2023 |
O’Callaghan-Reay, H., Howard, C. Q., Craig, R., Hunter, M., Moore, S., Forrest, J., & Leav, O. (2023). Acoustic transmission loss of a fluid-filled rubber hose. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2023 Vol. 52 (pp. 065005-1-065005-13). Online: Acoustical Society of America. DOI |
2023 |
Cazzolato, B., Leav, O., & Howard, C. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE FROM OPEN-CYCLE GAS TURBINES. In Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Online: Society of Acoustics. |
2022 |
Cazzolato, B., Leav, O., & Howard, C. (2022). Sound directivity from a 250kW gas turbine exhaust system. In N. Kessissoglou, & M. Buret (Eds.), Proceedings of Acoustics Wollongong : Making Waves (2021) (pp. 1-8). Toowong DC QLD, Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2022 |
Howard, C. Q. (2022). Application of Improved Sliding DFT Algorithm for Non-Integer k. In Proceedings of Acoustics Wollongong : Making Waves (2021) (pp. 1-8). Toowong DC QLD, Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2020 |
Farajpour Ouderji, A., Howard, C., & Robertson, W. (2020). Stress-driven nonlocal integral elasticity for nanostructures. In 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites. University of Porto, Portugal. |
2019 |
Larizza, F., Howard, C., Grainger, S., & Wang, W. (2019). Detection and location of defects in rolling element bearing using acoustic emission. In Proceedings of the 18th Australian International Aerospace Congress (AIAC18) (pp. 843-848). Melbourne, Australia: Engineers Australia, Royal Aeronautical Society. |
2018 |
Howard, C., Sergiienko, N., & Gallasch, G. (2018). Monitoring the age of vehicle shock absorbers. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Innovation for Land Power 2018 (ICSILP 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia: DST Group. |
2018 |
Zander, A., Ayub, M., Cazzolato, B., Howard, C., Nine, M. J., Losic, D., . . . Bennett, H. (2018). Acoustics at the Nanoscale. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (AAS2018): Acoustics 2018: Hear to Listen (pp. 51-68). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2018 |
Zander, A., Ayub, M., Cazzolato, B., Howard, C., Nine, M. J., Losic, D., . . . Bennett, H. (2018). Acoustics at the Nanoscale. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (AAS2018): Acoustics 2018: Hear to Listen (pp. 51-68). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2018 |
Leav, O., Cazzolato, B., & Howard, C. (2018). Experimental analysis of sound directivity from sound propagation through non-isothermal, turbulent exhaust jets in cross-flow. In Proceedings of the Australian Acoustical Society Annual Conference (pp. 208-217). online: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2018 |
Howard, C., Hodgson, J., & Koh, L. (2018). Heart rate measurement of nesting birds using a microphone in a plastic egg. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (AAS2018): Acoustics 2018: Hear to Listen (pp. 453-462). Adelaide, South Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus1 |
2018 |
Larizza, F., Howard, C., Grainger, S., & Wang, W. (2018). Modelling and defect size estimation of a defective bearing. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (AAS2018): Acoustics 2018: Hear to Listen (pp. 463-471). Adelaide, South Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2017 |
Leav, O., Cazzolato, B., & Howard, C. (2017). A computational analysis of sound directivity from sound propagation through non-isothermal, turbulent exhaust jets in cross-flow. In 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017 (pp. 1-8). Online: IIAV. Scopus4 |
2017 |
Larizza, F., Howard, C., Grainger, S., & Wang, W. (2017). Modelling of defective bearings - the importance of the leading and trailing edge angle of a defect. In 17th Australian International Aerospace Congress (AIAC) (pp. 741-748). Melbourne, Australia: Engineers Australia, Royal Aeronautical Society. |
2016 |
Ayub, M., Zander, A., Howard, C., Cazzolato, B., Huang, D., Alvarez, N., & Shanov, V. (2016). Acoustic absorption behaviour of a tall carbon nanotube forest. In I. Hillock, & D. Mee (Eds.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2016 Vol. 1 (pp. 1-10). Brisbane, Qld: The Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus3 |
2016 |
Howard, C., Leclercq, D., & Hunter, M. (2016). Active exhaust silencer using an oscillating butterfly valve. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration: From Ancient to Modern Acoustics, 2016 (pp. 1-8). Athens, Greece: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration. |
2015 |
Ahmadi, A., & Howard, C. (2015). Observation and analysis of the vibration and displacement signature of defective bearings due to various speeds and loads. In INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (pp. 1-12). online: European Acoustics Association. |
2015 |
Leav, O., Cazzolato, B., & Howard, C. (2015). Directivity analysis of sound in turbulent exhaust jets with laminar cross-flow: A numerical study. In Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus5 |
2015 |
Griscti, H., McPeake, J., Scott, B., & Howard, C. (2015). Design and analysis of a thermoacoustic heat engine. In Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2015 |
Hunter, M., Leclercq, D., & Howard, C. (2015). Mechanical design of flow control of the exhaust noise from a V6 petrol engine. In Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley (pp. 1-9). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus1 |
2015 |
Cotton, B., Damin, L., Silvestri, A., & Howard, C. (2015). Exhaust silencer using water injection. In Acoustics 2015 Hunter Valley (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus3 |
2014 |
Ayub, M., Zander, A., Howard, C., Cazzolato, B., Shanov, V., Alvarez, N., & Huang, D. (2014). Acoustic absorption behaviour of carbon nanotube arrays. In J. Davy, C. Don, T. McMinn, L. Dowsett, N. Broner, & M. Burgess (Eds.), Proceedings of 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (pp. 1-10). Melbourne: The Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus11 |
2014 |
Leclercq, D., Howard, C., Hobson, P., Dickson, S., Zander, A., & Burch, M. (2014). Controlling cyanobacteria with ultrasound. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 10 pages). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus8 |
2014 |
Leclercq, D., & Howard, C. (2014). Active flow control of the exhaust noise from internal combustion piston engine. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 10 pages). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus1 |
2014 |
Petersen, D., & Howard, C. (2014). Bearing defect size estimation for extended raceway defects. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus3 |
2014 |
Singh, S., Howard, C., Hansen, C., & Köpke, U. (2014). Numerical noise generation in modelled bearing vibration signals. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus4 |
2014 |
Doherty, K., Larizza, F., Tripodi, M., & Howard, C. (2014). Adaptive quarter wavelength tube tuned by varying air Temperature. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2014 |
Moazenahmadi, A., Petersen, D., Howard, C., & Sawalhi, N. (2014). Defect size estimation and analysis of the path of rolling elements in defective bearings with respect to the operational speed. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus10 |
2013 |
Tetlow, M., Howard, C., & Green, J. (2013). Integrated submarine performance simulation. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2013 (pp. 1075-1081). Australia: The Modelling and Simulation Society of Aust & NZ. |
2013 |
Howard, C. (2013). Transmission matrix model of a quarter-wave-tube with gas temperature gradients. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2013: Science Technology and Amenity. Annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (pp. 1-6). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2013 |
Petersen, C., & Howard, C. (2013). Simulation and design of a microphone array for beamforming on a moving acoustic source. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2013: Science Technology and Amenity. Annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (pp. 1-8). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2013 |
Singh, S., Kopke, U., Howard, C., Petersen, C., & Rennison, D. (2013). Impact generating mechanisms in damaged rolling element bearings. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2013: Science Technology and Amenity. Annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (pp. 1-7). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus3 |
2013 |
Moazen Ahmadi, A., Petersen, C., & Howard, C. (2013). A nonlinear dynamic model of the vibration response of defective rolling element bearings. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2013: Science Technology and Amenity. Annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (pp. 1-7). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus8 |
2013 |
Ayub, M., Zander, A., Howard, C., Cazzolato, B., & Huang, D. (2013). A review of MD simulations of acoustic absorption mechanisms at the nanoscale. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2013: Science Technology and Amenity. Annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (pp. 1-8). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus2 |
2013 |
Howard, C. (2013). Transmission matrix model of a quarter-wave- Tube with gas temperature gradients. In Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2013, Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity (pp. 120-125). |
2012 |
Groocock, D., Menzies, B., & Howard, C. (2012). Extending submarine equipment beyond its service life. In RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Maritime Conference 2012, Pacific 2012 (pp. 607-616). |
2012 |
Craig, R., & Howard, C. (2012). Development of an adaptive quarter-wave tube attached to a large diesel engine. In Proceedings of Acoustics 2012 (pp. 1-7). CDROM: The Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus4 |
2012 |
Howard, C. Q., & Craig, R. A. (2012). Variation in acoustic performance of an adaptive quarter wave tube with orifice geometries of side-branches in a duct with flowing gas. In Australian Acoustical Society Conference 2012: Acoustics 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment (pp. 119-124). Fremantle, Western Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2011 |
Howard, C. (2011). Recent developments in submarine vibration isolation and noise control. In Proceedings of the Submarine Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2011 (pp. 283-288). Australia: Engineers Australia. |
2011 |
Maddern, A., Privopoulos, E., & Howard, C. (2011). Emergency vehicle auditory warning signals: physical and psychoacoustic considerations. In Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2011: Breaking new ground (pp. 1-5). CD: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus8 |
2011 |
Ayub, M., Zander, A., Howard, C., & Cazzolato, B. (2011). A review of acoustic absorption mechanisms of nanoscopic fibres. In Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2011: Breaking new ground (pp. 139-146). CD: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus5 |
2011 |
Howard, C. (2011). A new cost function algorithm for adaptive-passive vibration and acoustic resonators. In Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2011: Breaking new ground (pp. 1-6). CD: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2011 |
Howard, C., & Craig, R. (2011). Adaptive-passive quarter-wave tube resonator silencer. In Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2011: Breaking new ground (pp. 1-6). CD: Australian Acoustical Society. Scopus6 |
2010 |
Grande, V., Andreasson, T., & Howard, C. (2010). Liquid oxygen recharge system for submarines. In International Maritime Conference 2010, Pacific 2010 (pp. 201-210). |
2009 |
Gardner, D., & Howard, C. (2009). Waste-heat-driven thermoacoustic engine and refrigerator. In Proceedings of Acoustics 2009 (pp. 1-4). CD: AAS. Scopus10 |
2009 |
Kuik, S., Howard, C., Hansen, C., & Zander, A. (2009). Tuned vibration absorbers for control of noise radiated by a panel. In Proceedings of Acoustics 2009 (pp. 1-5). CD: AAS. Scopus3 |
2009 |
Howard, C. (2009). Review of adaptive tuned vibration neutralisers. In Proceedings of Acoustics 2009 (pp. 1-6). CD: AAS. Scopus5 |
2008 |
Singh, S., Hansen, C., & Howard, C. (2008). A detailed tutorial for evaluating in-duct net acoustic power transmission in a circular duct with an attached cylindrical Helmholtz resonator using transfer matrix method. In Proceedings of the Acoustics 2008 (pp. 1). Australia: AAS. Scopus2 |
2008 |
Howard, C. (2008). Transmission loss of a panel with an array of tuned vibration absorbers. In Acoustics 2008: acoustics and sustainabilit (pp. proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, 24-26 November, 2008, Geelong, Victoria, Australia). Geelong, Victoria: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2007 |
Hansen, C., Qiu, X., Petersen, C., & Howard, C. (2007). Active noise and vibration control system design considerations. In Janusz Kowal (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Active Noise and Vibration Control Methods (pp. 14-31). Poland: Jaroslaw A Jagla. |
2007 |
Howard, C. (2007). Theoretical and experimental results of the transmission loss of a plate with discrete masses attached. In Nicole Kessissoglou (Ed.), Proceedings of ICSV14 Vol. 1 (pp. 1-8). CDROM: AAS. Scopus6 |
2007 |
Puri, R., Morrey, D., Durodola, J., Morgans, R., & Howard, C. (2007). A comparison of structural-acoustic coupled reduced order models ({ROMS}): Modal coupling and implicit moment matching via Arnoldi. In Nicole Kessissoglou (Ed.), Proceedings of ICSV14 (pp. 1-8). CDROM: AAS. |
2007 |
Morgans, R., Howard, C., Zander, A., Hansen, C., & Murphy, D. (2007). Derivative free optimisation in engineering acoustics. In Nicole Kessissoglou (Ed.), Proceedings of ICSV14 Vol. 1 (pp. 1-9). CDROM: AAS. Scopus1 |
2007 |
Hansen, C., Qiu, X., Barrault, G., Howard, C., Petersen, C., & Singh, S. (2007). Optimisation of active and semi-active noise and vibration control systems. In Nicole Kessissoglou (Ed.), Proceedings of ICSV14 Vol. 5 (pp. 1-30). CDROM: AAS. Scopus5 |
2007 |
Puri, R. S., Morrey, D., Durodola, J. F., Morgans, R. C., & Howard, C. Q. (2007). A comparison of structural-acoustic coupled reduced order models (ROMS): Modal coupling and implicit moment matching via Arnoldi. In 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2007, ICSV 2007 Vol. 5 (pp. 4318-4325). Scopus2 |
2006 |
Howard, C., & Leclercq, D. (2006). Feedback noise control of low frequency noise in a station-wagon using a field programmable analog array (FPAA). In M. Kidner, & C. Howard (Eds.), Proceedings of ACTIVE 2006 (pp. CDROM1-CDROM12). Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2006 |
Singh, S., Howard, C., & Hansen, C. (2006). Tuning a semi-active Helmholtz resonator. In M. Kidner, & C. Howard (Eds.), ACTIVE 2006 (pp. CDROM1-CDROM12). Australia: Australian Acoustical Society. |
2006 |
Howard, C., & Kidner, M. (2006). Experimental validation of a model for the transmission loss of a plate with an array of lumped masses. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Noise of Progress (pp. CDROM169-CDROM177). New Zealand: New Zealand Acoustical Society. Scopus11 |
2006 |
Howard, C. (2006). Impedance correction for a branched duct in a thermoacoustic air-conditioner. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Noise of Progress (pp. CDROM429-CDROM433). New Zealand: New Zealand Acoustical society. |
2006 |
Zoontjens, L., Howard, C., Zander, A., & Cazzolato, B. (2006). Modelling and optimisation of acoustic inertance segments for thermoacoustic devices. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings First Australasian Acoustical Societies' Conference : Acoustics 2006 : Noise of Progress (pp. 435-441). Christchurch, New Zealand: New Zealand Acoustical Society. Scopus14 |
2006 |
Singh, S., Hansen, C., & Howard, C. (2006). The elusive cost function for tuning adaptive Helmholtz resonators. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Noise of Progress (pp. CDROM75-CDROM82). New Zealand: New Zealand Acoustical Society. Scopus5 |
2005 |
Kidner, M., Howard, C., & Gardner, B. (2005). Improvements in panel insertion loss by addition of random masses embedded in a poro-elastic layer: Modelling procedures. In ISCV12: Proceedings of the 12th International congress of sound and vibration Vol. 6 (pp. 5193-5200). The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration. Scopus3 |
2005 |
Howard, C., Hansen, C., & Zander, A. (2005). Review of current recommendations for airborne ultrasound exposure limits. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 341-343). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). |
2005 |
Howard, C., Hansen, C., & Zander, A. (2005). Noise reduction of a rocket payload fairing using tuned vibration absorbers with translational and rotational DOFs. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 165-171). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). Scopus6 |
2005 |
Howard, C., Hansen, C., & Zander, A. (2005). Optimisation of design and location of acoustic and vibration absorbers using a distributed computing network. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 173-178). Abbey Beach Resort, Busselton, Western Australia: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). |
2005 |
Howard, C., & Hansen, C. (2005). Six-axis vibrational power transducer for active vibration isolation. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 85-92). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). Scopus2 |
2005 |
Zoontjens, L., Howard, C., Zander, A., & Cazzolato, B. (2005). Development of a low-cost loudspeaker-driven thermoacoustic refrigerator. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 1-7). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). Scopus1 |
2005 |
Zoontjens, L., Howard, C., Zander, A., & Cazzolato, B. (2005). Feasibility study of an automotive thermoacoustic refrigerator. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 1-8). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). Scopus5 |
2005 |
Bammann, T., Howard, C., & Cazzolato, B. (2005). Review of flow-through design in thermoacoustic refrigeration. In T. McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of the annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society: 'Acoustics in a changing environment' (pp. 337-341). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society (Western Australian division). Scopus4 |
2005 |
Howard, C., Hansen, C., & Zander, A. (2005). Multi-variable optimisation of a vibro-acoustic system using a distributed computing network. In ICSV12: Proceedings of the 12th International congress on sound and vibration Vol. 6 (pp. 1-7). Auburn, USA: The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration. Scopus1 |
2004 |
Howard, C. (2004). Experimental results of synchrophasing two axial fans in a duct. In Proceedings of ACTIVE 2004: The 2004 international symposium on active control of sound and vibration (pp. 8 pages). Williamsburg, Virginia USA: Institute of Sound and Vibration. |
2000 |
Howard, C., & Hansen, C. (2000). Active vibration isolation using force and velocity as cost functions - experimental results. In G. Guidati, H. Hunt, & H. Heller (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (pp. 435-442). Munich, Germany: International Institute of Sound and Vibration. |