Professor Carl Spandler
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Dr Carl Spandler uses petrology and geochemistry to research the evolution of the Earth’s crust and mantle, and the formation of metalliferous ore deposits. His areas of expertise include microanalysis of trace elements and isotopes in minerals within their context in rock formations. His current research focuses on understanding how and where ore deposits of critical metals, such as the rare earth elements, are formed in the Australian continent.
Date Position Institution name 2024 - ongoing Professor University of Adelaide 2020 - ongoing Associate Professor the University of Adelaide 2016 - 2020 Associate Professor James Cook University 2008 - 2015 Senior Lecturer James Cook University 2006 - 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow University of Bern -
Date Institution name Country Title 2000 - 2005 Australian National University Australia PhD -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Simpson, B., Ubide, T., & Spandler, C. (2025). Drivers of critical metal enrichment in peralkaline magmas recorded by clinopyroxene zoning. Communications Earth and Environment, 6(1), 9 pages.
2024 Chalmers, S., Zivak, D., Spandler, C., Randle, S., & Walsh, J. (2024). Provenance of the Copi North heavy mineral sands deposit, Murray Basin, Australia, based on the geochronology and geochemistry of detrital zircon, rutile and monazite. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 71(8), 1203-1222.
Scopus22024 Zivak, D., Spandler, C., & Valetich, M. (2024). Geochemical and Isotopic (Nd, Sr) Tracing of the Origin of REE Enrichment in the Cambrian Georgina Basin Phosphorites. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(2), 26 pages.
Scopus12024 Tamblyn, R., Gilbert, S., Glorie, S., Spandler, C., Simpson, A., Hand, M., . . . Tessalina, S. (2024). Molybdenite Reference Materials for In Situ LA-ICP‐MS/MS Re-Os Geochronology. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 48(2), 393-410.
Scopus52024 Zeng, L. -P., Zhao, X. -F., Spandler, C., Mavrogenes, J. A., Mernagh, T. P., Liao, W., . . . Li, J. -W. (2024). The role of iron-rich hydrosaline liquids in the formation of Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite deposits.. Sci Adv, 10(17), eadk2174.
Scopus7 Europe PMC12024 Johns-Mead, L. Y., Spandler, C., & Lloyd, J. C. (2024). Nundorite: a geological oddity of critical minerals significance from the Mount Arrowsmith Volcanics, northwestern NSW. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 71(8), 1223-1238.
Scopus12024 Simpson, A., Glorie, S., Hand, M., Gilbert, S. E., Spandler, C., Dmitrijeva, M., . . . Münker, C. (2024). In situ apatite and carbonate Lu-Hf and molybdenite Re-Os geochronology for ore deposit research: Method validation and example application to Cu-Au mineralisation. Geoscience Frontiers, 15(5), 101867-1-101867-16.
Scopus22024 Spandler, C., & Yeats, C. (2024). The role of geoscience in Australia's critical mineral future. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 71(8), 1013-1015.
2024 Löhr, S. C., Spandler, C., & Baldermann, A. (2024). Controls on rapid rare earth element enrichment in sediments deposited by a continental-scale river system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 366, 48-64.
Scopus42023 Su, Z. K., Zhao, X. F., Wang, C. Y., Zi, J. W., McNaughton, N. J., & Spandler, C. (2023). Hydrothermal alteration episodes reflect multiple Proterozoic tectonic and magmatic events in the Kangdian region, western Yangtze Block. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 136(1-2), 329-350.
2023 Alvaro, M., Cuney, M., Blichert-Toft, J., Galoisy, L., Shim, S. H. D., Scambelluri, M., . . . Wilke, M. (2023). Mineralogical Society of America. Elements, 19(6), 394-395.
2023 Su, J. H., Zhao, X. F., Li, X. C., Chang, S. R., Wu, Y. B., & Spandler, C. (2023). A linkage between early Silurian Nb-REE enriched alkaline magmatism and Neoproterozoic subduction metasomatized mantle in South Qinling, Central China. Lithos, 440-441, 107046.
Scopus7 WoS12023 Brown, A., Spandler, C., & Blenkinsop, T. G. (2023). New age constraints for the Tommy Creek Domain of the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 70(3), 358-374.
2023 Su, Z. K., Zhao, X. F., Wang, C. Y., Zhu, Z. M., Song, W. L., & Spandler, C. (2023). Survival of whole-rock Sm–Nd isotope system from REE redistribution and mineral-scale isotopic resetting amid hydrothermal alteration in REE-rich Fe-Cu deposit. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 348, 9-26.
Scopus82023 Simpson, A., Glorie, S., Hand, M., Spandler, C., & Gilbert, S. (2023). Garnet Lu-Hf speed dating: a novel method to rapidly resolve polymetamorphic histories. Gondwana Research, 121, 215-234.
Scopus27 WoS52023 Walsh, J. M. J., & Spandler, C. (2023). The role of zircon in hydrothermal heavy REE mineralisation: The case for unconformity-related ore deposits of north-west Australia. Chemical Geology, 629, 121493-1-121493-17.
Scopus52022 Edgar, A., Sanislav, I. V., Dirks, P. H. G. M., & Spandler, C. (2022). Metamorphic diamond from the northeastern margin of Gondwana: Paradigm shifting implications for one of Earth's largest orogens. Science Advances, 8(27), 1-8.
Scopus14 WoS42022 Lawrence, L., Spandler, C., Hilbert-Wolf, H. L., Mtelela, C., Stevens, N. J., O'Connor, P. M., & Roberts, E. M. (2022). Radiogenic isotope record of magma genesis and lithospheric geodynamics of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania, from mid Mesozoic to present. Chemical Geology, 608, 1-13.
Scopus5 WoS12022 Calder, M. F., Chang, Z., Arribas, A., Gaibor, A., Dunkley, P., Pastoral, J., . . . Hedenquist, J. W. (2022). High-Grade Copper and Gold Deposited During Postpotassic Chlorite-White Mica-Albite Stage in the Far Southeast Porphyry Deposit, Philippines. Economic Geology, 117(7), 1573-1596.
Scopus72022 Le, T. N. Q., Hessel, V., Tran, Q. D., Tran, N. N., Priest, C., Skinner, W., . . . Cook, N. J. (2022). Critical Elements: Opportunities for Microfluidic Processing and Potential for ESG-Powered Mining Investments. Green Chemistry, 24(23), 8879-8898.
Scopus12 WoS12022 Valetich, M., Zivak, D., Spandler, C., Degeling, H., & Grigorescu, M. (2022). REE enrichment of phosphorites: An example of the Cambrian Georgina Basin of Australia. Chemical Geology, 588, 15 pages.
Scopus29 WoS72022 Henderson, R., Spandler, C., Foley, E. K., Kemp, A. I. S., Roberts, E. M., & Fisher, C. (2022). Early cretaceous tectonic setting of eastern Australia: Evidence from the subduction-related Morton Igneous Association of Southeast Queensland. Lithos, 410-411, 106573-1-106573-13.
Scopus8 WoS42022 Yule, C. T. G., & Spandler, C. (2022). Geophysical and Geochemical Evidence for a New Mafic Magmatic Province Within the Northwest Shelf of Australia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23(2), 1-23.
Scopus5 WoS32022 Simpson, A., Glorie, S., Hand, M., Spandler, C., Gilbert, S., & Cave, B. (2022). In-situ Lu-Hf geochronology of calcite. Geochronology, 4(1), 353-372.
Scopus24 WoS62022 Foley, E. K., Roberts, E. M., Henderson, R. A., Todd, C. N., Knutsen, E. M., & Spandler, C. (2022). Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the northern Great Australian Superbasin: insights from maximum depositional age constraints from the U-Pb detrital zircon record. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 69(7), 929-952.
Scopus6 WoS32022 Zeng, L. -P., Zhao, X. -F., Spandler, C., Hu, H., Hu, B., Li, J. -W., & Hu, Y. (2022). ORIGIN OF HIGH-Ti MAGNETITE IN MAGMATIC-HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS: EVIDENCE FROM IRON OXIDE-APATITE (IOA) DEPOSITS OF EASTERN CHINA. Economic Geology, 117(4), 923-942.
Scopus17 WoS32021 Slezak, P., Spandler, C., Border, A., & Whittock, K. (2021). Geology and ore genesis of the carbonatite-associated Yangibana REE district, Gascoyne Province, Western Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 56(5), 1007-1026.
Scopus7 WoS42021 Lawrence, L., Spandler, C., Roberts, E. M., & Hilbert-Wolf, H. L. (2021). Mineralogy and origin of the alkaline Nsungwe Formation tuffs of the Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania. Lithos, 380-381, 1-17.
Scopus8 WoS52021 Decrausaz, T., Müntener, O., Manzotti, P., Lafay, R., & Spandler, C. (2021). Fossil oceanic core complexes in the Alps. New field, geochemical and isotopic constraints from the Tethyan Aiguilles Rouges Ophiolite (Val d’Hérens, Western Alps, Switzerland). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 114(1), 27 pages.
Scopus18 WoS82021 Li, X. C., Yang, K. F., Spandler, C., Fan, H. R., Zhou, M. F., Hao, J. L., & Yang, Y. H. (2021). The effect of fluid-aided modification on the Sm-Nd and Th-Pb geochronology of monazite and bastnäsite: Implication for resolving complex isotopic age data in REE ore systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 300, 1-24.
Scopus65 WoS322021 Taetz, S., Scherer, E. E., Bröcker, M., Spandler, C., & John, T. (2021). Petrological and Lu–Hf age constraints for eclogitic rocks from the Pam Peninsula, New Caledonia. Lithos, 388-389, 1-15.
Scopus52021 Huang, H. Q., Guillong, M., Hu, Y., & Spandler, C. (2021). Fine tuning laser focus for improved reproducibility of U-Pb isotope analysis by LA-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36(4), 836-844.
Scopus7 WoS62021 Simpson, A., Gilbert, S., Tamblyn, R., Hand, M., Spandler, C., Gillespie, J., . . . Glorie, S. (2021). In situ Lu-Hf geochronology of garnet, apatite and xenotime by LA ICP MS/MS. Chemical Geology, 577, 120299-1-120299-16.
Scopus97 WoS372021 Behnsen, H., Spandler, C., Corral, I., Chang, Z., & Dirks, P. H. G. M. (2021). Copper-gold fertility of arc volcanic rocks: A case study from the Early Permian Lizzie Creek Volcanic Group, NE Queensland, Australia. Economic Geology, 116(5), 1141-1159.
Scopus23 WoS102021 Foley, E. K., Henderson, R. A., Roberts, E. M., Kemp, A. I. S., Todd, C. N., Knutsen, E. M., . . . Spandler, C. (2021). Jurassic arc: reconstructing the lost world of eastern Gondwana. Geology, 49(11), 1391-1396.
Scopus16 WoS102020 Slezak, P., & Spandler, C. (2020). Petrogenesis of the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex, Western Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175(3), 28-1-28-23.
Scopus13 WoS72020 Mrozek, S. A., Chang, Z., Spandler, C., Windle, S., Raraz, C., & Paz, A. (2020). Classifying skarns and quantifying metasomatism at the Antamina deposit, Peru: Insights from whole-rock geochemistry. Economic Geology, 115(1), 177-188.
Scopus14 WoS92020 Nazari-Dehkordi, T., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., & Wilson, R. (2020). Age, geological setting, and paragenesis of heavy rare earth element mineralization of the Tanami region, Western Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 55(1), 107-130.
Scopus11 WoS92020 Spandler, C., Slezak, P., & Nazari-Dehkordi, T. (2020). Tectonic significance of Australian rare earth element deposits. Earth-Science Reviews, 207, 103219-1-103219-16.
Scopus37 WoS192020 Campbell, M. J., Rosenbaum, G., Allen, C. M., & Spandler, C. (2020). Continental Crustal Growth Processes Revealed by Detrital Zircon Petrochronology: Insights From Zealandia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(8), 23 pages.
Scopus16 WoS92020 Chandler, R., & Spandler, C. (2020). The igneous petrogenesis and rare metal potential of the peralkaline volcanic complex of the southern Peak Range, Central Queensland, Australia. Lithos, 358-359, 105386-1-105386-18.
Scopus22 WoS172019 Zeng, L. P., Zhao, X. F., Hammerli, J., Fan, T. W. T., & Spandler, C. (2019). Tracking fluid sources for skarn formation using scapolite geochemistry: an example from the Jinshandian iron skarn deposit, Eastern China. Mineralium Deposita, 55(5), 1029-1046.
Scopus16 WoS112019 Nazari-Dehkordi, T., & Spandler, C. (2019). Paragenesis and composition of xenotime-(Y) and florencite-(Ce) from unconformity-related heavy rare earth element mineralization of northern Western Australia. Mineralogy and Petrology, 113(5), 563-581.
Scopus9 WoS52019 Slezak, P., & Spandler, C. (2019). Carbonatites as recorders of mantle-derived magmatism and subsequent tectonic events: an example of the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex, Western Australia. Lithos, 328-329, 212-227.
Scopus35 WoS252019 Cheng, Y., Spandler, C., Kemp, A., Mao, J., Rusk, B., Hu, Y., & Blake, K. (2019). Controls on cassiterite (SnO₂) crystallization: evidence from cathodoluminescence, trace-element chemistry, and geochronology at the Gejiu Tin District. American Mineralogist, 104(1), 118-129.
Scopus121 WoS732019 Todd, C. N., Roberts, E. M., Knutsen, E. M., Rozefelds, A. C., Huang, H. Q., & Spandler, C. (2019). Refined age and geological context of two of Australia's most important Jurassic vertebrate taxa (Rhoetosaurus brownei and Siderops kehli), Queensland. Gondwana Research, 76, 19-25.
Scopus21 WoS202019 Nazari-Dehkordi, T., Huizenga, J. M., Spandler, C., & Oliver, N. H. S. (2019). Fluid inclusion and stable isotope constraints on the heavy rare earth element mineralisation in the Browns Range Dome, Tanami Region, Western Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, 113, 103068-1-103068-16.
Scopus5 WoS42018 Janots, E., Austrheim, H., Spandler, C., Hammerli, J., Trepmann, C. A., Berndt, J., . . . Kemp, A. I. S. (2018). Rare earth elements and Sm-Nd isotope redistribution in apatite and accessory minerals in retrogressed lower crust material (Bergen Arcs, Norway). Chemical Geology, 484, 120-135.
Scopus20 WoS172018 Cheng, Y., Spandler, C., Chang, Z., & Clarke, G. (2018). Volcanic–plutonic connections and metal fertility of highly evolved magma systems: a case study from the Herberton Sn–W–Mo Mineral Field, Queensland, Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 486, 84-93.
Scopus49 WoS402018 Taetz, S., John, T., Bröcker, M., Spandler, C., & Stracke, A. (2018). Fast intraslab fluid-flow events linked to pulses of high pore fluid pressure at the subducted plate interface. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 482, 33-43.
Scopus109 WoS942018 Slezak, P., Spandler, C., & Blake, K. (2018). Ghosts of apatite past: Using hyperspectral cathodoluminescence and micro-geochemical data to reveal multi-generational apatite in the Gifford Creek carbonatite complex, Australia. Canadian Mineralogist, 56(5), 773-797.
Scopus9 WoS52018 Nazari-Dehkordi, T., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., & Wilson, R. (2018). Unconformity-related rare earth element deposits: a regional-scale hydrothermal mineralization type of Northern Australia. Economic Geology, 113(6), 1297-1305.
Scopus18 WoS112018 Rosenthal, A., Yaxley, G. M., Crichton, W. A., Kovács, I. J., Spandler, C., Hermann, J., . . . Pelleter, A. A. (2018). Phase relations and melting of nominally ‘dry’ residual eclogites with variable CaO/Na₂O from 3 to 5 GPa and 1250 to 1500 °C; implications for refertilisation of upwelling heterogeneous mantle. Lithos, 314-315, 506-519.
Scopus11 WoS92018 Spandler, C., Hammerli, J., & Pirard, C. (2018). Neodymium isotope disequilibria in subducted sediments, and potential consequences for subduction-zone recycling. Geology, 46(9), 815-818.
Scopus21 WoS152017 Nazari-Dehkordi, T., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., Chapman, J., & Wilson, R. (2017). Provenance, tectonic setting and source of Archean metasedimentary rocks of the Browns Range Metamorphics, Tanami Region, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(6), 723-741.
Scopus12 WoS102017 Spandler, C., Hammerli, J., & Yaxley, G. M. (2017). An experimental study of trace element distribution during partial melting of mantle heterogeneities. Chemical Geology, 462, 74-87.
Scopus14 WoS112017 Pirard, C., & Spandler, C. (2017). The zircon record of high-pressure metasedimentary rocks of New Caledonia: implications for regional tectonics of the south-west Pacific. Gondwana Research, 46, 79-94.
Scopus24 WoS212017 Babo, J., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., Brown, M., Rubenach, M. J., & Creaser, R. A. (2017). The high-grade mo-re merlin deposit, cloncurry district, Australia: Paragenesis and geochronology of hydrothermal alteration and ore formation. Economic Geology, 112(2), 397-422.
Scopus21 WoS112017 Dirks, P. H. G. M., Roberts, E. M., Hilbert-Wolf, H., Kramers, J. D., Hawks, J., Dosseto, A., . . . Berger, L. R. (2017). The age of Homo naledi and associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa. eLife, 6, e24231-1-e24231-59.
Scopus202 WoS150 Europe PMC392016 Spandler, C. (2016). Mineral supertrumps: A new card game to assist learning of mineralogy. Journal of Geoscience Education, 64(2), 108-114.
Scopus142016 Jollands, M. C., Hermann, J., St O'Neill, H. C., Spandler, C., & Padrón-Navarta, J. A. (2016). Diffusion of Ti and some divalent cations in olivine as a function of temperature, oxygen fugacity, chemical potentials and crystal orientation. Journal of Petrology, 57(10), 1983-2010.
Scopus35 WoS302016 Spandler, C., & Morris, C. (2016). Geology and genesis of the Toongi rare metal (Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y and REE) deposit, NSW, Australia, and implications for rare metal mineralization in peralkaline igneous rocks. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(12), 104-1-104-24.
Scopus46 WoS362016 Taetz, S., John, T., Bröcker, M., & Spandler, C. (2016). Fluid–rock interaction and evolution of a high-pressure/low-temperature vein system in eclogite from New Caledonia: insights into intraslab fluid flow processes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(11), 27 pages.
Scopus40 WoS322016 Zhou, L., Mavrogenes, J., Spandler, C., & Li, H. (2016). A synthetic fluid inclusion study of the solubility of monazite-(La) and xenotime-(Y) in H₂O-Na-K-Cl-F-CO₂ fluids at 800 °C and 0.5 GPa. Chemical Geology, 442, 121-129.
Scopus32 WoS242016 Hammerli, J., Spandler, C., & Oliver, N. H. S. (2016). Element redistribution and mobility during upper crustal metamorphism of metasedimentary rocks: an example from the eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171(4), 36-1-36-21.
Scopus40 WoS312016 Spandler, C., Hammerli, J., Sha, P., Hilbert-Wolf, H., Hu, Y., Roberts, E., & Schmitz, M. (2016). MKED1: a new titanite standard for in situ analysis of Sm–Nd isotopes and U–Pb geochronology. Chemical Geology, 425, 110-126.
Scopus174 WoS1242015 Hammerli, J., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., Sossi, P., & Dipple, G. M. (2015). Erratum: Zn and Pb mobility during metamorphism of sedimentary rocks and potential implications for some base metal deposits [Miner Deposita, (50), 2015, 657-664, DOI 10.1007/s00126-015-0600-5]. Mineralium Deposita, 50(8), 1031.
Scopus3 WoS12015 Holm, R. J., Spandler, C., & Richards, S. W. (2015). Continental collision, orogenesis and arc magmatism of the Miocene Maramuni arc, Papua New Guinea. Gondwana Research, 28(3), 1117-1136.
Scopus54 WoS402015 Schoneveld, L., Spandler, C., & Hussey, K. (2015). Genesis of the central zone of the Nolans Bore rare earth element deposit, Northern Territory, Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 170(2), 11-1-11-22.
Scopus32 WoS272015 Hammerli, J., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., Sossi, P., & Dipple, G. M. (2015). Zn and Pb mobility during metamorphism of sedimentary rocks and potential implications for some base metal deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 50(6), 657-664.
Scopus31 WoS262015 Mao, J., Pirajno, F., Lehmann, B., Spandler, C., & Cheng, Y. (2015). This special issue honors the distinguished economic geologist, Professor Yuchuan Chen on the occasion of his 80th birthday (2014). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103(1), 1.
2014 Buys, J., Spandler, C., Holm, R. J., & Richards, S. W. (2014). Remnants of ancient Australia in Vanuatu: implications for crustal evolution in island arcs and tectonic development of the southwest Pacific. Geology, 42(11), 939-942.
Scopus77 WoS652014 Hammerli, J., Kemp, A. I. S., & Spandler, C. (2014). Neodymium isotope equilibration during crustal metamorphism revealed by in situ microanalysis of REE-rich accessory minerals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 392, 133-142.
Scopus89 WoS662014 Rosenthal, A., Yaxley, G. M., Green, D. H., Hermann, J., Kovács, I., & Spandler, C. (2014). Continuous eclogite melting and variable refertilisation in upwelling heterogeneous mantle. Scientific Reports, 4(1), 6099-1-6099-6.
Scopus64 WoS59 Europe PMC12014 Spandler, C., Pettke, T., & Hermann, J. (2014). Experimental study of trace element release during ultrahigh-pressure serpentinite dehydration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 391, 296-306.
Scopus53 WoS452014 Hammerli, J., Spandler, C., Oliver, N. H. S., & Rusk, B. (2014). Cl/Br of scapolite as a fluid tracer in the earth's crust: Insights into fluid sources in the Mary Kathleen Fold Belt, Mt. Isa Inlier, Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32(1), 93-112.
Scopus48 WoS412013 Holm, R. J., Spandler, C., & Richards, S. W. (2013). Melanesian arc far-field response to collision of the Ontong Java Plateau: Geochronology and petrogenesis of the Simuku Igneous Complex, New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics, 603, 189-212.
Scopus39 WoS322013 Cheng, Y., Mao, J., & Spandler, C. (2013). Petrogenesis and geodynamic implications of the Gejiu igneous complex in the western Cathaysia block, South China. Lithos, 175-176, 213-229.
Scopus102 WoS722013 Spandler, C., & Pirard, C. (2013). Element recycling from subducting slabs to arc crust: a review. Lithos, 170-171, 208-223.
Scopus510 WoS4232013 Hammerli, J., Rusk, B., Spandler, C., Emsbo, P., & Oliver, N. H. S. (2013). In situ quantification of Br and Cl in minerals and fluid inclusions by LA-ICP-MS: a powerful tool to identify fluid sources. Chemical Geology, 337-338, 75-87.
Scopus78 WoS682012 Cheng, Y., Spandler, C., Mao, J., & Rusk, B. G. (2012). Granite, gabbro and mafic microgranular enclaves in the Gejiu area, Yunnan Province, China: A case of two-stage mixing of crust- and mantle-derived magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 164(4), 659-676.
Scopus73 WoS562012 Spandler, C., Martin, L. H. J., & Pettke, T. (2012). Carbonate assimilation during magma evolution at Nisyros (Greece), South Aegean Arc: Evidence from clinopyroxenite xenoliths. Lithos, 146-147, 18-33.
Scopus37 WoS362012 Kodolányi, J., Pettke, T., Spandler, C., Kamber, B. S., & Ling, K. G. (2012). Geochemistry of ocean floor and fore-arc serpentinites: Constraints on the ultramafic input to subduction zones. Journal of Petrology, 53(2), 235-270.
Scopus268 WoS2292011 Price, R., Spandler, C., Arculus, R., & Reay, A. (2011). The Longwood Igneous Complex, Southland, New Zealand: A Permo-Jurassic, intra-oceanic, subduction-related, I-type batholithic complex. Lithos, 126(1-2), 1-21.
Scopus31 WoS312011 Spandler, C., Pettke, T., & Rubatto, D. (2011). Internal and external fluid sources for eclogite-facies veins in the Monviso Meta-ophiolite, Western Alps: Implications for fluid flow in subduction zones. Journal of Petrology, 52(6), 1207-1236.
Scopus233 WoS1952011 Cenki-Tok, B., Oliot, E., Rubatto, D., Berger, A., Engi, M., Janots, E., . . . Goncalves, P. (2011). Preservation of Permian allanite within an Alpine eclogite facies shear zone at Mt Mucrone, Italy: Mechanical and chemical behavior of allanite during mylonitization. Lithos, 125(1-2), 40-50.
Scopus54 WoS442010 Spandler, C., Yaxley, G., Green, D. H., & Scott, D. (2010). Experimental phase and melting relations of metapelite in the upper mantle: Implications for the petrogenesis of intraplate magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160(4), 569-589.
Scopus80 WoS682010 Spandler, C., & O'Neill, H. S. C. (2010). Diffusion and partition coefficients of minor and trace elements in San Carlos olivine at 1,300°C with some geochemical implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159(6), 791-818.
Scopus227 WoS1842010 Ebert, A., Gnos, E., Ramseyer, K., Spandler, C., Fleitmann, D., Bitzios, D., & Decrouez, D. (2010). Provenance of marbles from Naxos based on microstructural and geochemical characterization. Archaeometry, 52(2), 209-228.
Scopus19 WoS182008 Spandler, C., Yaxley, G., Green, D. H., & Rosenthal, A. (2008). Phase relations and melting of anhydrous k-bearing eclogite from 1200 to 1600°C and 3 to 5 GPa. Journal of Petrology, 49(4), 771-795.
Scopus177 WoS1572008 Janots, E., Engi, M., Berger, A., Allaz, J., Schwarz, J. O., & Spandler, C. (2008). Prograde metamorphic sequence of REE minerals in pelitic rocks of the Central Alps: Implications for allanite-monazite-xenotime phase relations from 250 to 610°C. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26(5), 509-526.
Scopus254 WoS2152008 Spandler, C., Hermann, J., Faure, K., Mavrogenes, J. A., & Arculus, R. J. (2008). The importance of talc and chlorite "hybrid" rocks for volatile recycling through subduction zones; evidence from the high-pressure subduction mélange of New Caledonia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 155(2), 181-198.
Scopus161 WoS1402008 Hermann, J., & Spandler, C. J. (2008). Sediment melts at sub-arc depths: An experimental study. Journal of Petrology, 49(4), 717-740.
Scopus454 WoS3892007 Spandler, C., O'Neill, H. S. C., & Kamenetsky, V. S. (2007). Survival times of anomalous melt inclusions from element diffusion in olivine and chromite. Nature, 447(7142), 303-306.
Scopus129 WoS113 Europe PMC42007 Spandler, C., Mavrogenes, J., & Hermann, J. (2007). Experimental constraints on element mobility from subducted sediments using high-P synthetic fluid/melt inclusions. Chemical Geology, 239(3-4), 228-249.
Scopus193 WoS1682006 Hermann, J., Spandler, C., Hack, A., & Korsakov, A. V. (2006). Aqueous fluids and hydrous melts in high-pressure and ultra-high pressure rocks: Implications for element transfer in subduction zones. Lithos, 92(3-4), 399-417.
Scopus571 WoS4992006 Spandler, C., & Hermann, J. (2006). High-pressure veins in eclogite from New Caledonia and their significance for fluid migration in subduction zones. Lithos, 89(1-2), 135-153.
Scopus122 WoS992005 Spandler, C., Mavrogenes, J., & Arculus, R. (2005). Origin of chromitites in layered intrusions: Evidence from chromite-hosted melt inclusions from the Stillwater Complex. Geology, 33(11), 893-896.
Scopus135 WoS1052005 Spandler, C., Rubatto, D., & Hermann, J. (2005). Late Cretaceous-Tertiary tectonics of the southwest Pacific: Insights from U-Pb sensitive, high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of eclogite facies rocks from New Caledonia. Tectonics, 24(3), 1-16.
Scopus86 WoS742005 Spandler, C., Worden, K., Arculus, R., & Eggins, S. (2005). Igneous rocks of the brook street terrane, New Zealand: Implications for permian tectonics of eastern gondwana and magma genesis in modern intra-oceanic volcanic arcs. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 48(1), 167-183.
Scopus46 WoS412004 Spandler, C., Hermann, J., Arculus, R., & Mavrogenes, J. (2004). Geochemical heterogeneity and element mobility in deeply subducted oceanic crust; insights from high-pressure mafic rocks from New Caledonia. Chemical Geology, 206(1-2), 21-42.
Scopus165 WoS1492004 Spandler, C., Hermann, J., & Rubatto, D. (2004). Exsolution of thortveitite, yttrialite, and xenotime during low-temperature recrystallization of zircon from New Caledonia, and their significance for trace element incorporation in zircon. American Mineralogist, 89(11-12), 1795-1806.
Scopus75 WoS642004 Spandler, C., Hermann, J., Arculus, R., & Mavrogenes, J. (2004). Reply to comments on "Redistribution of trace elements during prograde metamorphism from lawsonite blueschist to eclogite facies: Implications for deep subduction zone processes". Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 148(4), 506-509.
Scopus3 WoS32003 Spandler, C., Hermann, J., Arculus, R., & Mavrogenes, J. (2003). Redistribution of trace elements during prograde metamorphism from lawsonite blueschist to eclogite facies; implications for deep subduction-zone processes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 146(2), 205-222.
Scopus342 WoS3102003 Spandler, C. J., Arculus, R. J., Eggins, S. M., Mavrogenes, J. A., Price, R. C., & Reay, A. J. (2003). Petrogenesis of the Greenhills Complex, southland, New Zealand: Magmatic differentiation and cumulate formation at the roots of a Permian island-arc volcano. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 144(6), 703-721.
Scopus80 WoS732000 Spandler, C. J., Eggins, S. M., Arculus, R. J., & Mavrogenes, J. A. (2000). Using melt inclusions to determine parent-magma compositionsof layered intrusions: Application to the Greenhills Complex(New Zealand), a platinum group minerals-bearing, island-arcintrusion. Geology, 28(11), 991-994.
Scopus452000 Spandler, C. J., Eggins, S. M., Arculus, R. J., & Mavrogenes, J. A. (2000). Using melt inclusions to determine parent-magma compositions of layered intrusions: Application to the Greenhills Complex (New Zealand), a platinum group minerals-bearing, island-arc intrusion. GEOLOGY, 28(11), 991-994.
WoS36 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2019 Yaxley, G. M., Ghosh, S., Kiseeva, E. S., Mallik, A., Spandler, C., Thomson, A. R., & Walter, M. J. (2019). CO<inf>2</inf>-Rich Melts in Earth. In B. N. Orcutt, I. Daniel, & R. Dasgupta (Eds.), Deep Carbon: Past to Present (pp. 129-162). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
DOI Scopus342015 Namur, O., Abily, B., Boudreau, A. E., Blanchette, F., Bush, J. W. M., Ceuleneer, G., . . . Veksler, I. V. (2015). Igneous layering in basaltic magma chambers. In Layered Intrusions (pp. 75-152). Springer Netherlands.
DOI Scopus48 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2013 Babo, J., Spandler, C., Rubenach, M., Oliver, N., & Brown, M. (2013). The Merlin high grade Mo-Re deposit, Cloncurry District, Australia. In E. Jonsson (Ed.), MINERAL DEPOSIT RESEARCH FOR A HIGH-TECH WORLD, VOLS. 1-4 (pp. 1352-1354). Geol Survey Sweden, Uppsala, SWEDEN: SGU-SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA UNDERSOKNING-GEOLOGY SURVEY SWEDEN.
WoS12011 Babo, J., Spandler, C., Rubenach, M., Oliver, N., & Brown, M. (2011). The molybdenum (±Cu-Au) mineralization of the Lanham's prospect, Cloncurry district, Australia. In F. Barra, M. Reich, E. Campos, & F. Tornos (Eds.), LET'S TALK ORE DEPOSITS, VOLS I AND II (pp. 462-464). Univ Catolica del Norte, Antofagasta, CHILE: EDICIONES UNIV CATOLICA NORTE. 2010 Spandler, C., Yaxley, G., Green, D. H., & Scott, D. (2010). Experimental phase and melting relations of metapelite in the upper mantle - Implications for the petrogenesis of intraplate magmas. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 74 (pp. A981). Knoxville, TN: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2010 Spandler, C., Pettke, T., & Hermann, J. (2010). Experimental and natural constraints on the composition of UHP metamorphic fluids. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 74 (pp. A981). Knoxville, TN: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2010 Spandler, C., Pettke, T., & Rubatto, D. (2010). Geochemical tracking of fluid sources in metamorphic veins; an example from eclogites of the Western Alps. In P. J. Williams (Ed.), SMART SCIENCE FOR EXPLORATION AND MINING, VOL 1 AND 2 (pp. 752-754). James Cook Univ, Townsville, AUSTRALIA: JAMES COOK UNIV. 2010 Dijkstra, A. H., Sergeev, D. S., Spandler, C., Pettke, T., Meisel, T., & Cawood, P. A. (2010). Highly refractory peridotites on Macquarie Island and the case for anciently depleted domains in the Earth's mantle. In Journal of Petrology Vol. 51 (pp. 469-493). Shasta City, CA: OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
DOI Scopus54 WoS452009 Yaxley, G. M., Spandler, C. S., Sobolev, A. V., Rosenthal, A., & Green, D. H. (2009). Melting and melt-peridotite interactions in heterogeneous upper mantle sources of primitive volcanics. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 73 (pp. A1482). Davos, SWITZERLAND: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2009 Spandler, C., Pettke, T., & Hermann, J. (2009). The composition of serpentinite dehydration fluids in subduction zones: An experimental study. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 73 (pp. A1256). Davos, SWITZERLAND: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
WoS42009 Kodolanyi, J., Pettke, T., Spandler, C., Scambelluri, M., John, T., Kamber, B., & Gmeling, K. (2009). Trace element records of hydration and dehydration reactions in ultramafic rocks. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 73 (pp. A672). Davos, SWITZERLAND: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2009 Cenki-Tok, B., Berger, A., Thomsen, T. B., Goncalves, P., Oliot, E., Engi, M., & Spandler, C. (2009). Allanite <i>in situ</i> dating in mylonite: Case study at the Mt Mucrone, Italy. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 73 (pp. A202). Davos, SWITZERLAND: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2008 Spandler, C., Pettke, T., Berger, A., & Magee, C. (2008). New constraints on the high-field-strength element concentration of NIST SRM 610 and 612 glasses. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 72 (pp. A887). Vancouver, CANADA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2008 Rosenthal, A., Yaxley, G. M., Green, D. H., Hermann, J., & Spandler, C. S. (2008). Melting of residual eclogites with variable proportions of quartz/coesite. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 72 (pp. A806). Vancouver, CANADA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 2008 Kodolanyi, J., Spandler, C., John, T., Scambelluri, M., & Pettke, T. (2008). Olivine-Ti-clinohumite veins and their relation to partial dehydration of high pressure serpentinites. In GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Vol. 72 (pp. A486). Vancouver, CANADA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Lloyd, J., Gilbert, S., Glorie, S., Hand, M., & Spandler, C. (2023). In-situ Rb–Sr dating of micas: the devil is in the details. Poster session presented at the meeting of Goldschmidt 2023. 2018 Elliott, M. C., Peixotto, B., Morris, H., Feuerriegel, E. M., Tucker, S., Hunter, R., . . . Berger, L. R. (2018). Hominin material recovered from the base of the Chute in the Hill Antechamber, in the Dinaledi Chamber System of the Rising Star Cave. Poster session presented at the meeting of AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. Austin, TX: WILEY.
WoS22018 Berger, L. R., Elliott, M. C., Peixotto, B., Morris, H., Feuerriegel, E. M., Tucker, S. J., . . . Hawks, J. (2018). A New Naming Scheme for the Dinaledi Chamber System and Associated Antechambers and Passages of the Rising Star Cave System, South Africa. Poster session presented at the meeting of AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. Austin, TX: WILEY.
WoS2 -
Report for External Bodies
Australian Research Council Linkage Project (2020-2023) LP190100635: Realising Australia’s rare earth resource potential
Department of Natural Resources & Mines (QLD government): REE ore potential of Tertiary volcanic systems of central QLD (2020-2024)
Department of Natural Resources & Mines (QLD government): Formation of phosphorite-hosted REE mineralisation in the NW Minerals Province, QLD (2020-2022)
Australian Research Council Mid Career Industry Fellowship (2024-2029): Securing the pipeline of lithium for the renewable energy transition
Australian Research Council Industrial Transformational Training Centre (2024-2029): ARC Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future
Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry & Economic Geology across all levels
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Principal Supervisor Exposing a new rare earth element mineralisation province at the western margin of the Pine Creek Orogen, Northern Territory Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Cooper Thomas Ferguson 2025 Co-Supervisor Volcanic Arc Origin, Structural Evolution and Amalgamation History of the Midyan and Hijaz Terranes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nicko Wyndham 2024 Co-Supervisor Volcanic eruptions through volcanic stratigraphy: Using geochemistry to understand the evolution of eruptions and subsurface systems. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Joshua Luke Coker 2024 Principal Supervisor Source and evolution of LCT Pegmatites in the Bynoe pegmatite field, Northern Territory, Australia. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Samuel Colin Chalmers 2024 Principal Supervisor Geological origins of Li-rich pegmatite ores in central Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr A.S.M. Mehedi Hasan 2024 Principal Supervisor The critical metal niobium: from source to commodity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Holly Maddison Cooke 2023 Co-Supervisor Sedimentary-hosted critical mineral systems in the McArthur Basin, Northern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Dana Nicola Imbrogno 2022 Co-Supervisor Tracing the movement of metals through the mantle and crust using Cu isotopes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Oliver Thomas Pring 2022 Co-Supervisor Crystal and isotopic constraints on magma genesis and ascent in modern and ancient arcs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Francisca Constanza Mallea Lillo -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Development of laser ablation collision/reaction cell Lu-Hf geochronology Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Alexander David Simpson
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