Description and Results of Building Case Studies..2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 10 - Perth: Analysis and Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs. Methodology, Global Results and Conclusions.. 2021 Santamouris, M., Papadopoulos, A., Paolini, R., Khan, A., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Haddad, S., . . . Feng, J. (2021). Cool Roofs Benefit Analysis - Volume 11- Perth : Analysis and
Results of the Climatic and Energy Performance of Cool Roofs.
Description and Results of Building Case Studies..2019 Bartesaghi Koc, C., Osmond, P., Ding, L., Qi, J., Jackson, S., & Durkin, P. (2019). Urban heat amelioration design guide: Reducing urban heat at the lot scale in new developments. 2019 Ding, L., He, B. -J., Craft, W., Petersen, H., Osmond, P., Santamouris, M., . . . Midlam, N. (2019). Cooling Sydney Strategy: Planning for Sydney 2050 (SP0012u3). Sydney: CRC for Low Carbon Living. 2019 Santamouris, M., Pignatta, G., Haddad, S., Paolini, R., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Brozzetti, M., . . . Sansone, G. (2019). Preliminary design of a smart climatic road in Phillip St. Parramatta. 2019 Santamouris, M., Haddad, S., Garshasbi, S., Bartesaghi Koc, C., Paolini, R., Kolokotsa, D., . . . Lilli, K. (2019). Sydney’s Third City: Strategic planning for advanced climate mitigation and energy consumption. CRC for Low Carbon Living. 2019 Roos, P., Wang, R., Jones, D., Walker, A., Sadick, A. -M., & Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2019). Design for Enhanced Learning in Modular Classrooms through Biophilic Design. -
Year Citation 2018 Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2018). Assessing the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate. (PhD Thesis, UNSW Australia). 2011 Bartesaghi Koc, C. (2011). Systemic Recycling: Urban Waste Treatment and Final Disposal Facilities for Arequipa Metropolitan Area. (Undergraduate Dissertation, Universidad Nacional de San Agustin (UNSA)). -
Working Paper
Year Citation 2023 Sharifi, E., Mehdipour, A., Hill, K., Hayter, J., Soebarto, V., Bartesaghi Koc, C., . . . Arakawa Martins, L. (2023). Trees for Urban Streets: A multi-criteria guide to select street trees in Greater Metropolitan Adelaide.
2021 Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources; UNSW
Cool roofs cost benefit analysis study
Value: $AUD 12,000 (PI)
2020 University of Adelaide, ACT Government and Edge Consulting
ACT Government Microclimate Assessment
Value: $AUD 100,187 (CI)
2019 Deakin University, Great Ocean Road Coast Committee (GORCC)
Coastal Scenario Planning Model – Point Impossible to Jan Juc Coastline
Value: $AUD 60,615 (CI)
2019 Deakin University, Melton City Council
Smart Melton: Planning for liveable and sustainable growth
Value: $AUD 150,000 (CI)
2019 Deakin University | ECR Industry collaboration support fund
Collaborative workshops: Interactive Augmented Reality Sandbox
Value: $AUD 1,500 (CIr)
2019 University of New South Wales, HCL Consultants Ltd.
Technical assistance for minimum energy performance standards for buildings in the Indian ocean commission (ioc) member states
Value: $AUD 32,240 (CI)
2019 University of New South Wales, NT Department of Trade
Darwin - Supervision, experiment and evaluation of the cooling performance of the shading and greenery mitigation structure and energy saving potential
Value: $AUD 80,000 (CI)
2018 CRC for Low Carbon Living, City of Parramatta
Preliminary Design of a Smart Climatic Road in Phillip Str Parramatta
Value: $AUD 35,000 (CI)
2018 University of New South Wales | BE S2 2018 Internal Faculty Grant Scheme
PhD Writing Fellowship
Value: $AUD 12,000
2018 Catholic University of Saint Mary (UCSM)
Identification of urban heat islands using thermal and multispectral imagery to support climate change mitigation and adaptation in Arequipa – Peru
Value: $AUD 16,500 (PI)
2016 CRC for Low Carbon Living
Guide to urban cooling strategies (CI)
2015 CRC for Low Carbon Living
Scheme: Node of Excellence – Assessing the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate
Value: $AUD 21,000 (CI)
2014 Travel Grant – Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
To attend the 2014 Summer School at the Faculty of Construction and Environment
Value: $AUD 4,500
University of Adelaide
DESST3516 - Design Studio VI: Adaptogenic Machines
ARCH7034 - Studio Urbanism: Metabolic Fluxes
ARCH7037 - Experiential Studio Onshore
LARCH7031 - Landscape Architecture Studio: Extreme Territories
ARCH7042 - Designing Research
Deakin University
SRT 750 - Sustainable Future (Chair)
SRD 742 - Architecture Masters Studio B
SRD 764 - Urban Design Studio
SRT 711 - Thesis (Supervisor)
LAND 7321 - Landscape Technology 2 (Chair)
LAND 7272 - Landscape Technology 1: Materials and fabrication (Chair)
PLAN 2002 - GIS and Urban Informatics (Chair)
PLAN 1002 - Environment & Sustainability (Chair)
BENV 7728 - GIS and the Built Environment (Chair)
UDES0002 - Urban Design Studio 2 (Co-Chair)
PLAN 7122 - Master of Planning research project (Supervisor)
PLAN 3671 / PLAN7145 / PLAN2007 - City building: Infrastructure Planning
SUSD 0001 - Sustainable Development and Urban Environment
BENV 2930 - Living Architecture
LAND 1351 - Landscape Management
PLAN 7123 - Urban Planning and Infrastructure
SUSD 0002 - Resources, Materials and Sustainability
PLAN 3671 - Transport, Land-use and Environment
BENV 7732 - Sustainable Infrastructure
SUSD 0009 - Environmental Auditing
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Designing authentic ecologies to address the biodiversity crises: Grasslands as designed landscapes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Maximilian Dirk McQuillan -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor A Framework for Embedding Biophilic Design Patterns into Green Building Rating Tools Deakin University - Doctorate Full Time Xiaoyi Guan
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2017 - 2017 Board Member Built Environment Faculty Board UNSW Australia -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2016 - ongoing Member International High-Performance Built Environments Conference (iHBE) iHBE Australia 2009 - 2012 Member Commission for Self-assessment and International Academic Accreditation Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. UNSA Peru -
Date Role Membership Country 2015 - ongoing Member International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC) United States 2009 - ongoing Member Peruvian Institute of Architects (CAP) Peru
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