Aubyn Pincombe
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Public Health
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
I am a PhD candidate the School of Population Health, with an academic background in Economics, Accounting, Psychology and Health Economics.
Supervisors: Professor Jon Karnon, Dr Murthy Mittinty, and Professor Derek Chew
My research interests are in comparative hospital services, cost-effectiveness analysis and in statistical methods used to balance datasets from different cohorts in the analysis of observational data.
PhD Project: How can routinely collected clinical data be used to screen for unwarranted variation in hospital services to help promote efficient practice?
My research involves an investigation of the use of linked routinely collected clinical data for comparative cost-effectiveness analyses of hospital services and the potential of these analyses to inform continuous quality improvement (CQI) of hospital services. A particular focus of my research is in the various statistical methods used to control for differences in patient cohorts from different hospitals and the impact of these methods on the resulting analyses. The research will be focused on the treatment of patients presenting with chest pain in the Emergency Department of SA public hospitals.
Tutor in Medical, Personal, and Professional Development - Health Economics
Practical Assistant & Casual Tutor in Post-Graduate Health Economics and Evaluation
Date Role Membership Country 2016 - ongoing Member Australian Health Economics Society Australia 2015 - ongoing Member Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand -
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