2024 |
Gottlieb, L. A., Larsen, J. M., Linz, D., & Gang, U. J. O. (2024). Patofysiologiske mekanismer og behandlingsstrategier i atrieflimren. Ugeskrift for Laeger, 186(4), 312-316. |
2024 |
Clark, J., & Nye, A. (2024). Tokens of love and loss: Plugging into the affective entanglements of online museum spaces exhibiting tokens of love and loss at the Foundling Museum, London; Museo degli Innocenti, Florence; National Museum of Australia, Canberra. Curator, 14 pages. DOI |
2024 |
Das, A., MacFarland, S. P., Meade, J., Hansford, J. R., Schneider, K. W., Kuiper, R. P., . . . Tabori, U. (2024). Clinical Updates and Surveillance Recommendations for DNA Replication Repair Deficiency Syndromes in Children and Young Adults. Clinical Cancer Research, 30(16), 3378-3387. DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC1 |
2024 |
Belobrajdic, D. P., Osborne, S., Conlon, M., Brook, H., Addepalli, R., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2024). Assessing the Protein Quality, In Vitro Intestinal Iron Absorption and Human Faecal Microbiota Impacts of Plant-Based Mince. Nutrients, 16(14), 17 pages. DOI |
2024 |
Sindi, A. S., Stinson, L. F., Lai, C. T., Gridneva, Z., Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., . . . Geddes, D. T. (2024). Human milk lactoferrin and lysozyme concentrations vary in response to a dietary intervention. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 135, 109760-1-109760-9. DOI |
2024 |
Robinson, J. L., Roff, A. J., Hammond, S. J., Darby, J. R. T., Meakin, A. S., Holman, S. L., . . . Gatford, K. L. (2024). Betamethasone improved near-term neonatal lamb lung maturation in experimental maternal asthma. Experimental Physiology, 109(11), 1967-1979. DOI Scopus1 Europe PMC1 |
2024 |
Cetin, I., Carlson, S. E., Burden, C., da Fonseca, E. B., di Renzo, G. C., Hadjipanayis, A., . . . Koletzko, B. (2024). Omega-3 fatty acid supply in pregnancy for risk reduction of preterm and early preterm birth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology MFM, 6(2), 11 pages. DOI Scopus23 Europe PMC7 |
2024 |
Sindi, A. S., Stinson, L. F., Gridneva, Z., Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., Wlodek, M. E., . . . Payne, M. S. (2024). Maternal dietary intervention during lactation impacts the maternal faecal and human milk microbiota. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 135(5), lxae024-1-lxae024-15. DOI Scopus2 |
2024 |
Welsh, B. L., & Eisenhofer, R. (2024). The prevalence of controls in phyllosphere microbiome research: a methodological review. New Phytologist, 242(1), 23-29. DOI Europe PMC1 |
2024 |
Eisenhofer, R., Wright, S., & Weyrich, L. (2024). Benchmarking a targeted 16S ribosomal RNA gene enrichment approach to reconstruct ancient microbial communities. PeerJ, 12, e16770-1-e16770-25. DOI Scopus1 |
2024 |
Delfabbro, P. (2024). The benefits and challenges of online player tracking.. Addiction, 119(7), 1166-1167. DOI Scopus1 |
2023 |
Darby, J. R. T., Zhang, S., Holman, S. L., Muhlhausler, B. S., McMillen, I. C., & Morrison, J. L. (2023). Cardiac growth and metabolism of the fetal sheep are not vulnerable to a 10 day increase in fetal glucose and insulin concentrations during late gestation. Heliyon, 9(7), e18292-1-e18292-14. DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC2 |
2022 |
Brooker, P. G., Rebuli, M. A., Williams, G., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2022). Effect of Fortified Formula on Growth and Nutritional Status in Young Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients, 14(23), 5060. DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC2 |
2022 |
Muhlhausler, B. S., Belobrajdic, D., Wymond, B., & Benassi-Evans, B. (2022). Assessing the Effect of Plant-Based Mince on Fullness and Post-Prandial Satiety in Healthy Male Subjects. Nutrients, 14(24), 12 pages. DOI Scopus10 WoS2 Europe PMC7 |
2022 |
Mantzioris, E., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Villani, A. (2022). Impact of the Mediterranean Dietary pattern on n-3 fatty acid tissue levels–A systematic review.. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 176, 18 pages. DOI Scopus15 WoS7 Europe PMC9 |
2022 |
Sindi, A. S., Stinson, L. F., Lean, S. S., Chooi, Y. -H., Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., . . . Payne, M. S. (2022). Effect of a reduced fat and sugar maternal dietary intervention during lactation on the infant gut microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 900702-1-900702-21. DOI Scopus12 WoS3 Europe PMC9 |
2021 |
Ren, J., Lock, M. C., Darby, J. R. T., Orgeig, S., Holman, S. L., Quinn, M., . . . Morrison, J. L. (2021). PPARγ activation in late gestation does not promote surfactant maturation in the fetal sheep lung. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 12(6), 963-974. DOI Scopus4 WoS6 Europe PMC2 |
2021 |
Kaur, H., Care, A. S., Wilson, R. L., Piltz, S. G., Thomas, P. Q., Muhlhausler, B. S., . . . Gatford, K. L. (2021). A sexually dimorphic murine model of IUGR induced by embryo transfer. Reproduction, 161(2), 135-144. DOI Scopus3 WoS2 Europe PMC3 |
2021 |
Lim, S. M., Choo, J. M., Li, H., O'Rielly, R., Carragher, J., Rogers, G. B., . . . Muhlhausler, B. (2021). A high amylose wheat diet improves gastrointestinal health parameters and gut microbiota in male and female mice. Foods, 10(2), 1-18. DOI Scopus10 WoS6 Europe PMC5 |
2021 |
Sindi, A. S., Geddes, D. T., Wlodek, M. E., Muhlhausler, B. S., Payne, M. S., & Stinson, L. F. (2021). Can we modulate the breastfed infant gut microbiota through maternal diet?. FEMS microbiology reviews, 45(5), 1-21. DOI Scopus24 WoS15 Europe PMC13 |
2021 |
Ward, E., Yang, N., Muhlhausler, B. S., Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., Elmes, M. J., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2021). Acute changes to breast milk composition following consumption of high-fat and high-sugar meals. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 17(3), 9 pages. DOI Scopus24 WoS11 Europe PMC13 |
2021 |
Leghi, G. E., Lai, C. T., Narayanan, A., Netting, M. J., Dymock, M., Rea, A., . . . Muhlhausler, B. S. (2021). Daily variation of macronutrient concentrations in mature human milk over 3 weeks. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 10224-1-10224-9. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 Europe PMC6 |
2021 |
Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., Lai, C. T., Narayanan, A., Dymock, M., Rea, A., . . . Muhlhausler, B. S. (2021). Reduction in maternal energy intake during lactation decreased maternal body weight and concentrations of leptin, insulin and adiponectin in human milk without affecting milk production, milk macronutrient composition or infant growth. Nutrients, 13(6), 1892-1-1892-14. DOI Scopus17 WoS7 Europe PMC9 |
2021 |
Hendrie, G. A., Baird, D. L., Brindal, E., Williams, G., Brand-Miller, J., & Muhlhausler, B. (2021). Weight loss and usage of an online commercial weight loss program (the csiro total wellbeing diet online) delivered in an everyday context: Five-year evaluation in a community cohort. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(6), e20981. DOI Scopus7 Europe PMC4 |
2021 |
Muhlhausler, B. S. (2021). Maternal Fish Intake and Infant Neurodevelopment: Causality or a Red Herring?. Journal of Nutrition, 151(7), 1688-1689. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2021 |
Carlson, S. E., Schipper, L., Brenna, J. T., Agostoni, C., Calder, P. C., Forsyth, S., . . . Muhlhausler, B. (2021). Perspective: Moving Toward Desirable Linoleic Acid Content in Infant Formula. Advances in Nutrition, 12(6), 2085-2098. DOI Scopus17 WoS11 Europe PMC10 |
2021 |
Kaur, H., Muhlhausler, B. S., Roberts, C. T., & Gatford, K. L. (2021). The growth hormone-insulin like growth factor axis in pregnancy. The Journal of Endocrinology, 251(3), R23-R39. DOI Scopus18 WoS10 Europe PMC12 |
2021 |
Copping, K. J., Callaghan, M. J., Geesink, G. H., Gugusheff, J. R., McMillen, I. C., Rodgers, R. J., . . . Perry, V. E. A. (2021). Periconception and first trimester diet modifies appetite, hypothalamic gene expression, and carcass traits in bulls. Frontiers in Genetics, 12, 720242-1-720242-13. DOI Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC3 |
2021 |
Stinson, L. F., Sindi, A. S. M., Cheema, A. S., Lai, C. T., Mühlhaüsler, B. S., Wlodek, M. E., . . . Geddes, D. T. (2021). The human milk microbiome: Who, what, when, where, why, and how?. Nutrition Reviews, 79(5), 529-543. DOI Scopus63 WoS33 Europe PMC34 |
2021 |
Pruski, P., Correia, G. D. S., Lewis, H. V., Capuccini, K., Inglese, P., Chan, D., . . . MacIntyre, D. A. (2021). Direct on-swab metabolic profiling of vaginal microbiome host interactions during pregnancy and preterm birth. Nature Communications, 12(1), 14 pages. DOI Scopus44 Europe PMC36 |
2020 |
Draycott, S. A. V., Daniel, Z., Khan, R., Muhlhausler, B. S., Elmes, M. J., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2020). Expression of cholesterol packaging and transport genes in human and rat placenta: impact of obesity and a high-fat diet. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 11(3), 222-227. DOI Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC5 |
2020 |
Hewawasam, E., Collins, C. T., Muhlhausler, B. S., Yelland, L. N., Smithers, L. G., Colombo, J. C., . . . Gould, J. F. (2020). Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation in infants born preterm and the effect on attention at 18 months' corrected age: follow-up of a subset of the N3RO randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Nutrition, 125(4), 1-26. DOI Scopus17 WoS10 Europe PMC8 |
2020 |
Muhlhausler, B. S. (2020). Fighting the intergenerational cycle of obesity with maternal exercise. Journal of Physiology, 598(19), 4147-4148. DOI Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC1 |
2020 |
Draycott, S. A. V., Elmes, M. J., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Langley-Evans, S. (2020). Omega-6:omega-3 fatty acid ratio and total fat content of the maternal diet alter offspring growth and fat deposition in the rat. Nutrients, 12(9), 2505-1-2505-19. DOI Scopus12 WoS9 Europe PMC7 |
2020 |
George, A. D., Gay, M. C. L., Murray, K., Muhlhausler, B. S., Wlodek, M. E., & Geddes, D. T. (2020). Human milk sampling protocols affect estimation of infant lipid intake. The Journal of nutrition, 150(11), 2924-2930. DOI Scopus21 WoS13 Europe PMC15 |
2020 |
Muhlhausler, B., Morrison, J., Wlodek, M., Tolcos, M., Mcgillick, E., Armitage, J., . . . Bertram, J. (2020). DOHaD in the land down under: 11<sup>th</sup>World Congress 2019. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 11(6), 543-544. DOI |
2020 |
Douglas, C. A., Ivey, K. L., Papanicolas, L. E., Best, K. P., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Rogers, G. B. (2020). DNA extraction approaches substantially influence the assessment of the human breast milk microbiome. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 123-1-123-10. DOI Scopus59 WoS51 Europe PMC50 |
2020 |
Leghi, G. E., Netting, M., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2020). The short-term impact of dietary fat and sugar intake on breast milk composition: A clinical trial protocol.. Nutrition and health, 26(1), 260106019895367. DOI Scopus4 Europe PMC2 |
2020 |
Draycott, S. A. V., George, G., Elmes, M. J., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2020). The effect of maternal dietary fat content and n-6:n-3 ratio on offspring growth and hepatic gene expression in the rat. British Journal of Nutrition, 123(11), 1227-1238. DOI Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC3 |
2020 |
Wilson, N. A., Mantzioris, E., Middleton, P. F., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2020). Influence of clinical characteristics on maternal DHA and other polyunsaturated fatty acid status in pregnancy: a systematic review. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 154, 102063. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 Europe PMC5 |
2020 |
Kaur, H., Muhlhausler, B. S., Sim, P. S. -L., Page, A., Li, H., Nunez Salces, M., . . . Gatford, K. L. (2020). Pregnancy, but not dietary octanoic acid supplementation, stimulates the ghrelin-pituitary growth. J Endocrinol, 245(2), 327-342. DOI Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC7 |
2020 |
Leghi, G. E., Middleton, P. F., Netting, M. J., Wlodek, M. E., Geddes, D. T., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2020). A systematic review of collection and analysis of human milk for macronutrient composition. The Journal of nutrition, 150(6), 1652-1670. DOI Scopus31 WoS17 Europe PMC19 |
2020 |
Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., Middleton, P. F., Wlodek, M. E., Geddes, D. T., & Muhlhausler, A. B. S. (2020). The impact of maternal obesity on human milk macronutrient composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 12(4), 1-21. DOI Scopus64 WoS39 Europe PMC40 |
2020 |
Hunt, S. E., Netting, M. J., Sullivan, T. R., Best, K. P., Houghton, L. A., Makrides, M., . . . Green, T. J. (2020). Red Blood Cell Folate Likely Overestimated in Australian National Survey: Implications for Neural Tube Defect Risk.. Nutrients, 12(5), 6 pages. DOI Scopus5 WoS1 Europe PMC4 |
2020 |
Vehmeijer, F. O. L., Küpers, L. K., Sharp, G. C., Salas, L. A., Lent, S., Jima, D. D., . . . Felix, J. F. (2020). DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies. Genome Medicine, 12(1), 105. DOI Scopus56 Europe PMC38 |
2020 |
Wilson, N. A., Mantzioris, E., Middleton, P. F., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2020). Influence of sociodemographic, lifestyle and genetic characteristics on maternal DHA and other polyunsaturated fatty acid status in pregnancy: a systematic review. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 152, 1-11. DOI Scopus20 WoS15 Europe PMC12 |
2019 |
Lim, S. M., Page, A. J., Li, H., Carragher, J., Searle, I., Robertson, S., & Muhlhausler, B. (2019). Sexually Dimorphic Response of Increasing Dietary Intake of High Amylose Wheat on Metabolic and Reproductive Outcomes in Male and Female Mice.. Nutrients, 12(1), 14 pages. DOI Scopus4 WoS1 Europe PMC3 |
2019 |
Ramsden, C. E., Yuan, Z. -X., Horowitz, M. S., Zamora, D., Majchrzak-Hong, S. F., Muhlhausler, B. S., . . . Gibson, R. A. (2019). Temperature and time-dependent effects of delayed blood processing on oxylipin concentrations in human plasma.. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids, 150, 31-37. DOI Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC3 |
2019 |
Lim, S. M., Page, A., Carragher, J., & Muhlhausler, B. (2019). Could high-amylose wheat have greater benefits on diabesity and gut health than standard whole-wheat?. Food Reviews International, 36(7), 713-725. DOI Scopus3 WoS3 |
2019 |
Wilson, N. A., Mantzioris, E., Middleton, P. T., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2019). Gestational age and maternal status of DHA and other polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy: A systematic review. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 144, 16-31. DOI Scopus28 WoS20 Europe PMC13 |
2019 |
Shrestha, N., Cuffe, J. S. M., Holland, O. J., Bulmer, A. C., Hill, M., Perkins, A. V., . . . Hryciw, D. H. (2019). Elevated maternal linoleic acid reduces circulating leptin concentrations, cholesterol levels and male fetal survival in a rat model. Journal of Physiology, 597(13), 3349-3361. DOI Scopus23 WoS18 Europe PMC13 |
2019 |
Wooldridge, A. L., Clifton, V. L., Moss, T. J. M., Lu, H., Jamali, M., Agostino, S., . . . Gatford, K. L. (2019). Maternal allergic asthma during pregnancy alters fetal lung and immune development in sheep: potential mechanisms for programming asthma and allergy. Journal of Physiology, 597(16), 4251-4262. DOI Scopus15 WoS9 Europe PMC9 |
2019 |
Clifton, V. L., McDonald, M., Morrison, J. L., Holman, S. L., Lock, M. C., Saif, Z., . . . Moss, T. J. M. (2019). Placental glucocorticoid receptor isoforms in a sheep model of maternal allergic asthma. Placenta, 83, 33-36. DOI Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC7 |
2019 |
Draycott, S. A. V., Liu, G., Daniel, Z. C., Elmes, M. J., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2019). Maternal dietary ratio of linoleic acid to alpha-linolenic acid during pregnancy has sex-specific effects on placental and fetal weights in the rat. Nutrition and Metabolism, 16(1), 1-1-1-12. DOI Scopus16 WoS13 Europe PMC7 |
2019 |
Briffa, J. F., O dowd, R., Romano, T., Muhlhausler, B. S., Moritz, K. M., & Wlodek, M. E. (2019). Reducing pup litter size alters early postnatal calcium homeostasis and programs adverse adult cardiovascular and bone health in male rats. Nutrients, 11(1), 118-1-118-19. DOI Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC6 |
2019 |
Kaur, H., Wilson, R. L., Care, A. S., Muhlhausler, B. S., Roberts, C. T., & Gatford, K. L. (2019). Validation studies of a fluorescent method to measure placental glucose transport in mice. Placenta, 76, 23-29. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2018 |
Dorey, E., Cullen, C., Lucia, D., Mah, K., Manchadi, M., Muhlhausler, B., & Moritz, K. (2018). The impact of periconceptional alcohol exposure on fat preference and gene expression in the mesolimbic reward pathway in adult rat offspring. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 9(2), 223-231. DOI Scopus12 WoS10 Europe PMC6 |
2018 |
Hewawasam, E., Liu, G., Jeffery, D., Gibson,, R., & Muhlhausler, B. (2018). Estimation of the volume of blood in a small disc punched from a dried blood spot card. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 120(3), 1700362-1-1700362-6. DOI Scopus30 WoS16 |
2018 |
Vithayathil, M., Gugusheff, J., Ong, Z., Langley-Evans, S., Gibson, R., & Muhlhausler, B. (2018). Exposure to maternal cafeteria diets during the suckling period has greater effects on fat deposition and Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1c (SREBP-1c) gene expression in rodent offspring compared to exposure before birth. Nutrition and Metabolism, 15(1), 17-1-17-15. DOI Scopus21 WoS12 Europe PMC10 |
2018 |
Muir, R., Liu, G., Khan, R., Shmygol, A., Quenby, S., Gibson, R., . . . Elmes, M. (2018). Maternal obesity-induced decreases in plasma, hepatic and uterine polyunsaturated fatty acids during labour is reversed through improved nutrition at conception. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 11 pages. DOI Scopus4 WoS6 Europe PMC2 |
2018 |
Wilkinson, K., Muhlhausler, B., Motley, C., Crump, A., Bray, H., & Ankeny, R. (2018). Australian consumers’ awareness and acceptance of insects as food. Insects, 9(2), 44-1-44-11. DOI Scopus124 WoS79 Europe PMC33 |
2018 |
Kaur, H., Toop, C., Muhlhausler, B., & Gentili, S. (2018). The effect of maternal intake of sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)-55 during gestation and lactation on lipogenic gene expression in rat offspring at 3 and 12 weeks of age. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 9(5), 481-486. DOI Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC1 |
2018 |
Ramsden, C. E., Hennebelle, M., Schuster, S., Keyes, G. S., Johnson, C. D., Kirpich, I. A., . . . Taha, A. Y. (2018). Effects of diets enriched in linoleic acid and its peroxidation products on brain fatty acids, oxylipins, and aldehydes in mice. BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1863(10), 1206-1213. DOI Scopus31 WoS25 Europe PMC21 |
2018 |
Hewawasam, E., Liu, G., Jeffery, D. W., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Gibson, R. A. (2018). A stable method for routine analysis of oxylipins from dried blood spots using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 137, 12-18. DOI Scopus12 WoS11 Europe PMC5 |
2018 |
Leghi, G. E., Middleton, P. F., & Muhlhausler, B. S. (2018). A methodological approach to identify the most reliable human milk collection method for compositional analysis: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 7(1), 122. DOI Scopus13 WoS22 Europe PMC6 |
2018 |
Muir, R., Liu, G., Khan, R., Shmygol, A., Quenby, S., Gibson, R. A., . . . Elmes, M. (2018). Erratum to: Maternal obesity-induced decreases in plasma, hepatic and uterine polyunsaturated fatty acids during labour is reversed through improved nutrition at conception (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (3389), 10.1038/s41598-018-21809-9). Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1 page. DOI |
2018 |
Wood, K., Mantzioris, E., Lingwood, B., Couper, J., Makrides, M., Gibson, R., & Muhlhausler, B. (2018). The effect of maternal DHA supplementation on body fat mass in children at 7 years: follow-up of the DOMInO randomized controlled trial. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 139, 49-54. DOI Scopus17 WoS10 Europe PMC8 |
2018 |
Kanakri, K., Carragher, J., Hughes, R., Muhlhausler, B., & Gibson, R. (2018). The Effect of Different Dietary Fats on the Fatty Acid Composition of Several Tissues in Broiler Chickens. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 120(1), 1700237-1-1700237-13. DOI Scopus31 WoS17 |
2018 |
van Dijk, S., Peters, T., Buckley, M., Zhou, J., Jones, P., Gibson, R., . . . Molloy, P. (2018). DNA methylation in blood from neonatal screening cards and the association with BMI and insulin sensitivity in early childhood. International Journal of Obesity, 42(1), 28-35. DOI Scopus75 WoS62 Europe PMC50 |
2017 |
Kanakri, K., Carragher, J., Hughes, R., Muhlhausler, B., de Koning, C., & Gibson, R. (2017). The fatty acid composition of excreta of broiler chickens fed different dietary fatty acids. International Journal of Poultry Science, 16(11), 424-443. DOI Scopus3 |
2017 |
Kanakri, K., Carragher, J., Hughes, R., Muhlhausler, B., & Gibson, R. (2017). A reduced cost strategy for enriching chicken meat with omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids using dietary flaxseed oil. British Poultry Science, 58(3), 283-289. DOI Scopus32 WoS25 Europe PMC14 |
2017 |
Condo, D., Huyhn, D., Anderson, A., Skeaff, S., Ryan, P., Makrides, M., . . . Zhou, S. (2017). Iodine status of pregnant women in South Australia after mandatory iodine fortification of bread and the recommendation for iodine supplementation. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 13(4), e12410-1-e12410-8. DOI Scopus28 WoS27 Europe PMC15 |
2017 |
Bazargan, M., Foster, D., Davey, A., & Muhlhausler, B. (2017). Rosiglitazone Metabolism in Human Liver Microsomes Using a Substrate Depletion Method. Drugs in R and D, 17(1), 189-198. DOI Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC4 |
2017 |
Peter, R., Gugusheff, J., Wooldridge, A., Gatford, K., & Muhlhausler, B. (2017). Placental restriction in multi-fetal pregnancies and between-twin differences in size at birth alter neonatal feeding behaviour in the sheep. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 8(3), 357-369. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC1 |
2017 |
Symon, B., Crichton, G. E., & Muhlhausler, B. (2017). Does the early introduction of solids promote obesity?. Singapore medical journal, 58(11), 1-18. DOI Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC8 |
2017 |
Kanakri, K., Carragher, J., Muhlhausler, B., Hughes, R., & Gibson, R. (2017). In ovo exposure to omega-3 fatty acids does not enhance omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in broiler chickens. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 8(5), 520-528. DOI Scopus7 WoS2 Europe PMC3 |
2017 |
Gatford, K., Muhlhausler, B., Huang, L., Sim, P., Roberts, C., Velhuis, J., & Chen, C. (2017). Rising maternal circulating GH during murine pregnancy suggests placental regulation. Endocrine Connections, 6(4), 260-266. DOI Scopus22 WoS16 Europe PMC10 |
2017 |
Muhlhausler, B. S. (2017). Variability in the cardiometabolic effects of ω-3 long-chain PUFAs: background diet, timing, and genetics. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 105(5), 1029-1030. DOI Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC2 |
2017 |
Toop, C., Muhlhausler, B., O'Dea, K., & Gentili, S. (2017). Impact of perinatal exposure to sucrose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS-55) on adiposity and hepatic lipid composition in rat offspring. Journal of Physiology, 595(13), 4379-4398. DOI Scopus33 WoS24 Europe PMC18 |
2017 |
Lock, M., McGillick, E., Orgeig, S., McMillen, I., Mühlhäusler, B., Zhang, S., & Morrison, J. (2017). Differential effects of late gestation maternal overnutrition on the regulation of surfactant maturation in fetal and postnatal life. The Journal of physiology, 595(21), 6635-6652. DOI Scopus21 WoS16 Europe PMC11 |
2017 |
Huynh, D., Condo, D., Gibson, R., Muhlhausler, B., Ryan, P., Skeaff, S., . . . Zhou, S. (2017). Iodine status of postpartum women and their infants in Australia after the introduction of mandatory iodine fortification. The British journal of Nutrition, 117(12), 1656-1662. DOI Scopus22 WoS20 Europe PMC17 |
2017 |
Hewawasam, E., Liu, G., Jeffery, D., Muhlhausler, B., & Gibson, R. (2017). A validated method for analyzing polyunsaturated free fatty acids from dried blood spots using LC–MS/MS. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 125, 1-7. DOI Scopus28 WoS23 Europe PMC2 |
2017 |
Muhlhausler, B. (2017). Associate Editor Bev Muhlhausler. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 69(3-4), 264. DOI |
2017 |
Huynh, D., Condo, D., Gibson, R., Makrides, M., Muhlhausler, B., & Zhou, S. (2017). Comparison of breast-milk iodine concentration of lactating women in Australia pre and post mandatory iodine fortification. Public Health Nutrition, 20(1), 12-17. DOI Scopus12 WoS14 Europe PMC10 |
2016 |
Leghi, G., & Muhlhausler, B. (2016). The effect of n-3 LCPUFA supplementation on oxidative stress and inflammation in the placenta and maternal plasma during pregnancy. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 113, 33-39. DOI Scopus37 WoS31 Europe PMC25 |
2016 |
Pidsley, R., Zotenko, E., Peters, T., Lawrence, M., Risbridger, G., Molloy, P., . . . Clark, S. (2016). Critical evaluation of the Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadChip microarray for whole-genome DNA methylation profiling. Genome Biology, 17(1), 208-1-208-17. DOI Scopus865 Europe PMC736 |
2016 |
van Dijk, S., Zhou, J., Peters, T., Buckley, M., Sutcliffe, B., Oytam, Y., . . . Muhlhausler, B. (2016). Effect of prenatal DHA supplementation on the infant epigenome: results from a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Epigenetics, 8(1), 114-1-114-13. DOI Scopus74 WoS50 Europe PMC42 |
2016 |
Dickinson, H., Moss, T., Gatford, K., Moritz, K., Akison, L., Fullston, T., . . . Morrison, J. (2016). A review of fundamental principles for animal models of DOHaD research: an Australian perspective. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 7(5), 449-472. DOI Scopus92 WoS84 Europe PMC50 |
2016 |
Gugusheff, J., Sim, P., Kheng, A., Gentili, S., Al-Nussairawi, M., Brand-Miller, J., & Muhlhausler, B. (2016). The effect of maternal and post-weaning low and high glycaemic index diets on glucose tolerance, fat deposition and hepatic function in rat offspring. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 7(3), 320-329. DOI Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC7 |
2016 |
Gugusheff, J., Bae, S., Rao, A., Clarke, I., Poston, L., Taylor, P., . . . Muhlhausler, B. (2016). Sex and age-dependent effects of a maternal junk food diet on the mu-opioid receptor in rat offspring. Behavioural Brain Research, 301, 124-131. DOI Scopus18 WoS19 Europe PMC12 |
2016 |
Do, T., Muhlhausler, B., Box, A., & Able, A. (2016). Enrichment of antioxidant capacity and vitamin E in pita made from barley. Journal of Food Science, 81(3), H777-H785. DOI Scopus4 WoS5 Europe PMC4 |
2016 |
Hodyl, N., & Muhlhausler, B. (2016). Novel insights, challenges and practical implications of DOHaD-omics research. Medical Journal of Australia, 204(3), 108-110. DOI Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC1 |
2016 |
Carragher, J., Muhlhausler, B., Geier, M., House, J., Hughes, R., & Gibson, R. (2016). Effect of dietary ALA on growth rate, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate and breast meat omega-3 LCPUFA content in broiler chickens. Animal Production Science, 56(5), 815-823. DOI Scopus19 WoS12 |
2016 |
Bazargan, M., Foster, D., Muhlhausler, B., Morrison, J., McMillen, C., & Davey, A. (2016). Limited fetal metabolism of rosiglitazone: elimination via the maternal compartment in the pregnant ewe. Reproductive Toxicology, 61, 162-168. DOI Scopus8 WoS5 |
2016 |
Bischof, R., Clifton, V., Wooldridge, A., Gatford, K., Liravi, B., Kim, D., . . . Moss, T. (2016). A SHEEP MODEL TO EXAMINE THE EFFECTS OF MATERNAL ASTHMA ON FETAL OUTCOMES. RESPIROLOGY, 21, 56. |
2016 |
Prescott, S., Allen, K., Armstrong, K., Collins, C., Dickinson, H., Gardiner, K., . . . Craig, J. (2016). The establishment of DOHaD working groups in Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 7(5), 433-439. DOI Scopus5 WoS8 Europe PMC3 |
2016 |
Vithayathil, M., Gugusheff, J., Gibson, R., Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2016). Effect of a maternal cafeteria diet on the fatty acid composition of milk and offspring red blood cells. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 109, 58-65. DOI Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC5 |
2016 |
Clifton, V., Moss, T., Wooldridge, A., Gatford, K., Liravi, B., Kim, D., . . . Bischof, R. (2016). Development of an experimental model of maternal allergic asthma during pregnancy. Journal of Physiology, 594(5), 1311-1325. DOI Scopus23 WoS14 Europe PMC9 |
2016 |
Kanakri, K., Muhlhausler, B., Carragher, J., Gibson, R., Barekatain, R., Dekoning, C., . . . Hughes, R. (2016). Relationship between the fatty acid composition of uropygial gland secretion and blood of meat chickens receiving different dietary fats. Animal Production Science, 58(5), 828--833. DOI Scopus9 WoS7 |
2015 |
Do, T., Cozzolino, D., Muhlhausler, B., Box, A., & Able, A. (2015). Effect of malting on antioxidant capacity and vitamin E content in different barley genotypes. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 121(4), 531-540. DOI Scopus12 WoS10 |
2015 |
Van Dijk, S., Molloy, P., Varinli, H., Morrison, J., Muhlhausler, B., Buckley, M., . . . Tellam, R. (2015). Epigenetics and human obesity. International Journal of Obesity, 39(1), 85-97. DOI Scopus287 WoS250 Europe PMC172 |
2015 |
Gugusheff, J., Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2015). The early origins of food preferences: targeting the critical windows of development. FASEB Journal, 29(2), 365-373. DOI Scopus42 WoS36 Europe PMC23 |
2015 |
Wood, K., Mantzioris, E., Gibson, R., Ramsden, C., & Muhlhausler, B. (2015). The effect of modifying dietary LA and ALA intakes on omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LCPUFA) status in human adults: a systematic review and commentary. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 95(April), 47-55. DOI Scopus65 WoS58 Europe PMC41 |
2015 |
Do, T. D. T., Cozzolino, D., Muhlhausler, B., Box, A., & Able, A. J. (2015). Antioxidant capacity and vitamin E in barley: Effect of genotype and storage. Food Chemistry, 187, 65-74. DOI Scopus50 WoS34 Europe PMC8 |
2015 |
Liu, G., Mühlhäusler, B., & Gibson, R. (2015). Evaluation of contamination associated with current blood spot technology for determining the fatty acid status of individuals. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 117(8), 1280-1286. DOI Scopus6 WoS6 |
2015 |
van Dijk, S., Tellam, R., Morrison, J., Muhlhausler, B., & Molloy, P. (2015). Recent developments on the role of epigenetics in obesity and metabolic disease. Clinical Epigenetics, 7(1), 66-1-66-13. DOI Scopus163 WoS127 Europe PMC97 |
2015 |
Huynh, D., Zhou, S., Gibson, R., Palmer, L., & Muhlhausler, B. (2015). Validation of an optimized method for the determination of iodine in human breast milk by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) after tetramethylammonium hydroxide extraction. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 29, 75-82. DOI Scopus40 WoS33 Europe PMC17 |
2014 |
Muhlhausler, B., Gibson, R., Yelland, L., & Makrides, M. (2014). Heterogeneity in cord blood DHA concentration: towards an explanation. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids, 91(4), 135-140. DOI Scopus24 WoS21 Europe PMC10 |
2014 |
Gugusheff, J., Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2014). Naloxone treatment alters gene expression in the mesolimbic reward system in 'junk food' exposed offspring in a sex-specific manner but does not affect food preferences in adulthood. Physiology and Behavior, 133, 14-21. DOI Scopus18 WoS17 Europe PMC13 |
2014 |
Wood, K., Lau, A., Mantzioris, E., Gibson, R., Ramsden, C., & Muhlhausler, B. (2014). A low omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-6 PUFA) diet increases omega-3 (n-3) long chain PUFA status in plasma phospholipids in humans. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 90(4), 133-138. DOI Scopus35 WoS34 Europe PMC24 |
2014 |
Rattanatray, L., Muhlhausler, B., Nicholas, L., Morrison, J., & McMillen, I. (2014). Impact of maternal overnutrition on gluconeogenic factors and methylation of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase promoter in the fetal and postnatal liver. Pediatric Research, 75(1), 14-21. DOI Scopus10 WoS12 Europe PMC9 |
2014 |
Lee, A., Shandala, T., Nguyen, L., Muhlhausler, B., Chen, K., Howe, P., & Xian, C. (2014). Effects of resveratrol supplementation on bone growth in young rats and microarchitecture and remodeling in ageing rats. Nutrients, 6(12), 5871-5887. DOI Scopus33 WoS33 Europe PMC27 |
2014 |
Toop, C., Muhlhausler, B., O'Dea, K., & Gentili, S. (2014). Consumption of sucrose, but not high fructose corn syrup, leads to increased adiposity and dyslipidaemia in the pregnant and lactating rat. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 6(1), 38-46. DOI Scopus13 WoS11 Europe PMC10 |
2014 |
Liu, G., Muehlhaeusler, B., & Gibson, R. (2014). A method for long term stabilisation of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in dried blood spots and its clinical application. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 91(6), 251-260. DOI Scopus91 WoS79 Europe PMC41 |
2014 |
Muhlhausler, B., & Vithayathil, M. (2014). Impact of maternal obesity on offspring adipose tissue: lessons for the clinic. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 9(6), 615-627. DOI |
2014 |
Muhlhausler, B. S. (2014). Fatty acids in the infant diet: size matters. British Journal of Nutrition, 111(2), 193. DOI |
2014 |
Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2014). Consuming a low-fat diet from weaning to adulthood reverses the programming of food preferences in male, but not in female, offspring of 'junk food'-fed rat dams. Acta Physiologica, 210(1), 127-141. DOI Scopus23 WoS21 Europe PMC14 |
2014 |
Lie, S., Hui, M., McMillen, I., Muhlhausler, B., Posterino, G., Dunn, S., . . . Morrison, J. (2014). Exposure to rosiglitazone, a PPAR-γ agonist, in late gestation reduces the abundance of factors regulating cardiac metabolism and cardiomyocyte size in the sheep fetus. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 306(6), R429-R437. DOI Scopus16 WoS13 Europe PMC9 |
2013 |
Gray, B., Muhlhausler, B., Davies, P., & Vitetta, L. (2013). Liver enzymes but not free fatty acid levels predict markers of insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese, nondiabetic adults. Nutrition Research, 33(10), 781-788. DOI Scopus14 WoS13 Europe PMC10 |
2013 |
Nicholas, L., Rattanatray, L., MacLaughlin, S., Ozanne, S., Kleemann, D., Walker, S., . . . McMillen, I. (2013). Differential effects of maternal obesity and weight loss in the periconceptional period on the epigenetic regulation of hepatic insulin-signaling pathways in the offspring. The FASEB Journal, 27(9), 3786-3796. DOI Scopus97 WoS86 Europe PMC73 |
2013 |
Gugusheff, J., Vithayathil, M., Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2013). The effects of prenatal exposure to a 'junk food' diet on offspring food preferences and fat deposition can be mitigated by improved nutrition during lactation. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 4(5), 348-357. DOI Scopus28 WoS20 Europe PMC17 |
2013 |
Lie, S., Duffield, J., McMillen, I., Morrison, J., Ozanne, S., Pilgrim, C., & Muhlhausler, B. (2013). The effect of placental restriction on insulin signaling and lipogenic pathways in omental adipose tissue in the postnatal lamb. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 4(5), 421-429. DOI Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC3 |
2013 |
Wood, K., Mantzioris, E., Gibson, R., & Muhlhausler, B. (2013). Incorporating macadamia oil and butter to reduce dietary omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake. Nutrition & Dietetics, 70(2), 94-100. DOI Scopus5 WoS5 |
2013 |
Muhlhausler, B., Gugusheff, J., Ong, Z., & Vithayathil, M. (2013). Nutritional approaches to breaking the intergenerational cycle of obesity. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 91(6), 421-428. DOI Scopus23 WoS21 Europe PMC12 |
2013 |
Neale, E., Muhlhausler, B., Probst, Y., Batterham, M., Fernandez, F., & Tapsell, L. (2013). Short-term effects of fish and fish oil consumption on total and high molecular weight adiponectin levels in overweight and obese adults. Metabolism-clinical and Experimental, 62(5), 651-660. DOI Scopus13 WoS13 Europe PMC11 |
2013 |
Ong, Z., Wanasuria, A., Lin, M., Hiscock, J., & Muhlhausler, B. (2013). Chronic intake of a cafeteria diet and subsequent abstinence. Sex-specific effects on gene expression in the mesolimbic reward system. Appetite, 65, 189-199. DOI Scopus52 WoS49 Europe PMC30 |
2013 |
Gugusheff, J., Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2013). A maternal 'junk-food' diet reduces sensitivity to the opioid antagonist naloxone in offspring postweaning. The FASEB Journal, 27(3), 1275-1284. DOI Scopus27 WoS24 Europe PMC15 |
2013 |
Muhlhausler, B., Bloomfield, F., & Gillman, M. (2013). Whole animal experiments should be more like human randomized controlled trials. PLoS Biology, 11(2), 1-6. DOI Scopus71 WoS54 Europe PMC44 |
2013 |
Tu, W., Muhlhausler, B., Yelland, L., & Gibson, R. (2013). Correlations between blood and tissue omega-3 LCPUFA status following dietary ALA intervention in rats. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 88(1), 53-60. DOI Scopus46 WoS40 Europe PMC29 |
2013 |
Tu, W., Muhlhausler, B., James, M., Stone, D., & Gibson, R. (2013). Dietary alpha-linolenic acid does not enhance accumulation of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 164(1), 29-37. DOI Scopus17 WoS12 Europe PMC7 |
2013 |
Muhlhausler, B., & Ailhaud, G. (2013). Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the early origins of obesity. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, 20(1), 56-61. DOI Scopus125 WoS101 Europe PMC69 |
2013 |
Muhlhausler, B., Gugusheff, J., Ong, Z., & Vithayathil, M. (2013). Pregnancy, obesity and insulin resistance: maternal overnutrition and the target windows of fetal development. Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation, 15(1), 25-36. DOI Scopus7 WoS7 Europe PMC2 |
2013 |
Molloy, P., Samaras, K., Muhlhausler, B., & McMillen, C. (2013). Chasing the “ghost in our genes” to beat obesity. Medical Journal of Australia, 198(4), 182. DOI |
2012 |
Mühlhäusler, B. S. (2012). Fat on the brain. Journal of Physiology, 590(17), 4121. DOI |
2012 |
Ong, Z., Gugusheff, J., & Muhlhausler, B. (2012). Perinatal overnutrition and the programming of food preferences: pathways and mechanisms. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 3(5), 299-308. DOI Scopus21 WoS17 Europe PMC7 |
2012 |
Tu, W., Muhlhausler, B., James, M., Stone, D., & Gibson, R. (2012). An alternative n-3 fatty acid elongation pathway utilising 18:3n-3 in barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 423(1), 176-182. DOI Scopus15 WoS14 Europe PMC9 |
2012 |
Tu, W., Cook-Johnson, R., James, M., Muhlhausler, B., Stone, D., & Gibson, R. (2012). Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) desaturase with Δ6/Δ8 dual activities. Biotechnology Letters, 34(7), 1283-1296. DOI Scopus20 WoS18 Europe PMC8 |
2012 |
Fong, L., Muhlhausler, B., Gibson, R., & Xian, C. (2012). Perinatal maternal dietary supplementation of ω3-fatty acids transiently affects bone marrow microenvironment, osteoblast and osteoclast formation, and bone mass in male offspring. Endocrinology, 153(5), 2455-2465. DOI Scopus27 WoS23 Europe PMC19 |
2011 |
Muhlhausler, B., Miljkovic, D., Fong, L., Xian, C., Duthoit, E., & Gibson, R. (2011). Maternal omega-3 supplementation increases fat mass in male and female rat offspring. Frontiers in Genetics, 2(48), 1-10. DOI Scopus31 Europe PMC24 |
2011 |
Muhlhausler, B., & Ong, Z. (2011). The fetal origins of obesity: early origins of altered food intake. Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets, 11(3), 189-197. DOI Scopus48 Europe PMC28 |
2011 |
Muhlhausler, B., Gibson, R., & Makrides, M. (2011). The effect of maternal omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LCPUFA) supplementation during pregnancy and/or lactation on body fat mass in the offspring: A systematic review of animal studies. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 85(2), 83-88. DOI Scopus49 WoS47 Europe PMC37 |
2011 |
Gibson, R., Muhlhausler, B., & Makrides, M. (2011). Conversion of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid to long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs), with a focus on pregnancy, lactation and the first 2 years of life. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 7(Suppl 2), 17-26. DOI Scopus206 WoS171 Europe PMC111 |
2011 |
Bazargan, M., Davey, A., Muhlhausler, B., Morrison, J., McMillen, I., & Foster, D. (2011). Simple HPLC method for determination of rosiglitazone in sheep plasma and amniotic fluid and its application in a pregnant sheep model. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 55(2), 360-365. DOI Scopus13 WoS13 Europe PMC7 |
2011 |
Muhlhausler, B., Hancock, S., Bloomfield, F., & Harding, R. (2011). Are twins growth restricted?. Pediatric Research, 70(2), 117-122. DOI Scopus64 WoS49 Europe PMC37 |
2011 |
Ong, Z., & Muhlhausler, B. (2011). Maternal "junk-food" feeding of rat dams alters food choices and development of the mesolimbic reward pathway in the offspring. The FASEB Journal, 25(7), 2167-2179. DOI Scopus198 WoS177 Europe PMC130 |
2010 |
Morrison, J., Duffield, J., Muhlhausler, B., Gentili, S., & McMillen, I. (2010). Fetal growth restriction, catch-up growth and the early origins of insulin resistance and visceral obesity. Pediatric Nephrology, 25(4), 669-677. DOI Scopus154 WoS132 Europe PMC102 |
2010 |
Muhlhausler, B., Cook-Johnson, R., James, M., Miljkovic, D., Duthoit, E., & Gibson, R. (2010). Opposing effects of omega-3 and omega-6 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on the expression of lipogenic genes in omental and retroperitoneal adipose depots in the rat. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2010, 1-9. DOI Scopus58 WoS52 Europe PMC23 |
2010 |
Zhang, S., Rattanatray, L., MacLaughlin, S., Cropley, J., Suter, C., Molloy, L., . . . McMillen, I. (2010). Periconceptional undernutrition in normal and overweight ewes leads to increased adrenal growth and epigenetic changes in adrenal IGF2/H19 gene in offspring. FASEB Journal, 24(8), 2772-2782. DOI Scopus97 WoS84 Europe PMC66 |
2010 |
Rattanatray, L., MacLaughlin, S., Kleemann, D., Walker, S., Muhlhausler, B., & McMillen, I. (2010). Impact of maternal periconceptional overnutrition on fat mass and expression of adipogenic and lipogenic genes in visceral and subcutaneous fat depots in the postnatal lamb. Endocrinology, 151(11), 5195-5205. DOI Scopus77 WoS69 Europe PMC50 |
2010 |
Nguyen, L., Muhlhausler, B., Botting, K., & Morrison, J. (2010). Maternal undernutrition alters fat cell size distribution, but not lipogenic gene expression, in the visceral fat of the late gestation guinea pig fetus. Placenta, 31(10), 902-909. DOI Scopus23 WoS20 Europe PMC16 |
2010 |
Muhlhausler, B., Gibson, R., & Makrides, M. (2010). Effect of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy or lactation on infant and child body composition: a systematic review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92(4), 857-863. DOI Scopus70 WoS61 Europe PMC44 |
2010 |
Tu, W., Cook-Johnson, R., James, M., Muhlhausler, B., & Gibson, R. (2010). Omega-3 long chain fatty acid synthesis is regulated more by substrate levels than gene expression. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 83(2), 61-68. DOI Scopus153 WoS134 Europe PMC85 |
2009 |
Duffield, J., Vuocolo, T., Tellam, R., McFarlane, J., Kauter, K., Muhlhausler, B., & McMillen, I. (2009). Intrauterine growth restriction and the sex specific programming of leptin and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor [gamma (PPAR gamma]) mRNA expression in visceral fat in the lamb. Pediatric Research, 66(1), 59-65. DOI Scopus43 WoS44 Europe PMC32 |
2009 |
Muhlhausler, B., Duffield, J., Ozanne, S., Pilgrim, C., Turner, N., Morrison, J., & McMillen, I. (2009). The transition from fetal growth restriction to accelerated postnatal growth: a potential role for insulin signalling in skeletal muscle. Journal of Physiology-London, 587(17), 4199-4211. DOI Scopus89 WoS80 Europe PMC66 |
2009 |
Muhlhausler, B., Morrison, J., & McMillen, I. (2009). Rosiglitazone increases the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ target genes in adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle in the sheep fetus in late gestation. Endocrinology, 150(9), 4287-4294. DOI Scopus36 WoS31 Europe PMC22 |
2009 |
Muhlhausler, B., & Smith, S. (2009). Early-life origins of metabolic dysfunction: role of the adipocyte. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 20(2), 51-57. DOI Scopus103 WoS97 Europe PMC62 |
2009 |
Mühlhausler, B. (2009). Nutritional models of type 2 diabetes mellitus.. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 560, 19-36. Scopus7 |
2009 |
Glaser, M., Årstad, E., Luthra, S. K., & Robins, E. G. (2009). Two-step radiosynthesis of [<sup>18</sup>F]N-succinimidyl-4-fluorobenzoate ([<sup>18</sup>F]SFB). Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 52(8), 327-330. DOI Scopus35 |
2008 |
Muhlhausler, B., Adam, C., & McMillen, I. (2008). Maternal nutrition and the programming of obesity: the brain. Organogenesis, 4(3), 144-152. DOI Scopus50 Europe PMC31 |
2008 |
Muhlhausler, B., Ritorto, V., Schultz, C., Chatterton, B., Duffield, J., & McMillen, I. (2008). Birth weight and gender determine expression of adipogenic, lipogenic and adipokine genes in perirenal adipose tissue in the young adult sheep. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 35(1), 46-57. DOI Scopus22 WoS22 Europe PMC18 |
2008 |
Philp, L., Muhlhausler, B., Janovska, A., Wittert, G., Duffield, J., & McMillen, I. (2008). Maternal overnutrition suppresses the phosphorylation of 5 '-AMP-activated protein kinase in liver, but not skeletal muscle, in the fetal and neonatal sheep. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 295(6), R1982-R1990. DOI Scopus21 WoS21 Europe PMC16 |
2008 |
Duffield, J., Vuocolo, T., Tellam, R., Yuen, B., Muhlhausler, B., & McMillen, I. (2008). Placental restriction of fetal growth decreases IGF1 and leptin mRNA expression in the perirenal adipose tissue of late gestation fetal sheep. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 294(5), R1413-R1419. DOI Scopus41 WoS37 Europe PMC30 |
2008 |
McMillen, I., MacLaughlin, S., Muhlhausler, B., Gentili, S., Duffield, J., & Morrison, J. (2008). Developmental origins of adult health and disease: The role of periconceptional and foetal nutrition. Basic ' Clinical Pharmacology ' Toxicology, 102(2), 82-89. DOI Scopus211 WoS184 Europe PMC140 |
2007 |
Muhlhausler, B., Duffield, J., & McMillen, I. (2007). Increased maternal nutrition increases leptin expression in perirenal and subcutaneous adipose tissue in the postnatal lamb. Endocrinology, 148(12), 6157-6163. DOI Scopus60 WoS55 Europe PMC42 |
2007 |
Muhlhausler, B. (2007). Programming of the appetite-regulating neural network: a link between maternal overnutrition and the programming of obesity?. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 19(1), 67-72. DOI Scopus53 WoS48 Europe PMC31 |
2007 |
Muhlhausler, B., Duffield, J., & McMillen, I. (2007). Increased maternal nutrition stimulates peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ, adiponectin, and leptin messenger ribonucleic acid expression in adipose tissue before birth. Endocrinology, 148(2), 878-885. DOI Scopus144 WoS128 Europe PMC100 |
2007 |
Muhlhausler, B. S., Adam, C. L., Findlay, P. A., Duffield, J. A., & McMillen, I. C. (2007). Erratum: Increased maternal nutrition alters development of the appetite-regulating network in the brain (FASEB Journal DOI: 10.1096/fj.05-5241fje). FASEB Journal, 21(2), 629. DOI WoS1 |
2007 |
Duffield, J. A., Vuocolo, T., Tettam, R., Yuen, B. S., Muhlhauster, B. S., & McMillen, I. C. (2007). Placental insufficiency reduces the expression of leptin and IGF1 mRNA in the perirenal adipose tissue of fetal sheep: a mechanism for altered fat development and obesity. EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, 83, S159. DOI |
2006 |
Muhlhausler, B., Adam, C., Findlay, P., Duffield, J., & McMillen, I. (2006). Increased maternal nutrition alters development of the appetite-regulating network in the brain. The FASEB Journal, 20(8), 1257-1259. DOI Scopus196 WoS178 Europe PMC124 |
2006 |
McMillen, I., Edwards, L., Duffield, J., & Muhlhausler, B. (2006). Regulation of leptin synthesis and secretion before birth: implications for the early programming of adult obesity. Reproduction, 131(3), 415-427. DOI Scopus96 WoS80 Europe PMC63 |
2006 |
MacLaughlin, S., Muhlhausler, B., Gentili, S., & McMillen, I. (2006). When in gestation do nutritional alterations exert their effects? A focus on the early origins of adult disease. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, 13(6), 516-522. DOI Scopus6 |
2005 |
Muhlhausler, B., & Mühlhäusler, P. (2005). Simple English in the South Seas Evangelical Mission: Social context and linguistic attributes. Language Problems and Language Planning, 29(1), 1-30. DOI Scopus5 |
2005 |
McMillen, I., Adam, C., & Muhlhausler, B. (2005). Early origins of obesity: programming the appetite regulatory system. Journal of Physiology-London, 565(1), 9-17. DOI Scopus180 WoS166 Europe PMC117 |
2005 |
Muhlhausler, B., Adam, C., Marrocco, E., Findlay, P., Roberts, C., McFarlane, J., . . . McMillen, I. (2005). Impact of glucose infusion on the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue and on hypothalamic gene expression for appetite regulatory neuropeptides in the sheep fetus during late gestation. Journal of Physiology-London, 565(1), 185-195. DOI Scopus68 WoS62 Europe PMC43 |
2004 |
McMillen, I., Muhlhausler, B., Duffield, J., & Yuen, B. (2004). Prenatal programming of postnatal obesity: fetal nutrition and the regulation of leptin synthesis and secretion before birth. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 63(3), 405-412. DOI Scopus99 WoS84 Europe PMC62 |
2004 |
Muhlhausler, B., McMillen, I., Rouzad, G., Findlay, P., Marrocco, E., Rhind, S., & Adam, C. (2004). Appetite regulatory neuropeptides are expressed in the sheep hypothalamus before birth. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 16(6), 502-507. DOI Scopus59 WoS55 Europe PMC39 |
2003 |
Muhlhausler, B. (2003). The "big picture" in obesity research. Science, 300(5622), 1091-1092. DOI |
2003 |
Muhlhausler, B., Roberts, C., Yuen, B., Marrocco, E., Budge, H., Symonds, M., . . . McMillen, I. (2003). Determinants of fetal leptin synthesis, fat mass, and circulating leptin concentrations in well-nourished ewes in late pregnancy. Endocrinology, 144(11), 4947-4954. DOI Scopus45 WoS41 Europe PMC28 |
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Yuen, B., Owens, P., Muhlhausler, B., Roberts, C., Symonds, M., Keisler, D., . . . McMillen, I. (2003). Leptin alters the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue before birth. FASEB Journal, 17(6), www 1-www 22. DOI Scopus71 WoS65 Europe PMC43 |
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Muhlhausler, B., Roberts, C., McFarlane, J., Kauter, K., & McMillen, I. (2002). Fetal leptin is a signal of fat mass independent of maternal nutrition in ewes fed at or above maintenance energy requirements. Biology of Reproduction, 67(2), 493-499. DOI Scopus60 WoS54 Europe PMC40 |
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